Fmylife website moneyproiecte
Penny Hand Money Tree Indiferent de domeniul în care este aplicat, designul tinde să urmărească principii precum estetica plăcută, funcționalitatea, accesibilitatea, durabilitatea și inovația. De asemenea, el poate să reflecte identitatea și valorile brandului sau creatorului său.
...central bank and has maintained such a stance for much longer than many of their counterparts around the world. In fact, Japanese interest rates have been steady at around 0% for 25 years now, even entering into negative territory in 2016. Indeed, the BoJ's base rate still sits at -0.1% at a time when most of the rest of the world is at around 5% or above, which means Japanese consumers actually lose money on any cash they save. Ironically, however, inflation in the Asian economy is far lower than in Europe. Even though the BoJ is upgrading its initial projection for the year up to March 2024 from 2.5% to 3%, this is still much closer to the 2% target than many EU countries, where annual rates of up to 10% are being observed. This naturally means that the Japanese cent...
Aplicație pentru Android Vreau să-l proiectezi și să-l construiești
Aplicație pentru Android Vreau să-l proiectezi și să-l construiești
...reprezinta un atuu, insa devotamentul reprezinta ceva mai mult de- atat ! Va multumesc personal English translation Hi everyone, I own a small business start-ups with a turnover of 220,000 lei in 2015 intermediation in insurance sales. I intend online market penetration which is currently quite low in Romania compared with Western countries! Being a start-up, as you know, no money to invest, but together with a small team of people with diverse abilities couple we can be successful! What I think can be done? An RCA + blog site sales. SEO on page / off page, landing page, etc. A mobile application for orders for syste. Promotion adwords, facebook, youtube, google + Creation of content for blogs and social media for networking. Administration site,...
buna ziua in legatura cu serviciul de care am nevoie nu pot spune prea multe doar ca am nevoie de profit frumos si in rest nimic mai mult ofer la fel de mult pe cat mi se ofera
Salut, Am nevoie de integrarea a trei sisteme de plata pentru shop. 3. Perfect Money Am nevoie se integreze cele 3 sisteme de plata si am nevoie de conturi demo sa ma asigur ca merge. Toate conturile vor fi configurabile. Framework ul folosit este Codeigniter. O sa ajut si eu cat pot insa nu am foarte mult timp. Doar pentru romani. Multumesc
I want an experimented freelancer to sell a book for me. The book is also an e-book. I am the author of the book (e-book). The book is in Romanian language for now. It will be in English too, after about one month. But, for now, I want you to sell it in Romania. You will get 50% of the money for each book (also each e-book) sold by you. The book’s price is 25$, and the e-book’s price is 17$. I mention that I have a site (where the buyer can purchase an item); also if you have a better method or a better site through which the book can be sold, we can discuss. You will also get a 10$ bonus if you sell 20 books (e-books). This project is for 20 books sold by you. The book is called "Immortality" and you can discover the secret of immortality if you read this boo...
Buna ziua, as dori sa-mi fac un site de e-currency exchanger , un site asemanator cu , in care unele schimburi sa se faca in regim semiautomat sau automat (ex perfect money , web money , bitcoin, litecoin, s.m.d ) iar altele manual ( ex . western union, money gram, bank transfer, paypal) dupa verificarea manuala a transferului . Scimbul de e-currency as vrea sa se faca total anonim din partea clientului( fara inregistrarea obligatorie pe site ) , exceptie cand se face plata prin WU, MonGram, Bank transfer si trebuie sa trimita datele transferului .(nume, , tara de expeditie , MTCN ). Puteti sa faceti un astfel de site ? Care ar fi pretul ?
