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    2,000 follow blogs pr8 proiecte găsite

    Avem nevoie de o persoana creativa, serioasa, careia ii place sa ia contact cu oameni din medii diferite. Acest proiect este pentru o firma de traduceri din Timisoara care lucreaza exclusiv cu persoane juridice. Este vorba despre un proiect pilot de 3 luni in care se testeaza eficienta acestei abordari a vanzarilor B2B. Ce presupune mai exact activitatea: - gasirea/generarea de baze de clienti (companii care necesita servicii de traducere) - calificare leaduri - cold calling - email - ofertare, negociere, folow up Pentru cine este interesat, asteptam cu mare drag sa ne cunoastem.

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de pachete de promovare online pentru afaceri locale [un mix intre servicii SEO si reclama Google Adwords]; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice; - le poti oferi clientilor posibilitatea testarii gratuite a serviciilor. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    2 oferte account with us, you should read the legal documents relating to the entity that you're registering with. Please note that our legal documents vary depending on which entity you hold your trading account with and the regulations that apply to you. The relevant entity is determined based on your location and is stated in the footer of the application you register in. Deposits and withdrawals Follow us:

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte
    Articole dermato-estetica
    S-a încheiat left

    Clina medicala specializata in dermatologie si estetica medicala avem nevoie de articole pentru blogul clincii si emailuri de follow-p pentru funnel-ul de vanzari.

    $435 Average bid
    $435 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    ... Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui business plan de promovare a companiei, ce va lărgi semnificativ baza de clienți; cunoașterea la un nivel decent al limbilor română, engleză și rusă; să completezi în fiecare zi raportul de vânzări și raportul de activitate; realizarea scopuril...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...proiectele aceleiasi persoane pentru ca sunt mai usor de gestionat pentru mine daca sunt alocate cuiva care e familiar cu ce facem noi. Estimez ca 80% dintre task-uri vor avea DL minim 24 h, dar sunt si task-uri care au DL same day. Vezi mai jos disponibilitatea de timp necesara. Tip de proiecte de care ai fi responsabil in ordinea importantei: 1. Transport – de trimis cererile de cotatii same day si follow-up whenever needed a.i in 24 h sa avem min o cotatie pe ruta ceruta, ideal 3 cotatii ( avem 30 transportatori in baza de date, cand nu avem cotatii la timp sa faci research pt transportatori noi). 2. Trimis disponibil de marfa la client - punctual ( preluare de la Maria ) – sa gasesti un sistem de automatizare f simplu pt asta a.i. sa il faca manager vanzari di...

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Salutare! Eu sunt Marius si reprezint grupul Aceitronics. As dori sa incep prin a va multumi pentru interesul oferit anuntului nostru. As dori ca toate persoanele ce se vor inscrie sa detina o sansa in a lucra cu noi si pentru asta, dupa parerea mea ar fi necesar sa vad un mic portofoliu al fiecarui participant si va rog sa-mi scrieti un art...timpul acordat, o sa va las doua link-uri, unul cu canalul de youtube si altul cu blog-ul Aceitronics. In asa fel ma puteti cunoaste putin si sa vedeti si modul meu de abordare mai ales ca unele articole vor fi folosite si ca script-uri pentru clipurile youtube. Sa aveti o zi cu spor!!! Cu respect, Marius de la Aceitronics

    $17 Average bid
    $17 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    ...comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; Ofértele de Abonamente - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de abonamente pe o platforma de constructii; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice. - le poti oferi clientilor cupoane de reducere. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc) - iti faci programul cum doresti, lucrezi cand doresti, insa preferabil in in...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Consilier vânzări
    S-a încheiat left

    Suntem o companie nouă românească, ce oferă servicii de back office către companii. Jobul va consta în contactarea și încheierea de contracte cu companiile din România (B2B). Vă punem la dispoziție o bază de date cu numele companiei, codul caen, domeniul de activitate, numărul de telefon și ...EFORTUL DEPUS! Avem nevoie de o persoană: - serioasă; - cu foarte bune abilități de comunicare și relaționare; - atitudine plăcută, pozitivă; - dinamică, motivată, proactivă; - care să vorbească limba română fluent și corec Ce trebuie să faci: - contactezi potențiali clienți și le prezinți oferta de servicii; - vei ține evidența persoanelor contactate și a răspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Candidații selectați vor primi mai multe ...

