Digital marketing aptitude test questions and answersproiecte
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune de masaj din China. Intentionez sa deschid un site internet cu produsele din aceasta gama, in Romania. As dori un serviciu complet care sa includa: coreare site web, cu videoclip de promovare, marketing, promovare a siteului f.f.. buna, mentenenta site, si extinderea sau cu timpul. in ce conditii ma puteti servi? va rog sa/mi rapsundeti pe email, deoarece sunt plecat in China pt moment. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn Prima Employment srl Bd. Eroilor 118 Voluntari, Ilfov gjarnea@
Buna ziua, Sunt importator de scaune masaj din China in Romania. Doresc un site internet , cu design f. inspirat si adecvat, cat si promovare excelenta in internet pt. vanzari engros si endetail. Va trimit alaturat un document cu poza si descriere tehnica a primului produs ep care vrem sa/l punem in vanzare. Va rog sa-mi faceti o oferta de pret, eventual si o propunere generala de grafica a site-ului internet si a procesului de promovare internet, eventual cu vanzare online. cu stima, Gabriel Jarn gjarnea@
*login si baza de date pentru utilizatori *test online - implica alegerea unor fotografii si cotarea rezultatelor in functie de alegeri (rezultatele aplicarilor se salveaza pe profilul fiecarui utilizator); sunt mai multe serii de fotografii distribuite in doua parti si alegerile se noteaza cu +,-,+-, 0. Am decis sa fac testul online fiindca fiecare persoana ar trebui sa-l aplice de aprox. 10 ori pentru o interpretare completa - deci e mai usor sa intre pe site si sa se logheze o data la 2 zile, iar la final sa le trimit interpretarea pe mail. Atasez testul in windows forms, ca exemplu. Te rog sa-mi spui daca esti interesat si ai avea timp de acest proiect. Testul are drepturi de autor. Multumesc
Salut, te rog sa ma scuzi daca te deranjez prin aceasta metoda de contact insa mi-a fost mai la indemana. Am vazut ca ai postat un job pentru traducerea catorva site-uri web din engleza in romana si invers. Eu caut un job de genul acest...insa abia m-am inscris pe freelancer si nu am de gand sa le platesc lor pentru a da nu stiu ce examene. Sunt roman, dupa cum probabil ti-ai dat seama, dar cunosc engleza destul de bine zic eu, vorbind-o de la 5 ani zilnic. Nu am certificari sau alte documente care sa ateste stiu eu ce calificare, insa ce stiu pot demonstra oricand si oricum, prefer un test practic decat un document fara valoare. Daca esti interesat de o colaborare sau macar un test, te rog sa ma contactezi la Salut si sper sa colaboram pe viitor, mi-ar face place...
Am nevoie de cineva care imi poate vinde un continut digital in 2000 de exemplare, vanzarile vor fi urmarite si vom primi un raport, dorim ca freelencer-ul care se va ocupa de acest serviciu sa ne garanteze cele 2000 de vanzari.
Plan de marketing si promovare pentru solutie software (business plan) • Clientii (clientii tai potentiali / segmentare piata si impartire din punct de vedere geografic / volumul pietei potentiale / Plan de actiune pentru castigarea clientilor) • Concurenta (cati angajati au / ce forta de vanzare/ ce cote de piata au / ce avantaje competitive au comparativ cu tine / ce strategii de pret are concurenta / ce strategii de comunicare / reclama au) • Piata o Estimare evolutie vanzari o Prognoza cererii • Politici de marketing o Strategia de produs. Politica de pret si de conditii de plata. Stabilirea strategiei de promovare si a preturilor practicate si modalitatile de punere in practica a acesteia. o Politica de imagine, de comunicare cu piata. ...
#include #include #include #include class daydiem { public: int n; float *x,*y; float do_dai(int i, int j); { return sqrt(pow(x[i]-x[j],2)+pow(y[i]-y[j],2)); } void nhapsl(void); }; void daydiem::nhapsl(void) { int i; printf(n So diem N= );scanf(%d,&n); x=(float*)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(float)); y=(float*)malloc((n+1)*sixeof(float)); for(i=1;i
Doresc un plan de marketing pentru mediul rural , eu comercializez utilaje profesionale pentru padure ,gradina si pasuni unde clientul final este lucratorul forestier ,respectiv fermierul si taranul care lucreaza pamantul si creste animale .In mare parte este plecat fie in padure ,fie pe camp , nu citeste sms si in mica masura presa .Doresc sa fac produsul sau sercviciul lunii si sa am posibilitatea de a informa despre aceste campanii intr-un mod cat mai direct si rapid.
