Cvent headquarters phone numberproiecte
...button 2 called ASSIGN and 4 text boxes called as such, 1. City; 2. Telephone; 3. Price; 4. Location;. 7.2 To add an order to the list, only the master user can do this and proceed as follows, enter the name of the locality in the text box called Locality, (no value entered in this box, the order cannot be added) enter the phone number in the Phone box, the number phone number should be visible only to the master user, the other users should not see the phone number. Enter the price in the text box called Price, the application should automatically fill this box with the last price entered and the last order added, currently the price should be set to 3.5 lei, and in the last text box called Location, the master user can enter th...
ENG: Hello! I need your help to set up an automated system for email collection and newsletter sending. I want to: Provide a link to a form (containing fields for phone and email through various marketing campaigns), Prospects will fill out this form, Email addresses will be automatically collected and sent to the Brevo platform, Brevo will then automatically send an email. Technically, the project includes the following requirements: Email Collection Form: Create an online form (Google Forms, Typeform, or a similar platform) for collecting email addresses from visitors. I also need instructions on how to create future forms. The form should be simple, asking only for the email address and possibly other essential details. Integration with Brevo: Integrate the form with Brevo, ...
...primeste pe mail documente generate (contract, gdpr, etc.) ca acesta doar sa le semneze - in cazul in care un elev absenteaza, trebuie sa primeasca pe amil doua link-uri catre 2 filme din cele stocate in aplicatie. Linkurile expira dupa 30 zile. - DRM pentru lectiile video, sa nu poata fi descarcate sau sa se inregistreze ecranul. Cum e la serviciile de streaming (e.g. Netflix) - responsive (desktop/phone) - testare + deploy Proiectul va fi facut de la 0. Rog (pentru specificatiile de mai sus, care sunt doar pentru a va face o idee generala) sa imi transmiteti o estimare de cost si de timp. Multumesc....
...etc.), Configuring Google Analytics + Connecting AdWords Search campaigns and budget function, even Display / Performance campaigns (the first set of banners is free) B. Optimization of Google Ads campaigns, which includes: monitoring of Google Ads campaigns (with optimization interventions, bid strategy modification, improvements and adjustments to increase efficiency, etc.) technical support (phone/email) periodic reports v1. Standard campaigns in the search network (performance/branding) v2. Advanced/dynamic campaigns in the search network (DSA/Remarketing etc.) v3. Advanced campaigns in the search/display network (Display/Performance-Max): (set of banners) C. Cost per Click, for running campaigns: this cost varies from one niche to another and from one type of campaign to a...
Proiect de virtual office & virtual assistance. Colaboratori pentru VAPBiz. Servicii online pentru : Programăriîntâlniri, efectuare apeluri telefonice, realizam aranjamente de călătorie și gestionare conturile de e-mail, de asemenea,postari pe rețelele sociale și cercetare. Virtual office & virtual assistance project. Contributors to VAPBiz. Online services for: Scheduling meetings, making phone calls, making travel arrangements and managing e-mail accounts, also posting on social networks and research.
Proiectul va avea o prezentare scrisă, care va include enunțul și obiectivele pe care și le propune aplicația și modul de rezolvare, cu indicarea organizării datelor în foi de calcul, a funcțiilor și formulelor utilizate și altor informații relevante în acest sens (se vor capta ecrane sugestive). Nu se fac ...funcțiilor IF și VLOOKUP (sau HLOOKUP) - Utilizarea funcțiilor SUMIF, AVERAGEIF sau COUNTIF - Utilizarea formatării condiționale (in 3 feluri, cu cel putin o formula) - Construirea a minim 2 grafice diferite (pot fi mai multe ) cu semnificație și explicațiile necesare (nu simple valori puse intr-o diagramă) - Explorarea datelor dintr-un tabel prin sortare și filtrare (se filtrează cu opțiuni de la Text/Number Filters) - Realizarea a minim un tabel cu subtotaluri sa...
Buna ziua, Avem un site pe Magento 1 si in ultima perioada am inregistrat mai multe mailuri cu acest context "Payment transaction failed. Reason Please check billing address information. Please enter the first name. Please enter the last name. Please enter the street. Please enter the telephone number. " nu vede la checkout ca sunt completate datele ( nume, nr. telefon ). Credeti ca ne-ati putea ajuta? Multumesc! Zoltan
Am nevoie de cateva modificari pentru magazinul meu online ( modificarile sunt atasate in word ) Doresc pe cineva cu experienta sa ma consilieze in Shopify.
