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...future forms. The form should be simple, asking only for the email address and possibly other essential details. Integration with Brevo: Integrate the form with Brevo, the platform we use for sending newsletters. Automate the process so that the emails collected through the form are automatically added to the subscriber list in Brevo. I also need instructions on how to automate a form with Brevo. Automatic Sending of the First Email: Set up Brevo to automatically send a welcome email immediately after someone completes the form. The welcome email is already prepared but needs to be correctly configured to be sent automatically. Other Details: I already have a Brevo account and am ready to provide all necessary details for integration. I prefer the project to be completed as soo...
...With this in mind, we would be wise to expect the BoJ to raise rates eventually in a bid to shore up USD/JPY or at least prevent further rises. Trade forex and more CFDs with Libertex As a CFD broker with decades of experience connecting ordinary traders and investors with the financial markets, Libertex gives the opportunity to trade CFDs on a wide range of covered asset classes — from stocks, commodities and ETFs through to options, crypto and, of course, traditional currencies — Libertex offers both long and short CFD positions in a variety of underlying assets. For instance, Libertex can offer competitive leveraged CFD trading in forex pairs such as USD/JPY and EUR/JPY, as well as more exotic crosses like NOK/JPY and SGD/JPY. Experie...
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called automatic labeling of reviews with Clustering, it can be done by automatic labeling of texts, you should have a set of reviews labeled positively / negatively and then run an automatic classifier that learns from these labels after to run such of the classifier you must first "clean" the text, remove all words without content, figure out what words you have left (bring them to the dictionary form) and then see if based on the remaining words the classifier can determine the class of your review: poz or neg .... with a small interface. Python has these clarifiers in English ... romanian: Se numește etichetarea automata a recenziilor cu Clustering, se poate face prin etichetarea automata a textelor, tu ar trebui sa ai un set de recenzii etichetate pozi...
Buna ziua, am nevoie de un specialist care poate sa identifice un nr de la masina de pe cateva materiale luate de pe camerele de supraveghere sau un portret robot al persoanelor pentru ca am suferit un furt. platesc bancar sau revolut pretul cerut, va multumesc
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Se doreste proiectarea mecanica a unui dispozitiv cu 5 ventuze ce se va atasa la un robot industrial in 6 axe pentru a ridica unul cate unul produse alimentare folosind ventuzele cu vid. Sunt puse la dispozitie diverse imagini video ca sursa de inspiratie si se ofera suport tehnic (detalii constructive) pentru proiectare.
Producera unei robot autonom modular pentru diferite aplicatii.
Jobul presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa a...presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa asta, oferim si cursuri pentru dezvoltare personala, motivational si psihologie, precum si cursuri despre Binary trading, Forex si Crypto. Daca esti o persoana comunicativa si intreprinzatoare te asteptam cu bratele d...
Buna ziua, Lucrez in acest moment la sistemul de propulsie pentru un mic robot si as avea nevoie de proiectarea catorva componente care sa fie apoi realizate la CNC, din inox. Mai exact, este vorba despre: - componentele care sustin roata pentru rotile motoare - sistemul care asigura schimbarea garzii la sol si suspensia - sistemul de directie pentru celelalte doua roti Daca sunteti interesat va pot trimite prin e-mail mai multe informatii si putem discuta telefonic sau pe Skype pentru mai multe detalii. Multumesc
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Buna ziua, doresc programe]are a unui robot forex(ea ) in pyton sau intr-un program compatibil pt tranzactii in api,specific ca am strategia si indicatorul pe care trebuie sa lucreze acest
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Doresc sa creez o pagina web pentru domeniul forex online .
Este vorba de un robot autonom Arduino echipat cu diversi senzori (temperatura, umiditate etc). Datele transmise wireless de acesti senzor sunt interpretate pe o interfata grafica construita in Labview.
Caut o persoana care stie sa foloseasca tehnologia Robot Process Automation (RPA). In cazul in care exista un specialist in domeniul RPA o sa ofer toate detaliile necesare.
