Data entry operator government in chhattisgarhproiecte Salut, am nevoie de niste ajustari ale sistemului pe care l-ai creeat si poate niste mici imbunatatiri.
Am nevoie sa colaborez cu o persoana entry/medium level care sa aiba cunostinte de Wordpress pentru a putea pune in aplicare ideile mele pe un site care deja exista (o mica afacere in familie), dar la care nu s-a lucrat mai deloc. Eventual ceva cunostinte minime de CSS si SEO s-ar putea sa ajute. Nu vreau sa fac chestii complicate ci doar sa-l fac sa arate profi, nu neglijent, sa-l lansez pe net si sa incep optimizarea. Persoana ideala este necalificata, a mai lucrat pe Wordpress si ii cunoaste bine functiile de baza.
This is a very small task, but it will get a successful freelancer a 5-star rating and an excellent review. In May 2015, we have summarized the gambling laws from 225 countries of the world into this table For each country, we found the law for land-based casinos, online casino law for operators, and online casino law for players. For Romania, we have noted that there is no penalty for ordinary players gambling online. In support of this claim we have found the following sources: Având în vedere "Scrisoare de punere în întârziere - încălcarea nr. 2013/4216" a Comisiei Europene, prin care "se atrage atenţia asupra anumitor dispoziţii din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 77/2009 privind organizarea şi exploata...
operator introducere date ..........Introducere date, Procesare date
Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk de la RDS
Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk la RDS
Enter data - Orders - Compare prices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hello Ma'm My name is Ravi i am from India, i am freelaner i can do data entry works (DATA ENTRY-- COPY PASTE---- AD POSTING-- FORM FILING- ARTICLE SUBMIT ION --- WORD-EXCEL POWER POINT PRESENTATION ---- ORDER PROCESSING --- Virtual Assistant -VIDEO’S UPLOAD GENERAL OFFICE --- DATA PROCESSING --- EMAIL HANDLING) well. i have 3 years experienced person as a freelancer worker.... this is my freelancer profile link
Angajam designer , operator printer , dtp. Cunostiinte Corel Draw, Eventual Photoshop Relatii si CV-uri pe
Caut colaborator pentru internet marketing care sa faca social media, postare anunturi si link building. Timp de munca: 1-2 ore / zi Pentru acest proiect pot plati 200 lei / luna
Platforma care sa fie instalata si configurata pe un server, astfel incat sa avem control total asupra platformei de SMS. Singurele costruri care trebuiesc suportate, sa fie cele de telefonice. Platforma trebuie sa suporte transmiterea unui numar mare de sms-uri catre orice operator de telefonie mobila din Romania. Programul SMS Gateway trebuie sa fie optimizat atat din punct de vedere al marimii cat si al puterii de procesare. Ca si sistem de operare, serverul sa fie construit pe arhitectura Linux CentOS cu module de comunicare. Aplicatia propriu-zisa de trimitere a SMS-urilor sa poata fi accesata atat direct printr-o interfata web (un fel de site), cat si prin intermendiul unui API de la distanta (daca serverul este conectat la Internet sau o retea locala).
Pornind de la Logo-ul firmei am nevoie de design modelat pe acesta pentru diferitele puncte de lucru din tara, dar si pentru diferitele cursuri sau servicii oferite de societate, de aceea pornind de la LOGO vreau sa creez urmatoarele design-uri: 1. Profesional New Consult Brasov 2. Profesional New Consult Bucuresti 3. Profesional New Consult Curs Operator CNC 4. Profesional New Consult Curs Machiaj 5. Profesional New Consult Curs Masaj 6. Profesional New Consult Curs Inspector HR 7. Profesional New Consult Curs Contabilitate 8. Profesional New Consult Curs Coafor 9. Profesional New Consult Curs Inspecor SSM 10. Profesional New Consult Curs Formator 11. Profesional New Consult Consultanta Juridica 12. Profesional New Consult Infiintare Firme 13. Profesional New Consult S...
