Exhibition stand design examplesproiecte
modelare si proiectare a unui stand comercial tip insula in galeria comerciala a unui mall se doreste sa: - aibe un aspect Oriental/Arabesc - aduca o nota de evidentiere - aduca o nota de eleganta - sa detina spatiu de depozitare - vitrina din sticla sau policarbonat transparent pentru eventuale curbe - dimensiunea este de 4m lungime , 2 m latime - sa detina elemente de reclama sau panotaj - sa beneficieze de iluminare multa - sa beneficieze de usa de acces - producerea noului model sa nu creeze dificultate de productie - conceperea sa fie modulata astfel incat sa poate fi transportata, montata eventual demontata si mutata usor - bugetul de productie este mediu - pentru un efort mai mic de inceput se accepta si varianta design de concept - in cazul unor eventuale intre...
...care să ne ajute cu materialele grafice ( print și online) pentru o campanie de informare care se va desfășura în magazine ale unui retailer român. Iată câteva detalii despre pachetul de grafică de care avem nevoie: 1. Logo Campanie 2. Design pentru flyer A4, 3 folded - 6 secțiuni ( text + poze). Textele vor fi furnizate de noi, elementele grafic+ poze de către tine ( ne dorim poze cu persoane reale care să se potrivească cu personajele din campania noastră) 3. Design floor sticker - un sticker care va fi amplasat pe podeaua magazinului 4. Design stand carton pentru flyere - 3 laturi - înălțime 1 m 5. Cover pagina FB 6. 7 vizualuri pentru postări FB Ca termen: materialele trebuie să fie gata până pe 22 octombrie pentru a p...
We are looking for a Swift (iOS) developer. We are looking for a Java (Android) developer. We need to see some examples of your work. I mean some apps you worked on. Please tell us the names to look them up. Thank you.
modelare si proiectare a unui stand comercial tip insula in galeria comerciala a unui mall se doreste sa: - aibe un aspect Oriental/Arabesc - aduca o nota de evidentiere - aduca o nota de eleganta - sa detina spatiu de depozitare - vitrina din sticla sau policarbonat transparent pentru eventuale curbe - dimensiunea este de 4m lungime , 2 m latime - sa detina elemente de reclama sau panotaj - sa beneficieze de iluminare multa - sa beneficieze de usa de acces - producerea noului model sa nu creeze dificultate de productie - conceperea sa fie modulata astfel incat sa poate fi transportata, montata eventual demontata si mutata usor - bugetul de productie este mediu - pentru un efort mai mic de inceput se accepta si varianta design de concept - in cazul unor eventuale intre...
modelare si proiectare a unui stand comercial tip insula in galeria comerciala a unui mall se doreste sa: - aibe un aspect Oriental/Arabesc - aduca o nota de evidentiere - aduca o nota de eleganta - sa detina spatiu de depozitare - vitrina din sticla sau policarbonat transparent pentru eventuale curbe - dimensiunea este de 4m lungime , 2 m latime - sa detina elemente de reclama sau panotaj - sa beneficieze de iluminare multa - sa beneficieze de usa de acces - producerea noului model sa nu creeze dificultate de productie - conceperea sa fie modulata astfel incat sa poate fi transportata, montata eventual demontata si mutata usor - bugetul de productie este mediu - pentru un efort mai mic de inceput se accepta si varianta design de concept - in cazul unor eventuale intre...
...cumpărare. 7. Gestionați cheltuielile magazinului Creați și gestionați cheltuielile magazinului. Setați un tip de cheltuieli și atribuiți-l cuiva. 8. Gestionați dispozitivele Creați dispozitive de magazin. Atribuiți un dispozitiv unui rol. Conectați un dispozitiv la standul dvs. (Acest lucru este din motive de securitate). 9. Gestionați documentele din magazin Creați și gestionați documente de stand. Creați și gestionați categoria documente. Alte caracteristici Aspecte de proiectare a materialelor. Autentificare / Înregistrare / Modificare parolă și Modificare e-mail acceptate. Pagina Detalii magazin. Suport multi utilizatori și suport multi standuri. Reclame Google. Logare personal. Imprimați din Bluetooth și din software-ul de imprimare terță parte (USB, WIFI și Blue...
...medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract our attention through colors, elements used ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief description of the brand: 1. Background / Overview: ● Con...
