Develop revit pluginsproiecte
...cheltuiasca tot bugetul. Am zile in care imi consuma maxim 10-20% din bugetul alocat/zi si nu este ok deloc. De preferat cu romani sau vorbitori avansati de limba romana. Fara Google translate sau agentii cu 3rd party in afara Europei. Multumesc I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in Google Ads to help me boost sales of my physical products in Romania. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and execute a comprehensive Google Ads campaign targeting a specific demographic group. - Strategically promote my physical products to maximize reach and engagement. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in managing successful Google Ads campaigns, particularly for physical products. - Strong understanding of targeting specific demographic groups. - Exceptio...
...enhanced notifications and gesture navigation, could be incorporated into the app to improve its functionality. 3. Challenges and Solutions Updating an Ionic-based app for Android 14 involves overcoming several challenges. Some of the most common challenges include: Compatibility Issues with Plugins: Many Ionic apps rely on third-party plugins to enhance their functionality. However, these plugins may not be fully compatible with Android 14. The solution will involve identifying and updating incompatible plugins or finding alternative solutions. Code Refactoring: In some cases, the app's codebase may require refactoring to comply with new Android 14 requirements. This involves cleaning up legacy code, optimizing algorithms, and ensuring the app runs sm...
Realizam un marketplace pe o tema Wordpress, utilizand Elem...Configurari ale aplicatiei pe baza a ceea ce este deja implementat - Configurari si customizari de noi functionalitati - identificarea si implementarea celor bune solutii pentru pluginuri necesare Cerinte: - experienta si cunostinte excelente pentru implementari de marketplace in Wordpress - experienta si cunostinte excelente pentru Elementor - experienta si cunostinte excelente pentru WooCommerce - plugins Wordpress - integrare solutie de plati online - Cunostinte de atribute SEO necesare a fi implementate - backups and updates - vorbitor de romana si engleza Cautam o colaborare pe termen lung bazata pe taskuri si micro proiecte specifice. SOlicitam portofoliu care sa demonstreze experienta si cunostintele in zonele s...
Pentru cei din Romania Cautam un asociat pentru dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de servicii astrologice personalizate, asemanatoare cu Co Star. Avem nevoie de o persoana care sa aiba aptitudini tehnice pentru a putea dezvolta softul necesar. Cunostintele/interesul fata de astrologie reprezinta un plus. Oportunitatea este foarte buna. Mai multe detalii despre proiect vom oferi celor interesati.
Salut caut un scripter bun pentru a mă ajuta cu un server de Minecraft care se pricepe In groupmanager + alte plugins + esențials
Salut Anton. Suntem o companie de proiectare din Chisinau. Cautam un specialist Revit pentru un proiect care e acum urgent, dar si pentru viitor avem multe proiecte. Te rog sa ma contactezi daca esti interesat. Alexandru [Removed by]
Cautam un expert pe platforma Shopify pentru sincronizare catalog produse, optimizare site, plugins, weglot, implementare metoda de plata prin crypto. Plata se va face pentru fiecare etapa. Va rog sa ne prezentati cate un portofoliu.
3 responsive Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts can run once or by dividing the race into several runs, provided that the chronological calendar is maintained; - you will run with your colleagues in the virtual race, and an entire community will encourage you as you progress in your virtual run or in the virtual races that will bring you wonderful medals; - you will form new connections and make friends within the community; - you will develop the spirit of competition within the community, where you will always have new challenges and objects to achieve. 3. The target audience of the brand: who are we addressing? B2C: 20-50 years / men and women / secondary-higher education / medium to high, high and very high incomes / active people, with a competitive spirit, desire for recognition / hunters and / or collectors of meda...
Cautam developer cu experienta in PHP pentru lucru intern, full time in Bucuresti. Va rog sa aplicati doar daca aveti experienta intrucat e nevoie de cunostinte avansate de PHP, smarty. Preferam developeri romani sau vorbitori de limba romana. Multumim.
Doresc o verificare a structurii website-ului, actualizare plugins, actualizare versiune wordpress / problema cu tema incompatibila cu ultima versiune Wordpress + mici modificari de design.