Salutare, Sunt in cautare de un developer (sau mai multi) pentru o aplicatie iOS. Nu este ceva complex, structura este simpla si basic, iar o parte din flow se repeta. Tema aplicatie este money/finance management. Design-ul este deja facut. In cadrul aplicatiei totul se face manual, nu sunt comunicatii cu alte aplicatii third-party. Eventual o baza de date cloud, dar doar atat pentru inceput. Mai sunt niste detalii legate de partea de Settings, cateva mici stilizari a aplicatie pe care utilizatorul le poate face (gen simple-view si extended-view al listei de tranzactii, etc). Poate si un mic sistem de securitate, code sau swipe undeva dupa splashscreen. Inca o chestie de mentionat, vor fi doua variante a aplicatiei: una simpla, iar una premium/extended/vip whatever. Nu e foarte ...
cum sa faci bani pe internet o metoda foarte simpla cu noua industie freelancer vei face bani garantat
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave
This task takes less than 5 minutes of your time daily We are creating a website where people can read headline news and engage or start a discussion to express their free will opinion, reaction, suggestions about news they read as well as make new friends with people of substance. User can also customise which news they would like to get update on in their feed. We will have an extensive list of news categories from Celebs, fashion, personal, football and many more. We need intelligent people to help us start up the discussion so this project require you to create a real profile account on our website and engage/ leave a reaction to any news that catch your fancy. Note that this is not a compulsory comments. If you dont have anything to say , you shouldn't talk a...
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Daca proiectul i...
cum sa faci bani pe internet o metoda foarte simpla cu noua industie freelancer vei face bani garantat
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8pool (android /...
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy mor...5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...
I'm developing an online casino gaming app similar to RoyalFace, with core casino games (Poker, Blackjack, Slots, etc.), real-money transactions (crypto & fiat), and strong user authentication. I'm currently looking to raise $1M in investment and would love to connect with investors interested in gaming, fintech, or blockchain projects. I’d love to discuss whether you have experience in this space and how you typically work with startups to secure funding. Would you be open to a quick chat to explore potential collaboration?
I'm in need of a targeted email marketing c...into clients for my law firm, which specializes in recovering lost online funds. Key Aspects of the Project: - Target Audience: The campaign should be directed towards individuals who have recently fallen victim to online scams and are seeking legal recourse. - Email Content: The messages should primarily focus on providing these potential clients with advice on how they can recover their lost money immediately. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in email marketing, particularly in the legal sector. - Experience dealing with clients who have been victims of online fraud. - Excellent content creation skills to write persuasive and informative emails. - Ability to convert leads into clients through effective market...
...and make serious money! ? Why Work With Me? ? Long-Term Work – If you're great at what you do, I’ll keep sending projects your way! ? Creative Freedom – I need viral-quality edits that make people stop scrolling. ? No Posting Required – I handle Instagram & YouTube. You focus 100% on editing. ? Massive Earning Potential – Your pay scales up as we grow together! ? How to Apply? ? Send me your portfolio! Show me your BEST work. ? Provide examples of short-form video edits (Reels, Shorts, TikToks, etc.). ? Let me know what tools/software you use, especially if you utilize AI in your editing process! ? The better your edits, the faster we grow, and the more you earn. This is a super profitable gig for both of us! ? If you’re ready to...
...GraphQL) to handle wallet operations like crediting, debiting, transaction history, and balance retrieval. Frontend: UI components to display wallet balance, add money, and view transaction history. Integration with payment gateways for wallet funding. Security: Secure API endpoints for wallet transactions (use OAuth, JWT tokens, etc.). Encryption for sensitive user data like wallet balance and transaction records. 2. Wallet System Design 2.1. User Wallet Model The user wallet will store essential data, such as: Wallet ID: Unique identifier for each user wallet. User ID: Links the wallet to a specific user. Balance: The amount of money currently in the wallet. Currency: The type of currency (e.g., USD, INR, EUR). Transaction History: List of all credits and debits to the ...
...follow-up skills to manage leads Your success in this role will be rewarded generously. You can make a significant income by converting leads into sales. A great opportunity to with good commission and also recurring income. Your commission can range between 20 to 25% monthly + recurring. Subscription could range from $100 to $500 depending on the size of the liquor store. The agent decides how much money he/she wants to make. There are over 35,000 liquor stores in USA and none has a chatbot. Imagine the scope! Expectation for Recurring Commission: 1. Face to face contact with business owner. 2. Attend meeting when needed 3. Responsible to ensure timely subscription payment 4. Bring new business like Digital Contents, Web Site etc. Our hourly rate could range from $80 to $150...