Salut. Am nevoie de un software care sa automatizeze alarma pentru pauze/ore la o scoala. Am gasit ceva deja, dar vreau sa fie in limba romana. Uite aici un exemplu Trebuie sa includa lucuri de baza ca: stabilirea unui program pt fiecare zi a saptamanii si posibilitatea de a adauga fisier audio in format mp3. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Cat ar costa?
Salut. Am nevoie de un software care sa automatizeze alarma pentru pauze/ore la o scoala. Am gasit ceva deja, dar vreau sa fie in limba romana. Uite aici un exemplu Trebuie sa includa lucuri de baza ca: stabilirea unui program pt fiecare zi a saptamanii si posibilitatea de a adauga fisier audio in format mp3. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Cat ar costa?
Salut. Am nevoie de un software care sa automatizeze alarma pentru pauze/ore la o scoala. Am gasit ceva deja, dar vreau sa fie in limba romana. Uite aici un exemplu Trebuie sa includa lucuri de baza ca: stabilirea unui program pt fiecare zi a saptamanii si posibilitatea de a adauga fisier audio in format mp3. Crezi ca ma poti ajuta? Cat ar costa?
Hai salut. Esti si tu cu Forex,indicatori..strategii...roboti ? Poate merge sa vorbim pe chat dupa ce trimit angajarea asta :)
...documente de transcris): se completeaza cu numarul corespunzator de la 1 pana la 5 Email: lucacisandu@ Subiect mesaj (doar acest cuvant): TRANSCRIERE Telefon: 0748566007 Mesaj (doar acest cuvant): TRANSCRIERE 3. Alege data programarii apasand intai neaparat pe casuta incercuita si apoi alegand cea mai indepartata data cu verde din luna urmatoare (AUGUST). 4. Bifeaza "Nu sunt robot" si alege imaginile corespunzatoare intrebarii adresate. 5. Apasa butonul "Trimite" Daca in urma celor 5 pasi primesti un mesaj in care apare ca programarea a fost facuta cu nr. xx din data xxxxxxxx, atunci programarea a fost facuta cu succes. La sfarsit la acest mesaj trebuie facut un print screen (captura de ecran). Chiar daca in acest mesaj se specifica cu rosu ...
Salut! In acest moment fac trading pe eToro insa sunt nemultumit de rezultate, motiv pt. care doresc sa migrez catre MetaTrader. Din partea ta as avea nevoie de 1-2 ore de consultanta (Skype, Webex etc). Multumesc, Razvan
Salut. Am nevoie de imbunatatiri la un EA. Metatrader. radunedelcu@
Salut. Am nevoie de imbunatatiri la un EA. Metatrader. radunedelcu@
Proiectarea unui brat robotic/robot cu patru grade de libertate
Realizarea unui software in LabView de detectie si urmarire a drumului a unui robot.
Realizarea unui montaj din trei piese paletizate din 3 stive distincte ordonate pe axa z. Termenul de predare este prima saptamana din 2016. Materialul trebuie sa contina o detaliere a temei, programul si simularea in aplicatia Robot SandBox.
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Cer crearea unei aplicatii pentru Android si iOS .Aplicatia se va baza pe un robot care va interpreta textul de pe un site de stiri . In momentul cand utilizatorul va dori sa citeasca stirile,aplicatia trebuie sa functioneze pe baza de comenzi vocale de la deblocarea telefonului pana ajunge la etapa interpretarii textului .
Buna ziua! Numele meu este Marius, am 23 de ani si sunt trader. Produsul meu se numeste PiPec si este un robot forex. Detalii, rezultate si pret: Robotul se adapteaza la orice pereche valutara si la orice spread. Robotul este usor de utilizat si ofera un numar mic de setari. Robotul functioneaza cu orice suma. El trebuie utilizat pe graficul M15. Calculeaza automat volumul pozitiilor. Cerinte: 1) Avand in vedere faptul ca robotul poate calcula pana la 100.000 de combinatii diferite, este necesar un procesor puternic. 2) Toate datele calculate sunt stocate în memoria RAM. RAM necesar liber: Risc mic - 1 MB / pereche valutara, Risc mediu - 10 MB / pereche valutara și Risc mare - 100 MB / pereche valutara. 3) Dacă EA sau terminalul este repornit, logica...
