Example scale technical drawingproiecte
...Our mobile application, PCISV, is an integral part of our digital ecosystem, serving a specific purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version...
...Asia-Pacific region is poised on a knife-edge, with escalating tensions in Taiwan and the South China Sea threatening to plunge the region into a full-scale conflict. And while we're not yet at the same level as in Europe or the Middle East, this remains an additional risk for stability in the region. But what most investors and ordinary Japanese people are wondering right now is: Where is the bottom for the yen, and what will be the wider implications of its huge devaluation? A delicate balance A weaker domestic currency is a double-edged sword and is by no means all doom and gloom on a macroeconomic scale. While it's true that the cheap yen makes dollar-denominated goods and commodities much more expensive for the Japanese, i...
...of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (Technical and creative setup): Creating and configuring a Google AdWords account, Configuring Google Tag Manager (including setting goals, conversions, etc.), Configuring Google Analytics + Connecting AdWords Search campaigns and budget function, even Display / Performance campaigns (the first set of banners is free) B. Optimization of Google Ads campaigns, which includes: monitoring of Google Ads campaigns (with optimization interventions, bid strategy modification, improvements and adjustments to increase efficiency, etc.) technical support (phone/email) periodic reports v1. Standard campaigns in the search network (performance/branding) v2....
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIM...the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performed by drawing graphs of the bit error rate according to the signal-to-noise ratio that will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed...
Avem o aplicație în curs de dezvoltare la care avem technical debt. Cea mai mare problema este aceea că obiectul de user este construit pe măsură ce ecranele înaintează, dar noi vrem sa transformăm obiectul user într-un context comun tuturor ecranelor, pe lânga această problemă mai sunt mici bug-uri sau îmbunătățiri ce trebuiesc făcute. Menționăm că: Proiectul este facut în React Native cu TypeScript pe frontend, iar, pe backend, este făcut in NodeJS cu TypeScript, cu o baza de date relațională de tip SQL, mai exact MySQL.
Buna ziua, Cautam 2 persoane pentru o colaborare de lunga durata pentru content writing pe blogul nostru de home & deco. Colaborarea se va face exclusiv in limba romana. Aceasta persoana ar trebui sa aibe cunostinte de SEO (factori de ranking, competitors discovery, SERP, etc), readability, technical seo. Ne-am gandit sa lucram in felul urmator: 1. Va vom facilita planul editorial pentru luna curenta (vi se vor da topicuri unele generice altele specifice) 2. Se vor solicita 5-6 articole lunare, care sa fie bine documentate, tehnice, bine structurate, cu minim 1500 de cuvinte pana la 2000 de cuvinte sau unde este cazul sa fei peste competitors 3. Daca exista capacitate evident puteti solicita mai multe articole la scris. 4. Se vor accepta atat de multe revizii cat este nevoie ...
Salut! Am nevoie de ajutor la transferarea datelor din Excel in SPSS, redenumire variabile, statistica descriptivă (medie, abatere, standard, scoruri totale, scale și subscale, alpha Cronbach pentru consistentă interna, testarea ipotezelor și interpretarea lor. Vreau sa fiu ajutata sa fac toate astea pentru a înțelege mai bun SPSS. Multumesc.
Buna ziua! As avea nevoie de cineva care cunoaște programul SPSS pentru transferarea datelor din Excel in SPSS, redenumire variabile, statistica descriptivă (medie, abatere, standard, scoruri totale, scale și subscale, alpha Cronbach pentru consistentă interna, testarea ipotezelor și interpretarea lor. Crezi ca ma poți ajuta? Mulțumesc
buna ziua, as avea nevoie de ajutor pentru introducerea datelor din excel in SPSS si prelucrarea lor. Statistica descriptiva (medie, abatere standard, scoruri totale scale si subscale, consistenta interna alpha cronbach, testarea ipotezelor si interpretarea lor. Cine m-ar putea ajuta? Multumesc
Buna ziua, as avea nevoie de ajutor pentru introducerea datelor din Excel in SPSS (sau JASP) și prelucrarea datelor (statistica descriptivă -medie, abatere standard, scoruri totale scale și subevaluează, consistentă interna-alpha Cronbach, testarea ipotezelor și interpretarea lor). Credeți ca ma puteți ajuta? Mulțumesc
Buna, am nevoie de cineva sa se uite pe scorarea unor scale, indicii Cronbach sunt negativi si nu-mi dau seama unde sunt greselile si am nevoie de ghidare in moderare cu Process.