...GraphQL) to handle wallet operations like crediting, debiting, transaction history, and balance retrieval. Frontend: UI components to display wallet balance, add money, and view transaction history. Integration with payment gateways for wallet funding. Security: Secure API endpoints for wallet transactions (use OAuth, JWT tokens, etc.). Encryption for sensitive user data like wallet balance and transaction records. 2. Wallet System Design 2.1. User Wallet Model The user wallet will store essential data, such as: Wallet ID: Unique identifier for each user wallet. User ID: Links the wallet to a specific user. Balance: The amount of money currently in the wallet. Currency: The type of currency (e.g., USD, INR, EUR). Transaction History: List of all credits and debits to the ...
...existing real-time multiplayer Ludo game by integrating a real money betting system. The game is built using Construct 3 with Photon Multiplayer and needs additional features for deposits, withdrawals, and account balance tracking. The new system should allow players to bet virtual currency (linked to real money deposits), track their earnings, and request manual withdrawals. The platform should include a comprehensive admin dashboard for managing users, payments, and game statistics. ? Key Features to Add 1. Payment & Virtual Currency System ✅ Integration of NotchPay for fiat payments (Mobile Money, Credit Cards). ✅ Cryptocurrency payments (Bitcoin, USDT,
Good morning everyone, I'll summarize the idea for you: - you manage one account per PERSON, which will always be a Stellar Lite $5K, the first account purchased in FundedNext - when an account is funded (after the two challenge phases), a new Stellar Lite account is purchased to go through another two challenge phases again - this process is repeated until the person's total funded money reaches $300K on FundedNext (the maximum allowed) - the first $5K account will be the “master” account and the rest of the accounts will pass challenges and make profit by copying positions from that master account (adjusting the lot size to the account size, obviously) - the purchasing order of the funded accounts for each PERSON is as follows: $5K, $5K, $10K, $10K, $10K, $1...
Please provide the following files: I need a logo for "The P.R.O.F.I.T.S Circle." The colors should match or be very similar to the book cover you just designed for me—Blue, Black, and Gold. The logo should incorporate an element related to money while maintaining a clean, professional, and eye-catching look. I trust your creativity to make it stand out! Please send me the final files in PNG, JPEG, and vector formats (AI or SVG) for flexibility.
I'm facing an issue with my Solana coin. This is likely a result of attempts to sabotage my project by preventing certain users from purchasing tokens of my coin. They are buying and selling to gain small profits and wreck my project. I'm seeking a freelancer with: - In-depth understanding of the Solana network - Experience with wallet management and troubleshooting - Skills in white...Solana network - Experience with wallet management and troubleshooting - Skills in whitelist configuration and management - Ability to identify and resolve issues with blocked transactions Your task will be to block their wallet address from buying into my project completely. Prompt resolution of this issue is critical to the continued success of my project. Please respond quickly. Every moment i...
...comprehensive personal budget spreadsheet for me. Spreadsheet would be as similar to the "Daily Budget" app on iPhone. Key Features: - Tracking Monthly Bills, Daily Expenses, and Savings Goals: The spreadsheet should be able to monitor various financial aspects, from routine bills to long-term savings ambitions. - Expense Categorization: I need an organized breakdown of my expenses to understand where my money is going. - Spending Trends Analysis: The spreadsheet should be capable of highlighting my spending patterns over time. - Budget Comparison Over Time: I want to be able to compare my budget across different time periods. - Daily Allowance Calculation: The spreadsheet should automatically calculate a "daily allowance" based on my income minus expenses. ...
