Consuming secure webservice using classic aspproiecte
1. Project Overview Our mobile application, PCISV, is an integral part of our digital ecosystem, serving a specific purpose that resonates with both the market needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this n...
dezvoltare aplicatie/serviciu ASP.NET de preluare fisiere XML din URL stabilit se vor furniza informatii de conectare pe baza unui API dorim la final aplicatia si sursele
milestone 1: ------------------ 3 webservice-uri - sale - return - storn0 de pe eMAG se "propaga" prin AWS spre shopify pret per web service: 70 euro + 20 euro setari AWS (dar asa cum am spus am nevoie de drepturi alfel de pe acel cont nu pot)
Am nevoie de o aplicatie web care sa ma ajute la managementul comenzilor cat si sa imi automatizeze anumite procese pe care le fac eu acuma. Procesul in prezent arata astfel: - Clientul plaseaza comanda - Eu ii trimit factura - Clientul plateste factura - Eu verific contul sa vad daca a platait apoi ma apuc s...trasmitere prin email la client - Managementul comenzilor - Managementul preturilor - Managementul serviciilor oferite - Managementul traducatorilor si decontarile ce trebuie facute catre ei - Managementul platilor Domeniul este deja cumparat si hostat la AWS, baza de date este tot la AWS. Exista deja o mica arhitectura a aplicatiei facuta pentru partea de backend cu ASP DotNet Core si Entity Framework. Tehnologi: Angular sau Razor Pages, ASP DotNet Core, Entity Fram...
Lucrez la o lucrare de licienta in .NET (ASP.NET) cu tema gestiunea unei săli de sport. Caut pe cineva sa ma ajute sa o termin.
C++,Visual Studio,opengl. More about it in private, i need shadows etc...
Crearea unui site utilizand tehnologii noi, designul va fi simplist si usor de utilizat de catre majoritatea utilizatorilor, cuprinde multiple pagini si functii destinate usurarii si eficientizarii domeniilor de lucru a clientilor.
Salut Bogdan, Am inceput o aplicatie cu Angular Material Classic plus Covalent, cu .Net Core pe backend si am nevoie de cineva sa ne ajute pe frontend Ca si structura avem: Login, Dashboard, 5 Pagini care in general au formulare pentru introdus date si afiseaza sub forma tabelara, Rapoarte in xls, upload de documente, Setari si Contul utilizatorului. Spune-mi te rog daca esti interesat si cat m-ar costa.
It needs a php function that takes some information from an API and returns it to a database. it is a webservice for hotels suppliers . XML-based functions for an on-line search agents systems
...-ofertele afisate trebuie sa contina: Tip Oferta(Last Minute/Early Booking etc.) Imagine Titlu(Nume hotel/destinatie/traseu etc.) Date de plecare Numar nopti Tarif/persoana intreg Tarif/persoana redus FOOTER -cateva testimoniale cu link catre pagina de testimoniale -restul informatiilor necesare Exemplu aproximativ: Pagina Detaliu Tur Titlu imagine cu galerie imagini posibilitate introducere text cu imagini(varianta folosita de wordpress) Tab-uri cu : Descriere, Tarife si cazare, Servicii Incluse, Servicii Optionale La descriere apare descrierea turului si detalii zbor daca este cazul la Tarife si cazare pot aparea mai multe variante de hotel cu tariful aferent fiecarui hotel pentru persoana in camera single
HEADER -afisare logo -afisare meniu -afisare search cu posibilitatea de cautare avansata cu filtre filtre: - in functie de oras de plecare - in functie de luna - in functie de destinatie - stele - tarif minim si tarif maxim -recomandarile noastre -afisare rezultate care corespund doar unora dintre filtre daca exista(nu trebuie sa nu apara nici un rezultat in ur...afisate trebuie sa contina: Tip Oferta(Last Minute/Early Booking etc.) Imagine Titlu(Nume hotel/destinatie/traseu etc.) Date de plecare Numar nopti Tarif/persoana intreg Tarif/persoana redus FOOTER -cateva testimoniale cu link catre pagina de testimoniale -restul informatiilor necesare Exemplu aproximativ:
vreau sa import pe un excel (poate fi si online prin Office365) date prin API de pe (anumite date) Specificatiile Site ului pe Linkul de mai os configurat API
Salut, Am nevoie de ajutorul tau:), am de facut 11 implementari de cod in php, mysql, java script si ajax. Sunt niste exercitii pt colegiu, o parte o sa le fac eu si ce au mai ramas nu le pot termina la timp. Scripturile si codurile sunt deja date trebuiesc doar facute mici modificari de exemplu adugarea unor poze intr un tabel sau adaugarea unor scripturi si crearea DB in MySql...timp. Scripturile si codurile sunt deja date trebuiesc doar facute mici modificari de exemplu adugarea unor poze intr un tabel sau adaugarea unor scripturi si crearea DB in MySql. Toate acestea trebuiesc facute in web server, iti voi furniza detaliile la x10hosting. Iti pot trimite 2 -3 exercitii sa le analizezi. Toate cele 11 exercitii trebuiesc facute in 24h sau maxim 30h:) Te rog sa ma anunti ASP. ...
