Data processing data inputproiecte
This paper aims to evaluate the performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) using real sp...
Dorim o colaborare pentru finalizarea intr-un termen scurt a unui proiect de parametrizare 3D a structurilor de caroserii pentru vehicule comerciale in programul SolidWorks. Cautam o persoana cu o vasta experienta in acest domeniu care ne poate ajuta sa scurtam timpul necesar pentru finalizarea proiectului pe care noi l-am inceput. Aceasta persoana trebuie sa cunoasca si sa solutioneze pos...ajuta sa scurtam timpul necesar pentru finalizarea proiectului pe care noi l-am inceput. Aceasta persoana trebuie sa cunoasca si sa solutioneze posibilitatea de proiectare a structurilor ce presupun foarte multe interconditionari si care ar trebui sa poata genera doar prin modificarea catorva parametri intr-un tabel Excel, generarea a catorva milioane de proiecte individuale in functie de datele de ...
Am nevoie de o implementare a unei baze de date in Oracle (PLSQL) in niste formulare de input realizate in Visual Studio (Windows Forms). La momentul de fata formularele nu fac nimic, si as dori ca dupa completarea campurilor din formular si apasarea butonului de introducere a datelor, acestea sa fie introduse in database in table-ul respectiv.
Buna sunt studenta la Facultatea de inginerie medicala . Anul acesta dau licenta si m am cam impotmolit la partea practică si ma gandeam ca poate ma poti ajuta. Trebuie sa fac o aplicatie care sa preia date din input mqtt si sa le duca prin telegraf la output influxdb. Iar in final sa afișează prin grafana.
Buna Alexandru, As vrea sa iti ofer un proiect foarte mic care isi doreste sa digitalizeze un proces din calculul normelor de timp din domeniu silvicultura. Normele sunt definite de niste relatii matemeatice intre un set de date pe care utilizatorul le va introduce si un set de date stabilite de norme tehnice. Vom avea nevoie de o interfata grafica minimalista in care sa facem input si o metoda de a pastra datele fixe. M-as bucura daca am putea sta de vorba ca sa iti dau mai multe detalii.
Am nevoie de cineva care stie matlab pe partea de image processing,histograme
...nivelul organizației. (5) Pentru a materializa relația cu piața sunt necesare parteneriate cu furnizorii. Prezentați modul în care utilizați resursele și care sunt acestea. Proiectați (sub forma unei scheme) un lanț de aprovizionare. Explicați cum vă alegeți furnizorii și cum monitorizați relația cu aceștia. (6) Prezentați un flux informațional sumar pornind de la următoarele componente: input (furnizori, procese organizaționale), output (relația cu piața, cunoaștere, învățare, document) în cadrul organizației Dvs.. (7) Stabiliți care este raportul dintre lider – manager și între eficiență – eficacitate în cadrul organizației. (8) Având în vedere că la nivelul oricărei organizații diversitatea reprezintă un potenți...
...the method required; - defining and calling functions; - use of conditional structures; - use of repetitive structures; - import a csv or json file into the pandas package; - accessing by place and place; - modification of the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple regression)....
Salut, Am un site in wordpress + woocommerce + tema porto si doresc modificarea paginii checkout. Pagina formularului de checkout contine 3 pasi (collapse). Modificarile sunt urmatoarele: 1. Daca un pas este activ nu vreau ca in momentul cand dau click pe titlu, sa se restranga vreau sa ramana vizibil. ... Cand apas butonul inainte sau cand dau click pe titlul pasului urmator, mai intai vreau sa se valideze anumite campuri pentru pasul curent. De exemplu daca la pasul cu date facturare nu am introdus adresa, nume, telefon, sa nu treaca la pasul urmator cu date livrare. 3. Campurile care sunt obligatorii si nu au fost completate vreau sa li culoarea fundalului de input, culoarea border si un text sub input (acest camp este obligatoiu). Am vazut un exemplu cum as vrea sa...