Doresc implementarea unui API XML pentru un website care ruleaza pe wordpress impreuna cu tema Tour Operator de la themeforest. Am si tutorial cu ce trebuie facut pas cu pas:
Caut 3 persoane din Romania interesate sa lucreze la un proiect 24/7 de data entry - vizualizare text si introducere date necesare intr-un formular. Acest proiect se adreseaza persoanelor serioase care se pot tine de un program bine stabilit saptamana de saptamana si pot sta 6 ore in fata calculatorului in fiecare zi. Vor fi 4 schimburi a cate 6 ore, 7 zile pe saptamana. Schimburile se vor roti daca e nevoie saptamana de saptamana dar acest lucru ramane de stabilit. Momentan am deja o persoana si mai caut inca 3 pentru a porni proiectul. Plata va fi aproximativ de 300$ per luna. NU ESTE UN PROIECT TIP CAPTCHA. Caut numai persoane serioase care se pot dedica acestui job. Jobul e simplu si dupa ce veti invata va veti da seama si singuri de asta. E o oportu...
...engleze. Cunostiinte bune de operare calculator, aspect fizic placut, conexiune buna la internet, skype, sex feminin RESPONSABILITATI / BENEFICII: Cerinte: Programul de lucru va fi de 5 ore pe zi, 5 zile pe saptamana. Nu este VIDEOCHAT! Responsabilitatile principale ale job-ului vor fi trimitere email-uri, data-entry in Word, Excel, powerpoint presentation, update-uri la paginile media de socializare a firmelor ( facebook, linkedin, twitter etc). Dress code-ul se cere cat mai provocator in timpul orelor de lucru. Cum spuneam si mai sus, nu este videochat, dar cea mai importanta conditie a firmei este impunerea unui anumit stil de imbracaminte, cat mai provocator. De ce exista acest aspect vi se va explica la interviul pe care il veti sustine. Veti benef...
...engleze. Cunostiinte bune de operare calculator, aspect fizic placut, conexiune buna la internet, skype, sex feminin RESPONSABILITATI / BENEFICII: Cerinte: Programul de lucru va fi de 5 ore pe zi, 5 zile pe saptamana. Nu este VIDEOCHAT! Responsabilitatile principale ale job-ului vor fi trimitere email-uri, data-entry in Word, Excel, powerpoint presentation, update-uri la paginile media de socializare a firmelor ( facebook, linkedin, twitter etc). Dress code-ul se cere cat mai provocator in timpul orelor de lucru. Cum spuneam si mai sus, nu este videochat, dar cea mai importanta conditie a firmei este impunerea unui anumit stil de imbracaminte, cat mai provocator. De ce exista acest aspect vi se va explica la interviul pe care il veti sustine. Veti benef...
Vanzare de servicii de telefonie, internet si TV pentru un operator major din Romania. Vanzarea se face doar catre firme, persoane juridice. Plata se face procentual in functie de abonamentul si perioada contractuala semnata de client. Procentul poate sa fie intre 5% si 7%, in functie de valoarea lunara a avanzarilor. Valoarea proiectului este nelimitata intrucat se plateste procentual. EX: pentru 100 de euro semnati (valoare totala a abonamentelor/saptamana) se va calcula: 100inmultit cu 30(de luni-durata medie a contracteor)=3000 inmultit cu 5% aduce un comision de 150euro Durata priectului poate sa fie nelimitata in functie de performantele fiecarui freelancer.
ajutama sa-mi gasesc un job serios sa lucrez de acasa ca operator telemarketing, sunt foarte bun in asta. multumesc necesita aprobare de catre operator, cand s-a emis o noua factura proforma, cand s-a emis o factura fiscala, cand un client a postat o lucrare si necesita aprobare. 5. Toate campurile din formularul de inregistrare trebuie sa fie obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator s...
Freelancer, imi ofer serviciile in internet marketing,social media,inscriu in directoare de articole,data entry,web research.
Salut am nevoie de niste persoane cu cetatenie sa faca niste treaba de data entry in maxim 10-20 minute DON'T BID IF you are not ROMANIAN !!!!!
Salut am nevoie de niste persoane cu cetatenie sa faca niste treaba de data entry in maxim 10-20 minute DON'T BID IF you are not ROMANIAN !!!!!
Pot completa tabele in excel (cu formule de calcul )sau scrie in word, preferabil in romana,engleza sau italiana. De asemenea, pot face diverse situatii in excel...depinde ce doreste fiecare. Can fill tables in Excel (with formulas) or write in Word, preferably in Romanian, English or Italian. They can also make various situations in excel ... depends on what each wants.