articolul ar trebui sa convinga cititorii sa cumpere vacantele din timp! Vacantele de Last minute sunt defapt locuri neocupate sau eliberate pe ultim moment, insa Rezervarile din timp dau posibilitatea de a beneficia de reduceri substantiale si totodata de a mentionnat de asemenea ca S-A DAT STARTUL VACANTELOR PENTRU VARA 2018! din nou vorbim putin si despre medicamentul antistres in vacanta vacanta perfecta este in destinatia care ni s epotriveste cel mai bine in momentul calatoriei. poate fi o vacanta perfecta si o iesire la cabana, la fel de bine ca si un sejur intr-un hotel delux. Pret 20 Euro deadline 5-7 zile nota- nu doresc un articol classic despre ce frumoase sunt vacantele last minute -- ci mai mult o dirijare / convingere a turistilor sa achizitioneze din timp ...
articolul ar trebui sa convinga cititorii sa cumpere vacantele din timp! Vacantele de Last minute sunt defapt locuri neocupate sau eliberate pe ultim moment, insa Rezervarile din timp dau posibilitatea de a beneficia de reduceri substantiale si totodata...mentionnat de asemenea ca S-A DAT STARTUL VACANTELOR PENTRU VARA 2018! din nou vorbim putin si despre medicamentul antistres in vacanta vacanta perfecta este in destinatia care ni s epotriveste cel mai bine in momentul calatoriei. poate fi o vacanta perfecta si o iesire la cabana, la fel de bine ca si un sejur intr-un hotel delux. Pret 20 Euro deadline 5-7 zile nota- nu doresc un articol classic despre ce frumoase sunt vacantele last minute -- ci mai mult o dirijare / convingere a turistilor sa achizitioneze din timp ...
Aplicația este structurată pe bază de meniu cu o listă de opțiuni iar toate funcțiile sunt disponibile din interfața utilizator; interfața administrator presupune implementarea tuturor setărilor disponibile iar cea utilizator implementarea tuturor funcționalităților; Aplicația trebuie să utilizeze structuri de date cu atribute declarat dinamic, tipuri enumerative, union, structuri și operații pe biți; Implementarea și utilizarea masivelor alocate dinamic, uni și bidimensionale cu scopul de a gestiona setările la nivelul multifuncționalului; Punerea în evidență a structurilor dinamice liniare: implementarea unei stive/cozi, implementarea unei structuri circulare; Utilizarea tabelelor de dispersie pentru optimizarea spațiului de stocare și a accesului la elemente prin minim 2 ...
Titlul spune totul!
Un utilizator sa-si poata face un profil care sa aiba atat campuri la vedere cat si campuri ascunse (ce vor fi afisate ulterior, daca intre 2 persoane se creaza o legatura) Fiecare utilizator sa-si poata defini criterii de cautare (gen: m/f; interes: prietenie, casatorie, etc). Cand userul deschide aplicatia, aceasta sa caute pentru el pe o raza de 100 m alti utilizatori care a...despre tine. (sa ai un profil pe care poti sa-l modifici) Nu sa poti sharui nimic pe social media, pur si simplu o sa functioneze astfel: completezi profilul, completezi interese si aplicatia sa-ti dea oameni din jurul tau (pe o raza de x m, cu aproximatie) care au aplicatia instalata si care se potrivesc profilului tau de cautare. cat costa realizarea aplicatiei si cat costa realizarea webservice...
Am nevoie de o persoana care cuoaste php si codeigniter. Am un Magazin online facut pe codeigniter 3.0 si am nevoie de urmatoarele adaugiri: - Creare modul import produse prin webservice REST - Creare modul filtrare produse - Modificarila modulul de livrare prin curier Mentionez ca ma intereseaza programatori exclusiv romani.
