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    2,000 copywriting kuwait proiecte găsite

    Avem nevoie de un specialist care poate administra paginile de facebook ale grupului de firme. Persoana potrivita trebuie sa iba experienta cu utilizarea FacebookAds si cunostinte temeinice de limba romana si copywriting. Nu ne suparam daca stie Google Analitycs, SEO, si/sau design grafic ActeAutoLeo OrheiAsigurari grill & BURG

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    ...Rolul acestuia va fi sa ma sustina cu dezvoltarea celor 6 afaceri care sunt: Acesta trebuie sa fie FOARTE ORGANIZAT si capabil sa duca la bun sfarsit sarcini noi, cu care nu s-a mai confruntat, cautant pe Google articole si tutoriale (ex. configurare de campanie e-mail marketing, copywriting, etc.) - sarcini ce pot fi indeplinite folosind aceste tutoriale si putina creativitate. Deasemeni sa poata delega sarcini pe freelancer si a le manageria (eg. sa asigure configurarea unui server, web design, scripturi, research etc.), fiind responsabil de rezultatul final. Sunt necesare cunostinte avansate de limba engleza inclusiv vorbit. Tinem evidenta la tot ce facem pe Trello.

    $8 / hr Average bid
    Recomandat Urgent Acord de confidenţialitate
    $8 / hr Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Cautam o persoana care sa creeze articole pe o tema furnizata de noi si care sa indeplineasca urmatoarele criterii: Relevanta, originalitate si repetitivitate. Textele vor fi pentru seo si vor fi articole formate din minimum 500 cuvinte. De asemenea este foarte important sa cunoasca limba romana perfect din punct de vedere gramatical si semne de punctuatie si sa nu copieze texte din alte site-uri. Vom stabili de comun acord un pret per articol si vor fi in jur de 25-30 articole lunar. Asteptam cu interes ofertele.

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Oferta medie
    24 oferte
    Publică niște articole
    S-a încheiat left

    Descriere produse, copywriting pentru produse intr-un internet magazin.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Salut tuturor freelancer din categorya de copywriting, avem un proiect foarte mare care necesita o multime de articole pentru blog-ul nostru, suntem la inceput si vrem sa ne dezolvtam tot mai mult in domeniul turismului din romania. Pentru inceput avem nevoie de un freelancer care sa scrie o medie de 3-4 articole pe saptamana pe o perioada de 3 luni, dupa cele 3 luni vom trece la 5 articole pe saptamana si dupa 6 luni vom avea nevoie de cel putin 10-20 articole pe saptamana. Asteptam cu interes toate ofertele voastre. P.S Foarte important pentru noi este continutul si calitatea acestuia, trebuie sa fie unic si folositor utilizatorilor.

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    28 oferte

    Cum stii daca esti ceea ce cautam? •Iti place sa scrii; •Esti pasionat de marketing online, copywriting, social media; •Esti spontan si original; •Poti crea texte persuasive si atractive; •Ai multa imaginatie si poti transpune fara efort ideile in povesti; •Ai deja experienta de copywriter si ai cunostinte SEO. Responsabilitati: •Transpunerea limbajului de marketing intr-unul "uman", familiar consumatorului final; •Realizarea textelor de publicitate indiferent de tipul de media in care urmeaza sa fie difuzat mesajul; •Gestionarea task-urilor aferente executiei planului de marketing existent, prin sustinerea strategiilor de promovare online; Sincronizare Social Media. •Redactarea de comunicate de...

    $472 Average bid
    $472 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    ...excelenta de comunicare. Creativitate si originalitate. Experienta si intelegere aprofundata in copywriting, marketing, publicitate si campanii de comunicare on-line. Limba romana foarte bine. (exprimare si structura gramaticala sunt esentiale) Limba engleza foarte bine. (exprimare si structura gramaticala sunt esentiale) Poate sa faca fata termenelor limita si stie sa strabileasca prioritati. Experienta in managementul continului website-urilor. Experienta cu sistemele de management al continului. Experienta relevanta in copywriting pentru website-uri care poate fi dovedita printr-un portofoliu de lucrari si prin scrierea de continut pe teme date. Experienta activa in folosirea copywriting-ului in cadrul site-urilor cheie de social media. Descrierea job...

