Demonstrate solutions vertex lie graph equationproiecte
This project is exclusively intended for freelancers based in Romania who have experience in developing custom solutions for WordPress. We are looking to collaborate with a local developer who understands the specifics of the educational market in Romania and can implement a solution that complies with local legislative requirements (e.g., GDPR compliance, invoicing, electronic signatures). Prezentare Generală: este o platformă dedicată creșelor, grădinițelor și afterschool-urilor, construită pe baza temei MyListing. Scopul principal al site-ului este de a oferi utilizatorilor (părinți) un loc centralizat unde pot găsi și compara instituțiile educaționale disponibile, având acces la informații despre programe, locații și servicii oferite. Platforma utilizează funcționalităț...
...equivalents. Additionally, new Android 14 features, such as enhanced notifications and gesture navigation, could be incorporated into the app to improve its functionality. 3. Challenges and Solutions Updating an Ionic-based app for Android 14 involves overcoming several challenges. Some of the most common challenges include: Compatibility Issues with Plugins: Many Ionic apps rely on third-party plugins to enhance their functionality. However, these plugins may not be fully compatible with Android 14. The solution will involve identifying and updating incompatible plugins or finding alternative solutions. Code Refactoring: In some cases, the app's codebase may require refactoring to comply with new Android 14 requirements. This involves cleaning up legacy code, optim...
Buna ziua, caut pe cineva care cunoaste foare bine fisierele feed de tip .XLS deoarece in site ul meu se gasesc in jur de 2000 de produse si vrem sa le adaugam si in emag marketplace acesta produse trebuie sa includa - Denumiri de produse - Descrierea produselor - Preturile produselor - Fotografii de produs - Toate detaliile produsului asociat Cautam pe cineva care sa se ocupe de acest import al produse lor noastre in marketplace ul celor de la emag Va multumesc
Podium Solutions organizeaza un interniship pe perioada 1nov-31ian. Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam sa scrieti mail la contact[at], in care sa atasati si portofoliul/cv-ul dumneavoastra.
Bună, Protovo Solutions LLP. Ți-am remarcat profilul și-aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile pe chat.
...birou de achizitie in Hong Kong. Samdamgifts SRL este parte integranta a Grupului Samdam care si-a dezvoltat considerabil portofoliul de servicii si produse, devenind in prezent un reper in industria de profil din Romania, oferind: - Obiecte promotionale si articole premium - Textile promotionale, echipamente de protectie si articole sportive - Cadouri business si programe de loialitate Samdam Solutions ofera de mai bine de 25 de ani solutii intreprinderilor mici si mari, asociatiilor in domeniul obiectelor promotionale, cadourilor corporative, textilelor promotionale si a echipamentelor de lucru. Aspiram la si lucram pentru satisfactia deplina a clientilor nostri, devenind astfel partenerul lor preferat. Platformele online ale grupului sunt: www
Design site Wordpress de socializare,tema și pluginurile sunt cu licență.Caut design modern,simplu și ușor de de se numește olympus de la crumina.
Am nevoie ca documentul din atasament sa fie tradus din romana in engleza. Traducerea trebuie sa fie in World si formulele transcrise cu "Equation" Traducerea trebuie sa fie corecta din punct de vedere tehnic. (Nu este pentru amatori)
Salut, am nevoie de un LOGO pentru firma. denumirea firmei MB SILVER slogan: office solutions Multumesc.
Bună, Enablers Web Solutions. Ți-am remarcat profilul şi vreau să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
Cautam un .net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in AWS, pentru proiectele pe care le dezvoltam in cadrul RIA Solutions Group, alaturi de clientii nostri din SUA. Se poate lucra remote, intrucat ne dorim in special sa lucram in regim de colaborare pe aceste proiecte. The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.
Buna Alexandra, ţi-am remarcat profilul şi aş vrea să aflu mai multe despre tine, posibil pe viitor să colaboră pe proiecte de traducere. Eu am contract cu agentia de traduceri Swiss Solutions ( ) şi intentionez pe viitor să preiau proiecte de traducere.
Swiss Solutions, agentie de traduceri, cauta sa isi largeasca echipa de DTP-isti pentru diferite tipuri de servicii de prelucrare grafica,. Suntem interesati de o colaborare pe termen lung si nu de un singur proiect.