O aplicatie ce ar face management-ul aparatelor din salile de jocuri de noroc, toate aceste aparate au niste serii(un fel de kilometraj)si zilnic trebuiesc introduse. Din pacate specificatiile nu sunt complete, inca se lucreaza la ele, dar se doreste a se programa in asp cu mssql. In cazul in care esti interesat, astept raspuns.
windows application that can simply verify user by otp to connect the shared wifi. You may write in any language and use any free getway for sending sms . i want this project within 4-5 days. you may contact me : [REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
Website-ul are engine complet, este in asp/SQL, imi trebuie doar design pe templata de baza (cea afisata acum). Pentru discutii si detalii va rog sa ma contactati pe skype: arlekyn1313
Va fi un site web realizat in ASP care se va lega la o baza de acea baza de date vor fi detalii despre medicamente. Scopul aplicatiei este, ca atunci cand utilizatorul va introduce un simptom, utilizatorul va primi inapoi un medicament potrivit pentru el
Doresc realizarea unui soap webservice pentru preluarea de produse si transformarea in xml ca si adresa url pentru ca ulterior sa pot sa le import in magazinul meu online.
Avem un site pe care il gasiti aici si avem nevoie de ceva modificari la el. El este in engleza si am avea nevoie sa il facem multilanguage. Asta presupune ca toate cuvinetele care apar pe site sa aiba corespondent in alta limba, si in backend sa creem o sectiune unde vom adauga noi traducerile ulterior.
...script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, informatia preluata va fi afisata pe website catre clientii care folosesc scriptul (parte de logare, sta...
Salut, Am nevoie de niste API-uri scrise dupa o baza de date care sa-mi returneze niste field-uri ca si json-uri. O sa atasez proiectul si schita cu ce am nevoie.
Salut, Am nevoie de niste API-uri scrise dupa o baza de date care sa-mi returneze niste field-uri ca si json-uri. O sa atasez proiectul si schita cu ce am nevoie.
...script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant; sa nu interfereze cu orice proces prezent in pagina respectiva - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, informatia preluata va fi afisata pe web...
...script care preia informatiile completate de clienti pe diferite formulare de inregistrare (zona in care clientii se inregistreaza pe un site). Scriptul trebuie sa preia informatiile doar de la clientii care inchid pagina unde au completat informatiile. Nu vorbim de injection, scriptul va fi instalat de catre companii de buna voie. Cateva detalii scurte despre script: - cat mai light, secure, functional, performant; sa nu interfereze cu orice proces prezent in pagina respectiva - legat prin API la un client de mail, integrare incat sa functioneze automat - filtrarea informatiilor preluate in mod automat In partea a doua, va trebui construit un website de prezentare a scriptului (selling website, nimic deosebit). De asemenea, informatia preluata va fi afisata pe web...
I have a WordPress account and an Envato-Codecanyon account and have need to build a website using the platforms mentioned to do it. I am looking for a website builder to use the above to develop the site.
...privacy-first job-matching platform named HIRE-ME. The primary purpose of this website is to connect job candidates with employers, ensuring a streamlined and secure process while maintaining confidentiality. The platform will initially focus on the job market in a specific European country, across various industries, including finance, shipping, hospitality, and gaming. There will be different payment plans for the users to choose from, giving them different accesses to the mobile application and website. Key Features: - Secure Profile Creation: The utmost priority of the platform is to ensure the confidentiality and security of its users. A robust, secure profile creation process is essential. - Preference-Based Job Matching Algorithm: The platform should incorp...
I'm looking to have an online store for selling sunglasses. The website should have an engaging, bold and colorful design style, in line with showcasing the vibrancy sunglass collections. Key Features: - Full-fledged e-commerce functionality aimed at selling sunglasses - Payment gateway integration for seamless transactions - User reviews and ratings section for customer engagement and trust-building - Discount and coupon systems to drive sales and customer loyalty Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in e-commerce website development - Expertise in integrating secure payment gateways - Experience in creating interactive user review systems - Familiarity with setting up discount and coupon systems The goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functiona...