    $445 Average bid
    $445 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Copywriting in romana
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut Kate. Sunt project manager la o companie din md si avem nevoie de copywriter in romana. Care e pretul per 1000 de simboluri pentru copywriting in romana ?

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...excelenta de comunicare. Creativitate si originalitate. Experienta si intelegere aprofundata in copywriting, marketing, publicitate si campanii de comunicare on-line. Limba romana foarte bine. (exprimare si structura gramaticala sunt esentiale) Limba engleza foarte bine. (exprimare si structura gramaticala sunt esentiale) Poate sa faca fata termenelor limita si stie sa strabileasca prioritati. Experienta in managementul continului website-urilor. Experienta cu sistemele de management al continului. Experienta relevanta in copywriting pentru website-uri care poate fi dovedita printr-un portofoliu de lucrari si prin scrierea de continut pe teme date. Experienta activa in folosirea copywriting-ului in cadrul site-urilor cheie de social media. Descrierea job...

    $527 Average bid
    $527 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Salut. Oferiti servicii de Copywriting ?

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna seara, Oferiti si servicii de copywriting in engleza?

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Candidatul ideal: Nationalitate Romana Nisa : Adult (sex shop). Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Link Building, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la statisticilor din Google Analytics Propunerea şi implementarea de noi strategii de marketing online Crearea/intretinerea prezentei pe toate platformele sociale Oferim: Salariu fix + % din vanzari Va rog frumos sa cititi anuntul inainte sa aplicati. Sa nu ne pierdem timp.

    $502 Average bid
    $502 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Cititi cu atentie: Candidatul ideal: Nationalitate Romana Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Link Building, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la statisticilor din Google Analytics Propunerea şi implementarea de noi strategii de marketing online Crearea/intretinerea prezentei pe toate platformele sociale Nisa : Adult (sex shop). Oferim: Salariu fix + 10% din vanzari Va rugam sa nu aplicati la acest job daca suneti incepator si nu corespundeti cerintelor!

    $305 Average bid
    $305 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Caut programator competent, serios, pentru colaborare in realizarea de magazine online pe platfoma Prestashop. Experienta pe PHP, MySql, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, XML, Ajax si exemple de portofoliu sunt obligatorii. Detin cunostinte de marketing, vanzari, prelucrare de imagine, copywriting si am potential de dezvoltare a vanzarilor.

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Domeniu Adult Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la detalii.

    $260 Average bid
    $260 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Optimizare SEO
    S-a încheiat left

    SEO in site (ex: setarea corecta a titlurilor, a meta-descrierilor si a cuvintelor cheie in site) SEO off site (ex: generarea de link-uri de calitate catre site) Online Copywriting – realizarea unor texte de impact pentru reclame sau site Realizarea de bannere atractive si de impact, proiecte speciale de imagine PR online - comunicate de presa, concursuri si aplicatii online

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Oferta medie
    29 oferte
    Creare newslettere
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de o colaborare pe termen lung cu un designer roman. Primul proiect consta in designul a 3 newslettere/saptamana. Noi facem copywriting-ul si iti trimitem mesajul, tu trebuie sa gasesti/compui o imagine care sa se potriveasca cu mesajul. Ca idee:

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Optimizare SEO
    S-a încheiat left

    SEO in site (ex: setarea corecta a titlurilor, a meta-descrierilor si a cuvintelor cheie in site) SEO off site (ex: generarea de link-uri de calitate catre site) Online Copywriting – realizarea unor texte de impact pentru reclame sau site Realizarea de bannere atractive si de impact, proiecte speciale de imagine PR online - comunicate de presa, concursuri si aplicatii online

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Oferta medie
    21 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut un copywriter bun pentru a scrie articolele pentru un site medical.

    $325 Average bid
    $325 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Responsabilitati - Propune strategii seo - Auditeaza siteul si identifica factorii blocanti - Realizeaza optimizari on-page - Testeaza implementarile facute de clienti - Comunica cu Client Service actiunile pe care trebuie sa le realizeze clientul - Propune remedieri pentru scaderea pozitiilor - SEO copywriting - Realizeaza documente si rapoarte pentru clienti - Poate gestiona in mod independent o campanie - Propune solutii de linkbuilding - Analizeaza traficul si conversiile site-ului si propune solutii de optimizare Cerinte Candidatul ideal are o experienta relevanta in dezvoltarea de strategii SEO pentru diferite tipuri de site-uri si este la curent cu cele mai recente schimbari de algoritm ale motoarelor de cautare. De asemeni, este o persoana analitica...