I need a Tamper monkey script that will do the following: Please ensure you watch the video in full before replying to me. This task is urgent, I will expect it watch the video in full before replying to me. This task is urgent, I will expect it to be completed inside 2-3 hours. If you are confident you can complete this up to the task, let me know and I will authorise a project for you. Finished Product Requirements: - Do exactly as explained in the video - Ability to select invoices using tick box and click "Delete" - No additional command or input required from the user - Be written in an approved platform (ie Tampermonkey) - Work 100% Please ensure you understand these requirements before commencing work.
Am nevoie de un fotograf specializat in fotografie de produs. Produsele sunt ceasuri, 203 buc, care vot trebui fotografiate din 3 unghiuri( fata, lateral si spate). Rog cotatie separata pentru fotografii si procesare fotografii. _____________ I need a photographer specialized in product photography. The products are watches, 203 pcs, which must be shot from 3 angles (front, side produs. Produsele sunt ceasuri, 203 buc, care vot trebui fotografiate din 3 unghiuri( fata, lateral si spate). Rog cotatie separata pentru fotografii si procesare fotografii. _____________ I need a photographer specialized in product photography. The products are watches, 203 pcs, which must be shot from 3 angles (front, side and back). Separate quotation for photos and photo proce...
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...resursele și care sunt acestea. Proiectați pe scurt un lanț de aprovizionare și distribuție. (5) În cadrul organizației dumneavoastră apare o problemă. Definiți problema și găsiți căile de rezolvare utilizând modelul lui Simon (cunoașterea problemei, alegere opțiuni, luarea deciziei, monitorizare, control și evaluare). (6) Stabiliți un flux informațional sumar pornind de la următoarele componente: input (furnizori, procese organizaționale), output (relația cu piața, cunoaștere, învățare, document). (7) Stabiliți care este raportul dintre lider și manager și între eficiență și eficacitate în cadrul organizației. (8) Având în vedere că la nivelul oricărei organizații diversitatea reprezintă un potențial uriaș, iar cultura organizațională s...
Salutare, Am nevoie de cineva sa-mi adauge mai multe input-uri drop-down atat in baza de date cat si afisarea lor in pagini. Mai multe detalii pe privat. O zi buna
Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link
Doresc sa adaug posibilitatea platii prin SMS pe un website (offline, fara redirectionare pe site-ul mobilpay), dupa cum urmeaza: 1. vizitatorul acceseaza pagina de detalii produs 2. se afiseaza mesajul: "pentru a descarca acest produs, trimite un sms cu textul X la numarul Y si introdu mai jos codul prim...posibilitatea platii prin SMS pe un website (offline, fara redirectionare pe site-ul mobilpay), dupa cum urmeaza: 1. vizitatorul acceseaza pagina de detalii produs 2. se afiseaza mesajul: "pentru a descarca acest produs, trimite un sms cu textul X la numarul Y si introdu mai jos codul primit pe telefon." 3. vizitatorul trimite sms-ul, primeste pe telefon un cod, il introduce intr-un input text, apasa pe butonul de langa input si daca se valideaza codul se pr...
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <...encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-group">Paste: <textarea cols="50" rows="15" name=&quo...
...OpenCart/joomla/drupal care sa fie importata in baza de date deja existenta din una din software-urile enumerate. 3. Funcionalitati: Aplicatia va permite selectarea tipului de input (domeniu web sau document). Sursa poate sa fie multipla astfel in cat sa se poata faca o agregare a informatiilor din mai multe surse intr-o singura sursa configurabila. 3.1 Accepta ca input: - 1 sau mai multe domenii - 1 sau mai multe documente de tip: xls, csv, PDF 3.2 Salveaza datele culese in DbMysql pentru verificare, aprobare, operatii ce se vor desfasura intr-un frontweb Bootstrap. 3.3 O data agregata informatia ea trebuie salvata in baza de date pentru : - Afisare in vederea validarii traducerii; - Aprobare in vederea importului...