Digital Payment App Objective To create a user-friendly, secure, and scalable mobile application that enables digital payments, recharges, bill payments, ticket bookings, and money transfers for users in Sri Lanka. The app will have three interfaces: User App, Merchant App, and Admin Panel. User App Features Registration & Login: Phone number/email-based registration OTP verification for authentication Biometric login (fingerprint/face recognition) Dashboard: View wallet balance Quick access to recent transactions Wallet Management: Add money to the wallet via debit/credit card, bank transfer, or mobile money Real-time balance updates Payments: QR Code Payments (Scan & Pay) Merchant payments P2P transfers (via phone number or app ID) Recharges & Bill Payments: Mobi...
...responsive, user-friendly interface using plain React without additional UI frameworks. Implement features like card creation, editing, and study modes with a focus on usability and accessibility. Backend Development: Design and build a robust backend using Prisma for database management and tRPC for efficient API communication. Ensure the backend supports all CRUD operations and is scalable for future enhancements. Integration Readiness: Ensure the flashcard system is modular and can be seamlessly integrated into the main application. Provide clear documentation for APIs, database schemas, and integration steps. Testing & Quality Assurance: Write unit and integration tests for both frontend and backend components. Perform rigorous testing to ensure the system is se...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a catalogue for our fashion items. The design should embody a classic and elegant style. Key Responsibilities: - Design a visually appealing catalogue that aligns with a classic and elegant aesthetic - Ensure the inclusion of well-crafted product descriptions and high-quality images - Work collaboratively to highlight our products in the best possible light Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in designing fashion catalogues - Strong understanding of classic and elegant design principles - Excellent communication skills for collaborative working - Ability to source and integrate high-quality images - Proficient in creating engaging product descriptions
I'm seeking a seasoned app developer to create and upgrade existing feature-rich food delivery application for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Real-time tracking: The app must provide an efficient system for tracking orders in real-time. - Payment gateway integration: A secure and seamless payment system is crucial. - User reviews and ratings: A feature to enable users to rate their experience and review services. User Roles: - Customer: The interface for customers should be intuitive and easy to navigate. - Delivery personnel: This interface should support tracking, navigation and delivery confirmation. - Restaurant owner: A dedicated interface for restaurant owners to manage their orders. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Expertise in ...
Job Overview: I’m looking for an experienced front-end developer to design a professional invoice template using HTML and CSS. This template will be integrated into my CRM, which uses a built-in Chrome engine to generate PDF files. Requirements: Clean, responsive, and professional invoice design. Compatibility with the Chrome PDF engine. Well-structured HTML and CSS code optimized for print. Customizable fields, including: Logo, Client Name, Products/Services, Amounts, Taxes, Totals, etc. Deliverables: A complete HTML/CSS file ready for use. Instructions for integration into the CRM (if needed). Notes: I can provide an example of the desired style for reference. Ideal Candidate: Proficient in HTML/CSS. Familiar with how PDF rendering engines like Chrome work. Detail-orien...
I'm seeking a seasoned app developer to create and upgrade existing feature-rich food delivery application for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Features: - Real-time tracking: The app must provide an efficient system for tracking orders in real-time. - Payment gateway integration: A secure and seamless payment system is crucial. - User reviews and ratings: A feature to enable users to rate their experience and review services. User Roles: - Customer: The interface for customers should be intuitive and easy to navigate. - Delivery personnel: This interface should support tracking, navigation and delivery confirmation. - Restaurant owner: A dedicated interface for restaurant owners to manage their orders. Ideal Skills: - Cross-platform mobile app development - Expertise in ...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a hybrid customer database on my website. This will include a secure login system, payment options, and a user-friendly interface. Key Requirements: - Design and implement a hybrid (SQL & NoSQL) customer database - Incorporate a secure 'Email and Password' login system - Implement payment options: Credit/Debit Card and PayPal - Ensure the system is user-friendly and secure Ideal skills for the job: - Proficiency in SQL and NoSQL databases - Experience in website security and payment integration - Strong understanding of user interface design - Ability to deliver a project on time and within budget I uploaded the photo underneath. look forward to your bids.
I am seeking an experienced grant writer to assist my 501c3 non-profit with applying for foundation grants. Your ...grant writer to assist my 501c3 non-profit with applying for foundation grants. Your role will primarily focus on crafting compelling grant proposals that can help secure funding for our initiatives. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of successful grant writing, particularly for foundation grants - Excellent writing and storytelling skills - Ability to understand and articulate the mission and needs of a non-profit - Familiarity with the non-profit sector - Strong research skills to identify suitable foundations for our cause Your expertise will be instrumental in helping us navigate the funding landscape and secure the resources we need to m...
