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    2,000 examples articulate learning proiecte găsite

    Salutare! Suntem un start-up educational care vrea sa ofere elevilor un proces gamificat de invatare a matematicii. Acum finalizam noua platforma de e-learning si vrem sa ne marim echipa. Avem nevoie de o persoana care sa se ocupe de partea de Ads (Meta Ads, Google ads etc.), dar suntem deschisi si la alte tipuri de promovare. In echipa exista un editor video si un designer care vor ajuta la crearea reclamelor/postarilor. Multumim!

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    Avem nevoie de sprijinul unui copywriter/social media content creator pentru a se alătura echipei noastre într-o campanie de promovare pe termen scurt, cu posibilitatea de extindere, a unor cărți și instrumente de e-learning destinate tinerilor între 18 și 24 de ani care aspiră să devină polițiști. Responsabilități: - Crearea de text/script pentru 14 postări pe săptămână pentru Facebook și Instagram (inclusiv story și reels) și 6 TikTok-uri, cu focus pe produsele editurii - Conținutul trebuie să fie informativ și atrăgător - Utilizarea creativă a textelor, emoticoanelor și formatarea (bold, italic etc.) Oferta: - Colaborare inițială pe o perioadă scurtă, cu posibilitatea de prelungire până după examenul scris din jumătatea lunii iunie, în funcție de p...

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    Buna, caut un programator care sa ma ajute sa fac o aplicatie de e-learnig care sa fie disponibila în App Store Europa si in Google Play Europa. Detalii in fisierele atasate. Caut doar programatori vorbitori de limba română.

    $1386 Average bid
    $1386 Oferta medie
    52 oferte

    Ești o fire creativă cu experiență în e-learning ca Designer Grafic? În plus, îți dorești o colaborare pe termen lung bazată pe proiecte? Te așteptăm în echipa noastră! Nosco Learning are ca activitate principală dezvoltarea de soluțiile e-learning și implementarea acestora în cadrul organizațiilor. În limbă latină Nosco înseamnă cunoaștere, element definitoriu pentru echipa noastră care se perfecționează constant și se adaptează la noile tendințe și tehnologii din domeniu pentru a oferi servicii de calitate clienților noștri. Nosco Learning este un brand al companiei Pro Fiduciaria care activează pe piața din România începând cu anul 2011. În rolul de Designer Grafic vei dezvolta grafic, cu precă...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    platforma e learning
    S-a încheiat left

    platforma de ateliere online de e-learning

    $804 Average bid
    $804 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    Pentru un proiect de e-learning website (vanzare cursuri) dorim: * migrare / copiata tema de la un hosting provider la altul * tema disponibila este un LMS, dorim sa fie implementata toate functionalitatile acesteia ( * adaugare / integrare plugin separat pentru booking online si plata online ( un plugin unde persoanele sa vada calendarul si sa poata face rezervare si sa poata si plati pt sedinta cand fac rezervarea ) * instalare plugin pentru marketing automatizat (free sau cu plata)

    $206 Average bid
    $206 Oferta medie
    29 oferte

    We are looking for a Swift (iOS) developer. We are looking for a Java (Android) developer. We need to see some examples of your work. I mean some apps you worked on. Please tell us the names to look them up. Thank you.

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    Buna ziua, Reprezint centrul de training si consultanta IT Learning (), “number one” in Romania pe piata de servicii de instruire (online si offline), conform Google, la cautarea dupa cuvintele “curs(uri) Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc” (suita de aplicatii Microsoft Office). Cautam sa identificam un provider cu experienta si agil, care sa ne ofere o solutie completa “all in one” (web design, storyteller, strategie , branding, creative, marketing, etc), pentru a putea vinde acest produs (), al carui potential a fost deja demonstrat. Daca cele de mai sus v-au suscitat interesul, asteptam un raspuns din partea dvs., iar pentru a ne cunoaste si a discuta termenii si conditiile viitoarei colaborari, o

    $5173 - $10346
    $5173 - $10346
    0 oferte
    Promovare online
    S-a încheiat left

    Magazin e-learning romanesc cauta freelanceri pentru promovare facebook ads, cu plata la rezultate (10% din profit)" 1. Crearea de minim 50 de ads/zi cu poze de impact si textele aferente, din care sa fie pastrate cele care produc pana intr-o rata de conversie de 35%, cu un buget cat mai mic de maxim 100-150 lei/zi 2. Crearea a minim 3 landingpages dedicate si testate in permanenta cu reclamele de mai sus, toate cu pixel-ul implementat 3. Optimizarea funnel-urilor de plata 4. Identificarea/Testarea/Crearea de noi audiente Lookalike 5. Marirea constanta a bugetului cu 10-20% la durata si ad-urile ce produc 6. Dezactivarea/Rotirea reclamelor imediat daca el nu produc rata de conversie dorita 7. Duplicarea/Testarea grupurile de ads care produc 8. Automatizarea crearii/gestionar...