... automata cand comanda se pune automat in confirmed (nu mai este in pending adica s-a aprobat plata). Notificarea este 2_confirmare_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este manuala de incepere a procesarii comenzii - acum ea este trimisa atunci cand manual trecem comanda in Processing. Aici am dori sa introduci un status nou Processing (in procesare) si notificarea sa se trimita atunci cand trecem comanda in acest status - 3update_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii jaonezi ea va fi de shipped se va trimite atunci cand comanda se pune manual in shipped. Notificarea este 4shipped_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este La pasul 4 apare tracking
do the pictures in black and white in color and retouching the photo to black and white Se poate retusa si pozele care au zgarieturi pe ele asa cum se vede la pozele de mai jos mai ales la cele cu domna se vede poza alb negru cum este si pe urma se poate vedea cum este color si retusata. O ZI BUNA
i have one wordpress site,need to fix some bugs: 1. search function in homepage(need make it work as the header search) 2. product sub-category listing page, the pagination do not work properly,and product pagination is not working find(page 9-13 no product,but still display the page number on the bottom),need to fix it. 3. product details page, do not display some descriptions which i have input from the admin it display in the place of product details page 4. product listing page, need one line title + one line description down of the product image
Am nevoie de un layout eu iti explic cum il vreau si tu il executi in CSS/HTML5 si probabil ai nevoie de jquery umpic. Este static nu dynamic nu php, doar layoutul pentru un site de poze cu select de categorii, si un search input etc
I'm in need of a dedicated Virtual Assistant who charges per hour, to help with my Instagram image processing and uploading. Key Tasks: - Downloading images from Canva - Slicing images into 3 with a provided tool - Uploading and scheduling them on Instagram using my social media tool I will provide the text for around 20 images to be processed and uploaded. Ideal candidates should have experience in data entry, canva, and social media management. Looking forward to your bids. Thanks!
...responsiveness. 3. AI/ML Integration: Develop an AI-powered recommendation system for business matching. Implement NLP-based search and chatbot assistance. Use data scraping & processing to enrich business listings. Deploy AI models using TensorFlow, PyTorch, or Scikit-Learn. 4. Deployment & DevOps: Set up cloud deployment (AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure). Implement CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment. Ensure scalability and performance optimization. 5. Security & Compliance: Implement SSL encryption, role-based access control, and data privacy policies. Ensure GDPR compliance if handling user data. --- Requirements: Proficiency in Python, Django/FastAPI, and JavaScript (React/Vue/). Experience in AI/ML developme...
I need a seasoned CodeIgniter developer to integrate PayPal's REST APIs ...project will involve setting up a monthly subscription with multiple pricing tiers. Key Requirements: - Proficient in CodeIgniter 4.0 and PHP - Extensive experience with PayPal REST API integrations - Strong understanding of implementing recurring payment systems - Ability to create and manage multiple pricing tiers for subscriptions - Knowledge of best practices for secure and efficient payment processing The goal of this project is to provide a seamless payment experience for users subscribing to different tiers of a monthly plan. Your expertise will be instrumental in enhancing the financial aspect of my website. Please ensure to provide examples of similar projects you've successfully complet...
I'm launching a new consulting firm focusing on strategy, operations, and human resources. The target audience ranges from small businesses to large corporations and startups. Key Requirements: - Craft a business name that reflects professionalism, innovation, trustworthiness, accountability, collaboration, and determination. - The na...Craft a business name that reflects professionalism, innovation, trustworthiness, accountability, collaboration, and determination. - The name should resonate with our diverse target audience. Ideal Skills: - Strong branding and marketing background. - Excellent creative and strategic thinking skills. - Experience with naming businesses, particularly in the consulting sector. Your creative input could significantly shape the identity of th...
I am seeking a licensed architect in Salt Lake City to assist with the Planning/Design phase of a new escape room. This project is particularly exciting as it will be designed in a unique Industrial architectural style. Key ...will need to cater to the interactive and immersive nature of escape rooms, incorporating various physical and mental challenges for participants. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in blueprint creation. - Strong understanding of Industrial design principles. - Previous experience with designing for escape rooms or similar interactive spaces would be a significant advantage. Your innovative input and architectural expertise will be crucial in bringing this unique escape room to life. I do have copies of our plans from Tempe AZ that you can refrence if i...