...in prezent. NU le copiati exact! Sa fie creatia voastra. Daca doriti publicitate va voi lasa link-ul de la fb / instagram sau alte retele la fiecare video in parte. Va multumesc anticipat! // English I need a banner and a "Animated" profile image for this YT channel: Conditions: - The banner wants to get along well with what I do on YT, be attractive and stand out. - I would also like to be named GBogdan, writing beautifully positioned where you want. - The profile picture should be with the name GBogdan and be related to the Banner, as I have it now. -Keywords: Minecraft BedWars, Minecraft Survival Games, Minecraft Vanilla, Home Sweet Home, Horror WeeKend (These would like to be combined in a banner without writing the name of the game.) Not necessarily
Proiectul este un caiet de exercitii medicale pentru pacienti. In total sunt 10 exercitii c...Exercitiul se repeta de 5-10 ori. 2. Pozitia de baza este asezat pe scaun, spatele drept, membrele inferioare departate, palmele pe genunchi. Pacientul ridica membrul superior drept, oblic sus cu rasucirea trunchiului, privind palma dreapta, pe inspir, cu revenire pe expir, cu buzele rotunjite. Exercitiul se repeta de 6-10 ori si se reia exercitiul cu membrul superior stang. 3. Pozitia de baza este stand in picioare cu un baston prins de capete, membrele inferioare departate. Pacientul inspira pe nas, cu ridicarea bastonului deasupra capului, si se expira pe gura, cu buzele rotunjite si aplecarea trunchiului in fata pana ajunge cu bastonul la nivelul genunchilor. Exercitiul se repeta de...
Detin un stand de frana care este conectat la un calculator, softul ruleaza sub win98, a fost achizitionat in 2001 cu factura, din pacate calculatorul vechi a murit, am mutat hard-ul in alt calculator, dar acum imi spune ca nu gaseste cheia. Din pacate cei de la Texa care sunt producatorii aparatului spun ca nu mai au in baza de date softuri sau documentatie mai veche de 10 ani. Caut pe cineva care sa il poate face sa ruleze pe noul calculator. se poate trimite imaginea dupa hard disk
modelare si proiectare a unui stand comercial tip insula in galeria comerciala a unui mall se doreste sa: - aduca o nota de evidentiere - aduca o nota de eleganta - sa detina spatiu de depozitare - vitrina din sticla sau policarbonat transparent pentru eventuale curbe - dimensiunea este de 4m lungime , 2 m latime - sa detina elemente de reclama sau panotaj - sa beneficieze de iluminare multa - sa beneficieze de usa de acces - producerea noului model sa nu creeze dificultate de productie - conceperea sa fie modulata astfel incat sa poate fi transportata, montata eventual demontata si mutata usor - bugetul de productie este mediu - pentru un efort mai mic de inceput se accepta si varianta design de concept - in cazul unor eventuale intrebari se poate face upgrade la c...
Am nevoie de logo pentru un stand cu bubble tea. Numele este TEALICIOUS. Culorile preferate : baby pink, baby blue si auriu. Designul il vreau cat mai simplu
design de mobilier comercial al unui stand de vanzare tip insula in galeria comerciala a unui mall se doreste schimbare de design plecand de la o forma existenta
Hi Freelancers, Caut un expert pe Javascript/jQuery cu care sa colaborez pe termen lung. Pentru inceput am de facut un formular asemanator cu cel din Partea de HTML si CSS este deja creata si mai este doar partea de javascript. Eu lucrez cu o mica echipa de baieti din Romania la diferite proiecte pentru oameni din strainatate si pot oferi de lucru constant. Sunt interesat sa gasesc o persoana serioasa care sa fie motivata sa lucreze si pe care sa ma pot baza. Multumesc ca licitati, Ciprian
Ma intereseaza un program de orice fel (stand alone, extensie pentru chrome, pagina web) care sa extraga anumite date dintr-un site de tip e-commerce. Am nevoie de el pentru realizarea unor statistici. M-ar interesa sa functioneze cu mai multe site-uri, insa, in principal, cu site-ul emag deoarece este cel mai complet din punct de vedere al produselor. Spre exemplu, sa acceseze o categorie din care sa extraga fiecare produs impreuna cu detaliile sale vizibile din pagina de categorie (nume, pret, promotie, stoc) si sa le listeze intr-un fisier (preferabil excel). Cam asta-i ideea, mai multe detalii pot oferi persoanei care va dori sa se ocupe de proiect. Multumesc.