    $5353 Average bid
    $5353 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Brand promoter
    S-a încheiat left

    Jobul presupune promovarea serviciilor de turism si E-learning. Ca promoter al brandului nostru vei avea acces la clubul nostru exclusivist de turism, prin care tu si cei carora le promovezi oferta veti avea parte de discounturi considerabile la hoteluri, bilete de avion, etc. Pe langa asta, oferim si cursuri pentru dezvoltare personala, motivational si psihologie, precum si cursuri despre Binary trading, Forex si Crypto. Daca esti o persoana comunicativa si intreprinzatoare te asteptam cu bratele deschise.

    $100 - $30000
    $100 - $30000
    0 oferte
    Proiect phyron-basic
    S-a încheiat left

    ...package; - accessing by place and place; - modification of the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple regression)....

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    ...rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of ​​movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract our attention through colors, elements used ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief description of the brand: 1. Background / Overview: ● Context In April 2020, following restrictions imposed by the authorities to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus, we identified the need for people to co...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    Daca vrei sa activezi in educatia alternativa noi cautam colegi care isi dau voie sa treaca prin repetate transformari si descoperiri interioare alaturi de alti colegi pasionati. Echipa noastra se mareste cu 2 Facilitatori (Learning Facilitators)!

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Salut, caut un asistent/a pe termen lung pentru rescriere articole in romana. Cum se procedeaza ? Eu trimit un bulk cu articolele in engleza, tu le traduci cu Google Translate + aplici o rescriere pe articole astfel incat sa aiba logica in limba romana, sa fie articulate, sa fie corect scrise gramatical. Volum : 400 de articole / luna, respectiv 20 de articole/ zi Pot oferi 500 USD/ lunar

    $531 Average bid
    $531 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    Scrie articole legate de chatbots si inteligenta artificiala si devino partener/redactor permanent pentru publicatia nostra. Este vorba despre o publicatie nisata cu articole despre chatbos, inteligenta artificiala, NLP, machine learning, etc. Tematica este vasta si aveti de unde alege. Poti incepe ca Jr. Content Writer, indiferent de stil si experienta. Documentarea articolului Chiar daca subiectul articolului va este foarte familiar, este recomandat sa aveti la indemana cateva surse de incredere de informare precum articole de research,publicatii, lucrari de specialitate etc. Materialele folosite in documentarea pentru articol se vor indica la finalul articolului intr-o sectiune “Bibliografie”. Daca documentarea a fost facuta online, se vor mentiona site...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Javascript/jQuery Expert
    S-a încheiat left

    Hi Freelancers, Caut un expert pe Javascript/jQuery cu care sa colaborez pe termen lung. Pentru inceput am de facut un formular asemanator cu cel din Partea de HTML si CSS este deja creata si mai este doar partea de javascript. Eu lucrez cu o mica echipa de baieti din Romania la diferite proiecte pentru oameni din strainatate si pot oferi de lucru constant. Sunt interesat sa gasesc o persoana serioasa care sa fie motivata sa lucreze si pe care sa ma pot baza. Multumesc ca licitati, Ciprian

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    Am nevoie de un programator PHP, pentru modificarea unor aplicatii web. Aplicatiile exista, sunt functionale si sunt destinate gestionarii procedurilor unor firme, procesului de audit intern, contractelor, documentelor, userilor, proiectelor, procesului de E-Learning. Bugetul va fi negociat pentru fiecare aplicatie in parte in functie de gradul de complexitate al modificarilor.

    $601 Average bid
    $601 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    Dorim sa colaboram cu un profesionist pentru crearea unul logo pentru un eveniment medical care sa transmita un mesaj de :future generation , medicine, learning. Detaliile complete le vom oferi in privat.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Doresc un site pentru E-Learning cu urmatoarele cerinte: -sa aibe o baza de date -sa fie 3 tipuri de utilizatori (student, profesor, admin) -studentii sa se inregistreze la cursurile profesorilor si sa dea teste -profesorii sa adauge cursuri/teste -admin-ul are control total

    $273 Average bid
    $273 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Doresc sa incarc o tema de wordpress cumparata pe un domeniu .ro si sa ajustez tema la nevoile afacerii pe care o incep si anume Confectionarea Costumelor pentru Barbati La Comanda. Tema contine cam tot ce avem nevoie chiar daca nu este o tema pentru fashion ci una pentru sa stiu daca pot beneficia de Si alte servicii necesare functionarii acestui tip de site cum ar fi modificari in tema daca este posibil.? Mai jos este adresa temei