Dorim continuarea dezvoltarii unui software ERP pentru o institutie de tip IFN. Software-ul este partial dezvoltat de catre o echipa din India. Contabilitatea este 100% realizata iar zona de creditare este partial dezvoltata. Se va continua si cu echipa din India dar se doreste marirea echipei si o comunicare mai eficienta. Software-ul este dezvoltat in Laravel. Este ne...of ERP software for an IFN institution. The software is partially developed by a team from India. The accounting is 100% realized and the credit area is partially developed. It will continue with the team from India but it is desired to increase the team and a more efficient communication. The software is developed in Laravel. Constant attendance at team meetings is required. The company headquarters is in ...
Vreau sa dezvolt o aplicatie pentru windows phone
Buna, as avea nevoie de realizarea unei aplicaţii care să genereze coduri de bare conform standardului EAN13 (European Article Number 13).
Salut, as avea nevoie de un proiect: realizarea unei aplicaţii care să genereze coduri de bare conform standardului EAN13 (European Article Number 13).
realizarea unei aplicaţii care să genereze coduri de bare conform standardului EAN13 (European Article Number 13).
Buna ziua, Suntem o companie romaneasca cu 9 ani de experienta in web development. In present lucram atat pe propria platforma dezvoltata pe framework-ul Laravel cat si pe platforma Magento. Clientii nostri sunt companii romanesti si din SUA. In acest moment lucram pe proiecte B2B si B2C pentru ...dezvoltata pe framework-ul Laravel cat si pe platforma Magento. Clientii nostri sunt companii romanesti si din SUA. In acest moment lucram pe proiecte B2B si B2C pentru SUA pe Magento. Dorim o colaborare remote pentru backend development pe Magento. Va rugam sa ne comunicati disponibilitatea dvs. Va multumim, SABINA LEGANARU Co-Founder and General Manager Web Future Solutions Mobile:+40724 55 90 31 Phone: +40311 00 10 72 @
doresc o aplicatie pentru windows phone, un calendar care poate fi distribuit, doresc sa particip la scrierea codului
...commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their database in their account on our site, and also they can request us to make a website for them as well. customer/business client registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory and only shown if business client) - lan line number (compulsory if business client) - mobile number (compulsory) - ID number of the registrar (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory and only sho... in momentul in care se accepta oferta (BID) Se creaza automat factura simultan pentru Transportator cat si pt. proprietarul site-ului in acelasi timp. Notificari / instiintari pe mail si/sau sms, push notification: confiramre cont, BID nou, etc. Confirmarea BID-ului in maxim 30 minute. Chat intre transportator si client (privat in cont propriu) cu filttru de cuvinte (mail, contact number, adrese - sa nu fie comunicate intre ei pe chat privat) OFFER : la offer clientul care cere transportatorului da pretul (ofera pretul). BID: Transportatorul ofera pretu. Ofertele sa dureze 3 ora maxim. Near Buy Shippments: Agenti ale transportatorului care sa apara unde se afla pe harta! Username-ul sa NU fie numele firmei sau sa duca cu gandul la vreo firma etc. Level Useri -...
Buna , Sunt Cristina (HR Manager), iti scriu cu drag din partea companiei Anais. Noi avem deja instalata o echipa de devs pe .NET si ne mai cautam ajutoare pentru proiectele in curs. Ar fi ideal daca mi-a... C#) Ne ajuta raspunsul inainte de a seta o discutie via skype. Timpul este pretios si nu vrem sa il irosim Apreciez raspunsul tau. Iti multumesc, Cristina -------------------------- Cristina Ciocoiu Human Resources Manager Mobile: +40 757 405 720 Skype: cristina.ciocoiu. anais | E-mail: @ Brussels office: Phone: +32 2 4032883 | Gulledelle,94 1200 Brussels, Belgium Bucharest office: Phone: +40 2 15280193 | 71-73 , Str Nicolae Caramfil, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania Discover now online products that work
Cautam programator pasionat, cu experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea de aplicatii folosind .NET, dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvol...dezvoltarea de aplicatii folosind .NET, dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvoltarea de aplicatii utilizand .NET • cunostinte de CSS, HTML Constituie avantaj: • experienta de lucru cu servicii web (WCF, WepApi) • experienta cu javascript, jQuery • experienta in dezvoltarea de aplicatii pe dispozitive mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) • cunoastere si lucru cu Microsoft Business Solutions (Dynamics CRM, Sharepoint) Pentru cei din provincie se lucreaza ed ...