++++ In baza unor desene tehnice existente, e nevoie de: - transfer in 2D Autocad - 3D rendering pentru interiorul barcii - intentia e de a folosi rezultatul ca un "safety briefing" pentru pasageri ++++ Based on existing technical drawings, the project includes: - transfer of the technical drawings to Cad dwng - 3D rendering of yacht's exterior and interior for the purpose of having a video to be used as "safety briefing" for passengers on board. Further details are available upon request. Time is not of essence - quality of final product prevails. +++
Salut, RO only (no offence but is easy for me to explain technical terms) Am un site in prestashop Trebuie testat/implementat cateva functionalitati precum: inserat lista feed, comanda produse. Integrare API. De preferat firma. Ma intereseaza o colaborare pe termen lung pentru ca am mai multe de facut in perioada care urmeaza, cum ar fi: inserare plata cu cardul, optimizare seo (activat/dezactivat si modificat module) si altele .. Mihai
Small text in English about a device, to be translated into Romanian. The text contains technical words, so please bid only if you have previous experience with technical translations. Este vorba de un text de mai puțin de 400 de cuvine despre un dispozitiv mecanic, de tradus din engleză în română. Numai cineva care a mai tradus texte tehnice. Mulțumesc.
Buna Paul, Ma numesc bacris Steluta si sunt Recruiter Specialist in cadrul comapniei Ness. Mi- a atras teantia ca ai mentionat ca lucrezi cu iOS/Android, ...rolul de Mobile Developer (for iOS or Android). In cazul in care esti interesat, te rog sa-mi trimiti un Cv actualizat si datele tale de contact pentru a stabili un prim interviu de cunoastere. Tin sa mentionez ca sediul nostru este in Timisoara si in cazul in care stabilim sa incepem o colaborare, este necesar sa ai disponobilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +40 372 805 922 @ | | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook
Buna Ana Maria, Ma numesc Bacris Steluta, sunt Recruiter Specialist in compania Ness. Am remarcat cu interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa ...cu interes ca tu ai dezvoltat deja 2 aplicatii iOS pe care le-ai uploadat pe store. Momentan suntem in cautarea unui coleg in Timisoara care sa ocupe pozitia de iOS Developer. In cazul in care esti interesata, te rog sa-mi trimiti datele tale de contact si un Cv actualizat. Tin sa mentionez ca acest job presupune disponibilitate pentru relocare. Zi frumoasa in continuare, Steluta Bacris – Technical Recruiter Ness Digital Engineering No. 9 Antenei Blv., UBC2 Building, 5th Floor Timisoara, 300280, Romania M: +40 768 621 827| Tel: +4...
Looking for romanian guys that can copy in Microsoft Word what I will deliver in a PDF. That text contains math symbols and formulas. Caut romani care pot copia in Microsoft Word ceea ce eu voi trimite in PDF. Textul contine simboluri si formule matematice. Nu se pot folosi programe ORC(gen Nitro), textul chiar trebuie scris de la tastatura si formulele sa fie curate. Platesc 5 lei/pag
Salut, Am o tema de licenta care trebuie facuta in C#, am adus-o pana la un pas, dar acum trebuie optimizata. Tema este in felul urmator: Avem un graf cu n noduri citite dintr-un fisier, trebuie facut BFS, matrice de adiacenta, lista de adiacenta si de aplicat niste formule (degree centrality, choseness centrality, degree corelation, scale freeness, normalized scale freeness etc). Problema este ca in pasul in care am ajuns functioneaza cu un graf cu 7 noduri, dar trebuie facut sa functioneze cu un graf de 12000 noduri. Cred ca nu ar trebui sa ia mai mult de cateva ore. Daca aveti intrebari va rog sa-mi spuneti.
Am nevoie de 'o imagine' care presupune desenarea prin contururi a unui personaj pe o plaja. Aplicati doar daca sunteti dispusi la o monstra
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pan...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pana...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. Pa...