    $489 Average bid
    $489 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    Am de facut niste modificari mai mari la un site de e-learning, care se va dezvolta pe o tema WP si plugin-ul WPLMS (). Modificarile care trebuiesc facute la nivel de cod sunt: - Toate tranzactiile facute de utilizatori se vor inregistra in fisiere speciale - Raportari periodice a detaliilor privind accesul in sistem a utilizatorilor - Modificarea permisiunilor pentru anumite grupuri de utilizatori, modificari ce nu se pot face din interfata de administrare - Raportari cu filtre multicriteriale : nume tutor, categorie curs, nume curs. Setul de interogare trebuie sa poata fi salvat, impreuna cu rezultatele returnate, pentru o folosire ulterioara. Salvarea va avea un nume si o descriere si va fi afisata in josul paginii

    $2319 Average bid
    $2319 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $357 Average bid
    $357 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $2500 Average bid
    $2500 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Magento Developer needed
    S-a încheiat left

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Magento Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Magento Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...restaurantul Shanghai, la 5 minute de Piata Cipariu) avem in jur de 40 de colegi, care lucreaza in proiecte de aproximativ 5-6 persoane. Media de varsta e in jur de 28 de ani, iar oamenii sunt creativi si relaxati. Iti las mai jos cateva testimoniale ale colegilor din Web, ca sa-ti faci o impresie despre cultura noastra organizationala: • “flexible schedule, lots of benefits, friendly colleagues, learning opportunities, patience from everybody when you start out :), fun team buildings, happy friday, variation in types of projects... and many more. All in all I am very grateful to be working here :D. Thank you all!” • “I really like our PHP building :) it's great for a workspace: D “ Aspectele cele mai apreciate in Evozon sunt, in ordine: m...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi

    $135 Average bid
    $135 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Book Cover Design - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    Hello. I'm looking for someone to help me design a book cover. I love the look where you take a photo and make it look like an illustrtion. I have some examples I'm happy to send. It could end up being something as simple as taking a woman from one illustration and adding it to a new background. I already have the pictures. I had a cover I was using, but decided I needed something more emotional. Which means now I need it in a few weeks so I can start promoting the book for a Halloween release. Brandi

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    Create logotype - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    Need to create a logotype. Should be similiar to the lgotype on The name should be "Seqway Arena" The colors to use is: #f00000 #fff700 Need examples asap. The logotype need to be in vector and PSD Budget: 50 USD

    $73 Average bid
    $73 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    I'm seeking an experienced 3D modeler to create a digital STL model of a Pathfinder character. This model should be intricately designed, showcasing detailed armor and weapons. Realistic facial features are also a key aspect of the model. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Previous experience in character modeling...create a digital STL model of a Pathfinder character. This model should be intricately designed, showcasing detailed armor and weapons. Realistic facial features are also a key aspect of the model. Ideal skills and experience include: - Proficiency in 3D modeling software - Previous experience in character modeling - Attention to detail - Ability to create realistic features. Please provide examples of similar work in ...

    $908 Average bid
    $908 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    ...(e.g., AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure). Proficiency in implementing secure authentication systems (e.g., OAuth, JWT). Preferred Skills: Experience with microservices architecture and serverless frameworks. Knowledge of DevOps practices, including CI/CD pipelines and containerization (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes). Background in scalable platform development with high user volumes. Portfolio: Provide examples of platforms or systems you’ve developed that demonstrate scalability, security, and efficiency. Budget: The budget for this project is $6,000. Proposals exceeding this budget will not be considered. Please include a detailed breakdown of costs and timelines. Why Work With Us? Collaborate on a platform set to transform recruitment and freelancing globally. Flexible, remote ...

    $7402 Average bid
    $7402 Oferta medie
    49 oferte

    ...unique twist: private sections built from shipping containers that customers can rent by the hour. These containers serve as fun, personal spaces for individuals and groups to hit golf balls down the range. **Attached Details:** - A PDF document is provided with: - The logo phrase: "Golf Container" - Images of shipping containers for reference - Concept images showing our business setup - Examples of logos that won in contests for my other businesses to give you an idea of what I like **Design Focus:** - The logo must visually represent the concept of golf and shipping containers. - Aim to create a design that immediately conveys the essence of the business at a glance. Reading the phrase “Golf Container” should confirm what the design already comm...

