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...high-end and low-end devices will require careful performance tuning and optimization. 4. Expertise Requirements To successfully update the PCISV app for Android 14, we are seeking an experienced mobile app developer with expertise in the following areas: Ionic Framework Expertise: The developer must have extensive experience working with the Ionic framework and be familiar with its various components, including Angular or React, Cordova, and Capacitor. Android Development Knowledge: The developer should have a deep understanding of Android development, including the latest changes introduced in Android 14. API Integration and Troubleshooting: The developer must be skilled in identifying and fixing issues related to API compatibility, especially when upgrading an app to a new A...
În primul rând, eu nu vorbesc limba română, așa că nu pot să vă contactez decât prin SMS. De asemenea, folosesc o funcție de traducere, așa că este posibil ca unele dintre texte să nu fie corecte. Vă rugăm să înțelegeți. Intenționez să creez un site în limba română, în special despre îngrijirea părului. Se preconizează că amploarea proiectului va fi de apro...aproximativ 100 de articole. 1 articol: 20lei~40lei Vă vom plăti 1100lei~1900lei pe lună dacă sunteți dispus să gestionați întregul site și să faceți SEO. De asemenea, putem negocia un preț de 4000lei pentru crearea unui site web, managementul general, SEO și livrarea a 100 de articole. Prețul este negociabil, așa că vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați. Translated wit...
Buna seara, Raducu, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
Buna seara, Robert, Lucrez la proiectul de licenta dar m-am blocat. Sunt de parere ca se incadreaza in aria ta de expertiza: proiectul este o aplicatie web scrisa in Java folosindu-ne de Spring MVC (se poate folosi si Spring Boot) si gestionata cu Maven. (aplicatia va rula doar in Tomcat); aplicatia este nevoie sa fie integrata cu o baza de date MySQL (persistenta implementata cu Hibernate). Daca esti interesat, iti pot oferi toate detaliile aici sau pe Whatsapp. Multumesc pentru timpul tau!
I am doing a biometric lock in Arduino. I already have the necessay components: fingerprint reader, USB to TTL RS232 module, servomotor, ESP32 module and a power source of 12V. I need to do this physically so I need someone who is from Romania, preferably from Bucharest or Constanta. Thank you!
Am lansat o cursa de biciclete. Avem un site free in wordpress, dar din pacate nu avem foarte multe cunostiinte pentru a-l optimiza si face profi. In ce priveste logo-ul si acesta exista dar trebuie facut pentru print (varianta vectorizata).
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Site-ul wordpress are nevoie de optimizare pentru a reduce timpii de incarcare. Mentionez ca site-ul ruleaza pe server dedicat, utilizeaza o tema pro si cateva module pro si free. Mai mentionez ca nu intentionez sa dezvolt ceva de la zero. Doar sa imbunatatesc ceea ce exista. Daca ati mai facut asta, va rog mult sa-mi dati un semn in care sa-mi spuneti ce puteti face (o estimare a timpului de incarcare la care va angajati sa ajungeti ar fi perfect!), in cat timp si cu ce resurse.
Salve Razvan! as avea nevoie de serviciile tale, daca e posibil, pentru a face unele finisaje la site-ul meu ( - wordpress - avada theme). Pentru toate aceste finisaje iti voi trimite imagini. 1) In primul rand as vrea ca mainmenu-ul sa fie fixed 2) ...Probleme mari sunt intre 801 si 980. De asemenea, in versiunea mobile imaginea sliderului nu se schimba activand unul din cele 4 pulsante de sub el. Merge doar activand sagetutele stanga-dreapta. ---------------------- Apoi mai am unele mici finisaje pe pagina Come Funziona si Vantaggi - versiunea mobile + unele mici finisaje la blog. deocamdata atat. Am valutat undeva la 8 ore X 5€ (PS. 2$ si free nu sunt ok). Dar pretul final il faci tu. Bafta, anunta-ma te rog daca reusesti sa faci aceste ajustari cerute si pretul tau.