Buna ziua, Va contactez din partea RINF in vederea unei posibile colaborari profesionale. Compania din UK – JustEAT – doreste sa isi deschida un Technical Delivery Center la sediul nostru din Bucuresti. Ei au fost recomandati catre noi de catre Ciklum – unul din partenerii nostri - care urma sa deschisa acest centru in Kiev. Dar cum situatia din Ucraina s-a complicat foarte mult, s-a luat decizia ca acest centru sa fie deschis in Romania. Proiectul presupune designul, dezvoltarea si implementarea de API-uri in domeniul e-commerce. Ca metodologie de lucru se foloseste Agile Scrum si se lucreaza cu o echipa de dezvoltatori din UK. Echipa din Romania se formeaza acum si va fi alcatuita dintr-un Head Of APIs ce va incepe impreuna cu 2 Dezv. Senior si un Middle. P...
...modern, professional and minimalist, with a strong emphasis on imagery and graphics. Please note, the budget for this project is $500 USD and the deadline is less than one month. Key Design & User Experience Requirements: - A contemporary and minimalist design - Use of a professional color palette - A layout that is responsive for both mobile and desktop - An intuitive navigation system Technical Specifications you need to meet: - Use of modular CSS - Ensuring W3C validation - Achieving WCAG 2.1 compliance - Maintaining a page load time under 2 seconds - Implementing a mobile-first approach SEO Optimization is crucial for this project, and should include: - Use of semantic HTML5 - Optimized meta descriptions - Strategic internal linking - Image optimization Lastly, the...
I'm looking for a talented web developer or team to create an interactive adult connect site. This platform should primarily focus on enabling user profiles and friend requests, with both live and pre-recorded video streaming features. Key Features:...should include a chat functionality. This will not only enhance user engagement but also foster a sense of community. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in web development, specifically in creating interactive platforms. - Proven track record with video streaming technology. - Familiarity with e-commerce functionalities on a website. - Ability to implement chat systems on a large scale. - Previous experience with adult content sites will be a plus. Please provide a detailed proposal on how you plan to approac...
...trigger an email via sendgrid according to the result. Resend Invite functionality: - Add a "Resend" button that triggers an email to the user using SendGrid. 5. Dashboard Overview Include summary cards at the top of the dashboard displaying: Total Checks Low Risk Checks Medium Risk Checks High Risk Checks Incomplete Checks These numbers should dynamically update based on data in Firebase. Technical Requirements Frontend Framework: React (preferred) or similar. Responsive design optimised for desktop (future option for mobile compatibility). Use the provided UI design (attached) as the main reference for layout and styling. Backend Firebase: Firestore to store check data. Authentication to handle user login and role-based access. SendGrid API: For sending email invit...
...engine visibility. • Smooth helpdesk functionality and enhanced user satisfaction. Timeline Development Goals • Upload an initial set of 1,000 questions. • Add 1,000 questions monthly, till it reaches 200 sets for both OC and Selective. • Provide flexibility for future additions. • Optionally, train staff for question uploads. Maintenance Schedule • Dedicate 1-2 days monthly for uploads and technical updates. Launch Goals • Fully operational websites within 1 month. • Allocate time for quality assurance and testing. Long-Term Vision • Train staff for independent content management. • Foster continuous improvements and feature additions. • Expand to prepare for other exams upon success. • Strive to outperform competit...
...elegant look. Optional feature: subtle beard shadow for added realism. Visible Area: From the waist up (upper body, head, arms). Clothing Requirements Styles: Shirt + Pullover (modern). Shirt + Blazer (business attire). Shirt + Cardigan (smart-casual). Color Variations: Seven color options for each clothing item. Modularity: Clothing must be created as separate objects, fully interchangeable. Technical Requirements 1. Modeling Polygon Count: Up to 50,000 polygons for high-detail representation in visible areas. Topology: Clean and optimized geometry for detailed representation without distortions. Model: The 3D model must look and move like a human, ensuring realistic proportions and posture. 2. Rigging and Animation Facial Rigging: Fully rigged with Blendshapes/Morph Targets ...