Caut un bun pCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document care sa caute si sa colecteCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document date dupa an umite site-uri. ApoCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.i sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.
Caut un bun pCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document care sa caute si sa colecteCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document date dupa an umite site-uri. ApoCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.i sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.
I require assistance with organizing mixed record entries (both text and numeric) into a PDF document. The layout should be in a table format, with the data organized by date. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and PDF creation - Experience working with mixed records - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately organized
I require assistance with organizing mixed record entries (both text and numeric) into a PDF document. The layout should be in a table format, with the data organized by date. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data entry and PDF creation - Experience working with mixed records - Attention to detail to ensure data is accurately organized
I need a meticulous professional to assist with data entry from scanned documents. The data consists of both text and numbers, and needs to be accurately transferred into an Excel spreadsheet. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Excel - Excellent attention to detail - Prior experience with data entry from scanned documents - Ability to handle mixed data types (text and numbers) - Strong organizational skills
1. I will pay for 1 hour of work. 2. I’d prefer to have this completed within 2 hours today. 3. I’ll be reviewing every detail, including your profile, title, experience, portfolio, and communication skills. 4. Please don’t bid if you don’t agree to the requirements mentioned above or lack the necessary skills to handle this task. Looking forward to it! Ansaf
...web developer or digital media expert to design and implement a streaming website platform for me, similar in functionality to Twitch or Kick. The key features required for the platform are: 1, Exclusive Streaming: Allow me to stream content exclusively on the platform, while restricting others from doing so. 2, Weekly Prize Entry System: Implement a system that enables users to pay a monthly fee for entry tickets into a prize drawing. 3, Weekly Prizes: Create a mechanism to randomly select a winner from the subscribers who have purchased entry tickets. 4, Age Verification: Integrate a robust age verification process to confirm that each subscriber meets the legal age requirement in their respective country. Technical Requirements: 1, Develop a r...
I am looking for a skilled virtual assistant to help with various tasks. ...prioritizing, and responding to emails as necessary. - Scheduling Appointments: Coordinating my calendar and scheduling meetings. - Data Entry: Accurately inputting information into various systems. Essential Skills: - Customer Service Experience: Ability to handle queries and concerns professionally. - Proficiency in Microsoft Office: Particularly Excel, Word, and Outlook. - Social Media Management: Overseeing and updating my social media accounts. Preferred Communication: - Primary communication will be through Email. Ideal Candidate: - A proactive individual with excellent organizational skills. - Able to manage tasks independently and efficiently. - Prior experience in simi...
I'm looking for someone to assist with document preparation and spreadsheet support. This will primarily involve preparing reports and working with spreadsheets. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in document preparation - Experienced in report writing - Highly skilled in using spreadsheets - Knowledgeable in formulas and calculations - Excellent in data entry and organization - Capable of creating visual data representations
I'm in the process of developing a game utilizing UE5.5, and I'm in need of a talented programmer to create a blueprint or C++ function (callable by blueprint) that generates a realistic oscilloscope image based on a int entry value. At the end this function will be crucial for a mini-game where players must determine the correct value by interpreting the generated oscilloscope image. Key Requirements: - Create a realistic oscilloscope image - Integrate grid lines and waveform amplitude into the display - Ensure the function is callable by blueprint Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in UE5.5, particularly with blueprints and C++ - Experience with game development and designing interactive elements - Understanding of realistic graphical styles - Ability to ...
I'm looking for a professional to assist with the management of my product data. Key Responsibilities: - Data Entry: Inputting product data accurately and efficiently. The ultimate goal of this project is to identify trends within the product data. Therefore, the ideal candidate should be skilled in: - Data Entry: Fast and precise data entry is crucial. - Data Analysis: Ability to spot trends and insights from the data will be highly beneficial. Experience in working with product data is a plus. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed in the past.
I'm looking for a freelancer who can enter data from an Excel sheet into my e-commerce website. This task involves working with electronics products and requires attention to detail and technical understanding. Key Responsibilities: - Enter product data from Excel(upto 5K data) into the website. - Include all necessary product descriptions, focusing on technical specifications and usage instructions. - Upload product images alongside the descriptions. Ideal Candidate: - Experience with e-commerce data entry is a plus. - Familiarity with electronics and their technical specifications. - Able to follow instructions precisely and work with minimal supervision.