Inscrierea in directoare, Link Exchange, Comunicat de presă, articol de marketing / promovare, Rss Feed Promovarea galben depunerea pagini, depunerea director local, forum de discuții, optimizarea produsului Google, Craiglist a posta, Netscape promovare etc Am nevoie de 1.000 de înregistrări de noi ---) 1000 utilizatori noi pentru site-ul meu care vinde / cumpara site-uri on-line
Este vorba de un PFA ce ofera consultanta in domeniul marketingului digital. Este necesara crearea unui logo, urmand ca de aici sa se realizeze grafica pentru cartile de vizita si mai tarziu pentru site.
We nee...likes. These are the requirements for the facebook likes: +Needed real likes with authentic profiles with more than 200 friends, also with several profile pictures, with more than 10 comments (at least) in this month +We look for a guarantee of permanence: at least 1 year OUR BUDGET IS 30 USD For being accepted you need to answer the next questions or give the next information: +Likes procedence (we are special atracted to America and the Euro zone) +Delivery time (to complete the project) +The amount of likes you are going to give us for the actual budget +How are you going to guarantee the permanence of this likes YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION TO PRESENT YOUR OFFER NOTE: IF YOU DONT ANSWER OR GIVE THAT INFORMATION WE ARE NOT GOING TO CO...
Acesta este un proiect de test nu postati oferte. Va multumesc pentru intelegere. Test postare proiect nou.
Buna ziua, Proiectul presupune cresterea traficului s a vanzarilor pe un site care vinde produse software pentru platforma de tranzactionat MetaTrader 5. Doresc sa transmiteti ofera detaliata privind ceea ce urmeaza sa faceti dar si obiectivele urmarite.
Scriu articole,am experienta in blogging,traduceri,administrare site-uri,marketing online... Astept sa ma contactati pentru orice job care necesita aceste aptitudini!
Proiectul presupune cresterea traficului pe un site cu produse pentru copii - hainute si jucarii atat prin metode SEO cat si promovare prin articole pe bloguri de specialitate, link building, promovare pe facebook, etc. Nu doresc pozitionare neaparat in primele pozitii, cat o crestere constanta a traficului. Referitor la promovarea prin marketing, as dori sa am o colaborare pe termen lung. Doresc sa transmiteti ofera detaliata privind ceea ce urmeaza sa faceti.
Avem nevoie de reprezentanti marketing in Constanta , Brasov, Iasi, Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Oradea jobul consta in cautare, gasirea unor noi clienti pentru firma, mentinerea legaturii cu ei. domeniul este import de confectii metalice, mai precis gratare si trepte metalice, scari metalice, profile din tabla perforata si expandata, tabla perforata, spalieri metalici de vita de vie, platbanda pt pamantare.
Va aduc in atentie cateva informatii legate de o afacere noua care functioneaza pe baza de marketing prin recomandare. Compania se numeste S.C. Complex Birotica S.R.L. iar afacerea se numeste WIN-TO-ALL – Castig din toate! Conceptul pe care este construita afacerea este simplu: un magazin on-line cu peste 10.000 de produse diverse, un plan de recompensare cu 5 tipuri de comisioane si preturi direct de la producatori sau importatori. Peste 150 de brand-uri romanesti si internationale se regasesc pe magazinul on-line, astfel ca D-voastra sa aveti posibilitatea de a alege dintr-o gama foarte larga de produse. e retinut: 1. Inscrierea este gratuita. 2. Cumparati produse cand doriti. 3. Mentinerea in sistem este GRATUITA!. 4. Membrii inactivi sunt mentinuti in sistem neli...
Nimic mai simplu... Zi de zi, noi cei de la MailDirect desfasuram campanii de promovare prin email pentru partenerii nostri si pentru ca tu esti cel care ia decizia meriti sa fii recompensat din plin: pentru fiecare citire a newsletter-elor primite din partea MailDirect primesti automat 0,5 centi pentru fiecare click in interiorul newsletter-elor primite din partea MailDirect primesti automat 1 cent (este comisionat DOAR primul click din fiecare newsletter) pentru Share pe Facebook primesti 1 cent pentru fiecare campanie impartasita pe Facebook (se comisioneaza un singur share / campanie) in functie de fiecare campanie in parte primesti pana la 20$ pentru cumparaturi facute la partenerii nostri in urma newsletter-elor MailDirect (se va specifica la campaniile la care ...
Construirea unei platforme web de testing monitorizare surse deschise si analize de specialitate din surse deschise. Seriozitate, calitate si operativitate.
