Database models bus reservation systemproiecte
...purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update proces...
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin-deci furnizorul va fi dinamic, se va tot schimba in functie de bestprice feed. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va...
Exclusiv pentru developeri din Romania. Detinem un magazin online de anvelope si dorim crearea unui modul de import produse din diverse feeduri xml, csv sau aproximativ 20 de feeduri diferite, de la diversi furnizori, toate difera deci va fi vorba de mapare corecta. In urma importului as vrea sa ramana in baza de date numele furnizorului de la care s-a adaugat produsul. Toate produsele vor fi adaugate pe baza Ean-ului care este unic incat sa evitam dublarea produselor in baza de date proprie. As vrea sa facem un sistem care stie sa citeasca cel mai bun pret de la acesti 20 de furnizori si de acolo sa afisam produsul in magazin. De asemenea as vrea sa rulam update-uri de stoc/pret periodice (cron). Sistemul va trebui conceput incat sa putem adauga/opri anumiti furnizori in orice moment...
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
)* pentru o buna comunicare doresc doar programatori din Romania proiectul consta in migrarea produselor de pe o platforma veche (xt-commerce) pe opencart 3.0x sunt insa particularitati care trebuie clarificate si implementate the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real spread codes (Walsh-Hadamard and PN). Different types of equalizers will be implemented at the reception. The evaluation of the performance of the system in question will be performe...
Descrierea proiectului este in fisierul atasat.
Cautam pe cineva sa lucreze in PHP (Laravel) + MySQL pentru o aplicatie web care gestioneaza activitatea unei fabrici de incaltaminte. Aplicatia este facuta, insa are anumite erori care presupun niste ore de munca.
Looking for a person who knows Three.js. The project is for school and it mainly has a few functionalities: - Load models from server - Add models to scene - Select models in order to animate/ move them - Remove models - Somehow copy the code in order to give it to another user who can paste it and see the same canvas with the exact models and their animation
The 3d planner must contain the following: - cabinet configurator (to be able to create a cabinet from scratch and not to depend on the programmer) -color and texture configurator -configurator of 3d models - rendering system as realistic as possible -an admin system with the possibility to create users and to grant certain restrictions -should have a pricing system for all products -to be able to open the doors and drawers at the cabinets -and certain things to be automated (example to recognize a corner and to position itself correctly, etc ...) -import 3d export And when necessary, we discuss exactly what is needed. Instead I need an approximate price for this project. Thanks,
Avem nevoie de un inginer de teren care sa aiba experienta in hardware. Pentru acest request trebuie inlocuita o placa de baza ( motherboard ) pentru IBM System x3400 M3. Locatia este in Constanta.
...measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple regression)....
Ideea mea a pornit de la faptul ca avand in administratie o pensiune nu am gasit niciun program care sa ma ajute cu rezervarile. Mi-as dori o aplicatie (pe care sa o poata folosi si alte persoane) in care sa existe un calendar unde se pot adauga rezervarile ( cu toate detaliile) , in care sa se vada cate camere sunt ocupate si cate sunt libere si cel mai important la aceasta agenda sa poata avea acces mai multe persoane (receptionerii pentru a vedea rezervarile din ziua respectiva sau pentru a putea face chiar ei rezervari si eu care m-am saturat sa dau n telefoane la persoana care are agenda pentru a-i spune o rezervare sau pentru a intreba cate camere mai sunt libere
Buna ! Ma numesc Oana Brindas, sunt studenta la 2 facultati (Informatica-an terminal- si Medicina Dentara -anul2- in cadrul aceleasi universitati) Pentru facultatea de Informatica am de realizat o aplicatie educationala care sa ajute studentii de la medicina sa invete dintii si clasele de edentatie (...aplicatie educationala care sa ajute studentii de la medicina sa invete dintii si clasele de edentatie (un exemplu de aplicatie pentru dinti este "dental lite" din paly store).As vrea sa stiu daca ma puteti ajuta cu realizarea unei aplicatii similare, la cod sa imi faceti unele descrieri de functionalitate si mentionez ca am modelul 3d al dintilor( link catre model : )Vreau sa stiu daca ma puteti ajuta si cat ma costa. Multumesc!
I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house r...with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as a...
Am nevoie ca acestea sa fie realizate in genul acestora de aici: Fiecare model trebuie sa fie pregatit conform arhivei atasate. Mai multe detalii se ofera pe chat.
Documentatia pentru proiect este in PDF.
Aplicația este structurată pe bază de meniu cu o listă de opțiuni iar toate funcțiile sunt disponibile din interfața utilizator; interfața administrator presupune implementarea tuturor setărilor disponibile iar cea utilizator implementarea tuturor funcționalităților; Aplicația trebuie să utilizeze structuri de date cu atribute declarat dinamic, tipuri enumerative, union, structuri și operații pe biți; Implementarea și utilizarea masivelor alocate dinamic, uni și bidimensionale cu scopul de a gestiona setările la nivelul multifuncționalului; Punerea în evidență a structurilor dinamice liniare: implementarea unei stive/cozi, implementarea unei structuri circulare; Utilizarea tabelelor de dispersie pentru optimizarea spațiului de stocare și a accesului la elemente prin minim 2 ...
