Csi algebra 2 and pre calc series answer keyproiecte
...clienti. Basuc user Master, Stefan, Alin, Ionut, Petrica si Cristi astia o sa fie useri normali. 1. Aplicatia va rula pe un server vps virgin ce trebuie configurat. 2. seteaza direct useri si parolele dupa cum urmeaza Basuc 8C@aractere Stefan nastas@ Alin mog@ Ionut b@diu Petrica c1rnu Cristi com@n 2. Din aplicatie se vor suna clienti cu Twilio. ‼️ userii normali nu trebuie sa vada numerele de telefon ale clientilor 3. la pornirea aplicatiei sa avem doua casute de introducere text , una pentru introducere Nume si folosita pentru a intorduce username si a doua numita Parola pentru a introduce password . sub aceste 2 casute de text un buton numit START. casutele si butonul sa fie asejate in partea de jos a ecranului. 4. Odată apasat butonul START ...
...Experienta in proiecte similare (website-uri de anunturi) si prezentarea unui portofoliu relevant sunt obligatorii. Deci daca vi se pare greu sau imposibil sa realizati un site care sa se apropie ca functionalitate de olx, lajumate, autovit, etc, atunci cu siguranta proiectul asta nu este potrivit pentru voi. Caut oameni care sa stie exact ce fac, nu care sa invete facand acest proiect. No offense! 2. Atentia la detalii, seriozitatea si punctualitatea sunt extrem de importante. 3. Partea de design NU este necesara. Programatorul va primi grafica in format PSD + instructiuni clare despre functionarea site-ului, punct cu punct, pagina cu pagina, urmand doar sa le implementeze. 4. As prefera un programator care sa lucreze singur, dar nu exclud nici echipele sau firmele. O buna comun...
Caut o persoana care sa construiasca o baza de date de clienti potentiali, pe criterii prestabilite, cu elemente verificate individual: adr de mail, tel de contact, persoane de decizie, etc. Specific: se cer adaugarea unui numar de 100 de contacte/saptamana, se face validarea informatiilor si se stabileste urmatorul calup de clienti potentiali de adaugat in baza de date. Sunt necesare abilitati de lucru cu excel, analiza pentru research online companii, comunicare telefonica.
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
...goals: bet on a team after X matches in a row with less than 2 goals Method +0.5 goal: bet on a team after X matches in a row ending with a 0-0 Method +0.5 goal team: bet on a team after X matches in a row without scoring a goal Method +0.5 goal HT: bet on a team after X matches in a row with 0-0 at half-time Method LAY THE DRAW: bet on a team after X draws in a row Method BTTS: bet on a team after X matches in a row where both teams did not score Method NON BTTS: bet on a team after X matches in a row where both teams scored Method Top Scorers: bet on a top player who didn't score since X minutes In afara de astfel de date, am nevoie de imbinarea datelor statistice preluate din API ale meciuri din istoricul fiecarei echipe (pre-game, h2h, pasr results) cu dat...
Campanie Instagram de pre-launch de 3 saptamani care sa contina o strategic bine definita si crearea de 30 de postari (imagini + video) pentru o platforma online de lifestyle care vinde branduri de cosmetice organice de lux.
Salut. Sunt in cautare de un editor video/audio si cameraman, cu experienta, pentru un proiect pe termen lung. Este nevoie experienta in: Wirecast, Chroma Key, After Effects, Sony Vegas pro 16, masterizare vocala. Daca esti interesat si ai experienta in ceea ce am scris mai sus, lasa-mi te rog un mesaj. Multumesc.
Doresc ca telefonul sa citeasca un text afisat in fata camerei foto si sa identifice prezenta unuia sau a mai multor cuvinte pre-inregistrate in memorie sau in alta locatie unde sa fie posibila modificarea acelui set de cuvinte (dictionar). Textul poate fi scris cu un font foarte mic sau poate fi necesara indepartarea telefonului astfel incat sa cuprinda intreg textul, ceea ce conduce catre acelasi rezultat, font foarte mic
Platforma Sportiv-Turistica Scopul platformei: Prezentarea de rute turistice catre persoane fizice si persoane juridice, cu disponibilitate rezervare prin formular. Platforma de baza: - WordPress Functi...Prezentarea de rute turistice catre persoane fizice si persoane juridice, cu disponibilitate rezervare prin formular. Platforma de baza: - WordPress Functiile principale: - adaugare DESTINATII - afisare fotografii - afisare Overview - editarea formularului de Booking - Desing Vouchers - Integrare uneltele de marketing google, facebook, instagram Etapele proiectului: 1. Pre-instalare si pre-configurare cms/framework 2. Adaugarea extensiilor si configurarea lor 3. Customizarea platformei si crearea identitatii vizuale 4. Importul de informatii initiale 5. Testare ...