    $250 Average bid
    Recomandat Garantat
    101 intrări

    ...Safari, Edge). Implement designs provided in Figma or Adobe XD. Core Features to Develop: Homepage: Dynamic and interactive interface highlighting platform features. Job Listings and Filters: Advanced search and filtering for job seekers. Freelancer and Employer Dashboards: Tools for managing profiles, gigs, and job postings. Gig Marketplace: Listings and search features for freelance services. Learning Hub: Integration of online courses, webinars, and certification tracking. Support Center: FAQs, live chat, and ticket submission features. Local Services and Tasks Pages: For booking services and small tasks. Webinars and Podcasts Pages: Hosting and content playback features. Profile Management Pages: Freelancer, employer, and admin profiles. Payment/Subscription System: Secure a...

    $6819 Average bid
    $6819 Oferta medie
    85 oferte

    I'm in urgent need of a video editor to help me create a captivating Valorant montage. The project involves cutting and merging clips, adding effects and transitions, and performing some color correction and grading to make the final product...effects and transitions, and performing some color correction and grading to make the final product as engaging as possible. Ideal freelancer should have: - A strong portfolio of past video editing work, particularly with gaming montages - Experience with a variety of video editing software - A creative eye for detail and timing - Ability to deliver high-quality work quickly Please include examples of your past work, especially if you have experience with gaming montages. The project is time-sensitive and I need the final product as so...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    ...requests. Interest in taking on more responsibilities as the role evolves. Additional Details: Type of Work: Project-based, on-demand. Workload: Flexible – work when tasks are assigned, and remain inactive during quiet periods. Future Growth: Opportunity to expand into more areas of marketing and client engagement. If this sounds like a great fit for you, we’d love to hear from you! Please include examples of your previous work (presentations, proposals, or other marketing materials) when applying....

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    ...and cybersecurity. • Incorporate a deep navy blue and vivid blue color palette. 2. Color Palette & Usage • Primary colors: Deep navy blue and vivid blue. • Complementary or accent colors (optional) to enhance modern, sleek visuals. • Clear guidelines on background and text color usage. 3. Typography Guidelines • Recommendations for primary and secondary fonts (including weights and usage examples). • Must align with the brand’s modern and professional tone. 4. Imagery & Iconography • Guidelines on photography, illustration styles, icon usage. • Advice on how to achieve a sleek and secure, government-focused look while staying visually appealing and modern. 5. Brand Voice & Tone (Optional Inclusion) • Prov...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm looking for a researcher with a deep understanding of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and its technological advancements. This project focuses on exploring the intersection of BIM with Building Automation, AI in construction, and AI in designing. Key research areas include: - Investigating the latest developments in BIM processes within the BIM framework. - Analyzing case studies that showcase the successful integration of these technologies. Ideal skills for this project: - Strong background in building engineering or architecture. - Proficiency in BIM software. - Experience with AI technologies in a construction context. - Excellent research and analytical skills. Please include relevant experience and examples of similar research you've co...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional video creator who can produce a live-action graphics video for my brand, CricFoods. The primary aim of this video is to promote my brand in an engaging and visually appealing way. Key Requirements: - The video should seamlessly integrate live-action with graphics overlay - It should prominently feature my should seamlessly integrate live-action with graphics overlay - It should prominently feature my brand logo and product images - The style should be suitable for brand promotion Ideal Skills: - Experience in creating live-action graphics videos - Strong understanding of brand promotion strategies through video content - Ability to visually engage and captivate an audience Please provide examples of your previous work that align wit...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    I am looking for an experienced WordPress developer to create a fully dynamic and SEO-friendly website based on my finalized Figma design. The website must be responsive across all devices and include a fully functional admin panel with r...Guidance on managing the website post-launch. Skills Required: • Expertise in WordPress development and customization. • Proficiency in responsive design and converting Figma designs to functional websites. • Knowledge of SEO best practices. • Experience with role-based user management in WordPress. Additional Information: • The project must be completed by 28th February 2025. Please provide some examples of wordpress projects you’ve completed, along with your proposed approach and timeline for this project. I lo...

    $242 Average bid
    $242 Oferta medie
    26 oferte

    As a business owner, I am seeking a seasoned digital marketer with a strong background in social media advertisement to enhance my Facebook and Instagram ads. The primary aim of these ads is to increase our sales. Target Audience: - The ads should be specifically tailored to appeal to middle-aged adults (25+). in jordan , even i want to target ...understanding of the nuances and best practices for each platform is crucial. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in managing and optimizing social media ads, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. - Excellent understanding of the middle-aged adult demographic. - Strong analytical skills to assess ad performance and make necessary adjustments. Please provide a portfolio of your previous work and examples of successful ad campaigns you&#...