...Euplatesc intr-un site wordpress/woocommerce. Particularitatea este faptul ca e nevoie de plati recurente (subscriptions), care sa ofere posibilitatea primei luni gratuite (first month free). Nici un procesator romanesc nu ofera implicit aceasta functionalitate, deci trebuie dezvoltare personalizata. Mai toti procesatorii internationali au implicit aceasta optiune, dar nu-i putem folosi din ratiuni contabile. Pe parcursul proiectului va fi nevoie sa tineti legatura directa si frecventa cu Euplatesc (ei raspund foarte greu sau deloc daca nu se insista). Modalitatea prin care vom obtine acel "Trial Period - first month free" nu prea mai e relevanta, de ex. poate fi o tragere de 1 RON pentru prima luna si apoi recurenta sa mearga normal mai departe. Sau poate fi ... a căror expresie a cuantificării se traduce în cifre, aș inspira împăcat. :) Ori măcar să introduc text și cifre, fără prea mare tehnoredactare ori respectiv prelucrare sau postprocesare. Sper să nu mă fi autosabotat prea tare scriind totul ”într-un suflet” și mai mult în stilul confesiv; decât în propoziții scurte, clare și întru eficiența operativității. Mai spre ambiguu ori mai spre free-style inedit, noua mea tastatură achiziționată astăzi s-a bucurat de prima ei folosire, în metoda oarbă bineînțeles, deși cu tastele-i luminate, pentru cine știe ce posibilă combinație de taste; în mediul nocturn. Dacă ajută în vreun fel în cadrul vreunui proiect, înainte de a trece la următoare...
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Salut, Marian! Nu te cunosc, nu ma cunosti (funny) .Iti trimit acest mesaj cu gandul ca poate ma poti ajuta :) Sunt nou in acest domeniu an 1 la Calculatoare(fac doar C , free cad , vrml ,c++) . As vrea sa stiu daca ma poti indruma? gen: ce proiect as putea sa fac ce ar trebui sa invat pentru ca la un moment dat sa pot castiga ceva:) Ce ofer? idk daruire si ajutor cu orice pot:) Mulțam!
...comanda din asteptare in livrat. -Se gestioneze stocurile -Sa genereze rapoarte, cam vreo 20 Baza de date sa aibă multe tabele preferabil spre 10-20 sau cate se pot face Creation/creating an online shop (electronic website) without using Cms(content management system) or already made e-commerce. The online shop should contain electronic orders for any product, for example portable PCs, PC components and systems,tvs, monitors, printers, cameras, software, gaming, electronics (3 products per category with photos, details and price) Clients should have a client account in which they can manage their history order The admin should be able to : Add/modify/delete photos Manage orders through changing the status order from "in process" to "delivered" Man...
poti sa imi faci si mie un site free si iti fac cumparatori ........................................................
Recomand merge mai repede pc si nu nu face nimic dai doar 2 clikuri si gata. merge stat si daca ai calculatorul low ..
Salut sti sa faci sunet pentru jocuri? Am un project la care lucrez este vorba despre un joc 3d cu tancuri furturistice. Cautamsound artist. Deocamdat ar fi vorba despre free work. Dar dupa ce pornim se va plati munca depusa. daca te intereseaza contact me: tankforge@
Salul Alec, Pentru el am nevoie de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe sa se vada cam ce vreau sa obtin. Banner mare: 650x390 (6buc) Banner mic dreapta: 220x169 (4 buc) Baner mic jos: 200x154 (12 buc) Dimensiunile sunt in pixeli. Bannerele sa fie cu colturi rotunjite, imagini free, text care sa ii faca curiosi pe vizitatori... Proiectul include realizarea unor bannere asemanatoare si pentru un alt magazin online, si ulterior actualizarea lor la fiecare 3 luni Am nevoie de un banner demo.
Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !
URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
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...obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator sa il citeasca si sa ia legatura cu cel inscris pe site. 9. In momentul postarii unei lucrari si aprobarii acesteia de catre operator aceasta sa iba posibilitata de publicare pe conturile noastre de socializare(facebook, twitter si linkedin). 10. ...
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Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8p...
...Recording Format: 48 kHz in Mono audio format. 2. Frequency: Ensure a minimum of 20 kHz. Recordings below this will be rejected. Your microphone and software must meet this requirement. (Please review the attached image below. Ensure you self-check the audio quality using the Ocenaudio app. Share a screenshot of your audio analysis.) 3. Sound Quality: Audio must have NIL echo and be completely free from background noise or music. 4. Clipping: No instances of hard or soft clipping. (Include a picture as an example.) 5. Pronunciation: Clear and precise pronunciations are mandatory. Please Note:- ADHERING TO THESE STRICT REQUIREMENTS IS CRUCIAL TO DELIVER THE HIGHEST QUALITY RECORDINGS FOR OUR ADVANCED TEXT-TO-SPEECH MODEL DEVELOPMENT Preferred Practices: 1. Ensure no pauses wit...
