Design mailchimp signup formproiecte
...Provide a link to a form (containing fields for phone and email through various marketing campaigns), Prospects will fill out this form, Email addresses will be automatically collected and sent to the Brevo platform, Brevo will then automatically send an email. Technically, the project includes the following requirements: Email Collection Form: Create an online form (Google Forms, Typeform, or a similar platform) for collecting email addresses from visitors. I also need instructions on how to create future forms. The form should be simple, asking only for the email address and possibly other essential details. Integration with Brevo: Integrate the form with Brevo, the platform we use for sending newsletters. Automate the process so that the e...
Caut pe cineva sa ma ajute sa invat cum se face o aplicatie de programare la doctor in SQL si JAVA cu 4 formulare - login, signup, appointment form. Data disponibilitate: 08 sau 09 iulie
Interfața grafică se proiectează la o rezoluție specifică afișării pe ecranul unui dispozitiv mobil. Interfata grafica inseamna design + prototip in Figma. Contine designul a cel putin 5 pagini specifice si interactiunile dintre ele (fara pagini de login, signup, create account). Se va ține cont în evaluare de: - Completarea corecta a documentului Fisa interfata grafica. - Utilizarea corectă logo (dacă este cazul), fonturilor, culorilor și imaginilor digitale, dar și de o conexiune vizuală și de mesaj între componentele grafice. - Reguli de amplasare a obiectelor, de la caz la caz (treimi, grid, simetrii etc.). - Principii / reguli de compoziție - proximitate, aliniere/poziționare, repetiție, contrast, utilizare corectă spațiu liber, aplicare proprietăți obi...
Căutăm să ne marim echipa cu un coleg/colega, care să gândească liber, sa fie creativ si sa vina cu idei misto. Tu vei fi omul care va face lucrurile frumoase să se miște, iar utilizatorii să aibă acces în fiecare zi la cele mai noi produse și promoții pe care le creăm împreună. Ne dorim...necesare. Suntem un magazin online de produse cosmetice coreene, iar in principiu, avem urmatoarele cerinte: • 2 vizualuri/ luna pentru articolele de blog postate pe site • 3-4 vizualuri/ saptamana cu produs/ mood/ beauty talk (in baza unui calendar de postari social media) • descrieri originale pentru vizualurile create (produs/ mood/ beauty talk/ vizual blog) • 1 newsletter/ saptamana (utilizand Mailchimp) • 1 newsletter ocazional pentru diferite camp...
Dorim creerea unei ,,baze de date" de tip data entery form (google sheet). Urmatoru pas: pe baza informatiilor din aceasta baza de date, dorim sa generam si sa salvam sub forma pdf ordine de productie. Aceste ordine de productie v-or avea un layout predefinit, si tot o data trebuie sa contina coduri de bara.
Salut, Caut pe cineva ca sa imi poata reazila un webstore pentru comercializarea unor produse cosmestice (bombe de baie) pentru un start-up. Dupa realizarea site-ului ma intereseaza o colaborare pe termen lung pentru eventuale optimizari de SEO, link cu google analytics, link cu o interfata de email marketing gen mailchimp, link cu o interfata de achizietie a produselor, etc... Am domeniul, am hosting-ul. Astept un feedback de la cine este interesat sa ma ajute sa pornesc acest proiect online. Mersi :)
...functie de efectul postarilor si reactiile publicului tinta. Cu cat postarile vor fi mai interactive, out of the box, engaging, cu atat ne vom dori sa colaboram pe termen cat mai lung. Cerintele noastre: Freelancer (middle level) cu urmatoarele skill-uri: 1. Corel Draw sau Adobe Illustator sau Photoshop. pentru realizare grafica pentru postarile pe facebook si realizarea unor newslettere in mailchimp. 2. Specialist middle level in crearea, optimizarea,stabilirea audientei si urmarirea campaniilor de facebook ads precum si analiza rezultatelor fiecarei campanii realizate. 3. Copywriter pentru realizarea de articole ce vor fi postate pe blogul nostru, precum si pt realizarea textului asociat campaniilor de facebook si instagram ads. Cum alegem freelancerii? 1. Functie de exp...