    $386 Average bid
    $386 Oferta medie
    3 oferte foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de pachete de promovare online pentru afaceri locale [un mix intre servicii SEO si reclama Google Adwords]; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice; - le poti oferi clientilor posibilitatea testarii gratuite a serviciilor. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc...

    $477 Average bid
    $477 Oferta medie
    5 oferte
    Trophy icon Scriu o carte. I'm writing a book.
    S-a încheiat left

    English version will not follow, any more AM ATASAT UN TEXT SCRIS AUTOMAT DUPA DICTAREA MEA. Ii rog pe participantii care doresc sa se implice in acest proiect sa-l editeze si sa-l prelucreze conform priceperii si intuitiei fiecaruia. Apoi va rog urcati-l aici sub forma de depunere de proiect asa cum ati facut si cu textele de proba. Multumesc tuturor, anticipat! TEXTUL ANTERIOR Vreau sa scriu o carte, adica s-o vorbesc, iar cineva sa primeasca documentele redactate automat dupa fisierele audio si sa o editeze in word, in romana, cu diacritice si tot ce inseamna editare impecabila. Imi puteti trimite detalii la adresele catalin@ si

    $198 Average bid

    Caut un programator care sa faca setarile pentru Follow-up e-mail. Contactele care provin de pe anchetă formular al site-ului sa primeasca 5 e-mail-uri la anumite intervale de timp. (Removed by Admin)

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    2dopeboyz, hotnewhiphop, complex, Fader

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Oferta medie
    17 oferte
    Project for AdelinWeb
    S-a încheiat left

    Website cu o tema predefinita - site de prezentare preferabil bazat pe wordpress - tema aleasa de mine sau recomandata de tine pe sistem single page - la tema se vor schimba culori si imagini p...necestia configurare meniu si pagini/sectiuni - necesita adaugare poze in galaerie , si video - necestia configurare meniu si pagini/sectiuni (cu completare continut in sectiuni ) - upload pe server si publish, detin domeniu si hosting - configurare widgeturi social media - facebook, twitter, google+, youtube etc. - sectiunea de contact cu expediere mail - legare pagina de google analytics - widget de follow pt pagina de facebook - google map la contact - orice configurari necesare pt functionarea widgeturilor din tema - detin structura meniului si textele de pe pagini/sectiuni intr-un doc...

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text + few posts photo constant in social media. ... And some other things that I will tell you as specialists! What are my resources? 1. legally constituted company specific brokerage activity. 2. authorizations necessary for the activity. 3. automated platforms necessary sale...

    $16507 Average bid
    $16507 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    I want to recreates the Bier game,youc can watch the image or follow the link to have an ideea for what i want,Thanks! watch here :

    $3500 Average bid
    $3500 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I want to recreates the Bier game,youc can watch the image or follow the link to have an ideea for what i want,Thanks! watch here :

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 oferte
    Build a Website
    S-a încheiat left

    Need a content writer to manage various pages on social networking sites and various other blogs. Additionally the person would need to help in building the content for the main

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Publicar en blogs
    S-a încheiat left

    Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un blog specializat in stirii din universul ecommerce in limba romana. Sunt bineveniti cei care: - au lucrat sau lucreaza ca jurnalisti; - sunt studenti la Jurnalism; - au o experienta in domeniu si-o pot dovedi; Sunt acceptati si incepatorii insa numai dupa redactarea a 1-2 articole de proba. Articolele vor fi despre: - Stiri tehnologice de ultima ora - Economie - Ecommerce - Mcommerce - eMarketing Cei care doresc sa incepem o colaborare trebuie sa poata livra minim 2 articole/zi. Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, nu exista un numar fix de articole de scris. Copy/paste nu functioneaza, aviz amatorilor!