...price from the last 30 days should appear below the current price. Flexibility: The functionality must work for all products in the store and be easy for the administrator to manage (e.g., no need to manually add code to each product). Compliance with Regulations: It must adhere to the EU Omnibus Directive, including clear messaging for users, such as "Lowest price in the last 30 days: [amount]". Technical Requirements: Proficiency with the Wix Studio platform and Wix Velo (or willingness to quickly familiarize yourself with the documentation). Ability to work with Wix Data to store and process price data. Experience in JavaScript and building e-commerce solutions. Understanding of legal requirements related to the Omnibus Directive (preferred but not mandatory). Expec...
I'm looking for a comprehensive design and drawing of a caravan in dwg and step formats. This caravan will primarily be utilized for commercial purposes. Key Requirements: - The design should encompass both interior and exterior elements, as this will be a full design project. - The caravan will be used for a specific commercial activity, hence the design needs to consider this aspect. - The drawings need to be provided in dwg and step formats. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in full design and drawing of caravans. - Experience in designing for commercial use. - Able to deliver designs in dwg and step formats. Please provide your portfolio showcasing similar projects.
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Job Title: Data Engineer Location: Remote Working Hours: 8 AM IST Notice Period: 10 Working Days Contract Terms: 3 Months with the potential to extend for more than a year Overview Weare looking for a highly skilled and motivated Data Engineer with 4-8 years of experience to join our dynamic team. This role is ideal for individuals with advanced technical expertise in Python programming and relational databases, a strong background in data modeling and transformation, and the ability to process structured and unstructured data. The ideal candidate will thrive in a fast-paced, agile environment, collaborating effectively to develop features and solve complex problems. Key Responsibilities ● Design, develop, and maintain scalable data pipelines and systems. ● Process and...
...integrity and functionality of legacy systems while improving performance, scalability, and maintainability Collaborate closely with cross-functional teams, including developers, business analysts, and project managers, to ensure successful project delivery Provide technical leadership and guidance to development teams throughout the modernization process Identify and mitigate risks associated with legacy system migrations, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations Document architectural designs, migration strategies, and other technical details to ensure transparency and knowledge sharing within the team Stay current with emerging technologies and best practices in software modernization to continuously improve our methodologies and tools Required Skills & E...
Looking for an SEO-savvy content writer to enhance our B2B packaging e-commerce site. Your primary focus will be: - Crafting engaging and friendly content for product pages and descriptions including meta tags. - Capable of on-site, off-site and technical SEO - Developing blog posts centered on B2B market trends in packaging. - Writing for our company profiles and FAQs. Key responsibilities also include conducting keyword research and implementing on-page SEO strategies. Experience with Odoo is a plus as we aim for seamless website management. Your portfolio should reflect previous work in B2B industries with a friendly and conversational tone. Samples of your work should demonstrate your ability to write about product pages, while also emphasizing B2B market trends in packaging.
...seamless integration between the Linux system and STM32 firmware. Testing and Debugging: -Test and debug hardware and firmware. -Use tools like oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, and multimeters for hardware validation. Integration: -Ensure smooth communication between the Raspberry Pi and other devices. -Handle thermal and electrical design considerations for high-current devices. Requirements: Technical Expertise: -Proven experience in PCB design using tools like Altium, KiCad, or Eagle. -Strong knowledge of embedded systems development, especially STM32 or similar. -Familiarity with Linux-based systems, particularly Raspberry Pi. Additional Skills: -Knowledge of power electronics (MOSFETs, relays, etc.). -Experience with ADCs, DACs, and sensors (e.g., thermistors). -Prof...
I'm looking for a professional motion designer who specializes in Whiteboard Animation. This project is aimed at creating an engaging and educational piece of content for students. Key Requirements: - Experience in creating educational content BY DRAWING WITH IPAD. - Expertise in Whiteboard Animation. - Ability to deliver engaging and comprehensible animations for the target audience. - Strong understanding of motion design principles. The primary purpose of this project is to deliver a piece of content that can capture and hold the attention of students, making learning fun and interactive. If you possess the necessary skills and experience, I look forward to your bid.