Dorim sa facem un API KEY care sa importe anunturi din mai multe CRM-uri dar si sa trimita anunturi in anumite retele de site-uri partenere. Colaboram exclusiv cu freelancer din Romania cu mentiunea SERIOZITATE!!
Am nevoie de un site (ico) pentru un proiect privat. Aș dori să fiu pre-făcut sau făcut într-o perioadă scurtă de timp (dacă nu aveți un script), vă rugăm să trimiteți-mi un eșantion de script, sau screenshot-uri. Pot plati în jur de 150-300 $ pentru unul realizat și putem discuta prețul pentru un script prestabilit și apoi putem discuta despre eventualele lucrări de proiectare pe scenariul respectiv. Întrebarea mea este: ------------------ Cum funcționează scriptul tău de la A la Z
Hello everyone, I need a plugin for Woocomerce, to syncronize my products with romanian marketplace eMag. They have a recomended plugin, but i don't know how to configure, also developer not answer to my email, to help me, so i want a person who can do that, a new plugin or configure the actual one. I pay just AFTER i see some result, i am boring to pay just for testing, if you are really professional and you sure that you can help me, i wait to aply to my project. Thank you! Salut, Sunt in cautare de un freelancer care poate creea un plugin de sincronizare a produselor mele dintr-un magazin online pe platforma Woocommerce cu marketplace-ul eMag. Emag are un plugin recomandat dar nu reusesc sa il configurez corect iar developer-ul nu oferta suport, nici platit (am i...
Caut specialist in Adobe After Effects din Craiova/Romania pentru modificarea unui template pre existent.
...sune bine in limba romana. Google Translate nici nu intra in discutie (aviz amatorilor). Candidatul ideal: Stie sa respecte un deadline Stapaneste limba romana excelent (punctuatie, gramatica) Are un nivel mediu spre avansat de limba Engleza. Poate comunica zilnic sau la doua zile pe Skype, Messenger, email, etc Atasat acestui proiect este un fisier Word cu un paragraf in limba Engleza, pentru o pre-evaluare. Doar acei freelanceri care ataseaza bidului si varianta tradusa a paragrafului respectiv vor fi luati in considerare. Va rog sa trimiteti doua biduri, unul pentru 100 de articole, altul pentru 200 de articole (ambele intr-o perioada de 30 de zile). Se cauta colaborare si pe termen lung, asa ca daca stiti ca nu va incadrati va rog nu aplicati. Plata se poate...
Salutare, Am nevoie ca cineva sa imi repare magazinul opencart in sensul ca indiferent ce aleg la statusul produsului, imi apare ca fiind in stoc, chiar daca este pre-comanda sau in stoc furnizor, imi apare tot In Stoc. Doresc sa lucrez doar cu freelanceri romani
...mai complicata decat rescrierea lui de la zero sau migrarea pe o platforma de tip CMS. Sunt deschis la sugestii, deciziile vor fi luate de comun acord cu programatorul selectat pentru acest proiect. Mai multe detalii vor fi oferite in privat celor care vor fi pre-selectati. Va rog sa incepeti mesajele private cu textul "am citit tot". Cerinte: 1. Prefer un programator care sa lucreze singur, pentru a putea discuta cu el 1:1 orice detaliu. Totusi, nu exclud nici firmele sau echipele. O buna comunicare este insa obligatorie. 2. Experienta in proiecte similare (website-uri de anunturi) si prezentarea unui portofoliu sunt obligatorii. 3. Partea de design NU este obligatorie. Daca se va opta pentru refacerea site-ului de la zero, programatorul poate primi gra...
The numerator used will have entrance to R asynchronous. It will only use the 4000 series circuits. The clock oscillator will provide two rectangular signals with frequencies of 3Hz, 5Hz and 360kHz and a tact signal manually. Divizor fix de frecvență cu 68. Numărătorul folosit va avea intrarea R asincronă. Se vor utiliza numai circuite din seria 4000. Oscilatorul va furniza semnale dreptunghiulare cu frecvențele de 3,5 Hz, respectiv 360kHz și un semnal de tact manual.