    $394 Average bid
    $394 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    NO bidders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. 25-50 link-uri de pe pagini de turism sau știri din turism minim PR3 (PR-ul paginii pe care e link-ul). Buget: $100 Termen: maxim 30 zile Cerințe: - link-uri ONE WAY, permanente, do-follow; link-urile șterse în termen de 12 luni vor fi înlocuite - link-uri de pe pagini PR3+, minim 10 link-uri PR4+, minim 1 link PR5+; - link-uri de pe domenii diferite și adrese IP diferite - link-uri de pe pagini cu maxim 50 de link-uri - link-uri de tip href, fără tehnici javascript - cuvintele cheie vor fi comunicate ulterior - nu se acceptă comentarii în bloguri, forumuri, social bookmarking - se vor folosi NUMAI tehnici white hat. Propunerea va include numărul de link-uri pe care le puteți oferi și exemple de link-ur...

    $107 Average bid
    $107 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Optimizare SEO - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    ...turism. Urmarim o colaborare pe teremen lung. Cerinte: - 200 Link-uri statice de tip href, one-way, 100 % tehnici White Hat, pe pagini PR4+ - cel putin 1 link trebuie să fie PR9 (poate fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 5 link-uri trebuie să fie PR8 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 15 de link-uri trebuie să fie PR7 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - maxim 10 link-uri pe forum-uri de travel - link-urile trebuie să fie permanente, do follow, pe pagini de travel in limba romana (cu exceptiile de mai sus), indexate de Google, neblocate de - link-urile sterse in termen de 12 luni vor fi inlocuite - maximum 1 link per domeniu, pe pagini cu maximum 40 de link-uri; domeniile trebuie să aiba IP-u...

    $161 Average bid
    $161 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I’m seeking a detail-oriented Virtual Assistant to support my Amazon FBA wholesale business. The role focuses on managing listing optimization, advertisement campaigns, and case follow-ups to ensure smooth operations and drive sales growth. Key Responsibilities: Listing Creation & Optimization: Crafting and refining product listings to maximize visibility and conversions. Ensuring product details align with SEO best practices for Amazon. Ad Campaign Management: Setting up and managing PPC campaigns to boost product sales. Monitoring ad performance and making data-driven adjustments. Case Follow-Up: Handling case resolutions with Amazon Seller Support. Addressing listing issues, policy compliance, or account health concerns. Ideal Candidate Qualities: In-depth kno...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Junior Digital Marketing Team Leader
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...rankings and drive traffic. - Ensure on-page and off-page optimization techniques are implemented effectively. 5. **Email Marketing & Automation:** - Design and execute email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and retain customers. - Implement automation workflows to streamline marketing efforts. 6. **Content Marketing & Copywriting:** - Lead the creation of high-quality, engaging content for blogs, websites, and social media. - Ensure all content aligns with brand voice and marketing goals. 7. **Affiliate Marketing & Influencer Outreach:** - Develop and manage affiliate marketing programs to drive revenue. - Identify and collaborate with influencers to expand brand reach. **Qualifications:** - 2+ years of experience in digital marketing, with a proven track re...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    I'm seeking a talented video editor for my YouTube gaming channel. The, particularly for adding animated text and graphics - Understanding of YouTube content and audience - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines Each video should be between 10-20 minutes. Please use smooth transitions between scenes. The final video should be delivered in MP4 format. Please incorporate a fast-paced and dynamic editing style in the videos. Thumbnails should follow a bold and colorful theme. The editing schedule requires the creation of one video per week. Please incorporate related media clips as B-roll. The primary focus will be on GTA, The Last of Us, Uncharted, First Person Action games,etc." Please include custom intro and outro sequences to make the v...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ...slide carousels for my Instagram. I have a pro account on Canva, and I just need someone who can follow my content and the latest news to create the carousels. Requirements: - Create 3 posts, each with 6-7 slides. - The content of each carousel should primarily consist of images and graphics. - The design should follow a minimalistic and clean theme, using subtle color contrasts and plenty of white space. - The purpose of these carousel posts is educational, so the content should be suitable for teaching my audience about various topics. The ideal candidate will be: - Proficient in using Canva - Able to create visually appealing designs - Familiar with Instagram carousel format - Able to follow and understand my content and the latest news - Understanding of mi...

