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Avem nevoie de o persoana creativa, serioasa, careia ii place sa ia contact cu oameni din medii diferite. Acest proiect este pentru o firma de traduceri din Timisoara care lucreaza exclusiv cu persoane juridice. Este vorba despre un proiect pilot de 3 luni in care se testeaza eficienta acestei abordari a vanzarilor B2B. Ce presupune mai exact activitatea: - gasirea/generarea de baze de clienti (companii care necesita servicii de traducere) - calificare leaduri - cold calling - email - ofertare, negociere, folow up Pentru cine este interesat, asteptam cu mare drag sa ne cunoastem. foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de pachete de promovare online pentru afaceri locale [un mix intre servicii SEO si reclama Google Adwords]; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice; - le poti oferi clientilor posibilitatea testarii gratuite a serviciilor. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc... account with us, you should read the legal documents relating to the entity that you're registering with. Please note that our legal documents vary depending on which entity you hold your trading account with and the regulations that apply to you. The relevant entity is determined based on your location and is stated in the footer of the application you register in. Deposits and withdrawals Follow us:
Clina medicala specializata in dermatologie si estetica medicala avem nevoie de articole pentru blogul clincii si emailuri de follow-p pentru funnel-ul de vanzari.
... Sarcinile și atribuțiile postului: să cauți și să elaborezi bază de date cu potențiali clienți; deservirea clienților actuali; recepționarea si managementul comenzilor primite; să programați și desfășurați întâlniri / întâlniri Zoom cu clienții; să efectuarea prezentărilor de produs; să negocierea și semnarea contractelor; să construiești relații cu clienții de lungă durată; să faci constant follow-up către clienții indeciși; să conduci clientul către încheierea tranzacției; elaborarea unui business plan de promovare a companiei, ce va lărgi semnificativ baza de clienți; cunoașterea la un nivel decent al limbilor română, engleză și rusă; să completezi în fiecare zi raportul de vânzări și raportul de activitate; realizarea scopuril...
...proiectele aceleiasi persoane pentru ca sunt mai usor de gestionat pentru mine daca sunt alocate cuiva care e familiar cu ce facem noi. Estimez ca 80% dintre task-uri vor avea DL minim 24 h, dar sunt si task-uri care au DL same day. Vezi mai jos disponibilitatea de timp necesara. Tip de proiecte de care ai fi responsabil in ordinea importantei: 1. Transport – de trimis cererile de cotatii same day si follow-up whenever needed a.i in 24 h sa avem min o cotatie pe ruta ceruta, ideal 3 cotatii ( avem 30 transportatori in baza de date, cand nu avem cotatii la timp sa faci research pt transportatori noi). 2. Trimis disponibil de marfa la client - punctual ( preluare de la Maria ) – sa gasesti un sistem de automatizare f simplu pt asta a.i. sa il faca manager vanzari di...
Salutare! Eu sunt Marius si reprezint grupul Aceitronics. As dori sa incep prin a va multumi pentru interesul oferit anuntului nostru. As dori ca toate persoanele ce se vor inscrie sa detina o sansa in a lucra cu noi si pentru asta, dupa parerea mea ar fi necesar sa vad un mic portofoliu al fiecarui participant si va rog sa-mi scrieti un art...timpul acordat, o sa va las doua link-uri, unul cu canalul de youtube si altul cu blog-ul Aceitronics. In asa fel ma puteti cunoaste putin si sa vedeti si modul meu de abordare mai ales ca unele articole vor fi folosite si ca script-uri pentru clipurile youtube. Sa aveti o zi cu spor!!! Cu respect, Marius de la Aceitronics
...comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; Ofértele de Abonamente - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de abonamente pe o platforma de constructii; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice. - le poti oferi clientilor cupoane de reducere. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc) - iti faci programul cum doresti, lucrezi cand doresti, insa preferabil in in...