...necesare pe sistemul central. Fundamental se utilizeaza tehnologii Oracle iar volumul de date/informatii este considerabil, astfel ca viitorii colegi/e sunt bineveniti a dispune de nivele elevate de asimilare informatii noi, autonomie si autostructurare - satisfactia taskurilor indeplinite este pe masura. Must Have: • cunostinte avansate in Oracle RDBMS • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle PL/SQL • experienta de minim 2 ani cu Oracle Forms si Reports • oracle Application Server • metodologii standard de dezvoltare Nice to have: • cunoastere a terminologiei specifice sectorului bancar • experienta anterioara in dezvoltari pe produse/servicii bancare • cunostintele asociate ADF reprezinta un avantaj Sarcini si resp...
... Calificare, Status etc b. Posibilitati de filtrare - Cautare dupa nume, id sau alte date personale - Filtrare dupa criteriile de eligibilitate - Filtrare dupa status - Dupa proiect (toti candidatii pe proiectul selectat) - Alte criterii de filtrare 2. Proiecte 2.1. Proiect – zona de descriere a unui proiect a. Informatii proiect - Denumire - Text detalii - Client - Status - Perioada de derulare - Etape de derulare - Project manager alocat - Criterii de eligibilitate (in functie de care se face pre-alocarea candidatilor pe proiect) b. Candidati alocati - Lista candidatilor alocati pe proiect. Alocarea se va face “semi-automat”, pe principiul urmator: • Pe baza criteriilor de eligibilitate setate la definirea p...
...limba romana. Google Translate nici nu intra in discutie (aviz amatorilor). Candidatul ideal: Stie sa respecte un deadline Stapaneste limba romana excelent (punctuatie, gramatica) Are un nivel mediu spre avansat de limba Engleza. Poate comunica zilnic sau la doua zile pe Skype, Messenger, email, etc Atasat acestui proiect este un fisier Word cu un paragraf in limba Engleza, pentru o pre-evaluare. Doar acei freelanceri care ataseaza bidului si varianta tradusa a paragrafului respectiv vor fi luati in considerare. Va rog sa trimiteti doua biduri, unul pentru 100 de articole, altul pentru 200 de articole (ambele intr-o perioada de 30 de zile). Pretul maxim oferit este de $80/100 de articole, cine ofera un pret mai bun corelat cu o calitate a traducerii acceptabila ...
Salut, Te intereseaza un job part-time (10 ore pe saptamana) ca designer? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
Salut, Te intereseaza un job part-time (10 ore pe saptamana) ca designer? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
Salut, Te intereseaza un job part-time (10 ore pe saptamana) ca designer? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
Salut, Te intereseaza un job full-time ca Frontend Developer Joomla + Bootstrap? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
Salut, Te intereseaza un job full-time ca Frontend Developer Joomla + Bootstrap? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
Salut, Te intereseaza un job full-time ca Frontend Developer Joomla + Bootstrap? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
Salut, Te intereseaza un job full-time ca Frontend Developer Joomla + Bootstrap? Completeaza pre-interviul si te contactam:
I want a site like this, with applications like this eg when entering a name in the form to give us an answer randomly and then we can distribute it on a social network
...daca prezentati in limba romana va trebui sa realizati in limba engleza o subtitrare pentru acesta. Nu este nevoie, chiar este de preferat sa nu fie integrata subtitrarea in fisierul video. Aceasta poate fi adaugata pe youtube (detalii despre formatul fisierului cu subtitrare le puteti gasi la aceasta adresa:) Eu am atasat acestui e-mail script-ul (ideea proiectului- aici veti vedea pe pagina nr 2 ce am desenat, adica mai exact niste omuleti nemultumiti si niste doctori angry face, un aspirator cu bubble cu IDR (adica innovative doc review), care preia gandurile pacientilor si medicii implicit, actiunea de procesare, si la sfarsit oameni fericiti si doctori zambareti), ceea ce am inregistrat (pe scene si full script, in cazul in care
Am nevoie de un soft pentru o afacere care o dezvolt . Consta in gestionarea cozilor de așteptare . In instituții îmi trebuie un soft mai complet si aici ma refer ca pe panoull led trebuie sa apară nr de așteptare plus ghișeul unde trebuie sa ajungă persoana respectiva , de asemeni fiecare Ghișeu trebuie sa fie conectat la panou pentru a putea sa cheme pe...sa apară nr de așteptare plus ghișeul unde trebuie sa ajungă persoana respectiva , de asemeni fiecare Ghișeu trebuie sa fie conectat la panou pentru a putea sa cheme persoanele la Ghișeu când acesta este liber. Îmi trebuie si un soft mai simplu magazine , medic etc unde o sa fumctioneze pe baza unor bonuri iar pe display sa apară doar nr de ordine iar persoana respectiva sa dea un click de la calc pt a ara...