    $233 Average bid
    $233 Oferta medie
    28 oferte

    ... Experience & Skills: - Proven experience in developing similar live apps is a must. - Ability to provide timely maintenance and support during Eastern Standard Time. - Teams with relevant experience and live apps available for testing will be given priority. Please note: Only proposals from teams with relevant experience and live apps available for testing will be considered. The app should follow a specific color scheme that aligns with our branding. Please ensure the app follows a **blue** color scheme that aligns with our branding. Please ensure the app follows a blue color scheme that aligns with our branding. The app should include push notifications to alert users of new coupons. Businesses will have access to basic templates for creating and managing their profiles....

    $2666 Average bid
    $2666 Oferta medie
    34 oferte
    Design 8 Modern Food Product Images
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...designed standing pouch design - Add a barcode with provided code numbers - Replace coffee beans or other items in PSD file with simple food ingredients like onions, kosher salt, peppers, etc. (to be discussed) - Modify the ingredients on the back to match the updated ones Requirements: - Proficiency in Photoshop (PSD) - Experience with product design, particularly in the food industry - Ability to follow a modern and clean aesthetic - Good communication skills for discussing ingredient substitutions Budget: $40-60 Timeframe: Start and Finish ASAP Optional Task: If the first task goes well, I have 18 additional flavors that would require the same process with different designs and ingredients. Final Deliverables: All files will be provided, and the final images should be del...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Oferta medie
    125 oferte

    I'm in need of an experienced electronics designer who can take a simple diagram/circuit consisting of 10 components (mainly resistors and capacitors) and translate it into a schematic suitable for placement on a breadboard. Key Requirements: - Ability to interpret a circuit diagram accurately - Proficiency in creating clear, easy-to-follow schematics - Experience with breadboard design The schematic doesn't need to be hand-drawn or software-generated, but it should be clear enough for practical use. There's no need for annotations or notes on the schematic. Your final product should enable me to successfully set up the circuit on a breadboard.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    25 oferte
    Shopify Project
    6 zile left

    Job Title: Shopify Developer (Freelance) Job Description: We’re looking for a Shopify Developer with a great design eye and common sense to quickly and efficiently customize Shopify theme home pages. Your main task will be to add 2-3 banners and 4-6 categories (provided to you) to ensure the design looks polished and optimized for conversions. All stores will follow a cookie-cutter layout, built in a Shopify development store, so the process is streamlined. Ideal candidates should have experience with Shopify customization and a strong sense of aesthetics for eCommerce sales. ✅ Requirements: Shopify theme customization experience Strong design sense and attention to detail Ability to make quick, smart design decisions Efficient and reliable freelancer This is a freelance r...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    79 oferte

    Stablecoin Development Project Overview We are developing a USD-pegged stablecoin similar to USDT, backed by fiat reserves and utilizing blockchain technology for transparency, security, and eff...Test Smart Contracts in Testnet. 3. Audit & Fix Vulnerabilities. 4. Deploy on Mainnet & Integrate with Payment Systems. 5. Launch Marketing & Get Exchange Listings. Deliverables ✅ Smart Contracts with mint/burn functionality ✅ Admin Dashboard for Reserve & Token Management ✅ Payment Integration APIs ✅ Security Audit Report ✅ Listing on at least 2 exchanges Final Notes • The developer must follow best practices in smart contract security and blockchain scalability. • The project will have phased releases, starting with a testnet deployment before moving ...

    $313 Average bid
    $313 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I'm looking for a modern logo for my cryptocurrency, TravelMile (TLM). This coin is unique as it specializes in travel rewards (miles) and retail loyalty points. Key Focus: The logo should primarily emphasize its identity as a cryptocurrency, while subtly hinting at its travel rewards and retail loyalty points aspect. Color Scheme: The logo should follow a cool color scheme, predominantly blues and greens. Ideal Skills: A strong background in graphic design, particularly in creating modern and minimalist logos. Experience in designing cryptocurrency logos will be a plus. Understanding of color theory and ability to create appealing designs using cool colors. Creativity to subtly incorporate travel and retail elements into a primarily cryptocurrency focused logo.