Experienta de lucru cu WP Instalari Plugins Updates Intretinere Website / Tech Admin SEO website Imbunatatiri structura site de servicii cu rank 1 in google pe nisa respectiva
Firma noastra se ocupa cu tematizarea parcurilor de distractii din toata lumea. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unui parc de distractii din Qatar. La ora actual exista un fisier Revit ce contine toate elementele parcului. In acest sens, eu caut o colaborare cu o persoana capabila sa extraga din master file-ul existent, element cu element, sa-l plaseze pe o plansa individuala, sa-i puna toate cotele necesare si totodata sa extraga niste detalii conform cerintelor noastre. Aceste planse vor fi trimise spre productie. Multumesc
Salut, Nu vreau sa pierd vremea deci foarte mare grija. Nu platesc astronomic, nu am timp de morala si povesti. Am multe proiecte in DMG CAD si vreau sa le convertesc si sa le folosesc cu un colaborator de lunga durata in Revit (10 proiecte am deja clare) ... Te poti intreba de ce conversia si raspunsul e simplu ... videos , VR , photorealistic rendering ... etc Daca esti potrivit, da-mi ceva exemple de proiecte, timp de lucru, bani .. dar te rog, nu imi pierde vremea. Multumesc.
Dezvoltare web si creare de website-uri . Cerinte: 1. cunostinte bune Javascript , CSS, Bootstrap 2. cunostinte bune de HTML5 3. Portofoliu de minim 3 webite-uri active 4. cunostinte minime de creare/editare plugins/ teme de WordPress 5. Cunostiinte minime de clase si obiecte in PHP 6. OBLIGATORIU : cunostiinte de limba engleza atat scris , vorbit si intelegere. Avantaje : 1. domiciliu in Galati 2. experienta pe un domeniu similar Descrierea jobului COMPETENTE • Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare • Foarte bune abilitati de organizare • Capacitate de analiza si sinteza • Orientare spre rezultate • Autodidact • Spirit de echipa • Deschidere la nou • Punctualitate • Seriozitate Program full-time Se ofera: ...
Dezvoltare web si creare de website-uri . Cerinte: 1. cunostinte bune Javascript , CSS, Bootstrap 2. cunostinte bune de HTML5 3. Portofoliu de minim 3 webite-uri active 4. cunostinte minime de creare/editare plugins/ teme de WordPress 5. Cunostiinte minime de clase si obiecte in PHP 6. OBLIGATORIU : cunostiinte de limba engleza atat scris , vorbit si intelegere. Avantaj : 1. domiciliu in Galati 2. experienta pe un domeniu similar Descrierea jobului COMPETENTE • Foarte bune abilitati de comunicare • Foarte bune abilitati de organizare • Capacitate de analiza si sinteza • Orientare spre rezultate • Autodidact • Spirit de echipa • Deschidere la nou • Punctualitate • Seriozitate Program full-time Se ofera:...
I need somebody to develop excel templates for business plans according to giudelines we are willing to provide. We need somebody close to our location - Bucharest, Romania. Avem nevoie de un expert in excel care sa creeze template-uri pentru planuri de afaceri pe baza unor guidelines pe care noi le vom furniza. Sunt necesare intalniri periodice la sediul nostru din Bucuresti, Romania.
I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed . Probleme mysql legate de aplicatia Emag Marketplace. Intampin dificultati la trimitere produse din MAgento in MArkeplce ca urmare a modificarilor de categorii de catre EMag
...sitului sa poata adauga usor documente noi si campuri noi in formularul-sursa si sa mapeze campurile din documente cu campurile din formularul-sursa. Securizare site, astfel incat sa nu poata fi sparta baza de date. Trebuie sa fim bulletproof. Log-uri utilizatori, vizibile si pt admin si pt useri: cel putin data ultimei accesari si timpul cat a fost activ. Testimoniale clienti. Social media plugins pe site, blog si forum. Perioada de testare pentru conturile nou create. Datele companiilor inregistrate se salveaza in baza de date. Gestionare abonamente: trebuie propusa o solutie de gestionare automata a abonatilor. Abonamentele se vor putea face pe 3, 6, 12 luni, iar accesul in portalul de generare a documentelor va fi permis doar utilizatorilor cu abonamente active. Se ...
creare site pe platforma wordpress, implemetare woocommerce, si plugins-uri
Implementare rss feeds in pagini de grup din BuddyPress; taskul poate continua cu o etapa suplimentara securizare si monitorizare website (pe baza de plugins) - evaluata distinct.