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script system verilog, uvm, Script
system verilog, uvm,synopsys expert
Am nevoie de o persoana ce poate face acest proiect despre indoor trebuie sa contina atat o parte teoretica,cat si una practica.
Caut pe cineva care poate sa-mi rescrie protocoalele de comunicare de la portul 502, ca sa pot converti Mod-bus TCP la Mod-Bus RTU
Doresc un chat room in care sa se intre daca utilizatorul s-a logat cu succes, cu inregistrarea utilizatorilor, a mesajelor din chat room intr-o singura baza de date cu mai multe tabele care sa se integreze perfect in site-ul pe care il am deja construit in Asp.Net MVC in Visual Studio 2015. Dupa inchiderea si apoi redeschiderea applicatiei doresc sa vad toate mesajele scrise vreodata in site-ul web. Pentru mai multe detali contactati-ma pe email sau aici!
As dori un script pentru Wordpress, un sistem de puncte. Useri trebuie sa completeze niste oferte si in functie de anumiti termeni sa primeasca un numar de puncte, iar acele puncte sa ramana stocate in cont-ul userilor si cu ele sa poata cumpara anumite chestii. Cine se pricepe astept sa ma contacteze!
Design si functionalitate il avem trebuie doar partea de programare php mysql: pe scurt se introduc date prin forms dupa o anumita logica dupa care se genereaza si se listeaza pe imprimanta pdfuri, se salveaza datele introduse in baza de date de unde pot fi incarcate din nou pe baza de cautare.
Am nevoie de o baza de date pentru un producator de jaluzele , cu managemnet clienti, produse, oferte de pret, statusuri, task si calendar . Atasat este explicat tot proiectul . Multumesc
Am nevoie de un sistem de indexare CBIR pt niste celule papanicolau(baza de date cu aceste celule o am deja si consta in niste foldere cu imagini). Vreau de la tine sa construiesti sistemul CBIR utilizand: -descriptori de culoare (imaginile sunt color,aici doresc sa folosesti histograme HSV si ce mai consideri tu ca e necesar) -descriptori de textura -descriptori de forma -descriptori locali LBP De asemenea vei construi interfata GUI. Vezi un exemplu de interfata GUI aici min 0:43 Evident acesta este doar un exemplu,iar tu vei adapta interfata in functie de descriptorii pe care ii vei folosi. Voi avea nevoie si de explicatii la cod asa ca asigura-te ca incluzi comentarii in matlab %%% care sa imi explice mie ce ai facut acolo. Daca sunt formule pe care le-ai folosit poti face ...
1. capture picture 2. capture login 3. capture profile
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I need a specialist in romania to move a database difference and it all worked perfectly
Salut softmania. Sunt interesat de un sistem de referari,bazat pe 4 nivele..adica nivelul 1 sa castige de la nivelul 2(recomandat de el) ,3 ,4. As dori sa aflu mai multe detalii despre pret,in cat timp e gata si toate detaliile care nu ar trebui sa fie omise. Astept raspuns. Daca aveti neclaritati in privinta sistemului,va pot explica mai bine. Va multumesc
Detin un site de anunturi din romania si vreau ca acesta sa aibe un sistem de mesaje in care vizitatorii sa poata trimite catre vanzatori mesaje cu functia de reply indiferent daca cel care trimite sau primeste mesaj este utilizator inregistrat pe site sau ofertele anticipat
Am un magazin de pateuri vreau sa-mi faci o baza de date si o aplicatie sa gestioneze vanzarea de pateuri. Avem mai multe tipuri de pateuri unele sunt expirate altele sunt din ficat de gasca vreau sa fie o baza de date optimizata nu ceva de mantuiala
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'login system in existing script'
imagini clare , apreciere in materie ,e un desen in forma de floare care sunt puse nasturi culori deferite
Online Booking System pentru evenimente cu urmatoarele capabilitati: - Sa trimita email-uri tip newsletter cu invitatii cu text custom la o lista de invitati (care sa poata fi populata cu import feature. date stocate: Nume, Prenume, Email). Acestea trebuie sa se autopopuleze cu „nume/prenume” si link custom pentru ca acesta sa poata ajunge in pagina unde sa se inscrie la o anumita data/ora a evenimentului. - Pagina unde invitatul poate sa se inscrie la una din datele evenimentului. - Pagina de inregistrare esuata in cazul in care la acea data grupa deja este formata. - Pagina de confirmare a inregistrarii daca totul este ok. - Notificare pe e-mail in momentul in care invitatul s-a inregistrat cu succes la eveniment. - Sa stranga inregistrarile si sa le trimita intr...
