Connect webservice classic asp asmxproiecte
milestone 1: ------------------ 3 webservice-uri - sale - return - storn0 de pe eMAG se "propaga" prin AWS spre shopify pret per web service: 70 euro + 20 euro setari AWS (dar asa cum am spus am nevoie de drepturi alfel de pe acel cont nu pot)
Am nevoie de o aplicatie web care sa ma ajute la managementul comenzilor cat si sa imi automatizeze anumite procese pe care le fac eu acuma. Procesul in prezent arata astfel: - Clientul plaseaza comanda - Eu ii trimit factura - Clientul plateste factura - Eu verific contul sa vad daca a platait apoi ma apuc s...trasmitere prin email la client - Managementul comenzilor - Managementul preturilor - Managementul serviciilor oferite - Managementul traducatorilor si decontarile ce trebuie facute catre ei - Managementul platilor Domeniul este deja cumparat si hostat la AWS, baza de date este tot la AWS. Exista deja o mica arhitectura a aplicatiei facuta pentru partea de backend cu ASP DotNet Core si Entity Framework. Tehnologi: Angular sau Razor Pages, ASP DotNet Core, Entity Fram... ajuti sa contribuim la o lume mai buna si mai sănătoasă prin susținerea agriculturii ecologice? Most players in organic are struggling with achieving the best: ☼ Farmers - best prices after a year of ensuring best quality for their crops; ☼ Processors - best quality for raw materials which gives them a top final product. We are brokers in organic and ensure the perfect match – we directly connect farmers with processors. Our partners are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income while lighting up their passion for organic. Cum poti contribui tu imediat ? Avem nevoie de ajutor in a formata niste numere de telefon in Excel astfel incat ele sa contina si prefixul de tara. Avem 2 fisiere Excel cu undeva la aproximativ 1000 numer...
Lucrez la o lucrare de licienta in .NET (ASP.NET) cu tema gestiunea unei săli de sport. Caut pe cineva sa ma ajute sa o termin.
Crearea unui site utilizand tehnologii noi, designul va fi simplist si usor de utilizat de catre majoritatea utilizatorilor, cuprinde multiple pagini si functii destinate usurarii si eficientizarii domeniilor de lucru a clientilor.
Salut Bogdan, Am inceput o aplicatie cu Angular Material Classic plus Covalent, cu .Net Core pe backend si am nevoie de cineva sa ne ajute pe frontend Ca si structura avem: Login, Dashboard, 5 Pagini care in general au formulare pentru introdus date si afiseaza sub forma tabelara, Rapoarte in xls, upload de documente, Setari si Contul utilizatorului. Spune-mi te rog daca esti interesat si cat m-ar costa.
It needs a php function that takes some information from an API and returns it to a database. it is a webservice for hotels suppliers . XML-based functions for an on-line search agents systems
Detinem o platfirma de eCommerce (Prestashop 1.7.5) si dorim integrarea cu centrul de distributie local, din format ASMX cu export XML (produs, stoc, descriere, sku, ean) in timp real sau sub forma unui cron job. Manual implementare complet disponibil la cerere. Doar limba romana (just Romanian language) - India not accepted.
Simulati jocul Connect Four intr-o aplicatie client/server. Fiecare client se conecteaza la server unde acesta va stabili jucatorul care face prima mutare si culoare cu care va juca fiecare. Serverul are rolul de a tine scorul, jocul putant fi jucat pe mai multe reprize, precum si rolul de a afisa fiecarui jucator gridul fiecarui jucator, dupa ce se efectueaza o mutare. Serverul trebuie sa fie concurent. Interfata grafica nu este necesara, poate fi jucat si din consola.
