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2,000 flask or django for beginner proiecte găsite

Bună, Harjeet S.. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat.

$6 Average bid
$6 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de gestiune zootehnica, realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws. Este necesara cunoasterea limbii romane, deoarece mare parte din structura aplicatiei este netraductibila.

$2534 Average bid
$2534 Oferta medie
5 oferte

We are looking for a Swift (iOS) developer. We are looking for a Java (Android) developer. We need to see some examples of your work. I mean some apps you worked on. Please tell us the names to look them up. Thank you.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Oferta medie
40 oferte

Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws.

$2092 Average bid
$2092 Oferta medie
7 oferte

Buna ziua. Caut un backend developer cu Python si Django. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa puneti o oferta. Va multumesc.

$600 Average bid
$600 Oferta medie
4 oferte

Pornind de la o platforma open source - existenta, aceasta trebuie modificata/configurata/ adataptata, si anumite module integrate (gen payment gateway, si altele). Plaforma are modul de CMS, dar implica si modificari CSS/Python.

$1138 Average bid
$1138 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Realizarea unei liste de update-uri pentru un website in django existent. Acesta este o interfata de cautare intr-o baza de date.

$465 Average bid
Recomandat Acord de confidenţialitate
$465 Oferta medie
6 oferte
Pigeon Management Solution
S-a încheiat left

Sunt Ionut, un pasionat de porumbei și de ceva vreme si de programare. Am ales python si django fiindcă am avut impresia ca le pot asimila mai ușor noțiunile. Planul meu este să dezvolt o aplicatie pentru pastrarea evidentei porumbeilor. Sunt deja solutii pe piata insa vreau ceva mai bun, mai amplu. Am inceput de unul singur sa implementez fiind ajutat de solutia gratuită de gazduire oferită de heroku. Acum, lucrurile s-au "complicat" si as avea nevoie de sustinere. Imi doresc un colaborator cu care sa pot vorbi deschis si împreună sa dezvoltăm aceasta aplicație. Dacă esti de acord si crezi ca putem face o echipă, aștept raspunsul tău aici sau pe email la [Removed for encouraging offsite communication which is against our Terms and Conditions -Section 13:Commu...

$656 Average bid
$656 Oferta medie
10 oferte

Cautam un Java Developer pasionat, cu experienta in Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Security, CSS, Git, Maven, Angular, pentru un proiect pe care il dezvoltam alaturi de clientul nostru din SUA, care este unul din cei mai mari jucatori mondiali in domeniul logisticii. Noul nostru coleg ne dorim sa fie deschis si catre atributii de coordonare a echipei, dar daca acest lucru nu face parte din planurile tale de cariera pentru moment, nu este un impediment pentru a continua discutiile. Proiectul este in dezvoltare de 12 ani, clientul opereaza la nivel global si acopera monitorizarea aspectelor ce tin de logistica in cadrul unei companii, de la bugetare, la planificare si pana la livrare.

$1873 Average bid
$1873 Oferta medie
7 oferte

Este vorba de un program intuitiv si usor de folosit pe orice calculator care sa retina anumite date intr-o baza de date ca: numele, datele de identificare, adresa, o descriere a lucrurilor pe care le are o persoana. In baza unor sabloane predefinite, am nevoie de un soft care sa creeze, sa printeze si sa salveze/arhiveze - in format editabil - documentele necesare, precum sa tina si evidenta termenelor si a actelor care urmeaza a fi facute. In functie de datele introduse, sa poata face anumite acte si, in functie de acestea, sa stabileasca anumite reguli si sa genereze alte acte. Despre remuneratie vorbim ulterior. Va multumesc It addresses to software developers from Romania, preferably from Iasi city. Thanks

$596 Average bid
$596 Oferta medie
2 oferte

Am nevoie de un serviciu flexibil care sa ofere oportunitatea de a mă dezvolta pe termen lung

$1467 - $2933
$1467 - $2933
0 oferte
Clean my House or Business
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de un serviciu flexibil care sa ofere oportunitatea de a mă dezvolta pe termen lung

$1467 - $2933
$1467 - $2933
0 oferte
Project for StiiCeva
S-a încheiat left

Salut, Ai fi interesat sa participi la dezvoltarea unui modul ce face parte dintr-o platforma S.A.A.S. dezvoltata in django ? Ma poti contacta pe chat-ul intern.

