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2,000 data scientist freelance proiecte găsite

Caut Freelancer pentru Design Vestimentar (Modificare Model Compleu Blugi) Bună! Caut un freelancer specializat în design vestimentar care să mă ajute cu următorul proiect...modificărilor dorite (ex: croială, buzunare, cusături decorative etc.). • Am nevoie de un desen tehnic detaliat (tech pack) sau o simulare digitală a modelului final. Cerințe: • Experiență în design vestimentar și crearea de schițe tehnice. • Abilități de lucru cu software de design (Adobe Illustrator, CLO 3D, etc.) – opțional. • Creativitate și atenție la detalii. Detalii colaborare: • Proiect freelance, plata negociabilă în funcție de complexitate. Dacă ești interesat(ă), te rog să-mi trimiți un portofoliu sau exemple de proiecte similare și o estimare...

$27 Average bid
$27 Oferta medie
7 oferte
Recruiter Colaborator
S-a încheiat left

Ne marim echipa! Suntem in cautare de recruiteri freelance! Daca ai experienta in agency recruitment sau disponibilitate pentru a invata aceasta meserie, vrem sa te cunoastem! Cerinte: Studii - minim studii medii Disponibilitate mini 6 ore pe zi, de luni pana vineri (program flexibil) Laptop si conexiune buna la internet, telefon mobil pe cre il poti folosi in interes de serviciu Oferim: Castiguri pe baza de comision de succes Suport in invatare si dezvoltare Proces rapid si simplificat Necersar: Pentru a putea sustine aceasta activitate, va trebui sa te inregistrezi ca S.R.L. sau P.F.A, pentru a ne putea factura. Mentiuni: Aceasta activitate este flexibila, poate fi facuta ca activitate principala, sau in paralel cu jobul actual.

$325 Average bid
$325 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Anunț de Angajare: Specialist IT pentru Studio de Webcam Descrierea Postului: Suntem un studio de camming online și căutăm un Specialist IT pasionat și experimentat pentru a ne sprijini în gestionarea și optimizarea tehnică ...despre proxy-uri, VPN-uri și gestionarea traficului online. - Experiență în administrarea și optimizarea rețelelor de internet. - Familiaritate cu platformele de streaming pentru adulți. - Abilități excelente de problem-solving și capacitatea de a lucra sub presiune. - Pasiune pentru tehnologie și inovație în domeniul streamingului online. Beneficii: - Posibilitatea de a lucra part-time sau freelance, cu un program flexibil. - Colaborare într-un mediu dinamic și inovator. - Oportunități de dezvoltare profesională și perfecțion...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
7 oferte
Project for Dana Roxana N.
S-a încheiat left

Buna Dana, Ma bucur ca te-am gasit pe pagina de freelance. Am nevoie de ajutor in realizarea unei lucrari, in limba romana, de 15-18 pagini, tema Rezilienta informationala in Romania, pana sambata, 23 aprilie. Am deja structura lucrarii si bibliografia de baza. Daca esti disponibila astept raspunsul tau. Mulțumesc!

$150 - $150
$150 - $150
0 oferte
Proiecte design
S-a încheiat left

La moment căutăm design-eri freelance pentru content creation: – Facebook Ads (imagini și gifu-uri) – Google Ads (imagini adapatate după mărimi, gif-uri, HMTL5 bannere) – Branding, logo Vă rugăm să ne lăsați oferta voastră, este posibil de lucrat dar pe o anumită nișă. Trimiteți vă rugăm și portofoliul.

$760 Average bid
$760 Oferta medie
5 oferte
Design project
S-a încheiat left

Realizează modelare 3D Buna ziua. Caut designer freelance pentru elaborarea designului standurilor expozitionale.

$211 Average bid
$211 Oferta medie
12 oferte
Redactare conţinut
S-a încheiat left

Redactare 1-2 articole/pe saptamana scurte de impact pentru social media care sa fie distribuite masiv. Articolele trebuie sa fie pe domeniul online freelance pe piata din Romania.