I'm looking for a professional who can integrate Zoom with LifterLMS on my website and setup tutoring page. This integration is primarily intended for one-on-one tutoring sessions. You'll also need to set up the tutoring page on the website, Key Responsibilities: - Integrate Zoom with LifterLMS for one-on-one tutoring sessions -integrate interacti...checkout/product page according to LifterLMS guidelines. Ideal Skills: - Experience with LifterLMS and Zoom integration - Web development skills - Understanding of online tutoring systems Please note that the functionality for the tutoring page has not been finalized yet, but it may include elements such as a booking system for sessions, a tutor profile display, and interactive whiteboard tools. Your input on these features ...
Xero Bookkeeper for Daily Bank Reconciliation (Westpac + Nookal) Job Description: We are looking for an experienced bookkeeper to perform daily bank reconciliations in Xero, processing approximately 50 daily transactions. You will match transactions from Westpac bank statements to payments recorded in our practice management software, Nookal. Key Responsibilities: Daily reconciliation of ~50 transactions in Xero Match payments from Westpac bank statements to patient records in Nookal Identify and flag missing or mismatched payments Ensure transactions are coded correctly and allocated to the right accounts Report discrepancies and resolve reconciliation issues as needed Required Skills & Experience: ✔ Xero expertise (certified preferred) ✔ Experience in bank reconciliation &a...
...with M3U playlists, Xtream Codes, and EPG management, as well as basic troubleshooting skills for common IPTV issues. Knowledge of payment platforms such as PayPal and Stripe is also necessary, along with social media management skills for marketing purposes. Specific Tasks: - Providing customer support: Answering queries, troubleshooting issues, managing customer accounts and subscriptions, processing payments and refunds - Handling EPG management - Managing social media accounts: Primarily Facebook and Instagram Skills & Experience: - Proven experience in customer support, preferably in the IPTV industry - Familiarity with M3U playlists, Xtream Codes, and EPG management - Basic troubleshooting skills for common IPTV issues - Knowledge of payment platforms (PayPal, Stripe...
I need a SPANISH SPEAKING WordPress expert to perform some functionality updates on my site. This includes updating plugins and creating a landing page. While I have a general idea for the landing page, I will need your expertise and input to bring it to life. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience with WordPress - Proficiency in updating WordPress plugins - Skilled in creating effective landing pages - Good communication skills to help turn a general idea into a reality.
We are looking for an experienced developer to create an MVP version of a scalable API designed to scrape public LinkedIn data in real-time, such as names, job titles, companies, locations, and LinkedIn URLs. The system must be efficient, scalable, and incorporate robust measures to handle LinkedIn's anti-scraping mechanisms. Key responsibilities include implementing anti-bot protections (e.g., proxies, headless browsers, user-agent rotation), designing an efficient architecture for scalability, and providing a simple storage solution for the extracted data. The API should take a LinkedIn URL as input and return structured profile data. Strong experience in web scraping, overcoming bot detection systems, and building scalable APIs is required. Familiarity w...
I'm in need of an experienced freelancer who can design and implement an AI-powered chatbot for my restaurant business. The chatbot's primary functions will be automating customer interactions, which include taking food orders, displaying the menu, booking tables, tracking deliveries, and processing payments. Key Requirements: - Multi-Platform Integration: The chatbot must integrate seamlessly with popular communication platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and WeChat. - Multi-Language Support: The chatbot should proficiently support English and Mandarin to cater to a diverse customer base. - Secure Payment Integration: The chatbot needs to integrate with secure payment systems to facilitate smooth transactions. - User-Friendly Design: As a customer-facing solution, the c...
Objectives To create a program using Python Add a library. Create plots. Analyze the plots. Introduction Data generated from a variety of sources is growing exponentially. For example, one autonomous car can generate as much as 4000 GB of data per day. IoT sensors, mobile devices, social media, and websites generate large amounts of data requiring storage, management, analysis, and security. Large datasets or big data can be analyzed and turned into information to assist companies with decision making. This course project covers data analysis using Python by analyzing weather data downloaded from a cloud data source. It will encompass the many aspects of the software development process and prepare you for your future career in technolog...
I'm looking for a Python developer who can create a ComfyUI node for me. This node should allow parallel requests on any custom workflow, specifically for data and image processing. The key feature of this node is to set the maximum number of parallel requests through an environment variable. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with ComfyUI - Knowledge in data and image processing workflows - Familiarity with environment variable configuration The goal is to enhance the efficiency of my workflows, so I would appreciate a developer who understands the importance of optimal parallel request handling. The goal is to be able to process more than one queue at the same time, like 2-3 image request parallel not one by one which comfyui do by defau...