    $25 Average bid
    217 intrări
    WhatsApp Booking Automation
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a developer who can help automate WhatsApp messages for my online booking system. The project involves automating: - Booking confirmations - Booking reminders - Service selection - Payment reminders - Follow-up messages post-service - Cancellation confirmations - Feedback collection after service - Automating rescheduling options For service selection, clients will use interactive buttons. The ideal candidate should have experience with WhatsApp API, message automation, and integrating with online booking systems. The automation needs to integrate with our custom-built booking system.

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Oferta medie
    58 oferte
    LinkedIn Growth Strategist
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    Looking for part time LinkedIn Growth Strategist and LinkedIn Growth Consultant. Should be able to Generate Lead, Message, Follow-up and Increase the network. Looking for applicants from Philippines/India with very storytelling & creative writing skills, and multi years experience in LinkedIn lead generation. The role would be to set up and manage the lead generation process for a global accounting/bookkeeping/financial research services company. Overall engagement would be couple of hours per day to start with and can scale up to a full time role as well. The requirement may increase depending on the quality of work delivered. Only looking at Individual Freelancers at the moment and team bids will be rejected. If this description excites you, happy to chat. NDA is must. Wil...

    $17 - $143
    $17 - $143
    6 oferte

    ...individuals, investors, and senior stakeholders, professional communication, reliability, and discretion are crucial. ________________________________________ Key Responsibilities ? Podcast & Content Management • Manage guest bookings (scheduling, follow-ups, collecting materials) • Support episode preparation (research, transcripts, content summaries) ? Event & Travel Coordination • Assist with event planning & logistics (speaker coordination, scheduling, agendas) • Research & book travel (flights, accommodation, logistics) • Maintain guest lists & follow-ups ? Strategic Research & Data Management • Conduct targeted research (e.g., industry insights, investor databases) • Organize and maintain spreadsheets, databa...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    I'm looking for a creative professional to turn my PowerPoint prese...Requirements: - Creative adaptation of the PPT content into an engaging video format. - Smooth animations and transitions to enhance storytelling. - Marketing-driven approach to captivate the audience. - Professional and polished look, maintaining simplicity. What You'll Get: - Original PPT file as a reference. - Flexibility to enhance content while keeping the core message intact. - Brand guidelines to follow. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating motion graphics, animated videos, or promotional videos. - Ability to transform a professional presentation into an exciting and energetic video. - Strong understanding of marketing principles. - Excellent attention to detail for a pol...

    $222 Average bid
    $222 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional web developer to build a business promotion website on GoDaddy. The site should reflect a classic and professional design style and contain the following sections: - About Us: This section should detail our company's...related to our industry's latest trends and news. - FAQs: A page addressing frequently asked questions to provide quick answers for visitors. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience with GoDaddy, a strong portfolio of classic and professional web designs, and an understanding of business promotion strategies. The Contact Us page should include a contact form. Please follow our specific color scheme and branding guidelines. The Contact Us form should include basic fields such as name, email, p...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta medie
    143 oferte
    Messaging Automation Tool Development
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a developer who can create a tool that fully automates messaging on specific ...Trigger-based automated messaging - Duplicate message detection - Autopilot operation post-setup - Key detection for appropriate messaging - Smart scheduling for optimal message timing - Optional: AI-powered responses for dynamic conversations - User behavior tracking for system adaptation This tool will mainly handle messaging automation, with interactions spanning customer support inquiries, sales follow-ups, and general information requests. The ideal candidate for this project would be proficient in: - Software development and integration - AI and machine learning - Natural language processing Experience with creating similar tools will be highly regarded. Looking forward to ...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    I believe I can be a great fit for this projec...organized and efficient, allowing me to consistently meet deadlines. I am comfortable with the 24-hour turnaround time for each task. Organizational Skills: Managing and prioritizing multiple tasks is something I excel at. I’m able to stay on top of deadlines and ensure that each task is completed on time. Familiarity with Medical Documentation: While I don't directly work with medical records, I can follow specific templates, instructions, and confidentiality guidelines precisely. I also understand the significance of privacy when handling sensitive information. Software Proficiency: I’m very comfortable using Microsoft Word and can easily format documents to match the required specifications (Times New Roman, 12 ...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Oferta medie
    87 oferte