Suntem o companie nouă românească, ce oferă servicii de back office către companii. Jobul va consta în contactarea și încheierea de contracte cu companiile din România (B2B). Vă punem la dispoziție o bază de date cu numele companiei, codul caen, domeniul de activitate, numărul de telefon și ...EFORTUL DEPUS! Avem nevoie de o persoană: - serioasă; - cu foarte bune abilități de comunicare și relaționare; - atitudine plăcută, pozitivă; - dinamică, motivată, proactivă; - care să vorbească limba română fluent și corec Ce trebuie să faci: - contactezi potențiali clienți și le prezinți oferta de servicii; - vei ține evidența persoanelor contactate și a răspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Candidații selectați vor primi mai multe ... foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de pachete de promovare online pentru afaceri locale [un mix intre servicii SEO si reclama Google Adwords]; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice; - le poti oferi clientilor posibilitatea testarii gratuite a serviciilor. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc...
English version will not follow, any more AM ATASAT UN TEXT SCRIS AUTOMAT DUPA DICTAREA MEA. Ii rog pe participantii care doresc sa se implice in acest proiect sa-l editeze si sa-l prelucreze conform priceperii si intuitiei fiecaruia. Apoi va rog urcati-l aici sub forma de depunere de proiect asa cum ati facut si cu textele de proba. Multumesc tuturor, anticipat! TEXTUL ANTERIOR Vreau sa scriu o carte, adica s-o vorbesc, iar cineva sa primeasca documentele redactate automat dupa fisierele audio si sa o editeze in word, in romana, cu diacritice si tot ce inseamna editare impecabila. Imi puteti trimite detalii la adresele catalin@ si
Caut un programator care sa faca setarile pentru Follow-up e-mail. Contactele care provin de pe anchetă formular al site-ului sa primeasca 5 e-mail-uri la anumite intervale de timp. (Removed by Admin)
2dopeboyz, hotnewhiphop, complex, Fader
Website cu o tema predefinita - site de prezentare preferabil bazat pe wordpress - tema aleasa de mine sau recomandata de tine pe sistem single page - la tema se vor schimba culori si imagini p...necestia configurare meniu si pagini/sectiuni - necesita adaugare poze in galaerie , si video - necestia configurare meniu si pagini/sectiuni (cu completare continut in sectiuni ) - upload pe server si publish, detin domeniu si hosting - configurare widgeturi social media - facebook, twitter, google+, youtube etc. - sectiunea de contact cu expediere mail - legare pagina de google analytics - widget de follow pt pagina de facebook - google map la contact - orice configurari necesare pt functionarea widgeturilor din tema - detin structura meniului si textele de pe pagini/sectiuni intr-un doc...
...Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site, blog, fb, youtube, google + video + text + few posts photo constant in social media. ... And some other things that I will tell you as specialists! What are my resources? 1. legally constituted company specific brokerage activity. 2. authorizations necessary for the activity. 3. automated platforms necessary sale...
I want to recreates the Bier game,youc can watch the image or follow the link to have an ideea for what i want,Thanks! watch here :
I want to recreates the Bier game,youc can watch the image or follow the link to have an ideea for what i want,Thanks! watch here :
Need a content writer to manage various pages on social networking sites and various other blogs. Additionally the person would need to help in building the content for the main
Avem nevoie de unul sau mai multi scriitori de articole pentru un blog specializat in stirii din universul ecommerce in limba romana. Sunt bineveniti cei care: - au lucrat sau lucreaza ca jurnalisti; - sunt studenti la Jurnalism; - au o experienta in domeniu si-o pot dovedi; Sunt acceptati si incepatorii insa numai dupa redactarea a 1-2 articole de proba. Articolele vor fi despre: - Stiri tehnologice de ultima ora - Economie - Ecommerce - Mcommerce - eMarketing Cei care doresc sa incepem o colaborare trebuie sa poata livra minim 2 articole/zi. Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, nu exista un numar fix de articole de scris. Copy/paste nu functioneaza, aviz amatorilor!
NO bidders from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. 25-50 link-uri de pe pagini de turism sau știri din turism minim PR3 (PR-ul paginii pe care e link-ul). Buget: $100 Termen: maxim 30 zile Cerințe: - link-uri ONE WAY, permanente, do-follow; link-urile șterse în termen de 12 luni vor fi înlocuite - link-uri de pe pagini PR3+, minim 10 link-uri PR4+, minim 1 link PR5+; - link-uri de pe domenii diferite și adrese IP diferite - link-uri de pe pagini cu maxim 50 de link-uri - link-uri de tip href, fără tehnici javascript - cuvintele cheie vor fi comunicate ulterior - nu se acceptă comentarii în bloguri, forumuri, social bookmarking - se vor folosi NUMAI tehnici white hat. Propunerea va include numărul de link-uri pe care le puteți oferi și exemple de link-ur...