I'm seeking a designer to create a comprehensive suite of classic-styled, corporate-themed designs. This project includes the following: - Comp slip - Letter head - Business card - E-footer The designs should incorporate my existing company logo and adhere to a corporate color scheme primarily consisting of blue and gray. Ideal candidates for this project should: - Have a strong portfolio of classic, corporate design work - Be proficient in the use of design software such as Adobe Creative Suite - Have strong attention to detail and ability to adhere to brand guidelines I look forward to seeing your bids and hopefully working together on this project.
...WooCommerce: To create a seamless online shopping experience. - Elementor: For a responsive, intuitive design. - Basic User Registration System: Allowing customers to sign up with an email and password for order management. - PayPal Integration: Ensuring secure and convenient payment options. - Simple Blog: To share recipes and healthy eating tips. Ideal Candidate Skills: - Proficiency in WordPress and WooCommerce. - Experience with Elementor and responsive design. - Understanding of creating a rustic, natural design aesthetic. - Ability to integrate secure payment systems and user registration modules. - Capacity for developing simple, user-friendly blogs on WordPress. Please note that the website needs to be optimized for mobile browsers, facilitating an intuitive shop...
I'm looking for a modern packaging design for my gr...Product benefits: It’s crucial that we clearly communicate the advantages of consuming this superfood. - Ingredients: Transparency is key in the health industry. The ingredients should be easily readable and well presented. - Brand logo: I will provide the logo, it needs to be prominently displayed. - Usage instructions: These will be provided, but need to be incorporated into the design. Color scheme: I'm open to your creativity in terms of colors, though the overall aesthetic should be modern. Ideal skills for this job include: - Graphic design with a focus on packaging - Experience in designing for organic/natural products - Strong ability to convey product benefits visually - Proficiency in us...
Project Title: Build a Story-Driven Multi-Vendor Marketplace Using WordPress Project Description: We are looking for an experienced freelancer or agency to create a story-driven multi-vendor marketplace using a ready-made WordPress theme and plugins. The platform will empower individuals, such as mothers, artisans, and small entrepreneurs, to sell their products while sharing their personal stories. The focus will be on the seller's journey and inspiration, making the website more than just a marketplace. Key Requirements: Platform Setup: Use a WordPress theme suitable for multi-vendor marketplaces (e.g., Dokan, Martfury, Marketica). Ensure the site is fully responsive and user-friendly for sellers and buyers. Seller Profiles: Dedicated seller profile pages with fi...
I am seeking a classic and elegant logo for my company "Manrique ", a luxury residence construction firm in Spain. The logo should be modern yet timeless, encapsulating the essence of luxury and sophistication. Key Requirements: - The logo should predominantly utilize a color scheme of white, black, and gold. - It should incorporate abstract shapes, moving away from literal representations of architectural or natural elements. - The design should be minimalist, making it impactful yet not overly complicated. Ideal Candidates: - Designers with a portfolio showcasing classic and elegant styles. - Experience in creating luxury brand identities. - Proficient in using the specified color palette and abstract design principles.
I'm looking for an experienced grant writer to help secure startup funding for my music and entertainment startup. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in writing successful business grants - Experience in the music and entertainment industry is a plus - Strong research and persuasive writing skills - Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure - Excellent understanding of business needs and funding opportunities
I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can help me create an elegant and classic style social media poster. The poster should be eye-catching yet sophisticated, in line with the 'elegant and classic' style. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in poster design - Strong understanding of social media design requirements - Ability to interpret and execute a specific design style Experience: - Proven track record of creating successful social media posters - Portfolio demonstrating elegant and classic design style Let's work together to create a poster that will truly stand out on social media!
...functionality for email list cleaning and verification services. Key Features Required: Authentication: Implement secure API key-based authentication. Email Validation: API endpoints for real-time email validation, including syntax check, domain verification, and mail server response. Bulk Processing: Support for uploading email lists in various formats (CSV, JSON, etc.) for bulk verification. Status Reporting: Provide detailed reports on the status of each email (valid, invalid, risky, etc.). Usage Tracking: Track and display API usage limits for users. Documentation: Provide well-structured API documentation for easy implementation by third-party developers. Requirements: Ensure the API is secure, fast, and scalable to handle high volumes of requests. Use modern progr...