$24 Average bid
$24 Oferta medie
13 oferte
Consultant SEO freelance
S-a încheiat left

-> Realizeaza audituri SEO tehnice si de continut pentru site-urilor -> Dezvolta strategii SEO in vederea cresterii vizibilitatii organice si cresterea traficului. -> Identifica noi oprtunitati de dezvoltare a site-urilor prin activitati de keyword research amanuntit. ->Acordarea de sprijin si recomandari SEO; ->Dezvoltarea campaniilor de link building; ->Optimizarea interna a arhitecturii de link-uri / cuvinte cheie – SEO on-page; ->Optimizarea permanenta a contentului pentru vizibilitate maxima in motoarele de cautare SEO off-page;

$337 Average bid
$337 Oferta medie
7 oferte
Schite, modele 3D
S-a încheiat left

Dezvoltam evenimente tematice pentru copii de toate varstele. Proiectele noastre presupun in general un setup (incl. props), decoruri, activitati tematice pentru copii, costume. Cautam un freelance designer care sa ne ajute sa punem in plan ideile pentru aceste proiecte. Buget negociabil.

$411 Average bid
$411 Oferta medie
25 oferte

Sunt un freelance cu sediul în Italia. Am o mulțime de proiecte in momentul asta si nu reusesc sa fac față de unul singur, caut un dev să-mi dea o mână de ajutor cu câteva site-uri. Abilități necesare: HTML & CSS JavaScript / jQuery / ajax Să fie capabil de a crea o temă WordPress de la zero Abilități preferabile: git grunt Sass Caut un dezvoltator WordPress, care sa fie capabil de a dezvolta site-uri web pixel perfect. După cum poti vedea nu caut skills-uri dificile, dar mi-ar plăcea să faci o treabă bună respectand termenele. Primul proiect pentru care am nevoie de ajutorul tau este destul de simplu. Este un site de o pagină. Putem discuta detalii pe Skype.

$412 Average bid
$412 Oferta medie
49 oferte

Caut developer PHP / Magento atat pentru mentenanta proiectelor existente cat si pentru dezvoltarea proiectelor noi. Proiectele existente sunt sunt pe Magento 1.9 /2.0 Proiectele noi de obicei sunt pe 2.0. Nivelul de cunoestine: Project base / freelance -> Mediu spre avansat Full time -> incepator spre mediu In principiu proiectele au o complexitate medie, nu foarte complicat.

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta medie
18 oferte
Compare Hotels Prices
S-a încheiat left

caut un freelance din Romania care are experienta in "Compare Hotels Prices". ca model puteti testa va rog sa ma contactati numai daca esti capabil la asa un proiectul. de asemenea propuneri pentru cooperare si parteneriat cu parteneri in domeniul wab si web design. multumesc

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta medie
3 oferte

Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD

$79 Average bid
$79 Oferta medie
8 oferte

Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD

$37 Average bid
$37 Oferta medie
9 oferte
Consultant SAP SD Senior
S-a încheiat left

Cautam un consultant SAP SD pentru un proiect local de ERP. Responsabilitati: -Configurare, -Testare, -Suport pentru echipa interna de consultanti, -Training pentru key-users. Cerințe job: -Aceasta pozitie necesita un consultant senior SAP SD cu experienta in implementarea acestui modul. Experinta in Retail este un bonus. Alte informații: Tip contract: Freelance, 6+ luni Salariul: In functie de experienta

$15 - $25 / hr
$15 - $25 / hr
0 oferte
Redactez texte la comanda
S-a încheiat left

Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Student la Facultatea de Comunicare si Relatii publice, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau text simpu in functie de nevoile si cerintele clientului Nota originala, cursivitate, rapiditate si corectitudine in exprimare Garantez siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie.