Atribuțiile vor include: 1. luare de notițe în întâlniri virtuale în limbile româna și engleză 2. triere și corespondență cu prospecți după modele date 3. transpunerea textului din documente .docx sau .pages în programe pentru wireframes. Cunoștintele ...2. triere și corespondență cu prospecți după modele date 3. transpunerea textului din documente .docx sau .pages în programe pentru wireframes. Cunoștintele de Photoshop sunt un avantaj. 4. programarea și organizarea de întâlniri online 5. traduceri și retroversiuni: română - engleză 6. transcrieri de înregistrări în limbile româna și engleză 7. corectură pe text 8. programare de campanii în Mailchimp și ConvertKit, inclusiv automatizări 9. editare v...
...functie de efectul postarilor si reactiile publicului tinta. Cu cat postarile vor fi mai interactive, out of the box, engaging, cu atat ne vom dori sa colaboram pe termen cat mai lung. Cerintele noastre: Freelancer (middle level) cu urmatoarele skill-uri: 1. Corel Draw sau Adobe Illustator sau Photoshop. pentru realizare grafica pentru postarile pe facebook si realizarea unor newslettere in mailchimp. 2. Specialist middle level in crearea, optimizarea,stabilirea audientei si urmarirea campaniilor de facebook ads precum si analiza rezultatelor fiecarei campanii realizate. 3. Copywriter pentru realizarea de articole ce vor fi postate pe blogul nostru, precum si pt realizarea textului asociat campaniilor de facebook si instagram ads. Cum alegem freelancerii? 1. Functie de experi...
Salut, As dori sa renunt la platforma Google Feedburner si sa trec la MailChimp. Am nevoie de cineva care sa integreze codul de la MailChimp in casutele existente de subscribe (fara plugin). O sa trebuieasca lucrat putin in codul de CSS de la casutele de subscribe (doua ca si numar). Ofer access la serverul de Stage pentru a testa inainte de a pune pe productie. Blogul este personal si creat in WordPress. Cu stima, Adrian
Implementare mobilpay (Netopia) - Gravity Form Wordpress Am un formular in Gravity Form care genereaza anumite valori numerice in functie de datele introduse, suma generata trebuie sa fie platita prin MobilPay. Modulul de plata pentru Gravity Form este inceput de un prieten, dar nu a mai fost terminat din cauza unor probleme personale pe care le are. Link:
Am o pagina web ce ma ajuta sa promovez produse si servicii la care sunt afiliat si doresc sa implementez pe aceasta pagina un formular de sign-up al tertilor, iar in acest formular sa imi implementez propria posibilitate ca vizitatorul ce se inscrie sa se inscrie in acelasi timp si la newsletterul meu, adica sa fie adaugat la lista mea, in GetResponse. Pentru mai multe detalii contacteaza-ma pe chat. Pretul prezentat aici nu e cel real, tot pe chat (sau la telefon) vom discuta la modul concret si despre bani/remunerare. Daca treburile merg bine vom colabora si pe viitor la alte proiecte.
Colaborare de lunga durata pe email marketing pentru domenii precum: vanzari, ecommerce (fashion dar si alte industrii), ONG (proiect de informare nationala), iar pe viitor tot mai multe. Activitatiile ar fi ca urmatoarele: - crearea autoresponderelor - creare continut pentru email-uri - creare concept ...nationala), iar pe viitor tot mai multe. Activitatiile ar fi ca urmatoarele: - crearea autoresponderelor - creare continut pentru email-uri - creare concept - structura - plan de emailuri - putina grafica - stabilire strategie cu echipa + lucrul in echipa si colaborarea cu ceilalti Cunostinte si experienta: - experienta de redactare pe acest tip de proiect - photoshop & Illustrator (basic) - mailchimp & wordpress & - Google G Suite (doc, sheet, forms, hangouts) -...