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Salut. Caut scriitori cu experienta in copywriting si pasionati de sport (in special fotbal) pentru o colaborare pe termen lung. Este vorba despre un proiect pe termen lung, iar providerii interesati trebuie sa fie capabili sa furnizeze 75 de articole (de cate 300 de cuvinte fiecare) lunar (livrarea se face zi de zi, de luni pana vineri). Articolele urmeaza sa fie scrise in limba romana; continutul lor trebuie sa fie original si de calitate (toate articolele vor fi verificate). Providerilor selectati li se vor comunica toate detaliile necesare inainte de inceperea proiectului. Multumesc.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    text pagina web
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Psychology, Chicago, USA Metoda Nr.1 de Psihoterapie, în Statele Unite şi Canada Membru al American Psychological Asociation din Washington, DC, USA Aceaste patru elemente definesc ‘linia rosie’ de marketing care sa defineasca oferta unica de vanzare pe care o sa am rugamintea sa le ‘ condimentati’ cu cateva din cele 12 cuvinte cu „muşchi” în copywriting, Tu , Gratuit, Calitate, Nou , Dovedit, Rezultate, Economiseşte, Descoperă , Sănătos , Imaginează-ţi, Pentru că/ deoarece. Pagina Acasa: daca considerati ca ceva din textul de acolo nu e ok va rog sa il rescri. Pagina Despre noi, reprezinta o colectie de texte copy-paste pe care puteti sa o folositi ca inspiratie dar care trebuie rescrisa in totalitate pastrand idea , insistand ma...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Write a book
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a professional with a strong background in writing a book who can help me write a book while I tell the story I Ideal skills would include: - Excellent copywriting skills - Ability to analyze and understand customer behavior - Strong knowledge of writing books - Experience with customer retention strategies

    $1055 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $1055 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    ...within the first 60 days of the campaign. --- Requirements for Freelancer/Agency: 1. Experience: Proven track record in financial services lead generation, particularly for high-value investment opportunities. Familiarity with accredited investor regulations and networks. 2. Skills: Expertise in digital marketing platforms, including LinkedIn, Google Ads, and email marketing tools. Strong copywriting and content creation abilities for professional investor audiences. 3. Knowledge: Understanding of financial regulations (e.g., ADGM FSRA) and investment offerings targeting HNWI. 4. Portfolio: Share case studies or examples of successful lead generation campaigns, particularly in finance or investment sectors. --- Budget: The budget for this project will depend on the...

    $295 Average bid
    $295 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...portofolio perusahaan. Kualifikasi: Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai desainer grafis/digital, terutama di bidang e-commerce. Menguasai perangkat desain seperti Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, atau Canva. Memahami standar dan format visual yang digunakan di marketplace (Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, dll.). Memiliki kreativitas tinggi dalam membuat desain promosi yang menarik. Kemampuan membuat copywriting deskripsi produk menjadi nilai tambah. Mampu bekerja sesuai deadline dan memiliki perhatian terhadap detail. Familiar dengan optimasi visual untuk platform digital. Keuntungan: Gaji kompetitif sesuai pengalaman. Kesempatan bekerja di lingkungan kreatif dan dinamis. Mendapatkan pengalaman langsung dalam industri e-commerce yang berkembang pesat. Fleksibilitas kerja (opsional: remot...

    $454 Average bid
    $454 Oferta medie
    51 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled website builder to create two 2-page websites for my virtual assistance business. The sites will need to include a 'Services' and 'About Us' page. Key Requirements: - Design: The websites should have a modern and minimalist aesthetic. I'm looking for clean lines, ample white s...white space, and a simple, uncluttered look. - Purpose: The 'Services' page will detail the offerings of my virtual assistance business, while the 'About Us' page will provide information about the company and its team. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in website building platforms such as WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace. - Strong understanding of modern minimalist design principles. - Excellent copywriting skills for creating engaging and p...