$23 Average bid
$23 Oferta medie
2 oferte

Avem nevoie de colaboratori freelance, fie ei individual sau echipe (mici companii), pentru proiecte Web based, atat in Web Development, cat si in programare pe platforme ASP.NET. Dorim sa cunoastem datele tale de contact, competentele si nivelul acestora, precum si niste tarife orare orientative.

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Oferta medie
16 oferte

Freelance writer convert from pdf to word

$5 / hr Average bid
$5 / hr Oferta medie
16 oferte

Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru introducere date,rescriere articol,postare anunturi,procesare date,transcriere,asistenta telefonica,asistenta tehnica,am terminat Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti,detin o buna stapanire a instrumentelor Microsoft Office ( Word,Excel,Power Point).

$6 / hr Average bid
$6 / hr Oferta medie
11 oferte

Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.

$173 Average bid
$173 Oferta medie
2 oferte

Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru scriere articole in lb romana si studenta in anul 3 la drept,am cunostiinte gramaticale bune si talent poezii si romane in timpul liber

$499 Average bid
$499 Oferta medie
2 oferte

Freelance writer caut proiecte pentru a-mi oferi serviciile in redactare, corectura text, rewriting. Absolvent Facultate de Jurnalism, realizez texte/comunicate de presa/articole/recenzii in stil academic, literar sau pur si simpu, asa cum il vrea clientul. Nota originala, cursivitate, am siguranta cuvantului pus acolo unde trebuie. Experienta in urmatoarele domenii: economic, turism, editura, alimentatie.

$340 Average bid
$340 Oferta medie
3 oferte
Freelance trainer - repost
S-a încheiat left

EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.

$1424 Average bid
$1424 Oferta medie
3 oferte
Freelance trainer
S-a încheiat left

EuroTriade Romania cauta freelanceri specializati pe servicii de evaluare, formare si teambuilding pentru a colabora cu firme importante din mediul industrial.

$750 - $1500
$750 - $1500
0 oferte

My firm has expanded to the point we are on need in virtual Assistant. All work will be done from home, and we will be with our company for as long as we tasks will required include basic data research, and basic communications with outside can be done from anywhere in the world,you will be required to be online for 4-8 hours a day between the house of 10 AM EST to 6 PM EST. You must have basic English language skills and know how to use a computer for basic 100 freelance.

$1002 Average bid
$1002 Oferta medie
69 oferte

...Translator to help beginner-level Chinese learners improve their writing, speaking, and translation skills. Your role will involve reviewing and correcting grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary usage in exercises, essays, and conversational practice materials. Additionally, you’ll assist with translating simple texts to help learners understand the nuances of Chinese. This is a remote, freelance project with flexible deadlines, perfect for someone passionate about teaching Chinese and helping learners build a strong foundation. Key Responsibilities: Review and correct grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary in beginner-level Chinese exercises and essays. Provide clear and constructive feedback to help learners improve. Translate simple texts ( short paragraphs)...

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Oferta medie
19 oferte
AWS EMR & Hadoop Admin Needed
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm in need of an experienced AWS EMR & Hadoop Administrator. Your primary focus will be managing EMR clusters, optimizing big data workflows Key Responsibilities: - Setting up and maintaining EMR clusters - Performance monitoring and troubleshooting issues - Constructing an application server based on provided instructions - Strong expertise required in Hive, Spark, HBase, IAM security, and cost optimization Skills & Experience: - Proficient with Unix as the technology stack for the application server - Prior experience building application servers is essential - Familiarity with automation tools like Terraform, AWS CLI, or CloudFormation is a plus - Freelance/Remote opportunity – Please apply with your relevant experience.

$22 / hr Average bid
$22 / hr Oferta medie
29 oferte

**Job Posting: Cartoon Illustrator for Children's Book** **Position:** Freelance Cartoon Illustrator **Project Scope:** Create 100 cartoon-style illustrations for a children's book featuring consistent main characters across various scenes and adventures. **Illustration Details:** - Each image size: 6" x 6". - Consistent portrayal of main characters: a young boy and his dog, featured prominently throughout the book. - Vibrant, engaging, and child-friendly cartoon style. **Theme & Style:** - Bright colors, expressive characters, and imaginative scenes suitable for children. - Adventures and daily life scenarios capturing curiosity and friendship. **Requirements:** - Previous experience in cartoon-style children's illustrations. - Ability to deliver c...