...White Hat, pe pagini PR4+ - cel putin 1 link trebuie să fie PR9 (poate fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 5 link-uri trebuie să fie PR8 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - cel puțin 15 de link-uri trebuie să fie PR7 (pot fi si de pe pagini de travel in limba engleza) - maxim 10 link-uri pe forum-uri de travel - link-urile trebuie să fie permanente, do follow, pe pagini de travel in limba romana (cu exceptiile de mai sus), indexate de Google, neblocate de - link-urile sterse in termen de 12 luni vor fi inlocuite - maximum 1 link per domeniu, pe pagini cu maximum 40 de link-uri; domeniile trebuie să aiba IP-uri diferite; fara link-uri pe subdomenii - maxim 20 de link-uri pe zi Nu se admit: - tehnici Black Hat - link-uri nofo...
I am in need of a mid-level Virtual Assistant for my digital marketing agency, the Bot Agency. This role is primarily focused on telecalling to follow up on potential sales leads, but will also involve handling email correspondence, providing customer support, and performing various administrative tasks. Key Responsibilities: - Telecalling to follow up on leads - Email management - Customer support - Scheduling appointments - Data entry Ideal Skills: - Telecalling - Email management - Customer support - Scheduling - Data entry Preferred Qualifications: - Experience working in a digital marketing agency - Fluent in Hindi - Willing to work according to Indian time Please note, telecalling experience is highly desirable, and proficiency in Hindi will be considered a bonus....
I'm looking for a talented After Effects animator to bring my educational motion graphics animation to life. Key requirements: - Proficient in After Effects and motion graphics - Ability to closely follow a pre-existing script and storyboard - Previous experience with educational animations is a plus Please provide examples of similar work in your portfolio. Your attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work will be key to the success of this project. The animation should be between 1-3 minutes in duration. The animation should utilize a flat design aesthetic. The target audience for this educational animation is adults. The animation should have a friendly and engaging tone. The project deadline is two weeks from the start date. The educational animati... for a A4 size flyer. I'll provide website, logo and content guidelines. You will be required to create marketing content. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Copywriting - Creative content writing - Print Design Experience: Expertise in designing materials for print, ensuring high-quality and user-friendly layouts. Tone: The content should be written in a formal and professional tone. Please follow our specific branding guidelines for the design and content. The primary goal of the product insert is to educate customers about the product item. The product insert should be in A4 size. The product insert should be designed and written for tech-savvy users, with more detailed and technical information. Please use our company branding colors to ensure consistency with o...
I need a skilled WordPress developer to add a parallax effect to the content sections of my website. This should be applied to sections containing text and images. I have specific parallax effects in mind, which I will share with you upon selection. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress - Experienced in implementing parallax effects - Good understanding of handlin...skilled WordPress developer to add a parallax effect to the content sections of my website. This should be applied to sections containing text and images. I have specific parallax effects in mind, which I will share with you upon selection. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in WordPress - Experienced in implementing parallax effects - Good understanding of handling text and images in a website - Able to follow specific in...
I'm seeking an SEO expert t...improve domain authority. - Perform comprehensive site audits regularly to identify and resolve SEO issues. - Enhance the quality of on-site content to meet SEO best practices and improve user engagement. - Continuously monitor key SEO metrics and KPIs to track performance and make necessary adjustments. Ideally, you should: - Propose a targeted list of 40-50 keywords. - Create and manage 3-4 blogs per month, primarily focusing on 'how-to' guides. - Provide timely updates and results. Given our 8 years of SEO experience, we're looking for immediate results, not the typical 6 month wait. Your understanding of our needs and ability to address them promptly will be key to your success in this role. Our budget is under $1,000 per mon...