    $267 Average bid
    $267 Oferta medie
    189 oferte

    ...from marketing and maximizing sales to exploring platforms for selling and building strong networks. Responsibilities: Develop effective marketing strategies for online and offline channels. Provide insights into maximizing sales and improving customer retention. Educate on e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest Advise on content creation (photography, video, and copywriting). Network with influencers, communities, and collaborators. Mentor and provide actionable ideas for business growth. Requirements: Proven experience in jewelry or fashion business marketing. Strong knowledge of e-commerce platforms and digital marketing tools. Excellent communication and training skills. Creativity and understanding of cultural storytelling in branding. P...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Oferta medie
    81 oferte

    I'm seeking a scriptwriter for a video ad that promotes a product (Chat GPT Masterclass) to teenagers. The ad should have an informative and educational tone, while still being engaging and accessible to a younger audience. Website - Ideal Skills: - Experience with copywriting for video - Understanding of teenage interests and language - Ability to write in an informative, educational yet engaging tone Please provide samples of previous work, particularly any that targeted a similar audience or had a similar tone.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I'm looking for a proficient Arabic SEO content provider to create optimized website copy for my E-commerce site. The content will need to be crafted for the Home page, Product pages, and About Us section. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging and persuasive Arabic website copy tailored for E-commerce - Op...brand voice is consistent across all pages Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Arabic with exceptional writing skills - Proven experience in SEO content creation - Familiarity with E-commerce industry language and trends - Ability to deliver persuasive and engaging copy -Proficient in using keyword planner to shape content strategy Ideally be able to handle Arabic dialect in the following countries: Kuwait, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iraq and King...

    $46 / hr Average bid
    $46 / hr Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    ...Specialists for Middlewe Eastern Clients Project Description: We are a digital agency seeking email marketing specialists to create and manage effective email campaigns targeting Middle Eastern markets. The campaigns will cater to multilingual audiences in Arabic and English, with a focus on engaging and converting leads for our clients. The ideal partner should be skilled in creative email copywriting, audience segmentation, and performance analysis, with an understanding of cultural sensitivities in the Middle East. Project Scope: Key Responsibilities: 1. Email Campaign Strategy: • Develop email marketing strategies tailored to client goals. • Create campaign schedules with clearly defined objectives. 2. Email Design and Content Creation: • Design enga...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Oferta medie
    44 oferte

    I'm seeking assistance in sourcing new email addresses for a mail merge. The countries of interest include Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and Yemen. Key Details: - Industry Focus: The email addresses must be from the Engineering, Project Management, Construction, and Plant Engineering sectors. - Contact Level: I'm specifically looking for C-Level contacts, Presidents, and Heads of departments. - Target Job Titles: The email addresses should belong to individuals with the job titles of CEO/President, Head of Engineering, or Head of Project Management. Deliverables: 25000 valid email addresses up to date Make sure you are using a bot or can share data from a designated provider Mandatory: Make sure your data is verified by a mailtester (attach protoc...

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    ...craftsmanship, materials, and inspiration behind each piece. Develop a consistent and luxurious tone that reflects the high-end nature of the jewelry line. Showcase the uniqueness of each design, ensuring that every description feels personal and exclusive. Collaborate closely with the designer (myself) to understand the vision and story behind each collection. Requirements: Proven experience in copywriting, preferably within the luxury goods, fashion, or jewelry sectors. Exceptional writing skills with a flair for luxurious and evocative language. Ability to translate intricate design details into captivating stories that resonate with customers. A passion for jewelry, art, and design is a plus. If you have a natural talent for storytelling and a passion for high-end fashion an...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    30 oferte

    I'm seeking a sk...promotional products. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging, persuasive sales and marketing emails for various promotional products on a weekly basis. - Design follow-up emails for recipients who clicked through, encouraging them to make a purchase. - Target emails specifically towards promotional product companies. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in email marketing and copywriting. - Familiarity with the promotional products industry is a plus. - Ability to adopt a professional tone in all communications. Your emails should compel potential recipients to open, click through, and ultimately purchase our products. The aim is to establish a long-term working relationship, with the potential for increased hours and responsibilities as our ...