    ...appointment setting is a must. - Objectives: Your main focus will be to engage decision-makers, articulate our value proposition, and lock in appointments for our client's sales team to take further. - Requirements: • Fluency in CZECH or SLOVAKIAN (native or bilingual, NO accent) • Ability to work independently • Strong record in meeting or exceeding call targets • proficiency, for tracking and follow-up activities Ideally, you'll have your own setup to make calls and track progress. I'm looking for someone with the confidence and competence to represent us professionally and push our business growth. In order to apply, Please define your CZECH or SLOVAKIAN language experience: how long have you used it in daily life / similar telema...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a set of unique, minimalistic, flat design icons for my website. These should not be standard icons; they need to be original and tailored specifically for my site. Key Requirements: - The icons should follow a minimalistic style. - They need to adhere to a flat design. - The shapes of the icons should be based on custom shapes, not just circular or square ones. - The icons should maintain a consistent visual theme throughout the set. - Icons should be delivered in SVG Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design background. - Experience with creating custom, minimalistic flat design icons. - Ability to think outside the box and deliver unique, non-standard designs. Please provide a portfolio of similar work you've done...

    $335 Average bid
    $335 Oferta medie
    128 oferte
    E-commerce Shopify Website Design
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a professional to design a Shopify website for selling physical products. The website should be user-f...The ideal freelancer for this project should have substantial experience in designing Shopify websites. They should have a keen eye for detail, be able to create visually appealing designs, and have a good understanding of e-commerce features. Prior experience with physical product e-commerce sites will be a plus. The design should follow a modern theme, featuring contemporary styles and bold visuals. There are no specific design or branding guidelines to follow. Please use a neutral and minimalist color scheme for the website design. advanced customization. Set up only Credit/Debit Card options for payments. The freelancer has creative freedom to sug...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta medie
    39 oferte

    I'm looking for an experienced email marketer to create and execute a lead nurturing campaign on Mailchimp to promote a new product. The campaign should include a mix of newsletters, promotional emails, follow-up emails, and lead generation emails. This is a 1 month assignment job. Key Responsibilities: - Set up an automation that integrates Meta Lead Instant Forms + Shopify Lead Form with Mailchimp engages a lead through a journey til purchase. - Design and implement an engaging email marketing strategy. - Create compelling content that encourages email recipients to make a purchase. - Optimize the campaign based on performance metrics. - Conduct A/B testing to identify the most effective email variations. - Segment email lists to target specific customer groups more effectiv...

    $314 Average bid
    $314 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    ...ability to – - create a lead with an automated serial ID when a quotation request is submitted from our Wix website , or when it is manually captured by an admin user; - generate a PDF quote from the lead data with a 3rd-party PDF generator (customised quotation format and layout) and submit the quote to the customer; - track quotes submitted to customers; - periodically follow up on quotes submitted to customers until quotes are accepted (= deal) or cancelled; - create a deal with an automated serial ID a) automatically when a quote is accepted, or b) when captured manually by an admin user; - generate a PDF invoice from the deal data with a 3rd-party PDF generator (based on the above PDF quotation with minor changes); - generate a Property Survey form from the dea...

    $1319 Average bid
    $1319 Oferta medie
    23 oferte

    I'm in need of 3D renders for my bath and bedroom, based on the drawings I will provide. Key Requirements: - Style: The 3D renders should embody a modern aesthetic. - Emphasis: Key elements to focus on include lighting, textures, and the furniture layout. - Color Palette: The color ...elements like artwork, plants, and accessories to enhance the realism. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 3D rendering software (like 3ds Max, SketchUp, Blender, etc.) - Solid understanding of modern design principles. - Exceptional attention to detail, particularly with lighting and textures. - Experience in creating realistic and visually appealing 3D renders. Please ensure the furniture dimensions follow the provided specifications. Please use affordably priced options for all bathroom fixtures...