Cautam programator pasionat, cu experienta de minim 1 an in dezvoltarea de aplicatii folosind .NET, dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvol...dezvoltarea de aplicatii folosind .NET, dornic sa invete si sa se perfectioneze. Cerinte • cunostinte de C# si Microsoft Sql Server. • dezvoltarea de aplicatii utilizand .NET • cunostinte de CSS, HTML Constituie avantaj: • experienta de lucru cu servicii web (WCF, WepApi) • experienta cu javascript, jQuery • experienta in dezvoltarea de aplicatii pe dispozitive mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) • cunoastere si lucru cu Microsoft Business Solutions (Dynamics CRM, Sharepoint) Pentru cei din provincie se lucreaza ed ...
Salutare cine ma poate ajuta cu constructia unui magazin online care vinde produsul pe bucati si selectia se face cu un generator de cifre id number
Hi, freelancers! Am nevoie de o aplicatie Android & iOS (momentan; este in plan si Windows Phone app) pentru ascultarea unui post de radio pe internet. Basic features: * streaming * posibilitatea de a rula in background *arhiva (posibilitatea de a accesa/asculta emisiuni mai vechi) Extra features: * blog/stiri * online chat/integrare FB * push notifications Vreau o aplicatie care sa arate bine si sa fie super user friendly! Daca ai experienta in crearea unor astfel de aplicatii si imi poti da cateva detalii/exemple, astept oferta ta! De asemenea, daca ai sugestii/intrebari pentru anumite functionalitati, nu exita sa le notezi in oferta. Multumesc!
antecontract de vanzare-cumparare contract de vânzare-cumpărare contract de închiriere a locuintei contract de garantie imobiliara (ipoteca) contract de gaj fara deposedare contract de cautiune contract de garantie contract de cesiune contract de leasing contract de comodat contract de prestări servicii contract de antrepiză contract de arendare contract de donatie contract de întretinere (contract de vanzare cumparare cu clauza de intretinere) contract de mandat (procură) contract de tranzactie contract de asigurare contract de rentă viageră contract de consignatie contract de comision contract de înfiintare a unei societăti comerciale contract de transport rutier contract de transport...
Aplicatia de care am nevoie este un Softphone si trebuie sa ruleze pe windows. Iata specificatiile, in mare: Sa fie protejat de parola, iar daca o sa fie instalabil si kit-ul sa fie de asemenea, protejat de parola. (Ideal e sa fie portabil, insa aici decizi tu in functie de cum iti este mai usor) Fereastra in care se introduce parola are, sub campul de text, buton OK si Cancel, ambele fara functii atribuite. Adevaratul OK va fi localizat, invizibil, altundeva. Telefonul se inregistreaza prin 3 parametrii: Server Username Password (campurile username si password devin hash-uri si nu pot fi vazute in clar) Telefonul functioneaza atat pe protocolul SIP cat si pe IAX2. Telefonul poate deschide oricate linii in paralel. Eventual, fiecare linie noua deschisa, le trece pe ...
Doresc modifacarea facturii in cs-cart conform legislatiei romanesti! Doresc integrare Serie si numarul comenzii cum este in modelul atasat. Fata de modelul atasat fara colanele: pret unitar si valoare tva 4 si 6. I want change bill in cs-cart under Romanian law! I want integration serial number in order as attached model. Compared to the model attached without columns: unit price and the VAT amount in column 4 and 6
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
Am nevoie de un flashplayer compatibil pentru un windows phone functional care sa imi permita sa vad toate filmuletele flash pe telefonul windows
i have one wordpress site,need to fix some bugs: 1. search function in homepage(need make it work as the header search) 2. product sub-category listing page, the pagination do not work properly,and product pagination is not working find(page 9-13 no product,but still display the page number on the bottom),need to fix it. 3. product details page, do not display some descriptions which i have input from the admin it display in the place of product details page 4. product listing page, need one line title + one line description down of the product image
We are looking to hire phone reps as our company grows! Currently we have spots in your area open, all you have to do is put ads up like the one you are reading, take calls,and get paid 60 to $120 per call!! Have to have: computer internet acess ID phone [The Administrator removed this message due to posting of contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions.]