Proiect stand 5m x 3m, stand de colt, se doreste foarte elegant. Promoveaza un produs anti-celulita. O masa + 2-3 scaune; Suport LCD; un oficiu mic; Conceptul trebuie sa fie deschis, si elegant.
Proiect de stand personalizat de dimensiuni 6mx4m, 2 laturi deschise, cu structuri din aluminiu, simplu si elegant. Mocheta, vitrine pentru exponate, un desk, o masa cu 4 scaune, sigla firmei si iluminat standard.
Aplicatia trebuie sa gestioneze angajatii unei firme: date personale, date de angajare, istoric, sanctiuni. Totul va fi sub forma de aplicatie stand alone instalata pe calculatoarele care vor accesa aceasta baza de date, functie de privilegii, parolate. Baza de date sa fie pe un server MS SQL.
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi
Toata enigma se pierduse odata cu ea in negura timpului. Ce rost mai avea sa patrunda acel mister care-l macina inauntru? Parasi camera cu un gust amar in suflet, dar inainte de a inchide usa, arunca o ultima privire. O vazu stand la fereastra, asezata comod pe pervaz cu mainile incolacite in jurul genunchilor. El zambi! Ea era… nu se insela de data aceasta! Nu mai visa. Cand toti ceilalti o uitau, camera aceea nu voia sa renunte la dansa. Pastra amprenta unei fete pierdute intr-un mister de nepatruns! Inchise usa in urma lui si pleca. Din departare, in spatele usii, inca se-auzea aceeasi melodie trista!
Need to create a logotype. Should be similiar to the lgotype on The name should be "Seqway Arena" The colors to use is: #f00000 #fff700 Need examples asap. The logotype need to be in vector and PSD Budget: 50 USD
I'm seeking a video editor to create an engaging promotional video for my premium stock ...maintain viewer engagement. Key requirements: - Incorporate an upbeat and energetic music track - Use of company colors throughout the video - Inclusion of sound effects and music in sync with the visual elements - Video format suitable for Instagram story, Instagram reel, and Facebook Ideal candidates should have experience in video editing and social media content creation. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past. The promotional video should be 15 seconds or less. Please use an energetic and bold visual style for the video. The video should follow a futuristic theme throughout. Feel free to exercise creative freedom while maintaining a bold a...
I'm in need of a creative graphic designer who specializes in creating bold and colorful YouTube thumbnails. My channel primarily focuses on technology, so a knack for tech-themed designs would be beneficial. Key Requirements: - Design vibrant, eye-catching thumbnails that stand out - Incorporate close-up of faces into the designs - Align designs with the bold and colorful style Ideal skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in YouTube thumbnail design - Understanding of technology themes - Ability to create engaging, visually appealing designs I look forward to seeing your creative portfolio!
I'm looking for a skilled freelancer to develop a comprehensive tutorial on generating income through online business. The ideal candidate for this pro...highly appreciated. The tutorial should be created as a video tutorial. The target audience for this tutorial is beginners. The video tutorial should be between 0 to 30 minutes long. The tutorial should include a section on affiliate marketing strategies. The tutorial should include a section on generating income through freelancing. The tutorial should include specific case studies or real-world examples to illustrate key concepts. The video tutorial should have a casual and friendly tone and style to engage the beginners. The video tutorial will be hosted on my own website. The tutorial should include a section on content...
I'm in need of an experienced professional who can assist with setting up a new account and migrating data from my QuickBooks Online. 15-30 invoices per month, no Credit Cards. Data Migration - Invoices and bills - Customer and vendor information - Bank transactions and statements Chart of Accounts - I need help configuring the chart of accounts Fa...chart of accounts Factoring Process Setup - I need the tracking of factoring fees set up in QB - Detailed reporting and analytics are also required. Ideal Skills - Prior experience with d QuickBooks Online is essential. - Expertise in accounting and financial software setup. - Ability to configure a chart of accounts. - Experience with setting up and tracking a factoring process. Please provide examples of similar projects yo...
I'm looking for a creative banner desi...their parents. - It should incorporate 'Bright and Vibrant Colors' to catch the eye and stand out. - Specific elements to include are 'Books and Educational Materials', 'Toys and Playful Elements', as well as our 'School Emblem and Motto'. - Incorporate 'Contact Information' such as phone numbers and email addresses for both schools. - Include 'School Website URLs' so parents can easily find more information online. Ideal Candidates: - Have a strong portfolio in similar work, particularly in designing playful yet educational banners. - Proficient in using bright and vibrant color schemes. - Able to creatively incorporate specific elements without making the design clutte...