...and design on-site notification centre for authenticated users ✅ Landing Page Redesign: Improve the website’s landing page and content design for conversion optimization. Requirements: ✔️ Proven track record in e-commerce and marketplace UX/UI design ✔️ Ability to conduct regular remote meetings (2x per week) with the client for collaboration ✔️ Strong content and copywriting skills for key UI components ✔️ Experience with design handoff & ensuring dev team implementation ✔️ Ability to brainstorm edge cases and propose UX solutions ✔️ Strong understanding of user flow, policies, and accessibility best practices If your agency is skilled in crafting seamless, conversion-focused UX/UI and can accelerate our MVP launch, we’d love to hear from you! Share your port...
I need a designer to create a modern and minimalist company brochure, PowerPoint presentation templates, and reporting templates for my business. Key Components: - Brochure: This should include our company history, an overview of our products and services, and a few client testimonials. - Presentation Templates: These should be tailored for Microsoft PowerPoint. - Reporting Templates: These should be versatile for different types of reports. The ideal candidate for this project should have a keen eye for modern minimalist design, experience with creating corporate design materials, and proficiency in PowerPoint.
Below is an overview of how you can build a **digital signage system**—similar in concept to ScreenCloud—that allows restaurants and other businesses (or your own team) to remotely manage and display content (images, videos, menus, prices, ads) on screens located in various places. We’ll break it down into key components, approaches, and technical considerations. --- ## 1. High-Level System Architecture 1. **Cloud-Based Management Platform (CMS)** - A web-based dashboard (for restaurants, your company’s internal users, etc.) to upload designs, videos, text, and schedule content for specific screens or groups of screens. - A backend server (API) to store and manage all the content, user information, screen configurations, etc. 2. **Player...
We are a non-profit organization with a mission to facilitate voluntary blood donations. Our association has four divisions, organizing donation campaigns in collaboration with local hospitals. We host blood drives at our premises three times a year, where collected blood is donated free of charge to hospitals for patients in need. Our current website, , was built using Joomla CMS and the FlexiContent component. However, the system is outdated and lacks robust filtering and reporting functionalities. Project Description: We want to develop a web-based application to manage and monitor voluntary blood donations efficiently. Backend Requirements: Tables: Administrators Cities Countries Work Units Blood Groups Users (Name, Gender, Address, City, Phone, Email, Blood Group) Blood Dona...
I'm looking for a skilled VueJS developer to create a simple component for me. The component's primary use is to create a component, but its specific functionality is not predetermined and can be discussed and tailored to fit the project needs. Skills & Experience: - Proficiency in Vue.js 3 - Familiarity with Flowbite - Ability to create interactive components - Strong problem-solving skills - Good communication skills for discussing and refining project needs
I want to create a remote start system for my BMW E60. The system will use an esp32 c3 to communicate with my phone, searching for a BLE beacon and a arduino mega to handle the sensors,and everything else ( esp is only for comunication ). Once close, it should start the car. As a backup, it will use an R503 fingerprint sensor for authentication. Key components of the project: - mcp2515 to detect engine RPM and door status via bmw K-kan bus. - Arduino to check shifter position using a Hall sensor, engine RPM and handbrake signal to permit remote start. Communication: - The primary communication method will be Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to interact with my phone. I need someone who is: - Very active on freelancer or platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc. - Willing to communicate v...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a minimalist, atmospheric 30-second title sequence for my film "Myriam’s Path." This film follows a young woman traversing the Tunisian desert after her father's death, guided by a letter and a map, and unintentionally entangled in a smuggling operation. Key components to integrate into the design include: - The journey's symbols: the letter and the map. - Various locations: the village, desert, and beach. - Key elements of the plot: the artifacts and smuggled goods. The animation should employ a realistic visual style, utilizing natural light and simple transitions to complement the film's atmosphere. I prefer fade transitions throughout the piece. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Ex...
...rewrite 4000 existing articles from a source website. The goal is to create 4000 entirely new, unique, and plagiarism-free articles for publication on our website. The rewritten content must maintain the original meaning and factual accuracy of the source material while sounding natural, engaging, and human-written. We want to avoid any robotic or AI-generated tone. Content Volume: 4000 articles Source Material: Provided in CSV format (containing article titles and content). Deliverables: 4000 rewritten articles in a specified format (e.g., .docx, .txt, or directly into a WordPress staging environment – to be discussed). Content Requirements: Uniqueness: 100% original content, free from plagiarism (verified using plagiarism detection tools). Accuracy: Maintain the...