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c:
Salut. Am nevoie de un utilitar care la un simplu dubluclick sa schimbe seria la partitia c: (Bineinteles cu efect dupa un restart la sistem). Vreau ca acest utilitar sa isi ia seria care trebuie sa o schimbe dintr-un text extern de exemplu: (, )- sa schimbe seria adica programul in sine si in sa fie seria care vreau eu sa o schimbe. Programul trebuie sa ruleze pe windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, chiar si pe un cont limitat si sa nu apara notificare de UAC sau de firewall sau de antivirus la executia acestui program. Deci execut programul iar apoi cand restartez sistemul sa am noua serie la partitia c: aceasta este adresa mea de email : softhard71 @ yahoo .com sau yahoo messenger id : softhard71
Salut. Am nevoie de un "" care la un simplu dubluclik sa schimbe seria la partitia c: . Acest utilitar trebuie sa contina un fisier extern text de genul "" - in acest fisier trebuie sa fie scrisa seria care va fii schimbata la partitia c: . Utilitarul nu trebuie sa fie instalat doar dubluclik si sa schimbe seria; la un restart de sistem sa am noua serie. Foarte important este ca faptul ca acest utilitar trebuie sa ruleze pe cont limitat de windows deci nu trebuie sa fiu neeaparat administrator sa ruleze pot sa fiu si user limitat si acesta trebuie sa mearga. La executia acestui utilitar nu trebuie sa apara NOTIFICARE UAC . Multumesc. media content that can be used across various advertising channels. The goal is to make sure the designs are flexible for future updates and adaptable to various content (i.e., offers, promotions, new services, etc.). The contest winner will be required to submit the following templates in Photoshop (.PSD) format: Business Cards Template Must be customizable for different employee names, phone numbers, and other contact details. Should reflect EB Profix LLC’s branding: professionalism, trustworthiness, and expertise in dental equipment repair. Include space for logo, tagline, and contact information. Flyers Template A versatile design for advertising promotions, services, or seasonal offers. Editable sections for images, headings, text, and call-to-action buttons...
...freelance SEO expert, primarily skilled in Technical SEO, to join my team. Key Responsibilities: - Enhance the online visibility of our venues through effective SEO strategies. - Prioritize and execute technical SEO tasks, specifically: - Site speed optimization to improve user experience and search engine rankings. - Ensuring mobile responsiveness of our sites to cater to the increasing number of mobile users. - Fixing crawl errors to ensure all parts of our website are accessible to search engines. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in Technical SEO, with a strong emphasis on site speed and mobile responsiveness. - Experience in working with event venues or similar industries is a plus. - Passion for event promotion and helping venues increase their book...
As a chiropractor in South Carolina, my practice faces a growing demand for phone support due to limited staff. I'm intrigued by the potential of AI in enhancing my clinic's communication efficiency. Key Tasks for Phone Support: - Booking appointments: I need a system that can handle my appointment schedule seamlessly. - Answering basic queries: The system should provide answers to common patient questions. - Forwarding detailed requests to a specialist: Any complex queries should be directed to a human specialist. Desired Features of AI Phone Support: - Automated appointment scheduling: I would like this system to help manage my bookings. - Call-back request management: The system should efficiently handle requests for call-backs. Information ...
I'm in need of a one or two page WordPress website designed like a minimalist landing page. This site will introduce my company as a leading...furnished short-term rental business. It should include a professional image slider featuring images of furnished rooms from my current site, and a simple layout with a focus on providing company information. Key Features: - A modern, minimalist design style - A slider with professional images of furnished rooms - Simple, clear layout focused on showcasing company info - Contact details: my phone number and email address No updates are planned for this site in the future, so a straightforward, easy-to-navigate design is essential. Skills in WordPress and web design, with an understanding of minimalist modern aesthetics, are cru... excessive questions and expect you to follow instructions independently. There will be no time extensions for deadlines. Applicants must be highly organized and able to work with minimal supervision. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Any bids not following this format will be rejected. To ensure you’ve read and understood this post, copy and paste the questions below into your bid and answer them: Phone Availability for Cold Calling: Yes/No Fluency in English (Reading and Writing): Yes/No Ability to Manage Conflicting Workloads: Yes/No Access to Canva (You will have to get at least the free version of Canva if hired): Yes/No Access to Adobe Photoshop: Yes/No Available to complete 3 projects by this Sunday, regardless of time commitment required: Yes/No Access to Microsoft Pr... for these switchboards are commercial pool builders and commercial pool equipment suppliers throughout all of Australia Sales Approach: - The focus will be on digital marketing, though not in the traditional sense. - Primary methods will be phone calls and emails using the provided documentation in support. - The key is to get the clients interest to forward information to be quoted Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in sales, preferably within the commercial pool industry. - Strong digital marketing skills, with the ability to utilise phone and email for outreach. - Excellent communication skills for persuasive sales pitches. This is a unique opportunity to earn a commission from a potentially lucrative product. Your expertise could help us reach and sell to ...
...and need someone to help me complete this. The application requires the following features: - A user interface that is simple and minimalistic - A Calculate button that computes and displays in a list box the distance traveled at a given speed over a specified number of hours. - A Clear button that resets the input and output fields - An Exit button that closes the application The user inputs will be speed in MPH and number of hours traveled. The application should display the distance traveled for each hour up to the specified number of hours. For example, if the user inputs 40 for speed and 3 for hours, the output should show 40 miles for hour 1, 80 miles for hour 2, and 120 miles for hour 3. The application also requires basic input validation to ensure the te...