Realizează modelare 3D Proiect rezidențial modelat cu Revit din punct de vedere arhitectura, necesar modelare instalatii cu MagiCAD
I would like a program written in C # with which to do some operations as shown in file joined. Image 1 is fixed. Image 2 will change after a logical file name increments. Final images must be in jpg format. The program must be edited using Sharp Develop. I must have access to the source program and the program must have comments.
Companie Americana cu sediul in Los Angeles, caut persona care stie sa lucreze in softwere, Wordpress si Joomla. Trebuie sa fie fluient in Limba romana si engleza si localizat in Romania. Websiteul basic va avea intre 12/15 pagini incluzand contact form, social network links si instalare client design. Alte cerinte incluzind google map, analytics and SEO Plugins Suntem interesti doar de persona independenta, (exclus companii) localizata in Romania. Respunde cu 2/3 exemplare links si o lista a tehnologiei folosite pentru proiectul respectiv.
- Take advantage of the start! - We are looking urgently for MLM leaders who want to develop a newly appeared MLM business! - You know too that those who start early have the greatest benefits! - This MLM business is unique all over the planet and has a reward plan which pleases even the ones who aren`t interested in MLM! - We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people. - Our product is a virtual package consisting of several highly spectacular personal development books and a novel which has a unique worldwide subject, a subject which you have never seen in any other novel or movie. - This is the only MLM business that promotes online a novel written with t...
I work in Corel Draw and i make all kind of advertising layers - i search projects to work.1 month free time to develop every kind of graphic things!
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl...
Buna, Marius ma numesc si locuiesc in Graz (Austria). Vreau sa develop un joc pentru Android si IOS. Caut o persoana/un team cu experienta. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog sa ma contactati pe mail.
Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application Develop a Mac Application
...salut Charlie, Ma numesc Cezar, si am nevoie sa-mi faci si mie un site bun... De fapt eu l-am inceput si find extrem de ocupat nu pot sa stau si de el. Am nevoie sa aiba un impact extarodinar si sa fie super ok din punct de vedere seo. Ma voi ocupa eu de el pe parcurs. Deci am nevoie ca siteul sa fie accesibil, sa nu consume resurse f multe, sa se incarce repede, sa pot vinde on-line pe el. Plugins-urile sa nu fie foarte stufoase. Intr-un cuvant design futurist simplu, viteza de load, accesibilitate. In privinta design-ului vom discuta. Am nevoie de ceva care sa imbine chimia cu produsele verzi (naturale, vegetale, clare, non toxice) Poti sa-mi faci o estimare? Ai putea sa-mi faci ceva frumos cu un super impact vizual si public ? Multumesc mult de tot, astept un raspuns. ...
Buna, am nevoie de cineva sa imi dezvolte un soft cu care sa pot trimit campanii de mail (bulk mail). *** Hi, i m looking for someone who can develop me a software for bulk mail. Thanks
Salut! Am un website simplu, de prezentare a unui singur produs, produs pe care vreau sa-l si vand pe acest site. Site-ul este simplu dupa cum spuneam (html5, css) nu e construit pe nici un fel de platforma (ecommerce sau altceva) si nu accepta plugins-uri automate. Am nevoie de un script, sau cum s-o fi numind..., care sa-mi permita sa taxez clientul cu un TOTAL (platibil prin paypal) care sa fie format din pretul fix al produsului plus valoarea transportului produsului pana in tara clientului (valoare selectata de client dintr-un droppdown box cu o lista cu tarile lumii, care are fiecare atribuit pretul de transport). In cateva cuvinte: TOTAL (platibil prin Paypal) = Pret fix produs + Pret shipping (selectabil de client din dropdown box) Va multumesc!
Hello thanks for reading my project. To keep it short: I need someone for my Minecraft Server who develops me a few plugins. First I will need a plugin called Surf (see the description added file). Please only apply for this job If you are already informed about Minecraft Bukkit. And If you know how to programm plugins in it (it's based on Java). Contact me here or in skype (REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN to discuss about your price. I'm not only looking for only one plugin I will need more plugins, so I'm also looking for a longtime partnership. Informations about the plugins are in the added file please take a look at it (and tell me your price only If you are able to programm this).