...-ofertele afisate trebuie sa contina: Tip Oferta(Last Minute/Early Booking etc.) Imagine Titlu(Nume hotel/destinatie/traseu etc.) Date de plecare Numar nopti Tarif/persoana intreg Tarif/persoana redus FOOTER -cateva testimoniale cu link catre pagina de testimoniale -restul informatiilor necesare Exemplu aproximativ: Pagina Detaliu Tur Titlu imagine cu galerie imagini posibilitate introducere text cu imagini(varianta folosita de wordpress) Tab-uri cu : Descriere, Tarife si cazare, Servicii Incluse, Servicii Optionale La descriere apare descrierea turului si detalii zbor daca este cazul la Tarife si cazare pot aparea mai multe variante de hotel cu tariful aferent fiecarui hotel pentru persoana in camera single
HEADER -afisare logo -afisare meniu -afisare search cu posibilitatea de cautare avansata cu filtre filtre: - in functie de oras de plecare - in functie de luna - in functie de destinatie - stele - tarif minim si tarif maxim -recomandarile noastre -afisare rezultate care corespund doar unora dintre filtre daca exista(nu trebuie sa nu apara nici un rezultat in ur...afisate trebuie sa contina: Tip Oferta(Last Minute/Early Booking etc.) Imagine Titlu(Nume hotel/destinatie/traseu etc.) Date de plecare Numar nopti Tarif/persoana intreg Tarif/persoana redus FOOTER -cateva testimoniale cu link catre pagina de testimoniale -restul informatiilor necesare Exemplu aproximativ:
vreau sa import pe un excel (poate fi si online prin Office365) date prin API de pe (anumite date) Specificatiile Site ului pe Linkul de mai os configurat API
Salut, Am nevoie de ajutorul tau:), am de facut 11 implementari de cod in php, mysql, java script si ajax. Sunt niste exercitii pt colegiu, o parte o sa le fac eu si ce au mai ramas nu le pot termina la timp. Scripturile si codurile sunt deja date trebuiesc doar facute mici modificari de exemplu adugarea unor poze intr un tabel sau adaugarea unor scripturi si crearea DB in MySql...timp. Scripturile si codurile sunt deja date trebuiesc doar facute mici modificari de exemplu adugarea unor poze intr un tabel sau adaugarea unor scripturi si crearea DB in MySql. Toate acestea trebuiesc facute in web server, iti voi furniza detaliile la x10hosting. Iti pot trimite 2 -3 exercitii sa le analizezi. Toate cele 11 exercitii trebuiesc facute in 24h sau maxim 30h:) Te rog sa ma anunti ASP. ...
articolul ar trebui sa convinga cititorii sa cumpere vacantele din timp! Vacantele de Last minute sunt defapt locuri neocupate sau eliberate pe ultim moment, insa Rezervarile din timp dau posibilitatea de a beneficia de reduceri substantiale si totodata de a mentionnat de asemenea ca S-A DAT STARTUL VACANTELOR PENTRU VARA 2018! din nou vorbim putin si despre medicamentul antistres in vacanta vacanta perfecta este in destinatia care ni s epotriveste cel mai bine in momentul calatoriei. poate fi o vacanta perfecta si o iesire la cabana, la fel de bine ca si un sejur intr-un hotel delux. Pret 20 Euro deadline 5-7 zile nota- nu doresc un articol classic despre ce frumoase sunt vacantele last minute -- ci mai mult o dirijare / convingere a turistilor sa achizitioneze din timp ...
articolul ar trebui sa convinga cititorii sa cumpere vacantele din timp! Vacantele de Last minute sunt defapt locuri neocupate sau eliberate pe ultim moment, insa Rezervarile din timp dau posibilitatea de a beneficia de reduceri substantiale si totodata...mentionnat de asemenea ca S-A DAT STARTUL VACANTELOR PENTRU VARA 2018! din nou vorbim putin si despre medicamentul antistres in vacanta vacanta perfecta este in destinatia care ni s epotriveste cel mai bine in momentul calatoriei. poate fi o vacanta perfecta si o iesire la cabana, la fel de bine ca si un sejur intr-un hotel delux. Pret 20 Euro deadline 5-7 zile nota- nu doresc un articol classic despre ce frumoase sunt vacantele last minute -- ci mai mult o dirijare / convingere a turistilor sa achizitioneze din timp ...
Titlul spune totul!
Un utilizator sa-si poata face un profil care sa aiba atat campuri la vedere cat si campuri ascunse (ce vor fi afisate ulterior, daca intre 2 persoane se creaza o legatura) Fiecare utilizator sa-si poata defini criterii de cautare (gen: m/f; interes: prietenie, casatorie, etc). Cand userul deschide aplicatia, aceasta sa caute pentru el pe o raza de 100 m alti utilizatori care a...despre tine. (sa ai un profil pe care poti sa-l modifici) Nu sa poti sharui nimic pe social media, pur si simplu o sa functioneze astfel: completezi profilul, completezi interese si aplicatia sa-ti dea oameni din jurul tau (pe o raza de x m, cu aproximatie) care au aplicatia instalata si care se potrivesc profilului tau de cautare. cat costa realizarea aplicatiei si cat costa realizarea webservice...