    $124 Average bid
    $124 Oferta medie
    45 oferte

    I have a collection of pictures from a world-wide trip that I want to enhance for a book's website. The pictures, which represent a philosophical journey on Freedom and Brotherhood, need to be improved to the best possible quality. Requirements: - Most images will need moderate enhancements, but the need will vary. This includes adjustments to brightness, contrast, color,...objects or modifying clothes. Again, the need will vary. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software (e.g., Photoshop, Lightroom) - Graphic design experience - Ability to adapt to varying needs and levels of enhancement - Attention to detail Please provide a flexible quote, as I may have up to a hundred images, most of which will only need basic improvements. All final images should follow a co...

    $1760 Average bid
    $1760 Oferta medie
    104 oferte
    CRM System Setup for Insurance Startup
    6 zile left
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    ...up a CRM system ClickUp for our start-up insurance brokerage on our ClickUp account. The CRM system must have the ability to - (PHASE 1) - capture inbound quotation requests (= leads) submitted from our Wix website ; - capture inbound leads manually as received by phone or email; - track leads submitted to insurers for quoting; - track inbound leads submitted to clients; - follow up on outbound leads until a deal is closed (= insurance policy) or cancelled; - administer and track insurance policies - create a record on a 3rd-party integrated database for each list (leads, policies, claims, users, properties, insurers) (PHASE 2) - communicate with the client via pre-fabbed mails to adjust his policy according to custom data input by admin; - capture inbound insurance

    $541 Average bid
    $541 Oferta medie
    23 oferte

    I need a presentation focused on business strategy, specifically tailored for internal team training. The presentation should cover key aspects of product management. Key Points: - Product Management: strategy. - Competitor Review: Provide a detailed review of competitors and how their product strategies compare to ours. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in Business Strategy: The freelancer should have a strong understanding of business strategy and its application in product management. - Presentation Design: The freelancer should be able to create an engaging and easy-to-follow presentation. - Understanding of Product Management: Prior experience or knowledge in product management will be an advantage. The presentation should be delivered in a PowerPoi...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Oferta medie
    65 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented graphic designer to create a simple and minimalist flyer for my chocolate c...uncluttered, in a simple and minimalist style. - It should include product details and prices - It should contain my contact information The ideal candidate for this project would have experience in designing marketing materials, with a keen eye for minimalist design. Previous experience in the food industry would be a plus. I need a small flyer made to sell chocolate covered strawberries. Please follow the example attached using a different font (Valentine’s Day theme) 6 count …. $12 12 count….$22 Under toppings please add these only -chocolate drizzle -hazelnut -strawberry crunch -edible glitter Payment Accepted : Cash Venmo Apple Pay Send ...

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta medie
    108 oferte

    i need an A.I bot created for my online product search business, needs to -monitor an email address, reply to email, with later follow ups. -do a worldwide search for the best price and delivery times/options. -email findings to customer. -once payment received, bot orders the product and ensure delivery with full tracking and constant communitive updates. Option also for once product sourced and payment confirmed i can be tasked by bot to manually do the actual purchase under instruction of bot. the bots name needs to be Aurora Sinclair. Aurora Sinclair - WeFind Personal Shopping Specialist Profile: • AI-powered personal shopping specialist for SJP Industries • Provides 2-hour response time guarantee • Conducts global product and price searches • Offers free...

    $1952 Average bid
    $1952 Oferta medie
    37 oferte

    ...professional graphic designer to develop visually appealing materials for digital marketing campaigns. The job includes designing images for social media, ads, and promotional content. Requirements: • Experience in advertising design and digital marketing. • Ability to create eye-catching and effective graphics. • Proficiency in Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, or similar tools. • Capability to follow brand guidelines and technical specifications for Meta Ads and other platforms. • Experience in branding and image optimization for social media is a plus. Project Details: • Hourly payment with an initial minimum rate of $2 USD. • The project consists of designing visual assets for digital campaigns. • Fast delivery and clear communic...

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    24 oferte