I'm looking for experienced scientific editors to refine my grant proposals aimed at government agencies. The primary focus of these proposals is on environmental science. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive editing experience in the field of environmental science. - Proven track record of working on grant proposals. - Familiarity with the expectations and requirements of government agencies. - Strong command of English, with exceptional attention to detail.
...course, state, or ranking. - **College List (Grid or List View):** - Each college card includes: - College Name. - Thumbnail Image. - Location. - Course Options. - "View Details" Button. - **Sidebar Filters:** - Filters for: - Location: Dropdown for state and city selection. - Fees Range: Slider for fee range selection. - College Type: Checkboxes for Private/Government. - Ratings: Star-rating filter. --- #### **3. College Detail Page** **Sections:** - **Header:** Displays the College Name, Location, and Accreditation information. - **Image Slider:** Large carousel featuring images of the campus, facilities, and events. - **Tabs for Information:** - **Courses Offered:** Lists all courses with eligibility and fees. - **Fees S...
1. I will pay for 1 hour of work. 2. I’d prefer to have this completed within 2 hours today. 3. I’ll be reviewing every detail, including your profile, title, experience, portfolio, and communication skills. 4. Please don’t bid if you don’t agree to the requirements mentioned above or lack the necessary skills to handle this task. Looking forward to it! Ansaf
I need assistance with extracting text data from 7 PDF files into a spreadsheet. The data from each PDF will go into a specific, pre-existing worksheet within the spreadsheet. - Type of Data: The extraction will only pertain to text data. - Structure: The text data in the PDFs is well-organized with clear sections, making the extraction process straightforward. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficient in data entry and spreadsheet management - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with PDF data extraction I have attached a sample PDF document and Spreadsheet with the first section of data already extracted from the PDF into the relevant worksheet. I have also created a video demonstrating what is r...
I'm seeking a detail-oriented freelancer for a project involving manual data entry from PDF files. The primary purpose of this task is to prepare the data for analysis, so accuracy and attention to detail are crucial. Key Responsibilities: - Manually entering mixed data (numerical and textual) from PDFs into a specified format or database - Ensuring the accuracy of the data entry to facilitate reliable data analysis Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data entry - Strong attention to detail - Familiarity with handling mixed data types - Capability to work with PDF files Experience: - Prior experience in manual data entry is highly preferred - Experience in data analysis will ...
I'm in need of a detail-oriented freelancer for a data entry project. The task involves manually entering data from PDF files into a database. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in manual data entry - Experience working with PDF files - Familiarity with database systems - High attention to detail - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive data with care.
I'm looking for a seasoned writer with a strong grasp on technology and a professional writing style to pen 60 b...writer with a strong grasp on technology and a professional writing style to pen 60 blogs a month, each around 1000 words. Key Requirements: - In-depth understanding of the technology sector, especially in areas like Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Gadgets and Reviews - Exceptional content writing skills to create engaging and informative pieces - Proficiency in SEO to ensure the blogs reach a wider audience - Capability to convert images and data into infographics for blog inclusion - Experience in data entry and assignment writing Your writing should always maintain a professional and formal tone. Please provi...
I'm seeking a local camera operator in the Irvine, CA area (preferrably a high school or college student willing to learn about videography, photography, marketing, and how to speak to people with confidence. I will be conducting professional interviews outdoors, (sometimes indoors) and I need someone to hold the camera for me. All equipment will be provided by me, and I will handle the setup myself. My goal is to find millionaires in person and interview them with business questions. This will be for a YouTube channel.
Looking for a brand mascot design reflecting a professional and reliable persona. The mascot must align with our logo in style, colours and boldness, which is cartoonish. Key Requirements: - Design should be cartoonish, consistent with our logo - Use of our brand colours - Bold design - Mascot reflects a professional and reliable personality - Can be holding a jet blaster (for blocked drains) - example attached as image OR a wrench - Tailored for website and social media usage FLO STATE is a full service plumbing company. OUR NAME: We have uploaded our LOGO. When designing your logo please think: How would this look on a Vehicle with our logo? How would this look on a business card? How would it look on website? How would it translate into marketing? There are numerous plumbin...