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Oferta medie
    28 oferte

    I'm looking for a mobile-optimized web app that serves as an employee portal for my company. This app will need to cater to three distinct user roles: Administrator, Manager, and Employee. Key features include: - A section for filling out safety paperwork - Equipment maintenance tracking - Timesheet management - have a friendly d...Timesheet management - have a friendly dashboard with information like company news and weather conditions Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in developing user-friendly, secure web applications with a focus on mobile compatibility. Knowledge of e-commerce principles and content management systems will be a plus, as we aim for a seamless, interactive experience. Please provide examples of similar projects you've complet...

    $2185 Average bid
    $2185 Oferta medie
    114 oferte

    ...combines essential productivity tools with advanced AI capabilities to streamline workflow management and decision-making. Summary of the Invention: The proposed invention is a mobile software application that integrates the following functionalities: Task Management System: A dynamic tool allowing users to create, assign, and prioritize tasks with real-time updates. AI-Driven Insights: Machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and recommend task optimizations, such as ideal task scheduling and priority adjustments. Collaboration Suite: Real-time communication and file-sharing features, enabling seamless team collaboration. Time Tracking and Analysis: Tools to monitor task duration, assess productivity, and generate detailed reports. Cross-Platform Integration: C...

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Business Catalog Content Development
    6 zile left
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    I'm in need of a skilled content writer to help create engaging and inspiring content for my business catalog. This catalog's primary purpose is to introduce my company to potential customers. Key requirements: - Exceptional writing skills with a knack for creating visionary and inspirational content - Ability to articulate our company's mission, vision, and values in a compelling way - Experience in writing for business catalogs or similar materials - Understanding of how to write for a target audience, in this case, potential customers - Ability to translate complex business concepts into relatable and easy-to-understand language - A keen eye for detail to ensure all content is polished and professional

    $67 Average bid
    $67 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    I've procured an API Key from an online game provider and need a seasoned web developer to create a full-fledged online casino website. Tasks include: 1. Frontend Development: The frontend should be designed in a minimalist style. It should incorporate user registration/login features and a game lobby/display. 2. API Key Integration: ...step is to deploy the website. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in web development (Frontend & Backend) - Experience with API integration - Familiarity with online gaming and casino websites - Expertise in implementing secure payment gateways - Ability to design minimalist yet engaging interfaces - Deployment skills on reliable web hosting platforms Please include examples of similar projects you'v...

    $1640 Average bid
    $1640 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    I'm looking for an expert in 3D rendering with specific experience in fabric textures to create high-quality visuals of two different-colored baby changing tables for Amazon. Key Requirements: - Must have extensive experience with 3D fabric renders. - Ability to add realistic textures. - Highlighting texture detailing, structural design, and color va...Ability to add realistic textures. - Highlighting texture detailing, structural design, and color variation in the renders. - Two different colours : Light Grey & Dark Grey I will provide all necessary fabric samples and specific color samples for the two different colors. Your expertise will be crucial in making these tables visually appealing and realistic to potential customers. Please include examples of previous simila...

    $452 Average bid
    $452 Oferta medie
    55 oferte
    Modern Brick Home Exterior Design
    6 zile left
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    I am looking for a professional designer to help me with my home exterior design. The style I am aiming for is a modern look, accented with a brick material. Key Project Details: - Design Style: Modern - Preferred Material: Brick - Color Scheme: Neutral tones Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in modern design principles - Expe...for is a modern look, accented with a brick material. Key Project Details: - Design Style: Modern - Preferred Material: Brick - Color Scheme: Neutral tones Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in modern design principles - Experience working with brick material - Strong understanding of neutral color palettes - Prior experience in home exterior design Please provide examples of similar projects you...

    $36 Average bid
    $36 Oferta medie
    28 oferte
    Aplicación de Análisis SEO
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    ...AWS, Google Cloud, o Microsoft Azure. Experiencia en la configuración de servidores VPS con Linux. Conocimiento en herramientas de contenedores como Docker. Gestión de escalabilidad y rendimiento para soportar grandes volúmenes de datos y usuarios concurrentes. Implementación de sistemas de caché (Redis, Memcached) para mejorar la velocidad de la aplicación. 4. Inteligencia Artificial y Machine Learning: Conocimiento en la integración de modelos de IA, como OpenAI GPT para generación de contenido. Experiencia con procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP). Desarrollo de sistemas para análisis predictivo y recomendaciones automatizadas. 5. SEO y Análisis Competitivo: Entendimiento profundo de conceptos y mét...

    $2354 Average bid
    $2354 Oferta medie
    22 oferte