I am in need of a full set of branding guidelines, presented in a professional and thorough PDF document and online style guide. Key Components: - Logo Usage: Clear instructions on how to correctly use the logo in various contexts. - Color Palette: Detailed specifications of our brand's color scheme, including hex codes and usage examples. - Typography: Comprehensive guidelines on our brand's typeface, including font sizes, weights, and usage scenarios. These guidelines should be exhaustive and precise, suitable for use by a range of stakeholders. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong background in graphic design and branding, with demonstrable experience in creating detailed branding guidelines.
I am looking for a skilled graphic designer to redesign my current based logo images. Based on my existing images the designer are free to be creative. I would like to see some initial simple/fast ideas before assigning the project. The logo must be: - In vector file format after assigning the project. - Inspired in a old movie (1942) "O Pátio das Cantigas" where the (chubby) main character discusses with a street lamp. The logo is for a coliving/coworking space that recreate typical old Portuguese neighborhoods. The texts in the Logo are only "O Pátio das Cantigas". Thanks.
I'm in need of a skilled Shyft developer with expertise in core development to assist me with building some real-time data processing from the blockchain () and capture for analysis (time, pricing at ce...development to assist me with building some real-time data processing from the blockchain () and capture for analysis (time, pricing at certain intervals, holder counts etc.) Key Responsibilities: - build real-time data processing features within Shyft apis - Collaborate on optimizing the integration of these features and making suggestions that'll enhance it further - Ensure high-quality, bug-free code through comprehensive testing Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Shyft core development - Experienced in Solana tokens and trading detail - Strong coding and debugging sk...
Company Name: CERVONT CARE I'm loo...and clinical research sectors. The logo should appeal to a professional audience while also being accessible. Colors can be anything - open to suggestions. Key Elements: - Incorporate healthcare symbols, like a stethoscope or a cross, to reflect the nursing and clinical research aspects. - Include communication symbols, such as chat bubbles or a phone, to represent the call center and SMS/chat components. - Utilize research symbols, like a microscope or data graphs, to signify the lead generation and data elements. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design with a strong portfolio of classic-style logos. - Experience in designing logos for the healthcare or research sectors is a plus. - Ability to convey complex ideas through simple, ef...
Code is already written; we need expert to debug, fix errors, and validate results. Budget £300 Deadline 4 Days Task 1: Debug Existing Codebase Fix runtime errors in implemented code Resolve any integration issues between components Ensure proper data flow between models Debug CRYSTALS-Kyber integration Fix any memory or performance issues Correct error handling Resolve dependency conflicts Task 2: Comprehensive Validation Report Must include analysis of: Model Performance Results: Fraud detection accuracy rates False positive/negative ratios Quantum operation timing metrics Privacy preservation effectiveness Adversarial robustness scores Result Validation: Verify if detection rates are realistic for financial systems Confirm if cryptographic timing aligns with expecte...
...and networks, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal I Offer: Automated Diagnostics: Build Python scripts to analyze system logs, monitor performance metrics, and detect anomalies. Identify root causes of errors or crashes using data parsing and analysis tools like Pandas. Custom Troubleshooting Tools: Create interactive Python applications to test and debug specific system components (e.g., hardware checks, API response testers). Develop tools to manage system resources, monitor disk usage, or track memory allocation. Error Resolution Automation: Write scripts to fix common issues, such as clearing caches, resetting configurations, or restarting services. Automate error reporting with detailed logs and notifications. System Monitoring and Alerts: Implement continuous monitor...
...trendy, and aligned with my brand identity. Key Features Needed: User-friendly interface with intuitive navigation. Mobile-responsive design. Integration of a secure payment gateway. Product catalog with categories and filters for easy browsing. High-quality images and descriptions for each product. Customer account creation and order tracking. SEO-optimized structure for better search visibility. Free shipping details highlighted, as it is an important feature for my brand. Blog section to share updates and style tips. Social media integration for seamless sharing and brand promotion. Additional Information: I have an existing offline presence and a dedicated following. The website should reflect the quality and exclusivity of my brand. I may need guidance with initial setup ...