Swiss Solutions cauta sa isi largeasca echipa de DTP-isti pentru diferite tipuri de servicii. Ne dorim un colaborator pe termen lung.
Swiss Solutions, agentie de traduceri, cauta sa isi extinda echipa de freelanceri DTP-isti. Nu este un proiect anume ci o colaborare pe termen lung, pe diferite tipuri de proiecte primite de la clienti.
Sunt în căutare de a angaja un Front-End Web Developer, talentat, abilități de programare JavaScript, care este motivat sa combine arta designului cu cea de programare. Vei fi implicat în întregul ciclu de viață al dezvoltării unui sit...întregul ciclu de viață al dezvoltării unui site ecommerce dezvoltat in prestashop. Responsabilitati cheie: - bune abilitati de front-end (CSS / JavaScript / HTML) și familiarizarea cu cadre comune , cum ar fi jQuery. - experiența cu AngularJS, Bootstrap (sau alte cadre JavaScript). - background puternic în HTTP. - knowledge of usability, accessibility and cross-browser issues and solutions. - baze de date SQL (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL). Rog sa aplice doar freelaceri care au un portofoliu format si ...
Buna ziua, Suntem o companie romaneasca cu 9 ani de experienta in web development. In present lucram atat pe propria platforma dezvoltata pe framework-ul Laravel cat si pe platforma Magento. Clientii nostri sunt companii romanesti si din SUA. In acest moment lucram pe p...atat pe propria platforma dezvoltata pe framework-ul Laravel cat si pe platforma Magento. Clientii nostri sunt companii romanesti si din SUA. In acest moment lucram pe proiecte B2B si B2C pentru SUA pe Magento. Dorim o colaborare remote pentru backend development pe Magento. Va rugam sa ne comunicati disponibilitatea dvs. Va multumim, SABINA LEGANARU Co-Founder and General Manager Web Future Solutions Mobile:+40724 55 90 31 Phone: +40311 00 10 72 @
Creare Logo pentru magazinul online NetBeam Solutions. Site
Cautam programator pasionat, cu experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea de aplicatii folosind .NET, dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvoltarea de aplicatii utilizand .NET • cunostinte de CSS, HTML perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvoltarea de aplicatii utilizand .NET • cunostinte de CSS, HTML Constituie avantaj: • experienta de lucru cu servicii web (WCF, WepApi) • experienta cu javascript, jQuery • experienta in dezvoltarea de aplicatii pe dispozitive mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) • cunoastere si lucru cu Microsoft Business Solutions (Dynamics CRM, Sharepoint) Pentru cei din provincie se lucreaz...
Cautam programator pasionat, cu experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea de aplicatii folosind .NET, dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvoltarea de aplicatii utilizand .NET • cunostinte de CSS, HTML perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvoltarea de aplicatii utilizand .NET • cunostinte de CSS, HTML Constituie avantaj: • experienta de lucru cu servicii web (WCF, WepApi) • experienta cu javascript, jQuery • experienta in dezvoltarea de aplicatii pe dispozitive mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) • cunoastere si lucru cu Microsoft Business Solutions (Dynamics CRM, Sharepoint) Pentru cei din provincie se lucreaz...
...Acest spatiu amenajat asigura o capacitate de crestere a 2500 de exemplare de vipere. Activitatile de crestere vipere, producere si recoltare venin pentru scopuri farmaceutice si cosmetice se desfasoara in cadrul sistemului de management al calitatii, societatea fiind certificata ISO 9001:2008 de catre SRAC si IQ Net. Toate activitatile desfasurate sunt inregistrate astfel incat pot fi demonstrate calitatea, autenticitatea si trasabilitatea produsului obtinut. Recoltarea veninului se realizeaza in conditii sterile in cadrul laboratorului amenajat in incinta unitatii. Veninul astfel obtinut este prelucrat sub forma liofilizata la National Institute of Reasearche and Development for Microbiology and Immunology “Cantacuzino” din Bucuresti. Produsul finit e...
