Flash actionscript time base gameproiecte
Salut, Am nevoie de 3 bannere. I. Dimensiuni banner: 1. 728x90 format flash (apare pe ) 2. 930x120 format gif sau flash, max. 100kb (apare in reteaua mediafax) 3. 300x250 format gif sau flash, max. 100kb (apare in reteaua mediafax) II. Continut slidere 4-5 slidere, textul si background il avem noi. Pot trimite logo-urile, macheta de presa, poze pentru background. Bugetul poate fi usor negociabil, daca ne incadram in timp, in cateva ore!
salut, vreau sa fac un site de jocuri flash daca esti diponibil si poti face , astept raspuns , mersi
salut, vreau sa fac un site de jocuri flash daca esti diponibil si poti face , astept raspuns, mersi
salut, vreau sa fac un sait cu jocuri flash , dami te rog un raspun daca esti deacor sa faci sau daca dispui de timp
Doresc ca sa i-mi refac websitul meu personal. Inainte am avut un site pe flash dar din niste circumstance l-am pierdut. As vrea ca sa aiba 5 pagini. Situl daca se poate sa fie creat pe HTML5 ca sa poata fi acesat si pe iPad. Menu-urile sa fie animate. Pagina de videos sa fie cu Video player-ul pe aceasi pagina fara sa se deschida alta pagina, si video-urile sa fie incorporate in website fara sa fie plug-in de youtube sau vimeo. As vrea daca se poate sa primesc template-ul de website ca si fila de Dreamweaver. Caci vreau ca sa pot ca sa fac updates pe pagina de resume si echipament periodic. Doresc ca website-ul sa fie creat intrun fel ca sa pota sa se faca inbunatatiri pe parcurs de exemplu mai multe animatii pe Home page. Si as dori pe cineva care este dispus pentru a lucr...
Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul , , ,trebuie sa aiba toate functionalitatile acestor site-uri , trebuie sa fie simplu de admin...everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !
I need a person to be able to make gold generator or program cheat engine for the game atlantica online
Buna ziua, Vreau niste bannere (dimensiuni:728x90,468x60, 160x600, 300x250, 250x300, 210x640) in jur de 10 - 12 buc - cate unul din fiecare, restul las la latitudinea voastra. Bannerele pot fi simple si flash, tema este sa faca referire la cafea, ceai, aparate cafea, bauturi si bineinteles la site-ul care il am. Denumirea siteului o voi da celui care va castiga proiectul ca sa-i fie mai usor. Multumesc Adrian Orbai
Realizarea a 2 bannere flash care vor promova produsele si serviciile companiei. Bannerele vor avea dimensiunile 615 x 90 px si vor fi afisate pe un site de stiri. Cautam persoane ingenioase care pot adapta comunicarea (designul si mesajul) pentru serviciile si produsele care dorim sa le promovam, in functie de mediul unde le promovam.
„Tehnologie nouă şi utilaje performante” - iată două cerinţe pentru o agricultură modernă. Aceasta este şi deviza societăţii comerciale “Euro - Agri “ , creată la 14 ianuarie 2013, având ca obiectiv efectuarea unei game complete de lucrări agricole, la standarde europene, pe terenurile luate în arendă. Am creat “Euro-Agri” cu 40 % fonduri proprii şi 60% fonduri europene nerambursabile. Societatea efectuează toate lucrările agricole necesare înfiinţării, întreţinerii şi recoltării culturilor de grâu, porumb şi floarea soarelui pe terenurile luate in arendă. Produsele agricole obţinute sunt valorificate pe piaţa internă.
ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit. este atasat un document cu 3 link-uri ca exemplu ce vreau sa ruleze.
Despre tine • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Flash, cunoştinţe solide de grafică vectorială în Flash; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare orientată pe obiect; • Cunoştinţe de algoritmică cel putin medii; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare în Action Script 2 şi 3; • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Photoshop; Despre proiect • Dezvoltarea de interfeţe de utilizator, animaţii, tranziţii şi elemente interactive pentru jocuri; • Transpunerea mecanismelor de joc în elemente vizuale şi funcţionale integrate în proiect; • Optimizarea interfeţelor dezvoltate conform capacităţii platformei proiectului; • Integrarea functională a modulului de flash implementat în proiectul dezvoltat; ...