...concise, personalized, and compelling messaging. Implement quality filtering to prevent irrelevant data from entering the emails. 3. Automate Email Sending via FluentCRM Set up FluentCRM to send AI-generated emails automatically. Ensure proper email scheduling, tracking, and bounce handling. Implement logic to pause sending if company data is missing/incomplete. Store email history in FluentCRM for follow-ups and tracking. 4. Ensure Workflow Scalability & Performance Optimize API calls to prevent rate limiting. Make the workflow scalable for bulk outreach (handling thousands of emails). Provide documentation or a short Loom video explaining the final setup. Ideal Skills & Experience: ✅ Flowise Automation & AI Integration ✅ FluentCRM Setup & API Integration ✅ APIs ...
...Duty Requirements 8. Pump Selection 9. Pump Setup 10. Guide Rail Type 11. Mixer Sizes (Optional) 12. Control Type 13. Level Control Type 14. Freight The tool should include basic tiered pricing options based on predefined categories. The preferred platform for the web application is Firebase. The generated quotes should be formatted as PDFs and delivered to users via email. The PDF quote should follow a basic standard template for consistent formatting....
I'm in need of an expert to help me install the CentOS Linux distribution on my system. Your experience with operating systems, particularly with Linux and CentOS, will greatly benefit this project. Key requirements: - Proficient in Linux operating systems, specifically CentOS - Prior experience with OS installation - Ability to provide clear, easy-to-follow guidance
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I need my PowerPoint deck updated to align with my new brand guidelines. The deck has 11-20 slides. Specific updates needed: - Fonts - Colors - Logos - Ensure all slide layouts conform to the new brand templates. I will provide the new brand guidelines document. Ideal skills for this job: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Graphic design experience - Attention to detail - Ability to follow brand guidelines accurately
I'm seeking a proficient Chinese freelancer to translate and arrange a series of English sentences into Chinese. The content revolves fo...series of English sentences into Chinese. The content revolves forex trading strategies and is intended for business and educational purposes. Key Requirements: - Fluent in English and Chinese with excellent understanding of both languages. - Able to translate and arrange sentences in a coherent and contextually appropriate manner. - Understanding of forex trading strategies is a plus. - Ability to follow specific guidelines for translation. Deliverables: - All arranged Chinese sentences to be delivered in a Word document. - The translation must be tailored for business professionals. Please provide examples of previous similar work in yo...
...Marketplace: Design a clear and engaging marketplace for sellers and buyers. Responsibilities (for the Winning Designer): • Full App Redesign: Based on the winning designs for the five key screens, you will then redesign the remaining screens (approximately 20-25) to maintain consistency and elevate the overall app experience. • User-Centricity: Ensure all designs are user-centered, accessible, and follow mobile UI/UX best practices (iOS and Android). • File Preparation (Final Deliverables): All final design work must be delivered in Figma. • Collaboration: Communicate effectively and be prepared to explain your design choices and rationale. Candidate Qualifications: • Be Creative: A passion for innovative design solutions is a must. • Figma Expert...
I'm seeking a talented designer who can create a line of word art for me. The text will be "Celebration Yard Signs" and the art should align with my provided logo. Key Requirements: - Ability to follow a specific style: I'll provide an example of the desired style. - Use of a bright and vibrant color palette. - Adaptation of the word art to serve a primary purpose of website branding. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Web Design - Word Art Creation
Seeking a traditional-style cellist for an indoor Celebration of Life on February 23rd from 12:00 to 3:00. The event requires a mix of predetermined pieces and improvised selections. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in traditional cello music - Able to provide a mix of predetermined pieces and improvisation - Experience playing in a Celebration of Life setting - Able to p...Preference will be given to cellists with experience playing music by classical composers. Please include specific pieces by composers in your repertoire list. Andrea Bocelli The preferred attire for the event is smart casual. The cellist should bring their own audio equipment. Andrea Bocelli. The music should convey an uplifting and celebratory mood throughout the event. Improvised selections should follow a classi...
I'm looking for a skilled web designer to create a WordPress-based personal brand website for me. Key Requirements: - The website should follow a typical personal brand template, but with my unique branding elements. - A key section of the site will be my portfolio, which will need to be presented as an image gallery. - The website must be fully responsive across all devices and screen sizes. - The website should be optimized for search engines to increase visibility. - Integrate links to my social media profiles for better connectivity. - Have a dedicated 'About Me' section that introduces my background and expertise. - Include a functional contact form that allows visitors to get in touch easily. - The website theme should be customizable to allow for future updat...