Suntem o firma noua pe piata galateana de stampile, apelam la dvs pentru un logo care sa reprezinte societatea noastra. Societatea se numeste Revival Solutions Srl., noi am incercat sa ne promovam prin "stampile galati" dar avem nevoie de un logo, daca va ajuta avem si un site (magazin online) Asteptam machetele dvs, suntem deschizi la idei!
Salut, rawcoders! Ma numesc Balan Cristian-Dorian, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. O sa incerc sa fiu concis. Ne intereseaza o colaborare la distanta, pe proiecte. Pentru asta trebuie sa-ti cunoastem disponibilitatea in urmatoarea perioada (cateva luni) si daca pretul afisat aici este se poate negocia in functie de cerintele proiectului. De asemenea, cateva date de contact ar fi binevenite (ID Skype/E-mail/Telefon). Preferam sa stim exact cui vrem sa oferim un proiect, acesta fiind si motivul pentru care am ales aceasta abordare in defavoarea celei clasice in care postezi un proiect si astepti aplicanti. Pentru a-ti face o idee asupra tipului de proiecte pe care le preluam, gasesti mai jos un mini-portofoliu cu cateva exemple:
Salut, Alin! Ma numesc Balan Cristian-Dorian, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. O sa incerc sa fiu concis. Ne intereseaza o colaborare la distanta, pe proiecte. Pentru asta trebuie sa-ti cunoastem disponibilitatea in urmatoarea perioada (cateva luni) si daca pretul afisat aici este se poate negocia in functie de cerintele proiectului. De asemenea, cateva date de contact ar fi binevenite (ID Skype/E-mail/Telefon), impreuna cu un portofoliu relevant (niste link-uri) Preferam sa stim exact cui vrem sa oferim un proiect, acesta fiind si motivul pentru care am ales aceasta abordare in defavoarea celei clasice in care postezi un proiect si astepti aplicanti. Pentru a-ti face o idee asupra tipului de proiecte pe care le preluam, gasesti mai jos un mini-portofoliu...
Salut! Ma numesc Balan Cristian-Dorian, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. Suntem placut impresionati de portofoliul tau asa ca te contactez cu o propunere. O sa fiu scurt si concis. Este vorba de o colaborare la distanta, pe proiecte. Pentru asta m-ar interesa disponibilitatea ta in urmatoarele cateva luni si daca pretul afisat aici este fix sau negociabil in functie de complexitatea proiectelor. De asemenea, un nume, e-mail ar fi de ajutor. Ma poti gasi pentru detalii aditionale la: ID Skype: balandoriancristian. Prefer metoda asta de contact in detrimentul celei clasice: Postat job/asteptat sa aplice cineva. Pe deasupra, preferam sa lucram cu romani. Astept cu interes raspunsul tau! O zi frumoasa!
Salut! Ma numesc Dorian Balan, sunt Project Manager la OneImage Solutions, Bucuresti. Avem un flow constant de proiecte de diverse dimensiuni la care am avea de nevoie de asistenta. M-ar interesa disponibilitatea voastra in lunile urmatoare pentru a lucra cu noi precum si detalii ca: posibilitatea de negociere a pretului in functie de proiect, o persoana de contact (e-mail, skype). Detaliile legate de cost/durata le putem discuta in functie complexitatea proiectelor. Datele noastre de contact sunt: office@ 14 Ghercu C-tin str., etajul 5, sector 6 060201 Bucharest +40 (0) 318 210 125 +40757090688 sau ID Skype: balandoriancristian. Mersi frumos, O zi buna!
Salut, am nevose sa instalez munin 2.x in modalitate fast-cgi (ca in acest tutorial) pe nginx 1.5.6 (deja instalat si configurat de mine) nginx 1.5.6 (deja instalat si configurat de mine) pe un server ubuntu 12.04 curat (am instalat si compilat nginx si atat). Am adaugat si repository ppa:tuxpoldo/munin (pentru a avea ultima verione de munin). Lucrul important este ca trebuie sa mearga bine. Inclusiv zoom-ul pe grafic, ca in aceasta demo: Ai cum sa ma ajuti? Numai bine, Ionut
...Basically, we need a way to make sure all traffic from blacklisted countries goes through trusted IPs. We’re open to your suggestions on how to best handle this. I'm looking for a professional who can assist me in setting up a proxy solution to redirect traffic. The main purpose of this project is to bypass certain restrictions. Skills Needed: - Expertise in setting up various types of proxy solutions (HTTP, SOCKS, Transparent) - Strong understanding of network traffic and redirection - Experience with bypassing network restrictions Please note that while the specific type of proxy solution has not been determined, your recommendations based on your expertise will be greatly appreciated....