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...20 hours to complete. Position Overview: We are seeking a proficient Zapier Automation Integration Specialist for a short-term contract to establish an automated lead engagement system. The project involves integrating GoHighLevel (GHL) with platforms such as BatchSkipTracing, Twilio, Resemble AI, and Drop Cowboy to automate personalized communication workflows. Key Responsibilities: Lead Processing Automation: Configure GHL to initiate automation upon lead upload, ensuring seamless progression through the engagement pipeline. BatchSkipTracing Integration: Set up and manage the integration with BatchSkipTracing to perform skip tracing and retrieve accurate phone numbers for leads. Twilio SMS Campaigns: Develop workflows that utilize Twilio to send personalized text messages ...
...point cloud data using software such as Leica Infinity or similar programs. Create accurate topographic survey plans using data derived from point clouds. Provide energy and utilities drafting services, including creating technical drawings, plans, and diagrams for the design, construction, and maintenance of energy and utility infrastructure. Deliver all drawings and models within established deadlines. Review and revise drawings to maintain accuracy and adhere to industry standards. Collaborate with internal teams to minimize revisions and meet project requirements effectively. Required Experience and Skills: Experience: 3-5 years in a similar role as a Drafter, Survey Draftsperson Technical Proficiency: Strong skills in 3d AutoCAD Experience with 12d and point cloud ...
I'm seeking a talented video editor for a YouTube sleep story for kids. The video will need editing to incorporate background music, animated visuals, and a narration voiceover (which will be provided). Key Requirements: - Experience editing YouTube content, particularly children's videos - Ability to sync visuals and audio seamlessly - Proficient in working with animated visuals - Creative input to enhance the storytelling experience All background music, narration voice over and video animation will be provided by me. Your role will be to edit the video to incorporate the music, visuals, and voiceover in a cohesive and engaging manner and add an exciting title to the video following YouTube standards.
I'm looking for an expert who can help me design and implement a controlled stepper motor system with a touchscreen interface. Currently we have a built program to operate the stepper motor controller and system in place we just want to upgrade from running off an external laptop to a mounted HMI. We want to add to the display two DC voltage gauges that will show the system input voltage and the voltage to the Nema34 motor controller. We would like the programming and additional parts sourced that are required for full functionality. Key Features: - Touchscreen: The interface for controlling the stepper motor. - Comprehensive Readouts: The system should provide position readouts, speed readouts, and information on system voltage sources and step-up. - Control Options: The...
...user-defined variables and compute the theoretical price of options based on various input scenarios. Key Requirements: - Utilize JavaScript for calculations within the spreadsheet and fine to use google sheet which is my preference - Design the spreadsheet to accept input data from CoinGecko in Excel format for prices ( historical data manual pasting is fine) - Incorporate option pricing for selected crypto assets say render for example - Include user-defined inputs such as notional size ($400,000 USD), tenor (1m, 3m, 6m, 12m), and risk-free rate (default at 5%). - Abaded on price dats for manual data input from CoinGecko and computation of vega based on 1 month, 2 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month market data. - Calculate the mar...
I am in need of an expert in ndnSIM who can help me develop a new application module. T...consumer and producer application types. The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in ndnSIM and be capable of designing and implementing sophisticated networking applications. Key Requirements: - Development of both Consumer and Producer Application within ndnSIM - Implementation of Custom Interest Packet Handling - Design of Specific Caching Strategy - Custom Data Packet Processing Please note that a deep understanding of ndnSIM and its capabilities is crucial for this project. Experience with similar projects will be highly regarded. The goal is to create a highly functional, efficient and reliable application module that can be used for extensive simula...