We need to increase facebooks likes of our Facebook page. We need likes with special preference in Mexico, looking for more than 10,000 l... also with several profile pictures, with more than 10 comments (at least) in this month +We look for a guarantee of permanence: at least 1 year OUR BUDGET IS 30 USD For being accepted you need to answer the next questions or give the next information: +Likes procedence (we are special atracted to America and the Euro zone) +Delivery time (to complete the project) +The amount of likes you are going to give us for the actual budget +How are you going to guarantee the permanence of this likes YOU ARE FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION TO PRESENT YOUR OFFER NOTE: IF YOU DONT ANSWER OR GIVE THAT INFORMATION WE ARE NOT GOIN...
I'm looking for an expert in document design to help me enhance the design of a Word document. The purpose of this document ...document design to help me enhance the design of a Word document. The purpose of this document is to serve as a template for project reports, meeting agendas, and minutes of meetings. Key Requirements: - The primary goal is to incorporate branding elements into the document. - The layout and structure of the document need to be improved. - The template should include title and subtitle headers, a table of contents, and a footer with page numbers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft Word. - Experience in document design and branding. - Strong understanding of layout and structure. ...
I'm looking for a professional who can assist with pre-employment vetting for a male candidate in the Maldives. -Employment Certificate Verification: This will involve all basic info associated with the candidates' past and current employment. -Employment History Verification: This will encompass thorough checks on the candidates' documented employment history. Ideal freelancers for this project should have: -Experience in background checks and employment verification -Ability to conduct comprehensive employment history verification -Excellent attention to detail -Strong understanding of privacy and ethical standards in vetting
...price volatility and, consequently, the positive and negative fluctuations that Bitcoin will have over the next 7 days. This data will be used to find a historical time series from the past that had percentage fluctuations (not based on price levels) as similar as possible. Once the most similar 7-day historical series to the predicted future series is found, the date of the historical series should be displayed on the screen. The entire software must be fully "commented" and explained in every function and calculation, clarifying the practicality and utility of each element within the model and highlighting the added value it provides. Data Requirements The software will be based on the BTC-USD price histor...
I'm looking for a professional to create a PDF form for me. Key Requirements: - The form should include text fields and checkboxes. - It needs to be properly formatted and designed. - I will provide my company logo, which needs to be incorporated into the design.
...AI agent will be managing and preparing a response for customer support queries. Key Responsibilities: - Automating responses to customer support queries in a sophisticated manner - Using AI to analyze and generate tailored responses based on the content of each query - Escalating complex queries to human support Ideal Skills: - Experience with AI integration in software - Proficiency in Outlook - Prior work with customer support automation - Strong problem-solving skills to assess query complexity. We need to be able to give information to the AI-agent, if for instance ChatGPT is used, we could do this using the API code from the OpenAI Playground, other AI software is also okay. 1. The chatbot has to start of with an estimation of how correct it could ans...
I'm having trouble with my iOS app's backend logic, preventing me from uploading it to the App Store. I need an expert who can not only fix these code errors but also teach me how to rectify such issues in the future. Ultimately, I would lik...app's backend logic, preventing me from uploading it to the App Store. I need an expert who can not only fix these code errors but also teach me how to rectify such issues in the future. Ultimately, I would like to learn the process of uploading to the App Store. Key requirements: - Expertise in iOS app development - Proficient in identifying and fixing code errors, particularly in backend logic - Experience with App Store submission process - Ability to explain complex technical issues in a simple, understandable manner...
I'm in need of an eye-catching and professional designer who can create two series of Instagram posts for me. Each series will consist of 5 posts, all of which will feature promotional content. Key Points: - I want a bold and vibrant style for these posts. The design should not shy away from bright colors and striking visuals. - The posts will need to incorporate my brand logo and high-quality images. Hence, experience with brand integration and finding or sourcing quality visuals will be highly beneficial. The ideal candidate for this project will have a strong portfolio of similar work and a deep understanding of Instagram's visual culture. The ability to create catchy and engaging designs that reflect my...
Objective: Increase awareness and understanding of Kumon's Local Branch unique approach to education among parents, educators, and professionals on Facebook & Instagram. Drive engagement, build brand trust, and encourage inquiries about Kumon’s programs. Target Audience: Primary Audience: Parents of children aged 3–16 who are exploring educational programs to boost their child’s academic performance and confidence. Secondary Audience: Educators, school administrators, and professionals in education-related fields who might recommend Kumon. Corporate professionals and entrepreneurs interested in education for personal development opportunity for their children. Success Metrics: Engagement: Likes, comments, shares, a...