I'm looking for a talented designer to create a detailed 2D floor plan for a one-story residential property. This plan will be used in a full-color...one-story residential property. This plan will be used in a full-color brochure, so it needs to be visually appealing and easy to understand. Key Requirements: - The floor plan should highlight the furniture layout in each room. - The design should be suitable for a full-color print brochure. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in 2D design software. - Experience in creating residential floor plans. - Strong understanding of visual design principles for print media. Monochrome floor plan in ready, will send the autocad file upon requirement. Please include examples of similar work in your bid. I have attached a ...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create an information and blog on our existing website. The site will showcase various case studies and projects, so experience with portfolio-style sites is a plus. Key requirements: - Development of an image gallery with categories - Integration of a fullscreen slideshow - Im...portfolio-style sites is a plus. Key requirements: - Development of an image gallery with categories - Integration of a fullscreen slideshow - Implementation of image watermarking Skills needed: - Proficiency in web development - Experience with creating portfolio sites - Knowledge of blog site development - Understanding of implementing security features like image watermarking. Please provide examples of your previous work that align with thes...
...conflicts with WordPress, Tourfic Plugin, or future updates.** --- ## **? Project Timeline & Budget** ⏳ **Expected Timeframe:** **3-5 days** ? **Budget:** **Open to competitive proposals based on experience & quality of work** --- ## **? How to Apply** ? **Please send a proposal with the following details:** ✅ **Your experience with Custom Post Types & Taxonomies in WordPress.** ✅ **Examples of similar work (modifying archive pages, SEO structuring, etc.).** ✅ **Your approach to making these modifications.** ✅ **Estimated timeframe & pricing.** Looking forward to working with an experienced developer to optimize our website’s SEO structure! ? --- ## **? Notes for Posting on Freelancer or Upwork** - **Category:** WordPress Development, ...
I'm in need of a professional to enhance my social media presence on Facebook and Instagram, as well as my visibility on Google Maps. Key Responsibilities: - Improve overall perception and engagement on my social media platforms. - Boost my presence on Google Maps. - Strategize to promote a positive image across these platforms. Ideal Ski...Google Maps. Key Responsibilities: - Improve overall perception and engagement on my social media platforms. - Boost my presence on Google Maps. - Strategize to promote a positive image across these platforms. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media management. - Strong communication and PR skills. - Familiarity with Google Maps business optimization. Please provide your previous work examples related to social media reputat...
I'm looking for a professional to set up an automotive car parts site on Shopify. The site must be fully functional with integrated payment methods, social media, and all necessary features. Key Requirements: - Full Shopify setup for an automotive car parts site. - Integration of payment methods: Credit Card, PayPal, and Apple Pay. ...a solid understanding of Google integration, ratings, and reviews is a plus. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Shopify store setup. - Knowledge of automotive car parts an advantage. - Strong skills in payment and social media integration. - Excellent understanding of Google ratings and reviews. - Ability to ensure full IP ownership. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed. The design theme ...
I'm looking for an expert in music promotion with a focus on securing radio airplay for my Pop track on international stations. Ideally, you should: - Have an extensive network and contacts within international radio stations - Have a proven track record of promoting pop music - Understand how to get my track onto playlists and keep it there - H...and contacts within international radio stations - Have a proven track record of promoting pop music - Understand how to get my track onto playlists and keep it there - Have experience in social media promotion and can integrate this into a comprehensive promotion strategy Your ability to secure airplay, increase my track's visibility, and ultimately, its popularity, is critical. Please provide examples of your past work and a...
I'm in need of a skilled videographer with experience filming concerts. The project involves capturing a variety of shots, both wide and close-up, as well as capturing the audience reactions, stage setup and lighting, and the overall venue atmosphere. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in filming mixed shots (wide and close-up...project involves capturing a variety of shots, both wide and close-up, as well as capturing the audience reactions, stage setup and lighting, and the overall venue atmosphere. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in filming mixed shots (wide and close-up) - Able to capture additional elements effectively - Previous experience filming concerts - Expertise in synchronizing audio with video Please, include examples of your previous work when bidding. The concert will ...