Buna ziua Compania noastra este in cautarea unui programator PHP/MySql care sa se alature echipei software pentru dezvoltarea unei suite de aplicatii pentru device-uri mobile (IOS si Android) si web. Colaborarea este tip project base/part time si va avea durata de aproximativ 4 luni. Daca sunteti interesat de mai multe detalii, va rog sa ma contactati. Matei Ana Maria @ 0730 053 734
Hi, I am looking to enter the Android game market. I want to make a game like this Cleaner design, and updated graphics. I want a long term business relationship. It is my first game and at the moment i want experience so i will not be looking to spend so much money on my first game. I want to get on app store quick. I need your help and then when i get more experienced we can make a lot more games much faster. We can discuss Price and Days later. Let me know if you want work with me and make simple fun and addictive android games. Thanks Dave
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
As dori un site web pentru o canisa. Ceva simplu , un site de prezentare a cainilor pe care ii avem. Precizez ca am deja domeniul cumparat si am si spatiul de stocare. Site-ul as dori sa contina paginile :rrn2. Newsrn3. Males:rn a) male 1rn b) male 2rn c) male 3rn ....rn4. Females:rn a) female 1rn...contina paginile :rrn2. Newsrn3. Males:rn a) male 1rn b) male 2rn c) male 3rn ....rn4. Females:rn a) female 1rn b) female 2rn c) female 3rn ....rn5. Puppy :rn a) next mattingrn b) avaible puppiesrn6. ContactrnrnSite-ul poate fi html sau flash ...rn
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el...
Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Daca proiectul iasa bine. Creatoru va primii bani de fiecare data cand va face o ajustare.
Creez site-uri pe orice platforma si aproape orice limbaj de codificare incepand de la site-uri simple html la complexitatea site-urilor flash.
doresc un job part time, deorece deja muncesc , dar salariul este mic. vorbesc italiana si engleza fluent, am cunostinte f bune de calculator, iar in prezent lucrez la o companie de telecomunicatii italiana, departamentul servicii
ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit.
Sarut mana, te angajez ca cititoare si amanta . Cititoare de lectura part time sau full time si in timpul tau liber trebuie sa-mi fii si voi plati personal pentru fiecare ora lucrata cu 5 lei noi pe ora cateva romane pe care vreau sa mi le citesti pe rand, sa mi le citesti cat poti de nu pot sa citesc scrii repede poti sa faci cate un rezumat la fiecare capitol sau la fiecare 10 pagini citite din fiecare roman. nAdresa mea de e-mail este: ionutpaunescu84@
Am nevoie de un banner flash 234x60 pixel. este un logo care va trebuii sa aiba impactul de flexibilitate, sa se stranga, sa se dilate doar in momentul in care suntem cu mouse ul pe el, si sa ne redirectioneze catre site. In momentul in care nu avem mouse ul pe banner el sa ramana static.
Am nevoie de programatori Java/Flash. Acesta este un job pe termen lung. Programatorii din Bucuresti au prioritate.
Va pun la dispozitie o serie de 5 proiecte part-time online,puteti lucra cand doriti dvs,de cate ori doriti programul vi-l faceti singuri..Nu este nevoie de CV si nu este necesar sa ai +18. Trebuie sa precizez ca nu o sa va rapeasca mult timp ( circa 20-30 min max/zi). Cei interesati contactati-ma la adresa : va stau la dispozitie.
...interioara. Un plus pentru castigator va fi un bridge intre phpbb, 4images si wordpress, astfel ca un utilizator autentificat pe phpbb are acces ca utilizator inregistrat la facilitatile 4images si wordpress, cu . mentinerea rolurilor de administrare sau nu. Tot in header trebuie sa poata fi inserate bannere orizontale la dimensiunile standard IASB 728x90 sau 468x60 indiferent de format (flash,gif,jpg). Banda laterala dreapta/stanga ar trebui sa contina casetele in ordinea: forum (cel mai important) si apoi clasament si restul (a se vedea sugestia atasata). La clasament ar trebui prezentata doar zona de clasament in care se afla echipa (cum e acum), si nu tot clasamentul, cu link pentru detalii/tot clasamentul. Studiati cu atentie structura site-ului, trebuie s...
