Consultant agreement retainerproiecte
Compania italiană TITOLCHIMICA (producător de reactivi si substanțe chimice de laborator) caută agent / consultant vânzări (colaborare pe termen lung în regim freelancer) Cerințe: · Candidatul trebuie să fie rezident în România · Să fie deja (sau să intenționeze să devină) freelancer · De preferat să aibă o bună cunoaștere a produselor chimice sau, alternativ, să aibă o educație tehnică comercială pentru a-i permite să învețe rapid · Mașină proprie · Agentul trebuie să aibă un portofoliu de clienți deja existent sau contacte puternice cu companii active în domeniul: - echipamentelor și instrumentației pentru controlul calității / pentru analize chimice; ...
Caut persoana: - serioasa; - cu foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de pachete de promovare online pentru afaceri locale [un mix intre servicii SEO si reclama Google Adwords]; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice; - le poti oferi clientilor posibilitatea testarii gratuite a serviciilor. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa...
caut o fata/un baiat care sa scrie sinonime la cuvinte din diferite articole. de exemplu se da propozitia: Un freelancer seo este o persoana care lucreaza de la distanta. Asta va deveni: Un {freelancer|consultant} seo este {o persoana|un om} care {lucreaza|munceste} {de la distanta|de acasa|din confortul casei sale}. Trebuie pastrata aceeasi forma de adaugare a sinonimelor, de exemplu pentru cuvantul freelancer, trebuie sa se pastreze forma {freelancer|consultant}, freelancer este cuvantul din articol iar consultant este sinonimul. Trebuie adaugat 1,2,3 sinonime. Cand se citeste propozitia, indiferent ce sinonim se alege, propozitia sa aiba sens. Articolele sunt de aproximativ 1000 cuvinte din diferite domenii, in limba romana. Dintr-un articol de 1000 de cuvinte va tr...
Este vorba de un start-up,GoPack care are ca si activitate trimiterea pachetelor persoanale,calatoriile sau aducerea masinilor din strainatate cu ajutorul micilor firme de transport, este un marketplace. Noi am avea de consultanta in marketing pentru lansarea aplicației și pentru creșterea startup-ului, până acum am avut o creștere organică, nu am investiti in reclame, dar știm cum arată clientul ideal( personas). Avem nevoie de următoarele: 1) Parere avizata pe un plan de lansare, adică o strategie cum ar fi: ați putea face asta, asta și asta, dar noi ne putem ocupa de implementare( postări pe social media, etc) 2) Call pe Zoom pentru a configura impreuna cateva campanii de digital marketing .
Cautam persoana: - serioasa; - cu foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; Ofértele de Abonamente - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de abonamente pe o platforma de constructii; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice. - le poti oferi clientilor cupoane de reducere. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa, mall, cafenea, etc) - iti faci programul cum d...
Suntem o firma in turism, pensiune zona Bran, Brasov, profitabila in ultimii 4 ani, si vrem sa aplicam la aceste granturi. Exasperata fiind de indiferenta firmelor de consultanta, as vrea sa lucrez cu un consultant focused pe proiectul nostru, cu care putem sa aplicam la toate fondurile posibile in mod centralizat, pe un proiect bine facut de la inceput. Caut specialist cu experienta verificabila, rapid, enuziast pt proiectul nostru.
...Html, CSS (SASS), JS layouts for a travel site, executed according to the graphics created in Adobe XD 1. Home - Desktop / Mobile 2. Results page - Desktop / Mobile 3. Hotel detail page - Desktop / Mobile Layouts must be done with a CSS framework, such as Google Material Design Web, .. or a Bootstrap Material Design kit (ex Now UI from Creative Tim), MDB, etc. The framework will be chosen in agreement with the developer Google Material design kit for web (the graphics were executed in Adobe XD using this kit) * OR something like Css framework from Creative-Tim * * Project layouts
I. Descrierea serviciilor prestate de consultant Capitolul 1 1. preluare date din feed pentru pinnacle , betfair ,1xbet 2 a) login cont b) aplicare filtre pe fiecare cont 3. sa lucureze mai multe scheme simultan pe acelasi cont independente una de celalata ex .. dam prima schema sa zicem pe meciurile selectate unde aplicam filtu de cota .1.5 pana in 3 .. .. apoi in alta schema nou deschisa sa aplicam filtru 3 -5 la cota 4. sa lucreze mai multe conturi simultan de pe ip dferite cu scheme diferite de pariere 5. pariu efectiv a) fereastra cum intra meciurile in feed din care noi sa selectam evenimente ( apasam pe eveniment si cota care o vrem pariata si el o duce in camera 2 posibilitate selectii all game sau all sport b) fereastra unde vedem (camera 2) meciurile selectate de...