I need a talented photo editor to enhance 6 photos for Instagram. The goal is a clean, cohesive look with natural but polished edits. You should: - Apply consistent color tones (slightly warm/cinematic). - Adjust brightness & contrast for clarity while keeping it natural. - Sharpen key details to make the subject stand out. - Remove distractions (people, objects, clutter) where needed. - Lightly retouch (if a person is in the photo, light skin smoothing without overdoing it). Each photo has small adjustments, like enhancing city lights, cleaning up reflections, or making the sky pop. Full details will be provided to the successful candidate. To confirm you’ve read this brief, include the phrase "NYC UNDERSTOOD" at the beginning of your application. Any bids w...
I'm in need of a skilled audio engineer to edit my radio shows for social media. The editing will primarily involve: - 30 min- shows - Volume leveling to ensure consistent loudness throughout the track - Cleaning the voice to remove any background noise or imperfections - Including pitch adjustments to enhance the overall sound quality - Emphasizing certain...Including pitch adjustments to enhance the overall sound quality - Emphasizing certain emotions at specific points in the show - Ensuring proper pronunciation is highlighted and maintained I'm looking for someone with relevant experience and a deep understanding of audio editing for radio. Ideally, you should be able to make my voice sound as appealing and professional as possible. Please provide examples of past wo...
...project include: - Use of Alang-alang roofing, stonework, and timber - Incorporation of Balinese and Javanese art work - Detailed pool and garden design Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in traditional Balinese and Javanese architecture - Proficiency in landscape design - Skill in detailed stone and timber work - Ability to source and incorporate traditional art pieces Please include examples of similar projects you have worked on in your proposal. I look forward to collaborating with you on this unique and exciting venture. The interior design should feature traditional furniture and decor. The interior design should prominently feature antique wooden furniture. The project is expected to be completed within 1-2 ...
...need a PowerPoint for my company showcasing the projects and features in a modern look. The primary goal of this presentation is to attract new clients, so it needs to be engaging and appealing. The style I prefer for this presentation is 'creative and colorful'. I want it to stand out, so a minimalistic and clean approach won't be suitable. It should show off our successful projects in a way that highlights our capabilities and potential. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Creative design skills - Experience in creating client-focused presentations - Ability to succinctly convey complex information Please include samples of your previous work that fit this description, as well as a brief outline of how you plan to approach t...
...Duration: 30-45 sec, looping seamlessly Format: MP4, GIF, Lottie JSON (optimized for web use) Resolution: Full HD (1920x1080), responsive for different screen sizes Style: Flat, minimalistic, modern motion graphics Integration: Animation should be compatible with our front-end Timeline: First draft in 10 days, final within 3-5 days post-feedback We’ll provide brand assets and reference examples....
I'm looking for a professional graphic designer to create a poster for an upcoming tech exhibition. The poster should highlight our new hardware AI-based product and its features, with the primary goal of attracting visitors to our booth. Key details: - Tone: The style of the poster should be professional. - Content: The poster should specifically focus on the product features. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proven experience in designing exhibition posters or similar promotional materials. - Strong understanding of professional design aesthetics. - Ability to visually communicate technical product features in an appealing way.
...professional sports-themed design that incorporates text that would be seen as sports styled. Minimalist. See the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader picture for inspiration. Key Requirements: - The logo should be primarily text-based, with the words "Making The Team" being the focal point. - It should have a retro feel, reminiscent of the golden age of sports broadcasting, while still being modern and appealing to today's audience. - There should be versions of the logo that are clean, minimalist text-only designs, as well as more complex designs that incorporate a basketball and microphone or a scoreboard. - The logo should ultimately be clean and simple, with the option to add in more complex elements as needed. The text should have a feature behind it, making it st...
I'm looking for a skilled mobile app developer to create a utility or productivity app for both iOS and Android. Key features of the app will include: - Product catalog and search: Users should be able to browse and search through a comprehensive catalog of products. - User reviews and ratings: The app should include a system for users to leave reviews...search through a comprehensive catalog of products. - User reviews and ratings: The app should include a system for users to leave reviews and rate products. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in mobile app development, particularly for utility or productivity apps. Knowledge of e-commerce features such as product catalogs and review systems will be highly beneficial. Please provide examples of your previous wo...