$439 Average bid
$439 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Programator Python
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de colaborator care stie foarte bine Python folosind Django pentru backend si Angular JS pentru frontend pentru a realiza diverse aplicatii web based si/sau site-uri.

$649 Average bid
$649 Oferta medie
8 oferte

Aplicatia trebuie sa afiseze niste liste, sa aibe formulare login. Aplicatia consuma servicii rest. Pentru mai multe detalii, discutam in privat.

$2218 Average bid
$2218 Oferta medie
19 oferte

Aplicatia trebuie sa afiseze niste liste, sa aibe formulare login. Aplicatia consuma servicii rest. Pentru mai multe detalii, discutam in privat.

$2111 Average bid
$2111 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !

$150 Average bid
$150 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Varianta in limba romana a cerintei noastre 1. Scop: Parsarea de domenii sau documente si salvarea informatiei dupa prelucrare si verificare in destinatia finala 2. Scurta descriere: Pe baza unor parametrii initiali ca tip sursa ( Web, Documente ), Parametrii in vederea importului automat, moneda, Limba, in care se doreste a se efectuat traducerea se v...Castigatorul sa ne prezinte cum se gandeste sa implenenteze aplicatia pentru fiecare punct, workflow-ul informatiei . Cum se fac intrarile , care sunt campurile , si cum arata front endul O descriere a aplicatiei pe baza cerintelor noastre . Nu se va efectua plata daca nu suntem 100 % multumiti. Bugetul este fix 350 dolari The english version : Please read the attachment The buget is fix for ...

$1546 Average bid
$1546 Oferta medie
1 oferte

I need a person to be able to make gold generator or program cheat engine for the game atlantica online

$29 - $245
$29 - $245
0 oferte

I'm looking for a professional and creative video lesson to help beginners learn Tulu. This video should cover: - Basic vocabulary and phrases: Introduce simple, everyday words and expressions. - Grammar rules: Explain the fundamental grammar of Tulu in a clear and engaging way. - Common conversational scenarios: Illustrate typical conversations in Tulu, to help learners understand practical usage. The ideal freelancer for this project should have experience in creating educational video content, preferably language lessons. A strong understanding of the Tulu language would be a major advantage. Creativity, ability to simplify complex concepts, and experience with video editing software are essential for this project.

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 oferte

I'm looking for a skilled Django developer to create a backend for my ERP system. The core functionalities of the system should include: - Inventory Management: Efficient tracking and handling of stock and supplies. - Human Resources Management: Overseeing employee data, payroll, recruitment, etc. The ERP system must also incorporate user authentication and access control to ensure data security and privacy. The preferred database for this project is PostgreSQL. Familiarity with this database is crucial. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proven experience in Django development - Prior work on ERP systems - Strong knowledge of PostgreSQL Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in your proposal.

$9 Average bid
$9 Oferta medie
4 oferte

I'm seeking a professional photo editor to help me sort through and edit my honeymoon photos from Africa and Zanzibar. I have ...(Zanzibar) honeymoon I am at now, on March 20. I will need my photos filtered and edited! There will be 1k+ photos from my Sony camera with up to 350mm zoom. As I am a beginner many (most) will be poor and need to be discarded. There are many very good ones however! After my honeymoon I would bulk upload my sim to a google drive to share, and the task is to go and filter through, then to edit the good ones. Ultimately I am hoping to create a reasonably sized photo book to order for print and digital copy, for memories of my honeymoon. To the extent you can help with this, please let me know! Full end to end service for the t...

