Flash countdown clock generator backgroundproiecte
Buna Marian, Am gasit profilul tau aici si am nevoie de un pic de ajutor ce implica skillurile tale. Am nevoie de ajutor cu un joc basic in AS2. Te rog da-mi un email la @ daca esti disponibil. Astept vesti de la tine, O seara frumoasa Adriana
Buna Marian, Am gasit profilul tau aici si am nevoie de un pic de ajutor ce implica skillurile tale. Am nevoie de ajutor cu un joc basic in AS2. Te rog da-mi un email la @ daca esti disponibil. Astept vesti de la tine, O seara frumoasa Adriana
Salutare, suntem o firma de marketing din Cluj-Napoca, de curand am demarat un proiect extern pentru jocuri flash. In acest moment suntem in catarea unei persoane foarte pricepute pe illustrator. Te rog sa imi dai un numar de telefon, 100% o sa colaboram.
Salutare, suntem o firma de marketing online din Cluj-Napoca, recent am pornit un proiect extern pentru gaming online. Suntem interesati sa colaboram cu dvs. Daca se poate te rog sa ne dai un skype/nr tel/ facebook ... sa puteam lua legatura cu dvs.
Salutare, suntem o firma de marketing din Cluj-Napoca, de curand am demarat un proiect extern pentru jocuri flash. In acest moment suntem in catarea unei persoane foarte pricepute pe illustrator. Te rog sa imi dai un numar de telefon, 100% o sa colaboram.
Salut, am nevoie de un intro pentru fiecare joc propriu al meu. De exemplu atunci cand intri in joc sa afiseze o imagine tip animatie in care sa apara logo-ul meu, cateva categori(Dress up, Cooking, make up, dentist, Other), si alte chestii.
Website cu 3-4 pagini (background negru) pt un proiect software.
O aplicatie care sa foloseasca camera de pe iphone pentru a inregistra in background si salva imaginile dupa un timp presetat.
Salut, Am nevoie de 3 bannere. I. Dimensiuni banner: 1. 728x90 format flash (apare pe ) 2. 930x120 format gif sau flash, max. 100kb (apare in reteaua mediafax) 3. 300x250 format gif sau flash, max. 100kb (apare in reteaua mediafax) II. Continut slidere 4-5 slidere, textul si background il avem noi. Pot trimite logo-urile, macheta de presa, poze pentru background. Bugetul poate fi usor negociabil, daca ne incadram in timp, in cateva ore!
Salut, Am nevoie de 3 bannere. I. Dimensiuni banner: 1. 728x90 format flash (apare pe ) 2. 930x120 format gif sau flash, max. 100kb (apare in reteaua mediafax) 3. 300x250 format gif sau flash, max. 100kb (apare in reteaua mediafax) II. Continut slidere 4-5 slidere, textul si background il avem noi. Pot trimite logo-urile, macheta de presa, poze pentru background. Bugetul poate fi usor negociabil, daca ne incadram in timp, in cateva ore!
salut, vreau sa fac un site de jocuri flash daca esti diponibil si poti face , astept raspuns , mersi
salut, vreau sa fac un site de jocuri flash daca esti diponibil si poti face , astept raspuns, mersi
salut, vreau sa fac un sait cu jocuri flash , dami te rog un raspun daca esti deacor sa faci sau daca dispui de timp
Doresc ca sa i-mi refac websitul meu personal. Inainte am avut un site pe flash dar din niste circumstance l-am pierdut. As vrea ca sa aiba 5 pagini. Situl daca se poate sa fie creat pe HTML5 ca sa poata fi acesat si pe iPad. Menu-urile sa fie animate. Pagina de videos sa fie cu Video player-ul pe aceasi pagina fara sa se deschida alta pagina, si video-urile sa fie incorporate in website fara sa fie plug-in de youtube sau vimeo. As vrea daca se poate sa primesc template-ul de website ca si fila de Dreamweaver. Caci vreau ca sa pot ca sa fac updates pe pagina de resume si echipament periodic. Doresc ca website-ul sa fie creat intrun fel ca sa pota sa se faca inbunatatiri pe parcurs de exemplu mai multe animatii pe Home page. Si as dori pe cineva care este dispus pentru a lucr...
as avea nevoie pentru magazinul de cateva background-uri mai frumoase. exemple puteti vedea pe . ele sunt formate din imaginea backgroun jpeg. + o imagine .png care vine in centru.