Forex Ordinul 1: Am deschis o pozitie BUY pe eur/usd - 1 volume, la o cotatie de 1.10000 cu markare profit la 100 pips - TP 100 pips - > 1.10100. Programul doresc sa imi deschida automat in pending: Ordinul 2: Volume = 3 * volumul initial BUY -> 3 volume, pozitia sa fie una pe SELL la un pret mai mic cu 35 pips - pending Sell la 1.09700 - cu TP la 70 pips -> 1.0900. In acelasi timp pentru ordinul 1 sa se activeze STOP LOSS la TP ordinului 2, 1.0900 Daca ordinul 2 este deschis, pretul atinge pragul de 1.09700- automat programul sa imi deschida in pending: Ordinul 3: Volume= 4.5 * volumul initial BUY -> 4.5 volume, la pretul ordinului 1 BUY - 1.10000 cu marcare profit la 60 pips -> 1.10600. Concomitent la: Ordinul 1 - Take Profit se modifica la 1....
Salutare! Doresc un indicator simplu pentru MetaTrader 4. Obisnuiesc sa fac scalping si e destul de dificil sa stau la calculator tot timpul, astfel ca m-ar interesa acest indicator care sa imi dea notificari pe platforma cu alerta sunet si / sau email, sa ma anunte de fiecare data cand apare pe chart un candlestick cu spike de minim 5 pip. Va multumesc!
...friendly use 4. Providers needs to be verified once registered online, * 5. Listing options. 6. Provider ability to change fee structure. 7. Customer automatically sent payment request via Paypal / CC / internet banking 8. Dashboard for users and providers 9. Feedback score. 10. Box for additional information 11. Calender. * 12. Auction in reverse order like Shiply or Uship 13. Automatic create report 14. Bid Calculator for providers to calculate their net earning after our fees (Please see Uship). * 15. Message screening to avoid customers and providers exchanging any contact information. 16. Need a digital counter to show amount raised for charity. It will update immediately after the deposit has been received. Should be able to automatically subtract amount if...
Acest proiect necesita multa munca , se refera la un telefon mobil care se transforma intr-un robot micut care iti va fi inacelas timp si prieten . O sa ii spui ce trebuie sa faca si el va face . De ex : Suna-l pe Andrei ! etc multe . Acesta va fi foarte indragit de iubitori de animale sau de copii , fiind un bun prilej de urcare pe scara mondiala in domeniul tehnologiei !
Buna ziua, Proiectul presupune cresterea traficului s a vanzarilor pe un site care vinde produse software pentru platforma de tranzactionat MetaTrader 5. Doresc sa transmiteti ofera detaliata privind ceea ce urmeaza sa faceti dar si obiectivele urmarite.
Buna, Sunt interesat sa fac un infograhic cu tine despre piata forex - nu foarte complicat. Daca esti interesata let me know. Multumesc, Andrei
...for both drivers and clients. ● Implement manual payment processing through banks for completed loads: ○ Drivers: Paid via bank transfer. Add notification system to alert drivers when payments are sent. ○ Clients: Payments received via bank transfer 7. Order Creation via Website and API Support ● Enable order creation from the website, not just through the user app. ● Add API integration for automatic shipment information submission to the platform. 8. Driver Location and Availability Mapping ● Show real-time driver location with statuses: ○ Available. ○ On Load. ○ Unavailable. ● Enable clients and dispatch staff to view driver locations, click on available drivers, and submit shipment offers directly 9. Shipment Tracking and Status Links ● Generate unique shipment tracking li...
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I'm seeking a professional with extensive networks in the forex industry to help increase my client base. The primary focus will be on direct product sales. Skills and Experience: - Strong connections within the forex industry - Excellent communication and networking skills - Proven track record in client acquisition - Experience in product sales -Active within forex online communities Your role will involve leveraging your existing network and creating new connections to drive product sales and boost our clientele.