Am nevoie de o persoana care cuoaste php si codeigniter. Am un Magazin online facut pe codeigniter 3.0 si am nevoie de urmatoarele adaugiri: - Creare modul import produse prin webservice REST - Creare modul filtrare produse - Modificarila modulul de livrare prin curier Mentionez ca ma intereseaza programatori exclusiv romani.
O aplicatie ce ar face management-ul aparatelor din salile de jocuri de noroc, toate aceste aparate au niste serii(un fel de kilometraj)si zilnic trebuiesc introduse. Din pacate specificatiile nu sunt complete, inca se lucreaza la ele, dar se doreste a se programa in asp cu mssql. In cazul in care esti interesat, astept raspuns.
windows application that can simply verify user by otp to connect the shared wifi. You may write in any language and use any free getway for sending sms . i want this project within 4-5 days. you may contact me : [REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
Website-ul are engine complet, este in asp/SQL, imi trebuie doar design pe templata de baza (cea afisata acum). Pentru discutii si detalii va rog sa ma contactati pe skype: arlekyn1313
Va fi un site web realizat in ASP care se va lega la o baza de acea baza de date vor fi detalii despre medicamente. Scopul aplicatiei este, ca atunci cand utilizatorul va introduce un simptom, utilizatorul va primi inapoi un medicament potrivit pentru el
Doresc realizarea unui soap webservice pentru preluarea de produse si transformarea in xml ca si adresa url pentru ca ulterior sa pot sa le import in magazinul meu online.
Avem un site pe care il gasiti aici si avem nevoie de ceva modificari la el. El este in engleza si am avea nevoie sa il facem multilanguage. Asta presupune ca toate cuvinetele care apar pe site sa aiba corespondent in alta limba, si in backend sa creem o sectiune unde vom adauga noi traducerile ulterior.
...livrarea updateurilor. ( detin design si pentru acest script - trebuie doar implementat ) Functii suplimentare ale scriptului care trebuie create ca plugiunri/module ( sa poate fi instalate dar sa nu fie necesare ) : - plugin integrare plata anunturi SMS/Card ( cu mobilpay ) - plugin integrare plata Paypal - plugin advertising ( bannere in difereite zone ale sitului ) - plugin facebook connect - plugin social (share/like on FB, Twitter) pentru fiecare anunt in parte ------ Nota : scriptul va fi construit cu o tema default ( cea la care am designul ) insa trebuie sa se ia in considerearea si implementarea a inca 3 teme ( designul este in curs de dezvoltare ) : - o tema care va transforma siteul din anunturi generale in site de anunturi auto - o tema care va transfo...
Salut, Am nevoie de niste API-uri scrise dupa o baza de date care sa-mi returneze niste field-uri ca si json-uri. O sa atasez proiectul si schita cu ce am nevoie.
Salut, Am nevoie de niste API-uri scrise dupa o baza de date care sa-mi returneze niste field-uri ca si json-uri. O sa atasez proiectul si schita cu ce am nevoie.
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Daca proiectul i...
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it incr...integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...
I'm looking for an experienced web developer to create a professional sit...web developer to create a professional site for my staffing company. Key Features: - The site needs to present an overview of our staffing services. - It should include a section for client and candidate testimonials, showcasing our success stories. Integrations: - The website should be integrated with our Social Media platforms for seamless sharing and engagement. - I would also like it to connect with our Email Marketing tools for easy updates and newsletters. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development. - Experience in creating service-oriented websites. - Knowledge of integrating websites with social media and email marketing tools. Please include examples of similar projects you've co...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a classic and timeless logo for my new company, Global Biofuel Exchange. This company is a sustainable trading house for fuels and energy. Key Elements: - Design Style: The logo should embody a classic and timeless style, steering clear of any overly trendy or playful elements. - Color Scheme: The preferred color scheme is dark green and grey. The use of these colors should reflect the sustainable focus of the company while maintaining a professional appearance. -Design Elements: I will upload an example of a design I find appealing. The designer should be able to interpret this and incorporate similar elements into the new logo. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design: A high level of proficiency in graphic design is essential. The de...
I'm seeking an adept email marketer to help me connect with my current customers. Key Tasks: - Crafting emails that professionally announce new products. - Ensuring the optimal and respectful use of my existing customer email list. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Expertise in email marketing and content creation. - Proven track record in creating engaging, professional content. - Competent in managing and effectively utilizing an existing customer email list.