Salut, Marius ma numesc. Sunt consultant Microsoft in Londra, si caut pe cineva (o firma Romaneasca) care sa imi reface site-ul Asta este doar de inceput. Sunt de asemenea interesat si de o colaborare pe termen lung. Daca sunteti interesati dati-mi un mesaj si poate aranjam o conversatie maine pe zi? Momentan sunt in Bucuresti, dar firma mea este in Londra. P.S ignorati bugetul pe care l-am setat. O sa discutam asta cand luam legatura. Va multumesc, Marius
Buna ziua, eu sant Daniel, eu sant manager si consultant in Canada, am vazut profilul tau si doream sa discutam pentru un proiect de web search in Romania despre site-uri web si modalitatile generale de vanzari si cumparari de businessuri. Am si alte proiecte dar acesta er fi primul. Daca este ceva care te-ar interesa si crezi ca ma poti ajuta te rog comunica cu mine sa discutam mai detaliat.
Avem nevoie de ajutor pentru editarea contractului de inchiriere. De adugat clauze noi in contractul de inchiriere
Caut persoana: - serioasa; - cu foarte bune abilitati de comunicare si relationare; - atitudine placuta, pozitiva; - careia ii place sa lucreze cu oamenii; - dinamica, motivata, proactiva; - dispusa sa puna umarul la treaba; - cu experienta in vanzari Ce trebuie sa faci: - contactezi potentiali clienti si le prezinti oferta de servicii; - vei tine evidenta persoanelor contactate si a raspunsurilor primite; - vei face un follow-up unde este cazul; Ce produse vei prezenta: - este vorba de pachete de promovare online pentru afaceri locale [un mix intre servicii SEO si reclama Google Adwords]; piata tinta sunt firme, nu persoane fizice; - le poti oferi clientilor posibilitatea testarii gratuite a serviciilor. De ce te-ar interesa acest job: - poti lucra de unde crezi de cuviinta (acasa...
Buna ziua, Am scris o carte Fantasy/SF direct in limba engleza, sunt in curs de finalizare. Cum insa nivelul meu de engleza nu straluceste, am nevoie de human proofreading care sa implice corectiile de exprimare si gramatica aferente (dar in acelasi timp sa pot explica in limba romana celui care efectueaza serviciul). Cartea are ~56100 c...limba engleza, sunt in curs de finalizare. Cum insa nivelul meu de engleza nu straluceste, am nevoie de human proofreading care sa implice corectiile de exprimare si gramatica aferente (dar in acelasi timp sa pot explica in limba romana celui care efectueaza serviciul). Cartea are ~56100 cuvinte. V-ar interesa lucrarea? Daca da, cum lucrati, ce tarif solicitati? Mentionez ca un non disclosure agreement este obligatoriu, cu date personale reale. Va...
-> Realizeaza audituri SEO tehnice si de continut pentru site-urilor -> Dezvolta strategii SEO in vederea cresterii vizibilitatii organice si cresterea traficului. -> Identifica noi oprtunitati de dezvoltare a site-urilor prin activitati de keyword research amanuntit. ->Acordarea de sprijin si recomandari SEO; ->Dezvoltarea campaniilor de link building; ->Optimizarea interna a arhitecturii de link-uri / cuvinte cheie – SEO on-page; ->Optimizarea permanenta a contentului pentru vizibilitate maxima in motoarele de cautare SEO off-page;
Căutam un Consultant de Recrutare IT dornic sa se implice în gestionarea proiectelor de recrutare din domeniul IT Cerințe: - Experienţă relevantă în proiecte de recrutare; - Abilităţi de comunicare atât verbal, cât şi în scris; - Abilitatea de a iniţia şi dezvolta relaţii consistente; - Capacitate de organizare şi planificare; - Abilitatea de a lucra autonom. Descrierea jobului: - Implicare in toate etapele procesului de recrutare: cautare activa, cold calling, interviuri telefonice si face to face - Participă la pregătirea strategiei de abordare a proiectelor de recrutare şi la definirea resurselor necesare; Experienta si/sau capacitatea de a se implica in activitati de marketing online (AdWords, Facebook, Twitter,blogging ) sunt un plu...