...Modes: Single Player: Play against advanced AI with realistic behaviors. Multiplayer: Compete online with friends or random players globally in real-time matches. Game Design: High-quality 3D graphics. Smooth animations and realistic physics for the ball and player movements. Modern, intuitive user interface. Customization Options: Personalize teams, including outfits and logos. Upgrade and develop players with earned points. Modern Technologies: Development using advanced game engines like Unity or Unreal Engine. Cloud-based solutions for player data storage. Optimized performance for various devices. Social Integration: Connect with social media platforms to challenge friends and share achievements. Global leaderboards to showcase top players. In-Game Voice Communication: ...
I'm seeking an expert who can help me create a pipeline for cleaning human-AI texts, specifically from academic papers. The individual will also develop a Machine Learning model to classify human versus AI text. Key Tasks: - Create a robust text cleaning pipeline. - The pipeline should focus on correcting grammar and spelling errors, as well as normalizing case and formatting. - Develop a Machine Learning model to classify texts as human or AI generated. - Collect additional data points from a variety of sources. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in machine learning and data processing. - Experience with text cleaning and natural language processing. - Ability to source and collect diverse data points. - Knowledge of academic texts and their characteristics. This project w...
Just fix minor issues cause by url only in plugins. Make sure download is fine then work done
I'm seeking assistance in creating A+ content for my Amazon listings. The content should primarily focus on 'Storytelling with Images', aimed at captivating potential buyers and ultimately increasing sales. Key Responsibilities: - Develop engaging and visually appealing A+ content that tells a story - Strategically designed to enhance sales conversions Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating Amazon A+ content - Strong graphic design skills - Excellent understanding of storytelling techniques - Familiarity with Amazon's A+ content guidelines As I do not have detailed brand guidelines, you will have the creative freedom to propose innovative ideas and themes. Your expertise in this area will be highly valued and I look forward to seeing your...
Înregistrează-te sau Conectează-te pentru a vedea detaliile. Project Title: Independence Decoration Objective: To design a creative, vibrant, and culturally themed decoration concept for CJ’s restaurants to celebrate the country’s independence during October. The goal is to enhance the in-restaurant experience, foster national pride, and create an Instagrammable ambiance that encourages customers to share their experiences online. Scope of Work: - Develop a cohesive decoration concept inspired by national symbols, colors, and traditions. (Uganda) - Design elements to include: - Table décor (centerpieces, themed cutlery wraps, napkins). - Wall and ceiling décor (banners, flags, hanging ornaments). - Exterior branding (entry arches, window clings, outdoor banners). . - Photo backdro...
I'm looking for a skilled social media expert with a knack for fostering community discussions and promoting user-generated content on my Telegram channel. Key Responsibilities: - Develop strategies to stimulate discussions among users. - Create opportunities for user-generated content. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in community management. - Strong understanding of Telegram's platform and its features. - Excellent communication skills.
...automation, and data analysis. The objective of this project is to develop a personal efficiency optimization tool that can extract and process relevant information from various websites. Key tasks and requirements: - Design and implement a web scraping system capable of gathering diverse data from multiple websites. - Utilize automation to streamline the data collection process and enhance efficiency. - Process the scraped data and present it in a user-friendly JSON format. - Implement data analysis features to extract insights from the collected information. The ideal candidate should possess: - Proficient programming skills with extensive experience in web scraping and automation. - Knowledge in data analysis and ability to develop insightful features. - Familiarity w...
I'm currently in the midst of developing new Mendix web applications with part of the project transitioning into maintenance. I'm on the lookout for a seasoned Mendix specialist with hands-on experience of 3 to 4 years, who has successfully implemented at least 3 projects on this platform. Key Responsibilities: - Develop custom widgets and modules tailored to our specific needs. - Engage in comprehensive data modeling and database integration. - Utilize Mendix studio for creating microflows and other necessary components. Ideal Candidate Skills: - Proficient in Mendix Studio, Mendix Studio Pro, and Mendix Runtime. - Strong background in software development best practices, particularly agile methodologies. - Demonstrated experience with custom widget and module developme...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to help me set up ...small business website. Key Tasks: - Collaboratively choose a suitable template for a small business website - Upload the chosen template to my hosting - Customize the template with additional plugins, photos, and possibly texts The website needs to include: - An 'About Us' section - A 'Services' section - A 'Contact Us' section - A feature that allows for listing various properties for sale/rent Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficient knowledge in web development and design - Experience with setting up small business websites - Skills in using various web templates and plugins - Ability to customize a website to meet specific business needs - Good commu...