I'm in need of a custom blazer for my wedding. The style could range from classic to modern to vintage, so I'm open to suggestions. My vision (which I am not fully committed too) would be to have a forrest green blazer with some elements of sheer in it to have androgynous features to it as we are a gay couple. Also I am a larger man and I am 5'11". Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expertise in menswear tailoring - Experience in creating outfits - Knowledge of various tuxedo styles - High attention to detail - Strong understanding of fabric handling and tailoring
I'm in need of a classic and timeless logo for my screen printing company. The design should be a blend of text and an icon, incorporating a colorful scheme that isn't overly bright. Company Name is Southern Soul Printing & Apparel Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven graphic design experience - Expertise in logo design for print - Ability to blend text and icon seamlessly - Strong understanding of color theory - Experience creating classic and timeless designs - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop
...for the development of a cross-platform (iOS & Android) cryptocurrency wallet app. The app will primarily focus on facilitating cryptocurrency transactions and connecting with a platform API for prepaid card issuance. Key Features: - Cryptocurrency Transactions: The app should enable users to buy and sell various cryptocurrencies seamlessly. - Prepaid Card Issuance: The app should be able to connect with a platform API for the issuance of prepaid cards. Ideal Candidates Should Have: - Proven experience in fintech app development. - Strong understanding of cryptocurrency transactions. - Experience with card issuance APIs. - Cross-platform (iOS & Android) app development expertise. - Knowledge in real-time price tracking implementation is a plus. Please provide example...
I'm seeking a designer to create a logo, word mark, and brand standards for my construction business. The logo should reflect a 'classic and traditional' style, embodying the 'quality and reliability' that is central to our brand. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Logo Design - Word Mark Design - Standard Design Experience: - Proven track record in creating classic and traditional designs - Experience in the construction industry preferred - Portfolio demonstrating quality and reliability in design Please submit your proposal with relevant samples from your portfolio.
Researcher and Script Writer for Real-Life Documentaries & Self-improvement YouTube Channel Description: Seeking a talented Researcher + Script Writer to create engaging content for a YouTube channel focusing on real-life documentaries, self-improvement, and inspiring stories. The goal is to educate, inspire, and motivate through impactful is a permanent... Requirements: - Strong research and writing skills. - Experience in scriptwriting for YouTube or similar platforms (portfolio preferred). - Creative storytelling and ability to simplify complex ideas. - Proficiency in English and/or Hindi. What We Offer: - Permanent position with flexible work (remote option available). - Opportunity to create meaningful, high-quality content. Connect if you are interested!
I'm looking for an API integration expert who can connect Go High Level with Ship Station. The task is to pull order information from Go High Level and push it into Ship Station for streamlined order management. Key requirements: - Strong understanding of APIs - Ability to work independently - Proven track record in similar projects The project involves: - One-way sync of order status and details, customer information and payment information from Go High Level to Ship Station - Two-way sync of inventory updates from Ship Station to Go High Level Authentication for the APIs is done using OAuth. If you have relevant experience and skills, I would love to hear from you!
I'm seeking a professional with experience in designing a range of shipping items. This project involves creating classic and elegant designs for custom shipping boxes and paper bags. The packing paper doesn't require any specific features, but you may suggest options that align with the classic and elegant aesthetic. Key Responsibilities: - Design of custom shipping boxes with a classic and elegant style - Design of paper bags that match the shipping box aesthetic Skills and Experience Required: - Proven experience in product packaging design - Strong understanding of minimalist, classic and elegant design principles - Excellent communication skills for discussing design options - Ability to propose and implement eco-friendly and cost-effective solu...
I'm looking for a designer who can help me to create a logo that is classic and elegant, yet using bright and vibrant colors. I have specific symbols that I want incorporated into the design, so attention to detail and the ability to follow specific instructions will be key. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong understanding of color theory - Experience with classic and elegant design styles - Ability to incorporate specific symbols into design - Attention to detail - Creativity and design thinking Have our ideal logo attached We would like a 4x4 wheel with an anchor It’s to be made into stickers, tshirts , hats ect Need in different colours
I'm looking to connect our custom-built CRM, which is based on Core PHP, with Google Workspace's Gmail. We aim to utilize the Gmail API for sending marketing emails to our customers. Key Project Requirements: - Integrate Gmail API into our Core PHP CRM. - Ensure the system can send marketing emails. - Implement email tracking features to monitor opens and clicks. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in PHP, specifically Core PHP. - Prior experience integrating Gmail API. - Knowledge of email tracking systems. Please note, we may need assistance with creating custom email templates in the future, though we're currently unsure of the specifics. Experience with email template design would be a plus.