$130 Average bid
$130 Oferta medie
73 oferte

Hello, This job is for 10 posts of about 600 words. 10x 600 words. I have a travel website and I would like to find a freelance copywriter to produce posts for it. I am looking for posts of around 600 words on topics such as travel tips, best beach holidays for 2025, best hotels in Bali - stuff like that. I am looking for fun, informative, easy to read articles. They could follow the format - Title ("Top tips for..." or "top beaches in..." - Short introduction - 5-6 paragraphs with example per paragraph - Short conclusion It needs to be relevant, current, interesting topics that would get the website rank well and have people visit oragnically from search engines. With every post, I would like 2-3 relevant images sourced online and without usage res...

$149 Average bid
$149 Oferta medie
37 oferte

We are looking to hire a Freelancer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh to assist in sourcing garment for factory visits and parcel pickups. -Must be punctual, reliable, and professional in all interactions. -Must be available to work Sunday through Thursday, from at least 9 AM to 5 PM Bangladesh time. -Must be fluent in both English and Bengali to effectively communicate with our team and factory representatives. Other languages are a plus. Compensation & Employment Terms: -The role is freelance-based and will continue as long as we require assistance on these projects. If you meet these qualifications and are interested in this opportunity, please send us your resume and a brief introduction about your experience/interest in our factory sourcing role. We look forward to wor...

$8 / hr Average bid
$8 / hr Oferta medie
1 oferte
Trophy icon Shape "Seven Years Gone Now" Brand
11 zile left

...the time required for tissue regeneration. Bleeding edge research into peptide incorporation and cellular signaling has been conducted and all ingredients are the best the world has to offer. These products will go toe to toe with the most expensive and effective solutions on earth but we will undersell every competitor to go viral. This is the real deal developed by a skilled formulation scientist who scoured the world and tested extensively. All products are environmentally friendly and will do no harm to users. The company founders story in brief: “My own experience with a severe facial burn, coupled with a doctor's prognosis of a seven-year healing process with limited medical intervention, was devastating. Unwilling to accept such a prolonged recovery, I ...

$200 Average bid
Recomandat Garantat Sigilat
580 intrări

Buen día amig@s, requerimos a un profesional especialista en email marketing. Nuestra base de datos se encuentra en Sedgrid pero estamos abiertos a cambiar de plataforma. Dentro de Sendgrid contamos con cierta segmentación de clientes pero requerimos que el profesional nos indique cual es la manera correcta de hacerlo. No contamos con CRM. El sector de la empresa es el trading. Tareas a realizar: 1. Creación de newsletters por tipo de cliente. 2. Seguimiento de las newsletters. 3. Análisis y toma de decisiones de cada envío de newsletter. 4. 12 envíos como mínimo (aceptamos sugerencias por parte del profesional) 5. Segmentación de clientes. Horario de trabajo: No pedimos que cumpla un horario con nosotros pero sí debemos ten...

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
6 oferte
Especialista en Framer (Freelance)
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

Buscamos un profesional que se integre a nuestro equipo, dicho profesional debe tener conocimientos profundos en Framer. Se tomará muy en cuenta que tenga conocimientos de diseño. De contar con inglés intermedio. El trabajo a realizar: Creación de sitios webs en Framer, generalmente se le entrega un Figma con el diseño. Tenemos 4 sitios webs para hacerles mantenimiento mensual (actualizaciones, cambios de información, imágenes, programación personalizada) Se requiere que el profesional este disponible de lunes a viernes en horarios de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm hora Colombia. Idealmente el profesional debe estar en Colombia, si se encuentra en Bogotá mejor. La oferta económica está abierta para estudiarse, el pago se r...