Scope of the project and milestones 1. A 100 USD milestone for the development of technical specifications, a context diagram and data flowchart, the technologies to be used (apps, APIs, programming languages, databases, development tools, proper documentation of GitHub or GitLab sources), and testing and quality assurance. 2. 400 for the solution that can identify keywords in the following LinkedIn profile sections: About, Experience, and if there is a CV attached to the profile that as well
I need detailed plans and drawings for a small residential outbuilding intended to function as a workshop., similar in style to the attached it should take no more than 2 hours for someone with the correct skills max budget 30USD (No Negotiation) Ideal skills for this project include: - Expertise in architectural design and drawing
Call Center Representative July 2022 - August 2024 Technical Support at Foundever Troubleshoot technical issues related to LG products. Guide customers through the diagnostic process and offer solutions to resolve product issues. Offer exceptional customer service by answering inbound calls. Establish rapport with customers, listen actively to their concerns, and provide clear, resolution Assist customers in identifying appliance models and parts through serial numbers and provide accurate product details. Collaborate with technicians to schedule repairs or service appointments, ensuring clear communication between customers and field staff. Follow up with customers to ensure that issues are resolved to thei...
I'm seeking an experienced C++ developer with a strong background in game server development to create a memory cache for my medium-scale game server. The server accommodates between 100 to 1000 concurrent users. The primary goal of this memory cache is to ensure seamless game-play. The cache will need to track and store: - Character movements - Combat actions - Interactions with objects in the game The stored data should be periodically saved to a PostgreSQL database, specifically every few seconds. - This will not be required at this point, but prepare the data so it can be sent to or retrieved by the database server, which I will be asking you to do for phase 2. Ideal candidates will possess: - Proven experience in game server development - Strong skills in C++, with the ...
I need an experienced professional who can convert my image to either .ai or .eps format for large-scale printing. The vector image needs to maintain precise elements from the original image, including: - Colors - Shapes - Text It's crucial that the vector image is an exact replica of the original image, as no customization or modification will be needed. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator or similar vector graphic software - Experience in preparing images for large-scale printing - Attention to detail to ensure all elements are perfectly replicated.
We are seeking a skilled web designer and developer with expertise in modern UI/UX design, SEO optimization, and responsive web development to redesign our website—World-Text.com. The goal is to create a modern, visually appealing, and user-friendly website that effectively highlights our core services: Bulk SMS, Two-Way SMS, and Developer APIs. Technical Requirements: Frontend: ReactJS and NextJS for dynamic and SEO-friendly rendering. Backend Integration: PHP-based API (existing backend)—connect to mock/stub or non-production API environment during development. Database Compatibility: Use APIs to connect to backend MySQL database where mock/stub API provision may not be possible. Version Control: GitHub (preferred for free-tier accessibility and collaboration). Test...
I'm seeking a professional to create a detailed drawing of the roof structure and provide a timber schedule specifically for a hip and valley roof based on the existing architectural drawings. Additionally, I need a basic 3D interactive model of the building to visualize for clients. Key Requirements: - Detailed drawing of the roof structure showing all wooden members - Focusing solely on the roof structure for the timber schedule - Crafting a basic 3D interactive model without internal features or complex textures Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in architectural software - Strong understanding of roof structures - Experience in creating roofing bills of quantities - Experience in creating client-focused visualization models
We are seeking a skilled Vietnamese translator to translate a software file from English to Vietnamese. The ideal candidate will have experience in software localization and a strong understanding of technical terminology. Attention to detail and the ability to meet deadlines are essential. If you have a passion for language and technology, we would love to hear from you. Please include your relevant experience and any examples of previous translations in your application.
I'm seeking a resident of Bangladesh for language testing on a tool we've developed. The candidate should be able to read and write Bangla and can work for a minimum of 2 hours per day. Please connect with me if you're interested. Responsibilities: ...we've developed. The candidate should be able to read and write Bangla and can work for a minimum of 2 hours per day. Please connect with me if you're interested. Responsibilities: - Conduct language testing on the tool - Test the tool on Desktop computers and Mobile devices - Use Windows operating systems for testing Ideal skills: - we need a candidate from Bangladesh only - do not need any technical skills - Fluent in reading and writing Bangla - Experience in language testing - Access to desktop computers...