...The tycoon will be a bank, and once the bank has been built after the robux has been raised, the board at the front of the plot will be removed and a bank teller will be positioned at a front desk. This Bank Teller will be an NPC and if you approach the NPC it will ask you how much robux you would like to donate. In the back of the bank is a vault. Each robuc the player has earnt means how much money will be in the vault. Separating the plots will be a large road. This bends round the map, each plot will be connected to the road. There will be a car dealership and a runway located on the map too. The cars in the dealership can be purchased with credits, however at the airport the planes must be purchased with robux. There is to be an in game leader board in which the players name...
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...$5 FL fee and then milestone for a few apps. When you have completed the milestone we can continue with a bigger milestone. But before we chat, I first need to know something about thirteen. What do we get when we double it? The people whose guess is closest to the correct answer will be the first to work on this project. Note that your bid doesn't matter. The more apps you find the more money you make. Charlie 1. 2. Rev 3. Descript 4. Trint 5. Sonix 6. Happy Scribe 7. Office 8. Google Docs Voice Typing (for live transcription) 9. Speechmatics 10. AmberScript 11. Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12. Verbit 13. AegiSub
Looking for a secure and feature-rich eWallet app with all essential features: ✅ Instant Money Transfers ✅ UPI, QR Code & Card Payments ✅ Wallet Top-ups & Withdrawals ✅ Multi-layer Security & Encryption ✅ Merchant Integration & Bill Payments ✅ Custom Branding & White-Label Option
I'm seeking a seasoned developer to create a payment aggregator. This will enable clients to seamlessly integrate diverse payment methods into their mobile apps and websites, using a developer-friendly API. Key Features: - Support for multiple payment methods including Credit/Debit cards, Digital wallets, Bank transfers, and Mobile Money. - Implementation of robust security features such as Encryption, Two-factor authentication, Fraud detection, and KYC. The APIs should be compatible with: - iOS - Android - Web Ideal Skills: - Developer should have atleast 5 years Skills in creating payment aggregators platforms and must have practical examples. - Extensive experience in developing payment systems. - Proficiency in creating secure and reliable APIs. - Knowledge of various pa...
...JUST BIG MONEY ? If you need a safe salary, this ain’t for you. If you want to work with high-ticket clients and get paid like a boss, keep reading. I run a high-ticket digital marketing agency. We work with Luxury Real Estate, High-End Coaching, Private Jets, Premium SaaS, and other elite businesses—the kind that actually pay big money. ? THE DEAL: ✅ 100% commission-based – No results = No cash. ✅ 20% per client handled + 5% lifetime commission ( until client discontinues) – Deliver results, and you keep stacking money every month. ✅ 14-day free trial for clients – If they don’t pay after the trial, you get nothing. ? WHO I WANT: ✔ Experts in digital marketing – Ads, SEO, funnels, email marketing, or social media. ✔ No ...
? JOIN THE MASTER SELLERS AFFILIATE PROGRAM AND EARN COMMISSIONS WITHOUT INVESTING! ? At Master Sellers, we are a sales agency specializing in both high-ticket and initial payment made by the client when the service starts. ? No Initial Investment: You only need to refer clients, and we handle the rest! How does it work? Client Referral: You connect us with interested prospects. Contract Closing: If the client signs, the commission is yours! Commission Payment: Receive 15% of the commission once the client makes the initial payment. It’s easy to make money with Master Sellers! ? Join today and start generating passive income with ease—no design or initial investment required. Just your network and ability to refer! ? Want to know more? Message us to star...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional to assist in creating a Power...portfolio should be tailored to appeal to potential clients, showcasing our company's strengths effectively. - Use our website, , as the primary source for content and graphics. - Refer to this Google document for a suggested content sequence: - The old portfolio can be accessed here for reference: Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in creating engaging corporate portfolios Submit draft portfolio example. N;B: This is not 30 dollar contest, we will increase the price money $50 to $100 usd if we choose someones.