Bunaziua, as dori sa va vorbesc pentru un plugin Wordpress destul de complicat, si pentru care doresc ca acest plugin sa ramana numai al meu, deci doresc un "agreement" de a nu il mai dezvolta pentru alti clienti si de a pastra secretul. Multumesc, Bogdan
Cautam un consultant de HR pentru a ne ajuta in procesul de recrutare de personal pentru punctele de lucru din Bucuresti si Brasov. Persoana potrivita trebuie sa aiba experienta in Resurse umane -> recrutare pentru a putea face preselectiile de CV-uri, interviuri si pentru a propune persoanele cele mai potrivite cerintelor noastre specifice.
Cautam un consultant SAP SD pentru un proiect local de ERP. Responsabilitati: -Configurare, -Testare, -Suport pentru echipa interna de consultanti, -Training pentru key-users. Cerințe job: -Aceasta pozitie necesita un consultant senior SAP SD cu experienta in implementarea acestui modul. Experinta in Retail este un bonus. Alte informații: Tip contract: Freelance, 6+ luni Salariul: In functie de experienta
...Consultanta Afaceri (resurse umane, marketing, financiara, juridica) - website: (in constructie) Articole: Financiara Cuvinte cheie: servicii complete, finantari bancare, creditare, ajutoare de stat, finantari europene contabila Cuvinte cheie: contabilitate primara, declaratii fiscale, state salarii, revisal, audit Europene Cuvinte cheie: consultant, fonduri europene, ajutor de stat, finantare, de finantare Cuvinte cheie: finantari bancare, investitori, parteneri strategici, online Cuvinte cheie: juridica Cuvinte cheie: dreptul muncii, comercial, litigii, contract de munca Continuitate: Persoana potrivita va primi mai multe proiecte de la mine. Vor mai exista inca approx. 15 articole
Clientul meu are MS Project Central instalat si il foloseste intensiv. Am nevoie de un consultant cu cunostinte avansate de MS Project pentru a le testa instalarea, pentru rezolvarea problemelor, mici optimizari si training pentru utilizatori.
Asociatia Nationala a Recrutorilor cauta recruiteri freelanceri colaboratori (HR Consultanti)!!! Asociatia Nationala a Recrutorilor va lanseaza propunerea de a colabora in calitate de HR Consultant cu A.N.R. si in care parteneriatul reprezinta motorul crearii de valoare. Cei interesati sunt rugati sa ne solicite mai multe informatii la:
Buna Am nevoie de un consultant cu experienta in scrierea de planuri de afaceri, pentru scriere plan de afaceri pentru un startup - Productia de mobilier pentru bebe (microbusiness). Planul va fi scris in format word si va avea anexa un fisier in format excel cu proiectia contului de profit si pierdere, si respectiv proiectia de cashflow pentru primii 4 ani. Acest plan de afaceri va fi proprietatea intelectuala a mea si trebuie sa fie scris intr-un stil personal si dinamic pentru a fi vandut ca e-book prin canale de distribuire online si va contine toate elementele necesare pentru a porni aceastat afacere. Clientul tinta ar fi tineri intre 20-35 ani cu studii minim liceu din Romania. Ulterior, ar putea fi vorba de o colectie de planuri pentru idei de afaceri. Ma intereseaza in ...
review aplicatie existenta (e posibil sa fie nevoie de modificari) upload in app store, pe un cont existent nu stiu cat poate dura, sunt dispus sa platesc hour rate daca am posibilitatea sa controlez fluxul de review app. in caz contrar, estimare, apoi aprobare buget. ca "must" ,agreement de confidentialitate.
contactarea telefonica a clientului si stabilirea modalitatilor de incheie a politeelor Avem baza de clienti dar nu sunt exploatati uficienti.
Centrul European de Despăgubiri SRL (CEDE) este una dintre cele mai mari firme din România care ajută persoanele vătămate corporal în urma accidentelor rutiere, dar şi a apropiaţiilor acestora, să primească despăgubirea cuvenită de la societăţile de asigurări. CEDE a fost înfiinţată în Noiembrie 2012 şi activează pe piaţa românească din Februarie 2013. În momentul de faţă avem deja câteva sute de agenti recrutaţi pe tot teritoriul României, care datorită profesionalismului lor în conducerea cazurilor au reuşit sa strânga zeci de cazuri importante. EUCO S.A. Polonia, firma mamă a societăţii noastre, cu sediul central in Legnica din Polonia este una dintre cele mai puternice firme din Europa, care asigură consultanţă juridică s...