I need a person to be able to make gold generator or program cheat engine for the game atlantica online
Acest proiect este facut de mine. In aproximativ 25 de doreste un asemenea background sa apeleze la mine. Skype: sarmalutza_official Facebook: Malai Andreas Mixail
Candidatii vor lucra ca freelanceri (PFA, ii, SRL) cu contract de colaborare. Ne intereseaza aplicantii ce pot lucra pe termen lung. Cerinte tehnice: Web experience - minimum 1 de experienta , C# background , Extensive JavaScript usage, SQL (MsSQL) , ServiceStack, Web Api (v1 & v2), Angular.js. Alte skills-uri apreciate: experienta in Agile development (SCRUM), jQuery and jQuery Mobile experienta de utilizare , NoSQL este un plus (MongoDB, RavenDb) , Node.js este un plus major, HTML 5 experienta in utilizare. Disponibilitatea la relocare in Bucuresti este obligatorie. Compania ofera: valoare contractuala de baza + 10 % suport pentru taxe + o suma lunara ca si expense allowance + bonus la 6 luni + suport la relocare. Alte facilitati : office snacks, Friday lunch , recreati...
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
Hello, I am in need of a professional SEO service provider. I have had many bad experiences in the past with this type of work and will be very particular in my milestones and in the work and provider i choose. You must have a very extensive background in this type of work. IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 3 FEEDBACK DO NOT BID!!!!! The requirements will be as followed: Must reach TOP3 positions on 3 major search engines of my choice. In this case I need Google, Bing, Yahoo! I would prefer that the person i hire is based out of the United States. MUST MUST MUST be able to communicate with me over "FREELANCER.COM ONLY" (If you cannot, do not bid) Speed is a good, we are hoping to get this project completed in 3 months time. Included in your price i would like to...
Buna ziua, Vreau niste bannere (dimensiuni:728x90,468x60, 160x600, 300x250, 250x300, 210x640) in jur de 10 - 12 buc - cate unul din fiecare, restul las la latitudinea voastra. Bannerele pot fi simple si flash, tema este sa faca referire la cafea, ceai, aparate cafea, bauturi si bineinteles la site-ul care il am. Denumirea siteului o voi da celui care va castiga proiectul ca sa-i fie mai usor. Multumesc Adrian Orbai
Realizarea a 2 bannere flash care vor promova produsele si serviciile companiei. Bannerele vor avea dimensiunile 615 x 90 px si vor fi afisate pe un site de stiri. Cautam persoane ingenioase care pot adapta comunicarea (designul si mesajul) pentru serviciile si produsele care dorim sa le promovam, in functie de mediul unde le promovam.
Creare logo pentru hotel, textul sa fie clasic gen "Amaze, Caliph" sa contina "Hotel Premier Class" cu 3 stelute "hotel de 3 stele", ca model las la aprecierea designer-ului. background: transparent marime: cea mai mare si rezolutie speciala pe 121x41px
ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit. este atasat un document cu 3 link-uri ca exemplu ce vreau sa ruleze.
Buna ziua, ma numesc Anca Simona Pintilie si sunt fondatorul co...mai bun, rezolvarea de animozitati in afaceri, castigarea unui client, negocierea si altele - participarea de la distanta - trainingul se sustine online pe o aplicatie consacrata; persoana are drept la intimitate, doar fata trainerului este vizibila. Interactiunea cu ceilalti participanti se face prin chat Serviciile: - training in clasa si online la cerere. Avantajele competitive: - background tehnic - se vor explica ca la carte conceptele utilizate - experienta de management echipe mari de peste 50 angajati de peste 6 ani - experienta in industria de educatie 10 ani gasiti mai multe detalii pe site-ul online in engleza Se ofera comision la vanzare 10 euro. multumesc, Anca Pintilie
Buna ziua, ma numesc Anca Simona Pintilie si sunt fondatorul co...mai bun, rezolvarea de animozitati in afaceri, castigarea unui client, negocierea si altele - participarea de la distanta - trainingul se sustine online pe o aplicatie consacrata; persoana are drept la intimitate, doar fata trainerului este vizibila. Interactiunea cu ceilalti participanti se face prin chat Serviciile: - training in clasa si online la cerere. Avantajele competitive: - background tehnic - se vor explica ca la carte conceptele utilizate - experienta de management echipe mari de peste 50 angajati de peste 6 ani - experienta in industria de educatie 10 ani gasiti mai multe detalii pe site-ul online in engleza Se ofera comision la vanzare 10 euro. multumesc, Anca Pintilie
Despre tine • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Flash, cunoştinţe solide de grafică vectorială în Flash; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare orientată pe obiect; • Cunoştinţe de algoritmică cel putin medii; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare în Action Script 2 şi 3; • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Photoshop; Despre proiect • Dezvoltarea de interfeţe de utilizator, animaţii, tranziţii şi elemente interactive pentru jocuri; • Transpunerea mecanismelor de joc în elemente vizuale şi funcţionale integrate în proiect; • Optimizarea interfeţelor dezvoltate conform capacităţii platformei proiectului; • Integrarea functională a modulului de flash implementat în proiectul dezvoltat; ...