I'm looking to create a comprehensive Excel spreadsheet template with macros, active control options, and bar charts for my company, Measurement Solutions, Inc., an industrial distributor specializing in measurement equipment. This template will be used for quoting custom gages. The project will involve: - Creating macros to automate calculations, generate custom quotes, and handle data validation and cleanup. - Designing the template to input various types of data including customer information, product specifications, pricing details, and delivery information. - Incorporating bar charts for price/time comparisons. Ideal skills for this job include: - Advanced Excel expertise, particularly in creating and implementing macros. - Experience with data validation and cleanup in ...
To develop your mobile application for the National Police Academy in the fastest and simplest way possible, leveraging third-party resources like CodeCanyon and pre-built solutions, follow this step-by-step guide: --- ### 1. Optimal Workflow for Rapid Implementation #### Step 1: Selecting a Pre-built Template in Flutter Visit []() and search for templates like "Quiz App Flutter" or "E-learning App Flutter" that include: - User authentication (Google, Facebook, email) - Customizable test functionalities - Multimedia support (PDF documents, videos) - Firebase integration for the backend **Recommended Templates:** - E-Learning Flutter App - Online Exam Flutter App **Benefits of Using a Template:** - Saves time on UI design and development. - Ready-to-use
I'm seeking a skilled video editor for my YouTube channel, Money Minds, where I share trading strategies and online earning methods. The ideal candidate would be a long-term collaborator who can produce videos similar to DECODING YT, complete with engaging thumbnails. Key Responsibilities...Incorporate text overlays and subtitles - Add background music and sound effects - Utilize stock footage and images Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in video editing, preferably for YouTube content - Ability to create engaging, fast-paced edits - Experience with creating thumbnails - Familiarity with trading or finance content is a plus I'm open to considering new freelancers, provided you can demonstrate your editing skills and creativity. The frequency of video uploads is two to t... that require constant monitoring and troubleshooting. The operations team often receives a high volume of support requests from internal and external customers, ranging from technical issues to service inquiries. R is interested in exploring the use of Generative AI to create an intelligent chatbot that can assist customers in finding relevant runbooks, knowledge articles, or automated solutions to their problems. How can R leverage Generative AI to build a conversational interface that can understand the context of customer requests, retrieve the appropriate information, and provide helpful guidance? What are the key considerations in developing and deploying an AI- powered operations chatbot that delivers a seamless customer experience? NOTE; Only AWS products are to b...
I am seeking an experienced Odoo freelancer with a proven track record of completing at least 10 projects on . The ideal candidate should be skilled in customizing and implementing Odoo solutions to meet diverse business needs. No companies, only individual freelancers are invited to apply.
...palette consists of white (#FFFFFF) and blue (#005BBB). Design Variations: * Blue background with white text. * White background with blue text. * Both designs should also include versions with transparent text. * The logo will be used for websites, signage, and print materials. 2. Flag File Requirements * The flag dimensions must be 100 cm x 250 cm. * I have uploaded a reference image to demonstrate the desired design. * The final file must be in one of the following formats: PDF, TIFF, or JPEG. * Ensure the design is print-ready with high resolution and correct proportions. Deliverables Logo files: * Full-text logo ("Namsen fritid") in both color variations and transparent text versions. * Standalone "N" logo in both color variations and transparent text ...
...Requirements: Frontend: Flutter for mobile development; HTML/CSS/JavaScript framework for the landing page (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js). Backend: Scalable architecture using Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, or a comparable framework. Database: Firebase, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB for secure content and user data management. Payment Gateways: Integration of Stripe, PayPal, or other relevant solutions. Hosting and Deployment: Guidance on deploying the backend and landing page....