Exista de ceva vreme acest setup dar anul asta au fost enorm de multe spam-uri. Doresc sa adaug un reCAPTCHA sau ceva similar in tentativa de a reduce loadul inutil. De asemenea, baza de date trebuie curatata de toate acele inregistrari SPAM (drop la tabela etc). Nu e un proiect de durata, astept pe cineva care a facut deja si nu pierde vremea!
Creare popup cu De scris 3 articole cu teme diferite. Categoriile din site sa fie puse in ordine alfabetica. Schimbat tema site-ului. Inregistrarea automata a emailurilor colectate prin sumo mecu in lista din mailchimp.
Dorim crearea unei aplicatii/unui program care să se integreze online cu site/ul nostru Wordpress Aceasta aplicatie compara date introduse de client pentru a afisa in final un pret pentru serviciile noastre de furnizare energie electrica si gaz natural. Un exemplu grafic de cum am vrea sa functioneze aceasta aplicatie este , cu mici diferente. Trimitem documente suplimentare persoanelor interesate de acest proiect.
Conversie deviz reparatie (tipizat pe hartie) in forma de introducere date in Access . Creare rapoarte pentru tiparire .
Doresc sa creez un baner pentru un site . Atasat la aceasta oferta se gaseste banerul. Doresc ca banerul sa isi pastreze dimensiunile . Atasat am si un formular de newsletter. Ce este atasat este salvat la o rezolutie slaba. Doresc sa imi dati o propunere de grafica la newsletter. Acest formular este pentru mailchimp.
Pentru site-ul doresc sa implementez frameworkul thesis si skinul Ce trebuie urmarit: 1. integrare tema cu 2-3 modificari 2. integrare slider articole suplimentar 3. integrare plugin yoast seo cu thesis 4. integrare mailchimp 5. integrare woocommerce - existent deja pe site 6. adaugare meniu suplimentar in partea de sus 7. creare spatiu reclame adsense in posturi si pagini 8. setari pentru scor mare in pagespeed 9. corect css si html
Salut, am intrat prima data aici, detinem un magazin online , as dori un template custom pentru Mailchimp si bannerele aferente. Il vad ca fiind desfasurat pe linii, prima un banner mai mare in care sa foe descrisa promotia: ex 20% reducere la Sutiene de firma, apoi cate trei poze de produs pe un rand a cate 3 randuri, intre care sa fie intercalate bannere mai inguste (ca si inaltime) pe care sa fie prezentate avantajele site-ului, ex: livrare rapida, produse de calitate, preturi mici etc Scuze pentru putinele detalii, asa cum am spus sunt pentru prima oara aici, nici nu stiu daca se poate realiza solicitarea. Pretul te rog sa mi-l spui tu. In continuare voi mai avea nevoie si de alte lucrari. multumesc
Dorim constructia unui template custom de Newsletter pentru Mailchimp si bannerele aferente. Newsletterul va avea max 12 benzi (banner header, 3x (banner reclama urmata de 3 produse), banda de reclama la sfarsit)) +design + html cu linkuri. multumim
Buna, sunt pentru prima oara aici, detinem un magazin online , as dori un template custom pentru Mailchimp si bannerele aferente. Il vad ca fiind desfasurat pe linii, prima un banner mai mare in care sa foe descrisa promotia: ex 20% reducere la Sutiene de firma, apoi cate trei poze de produs pe un rand a cate 3 randuri, intre care sa fie intercalate bannere mai inguste (ca si inaltime) pe care sa fie prezentate avantajele site-ului, ex: livrare rapida, produse de calitate, preturi mici etc Cred ca am redat putine detalii, asa cum am spus sunt pentru prima oara rog sa imi spui tu pretul si alte detalii/intrebari/clarificari. multumesc. Cristi
Salut, am intrat prima data aici, detinem un magazin online , as dori un template custom pentru Mailchimp si bannerele aferente. Il vad ca fiind desfasurat pe linii, prima un banner mai mare in care sa foe descrisa promotia: ex 20% reducere la Sutiene de firma, apoi cate trei poze de produs pe un rand a cate 3 randuri, intre care sa fie intercalate bannere mai inguste (ca si inaltime) pe care sa fie prezentate avantajele site-ului, ex: livrare rapida, produse de calitate, preturi mici etc Scuze pentru putinele detalii, asa cum am spus sunt pentru prima oara aici, nici nu stiu daca se poate realiza solicitarea. Pretul te rog sa mi-l spui tu. In continuare voi mai avea nevoie si de alte lucrari. multumesc
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
I am in need of a roll form tooling design that can produce U-channels from steel. The tooling is intended for high production volumes, so durability and efficiency are key considerations. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in roll form tooling design. - Proficient in working with steel. - Experienced in U-channel production. Experience: - Proven track record of designing high-volume tooling. - Demonstrated ability to create durable and efficient designs.
...manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns across Google Ads and other platforms. - Monitor budgets, track ROI, and optimize campaigns for maximum performance. 4. **SEO (On-Page & Off-Page Optimization):** - Oversee SEO strategies to improve organic search rankings and drive traffic. - Ensure on-page and off-page optimization techniques are implemented effectively. 5. **Email Marketing & Automation:** - Design and execute email marketing campaigns to nurture leads and retain customers. - Implement automation workflows to streamline marketing efforts. 6. **Content Marketing & Copywriting:** - Lead the creation of high-quality, engaging content for blogs, websites, and social media. - Ensure all content aligns with brand voice and marketing goals. 7. **Affiliate Marketing...
******** NOTE: I will only respond to those that direct message me with coupon based apps designs in use via Android app store. I also will request a contact of the app, to confirm your role in the app's development and support. ********* I'm in need of an experienced app development agency or individual with a solid track record in creating live apps, particularly focused on coupon ...Please ensure the app follows a **blue** color scheme that aligns with our branding. Please ensure the app follows a blue color scheme that aligns with our branding. The app should include push notifications to alert users of new coupons. Businesses will have access to basic templates for creating and managing their profiles. Possibly CRM integrations. Microsoft Dynamics based and or Email via ...
I need a website that allows users to upload PDF forms and interact with them. Key Features: - Users upload forms with fillable fields: The website should be able to read PDF files that contain interactive fields. - Dynamic Textboxes Creation: The website should create dynamic textboxes for each fillable field of the uploaded PDF. - ...not have accounts: The website should be accessible without the need for registration or login. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in web development: Requires a strong background in web development, preferably with experience in creating interactive websites. - PDF manipulation experience: Prior experience with PDF manipulation libraries or tools is a plus. - User Interface design: Ability to design a simple, user-friendly interf...
I need a skilled Oracle Visual Builder Developer to create a project form for me.
I'm looking for an experienced email marketer to create and execute a lead nurturing campaign on Mailchimp to promote a new product. The campaign should include a mix of newsletters, promotional emails, follow-up emails, and lead generation emails. This is a 1 month assignment job. Key Responsibilities: - Set up an automation that integrates Meta Lead Instant Forms + Shopify Lead Form with Mailchimp engages a lead through a journey til purchase. - Design and implement an engaging email marketing strategy. - Create compelling content that encourages email recipients to make a purchase. - Optimize the campaign based on performance metrics. - Conduct A/B testing to identify the most effective email variations. - Segment email lists to target specific customer...