I'm seeking a public relations expert to enhance my brand visibility and recognition through strategic influencer partnerships. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement a PR strategy focused on influencer collaborations. - Identify and engage relevant industry experts that align with my brand. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in PR and influencer marketing. - Extensive network of industry experts and affiliate companies. - Exceptional strategic planning and communication skills.
I need an SEO specialist who can help drive higher conversion rates on our product sales across various e-commerce platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and implement proven SEO strategies to enhance product visibility and drive conversions. - Focus primarily on e-commerce platforms. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Demonstrated experience in SEO with a focus on e-commerce platforms. - Proven track record of driving higher conversion rates. - Excellent understanding of SEO strategies that convert to product sales.
I need a social network manager who can work in this way: **Personalized Strategy:** develop a strategy tailored to objectives and audience and decide what to post, when, and how, to maximize impact. **Content Creation:** photos, graphics, videos, and engaging texts for posts and stories Everything to capture audience's attention. **Planning and Publishing:** schedule and publish all content according to the agreed calendar. **Interactive Management:** Respond to comments and private messages, maintaining an active and authentic dialogue with audience. This way, to build trust and strengthen the relationship with clients. **Pricing:** - €100 for 1 social network - €150 for 2 social networks - €200 for 3 social networks - €250 for 4 social networks - &eu...
I'm seeking an expert in Anthropic AI and MCP (Model Context Protocol) to develop an AI agent tailored for me. The project involves: - Typescript Development: You will create an MCP client in Typescript. Your proficiency in this language is crucial, as it will form the backbone of our AI agent's connectivity and functionality. - Web Interface Creation: A key part of this project is the development of a web interface for interacting with the MCP client. This interface should include a chat interface, history of chat like chatgpt, allowing for seamless interaction with the AI agent. - MCP Server Connectivity: The MCP client will need to connect with multiple MCP servers. Your experience with networked systems will be advantageous here. The ideal candidate will have extensi...
I am seeking a skilled web designer/developer to create a professional and visually engaging website using a provided HTML template. The website will showcase expertise in a specialized field, promote services, and engage with a target audience. Key tasks: 1. Develop Home, About, Speaking, Previous Talks, and Contact pages. Ensure an intuitive and professional layout that highlights key offerings. 2. Adapt the provided HTML template to align with the specific brand and content. Incorporate supplied images and text to ensure a cohesive, polished result. 3. Implement a contact form integrated with AWS Lambda (guidance provided) for email forwarding and anti-spam measures (reCAPTCHA). Ensure responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. 4. Refine provided images as needed...
I am seeking a professional business plan writer who can help me develop a complete business plan for my apparel import and distribution company. The target audience for this plan is immigration authorities, so it will need to be particularly compelling and thorough to demonstrate the viability and potential of the business. Key Areas of Focus: - A comprehensive and persuasive Executive Summary - In-depth Market Analysis showcasing the apparel industry - Realistic and compelling Financial Projections Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in writing business plans, specifically for the apparel import and distribution industry - Strong financial forecasting skills - Excellent market research capabilities - Experience in creating business plans for immigration purposes....
...extensive expertise in Flutter and Dart. The ideal candidate will possess a strong portfolio showcasing proven work in developing complex, high-performance mobile applications. This role requires in-depth knowledge of cross-platform development, leadership in project delivery, and a passion for creating seamless user experiences. Key Responsibilities: Flutter Application Development: Design, develop, and maintain high-performance, scalable, and robust cross-platform mobile applications using Flutter and Dart. Create reusable, efficient, and modular components for both Android and iOS platforms. Ensure applications meet high-quality standards with responsive designs and smooth animations. Project Leadership and Collaboration: Lead the mobile application development lifecycle fr...