    $95 Average bid
    $95 Oferta medie
    64 oferte

    I want my Shopify website professionally redesigned to increase my sale conversion rate. I'm currently averaging about 100 website views a day but no sales yet, which is quite concerning. I mainly need enhancements on my landing page (which is also my main p...compelling. I need help creating more engaging and persuasive product descriptions to drive sales. As for the style, I'm looking for a visual design that fits my product - pet toys. It doesn't necessarily have to be bold or colorful, but it should appeal to pet owners and toy shoppers. Ideal skills for this job include: - Expertise in Shopify platform - Strong graphic design skills - Excellent copywriting skills - Understanding of e-commerce UX/UI principles Experience with designing pet product websites wou...

    $71 Average bid
    $71 Oferta medie
    109 oferte

    ...the industry to get my company’s name out there and build relationships. • Respond to comments and messages to foster community engagement. • Develop and implement a content strategy to increase reach and visibility. • Provide regular insights and suggestions to improve the performance of the page. Requirements: • Proven experience managing and growing LinkedIn business pages. • Strong copywriting and content creation skills, with an understanding of professional audiences. • Ability to analyse post performance and make data-driven improvements. • Knowledge of LinkedIn algorithms and best practices for growth. • Experience in engaging with industry-specific content and communities. Budget: I only have a small modest budget o...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Oferta medie
    65 oferte

    I'm looking for a seasoned professional who can create a 3-minute promotional reel for our brand. This video will be used primarily for brand awareness. Key Requirements: - The style of the reel should be informative and professional. - The content will include product ima...who can create a 3-minute promotional reel for our brand. This video will be used primarily for brand awareness. Key Requirements: - The style of the reel should be informative and professional. - The content will include product images, team photos, and customer testimonials. - The rate is $2 per finished minute of the reel. Ideal Skills: - Video editing and production - Graphic design - Copywriting for voiceover - Experience with brand awareness campaigns Please provide examples of similar projects yo...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    71 oferte

    I'm seeking a dedicated professional to help take my A...electronics business to the next level. Key Responsibilities: - Optimizing product listings to enhance visibility and appeal. - Implementing effective SEO strategies to improve product rankings. - Writing compelling, keyword-rich product descriptions. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in Amazon product listing optimization. - Strong SEO skills with a focus on ecommerce. - Excellent copywriting abilities, particularly for product descriptions. - Experience in the electronics sector is a plus. The perfect candidate will also be able to follow precise instructions and work well with my suppliers from around the globe. If you have experience in these areas and can help drive my business forward, I'...

    $452 Average bid
    $452 Oferta medie
    118 oferte

    I'm Harsh, seeking a skilled content writer to craft engaging copy for the homepage of my website. Ideal Skills: - Exceptional grasp of English language - Creative writing - SEO understanding - Experience in website copywriting Your task would be to write compelling, clear, and persuasive content that reflects our brand and engages our audience. If you have a portfolio of similar work, please share it with your proposal.

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    59 oferte

    I'm in need of a talented copywriter with a knack for crafting compelling copy that drives lead generation. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in copywriting, particularly focused on lead generation. - Ability to create engaging and persuasive copy. - Understanding of lead generation strategies and techniques. - Excellent command of the English language. Your role will involve creating enticing and persuasive copy for various platforms aimed at generating and capturing leads. If you have a track record of boosting lead generation through compelling copy, I would love to hear from you.

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta medie
    44 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented content writer to pen down engaging, SEO-friendly copy for my website's homepage. The ideal freelancer should have previous experience in website copywriting, with a knack for captivating content that drives user engagement and enhances site visibility.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    78 oferte

    I'm seeking a talented Arabic content writer to help craft compelling marketing copy aimed at businesses. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Arabic with excellent writing skills - Experience in B2B marketing copywriting - Creative thinking to develop engaging content - Understanding of business industry trends and language - Ability to meet deadlines and work independently

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    60 oferte
    Informative PDF Brochure Creation
    4 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a professional to create a PDF brochure aimed at educating potential customers about our product. The brochure should clearly detail product specifications, highlighting key features and benefits to captivate our target audience. Key Requirements: - Expertise in graphic design and brochure layout - Excellent copywriting skills to convey product details in an engaging manner - Experience in creating marketing materials targeted at potential customers - Ability to understand and translate complex product specifications into simple, easy-to-understand language Please provide examples of similar work you have done in the past.