I'm seeking a professional who can expedite the process of getting a draft Wikipedia page approved for a public figure from the entertainment industry. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards for page creation. - Proven track record of getting pages approved within a short time frame. Page is a...who can expedite the process of getting a draft Wikipedia page approved for a public figure from the entertainment industry. Key Requirements: - Extensive knowledge of Wikipedia's guidelines and standards for page creation. - Proven track record of getting pages approved within a short time frame. Page is already written with correct citations. Client wants page approved ASAP. Please provide examples of Wikipedia pages you'v...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive online sports betting exchange site. I have all the necessary APIs ready to integrate. Key Details: - The site wil...have all the necessary APIs ready to integrate. Key Details: - The site will primarily focus on sports betting. - The scope can potentially expand to include various sports in the future, so flexibility in design is important. Essential Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in developing online gaming or betting sites. - Strong understanding of integrating APIs. - Excellent skills in web development, ideally with experience in creating secure, high-traffic websites. - Knowledge of sports betting industry standards and regulations would be beneficial. Please provide examples of previous related proj...
...- All audio inputs, through, and outputs will be in parallel. - The design must be compatible with Phoenix Connectors. - The board dimensions should fit within standard 19-inch rack sizes. I'd like to request a quote for "A simple Phoenix Block PCB board . Using 6 in-line 45 degree angle 6 position blocks in 3 sets in parallel on board that max size 8 inches wide by 6 inches tall. 18 phoenix blocks total , with enough holes for stand offs to mount inside enclosure . Needs to be robust No active circuits. This will be used to buss 12 separate channels of balanced audio ( +, -, ground) to each of the 3 sets of 6 blocks Super simple Phoenix part # 1751516 277-8667-ND Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in PCB design for audio applications. - Prior e...
My primary goal is to increase sales, and I'm looking to do that via email marketing and Facebook Ads. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement an effective email marketing strategy to drive sales. - Create and manage engaging Facebook Ads aimed at...implement an effective email marketing strategy to drive sales. - Create and manage engaging Facebook Ads aimed at boosting sales. - Analyze campaign performance data and adjust strategies to improve ROI. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in email marketing with measurable results. - Proficiency in creating and managing Facebook Ads. - Strong understanding of sales strategies. Please provide examples of previous projects where you've successfully contributed to increasing sales. The campaign should focus on targeting...
Hello, I am looking for a skilled frontend developer with experience in React.js or Vue.js to implement a simple website using an already provided design. The project only involves creating the frontend—no backend development is required. Project Requirements: Accurately implement the provided design. Develop the frontend using React.js or Vue.js with clean and well-organized code. Ensure the website is responsive and compatible with all browsers and screen sizes. Deliver maintainable and scalable code for future updates. Budget: $100 Delivery Time: To be discussed and agreed upon. Please share examples of previous frontend development projects. Thank you!
Long-Term Fundraising & Partnerships Specialist (French Required) Hello, I am looking for a long-term freelancer to help my NGO, MetanoTalk, secure funding, grants, and strategic partnerships. The NGO is based in France and serve...writing, or business development. ✔ Strong communication and networking skills. ✔ Self-motivated and able to work independently. ✔ Interest in mental health and social impact is a plus. Budget & Payment: • Long-term collaboration, paid • Please provide your monthly rate when applying. If you have experience securing grants and partnerships for NGOs, I’d love to hear from you! Please apply with examples of past work in fundraising or business development. Looking forward to working together! My website is : Best, Jennifer
I need a tailored Excel template to streamline my work checks. Currently, I have to manually copy and paste complicated formulas and use text replace functions to substitute keywords like LESS and PLUS with their mathematical counterparts. For examples sake, I want to put in "(25%LESS1/8LESS1/16 of 7/8) of 1/2 of 1/2 of 8/8" in A1, and have a Cell then automatically output that info. I have used substitute functions, then did evaluate formulas, but doesn't turn out right. Key Responsibilities: - Develop an Excel template that can process long form mathematical expressions and return values automatically, saving me the tedious work. - Ensure the template can handle mixed operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Ideal Skills: - Stron...
I'm in need of an experienced application developer who can create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) productivity tool for me. The application should be integrated with Sage. Ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in developing both iOS and Android applications. - Prior experience with creating productivity tools. - Knowledge about Sage and how to...experienced application developer who can create a cross-platform (iOS and Android) productivity tool for me. The application should be integrated with Sage. Ideal candidate should have: - Expertise in developing both iOS and Android applications. - Prior experience with creating productivity tools. - Knowledge about Sage and how to integrate the app with it. Please include in your proposal examples of similar projects you ...