...automatically export and sort timesheet data from Microsoft Teams/Shifts. The timesheet needs to be exported weekly based on our pay period (Friday - Thursday). A new Excel document should be created for each supervisor or team leader, and each staff member should have their own sheet within their teams relevant Excel document. All data in the supervisor documents should be easily readable. If automatic exporting is not possible, the minimum requirement is for someone to manually export the timesheet and copy it into a location where it can be automatically processed, with no additional input required from the staff member exporting the timesheets. The data that needs to be extracted from the timesheet export includes: Date Clock-in Clock-out Break Start Break End Break ...
I am looking for an experienced Python and Solana blockchain developer to create a script with a user-friendly dashboard that allows real-time monitoring of my positions in liquidity pools on Raydium. The script should include the following features: Required Features: Liquidity Pool Monitoring: Automatic calculation of the current value of positions. Estimation of fees earned. Calculation of Impermanent Loss (IL) for each pool. Wallet Details: Display tokens held in the wallet (connected via public key). Total value of tokens held, updated in real-time (in USD). Available SOL balance in the wallet. Real-Time Data Integration: Fetch token prices via APIs (CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, or any reliable API). On-chain data from Solana (via RPC endpoint or Solana API for wallet and pool...
...uploaded by me after subscribing to a monthly plan. Below are the main features I need for the website: Key Features: 1. Video Hosting and Playback: Ability to upload and manage video content. Smooth video streaming experience for users. 2. Subscription System: A secure payment gateway to handle subscription fees (e.g., $5/month). Restrict access to video content for non-subscribers. Automatic subscription renewal and cancellation options. 3. User Accounts: Allow users to create and manage accounts. Track user subscription status and activity. 4. Responsive Design: Website must be mobile-friendly and accessible across devices. 5. Admin Panel: Easy-to-use dashboard for uploading and managing videos. Analytics to track website traffic and user engagement. ...
I'm seeking a seasoned trader focused on technical analysis, specifically swing trading major currency pairs. Your primary task will be to help me successfully navigate forex prop firms and secure a funded account. Key Responsibilities: - Utilize expert technical analysis to inform trading decisions - Swing trade predominantly with major currency pairs - Aid in successfully passing forex prop firms for a funded account Ideal Skills: - Proficient in technical analysis - Experienced swing trader - Familiar with major currency pairs - Previous success with forex prop firms Please provide evidence of your trading history and success with prop firms in your proposal.
I'm seeking a freelancer to create a Facebook page for my renovation company. The page should have an automatic form that pops up when a user clicks on it. This form's primary purpose is to collect customer inquiries. Key Requirements: - The form should gather customers' Name and contact details. - The overall design of the Facebook page should reflect a professional and formal style. Ideal Skills: - Previous experience in creating business Facebook pages - Familiarity with Facebook's form and page setup - Understanding of professional and formal design aesthetics - Strong communication skills for potential follow-ups on the inquiries collected. Please provide examples of similar work you've done in the past. Thank you.
I'm looking for an SEO expert with a strong focus on Off-page strategies to increase the visibility and leads for two specific pages on my forex website. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily focusing on Backlink building to improve my site's authority and visibility. - Engaging in Guest Blogging to create quality content and tap into relevant audiences. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in Off-page SEO strategies. - Strong understanding of Backlinking techniques. - Excellent content creation skills for Guest Blogging. - Familiarity with Forex niche would be a plus. Your bid should reflect your experience and strategies you plan to implement. I am looking for a professional who can provide measurable results and improve my site's visibility on search engines.
I am looking for a freelancer who is an expert in and has experience connecting it to major platforms. Project Details: I need an automation between multiple platforms using Google Sheets as the main connector in the middle. We will be connecting to the following tools: Google Sheets To remove automatic replies without reading the post in the first line of your post please answer this equation: 3+5=X.
Please submit your portfolio & phone recording. To submit recording: (REQUIRED) Must have a LARGE portfolio of mobile / web application interfaces. Also if you AUTOMATIC APPLY to my post you will be disqualified. No Chat GPT Automated responses. No AI responses, No Copy & Paste. Here is an idea of the design quality we are looking for: (see interface) (scheduling app)