$250 - $750
$250 - $750
10 oferte

Création d’une Image Haute Qualité Effet Béton Bonjour, Je recherche un(e) freelance capable de créer une image en très haute résolution (qualité d'impression) pour un mur de 1200 x 320 cm. L'effet recherché est un béton équilibré, ni trop clair ni trop sombre, avec un rendu esthétique et réaliste. L’image sera utilisée pour l’impression sur une plaque en PVC destinée à la décoration murale. Merci de me fournir un fichier prêt à l’impression avec une excellente résolution. Si vous êtes intéressé(e), envoyez-moi vos références et votre tarif. À bientôt !

$24 Average bid
$24 Oferta medie
7 oferte

Social Media Managerin / Content Managerin (Freelance oder Teilzeit) Über uns: Ursula Simon ist Mentorin, Speakerin, Autorin und systemische Therapeutin für erfolgreiche Businessfrauen im Gesundheitsbereich. Zur Verstärkung des Teams suchen wir eine kreative und zuverlässige Social Media Managerin / Content Managerin (m/w/d) auf Freelance- oder Teilzeitbasis. Deine Aufgaben: Erstellung von Social-Media-Posts passend zur Expertise und den Fokusthemen von Ursula Simon inkl. passender CTA & Hashtags für LinkedIn, Instagram und Facebook Gestaltung und Bearbeitung von passenden Bildern, Grafiken und Videos in Canva Planung und Veröffentlichung der Beiträge über Meta Business Suite und LinkedIn Scheduling Tools Erstellung und Ver...

$34 / hr Average bid
$34 / hr Oferta medie
25 oferte assisting individuals and businesses with immigration services, visa applications, and residency solutions. Our mission is to provide professional guidance to help clients navigate complex immigration processes smoothly and efficiently. Job Overview: We are looking for a part-time SEO & Marketing Assistant to support our marketing and sales team in daily operations. This is a fully remote, freelance position, but the candidate must be available to work according to London time (Monday to Friday, 10 AM - 2 PM GMT). The ideal candidate will have expertise in SEO, content creation, and social media marketing while also assisting with various marketing tasks to enhance our online presence and brand visibility. Key Responsibilities: 1. SEO & Content Marketing: o Conduct key...

$115 Average bid
$115 Oferta medie
46 oferte and healthcare claims and data management, billing (invoice generation and reconciliation), customer support workflows, or any workflow related to the above domains of expertise. Strong analytical skills and an ability to map and optimize business processes. Excellent communication and collaboration skills. What You’ll Do: Collaborate on projects like claims processing automation, invoice management workflows, clinical data workflows, and any workflow related to the above domains of expertise. Use your expertise in workflow platforms or no-code tools to map out custom automation solutions. Work on a flexible, freelance/independent contractor basis while earning for your expertise. Get involved in cutting-edge AI-driven workflow projects. Why Fre...

$11 / hr Average bid
$11 / hr Oferta medie
3 oferte

5-Minute Animated Explainer Video on Workplace Safety & POSH Act (Hindi) Job Description; Looking for a freelance animator to create a professional, engaging 2D explainer video (4-5 minutes) in Hindi on Workplace Safety & the POSH Act using Renderforest, Vyond, or similar tools. The video must be corporate-style with smooth animations, text overlays, and a Hindi voiceover. Scope of Work: Use my PPT (provided) as a reference. -Create professional 2D animations with office-style characters & settings. Include a Hindi voiceover(AI or recorded). Highlight key POSH Act points, types of harassment, reporting process & workplace safety tips. Ensure engaging visuals, clear narration & smooth transitions. Deliver in 1080p HD MP4 within 24 hours. Requirements: Exp...