I'm seeking a motivated, results-driven sales and marketing professional focused on promoting my mobile app development services. This role operates on an incentive-based compensation model,...development services. This role operates on an incentive-based compensation model, rewarding you for every successful contract you secure. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in sales and marketing - Proven experience in the software development sector, particularly in promoting mobile app services - Excellent communication and negotiation skills Your task will be to reach out to potential clients, demonstrate the value of our services, and ultimately secure contracts. The more successful you are, the more you earn. This is a unique opportunity to leverage your sales skills in a lucrative, high-g...
I'm seeking a seasoned, slightly mature, online actor to star in a series of Instagram videos aimed at engaging viewers on an emotional level. Key Requirements: - Slightly mature appearance - Strong acting skills with a f...Instagram - Ability to understand and deliver content that resonates with the audience The videos are designed to promote social media engagement, so creativity and charisma in front of the camera are essential. A professional background is not necessary, but a casual, relatable demeanor will be beneficial. Ideal candidates will have a portfolio of similar content or acting experience, and can demonstrate their ability to connect with viewers on an emotional level. You only need to add a meeting with a computer and shoot remotely without going to a spe...
I'm seeking a talented AI developer with a focus on machine learning. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of AI technologies and experience in developing AI-driven solutions. Key Responsibilities: - Design and implement machine learning models - Collaborate with me on innovative AI solutions Ideal Skills: - Expertise in machine learning - Strong problem-solving skills - Passion for AI and technology
I'm looking for a proficient developer who can establish a seamless API integration between Salesforce and Netsuite. This project focuses on real-time data synchronization of sales opportunities across both platforms. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Salesforce and Netsuite. - Strong expertise in API development. - Proven track record in facilitating efficient data flow...establish a seamless API integration between Salesforce and Netsuite. This project focuses on real-time data synchronization of sales opportunities across both platforms. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Salesforce and Netsuite. - Strong expertise in API development. - Proven track record in facilitating efficient data flow. - Passion for delivering high-quality, operationally enhancing ...
I'm seeking a skilled professional to enhance our software solutions firm's reach and client base, particularly targeting medium & large-sized businesses. Key Responsibilities: - Cold calling potential clients - Engaging in business communication with leads - Developing new business opportunities Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in cold calling and business communication - Previous experience in the energy trading and financial services sector is a plus - Familiarity with software solutions and understanding of the industry - Proven track record in business development, particularly for B2B sales
- Develop persuasive and engaging text that resonates with business owners and decision-makers. -Highlight the unique aspects of Scudieri & Associados, such as its real-world business expertise and solutions-focused approach, rather than selling courses. -Emphasize the firm's core services: M&A, strategic management, and corporate transformation. Descrição: A Scudieri & Associados é uma consultoria especializada em M&A, gestão estratégica e transformação de empresas. Buscamos um profissional ou agência especializada em criação de conteúdo que compreenda profundamente os três principais serviços oferecidos pela nossa empresa e seja capaz de desenvolver: Texto e Copywriting:...
I'm in need of a technical advisor specializing in refrigeration technology for industrial cooling purposes. This system will be implemented in a manufacturing plant. Key Requirements: - Expert...implemented in a manufacturing plant. Key Requirements: - Expertise in system design with a focus on industrial refrigeration. - Prior experience in the manufacturing sector is highly desirable. - Ability to provide strategic advice on optimal system design for cooling efficiency. Ideal Skills: - In-depth knowledge of industrial cooling systems. - Proficiency in designing tailored refrigeration solutions. - Excellent problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. Please go through the video and revert having any idea of working on it
Project Overview: I am looking for an experienced WordPress developer to create 100 calculators for my website. These calculators will be designed to provide solutions for a wide range of topics, including finance, health, math, and general use. Each calculator must be fully functional, user-friendly, responsive, and seamlessly integrated into my WordPress site. Scope of Work: Calculator Categories: Financial Calculators (e.g., Loan, Mortgage, Investment Calculators) Fitness and Health Calculators (e.g., BMI, BMR, Calorie Calculators) Math Calculators (e.g., Percentage, Fraction, Statistics Calculators) Other Calculators (e.g., Date, Time, Gas Mileage Calculators) Functionality: Each calculator will accept dynamic inputs and produce accurate results based on provided formulas. Pr...