I am looking for an experienced IT programmer who can develop a dual-platform (iOS and Android) banking app for me. This app should operate similarly to an escrow service, h...specific permissions and functionalities. - Secure Authentication: The app must utilize Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for user verification, ensuring high-level security for all transactions. Please note, only apply if you have substantial experience in creating similar applications. Your portfolio should reflect previous work in the Fintech space, specifically with creating secure, user-friendly money transfer apps. A deep understanding of the complexities of digital banking and escrow systems is essential. Looking for someone who understands the Financial conduct Authority Regulation on Banking apps and ...
Solana Token Development & Launch (Fast Turnaround Required) Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced Solana developer who can create a memecoin similar to Infinite Money Glitch, with a built-in reward system for holders. This token should be designed to launch quickly and effectively within the Solana memecoin ecosystem. Speed is crucial, and I need this project completed within a day due to the fast-moving nature of the market. Key Features: • Solana-Based Token with proper SPL token standards. • Holder Rewards: Every 5 minutes, holders should receive SOL rewards based on their token holdings. • Transaction Tax: A 5% tax on every transaction. • This tax is sent to a reward wallet and then distributed automatically to holders. • Integr...
I have a client who wants to test skills of multiple traders. You will be paid small funds through which you can withdraw in your bank account. And you will need to make profits using those funds, and return the profits back to the cli...skills of multiple traders. You will be paid small funds through which you can withdraw in your bank account. And you will need to make profits using those funds, and return the profits back to the client along with the principle amount. Skilled traders will be given larger amounts to manage. You can trade in stocks and crypto on daily basis (intra day trading). Put money in and take money out the same day to generate daily profits. PAY: You will keep 20% of all profits generated. + 5 star reviews every mo...
I am seeking a skilled video editor to edit a sample YouTube video ,( 10 mins) and see how you can use your talent to make it more engaging, stylish. You have the full freedom to add anything including background music, use various techniques, to incorporate creative elements that enhance the overall quality and appeal. Key Requirements: - - Adding music and sound effects to create a compelling audio landscape - Incorporating animated transitions and Visual effects (VFX) to maintain viewer interest - Little text overlay, in the part where the gun is being introduced. You can make it look sophisticated Text to be displayed Gun: AKM Country of Origin: Soviet Union (Russia) Manufacturer: Izhevsk Introduced: 1959 Effective Range: ~400m Magazine Capacity: 30 Ammunition: 7...
...Customization: Unlock colors, neon lights, nitro boosts, wings, and funny horns. - Power-ups like Time Freeze, Bounce Tires, and Ghost Mode. - Multiplayer modes with both free and bet-based paid challenges. - Integrated Leaderboard System and Daily Missions with funny rewards. Earning Model: • Ad Revenue and In-App Purchases (cars, skins, boosts, etc.). • Multiplayer Bet Mode distributing prize money on a skill-based, legal framework with a platform fee. Platform & Technical Details: • Target Platforms: Android & iOS • High-quality graphics and physics-based effects • Simple controls (touch, tilt, joystick) for an engaging experience • Real-time online multiplayer capabilities Budget Range: ₹25,000 - ₹40,000 We're expecting ...
...develop a professional, modern, and fully responsive website for a RegTech company specializing in AML (Anti-Money Laundering), risk assessment, and compliance automation. The site should effectively showcase our solutions, enhance user engagement, and generate leads through strategic call-to-actions. Key Requirements: 1. Website Scope & Structure: 1 Homepage – Engaging hero section, key value proposition, and an overview of solutions. 2 About Us – Company information, mission, and team details. 3 Solutions – A dedicated section featuring our 6 core products: 4 Contact Page – Contact form and company details. Legal Pages – Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms of Service (auto-generated via plugin). 2. Design & Branding...
...dealing with customers who may be experiencing stress. Previous customer service experience is a plus, but not required. Must be able to commit to working during the tax season peak periods (February through April). Benefits & Perks: Paid per Talk Time: $0.34/min to $0.40/min; (Average to $17 - $19 per hour) Top 10% weekly will earn $0.04/min; (average of +$2/hr) Referral Incentive: Earn extra money for referring others to join the team! Flexible Schedule: Choose hours that work best for you, with full-time or part-time options available. Self-paced Training: Complete your training at your own pace, so you’re fully prepared for the busy season and Earn Training Bonus! Remote Work: Work from the comfort of your own home. System Requirement: Preferably Windows Users, Mac...