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta medie
5 oferte

...job listings, freelancing services, and digital product sales (e-books, online courses, digital wall posters). ?️ Scope of Work: ✔ Custom UI/UX Design – Full design from scratch with modern, intuitive aesthetics. ✔ End-to-End Development – Scalable & responsive website with global accessibility. ✔ Core Features: User Profiles & Connections (For Professionals & Business Owners) Job Listings & Freelance Marketplace Digital Store (E-books, Online Courses, Digital Wall Posters) Messaging System (For Networking & Client Communication) Freemium & Premium Subscription Model Payment Gateway Integration (For Secure Transactions) Customer Support System ✔ Complete Testing & Deployment – Optimized, bug-free, and ready for global launch. ✔ Post...

$1343 Average bid
$1343 Oferta medie
42 oferte

We are looking for a freelance content creator to help boost our visibility on social media and produce engaging content related to 3D printing and our e-commerce store. Our company, Ets Lo Manto 3D, specializes in selling 3D printers, materials, and accessories, and we want our online presence to reflect our expertise and the quality of our products. Key responsibilities: Develop and execute a social media strategy to increase visibility and engagement across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. Create high-quality, informative, and creative content about 3D printing (applications, innovations, tutorials, industry news) and our products (3D printers, filaments, accessories, etc.). Design visuals, write posts, and possibly create video content tailored to ea...

$392 Average bid
$392 Oferta medie
42 oferte

Are you a passionate storyteller with a strong understanding of digital content and social media marketing? Do you have experience in disability advocacy, accessibility, or consultancy services? We're looking for a Freelance Content Creator to help build our brand presence across TikTok, LinkedIn, and Instagram while shaping conversations around digital and physical accessibility. What You'll Do: - Create engaging content – short-form videos, posts, and articles that highlight web & document accessibility. - Manage and grow our social media presence – developing strategies to boost engagement. - Work in WordPress – publishing and optimising content for better reach and impact. - Develop our brand voice – crafting compelling comparisons between...

$17 / hr Average bid
$17 / hr Oferta medie
18 oferte

Job Title: Logo Designer for myqrlwallet Web & Mobile App Description: We are seeking a creative and skilled freelance logo designer to create a set of logos for our innovative digital wallet platform, myqrlwallet. We need a cohesive design that works for both our web app and mobile application. Project Details: Logo Concept: Design a main logo inspired by the style of the MyEtherWallet logo (e.g., “e mew”), but customized to read “z mqw” (with “z” representing “Zond myqrlwallet”). Create a smaller icon version featuring just the orange “z” for use as an app icon. Color & Style: Use a vibrant orange color scheme similar to that used by QRL. Incorporate a secondary color that complements and matches the design a...

$102 Average bid
$102 Oferta medie
128 oferte

Freelance Sales Agent – Transformative Retreats (Commission-Based) ?✨ Are you passionate about wellness, personal growth, and meaningful experiences? Do you have a talent for sales and love the freedom of working independently? Join The Opah, a fast-growing retreat company, and help people across Europe discover life-changing spiritual retreats. ? About the Role: We are looking for a freelance sales agent to promote and sell our exclusive 3-day retreats across Europe. Your mission is simple: generate leads, convert them into bookings, and earn commissions. ? 100% commission-based – the more you sell, the more you earn! ? Fully remote – work from anywhere, on your own schedule. ? Grow with us – be part of an inspiring journey and a rapidly expanding ...

$23 / hr Average bid
$23 / hr Oferta medie
5 oferte

Freelance Recruiter (Remote) – IT & Non-IT Hiring We are a young and dynamic recruitment consultancy looking for an experienced Freelance Recruiter to join our team. The ideal candidate should have at least 2+ years of experience in recruitment and be capable of handling both IT and Non-IT positions, with a primary focus on Non-IT roles. Key Requirements: • Minimum 2 years of recruitment experience in IT and Non-IT domains (preferably Non-IT). • Strong sourcing and screening skills across various job portals and social media platforms. • Ability to manage end-to-end recruitment processes independently. • Must have their own laptop and a stable internet connection (remote working). • Excellent communication and negotiation skills. &bul...