I am looking for a Joint Sponsor for an immigration application. What is a Joint Sponsor? A joint sponsor is someone who agrees to help meet the financial requirements of a U.S. immigration petition by submitting Form I-864, Affidavit of Support. This is a legally binding agreement to support the intending immigrant if needed. The joint sponsor must meet specific income or asset requirements to qualify. Who Can Be a Joint Sponsor? To qualify as a joint sponsor, you must: 1. Be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (green card holder). 2. Be at least 18 years old. 3. Reside in the United States. 4. The minimum annual income is $60,000 5. Be willing to provide the necessary financial documents (listed below). What Documents Are Needed? As a joint sponsor, you’ll need to...
I'm looking for a web consultant to provide recommendations on enhancing the user experience of my homepage and site. Ideal skills for this project include: - UX/UI design - Web consulting - User experience optimization ------- Project goals: The user IA / UI / UX / navigation can be improved. I need suggestions on improving links and layout for my site or offer me a better solution. Maybe help link the sites together from the navigation bar for proper flow on mobile and pc. Mayne suggest layout features and improvements to help users engage / get to content quicker. Help enhance my website's user experience by focusing on key areas such as navigation, layout, and link structure. Go over your homepage and site to identify areas for improvement. By streamlining my site&...
...Luxury brands - Modern gaming and entertainment logos - Sophisticated typography and color schemes Deliverables: - Vector files (AI, EPS, SVG) - Raster files (JPEG, PNG) - Color palette with hex codes - Design concept explanation Timeline: - Initial design concepts: 3-5 business days - Revisions and feedback: 2-3 business days - Final delivery: 5-7 business days Agreement: By participating in this project, you acknowledge agreement with our terms, including ownership transfer and non-disclosure. Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of these requirements. Best regards, Alphonse Create an entirely new design without incorporating any existing logos or branding elements. Focus primarily on the elements you prefer for the logo. Please incorporate casino-r...
I'm seeking a consultant to help navigate the legal landscape of selling cigarettes through an online food delivery app from my shop in Tamil Nadu. Key Areas of Concern: - Licensing for online sales: I need clarity on what licenses are necessary to sell cigarettes online, and how to obtain them if I don't have them already. - Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements to ensure that my business is compliant with state and national laws. Current Licensing: - I currently possess a Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (COTP) license, as well as a trade license and GST registration. Ideal Candidate: - A legal professional with experience in e-commerce and tobacco sales in India. - Understanding of health regulations and age verification requirements for online tobacc...
My team needs a designer to create artwork in Adobe Software for clients. I need someone who has extensively worked in this domain. This is for continuous work. If things are suitable we can keep you for monthly retainer. Location, age and education does not matter. Your ability to do this work is the only criteria. We need artwork in Adobe file formats to be created. Some work or all work is important and hence client privacy and confidentiality is of paramount importance. Avoid sharing the same anywhere. We may give a couple of questions or some tests to check how good you are. Your prior history over here can help in this regard Work? Various things to be done. 1. Artwork for advertisements. 2. Creative material for banner ads. 3. Text and Image and Graphics on one single file w...
I'm seeking a consultant with expertise in social media marketing. The project involves providing strategic insights and guidance to enhance my brand's online presence and engagement. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in social media marketing - Excellent understanding of various social platforms - Ability to provide actionable marketing strategies - Strong communication skills - Experience in brand consultancy would be a plus
I'm seeking an AI consultant to help me create a multifunctional chatbot and to map out the services for my marketing agency and to add additional services for us to sell. This chatbot will serve in customer support and assist with internal process automation, specifically scheduling appointments. Key Responsibilities: - Develop a chatbot for customer support and internal process automation - Implement chatbot functionality across social media platforms Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in AI and chatbot development - Experience with process automation - Familiarity with social media integration
My team needs a designer to create artwork in Adobe Software for clients. I need someone who has extensively worked in this domain. This is for continuous work. If things are suitable we can keep you for monthly retainer. Location, age and education does not matter. Your ability to do this work is the only criteria. We need artwork in Adobe file formats to be created. Some work or all work is important and hence client privacy and confidentiality is of paramount importance. Avoid sharing the same anywhere. We may give a couple of questions or some tests to check how good you are. Your prior history over here can help in this regard Work? Various things to be done. 1. Artwork for advertisements. 2. Creative material for banner ads. 3. Text and Image and Graphics on one single fil...