$394 Average bid
$394 Oferta medie
57 oferte

I'm looking to develop a python flask based RAG application website designed for AI LLM. The core function of this application will be question answering similar to Key Features: - A web-based GUI, as opposed to a command-line interface or just an API. This GUI should be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate through the application. - A website functionality very similar to including the UI and message boxes etc - 5 free questions for unregistered users - paid users get xx questions per month (value changable by me in the script) - a good modern slick polished UI using any tech stack - I have plain text files, which need to be chunked and uploaded to Zilliz or Qdant (you can either install it on my VPS or use cloud)...

$276 Average bid
$276 Oferta medie
12 oferte

...note that the Budget is fixed - Need very beginner skills users only - budget is as described - please bid only if you agree to the project budget. No place holder bids please. This project is only for some one getting into their first project or at the beginner skills level. Project budget is not by hour, it is fixed rate. No change in bid price will be possible once project has been accepted. Please note: This project does not require you to identify bugs or suggest new features, just to share your experience as a beginner user. I'm seeking beginner skill level multiple users of everyday apps that you use to provide feedback on a new social networking app design currently in development. Some exposure to everyday computing desir...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Oferta medie
88 oferte

...overall quality of the code and its maintainability for future updates. - Performance optimization suggestions: Provide insights and suggestions for enhancing the app's performance. Tech Stack: - Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin - Frameworks/Tools: React, Angular, Node.js, Django, Flutter - Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Ideal Skills and Experience: - Strong background in secure coding, penetration testing, and code audits. - Extensive knowledge of app architecture, APIs, and database security. - Familiarity with static & dynamic code analysis tools. - Able to deliver a detailed report with actionable recommendations. Please submit proposals detailing your relevant experience and past projects. The timeline for this projec...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta medie
8 oferte

I'm seeking an experienced Google Ads professional, preferably one who has worked with or for web design or marketing agencies, to help generate leads for my business. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a lead-focused Google Ads strategy. - Optimize existing campaigns for lead generation. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record of generating leads via Google Ads. - Experience working with web design or marketing agencies. - Strong analytical skills to assess campaign performance. - Excellent understanding of Google Ads platforms. Having run successful Google Ads campaigns in the past, I understand the potential they hold. However, I'm looking for an expert who can help me maximize my lead generation efforts.

$47 Average bid
$47 Oferta medie
12 oferte

Busco un desarrollador o equipo con experiencia ...personal (roles, turnos, contacto). -Administración de familiares (contactos, permisos de acceso). -Registro de actividades y medicación. -Panel de reportes básicos (ocupación, estado de salud de residentes). -Sistema de notificaciones por correo o dentro de la plataforma. -Gestion de bodega del Hogar -Stock de insumos y remedios del residente. Requisitos Técnicos: Backend: Laravel / Node.js / Django (o sugerencia del desarrollador). Frontend Web: React / Vue / Angular. Base de Datos: PostgreSQL / MySQL / Firebase. Hosting: AWS / Google Cloud / DigitalOcean. Requisitos del Freelancer: Experiencia en desarrollo de plataformas SaaS. Portafolio de proyectos similares. Buena comunicació...

$645 Average bid
$645 Oferta medie
41 oferte

I'm looking for a tutor who can help me via CALL prepare for an Excel exam. I'm a beginner and I need to focus on data screening, calculations, evaluations and analysis. Ideal Tutor: - Extensive experience with Excel - Tutoring experience, particularly with beginners - Patience and ability to explain concepts clearly - Knowledge of data screening, calculations, evaluations, and analysis in Excel I prefer one-on-one sessions via CALL.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
16 oferte
Excel Tutoring for a Beginner
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for a tutor who can help me via CALL prepare for an Excel exam. I'm a beginner and I need to focus on data screening, calculations, evaluations and analysis. Ideal Tutor: - Extensive experience with Excel - Tutoring experience, particularly with beginners - Patience and ability to explain concepts clearly - Knowledge of data screening, calculations, evaluations, and analysis in Excel I prefer one-on-one sessions via CALL.