Am nevoie de cineva care sa imi realizeze un clip in flash sau in ce vrea el nu-mi pasa care sa cuprinda urmatoarele : -animatia este alcatuita din urmatoarele : (valuriile unui ocean sau mare) 2.o planta care creste soare care apare in peisaj . 4 toate elementele se unesc si formeaza un logo Am o schita sugestiva pentru a intelege mai bine ce vreau.(poza2) si una cu planta care va creste (poza 3) rezultatul final poza 4 Pm pentru oferte Multumesc
I want a web and mobile application which will be run for my franchise base restaurants. 1. Restaurant signup 2. Menu Management 3. Order management 4. Delivery management Already developed in php User login 8018884982 1234 But I need advance UI/UX with advance web application, with Android and iPhone app.
I'm looking for an experienced modder to create a full conversion mod for Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. This mod should transport the game into the expansive universe of Star Citizen. Key Elements of the Mod: - Integrate all aspects of Star Citizen, including ships and vehicles, planets and locations, characters and lore, as well as additional factions and organizations. - Prioritize the space combat gameplay elements from Star Citizen. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in modding Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. - Deep understanding of the Star Citizen universe, including its ships, lore, and factions. - Experience with implementing complex gameplay elements into existing games. - Strong skills in creating and improving graphics and textures. The goal of...
I've developed an HR system using the MERN stack and now I'm looking to enhance it with two crucial features: time tracking and a shift planner. I have competitor examples that I would like to emulate in functionality. Key Features: - Time Tracking: This feature should include an automatic clock-in/out system based on employee location. - Shift Planner: Employees should be able to: - View their shifts - Request changes to their shifts - Swap shifts with their colleagues Additionally, I require: - Detailed reports generated from the time tracking data. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Solid experience with the MERN stack - Previous work on time tracking and shift planning features is a plus - Ability to understand and implement features based...
I'm seeking a skilled modder and scripter to enhance my Marvel Spider-Man video game experience. The goal is to introduce Villain NPC fights throughout the city, creating engaging side-quests for players. Key Responsibilities: - Script and implement mod to spawn villain NPCs across the city. - Design and integrate these encounters as captivating side-quests with possible existing fighting styles and models. Skills and Experience: - Prior experience with Marvel Spider-Man modding is a significant plus. - Proficiency in game scripting languages. - Creative mindset for designing engaging side-quests. - Strong understanding of RPG mechanics.
As a growing technology company, we are in need of a seasoned Human Resource professional with at least one year of relevant experience. The successful candidate will take charge of the following responsibilities: - Client Onboarding: Facilitating the smooth transition of our external partners and contractors into our company. - Employee Benefi...addition, the HR specialist will also be responsible for processing payroll. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in HR within the tech industry, excellent communication skills for managing various stakeholders, and a knack for precision in payroll processing. Experience with employee benefits management is also a plus. We are looking for someone who can seamlessly handle our diverse client base, from internal staff to external...
I'm looking for an expert who can help me create a system for managing invoices and timesheets. The main purpose of this project is both time tracking for employees and billing clients. Requirements: - Invoices: Client details, Service descriptions, Payment terms should all be included. - Timesheets: Employee details, Hours worked, Project details are crucial components.
- Simulador 3d a partir de fotos de 4 distintos angulos. - Del modelo 3D tener herramientas para ajustar las dimensiones del modelo(nariz, menton, etc) - Estructurar BD de pacientes. - Las fotos del antes y despues se guardara en una plataforma de gestión de fotos,citas, pacientes historial medico. - Notificación en tiempo real de futuros controles.(mail). -Mantenimiento ...4 distintos angulos. - Del modelo 3D tener herramientas para ajustar las dimensiones del modelo(nariz, menton, etc) - Estructurar BD de pacientes. - Las fotos del antes y despues se guardara en una plataforma de gestión de fotos,citas, pacientes historial medico. - Notificación en tiempo real de futuros controles.(mail). -Mantenimiento de Clientes. Se recomiendo hacerlo en .NET, REACT, JS ...