I'm looking for a professional web designer to create an appealing and user-friendly informational website for my company. The site should effectively communicate our company history, and feature a comprehensive FAQ section, as well as a space for blog posts. Key Features: - Company history: The website should have a dedicated section that tells our company’s story in an engaging way. - FAQs: A well-structured FAQ section to help answer common queries and reduce customer service workload. - Blog posts: A space for regular updates and articles, with a simple content management system (CMS) for easy updates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web design, specifically for informational websites. - Excellent unders...
...collaboration to create a series of marketing videos for a software company (Software is our main Product) focused primarily on product demonstrations. The main goal of these videos is to increase sales, so they need to be compelling, persuasive and easy to understand. - Product Demonstration: The first video will be a product demonstration. It should clearly showcase the features and benefits of the product in an engaging way. - Sales Focused: The videos should be designed with the ultimate goal of boosting sales. They need to effectively communicate the value of the product to potential customers. - Long-term Collaboration: I'm looking for someone who is interested in a long-term partnership. If the first video is successful, there will be many more to follo...
...role: As a React Native Developer, you will play a pivotal role in developing and sustaining our cutting-edge React and React Native frameworks, libraries, and pre-built features. This dynamic responsibility entails close collaboration with fellow developers, collectively striving to infuse efficiency, scalability, and sustainability into our codebase. Your leadership will extend to nurturing code quality throughout the organization, underscored by developing and managing code review tooling written in Node.js, tailored specifically for scrutinizing React and React Native code. Your expertise and dedication will significantly contribute to shaping the core of our technology, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation a...
...create a professional and visually engaging website using a provided HTML template. The website will showcase expertise in a specialized field, promote services, and engage with a target audience. Key tasks: 1. Develop Home, About, Speaking, Previous Talks, and Contact pages. Ensure an intuitive and professional layout that highlights key offerings. 2. Adapt the provided HTML template to align with the specific brand and content. Incorporate supplied images and text to ensure a cohesive, polished result. 3. Implement a contact form integrated with AWS Lambda (guidance provided) for email forwarding and anti-spam measures (reCAPTCHA). Ensure responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop devices. 4. Refine p...
Developer must be Azu...App Portal with EntraID login. Users are in EntraID group and views are showed only for this specific group after the login. - Everything must be done by Azure Devops pipeline, also the infra. - Everything should be documented Purpose is to use this portal like a base for multiple appllications. in this case the user can choose the timeslot and by pushing the submit button it sending the HTTP request for the specific API. Technologies what you should use: Azure Static Web App EntraID EntraID Enterprise Applications/App Registrations Azure Keyvault Azure Storage Account for logs Azure Devops You can use the Blazor or React framework or offer something else with good reasons. If you coying this post to answer, I ski...
I'm looking for a graphic designer based in Pune who can create and deliver 15 vibrant, bold and eye-catching social media posts in a single day. This is a one-time payment job, but I have frequent one-day assignments for the right candidate. Key Responsibilities: - Create 15 bold and vibrant social media posts per day - Adhere to some brand guidelines that I will provide Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Social Media Content Creation - Understanding of Visual Branding Platforms: - Instagram - Facebook Please only apply if you are based in Pune and can meet the daily post requirement.
I have ready made script and I need to adding some features. Modifications Required for Laravel Backend and Flutter Apps 1. Address Lookup via Google API ● Replace manual COUNTRY and CITY entry with Google Address Lookup using Google Places API or Google Maps API. ● Ensure compatibility with operations in Canada and the US, supporting dynamic address search instead of pre-adding locations to the database. 2. Order Information Enhancements ● Add a field for customs broker information for cross-border shipments. ● Add company notes/reference fields for cross-border information to streamline future reference and ease of access. ● Add fields for shipment specifics, such as: ○ Straps. ○ Blankets. ○ Etracks. ○ Team required. ○ US citizen with cl...
Seeking pre-employment vetting services in Rada Tilly, Argentina. The specific requirements will be discussed later, but ideally, the freelancer should have experience in conducting background checks, reference checks, and education verifications. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Comprehensive understanding of pre-employment vetting processes - Experience in conducting checks and verifications - Knowledge of the local context in Rada Tilly, Argentina - Ability to maintain confidentiality and handle sensitive information with discretion.