Proiectul descrie promovarea site-ului cat si promovarea produselor.
Cautam o persoana care sa poata face cunoscut cabinetul nostru de ortodontie si stomatologie pe internet (pagini de specialitate, forumuri, etc.) pentru Bucuresti si care sa poate optimiza site-ul pentru a aparea mai usor in cautari.
Buna ziua Caudia, Numele meu e Ovidiu Marginean si ma ocup de partea de marketing al unui cabinet de psihoterapie din Arad, de fapt de cabinetul sotiei pe care am reusit sa o conving ca un produs bun are nevoie si de o promovare buna. De doua zile am reusit sa termin partea de grafica a site-ului si as vrea ca impreuna cu tine sa finalizam si textul. Scoala Americana de psihoterapie, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, USA Metoda Nr.1 de Psihoterapie, în Statele Unite şi Canada Membru al American Psychological Asociation din Washington, DC, USA Aceaste patru elemente definesc ‘linia rosie’ de marketing care sa defineasca oferta unica de vanzare pe care o sa am rugamintea sa le ‘ condimentati’ cu cateva din cele 12
I'm looking for an AI video generator that emulates a famous person from Australia for a marketing campaign. - Purpose: The generated videos will be used across various platforms - primarily our social media, company website, and email campaigns. - Tone: The style of the videos should be strictly professional. Ideal skills for this project would include experience in AI technology, video production, and a good understanding of creating content for marketing purposes. Previous work with emulating public figures would be a plus. Please let me know how much at first
...partnerships with tech and productivity influencers, plus complementary brands, to broaden Assindo’s exposure. 2. Conduct research to identify potential clients, reach out with professional correspondence, and follow up to convert prospects into active users. 3. Curate and implement email campaigns designed for both early adopters and current users, aimed at boosting engagement and retention. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in app marketing is essential. - Exceptional communication skills. - Creative strategist with a record of delivering measurable outcomes. - Prior experience with AI applications is a plus, along with a passion for innovation. - Proficiency in leveraging social media platforms and blogs for influencer collab...
...Photoshop Product Images: - Enhancing product images for our website and e-commerce listings. - Removing backgrounds, retouching, and adding creative touches to make our products stand out. Facebook Ad Creatives: - Designing eye-catching and conversion-focused ad creatives for Facebook campaigns. - Collaborating with the marketing team to test and optimize designs for performance. Email Creatives: - Creating engaging visuals and layouts for email campaigns. - Ensuring designs align with brand identity and resonate with our target audience. E-commerce Listings: - Assisting in creating and updating product listings with optimized visuals. - Ensuring images and descriptions are consistent across platforms (e.g., WooCo...
I need assistance with data entry, specifically handling text data from typed documents in PDF format. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Excellent attention to detail - Ability to work with PDF files - Strong command over English language - Experience with text data handling
...years of experience in SDR Software Defined Radio sourcing and antenna design and construction and signal analysis and detection. Please send me samples of your SDR projects that are close to what I need. I'm looking for a software-defined radio expert to assist in sourcing and creating signal detection and analysis software. The primary objective of this project revolves around the detection and analysis of various radio frequencies. Key Requirements: - Experience in signal detection and analysis - Proficiency in creating 3D graphic software for software-defined radio - Expertise in signal spectrum analysis The software will specifically need to perform signal spectrum analysis. If you have a background in radio frequenc...
...for automating and improving government workflows, such as document processing, form-filling, and summarization. The project will aim to enhance efficiency, reduce bias, and promote ethical AI use within public services. Scope of Work 1. Research and Setup Study the relevant government workflows (e.g., document handling, form processing, etc.) to identify automation opportunities. Select appropriate AI techniques for natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), and document summarization to fit the identified workflows. Implement ethical AI practices to reduce bias and ensure fairness in the automation process. 2. Core Features Document Processing & Form Filling Automation Use NLP models (like spaCy or transformers) to extract...
...architecture, ensuring compatibility with all Blesta modules and plugins. This project requires a developer who is highly skilled in PHP, Bootstrap, CSS, and Tailwind, and has experience working with Blesta's templating system. Project Scope: Theme Design & Development Develop a custom Blesta theme that replicates the style, layout, and functionality of our Tailwind CSS website. Use Tailwind CSS within Blesta's Bootstrap framework, resolving any conflicts between the two systems. Module & Plugin Integration Ensure the theme is compatible with all core Blesta modules and plugins. Test and adapt the design for additional plugins we use to maintain consistency across the platform. Customization for Consistency Implement c...