...understanding of content creation best practices for social media engagement Bonus Points: Experience working with Amazon Seller Central and product reviews A creative and data-driven approach to social media marketing About Us: We're a passionate team dedicated to providing the best reviews to our customers. We believe in the power of customer engagement and are constantly seeking innovative ways to connect with our audience. Join the Team! If you're a digital marketing whiz with a knack for creating engaging campaigns, we'd love to hear from you! Please submit your proposal outlining your approach, relevant experience, and how you can help us achieve our goal of 5,000+ product reviews. Note: This description avoids mentioning specific contest details like &...
I need an attractive, elegant and classic PDF created from a meal plan. The project is time-sensitive, so please only comment if you're available right now. As i need it in a couple of hours Key Requirements: - Convert a meal plan into a PDF - Help with selecting and placing stock photos - Include detailed nutritional information in the PDF ( i will provide all text) Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - PDF Creation - Nutrition Knowledge - Stock Photo Sourcing Please note, I will provide all recipes . Your design skills will be key in creating an appealing and professional document. i’ve attached an example of the format i like , but it is not mine and i don’t want to copy them
I'm looking for a proficient developer who can implement two main tasks: 1) Developing all necessary code to dynamically compile XML files containing database data and posting them via a Webservice. This will involve creating two small modal popups with dropdown selections for the user to choose a recipient address. Successful transactions should be logged in a database table while keeping the user on the same page. 2) Setting up an SFTP listener or cron job to search for ZIP files on an SFTP server. This task includes unzipping the files, parsing an XML file, and saving selected data into database tables. Any PDF files found should be stored in corresponding S3 buckets. The contents of the SFTP server should be deleted after each successful sweep and database update. All s...
I need a tech-savvy individual to help me connect my old audio equipment. This includes a stereo receiver, floor-standing speakers, and a phono. Ideal Skills: - Audio equipment setup - Knowledge of vintage gear - Troubleshooting Please bid if you are an audio enthusiast with experience in setting up vintage audio systems.
...and powerfully. I pride myself on my ability to collaborate closely with clients to meet their goals and deliver quality content. I am confident in my ability to bring fresh, creative ideas to your project and help you achieve the visual impact you're aiming for. If you're looking for a reliable, detail-oriented, and creative professional to edit and polish your video content, I would love to connect and discuss your project in more detail. Feel free to reach out with any questions or further information about the job. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!...
I'm seeking a professional designer and prototype maker to create a pair of ladies sandals for me. These sandals should have a unique feature - the top...of ladies sandals for me. These sandals should have a unique feature - the top can be changed while keeping the sole the same. Key requirements: - Design and produce five different top designs for the sandals, all in a classic style. - Use fabric as the primary material for the sandal tops. - The top designs should be in bright colors, as opposed to neutral tones or patterned fabrics. - The sole of the sandals will remain the same for all five designs. Ideal Skills: - Experience in footwear design and prototyping - Proficient in working with fabric - Creative with classic style design - Able to deliver bright, visua...
...Communicate the Foundation's Mission: Clearly convey the foundation's dedication to using AI to improve healthcare outcomes, efficiency, and research. Showcase Projects and Impact: Effectively present the foundation's research, AI solutions, and the real-world impact they are making. Attract Researchers and Collaborators: Provide a hub for scientists, researchers, and other collaborators to connect with the foundation. Engage Donors and Supporters: Encourage donations and participation by highlighting the foundation's work and its effect on patients. Tell Compelling Stories: Humanize the impact of the foundation's work through compelling patient narratives. Promote Thought Leadership: Highlight the foundation's expertise and vision for the futur...
I am an emerging artist looking for a freelancer who can directly connect me with two or three art dealers or galleries who are actively looking to purchase and showcase new "satyrical" works. Job Requirements: Identify and research art dealers or galleries that focus on contemporary or unique art styles. Confirm that the dealers are actively buying new works or seeking emerging artists. Initiate contact with these dealers to introduce my work and verify their interest. Provide me with direct contact information for two or three verified dealers who are interested in discussing potential purchases or exhibitions. Skills & Experience Needed: Strong research skills to find the right dealers in the art market. Experience in communicating with art galleries or dea...