...for T-shirt designs, including title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. -This is Results based. Rank first page get paid. Will pay $3-5 per first page ranking - Conducting a FREE test listing to determine if you can rank on first page (And can do what you say you can). You will provide title, brand, bullet 1, bullet 2, and description. I will update listing link so we can both watch and follow. If it ranks then we can begin and I will send you batches of listings to optimize on an ongoing basis -Will determine if you know what you are doing with Merch on demand for Amazon tshirts (not products, not FBA, not store front which are different) The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of the Amazon A10 algorithm and can demonstrate their ability to rank T-shirts ...
I am looking for a professional who can assist in cloning the front end of a specific website (redacted) for a fantasy sports platform. This project involves not just replication of the front end, but also developing a back end to manage and display team information, playe...comfortable with, as I currently have no preference. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience in front end development and website cloning. - Proficiency in back end development, particularly with creating databases and managing data reflection. - Previous experience working with fantasy sports platforms will be a significant advantage. The design and UI/UX should follow the existing website exactly. The backend should support real-time updates for player statistics and team in...
I am looking for a Spanish-speaking specialist in Zoho CRM and WhatsApp API to work with my company on developing various modules in Zoho. This involves creating reports and automating processes, as well as helping us set up a functional WhatsApp API account to automate follow-ups and customer service processes. Key Responsibilities: - Develop various modules in Zoho, including reports, automations and integrations - Automate processes in Zoho CRM specifically for sales tracking and customer service - Create comprehensive reports on sales performance Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Zoho CRM and WhatsApp API - Experience in developing modules in Zoho - Strong Spanish language skills - Previous experience in sales tracking and customer service automation - Ability to c...
... - Lead Scoring: Develop criteria and metrics to score leads and prioritize follow-ups for the sales team. - Mobile Accessibility: Ensure the CRM is optimized for mobile devices, allowing sales reps to access and update information on the go. - Integration with Marketing Tools: Integrate the CRM with existing marketing tools to ensure seamless data flow and unified customer insights. - Custom Fields: Configure custom fields to capture unique data points that are specific to the renewable energy sector. - Customer Segmentation: Implement customer segmentation to tailor sales and marketing efforts to different audience segments. - Follow-up Reminders: Establish automatic reminders and notifications for timely follow-ups with leads and customers. - Document Management:...
I need a dedicated SEO professional who can help my website rank on Google's first page. The work should be purely result-oriented and follow white hat SEO practices. Payment will be made based on the achievement of results, specifically $30 for each keyword that successfully reaches Google's first page. Key Requirements: - Proven experience and expertise in SEO - Strong skills in On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO - Familiarity with E-commerce, Health and Fitness, or Technology sectors (preferred but not mandatory) - Ability to implement innovative and effective SEO strategies - Excellent understanding of white hat SEO techniques I have some SEO implemented on my website, but I need an expert to take it to the next level. Please only bid if you accept my terms and con...
...offer the ₹499 plan to schools and need someone to increase our reach and conversions." Key Responsibilities: Targeting Schools: Reach out to private school directors and principals via email, calls, and meetings. Sales Strategy: Develop and execute a sales strategy to increase sign-ups for our plan Lead Generation: Research and gather a list of potential schools and contacts. Closing Sales: Follow up on leads, present the value of our product, and close sales. Customer Communication: Respond to inquiries, provide product demos, and handle any objections. Skills & Experience: Proven experience in B2B sales, especially in the education sector. Strong communication skills (written and verbal). Ability to conduct sales calls and presentations. Knowledge of digit...
I'm seeking a skilled designer to create product mockups for the fashion industry. The mockups will be for clothing and accessories, so experience in these specific areas is crucial. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency produce high-quality, visually appealing mockups that accurately represent the products. - Understanding of product photography to enhance mockup realism. The project will require 6-10 mockups. The mockups should feature a high level of detail to accurately represent textures, stitching, and fabric folds. You can use your discretion to create the mockups as you see fit. The mockups should follow the provided general style and branding guidelines. Please use standard formats and dimensions for the mockups. The mockups should include T-shir...