I need a minimalist redesign of my existing logo. - Retained Elements: The new logo should maintain the current color scheme, icon/symbol, and typography/font. However, these elements should be translated into a more simplified, clean and minimalist design. - Primary Usage: The redesigned logo will primarily be used on my website. Therefore, it should be optimized for digital display, ensuring clarity and visual appeal on various screen sizes and resolutions. Ideal skills for this project include logo design, minimalism-oriented graphic design, and understanding of digital design principles.
...simple, user-friendly, and easy-to-navigate e-commerce website for my candle selling business. The main goal of the website is to sell my products online and create a strong online presence for my brand. Key Features: - Shopping Cart: I want customers to be able to easily select and purchase multiple items. - Customer Reviews: This feature will help build trust with potential buyers and enhance the overall shopping experience. - Product Search and Filtering: As my product range expands, it's essential for customers to be able to easily find what they're looking for. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience creating e-commerce websites is a must. - Familiarity with user-friendly design and easy navigation setup. - Know...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional to run an affiliate Google Ads campaign for my website, WarriorPlus. The primary objective is to generate sales and leads for various digital products listed on the site. Key Requirements: - Proven experience with affiliate Google Ads - Ability to show past campaign results - Familiarity with digital products - Skills in targeting and optimizing ads for lead generation Please note, the target audience for these digital products has not been specifically defined, so flexibility and creativity in ad targeting will be crucial.
I need a one page website built for a sleek construction business. We do both residential and commercial construction but we will be mainly advertising residential. The Company is called Knight & Bishop Contracting. - I want a one page website built in either Wordpress or Wix so that I can edit it freely. - We have a logo built already but are open to new branding ideas. - We are looking for a sleek and classy look with a White, Black, & Gold color scheme ( If Chess & Construction had a baby) - I would like a navigation bar pinned somewhere on the page in a creative way. - I would like it to scroll up and down the page with a background of overlapping images and maybe even short videos. I would like the main background though to be a graphic that ...
I'm seeking a Marketing Virtual Assistant to help with content creation and research. The primary focus will be developing engaging social media content for LinkedIn and Meta. Key Responsibilities: - Creating compelling content tailored for LinkedIn and Meta - Assisting with general administrative tasks as required Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in social media content creation - Proficiency in researching relevant topics and trends - Familiarity with LinkedIn and Meta platforms - Strong organizational and administrative skills
...comprehensive e-commerce website where users can order physical goods. The site should come with an interactive menu and include the following features: - An ordering page with tracking capabilities for each order, so users can keep tabs on their purchases - A section for user reviews, allowing customers to share their experiences and feedback - A 'Recommended Products' feature, using an algorithm or set criteria to suggest products based on user behaviour or popularity The payment system should cater for traditional credit card transactions as well as transactions made with app-based digital currencies. A crucial part of the project is the handling of user accounts. I want to keep it simple and user-friendly by allowing guest checkouts. Ideal...
...a billing and client management platform, to help us set up our new service offerings. Using our newly designed website and pricing matrix as a reference, you will be responsible for inputting all the features, packages, and pricing details into our Blesta system. Requirements: Experience with Blesta: You must have hands-on experience with configuring and managing services, packages, configurable options, and pricing in Blesta. Strong attention to detail: Accuracy is essential to ensure all data is correctly entered and functional within Blesta. Data entry skills: Ability to efficiently input, organize, and validate data. Good communication skills: You’ll need to stay in touch with us to clarify details and confirm requirem...
I need a freelancer who can finish the integration between my BookFunnel and PayHip accounts. It's a bit more complicated than most book products, a Book Bundle that contains lots of digital 'extras' - all are in place in both systems. Please let me know if you have experience with these platforms and can assist with this project. DS
I'm seeking a Python expert with extensive experience in working with both REST and GraphQL APIs. APIs include LunarCrush and DEX Screen and potentially Twitter and The project's primary focus is to ensure real-time synchronization and reporting into Google Sheets and MongoDB. The data will form a Crypto Analytics Dashboard that integrates data from these APIs. The goal is to track promising early-stage cryptocurrencies by analysing social signals and on-chain data. The dashboard will also send Telegram alerts when certain thresholds are met, these thresholds must be editable within Google Sheets so are easily adjusted. A simply task is to be completed before progressing to the dashboard build: 1. Client will supply 50-...
...professional photoshoot from a photographer with a model (will provide instagram link for contact once we agree on working). The purpose of this photoshoot is to create a bodyscan of the model, which will be the basis for a digital video game character. Key Requirements: - Photographer need to be able to shoot in a studio (preferably have one, or rent it) - Poses and angles: The bodyscan will require full body, frontal and rear shots. - Wardrobe: A seamless, 2-piece, semi-transparent outfit will be needed. The attire should be appealing to a male gaming audience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Experienced photographer with a professional attitude. - Model might not be fluent in english since migrated from russia recently, beingable to speak russian migh...