I'm looking for a TikTok influencer to promote my puzzle game app. This game allows players to convert coins into real withdrawable money, with a bonus of $10 for every new player after registration. The target audience for this promotion is a mixed age group, from teenagers to adults. Content Type: - Primarily User Testimonies: The influencer should create content that showcases real user experiences with the game. This could include testimonials about the game's fun-factor, its challenges, and the thrill of earning money while playing. Influencer Selection: - Open to Suggestions: While I have no specific influencer in mind, I'm open to both freelancers suggesting suitable influencers and using specific ones I might propose. The key is to reach an influencer...
I'm looking for someone who can set up a video call service for business meeting, that means introduction for some channel websites. Everything is so simple and we can have a good deal about the money. LANGUAGE : ENGLISH/ GERMAN Key Features: - Screen sharing ( not everytime necessary ) - Virtual backgrounds The service should be designed to accommodate just one participant per call. Only looking for seriously people. Have a great time!
*****Strictly Individuals only and preferable local ***** I'm in need of a skilled SEO/SMM professional to help me increase my website traffic from scratch. We have a website that offers deals and coupons for many retailers. It's an affiliate marketing concept. Search Engine Optimisation => 2-3 year experience working with same domain (affiliate marketing) => 3-4 hrs daily (it is totally depend on you but we need results) => On page, Off page, Marketing strategy , backlinks, Keyword analysis & research => Competitor Analysis, High Domain Authority links and Local citations => Content Marketing, Publish blogs (2 weekly), Store contents (you should be responsible for all content) => You should be able provide us results using wh...
...entire development cycle, including UI/UX design, backend integration, API connections, paywall setup, ad integration, testing, and App Store submission. The project has a 3 to 4-week timeline. ? Core Features (Included in Free & Paid Versions) ✅ Real-Time Crypto Prices – Fetch live price data using CoinMarketCap API. ✅ Virtual Trading Simulator – Buy and sell cryptocurrencies using simulated money. ✅ Basic Portfolio Tracking – View simulated profit/loss data. ✅ User Onboarding – Guided tutorial to explain app features. ✅ App Store Submission – Ensure the app meets Apple’s guidelines and gets approved. ? Free Version (Monetized with Ads) ✅ Google AdMob Integration – Display banner and interstitial ads. ✅ Basic Trading Engine &ndas...
...chart to show how this is better than FD, Stocks & Mutual Funds! ?️ 6. Why This Investment is 100% Safe? (Build Trust!) ✔ Strong Business Model – Already Profitable ✔ No Stock Market Fluctuations – Fixed Return ✔ Legal Agreement & Documentation for Security ✔ Direct One-on-One Investor Support ? Pro Tip: Add a “Security Guarantee” badge for credibility! ? 7. Fund Utilization Plan – Where Your Money Goes? ? Business Expansion (50%) – More revenue sources = Higher returns ? Marketing & Customer Acquisition (30%) – Bigger reach = More profits ? Technology & Operations (20%) – Automation = Faster growth ? Use Pie Chart or Infographic for better visualization! ? 8. Testimonials & Real Investor Success Stories ...
I'm in need of an expert 3D designer who can create a custom design for an RC boat. The design will incorporate a watertight box for a LilyGO T-SIM7000G, while also preserving the original engine placements from the reference boat design. Key project details: - Use the base model from t...specifications. - Can work strictly within the Freelancer platform for payment. Please note, this project requires speed and precision and the design must be for a 3d printer, so i require all design files and the output files for a 3d printer. If you're unable to deliver quickly, I kindly ask you not to bid. I appreciate your understanding. payment will only happen over freelancer, so dont ask for money transfer outside freelancer AND DONT low ball the bid to get in talks, what you ...