I'm looking to create a simple website for a PC- and mobile based quiz game. The site needs to support scores and ranks. Key Requirements: - A game-focused website with score tracking and ranking features. - The game will be a quiz-style. - The site must be developed for PC compatibility. Ideal Skills: - Web development experience is a must. - Knowledge of game development and design is preferred. - Experience with creating interactive websites will be an advantage.
I'm looking to create a simple website for a PC- and mobile based quiz game. The site needs to support scores and ranks. Key Requirements: - A game-focused website with score tracking and ranking features. - The game will be a quiz-style. - The site must be developed for PC and mobile phone compatibility. Ideal Skills: - Web development experience is a must. - Knowledge of game development and design is preferred. - Experience with creating interactive websites will be an advantage.
We’re working on a SocialFi and Web3 game platform and believe your experience could really help us out. You’re welcome to join as a technical manager or developer, and you can work part-time or full-time, all remotely. Recently, We’ve decided to start a long-term partnership with Crypto Oasis, and this project is for one of our investors in the UAE. We’re planning to launch our MVP in about 3–4 months with a budget of $5M. This is a Web3 platform that includes: - A decentralized exchange - Games - Multi-game community features - NFTs/Tokens - Live streaming services We started this journey last year and created MVP v1, but we had to pause it for over six months due to some miscommunication with our investors. Now, we’re re...
I need a MondayCRM expert to assist me in setting up the platform during a screen-sharing session. The focus will be on configuring the sales pipeline with the features I want. The ideal candidate should possess: - Proficient knowledge of MondayCRM - Experience in sales pipeline setup - Skills in creating custom stages and milestones - Ability to configure automated workflows - Competence in integrating MondayCRM with other tools Please note that the integration with other tools is necessary, but I have not specified the exact tools yet. Your expertise in identifying suitable integrations is appreciated.
I need a PHP expert to help with my project involving a .json file that updates in real-time on a local server. The project is purely in PHP and doesn't use any frameworks like Laravel or CodeIgniter. Key Requirements: - The .json file will contain real-time statistics. - The system should automatically update only when the .json data changes, not on a set interval. - The access log should only record when there is a manual refresh, not during the automatic updates. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with PHP - Familiarity with handling .json files - Skills in creating efficient, log-reducing systems.
...referral sources on the East Coast is a significant plus. Compensation: This is a 1099 contract position offering a base pay of up to $5,000 per month, plus a competitive commission based on the volume and/or value of air ambulance transports secured. You will have significant earning potential beyond the base by exceeding sales targets. Territory: East Coast, United States (Specific states of focus may be further defined during the interview process, e.g., Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast) Why Work With Us: Be your own boss: Enjoy the flexibility and freedom of working as an independent contractor. High earning potential: Your success directly translates to your income, with a solid base to start from. Make a difference: Help us provide critical, life-saving serv...
I’m seeking an experienced AI developer to build a customer support chatbot designed to handle frequently asked questions. As I aim to grow my customer base internationally, the chatbot must support multiple languages. Key Skills Required: Expertise in AI and chatbot development. Proven experience in developing multilingual chatbot systems. Deep understanding of customer support workflows and requirements. If you have a track record of creating efficient, user-friendly, and scalable chatbot solutions, I’d love to collaborate with you on this project!
I'm looking for an experienced game developer to create a 3D mobile game similar to Candy Crush. This game needs to be designed for iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - Develop a 3D, Candy Crush-inspired mobile game. - Implement a comprehensive level progression system. - Integrate in-app purchases seamlessly into the game. - Ensure the game is engaging and user-friendly, with a balance of challenge and enjoyment. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in mobile game development, particularly in creating 3D games. - Strong understanding of level design and progression in mobile games. - Experience in implementing in-app purchases. - Ability to create engaging, user-friendly game interfaces.