Évaluer l'efficacité d'une dose réduite en ATPE (Aliment Thérapeutique Prêt à l'Emploi) chez les enfants atteints de Malnutrition Aigüe Sévère (MAS) sans complications, comparée à une dose standard. - Protocole . technique détaillant comment les données seront analysées pour évaluer l'efficacité de la dose réduite d'ATPE chez les enfants souffrant de MAS. Si vous avez des questions spécifiques ou besoin de détails supplémentaires sur une partie particulière du document, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir. qualifications et leurs contributions spécifiques au projet, comme la conception du pr...
...Description: We are launching a digital platform called SchemeEasy that aims to simplify access to government benefits and schemes in India. We are looking for a professional, modern, and innovative logo that captures the essence of our mission: making government services more accessible, transparent, and easy-to-use for millions of citizens. The logo should be trustworthy, approachable, and scalable for both digital and print formats. Logo Requirements: Name: SchemeEasy Tagline (optional): Simplifying Government Benefits The logo should convey ease, trust, and inclusivity. Prefer modern, clean, and minimalist designs. The logo should be versatile for use on a website, mobile app, social media, and print materials. ...
I need someone who can emulate or develop a similar piece of software that has already been made. This software is out dated and was made circa 2002-2004. What you need to know : This game is old (it was released in 2001) and the infrastructure is not as complex as newer mmorpg titles. This might be good and it might be bad but it helps to know. Some radars were released/developed for the original game but they no longer work. Here's an example of one: DAoC Skilla was made for the original game but it is no longer working because the version was built back in the early 2000s and support was not kept. There are source files on that website that you might find useful to copy as well as UI elements that might make this project make more sense. Another
...a billing and client management platform, to help us set up our new service offerings. Using our newly designed website and pricing matrix as a reference, you will be responsible for inputting all the features, packages, and pricing details into our Blesta system. Requirements: Experience with Blesta: You must have hands-on experience with configuring and managing services, packages, configurable options, and pricing in Blesta. Strong attention to detail: Accuracy is essential to ensure all data is correctly entered and functional within Blesta. Data entry skills: Ability to efficiently input, organize, and validate data. Good communication skills: You’ll need to stay in touch with us to clarify details and confirm requirem...
Ai Voice Calling Agent/Bot. Use Custom Telephony Service. Use CRM Integrate Using Api Keys And Create Custom Dialer Solution For Call Center Note: For Ai Voice Bot Preferred To Use Open Ai ChatGpt Models. For Custom Telephony Service That Charges Fix Cost For Unlimited Outbound And Inbound Calls Like Aircall Ai. Features Required Batch Calling For Outbound Calls Thats Allows To Do Bulk Calling At The Same Time. Call History Monitoring: Access detailed records of all calls, complete with statuses and outcomes. Advanced filtering options enable users to sort calls based on success rates, latency, and user sentiment, facilitating the swift identification of failed calls and performance bottlenecks. Post-Call Analysis: Automatically analyze customer con...
I'm in need of an experienced digital graphical designer who can create a digital menu and vertical ad graphics for me. Ideal skills: - Proficiency in design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.) - Strong understanding of digital design principles - Experience in designing menus and advertisements I need exactly same/similar examples as what I have provided on here. The content needs to be Semi-Dynamic or Dynamic, elements have to move and must include effects.
I'm seeking a skilled digital artist to replicate three iconic luxury paintings into high-quality, NFT-ready artworks. Key Requirements: - Creativity: You should be able to subtly enhance the designs to make them stand out in the competitive NFT market. - Professionalism: The final designs should reflect a polished, professional, and expensive look. - Detail: A keen eye for detail is essential, as the intricate details of the original pieces should be mirrored in the replicas. Guidelines: - Style: The artworks should be modern, digital interpretations of the originals, with a luxurious and collectible appeal. - Output Format: High-resolution digital files (preferably PNG or JPG). Deliverables: - Three individual high-quality digital artwork...
I need a skilled video producer who can either source 10 real video footage of a machine printing t-shirts with my designs or create high-quality design mockup videos using software like Adobe Premier so i can edit it later my own designs The purpose of these videos will be for marketing, so they need to be engaging and professionally crafted. The videos should showcase: - High-quality print details - The machine operation process - A full view of the t-shirt design I will provide the PNG files of the designs. Please let me know if you can assist with this project.