I have an Excel file with multiple tabs, each representing a month of the year. Within each tab, my products are listed in one column, and the days of the month are represented in rows. The cells that intersect contain a number representing the quantity of products sold on the corresponding day. I need a new dynamic tab created that has at least two columns: one for products that have sold at least one unit, and another for the total number of items sold. Products that have no sales on a given day should not be displayed. This new tab should be dynamic, allowing me to see which products have sold on a given day. There should be a day selector that filters the products accordingly. Specific Requirements: - The new tab should be formatted as a simple table - The project is i...
...a method from C++ is called - this will return mocked data 4. Top bar has a settings button on the right, this will trigger a settings screen where he will be able to select two categories: games and language. All UI and images will be provided. 5. Every time the user taps search or settings or selectd the games or language categories a counter will e incresed. When this counter will reach the number 8, an interstitial ad will be triggered (via admob). 6. (configuration files-ids will be provided for firebase / admob). App wil have two mainscreens: main screen to display list of words and settings screen to display two current selections each with a selection screen of its own. Same admob banner will be displayed for both screen, app should use jetpack compose. Supplemental i...
...applications. Ticketing system for client support. Employee details (salary, joining date, leave requests). Sales pipeline, CRM, HR, and finance modules. Admin Portal (Web Only): User management (clients, employees, admins). Service and order management. Reporting and analytics. System configuration. Nonfunctional Requirements Performance: Page load times under 3 seconds, scalable for a large number of concurrent users. Security: Secure authentication, data encryption, and protection against vulnerabilities. Usability: Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Deliverables Fully functional web and mobile applications. Deployment-ready code with documentation. A quick training session post-completion to explain the code structure and usage. Additional Notes Compliance with relev...
Are you looking for a dynamic role with flexible hours and no cold calling? We have the perfect opportunity for you! We are seeking a Bilingual Customer Support Specialist (French & English), with experience in Sales or Customer Service, who can handle both inbound and outbound phone inquiries. The main focus of these calls will be providing product information, transfer calls to the appropriate team members, and to schedule appointments for our salespeople. About the Role: No cold calling: You will handle incoming calls and follow up with customers who have requested moving information through our website. Your main responsibility will be to schedule appointments in the seller’s calendar, enabling them to assess the volume of goods to be moved efficiently. Why Join Us?... Logo Elements Typography: Use modern, sans-serif fonts to convey innovation and professionalism. Highlight "CallCatch" in bold or slightly larger font, with "AI" in a futuristic, tech-inspired style to emphasize the AI aspect. Icon: A sleek phone symbol or a missed call notification icon to represent calls. Incorporate an abstract "net" or "catching" element, such as a swoosh or loop, to symbolize capturing leads. Include subtle AI-related imagery, like a circuit board pattern, a small brain icon, or digital waves, integrated into the phone or catching element. Color Palette: Blue and green tones to evoke trust, technology, and growth. Accent colors like orange or yellow to signify urgency and attention. Use gradients spa...
More details: What is the primary purpose for tracking the location and WhatsApp activity? Employee monitoring Do you have proper legal authorization to monitor the employee's phone activities? I'm not sure and need guidance Which specific activities are you looking to monitor? Location tracking, WhatsApp chats, Calls
...messages for every occasion in PNG/jpg format, orders tracking and printing, google analytics, Reports, pushing orders from admin panel to shipping delivery partners, stock maintenance, billing details(which can be sent to customer on phone and email) & few other features if any as per the tracker • Combo pages with conditions as explained high level in walk-through and in detailed will be explained once you take up the project • return/refund/cancellation pop-up options • setting up delivery partners for tracking order • setting up delivery Payment gateway (Pay U or Phone pay) Note: 1)This project demands extensive brainstorming, open discussions & most importantly a strong willingness to take on the challenge and deliver ...
I am in need of a freelancer to provide phone support for my customer service needs in ROMANIAN. Skills and Experience: - General customer service skills are sufficient, industry-specific knowledge is not required. - The freelancer should be fluent in ROMANIAN and have excellent communication skills. - Previous experience in customer service is desired. - The freelancer should be able to handle phone inquiries and provide assistance to customers. - The expected workload is cca 1-3 hours / day, every working day is needed. Important: Part-time job: every work day, somewhen (when it fist you) between 9am and 6pm CET, you’d have to: • you have to call the fresh orders, who just bought something in our client's web shop, reach them and tell them we’...