Am nevoie de o persoana care sa sune prospectii proprii sau dintr-o lista furnizata de mine pentru a genera lead-uri. Compania mea ofera o solutie CRM numita CAS genesisWorld - leader pe piata Germana de profil. Limba folosita: romana. Aria geografica: Romania Programul de lucru: nu exista, dar activitatea trebuie sa se desfasoare in intervalul orar: 9:18 Raportare: activitatea trebuie raportata zilnica intr-un fisier excel (model furnizat de noi). Un lead se considera generat daca: - se stabileste intalnirea cu o persoana de decizie sau influentator din compania prospect; - compania este interesata in achizitia unei solutii CRM. Pret: 100 euro/lead generat
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
As dori un site web pentru o canisa. Ceva simplu , un site de prezentare a cainilor pe care ii avem. Precizez ca am deja domeniul cumparat si am si spatiul de stocare. Site-ul as dori sa contina paginile :rrn2. Newsrn3. Males:rn a) male 1rn b) male 2rn c) male 3rn ....rn4. Females:rn a) female 1rn...contina paginile :rrn2. Newsrn3. Males:rn a) male 1rn b) male 2rn c) male 3rn ....rn4. Females:rn a) female 1rn b) female 2rn c) female 3rn ....rn5. Puppy :rn a) next mattingrn b) avaible puppiesrn6. ContactrnrnSite-ul poate fi html sau flash ...rn
Creez site-uri pe orice platforma si aproape orice limbaj de codificare incepand de la site-uri simple html la complexitatea site-urilor flash.
ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit.
Am nevoie de un banner flash 234x60 pixel. este un logo care va trebuii sa aiba impactul de flexibilitate, sa se stranga, sa se dilate doar in momentul in care suntem cu mouse ul pe el, si sa ne redirectioneze catre site. In momentul in care nu avem mouse ul pe banner el sa ramana static.
Am nevoie de programatori Java/Flash. Acesta este un job pe termen lung. Programatorii din Bucuresti au prioritate.
...interioara. Un plus pentru castigator va fi un bridge intre phpbb, 4images si wordpress, astfel ca un utilizator autentificat pe phpbb are acces ca utilizator inregistrat la facilitatile 4images si wordpress, cu . mentinerea rolurilor de administrare sau nu. Tot in header trebuie sa poata fi inserate bannere orizontale la dimensiunile standard IASB 728x90 sau 468x60 indiferent de format (flash,gif,jpg). Banda laterala dreapta/stanga ar trebui sa contina casetele in ordinea: forum (cel mai important) si apoi clasament si restul (a se vedea sugestia atasata). La clasament ar trebui prezentata doar zona de clasament in care se afla echipa (cum e acum), si nu tot clasamentul, cu link pentru detalii/tot clasamentul. Studiati cu atentie structura site-ului, trebuie s...
Am nevoie de cineva care sa imi realizeze un clip in flash sau in ce vrea el nu-mi pasa care sa cuprinda urmatoarele : -animatia este alcatuita din urmatoarele : (valuriile unui ocean sau mare) 2.o planta care creste soare care apare in peisaj . 4 toate elementele se unesc si formeaza un logo Am o schita sugestiva pentru a intelege mai bine ce vreau.(poza2) si una cu planta care va creste (poza 3) rezultatul final poza 4 Pm pentru oferte Multumesc
...and ensuring the message is conveyed as clearly and effectively as possible. The current draft is about 7 pages. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the content of the letter to ensure clarity, engagement and professionalism. - Assist in finalizing the writing to ensure it meets the high standards expected by investors. Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of English grammar and spelling. - Strong background in financial communications. - Experience in content enhancement and professional editing....
** Budget Constrainted Project* please bid only if you're interested to work in this budget(100 Euros MAX) I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create a user-friendly, minimalist Jewell...store will sell jewellery and needs to be built on the best platform available, ideally Shopify. Key requirements: - Attractive, minimalist design - should also Mobile-friendly interface - Easy check-out process - Secure payment system - all available payment methods -SEO keywords optimization Skills and experience needed: - Proficiency in Shopify or equivalent ecommerce platform - Strong background in minimalist design - Experience in creating mobile-friendly ecommerce stores - Knowledge in setting up secure payment systems Please provide examples of your previous work that alig...