...Profitability Analysis: Track fixed/variable costs, discounts, shipping profitability, and payment gateway performance✅ Customer Insights & Demographics: Analyze order trends, geographic sales, and repeat customers✅ Error Handling & Troubleshooting: Identify and correct data discrepancies✅ Customer Service Data Integration: Assist in managing customer inquiries, tracking refunds, and organizing order follow-ups✅ Administrative & Operations Support: Help with managing daily reports, updating spreadsheets, and organizing supplier communications✅ Marketing & Ad Data Analysis: Provide insights into top-performing products, ad spend efficiency, and geographic targeting for campaigns✅ Social Media Management & Analytics: Track and report on social media performance,...
Project Title: Looking for Skilled Content Writers, Typists, Translators, and Data Entry Experts Description: I am seeking freelancers with expertise in the following areas: Content Writing: Articles, blogs, and creative story writing. Typing and Copywriting: Fast and accurate typing skills for various projects. Translation: Professional translation services for documents and content. Medical Writing: Assistance with healthcare-related content and research. Data Entry: Accurate and efficient data management. Diet & Public Health Research: Creating reports and articles related to diet and health. PowerPoint Presentations: Creating professional and engaging presentations. Excel Work: Data analysis, charts, and spreadsheet management. Requirements: Strong attention to d... moderation tools. The ideal candidate will have experience with Invision Community, forum configuration, gamification, and security setup. A good command of Brazilian Portuguese is a plus. Please only apply if you can meet these requirements. The gamification features should include elements such as user badges, a points system, leaderboards, and achievement rewards. The forum theme should follow the brand's current colors and logo. The user onboarding guides should be detailed step-by-step text guides. Focus on implementing points and leaderboards as the primary gamification elements. The project should be completed within 1-2 weeks. The VIP access system should have basic integration with existing membership or subscription services. Opt for a minimalist design with...
...development)Objective – What are you aiming to achieve? (e.g., increase sales, improve brand awareness, launch a new product)Target Audience – Who is the intended audience? (e.g., age group, interests, demographics)Key Message – What message should be communicated?Deliverables – What specific outputs are needed? (e.g., logo, website, social media content)Brand Guidelines – Are there any existing guidelines to follow? (e.g., colors, tone of voice, style)Timeline – What are the key deadlines?Budget – What is the allocated budget range?Competitors & Inspiration – Any competitors to consider or examples you like?Special Requirements – Any additional needs? (e.g., specific formats, accessibility considerations) Feel free to pr...
I'm seeking a highly skilled presentation expert to craft an engaging PowerPoint for an MBA case competition. The primary goal is to showcase a...a new product, with a particular emphasis on its user experience. Your task will be to: - Create a compelling narrative that positions our product favourably for potential customers. - Highlight the user experience in a way that underscores the product's unique features and market potential. - Design the presentation in a visually appealing manner, with clear, concise slides that are easy to follow. Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience in creating product management presentations. - A strong understanding of user experience principles. - Previous experience working on MBA case competition presentations would be a...
I'm seeking a skilled video editor to enhance my videos by adding effects and transitions. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in video editing software. - Creative with the ability to suggest and implement engaging effects and transitions. - D...between 5 to 15 minutes. These videos are primarily for social media content. The videos are vlogs that capture daily life and experiences. The videos should have fun and quirky effects and transitions to make them more engaging. The desired turnaround time for each video edit is 1-3 days. The effects and transitions should convey a sleek and professional tone. The effects and transitions should follow a modern and minimalist style. The final edited videos should be in 1080p MP4 format. Feedback and revisions will be communicated primarily...
...form alliances with industry giants and secure lucrative deals - Leverage your understanding of the IT service industry to identify potential clients and understand their needs - Develop a comprehensive sales strategy to target potential clients effectively. - Conduct detailed market research to identify new business opportunities. - Manage and maintain a robust sales pipeline, ensuring timely follow-ups. - Prepare and deliver compelling client presentations to close deals. Ideal Candidate: - Proven track record in sales, particularly in the IT service industry - Exceptional networking and partnership-building skills - Experience targeting medium-sized businesses - Able to understand and promote IT consulting services - Goal-oriented with a strong desire to hit our $10 million ...