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
32 oferte

Hello Freelancers, Project Overview We need a developer to enhance and optimize our Flask-based visa appointment scheduling system, which consists of two service plans: 1️⃣ Plan 100 ($100 Service) • Users receive a Chrome extension that helps them manually check for available appointment slots. • The extension automatically refreshes the appointment scheduling page at defined intervals. • Users receive a notification when a slot is available, and they must manually confirm the booking. • We want to add an auto-booking option, allowing users to choose whether they want the extension to automatically book the appointment when a slot is found. 2️⃣ Plan 200 ($200 Service) • A fully automated bot that runs on a VPS server and books appointments wi...

$419 Average bid
$419 Oferta medie
27 oferte

As a beginner in Flutter development, I'm seeking an experienced tutor for a practical, screen-sharing session. We will discuss: - Q&A sessions - Setting up the development environment - Building and or download source code of apps - Understanding Flutter widgets - use free templates with code to open in android studio and edit them I am familiar with Android Studio but would need guidance on the other necessary tools. The ideal freelancer would have extensive knowledge of Flutter and Android development, and can share their screen via Google Meets for 1-3 hours. The goal is to help me understand the development process so I can either do it myself or comprehend the work of others.

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta medie
17 oferte

I am looking for an expert in Django, Python, and Google Sheets API to help automate some tasks. Key Requirements: - Task Automation: Primarily focusing on automating data processing tasks. - Data Transformation & Formatting: This will involve manipulating data into a suitable format for analysis. - Develop an automation script using Python   - Utilize the Google Sheets API to synchronize data for our Django website   Ideal Skills:    - Extensive experience with the Google Sheets API  - Strong background in automation and scripting  - Understanding of data synchronization processes  - Skill in Django is a must - Able to read and worked on someone else’s code - Proficiency in Django...

$375 / hr Average bid
$375 / hr Oferta medie
19 oferte

I am looking for an expert in Django, Python, and Google Sheets API to help automate some tasks. Key Requirements: - Task Automation: Primarily focusing on automating data processing tasks. - Data Transformation & Formatting: This will involve manipulating data into a suitable format for analysis. - Develop an automation script using Python   - Utilize the Google Sheets API to synchronize data for our Django website  Ideal Skills:  - Proficient in Python   - Extensive experience with the Google Sheets API  - Strong background in automation and scripting  - Understanding of data synchronization processes  - Skill in Django is bonus  Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python: Essential for...

$18 Average bid
$18 Oferta medie
10 oferte

I'm in need of a Junior PHP Developer to assist in developing a corporate/business website. Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating with me on the overall website development. - Implementing essential site functionalities such as a contact form, service listing, and customer testimonials. ... Key Responsibilities: - Collaborating with me on the overall website development. - Implementing essential site functionalities such as a contact form, service listing, and customer testimonials. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in PHP. - Prior experience in website development, particularly in creating corporate/business sites. - Able to work collaboratively and take direction. This opening is for full time (8 hours a day)/part time (4 hours a day) from Mon to Fri. Note: Looking direct i...

$171 Average bid
$171 Oferta medie
17 oferte

...note that the Budget is fixed - Need very beginner skills users only - budget is as described - please bid only if you agree to the project budget. No place holder bids please. This project is only for some one getting into their first project or at the beginner skills level. Project budget is not by hour, it is fixed rate. No change in bid price will be possible once project has been accepted. Please note: This project does not require you to identify bugs or suggest new features, just to share your experience as a beginner user. I'm seeking beginner skill level multiple users of everyday apps that you use to provide feedback on a new social networking app design currently in development. Some exposure to everyday computing desir...

$11 Average bid
$11 Oferta medie
59 oferte

...note that the Budget is fixed - Need very beginner skills users only - budget is as described - please bid only if you agree to the project budget. No place holder bids please. This project is only for some one getting into their first project or at the beginner skills level. Project budget is not by hour, it is fixed rate. No change in bid price will be possible once project has been accepted. Please note: This project does not require you to identify bugs or suggest new features, just to share your experience as a beginner user. I'm seeking beginner skill level multiple users of everyday apps that you use to provide feedback on a new social networking app design currently in development. Some exposure to everyday computing desir...