...actions and the goal specified in the text input. The solution should function autonomously to achieve the final desired outcome defined in the text input. Key Requirements: 1. Core Functionality • Natural Language Understanding: ○ Parse and understand complex user instructions using AI/ML tools like Gemini, Llama, spaCy, OpenAI GPT - preffered solution that can be setup locally like Llama or with free-tier API. • Image Analysis: ○ Utilize computer vision frameworks such as OpenCV or Tesseract to analyze UI elements on the screenshots. • Automation Execution: ○ Use tools like PyAutoGUI, or other keyboard/mouse libraries to interact with desktop applications and web browsers. • All mentioned libraries and tools are just a samples, please use what you...
...indicators, the ticker adjusted for CPI, and more. Also integration with the python library , it is a free library available, the microproject request is for a integration between the back-testing and the plotting using the previously spoken tickers data manipulation (CPI - project) Key requirements include: - The ability to create interactive charts - Incorporating a variety of technical indicators like Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Bollinger Bands, and customizable technical indicators - Utilizing both local and online data sources Customization options should be available for the X and Y axes as well as selecting different variables. You are free to use whichever library you find most suitable for creating the framework. This task could be accomplis...
I'm seeking an expert to develop a comprehensive half-month 14 days content calendar for my brand's Twitter account. The calendar should include: - Detailed descriptions for each tweet - Captions - Strategic hashtags - Suggestions for creative elements or videos The main objective of this project is to increa...understanding of engaging content strategies - Ability to generate creative ideas for tweets - Familiarity with hashtag usage and trends - Experience in creating content with the goal of increasing engagement Please note, you are not required to create actual videos or photos. Just provide a detailed plan that can be implemented. If you require any information about the market or how it works, feel free to ask. Your expertise could significantly enhance the imp...
...animation. The ability to either match the attached style or enhance it with your unique creative touch. Creativity in adding subtle, engaging motion without overcomplicating the design. If you're interested, please provide: Examples of similar animations you've created. An estimated timeline for completing this project. Your rate for the work. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Looking forward to finding the perfect animator for this project....
I am looking for a skilled WordPress expert to optimize my website thoroughly. Over time, backups and unnecessary files have accumulated, and I need a complete cleanup and performance boost for my site. Key Requirements: Backup Cleanup: Identify and delete excess backups created by plugins like Jet Engine or other systems to free up server space. Image Optimization: Compress and optimize all images across the website to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Plugin Optimization: Review all installed plugins (both active and inactive). Remove any unnecessary or unused plugins. Update and optimize the remaining plugins to ensure peak performance. Website and Content Optimization: Improve overall site speed and performance, including database optimization. Remove redundan...
I am in need of a professional with strong expertise in pitch deck creation, video editing, landing page development and logo design. The primary objective of this project is to raise funding for my startup. Key Project Components: - Creating a compelling pitch deck - Editing podcast video to a high standard - Designing an engaging landing page - Crafting a memorable logo Particular focus will be given to the pitch deck, especially the design, layout and data visualization elements. The ideal freelancer should possess exceptional skills in these areas. Experience with creating pitch decks for securing funding is highly desirable. Prefer English & Arabic language speaker as the audience is MENA region.
I'm looking for a skilled Arduino developer to create an interactive maze game using basic sensors and LEDs, with button presses as the main form of interaction. The game should challenge players to navigate a maze without touching the boundaries. Key project components: - Utilization of basic sensors and LEDs - Interactions primarily through button presses - Game objective centered around navigating a maze Quisiera que me programara el codigo en Arduino UNO. Basicamente una vez empezado el juego , el jugador tiene un tiempo determinado para completar el laberinto si tocar el cable, si lo consigue se da un codigo a traves de mensaje. dejo un enlace a un video de yotutube que es exactamente lo que quiero hacer:
...patients, streamlining their interaction with insurance, healthcare providers, and healthcare management systems. Key Features: - Appointment Scheduling: The app must allow patients to schedule their appointments effortlessly. - Medical Records Access: Patients should be able to access their medical records in a user-friendly manner. - Insurance Claim Processing: The app must facilitate hassle-free processing of insurance claims for patients. Platforms: - The application needs to be compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows desktop. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing cross-platform applications. - Prior experience in healthcare application development is highly preferred. - Strong understanding of UX/UI design for patient-centric applications. - Ex...
I need an experienced developer to help migrate my web application's UI components from RichFaces 3.3 to Angular. RichFaces experience is mandatory.
I’m looking for 1000s of royalty free music. If you have a genre list, please reach out to me. Thanks