I need a custom ordering form for a client's bespoke furniture requirements. This form should allow the client to browse through various furniture pieces, select the desired items and quantities, and subsequently generate a summary with the total cost. Key Features: - Selection of Furniture Pieces: The form should allow customers to choose from a range of furniture pieces. - Detailed Capture: The form needs to capture specific SKU information for each available piece. - Automatic PO Generation: On submission, the form should create a Purchase Order (PO) with the selected items and their corresponding SKUs for production. Ideal Skills: - Experience with form development. - Proficiency in database management. - Familiarity with e-commerce and...
Kausar, please take off the email us web form from www I'm getting 100's of nonsense emails. cart. Cart functionality includes a list of added products with details (image, name, editable quantity, price, subtotal), item removal, delivery details input, delivery and other charges calculation, estimated total amount display, and options to "Place Order" or "Continue Shopping." C. Order and Payment Processing: Place Order/Checkout: A streamlined checkout process including login/signup, adding delivery addresses (if not already added), order summary display, payment method selection, payment gateway integration, payment details input, order confirmation page, and automatic email generation for order status updates. Order History: A section for customers to view their past orders, with list and detailed views, order status tracking (pending ...
Job Overview: We are seeking a Lead Generation Expert to help us run and manage high-quality lead generation campaigns for our clients. The ideal candidate will have experience with Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn outreach to generate leads for various industries, including real estate, coaching, and service...Proven experience in lead generation and running paid ads. Expertise in Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and LinkedIn Outreach. Strong understanding of conversion rate optimization (CRO) and lead nurturing. Ability to communicate clearly and professionally with clients. Previous experience working with businesses to generate qualified leads. Preferred Skills: Experience with email marketing tools (e.g., Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign). Knowledge of Google Analytics for performance...
I'm looking for a skilled WordPress developer to create a fully functional e-commerce site for my Pooja store. The theme will be provided. Key features should include: - A user-friendly admin panel - Secure login/signup functionality - Integration of Credit/Debit Cards and PayPal as payment methods - A diverse range of product categories including Puja Kits, Incense Sticks, Idols and all pooja items - A product reviews feature Ideal candidates should have extensive experience with WordPress e-commerce development and excellent understanding of integrating various payment methods. Previous experience working with product review functionalities is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've undertaken in your proposal.
To fix the spamming I am getting through my contact form.
Estoy creando una newsletter en mailchimp, necesito a alguien que integre todo correctamente con mi web y las suscripciones
I am looking to have an advanced form set up on my website built on crazydomains. The form must be able to extract data and then automatically propagate/fill out other forms. For reference, the form set up would be something like this process: :hl:psr1_2112:startn: The online website form will propagate the data into is the 9 page pdf "Application form 2024". If you can do this, the workflow on the specifics will be provided as not all data is required to be set up for extraction and propagation.
Need a virtual assistant who can help drive free signups for an email marketing brand with 30 days free tr...plans. - Engage with each lead to generate interest in the services, one-to-one. - Credit card details of users will be needed for free trial signup. - Potential leads will be given by me. - Each customer must signup from his own device. - Your unique link will be shared to you. - Need hourly updates on the progress - Pay will be released on reaching daily targets/ milestones - No upfront or no campaigns fee or other charges will be provided - No ads allowed, only organic traffic required. - No email marketing, no social media marketing. - No invalid email ids/ bots or fake users allowed Will check my dashboard regularly and update you on the signup counts you...
Need fillable pdf for this form.
I'm looking for a professional who can create a contact form for my website. - It should collect users' Name and Email - It should be user-friendly and responsive - It should collect users' Phone Number Ideal skills for the job include: - Web Form Development - User Experience Design - Basic Knowledge of HTML/CSS, we are seeking a freelancer with experience in WordPress management, Mailchimp, and Canva to assist us with our website and promotional content. Key Responsibilities: - Updating our WordPress site with new content, specifically on the Homepage and Events pages. - Linking our website to Square and TryBookings for seamless ticket purchases and memberships/donations. - Creating and updating content to promote our match schedules and functions. - Assisting with Mailchimp emails to our subscribers. - Collaborating with us on content creation using Canva and our existing templates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in WordPress with a track record of managing similar sites. - Experience with Mailchimp and Canva for content creation and email ma...