$290 Average bid
$290 Oferta medie
9 oferte

We’re looking for a Chinese Business Communication & Logo Design Specialist to help us create compelling business communication materials and design logos for Chinese-speaking markets. Your role will involve translating and localizing business documents, presentations, and marketing content, as well as designing culturally relevant logos. This is a remote, freelance project with flexible deadlines, perfect for someone skilled in both communication and design. Key Responsibilities: Translate and localize business documents, presentations, and marketing content from English to Chinese (and vice versa). Design logos that align with Chinese cultural aesthetics and business branding. Ensure all materials are culturally relevant and professionally polished. Collaborate with ...

$15 / hr Average bid
$15 / hr Oferta medie
44 oferte

I'm looking for an experienced professional to live stream a sports event taking place in an open area. The stream should be smooth and high quality, capturing all the important action of the event. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in live streaming open area. The stream should be smooth and high quality, capturing all the important action of the event. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in live streaming sports events - Access to professional-grade equipment - Ability to ensure a smooth, high-quality stream - No commentary or analysis needed Ideal Skills: - Technical proficiency with live-streaming equipment - Used to working as freelance - Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Please include examples of previous sports live streams you've handl...

$924 Average bid
$924 Oferta medie
18 oferte

I'm seeking a freelance graphic designer for website design. The role is 100% remote and involves designing for a range of different pages. Key Responsibilities: - Maintenance and updating of the graphic content of the web/App. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in graphic design, particularly for web - Experience with creating responsive designs - Able to work under confidentiality agreements Conditions: - Economic terms to be negotiated based on volume of work - Monthly invoicing - Work with a company in the entertainment sector

$18 / hr Average bid
$18 / hr Oferta medie
76 oferte
AI-Enhanced PDF Conversion Site Clone
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

Freelance Project: Replicate a PDF Conversion Website with AI Enhancements Project Title: Replicate a PDF Conversion Website with Improved Design & AI Features Budget: Low (Please quote accordingly) Timeline: Less than 7 days Platform: Webflow, WordPress, or any suitable platform (your recommendation) Project Requirements: Replicate a PDF Conversion Website: Fully replicate the functionality, layout, and features of a popular PDF conversion website (details will be shared with selected freelancers). Ensure the site is fully operational, fully tested, and fully responsive (mobile & desktop). Improve Design: Modernize and improve the current design (cleaner UI/UX, better visuals, etc.). Add AI Features: Integrate AI-powered services not present in the original site (e....

$233 Average bid
$233 Oferta medie
49 oferte

We’re seeking a Cultural Communication Specialist to help develop and adapt content for Japanese tourism projects. Your role will involve creating culturally relevant materials, such as brochures, websites, and promotional content, to attract and engage Japanese-speaking tourists. This is a remote, freelance project with flexible deadlines, perfect for someone passionate about tourism and cultural communication. Key Responsibilities: Develop and adapt tourism-related content (e.g., brochures, websites, social media posts) for Japanese-speaking audiences. Ensure cultural relevance and sensitivity in all materials. Collaborate with our team to align content with tourism development goals. Translate and localize content from English to Japanese (and vice versa) as needed. Re...

$83 / hr Average bid
$83 / hr Oferta medie
20 oferte

Job Title: Freelance HR Recruiter - Commission-Based (Remote) About SND Technologies: SND Technologies is a dynamic and growing company seeking talented and driven individuals to join our team. We are committed to excellence and innovation and are looking for a results-oriented HR Recruiter to help us find top talent. Job Summary: We are looking for a highly motivated and experienced Freelance HR Recruiter to join our team on a commission-based arrangement. This role involves sourcing, screening, and presenting qualified candidates for various roles within our organization. This is a fantastic opportunity to leverage your HR skills, work independently, and earn competitive commissions based on your performance. This is a 100% remote position. Responsibilities: 1. Candidate So...

$10 Average bid
$10 Oferta medie
13 oferte