...seeking a skilled C++ developer to enhance our 3D bioprinting software with two crucial modules: 1) a data collection system to capture essential information and 2) a cloud transfer system to send this data to AWS for advanced analysis and operational insights. Key Responsibilities: - Implement a data collection system to capture textual information related to bioprinting protocols and user agreement verifications. - Design a secure and efficient system for transferring this data to AWS. - Ensure the software can support predictive analysis of the collected data. The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with C++ and Windows executable software. - Proven track record with AWS cloud services. - Strong understanding of predictive data analysis. - Experience with softw...
This project involves the development and integration of five online tools for , ensuring visually appealing interfaces optimized for both desktop and mobile platforms. The tools include calculators (Salary, Expat Tax, Mortgage, BNB Profit) and a Spanish Invoice Creator, incorporating advanced features like email capture, PDF download, and embed code generators. The...Mortgage, BNB Profit) and a Spanish Invoice Creator, incorporating advanced features like email capture, PDF download, and embed code generators. The total budget is negotiable, with completion required by 15.01.2025. Milestone payments are tied to task completion, and the tools will be copyrighted to under the MIT License, with attribution requirements for redistribution. See PDF agreement attached.
I'm seeking an AI developer for a long-term project, with a strong emphasis on machine learning. This role demands a blend of various skills and experiences, ideally with a focus on unsupervised learning. Key Requirements: - Expertise in programming languages, primarily Python, for AI model implementation and API interaction. - Deep understanding of machine learning principles and experience with frameworks such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. - Proficient in natural language processing, with familiarity in NLP libraries and techniques. - Skills in audio processing and voice recognition libraries. - Competent in data management, from collection to preprocessing. - Proven experience in integrating different technologies into a cohesive application. - Skilled in testing software and analyz...
I'm looking to create a comprehensive app for riders and drivers. The app needs to be developed for both iOS and Android plat...interface for ease of use. - Real-time notifications: including ride status updates, payment confirmations, and promotional alerts. - Driver ratings: to maintain service quality and user trust. The app needs to be scalable, with the ability to handle high demand as the platform grows. To save time and costs, you might consider using white-label ride-sharing software. Please note that an NDA agreement is required for this project. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in cross-platform app development, integrating payment systems, and implementing GPS tracking features. A background in working with ride-sharing software would be a signifi...
I'm in need of a California licensed environmental consultant for a gasoline tank contamination issue located in an urban area. The primary goal of this project is site monitoring and reporting, with a necessity to prepare a detailed technical report for the remediation work. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct site monitoring and assessment of contamination - Prepare a comprehensive, detailed technical report - Ensure compliance with environmental regulations Ideal Candidate: - Must possess a verifiable California environmental consultant license - Proven experience with gasoline tank contamination remediation - Excellent report writing skills for detailed technical documentation
Bartilmaan News Website Design Proposal Overview The Bartilmaan news website will be a comprehensive platform for news... User-Friendly Navigation: Clear menus and search functionality to enhance usability. SEO Optimization: Strategies to improve visibility on search engines. Quotation Request. Based on the outlined features and requirements, kindly us the cost for the Bartilmaan news website design. Comprehensive package with full customization, ongoing support, and advanced SEO optimization. Terms of Agreement. The project timeline is estimated at 12 weeks from the start date. Regular updates will be provided throughout the development process. This proposal aims to create a robust news platform that serves Somali communities worldwide while ensuring a seamless user e...
We are looking for a highly experienced software development...(e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). Experience in building and optimizing search engines for large datasets is a plus. Comprehensive testing and QA processes, including load testing and vulnerability assessments. End-to-end project management, from initial planning to final deployment. Additional Information: Due to the proprietary nature of this project, all interested companies must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before receiving further details. What We’re Looking For: Excellent communication and project management skills. A collaborative approach to ensure the project meets our vision and standards. Flexibility and responsiveness to feedback and evolving requirements. Commitment to delivering the project on time and ...
Independent Consultant, Advisor, and Specialist for Paylocity to Rippling Transition, and Support Optimization Description: PRI Global is seeking an experienced independent consultant to provide expert guidance and support for our transition from Paylocity to Rippling. This role involves working closely with our internal team to maximize and optimize Rippling’s features and modules, ensuring seamless integration with our existing systems, such as JobDiva (Applicant Tracking System), Microsoft Teams, AI tools, and Power Apps. With our go-live date on January 2, 2025, we require a specialist who can provide strategic insights and post-go-live support to enhance efficiency across our global operations in the USA, India, and other regions. Responsibilities: 1. Support ...