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
81 oferte

...(LMS) using Python/Django. This LMS should accommodate a multi-tenant architecture and be compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: 1. Multi-Tenant Architecture: The system should effectively cater to multiple clients or tenants, ensuring data isolation and security. 2. Web and Mobile App: The LMS should have a responsive web application and a mobile application supporting both iOS and Android. 3. Quiz Creation: The system should facilitate diverse quiz formats including MCQs, Fill in the blanks, and Question banks. 4. SCORM Compliance: The LMS needs to support SCORM versions 1.2 and 2004, ensuring interoperability with various e-learning content. 5. User Management: The system should accommodate customized user roles, with specific functionalit...

$4311 Average bid
$4311 Oferta medie
17 oferte

I'm seeking an experienced Django developer for consultations on my app. The main focus will be adding new features, specifically user authentication and profiles. The project will involve implementing functionalities for user profile customization. Key Responsibilities: - Consult on and implement new features - Develop user authentication system - Create customizable user profiles Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with Django - Strong understanding of user authentication systems - Experience in developing customizable user profiles - Excellent communication skills for consultations

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta medie
21 oferte

...note that the Budget is fixed - Need very beginner skills users only - budget is as described - please bid only if you agree to the project budget. No place holder bids please. This project is only for some one getting into their first project or at the beginner skills level. Project budget is not by hour, it is fixed rate. No change in bid price will be possible once project has been accepted. Please note: This project does not require you to identify bugs or suggest new features, just to share your experience as a beginner user. I'm seeking beginner skill level multiple users of everyday apps that you use to provide feedback on a new social networking app design currently in development. Some exposure to everyday computing desir...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
55 oferte
Fusion 360 STL Merging Tutorial
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

As a beginner in Fusion 360, I need a tutor to guide me on how to merge STLs in the software. The purpose of this is primarily for 3D printing. I am specifically looking to merge STL files of functional devices. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Fusion 360 - Experienced in 3D printing - Knowledgeable about merging STL files - Capable of teaching and explaining concepts clearly

$28 Average bid
$28 Oferta medie
13 oferte

System for Automating Processes and Capturing the Best Offers on Spark (Walmart) To automate the capture of the best offers on Spark (Walmart) and facilitate drivers’ work, you can design a monitoring and automation system that optimizes the assignment of deliveries. The system should include advanced filters, real-time notifications, and decision automation based on user-defined parameters. System Architecture 1. Real-Time Offer Capture • Use web scraping or an API (if available) to extract data from the Spark platform. • Constant monitoring of new available offers. • Data storage for analysis and processing. 2. Smart Filters for Offer Selection • Location: Distance between pickup and delivery points. • Payment per order:...

$15914 Average bid
$15914 Oferta medie
39 oferte

...System Job Title: Experienced Python Developer for System Implementation & Configuration Location: Remote (Must be available during PST business hours – Los Angeles, CA) Start Date: Immediate – Monday morning Project Duration: Short-term (Estimated 2-5 days, potentially longer based on needs) Project Overview: We have already developed a significant portion of our backend automation system, but we need an experienced developer to assist with the implementation, configuration, and testing of the solution. Since much of the core code has already been written and tested, the primary focus will be system setup, integration, and minor adjustments rather than extensive new development. This system is designed to handle work order processing between Flask (AP...

$504 Average bid
$504 Oferta medie
57 oferte

I am in need of a Python developer who is an expert in Django for a project that requires advanced customization of an existing Django project (DATING BACKEND). The ideal candidate should have experience in customizing and modifying existing Django projects to meet specific requirements. Skills and experience required for the job: - Expert knowledge in Python and Django framework - Good knowledge in GRAPHQL - Strong understanding of Django project structure and architecture - Proven experience in customizing and modifying existing Django projects - Ability to work with complex customization requirements - Familiarity with Django's templating system and ORM - Proficient in writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code - Strong ...