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    72 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled copywriter with a knack for crafting compelling advertising content specifically for social media, particularly Instagram. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in copywriting for Instagram ads. - Ability to create engaging and persuasive advertising content. - Understanding of Instagram's unique audience and platform dynamics.

    $271 Average bid
    $271 Oferta medie
    42 oferte
    Sales Kit for for Mobile App
    4 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm in need of a professional sales kit for my new mobile application. The kit should primarily consist of brochures and presentation slides, with the main aim of informing potential investors about the app. Key Requirements: - The brochures should be engaging and informative, outlining the key features and benefits of the app. - The presentation s...benefits of the app. - The presentation slides should be well-structured, persuasive and designed to capture the interest of potential investors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in creating sales kits for mobile applications is highly desirable. - Strong understanding of the enterprise sector. - Excellent design skills and proficiency in using design software. - Exceptional copywriting skills with a knack for pers...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled email marketer for my B2B corporate gifting business. The primary goal of the campaign is to engage my current customers. I need someone who can e...the campaign is to engage my current customers. I need someone who can effectively communicate product updates, educational and newsletter content in a friendly tone, as well as propose promotional offers and newsletters that will catch their attention and keep them interested. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven track record in email marketing, particularly in B2B - Excellent copywriting skills with the ability to adopt a friendly tone - Experience in crafting engaging product update emails - Knowledge of email marketing tools and analytics - Ability to propose and implement effective promotio...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Oferta medie
    18 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled professional to create and oversee a monthly mailing list campaign aimed at boosting sales. Key R...oversee a monthly mailing list campaign aimed at boosting sales. Key Responsibilities: - Craft engaging emails featuring promotional offers, product updates, and customer success stories. - Design a compelling format and content strategy to maximize open rates and conversions. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in email marketing, particularly in creating sales-focused campaigns. - Excellent copywriting skills, with the ability to create engaging and persuasive content. - Proficiency in email management software and analytics tools. I seek a dedicated professional who can help elevate my brand visibility and drive sales through a well-executed mailing...

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    93 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled copywriter to craft a comprehensive study report on the eBike industry, with a primary focus on market, providing context and background on the eBike industry. - Statistical Data and Charts: Use relevant data to support the analysis and illustrate key points. Experience with data visualization would be a plus. - Case Studies or Examples: Include real-world instances that help to illustrate trends or points of interest in the market. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in copywriting, particularly in the context of market analysis. - Ability to translate complex data into understandable and engaging content for the general public. - Experience with data visualization and creating charts. - Ability to provide relevant case studi...

    $101 Average bid
    $101 Oferta medie
    114 oferte

    I'm looking for a skilled copywriter with experience in writing formal, educational articles. The primary goal of these articles is to educate readers. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in copywriting and copy typing - Strong understanding of formal writing style - Ability to create engaging educational content - Excellent typewriting skills - Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    133 oferte

    ...payment gateways and products all ready to go, we need to now start attracting clients. So as the first step, we need someone who will always be working on our websites SEO. Lastly, we need someone to take care of our Google Ads and Meta Ads campaigns. We will have 2 meetings a week just to discuss the state of things and guide you on how the ads need to be calibrated as the focus area is only Kuwait. Please keep in mind, we have a budget constraint, this is a brand new website and we don't have the resources yet to expend everything we have gambling on this. So please give me your best and most aggresive prices. The pricing and qualifications for the metioned tasks are the two major factors with which I will decide who to award this to. So please try to squeeze yourself i...

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Oferta medie
    84 oferte

    I'm looking for a...sports goods category. Key Responsibilities: - Create A+ Content that enhances customer experience and drives sales. - Reflect the brand’s identity in the content. - Highlight key product features effectively. - Address customer needs persuasively. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in creating A+ Content for Amazon. - Strong understanding of the sports goods market. - Excellent copywriting skills with a knack for engaging content. - Ability to understand and reflect brand identity. - Skills in identifying and addressing customer needs. Deliverables: A+ Content modules for the 4 Amazon product listings. (2 are Variants) High-quality images, infographics, and charts. SEO-optimized and customer-focused content. Final uploaded and live A+...

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Oferta medie
    22 oferte