Tower defense game with 30 levels with cartoon style for android device
Başlık: Oyun Konsolları İçin Anlık Altyazı Çeviri Uygulaması Proje Açıklaması: Oyun konsolları için mağazalarda yayınlanabilecek bir uygulama geliştirmek istiyorum. Uygulama, oyun sırasında İngilizce altyazıları algılayarak Türkçeye çevirecek ve aynı yerde Türkçe altyazı olarak gösterecek. Gereksinimler: Altyazı Algılama: İngilizce altyazılar oyun sırasında gerçek zamanlı olarak algılanmalı. Çeviri: Altyazılar hızlı ve doğru bir şekilde Türkçeye çevrilmeli. Gösterim: Türkçe altyazılar, mevcut altyazıların üstüne eklenmeli ve İngilizce altyazılar gizlenmeli. Performans: Uygulama, konsol sistemine fazla yük bindirmeden çalışmalı. Uyumluluk: PlayStation St...
Başlık: Oyun Konsolları İçin Anlık Altyazı Çeviri Uygulaması Geliştirme Proje Açıklaması: Oyun konsolları için mağazalarda yayınlanabilecek bir uygulama geliştirmek istiyorum. Uygulamanın temel işlevi, oyun sırasında gösterilen altyazıları gerçek zamanlı olarak algılamak, bu altyazıları Türkçeye çevirmek ve aynı altyazı konumunda Türkçe olarak göstermek olacak. Proje gereksinimleri: Altyazı Algılama: Uygulama, İngilizce altyazıları oyun sırasında anlık olarak algılayacak. Altyazıları doğru ve hızlı bir şekilde işleyebilmeli. Çeviri: İngilizce altyazılar Türkçeye çevrilecek. Çeviri mümkün olduğunca hızlı ve doğru yapılmalı. Altyazı Gösterimi: Çevrilen Tü...
TechVantage is a cutting-edge technology company focused on delivering custom software and innovative technology. We are currently building an Web3 Blockchain Idle Game and are looking for a talented Blockchain & Web3 Full Stack Engineer to join our team. Company: Responsibilities: - Integrate blockchain functionalities with existing backend and frontend systems. - Develop Smart Contracts and APIs for blockchain interactions and transaction management. - Implement in the frontend for seamless blockchain integration. Join us at TechVantage and be a part of the future of digital assets!
...Público-Alvo: Primário: Jovens adultos (16-35 anos) fãs de Apex Legends, Cyberpunk, etc. Secundário: Streamers e jogadores casuais atraídos por narrativas complexas. Gameplay: Battle Royale com habilidades exclusivas baseadas nas células. Dinâmicas de alianças e eventos que alteram a IA AURA. Apresentação do Sistema Back-End do Jogo Prezados Investidores, Estamos entusiasmados em compartilhar a base tecnológica do nosso jogo, que já demonstra grande potencial para se tornar uma experiência marcante no mercado de jogos eletrônicos. Nosso foco inicial foi desenvolver um sistema de combate inovador e escalável, utilizando a eficiência da linguagem C++ e uma arquitetura c...
...shapes, blending nature with technology. o Abstract Neural Network Cluster: Include a small, concentrated cluster of connected nodes near one mountain peak to signify AI intelligence in a subtle way. o Fractal Patterns: Use fractal or AI-inspired geometric patterns subtly within the slopes or edges of the mountains to symbolize innovation. o Digital Horizon: Add a soft, glowing horizontal line at the base of the mountains to create a “digital horizon” effect for a grounded yet tech-forward look. 3. Modern Typography: o Use a sleek, sans-serif font like Futura, Montserrat, or Proxima Nova to ensure a clean, contemporary feel. o Ensure the font is bold and compact for readability at small sizes. o Optional: Add a subtle metallic gradient or a slight neon-blue glow to th...
Estamos buscando a un Freelancer que nos ayude con la implementación de una nueva base de datos en Odoo, para los modulos de ventas, compras, inventario, contabilidad.