$2969 Average bid
$2969 Oferta medie
58 oferte

Project Summary: Custom Rental Booking System Timeline: 10-12 days (start immediately). BUDGET 250 USD FULL SPECS + Additional design preferences attached. LARAVEL / DJANGO / MAGENTO Would like to discuss over call ASAP: I need to start ASAP and have a first call late tonight to review progress—mainly to check that the structure/wireframe is set up before we proceed further. THEME : For the front-end, I’m looking for something along these lines: | For the dashboard, here’s the style I prefer: | We’ll start with a $50 UI milestone. Once we agree and the work begins, I’ll release this, and we’ll move forward with the rest. This project is to build a complete

$178 Average bid
$178 Oferta medie
32 oferte

I'm trying to fix one small issue with Vercel Project is a flask + jinja2 + Tailwind CSS project. The app functionality works in production but seem the styling (npm) doesn't seem to work. I know this will be a minor issue for experienced vercel professional Project works well on my localhost but not in production. No error logs in vercel. Below is project structure eventme | .env | | | | | | | | +---static | +---css | | | | | +---images | | | | | | | | | | | +---js | | | | | ---src | | ---templates

$134 Average bid
$134 Oferta medie
15 oferte

Proposal for Full-Stack Development Team for Ogaaldoon Project Overview We are seeking a highly skilled team of full-stack developers and designers to create Ogaaldoon, an online course platform offering monthly, 6-month, and 12-month subscription plans. The platform must be highly secure, mobile-friendly, and offer seamless payment integration for users in Somalia, Kenya, and globally via PayPal and Stripe. The goal is to develop the website from scratch with a premium, modern, and user-friendly UI/UX. The website should be similar to Udemy, allowing students to access unlimited courses, track their learning progress, and receive email updates on where they left off. Key Requirements 1. UI/UX Design • High-quality, modern, and clean design • White bac...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Oferta medie
66 oferte

I need an experienced DevOps or backend engineer to assist in hosting my REST API, built with Python/Django, on Google Cloud. Key Tasks: - Deploying the API to Google Cloud - Setting up a secure and scalable hosting environment - Configuring a domain and SSL certificate - Ensuring proper API security and authentication using API key - Optimizing performance and uptime monitoring - Providing basic documentation for maintenance Ideal Candidate: The ideal candidate for this project must have proven experience hosting and deploying REST APIs, strong knowledge of cloud platforms and containerization, and familiarity with CI/CD pipelines. Good communication skills and ability to provide clear documentation will be highly appreciated.

$28 Average bid
$28 Oferta medie
16 oferte

I'm a complete novice in Spanish and I'm looking for a tutor who can offer personalized one-on-one lessons. My primary goal for learning Spanish is not clearly defined yet, but it is likely going to revolve around travel and personal enrichment. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in teaching Spanish, particularly to beginners. - Ability to provide engaging and tailored lessons based on my pace and learning style. - Flexible and patient, with good communication skills. - Ideally, a native Spanish speaker or someone with near-native proficiency. Please include your teaching methodology and any relevant qualifications in your proposal.

$9 Average bid
$9 Oferta medie
1 oferte

...would like to send through to interested teams to give an indication of what is needed. I am open to discussing the best tech stack for our project, so your input and expertise will be highly valued. Please be ready to present your suggestions based on the latest industry trends and standards. From my limited undertstanding and investigating. I would need somethign like the below. 1. Frontend Development (User Interface/UI) The frontend is the part of the website that users interact with. It will need to be intuitive, responsive (mobile-friendly), and user-centric, offering both fiat and crypto management features. The technologies used for the frontend will depend on your preferences and the complexity required. Key Frontend Features: Landing Page &...

$19985 Average bid
$19985 Oferta medie
87 oferte