I'm seeking a professional to set up a mixed PvP/PvE, cross-platform, custom hunts Tibia server from scratch. The server should include: - Various custom hunts - Premium account features - Mounts - All relevant game details The ideal freelancer should have extensive experience with setting up online game servers, particularly T...custom hunts Tibia server from scratch. The server should include: - Various custom hunts - Premium account features - Mounts - All relevant game details The ideal freelancer should have extensive experience with setting up online game servers, particularly Tibia, and a deep understanding of both PvP and PvE elements. The project offers a potential for a mutually beneficial long-term agreement based on the quality of work and expertis... Figma. Existing Design Files: The client must share existing screen files to ensure consistency in the redesign. Screen Flow and Inputs: The client must provide a detailed flow and inputs for each screen in a document. Design work will start after approval. Additional Services: Services outside the scope, such as user testing or market research, will incur extra charges and require prior agreement. Ownership of Deliverables: Full ownership of the designs will transfer to the client upon full payment. Design files will not be shared until payment is complete....
I'm seeking a skilled professional to create a basic mock-up of my pants - into a physical tangible mockup. I have a tech pack ready and would appreciate someone who can collaborate with me to make sure the concept is as per my vision. The mock-up doesn't need to be made from specific high-quali...The mock-up doesn't need to be made from specific high-quality materials as mentioned in the tech pack - any fabric will suffice to demonstrate how the various components of the garment fit and are assembled. Key Requirements: - Competence in creating taped seams - Proficiency with zippers, as two parts of the mock-up will be joined by a zipper - Ability to sign and adhere to a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) I look forward to working with someone who can help bring this co...
...their desired deposit period. • Deposit Amount Input: Provide input fields where users can enter the amount they wish to deposit. • Interest Rate and Maturity Date Display: Display real-time information on applicable interest rates, maturity dates, and estimated interest earnings based on the selected deposit period and amount, aiding users in making informed decisions. • Confirmation and Agreement: Include a final confirmation screen summarizing the application details, along with checkboxes for users to agree to the terms and conditions and acknowledge important disclosures. • Deposit Status Overview: Offer a dedicated screen where users can easily view the status of their fixed deposits. Important information to display includes: • Deposit Summar...
I am looking for a Shopify + Wordpress developer with specific expertise in custom theme development. The ideal candidate will have experience working for a US team with US work culture & processes. Specific requirements for this project include: - Custom theme development for Shopify a...amount of hours you have available for work today immediately. This part will be taken seroiusly and won't be open for negotiation. If you can't work full time or if you are not bidding with your correct hourly rate, then this project is NOT FOR YOU. If you bid with a placeholder bid or change, keep in mind that you will not be paid anything more than your entered bid and your bid serves as agreement to this condition. Thank you. Good luck! This is a long-term project expected t...
we need to design a backdrop wall to place on an exhibition stand measures are 20x8ft we, that means, two companies Niconsult Switzerland Ltd (consultant and supplier) Packmate China manufacturer of Nicotin Pouch making machines and accessories. the slogan should be: Niconsult & Packmate, Together Ahead our core competences: - Quality - Know How - Experience - very short delivery times - customized turnkey solutions it should show either a complete filling line in the background or the pic of the globe (photo) and within this globe transparently displayed a complete turnkey production line. alternatively only various types of machines to be displayed. arrangement should be made to make the whole look intercontinental and global. PLS TRY TO EXTRACT THE MP4 VIDEO CLIP and app...
I'm seeking a seasoned business consultant with a keen understanding of strategic planning, specifically in the realm of competitive strategy development. My primary goal is to differentiate from competitors through the creation of a robust, innovative competitive strategy. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in strategic business consulting - Proven track record in developing competitive strategies - Experience in business model innovation - Excellent market analysis skills - Strong understanding of operational improvement - Exceptional long-term goals setting capabilities Please provide examples of how you have helped businesses successfully differentiate from their competitors in your bid.
I'm seeking an experienced software developer to create a versatile RSVP softwar...for each RSVP response. - Also, text reminders (this is a low priority) Ideal skills for this job include software development, understanding of RSVP software features, and experience with creating customizable software. A prior portfolio of similar projects will be highly regarded. Please reach out if you can help with this project. -Vendors need to be willing to sign a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). Would like to receive quotes for: -Using the WordPress plugin and if it can meet all the options above, even if additional coding is required. -Developing the software independently of WordPress plugin. ***NOTE: I need quotes so the section for my budget is not accurate, as I am required to e...