I have a prestashop web site but having problems with the address because the validation rules are different for different customer types: personnal and business. I added some needed fields to the database and tried to solve the problem by myself but messed it up. I need someone to correct my address input of my prestashop. Some coding will be needed maybe database modification, I dont know. Basically what I need is: a) Current Issues: i) The invoice type options (Individual/Corporate) cannot be switched between ii) The form fields are not updating correctly according to the invoice type iii) Validation rules are not working properly b) Expected Behavior: i) When “Individual” is selected: (1) The TC Identity No field should be displayed (2) The TC Identity No field sh...
I'm seeking a seasoned professional well-versed in Canadian payroll processes to assist with payroll processing, distribution, and employee benefits management for my medium-sized business with 1-50 employees. Ideal Skills: - Extensive knowledge of Canadian payroll laws and regulations - Proven experience in payroll processing and distribution - Expertise in employee benefits management - Excellent attention to detail - Strong organizational skills - Good communication skills Experience: - Previous work with medium-sized businesses preferred - Experience managing payroll for 1-50 employees
I'm looking for an experienced PCB designer who can design a PCB based on the ESP32 and BTS7960 for controlling 2-4 DC motors. The primary functionality of the PCB will be motor control, and it needs to be compatible with the ESP32's capabilities along with a built in power converter that can handle 12-24V input from battery and current sensors like INA219 for battery monitoring. Key Requirements: - Design a PCB that can control two channels controlling 2-4 DC motors using BTS7960 - Ensure compatibility with ESP32 - Optimize for motor control functionality Ideal Skills: - PCB Design - ESP32 Knowledge - Motor Control Expertise Please include examples of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
...widgets. ### Calorie Checker - **Manual Entry System:** - Input food items and calories. - Option to edit or update entries. - Display daily/weekly calorie summaries. ### Group Training and Personal Challenges - **Live Group Sessions:** - Integration with Zoom API for scheduling and joining live sessions. - Calendar/schedule view for upcoming group training events. - **Personal Training Modules (Challenges):** - Customizable personal training regimes. - Challenge tracking features and milestone notifications. ### Nutrition and Training Regime System - **Assignment Mechanism:** - **Manual Assignment:** Trainers manually assign nutrition plans and training regimes. - **Automatic Options:** - Utilize data from the calorie checker to recom...
I'm in need of a competent typist who can assist me in preparing a client presentation document. This project is crucial for professional use, specifically for a presentation to a cl...competent typist who can assist me in preparing a client presentation document. This project is crucial for professional use, specifically for a presentation to a client. Key Responsibilities: - Accurately typing the content of the presentation. - Following specific formatting guidelines that I will provide. Ideal Skills: - Excellent typing skills. - Proficiency in Microsoft Word or similar word processing software. - Attention to detail to ensure precise formatting. Experience: - Previous experience in typing professional documents is preferred. - Familiarity with business presentation format...
I'm seeking a skilled Excel expert who can create a robust management tool for data analysis and inventory oversight. Key Features: - Data Analysis: The tool should be capable of processing and analyzing large sets of data efficiently. - Automatic Reorder Alerts: The tool should monitor inventory levels and automatically alert me when stock needs replenishing. - Email Notifications: Reorder alerts should be sent directly to my inbox. Ideal Skills: - Advanced Excel skills, including proficiency with formulas, pivot tables, and macros. - Experience in creating custom Excel tools for business management. - Strong understanding of data analysis techniques. Experience: - Proven track record of delivering similar projects. - Excellent communication sk...
I'm looking for a professional who can scrape text from images, perform OCR, and export the data into a CSV file. Key Requirements: - Scraping and OCR: You need to extract text from images accurately. - Data Export: The final output should be in CSV format. - Handling URLs: The images will be provided as URLs, not as a batch of files or from a website. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web scraping tools/languages. - Experience with OCR software. - Competence in handling and exporting data to CSV. Create BULK Astro_Seek compatibility reports at: 1 CSV Input File 1 CSV Output File One Screen Capture of each chart The job is to run compatibility charts, download a screenshot of the chart images of the ASPECT TABLES
...numbers and provide the inputs Example: GigabitEthernet1/1/1 is down, line protocol is down 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization GigabitEthernet1/1/2 is down, line protocol is down 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization GigabitEthernet1/1/3 is down, line protocol is down 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization 300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization GigabitEthernet1/1/4 is down, line protocol is down 300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization 300 second output ra...