Hello, I need a skilled developer to create finish a Oracle Visual Builder form for internal staff to search supplier data, I look forward to collaborating with someone who can help me shape this project. Happy Bidding
Description: We are looking for an experienced Mailchimp & Mandrill API Developer who can help us integrate Zoho CRM with Mandrill (Mailchimp's transactional email service) to automate email sending. ? Project Scope: 1️⃣ Fetch Contact Data from Zoho CRM Retrieve contact details (including email) based on Contact ID. Ensure proper field mapping with Zoho CRM API. 2️⃣ Send Transactional Emails via Mandrill API Use Mandrill API to send emails to contacts fetched from Zoho CRM. Ensure proper email structure (subject, body, sender details). Implement proper error handling and logging for failed emails. 3️⃣ Secure API Key Management Ensure API keys are not hardcoded in the script. Suggest best practices for storing and using API keys securely. 4️⃣ Testing & Debugging Perform ...
RFP for Order Management Web Application - Initial deployable on Heroku. 4. Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Vendor experience: Proven track record of developing and deploying web applications. Technical expertise: Demonstrated knowledge of relevant web technologies and security best practices. Proposed solution: Clarity and completeness of the proposed solution, including technical design and implementation plan. Cost: Competitiveness of the pricing and value for money. Timeline: Ability to deliver the project within the agreed-upon timeframe. Attached are the PDF designs and workflow, showing the automation and functionality needed. Also attached is the Excel file, which explains the necessity of the entir...
...competitive digital landscape. We’re looking for a talented Short-Form Video Editor to join our Media Team and help us create exceptional video content that drives viral results and conversions. About the Role: As a Short-Form Video Editor, you’ll be at the heart of our creative efforts, crafting engaging and visually appealing video content for platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, and Facebook Ads. Your role will be crucial in helping us connect with our audience, tell our story, and drive conversions. This is a remote position offering flexibility and the opportunity to grow within a dynamic team. Key Responsibilities: Video Editing & Post-Production: Edit and assemble raw footage into captivating short-form videos tailored for ...
...provide an intuitive and engaging experience for both job seekers and recruiters, featuring a structured job board, resume-building tools, and separate login portals. Key Features & Pages 1. Landing Page Clean and modern UI with a strong call-to-action (CTA). Brief introduction to FindMyColleague and its value proposition. Login/Signup buttons for job seekers and recruiters. A search bar to browse job postings. Testimonials and success stories. Contact form or chatbot for inquiries. 2. Job Posts Page A dynamic job board displaying job listings with filters for location, industry, experience level, and salary range. Each job post should include company details, job description, responsibilities, and application instructions. Option for job seekers to apply ...
I'm in search of a talented video editor who can transform raw footage into captivating short-form entertainment videos for Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. The videos should carry a storytelling/lifestyle tone and must: - Be rich in sound effects and music - Include captions or subtitles - Be pieced together in a way that tells a quality story - Ensure videos are optimized for Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts - Create attention-grabbing intros to captivate viewers immediately The ideal candidate for this role should have experience editing lifestyle and storytelling content, with a proven track record of creating engaging, high-quality social media videos. Strong skills in sound design, subtitle timing, and narrative pacing are crucial. If you have a pass...
...for future expansions - Ensure the website is fully optimized for mobile devices. - Set up multiple secure payment gateways for smooth transactions. - Integrate social media sharing and follow buttons. - Include a section for user ratings and reviews of travel packages. - Allow users to create and manage their own accounts. - Integrate a customer support system or chat feature. - Add a newsletter signup option to capture emails. - Ensure the website follows all necessary security protocols. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in developing travel or e-commerce websites - Extensive knowledge of integrating booking systems - Proficient in setting up and managing blogs on websites - Exceptional skills in creating visually appealing websites - Familiarity with e-commerc...