...Translating data insights into actionable business recommendations. - **Communication Skills**: - Presenting complex technical findings in a simple, understandable way for non-technical stakeholders. --- #### **Slide 4: Problem-Solving and Analytical Thinking** - **Critical Thinking**: - Being able to approach problems methodically, identifying data patterns, and proposing solutions. - **Project Lifecycle Understanding**: - Familiarity with the steps in a data science project: Data Collection → Preprocessing → Modeling → Evaluation → Deployment. --- #### **Slide 5: Collaboration and Teamwork** - **Working in Cross-Functional Teams**: - Ability to collaborate with other departments (e.g., product teams, marketing, busines...
I'm looking for an expert to executives, so it should be tailored to their level of understanding and interest. Key Focus Areas: - Current Applications: The training should concentrate on current uses of AI in business. Real-world examples and case studies will be essential to illustrate the points. - Industry Specific Examples: I would like the training to include examples from the law and education sectors to demonstrate the versatility and applicability of AI across various fields. The ideal freelancer for this project will have a profound understanding of AI, its current applications in business, and the ability to communicate this knowledge effectively to non-technical audiences. Experience working with or training business executives would be a signifi...
I'm on the lookout for a seasoned Google Ads professional who can help me drive significant international traffic to my website. The primary goal of this campaign is to increase website visits. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Google Ads - Proven track record of boosting website traffic - Expertise in managing...goal of this campaign is to increase website visits. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with Google Ads - Proven track record of boosting website traffic - Expertise in managing campaigns across the Search Network, Display Network, and YouTube - Understanding of international market dynamics - Ability to analyze, optimize and report on campaign performance Please bid only if you can demonstrate relevant experience and can provide references from pr...
...experience in creating, designing, and maintaining iOS applications, particularly for IoT. This project is currently in the Concept/Design phase, and I anticipate a work duration of 30-45 days with the possibility of extension. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop iOS applications using Swift and Objective-C. - Collaborate with cross-functional teams through periodic updates. - Develop solutions for seamless communication between mobile apps and IoT devices using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, NFC, and other relevant protocols. - Integrate IoT data streams and device APIs to enhance app functionality and user experience. - Troubleshoot and debug issues related to hardware-software interactions. Ideal Candidate: - Holds a BCA/MCA/B.E or relevant degree. - Has 6-10 years of experience ...
Project Title: Mobile App for Emulating MiFare Classic 1K/4K Access Cards on Android ...compatibility with existing systems. Security Considerations: Implement encryption or any required security measures to prevent unauthorized cloning or misuse. User-Friendly Interface: Simple UI for adding, managing, and switching between different emulated cards. Additional Notes: If MiFare Classic cannot be fully emulated on iOS due to hardware/software restrictions, I am open to alternative NFC-based solutions that work cross-platform. Previous experience with NFC programming, reverse engineering, and security best practices is highly preferred. Please provide details on your experience with NFC development, relevant past projects, and an estimated timeline and cost. Looking forward to your ...
...seconds to 1 minute, with an option for custom sounds (e.g., specific city or local sounds). Durability: Impact and moisture-resistant, ideal for tourists. Objective: I need an individual or team to create a working prototype of this concept, ensuring all elements (design, functionality, and eco-friendliness) are integrated seamlessly. The prototype should capture the essence of the concept and demonstrate its practicality. Skills Required: 3D modeling and printing expertise. Experience with digital audio devices and speaker integration. Knowledge of kinetic energy systems or battery technology. Sustainability-focused design experience. Deliverables: A fully functional prototype of the "Musical Shell." Detailed documentation of materials, manufacturing processes, and...
...9. Legal & Compliance Regulatory Compliance Business Contracts Company Law Legal Consulting 10. Exports and Imports Exporting Goods International Trade Import Regulations Customs Clearance Documentation 11. Government Schemes Entrepreneurship Schemes Subsidies Government Programs & Welfare Plans What We’re Building Our project spans multiple industries, aiming to develop solutions that integrate technology, agriculture, business, wellness, and more. Each contributor will play a key role in their area of expertise, collaborating to drive this initiative forward. Who We’re Looking For We’re seeking specialists, consultants, and practitioners with: Proven expertise in any of the categories above. A track record of innovative and ...