I'm looking for an expert web designer to enhance my WordPress site with a modern and minimalist UI. Key tasks include: - Adding promotional banners to the homepage - Beautifying the overall website interface - Setting up my affiliate account Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design, particularly with WordPress. Experience with creating modern, minimalist UI designs and integrating promotional content is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...Create Anime/Manga-Themed Images I’m looking for a creative designer who has at least a basic understanding of anime. Experience is not required but will be a plus. Task: Create eye-catching images for videos about anime/manga. You can check examples of the desired style here: Types of Images: Full-Screen Image: The main character and background fill the entire workspace. The character and background are generated, and additional elements (like portals, magic, etc.) are added to the scene. The goal is to create vibrant, attention-grabbing images featuring magical elements and "systems" (e.g., portals or neon panels symbolizing transportation to another dimension). Split Image (Two Parts): The first part shows the character as weak, bullied by others,...
I am looking for someone who can replicate and improve on ai generated content. You will be sent daily different kind of ai generated clips and your job is to replicate it with prompt, seed files, etc. You should then improve it. this is a part time job and we would start with 10-20 hours per week You should be someone who is always experimenting with a lot of different models, paid tools etc.
I am seeking a highly qualified virtual assistant for a long-term engagement to efficiently handle daily IT consulting project opportunities and scheduling tasks. As an inte... Excel, and Chrome. --Access to a working computer. --Nice to have: Experience with Chrome plugins for automated form filling. --Previous experience in responding to IT consulting job requests is a PLUS! Required Tools: --Gmail --Excel --OpenAI ChatGPT --Chrome --Nice to have: Chrome plugins for automated form filling --Working computer If you are a detail-oriented individual with a strong background in IT consulting and the ability to manage multiple tasks efficiently, I invite you to apply for this exciting virtual assistant position. Join the team and contribute to the success of our daily IT consulting o...
I need a mobile app for both iOS and Android that interfaces with my ESP32 C3 on a PCB. The ESP32 controls a simple LED and a timer turning the LED on and off. The app should display the LED status and timer countdown using a combination of text and graphics. Specific requirements: - The app should be able to control multiple sensors, primarily a load cell. - Ideal skills for the job include experience in mobile app development, particularly with iOS and Android, and familiarity with ESP32 microcontrollers. - A background in designing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to display real-time data would be highly beneficial. The goal of this project is to create an interactive and user-friendly app that allows for real-time monitoring and control of the LED and the load cell ...
...Development - Salesforce Consulting - AI/ML Services - Data Analysis All are targeted toward international markets (US, Europe, Gulf, LATAM ). The ideal candidate should have a strong background in IT sales, particularly in software development services. Experience dealing with small businesses is a plus. You should possess excellent communication skills, a proactive approach to sales, and the ability to understand and convey complex technical concepts simply. - The primary goal for the sales consultant will be to increase sales revenue and drive business growth. - The ideal candidate will have a strong background in sales, preferably within the IT services industry in US, UK, LATM & Europe markets. - Key skills and experience required for this role include: - Prov...
I'm seeking a proactive, experienced Virtual Assistant with a strong background in planning, personal assistance and sales to enhance my LinkedIn networking and overall productivity. Key Responsibilities: - Optimize my LinkedIn profile to attract potential clients - Connect with prospective clients on LinkedIn - Network with new individuals on LinkedIn - Reach out to potential prospects on LinkedIn - Help build my follower base Scheduling & Planning Tasks: - Coordinate travel arrangements - Manage my daily to-do lists - Be consistently active, responsive and available - Research business opportunities or industry trends - Assist with LinkedIn profile building and network expansion Ideal candidates should possess: - Proven experience as a Virtual Assistant, Personal Ass...
I am seeking an experienced web developer to build a website for my international logistics company, focusin...freight and freight forwarding services. The site should be professional, user-friendly, and optimized for e-commerce, as it will cater to a global audience. - The website will need to showcase our freight forwarding services with ease of navigation and informative content. - Experience in creating e-commerce platforms is a must as the site will include features for online booking and payment. - A background in logistics or freight forwarding is a plus, as it will aid in understanding the specific needs and functionalities required for the site. - The site should be SEO optimized to enhance visibility and reach. Please provide examples of previous similar projects you...
I'm in need of a soft copy of the circuit/wiring diagram for the Carestream DRX Evolution X-Ray. The diagram should be in PDF format and detail the connections from the X-ray console to the generator, the chest bulky, and the tube head with moderate detail, including key connections. Simply put, I'm looking for: - A PDF circuit/wiring diagram for the Carestream DRX Evolution X-Ray - Diagram detailing key connections to specific components - Moderate detail level with key connections If you have access to this document, I'm happy to pay for it. Please get in touch. Thank you.