I'm looking for a task management system specifically designed for real estate agents. This system should facilitate the management of tasks related to property closings. Key Features: - Automated reminders to keep agents on track - Document management capabilities to handle all necessary paperwork - Task assignment and tracking to ensure every task is accounted for Platform Requirements: The system needs to be compatible with both Web and iOS platforms. Ideal Skills: - Experience in developing task management systems - Knowledge of real estate processes - Proficiency in Web and iOS app development Please only bid if you can deliver a system that meets these requirements.
I'm looking for a professional to develop a comprehensive Loan Origination System (LOS) and Loan Management System (LMS) specifically for Home loans and Loan Against Property (LAP). The systems need to be built for both web and mobile platforms. 1. Executive Summary The purpose of this project is to design and implement a robust and scalable Loan Origination System (LOS) and Loan Management System (LMS) tailored for Home Loans (HL) and Loan Against Property (LAP). The LOS will streamline the loan origination process from application to approval, while the LMS will handle post-disbursement activities such as repayment tracking, collections, and customer servicing. 2. Business Objectives Automate and digitize the end-to-end lifecycle of HL and LAP. Ensure s...
I'm in need of a highly detailed 3D model and animation for an electronics product. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D modeling software - Prior experience with electronic product models - Proficient in creating animations Please ensure your portfolio showcases similar projects.
...Project Overview Objective: Build a robust backtesting pipeline for options trading strategies using AI/ML techniques. The pipeline will incorporate: GDFL 1-minute OHLCV data. Level 2 order book data (market depth). Computed Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, etc.). AI/ML models for generating trading signals and evaluating performance. Scope: Acquire, clean, and store the relevant data. Calculate and integrate Greeks for each option contract. Engineer features from OHLCV, Level 2 order book, and Greeks. Develop AI/ML models for predictive signals or strategy optimization. Backtest and analyze strategy performance. Provide documentation, deliverable code, and a final report. 2. Key Deliverables Data Management & Integration Scripts/Processes to fetch and organize G...
I'm looking for an experienced designer to convert my short design into a usable, manufacturable prototype model. Key Requirements: - Convert my design into a prototype model - Use polyester/satin blend fabric for the prototype - Ensure the design is suitable for manufacturing Ideal Skills: - Prototyping - Fabrication - Industrial Design - Familiarity with polyester fabric - Experience ...convert my short design into a usable, manufacturable prototype model. Key Requirements: - Convert my design into a prototype model - Use polyester/satin blend fabric for the prototype - Ensure the design is suitable for manufacturing Ideal Skills: - Prototyping - Fabrication - Industrial Design - Familiarity with polyester fabric - Experience with creating manufacturable designs from conceptua...
I'm looking for an experienced solar designer for a commercial solar system. The project includes: - System design and layout - Electrical wiring and schematics - Permitting and compliance documentation I have a specific preference for the use of Monocrystalline panels. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Extensive experience in designing commercial solar systems - Proficiency in creating electrical wiring and schematics - Knowledge of relevant permitting and compliance processes - Previous experience working with Monocrystalline panels Please provide a portfolio of similar past projects.
Hello, I would like a website without online sales (no ecommerce), only with images, text, and two videos to be included. I should have full control over the website once it is completed. I want to be able to update my store's hours and post news as needed without having to ask the freelancer again. The design should be sleek and "luxurious" in style, suitable for a Watch and Jewelry store. The color scheme should revolve around "wine red" (Bordeaux), white, and dark brown (you can keep just two or suggest an alternative combination). I would like a calendar for workshop reservations: A maximum of 2 simultaneous reservations (2 workbenches available). Three types of workshops: Create a piece of jewelry in half a day. Create a jewelry set over two days. A giftab...
I'm looking to have a website created for Falguni Lasers Aesthetics Plastic Surgery. This site will primarily serve as a platform for appointment booking, while also providing information about our surgical center, staff, and services. Key Features: - A comprehensive, user-friendly booking system - Automated reminders for appointments Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development and design - Experience with creating appointment booking systems - Knowledge of implementing automated reminder systems
I'm in need of a detail-oriented freelancer for a data entry project. The task involves manually entering data from PDF files into a database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in manual data entry - Experience working with PDF files - Familiarity with database systems - High attention to detail - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive data with care.
...Embedding, Vector databases, Scraping *** If you are interested you must be able to show me a previous related (Open AI embedding) project in your portolfio. Please send me a notification with a link to this project**** General Concept We are building a data-driven content creation system for our agency / clients. The project involves extracting content from client websites, structuring it into JSON packets, tagging it with metadata via a user-friendly web interface, and using OpenAI's embedding with a vector database and GPT APIs to retrieve and generate new content. This will be a new independent prorotype project to get the integrations and workflow set up and working correctly. Full-Stack Developer (Preferred One-Dev Solution) Responsibilities: Develop and m...
I need a professional 3D Blender expert who can bake an entire house for me. I have existing 3D models of the house, so there's no need to create new ones from scratch. Key requirements: - 3D baking of the house's entire structure: exterior walls, roof, and interior rooms - Applying low-detail, basic textures to the models Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in 3D Blender - Previous experience in 3D modelling and texture baking - Attention to detail while applying basic textures