Connect proxy vb6 return result webbrowserproiecte
...cunostinte despre functionarea platformelor de streaming online, vrem să te cunoaștem! Responsabilități: - Gestionarea și rezolvarea problemelor legate de software, proxy-uri și VPN-uri. - Optimizarea și monitorizarea traficului online pentru a asigura o performanță maximă. - Implementarea și gestionarea software-urilor de streaming. - Cercetarea și aplicarea trendurilor din industria de streaming online. - Administrarea și optimizarea rețelelor de internet pentru a asigura conectivitate stabilă și rapidă. Cerințe: - Experiență dovedită în administrarea și optimizarea software-urilor de streaming. - Cunoștințe solide despre proxy-uri, VPN-uri și gestionarea traficului online. - Experiență în administrarea și optimizarea rețelelor de internet. - Famil...
Light booking site ———Backend——— ~multiple users with separate access ~ user presentation page ~separate jobs with separate duties ~Calendar with data available to users where each user plans his own availability in the calendar (Like android/iOS year calendar) ———Frontend——— ~Search by day/date and return user availabilities ~With filter on different jobs ~Common day reservation for several users with separate jobs Not WordPress!
milestone 1: ------------------ 3 webservice-uri - sale - return - storn0 de pe eMAG se "propaga" prin AWS spre shopify pret per web service: 70 euro + 20 euro setari AWS (dar asa cum am spus am nevoie de drepturi alfel de pe acel cont nu pot) ajuti sa contribuim la o lume mai buna si mai sănătoasă prin susținerea agriculturii ecologice? Most players in organic are struggling with achieving the best: ☼ Farmers - best prices after a year of ensuring best quality for their crops; ☼ Processors - best quality for raw materials which gives them a top final product. We are brokers in organic and ensure the perfect match – we directly connect farmers with processors. Our partners are empowered to improve the quality of their products and also increase their income while lighting up their passion for organic. Cum poti contribui tu imediat ? Avem nevoie de ajutor in a formata niste numere de telefon in Excel astfel incat ele sa contina si prefixul de tara. Avem 2 fisiere Excel cu undeva la aproximativ 1000 numer...
Ceau Daniel, As avea nevoie de cateva modificari pe un site woocommerce. Ar fi vorba despre: adaugare modul plati online Netopia / sincronizare cu contul de Netopia, adaugare modul curier, adaugare module pentru traducerea site-ului in franceza/romana, adaugare posibilitate de schimbare a valutei EUR/RON, introducere text in sectiunile de ANPC, Return Policy etc.
Salut. Am nevoie de un program care sa deschida browsere , in jur de 100-1000 si sa aibe fiecare proxy. browsere-le trebuie sa fie deschise tot timpul nu doar pentru a vizita site-ul. Gen un program pentru a avea vieweri pe live pe youtube. pentru mai multe detalii contactati-ma.
Simulati jocul Connect Four intr-o aplicatie client/server. Fiecare client se conecteaza la server unde acesta va stabili jucatorul care face prima mutare si culoare cu care va juca fiecare. Serverul are rolul de a tine scorul, jocul putant fi jucat pe mai multe reprize, precum si rolul de a afisa fiecarui jucator gridul fiecarui jucator, dupa ce se efectueaza o mutare. Serverul trebuie sa fie concurent. Interfata grafica nu este necesara, poate fi jucat si din consola.
Hello everyone, I need a plugin for Woocomerce, to syncronize my products with romanian marketplace eMag. They have a recomended plugin, but i don't know how to configure, also developer not answer to my email, to help me, so i want a person who can do that, a new plugin or configure the actual one. I pay just AFTER i see some result, i am boring to pay just for testing, if you are really professional and you sure that you can help me, i wait to aply to my project. Thank you! Salut, Sunt in cautare de un freelancer care poate creea un plugin de sincronizare a produselor mele dintr-un magazin online pe platforma Woocommerce cu marketplace-ul eMag. Emag are un plugin recomandat dar nu reusesc sa il configurez corect iar developer-ul nu oferta suport, nici platit (am incercat...
s dori realizarea un website pentru o agentie de turism . Care ar fi pretul pentru un site cu urmatoarele cerinte: preluare oferte prin api de la doi touroperatori -motor cautare pachete turistice -unde calatoresc -de unde plec - data plecare ( se poate selecta doar datele valide de calatorie) -data return (se poate selecta doar datele valide in functie de data de plecare) - nr camere , pentru fiecare camera se selecteaza nr de adulti si copii -la rezervare se fie optiunea cu plata prin transfer sau plata cu card si integrarea unui procesator de plati online -newsletter -folosire bootstrap pt ca site-ul sa fie compatibil si pe mobile CMS unde se pot adauga alte oferte pastrand structura celor preluate prin api (de...
Salut, Te-am gasit pe freelancer si as fi interesat sa colaboram la un proiect. As vrea o copie dupa site-ul , sa-l vezi te rog cu un proxy pentru care niste redirecturi geo pentru romania. Sa te uiti si in codul sursa, are niste chestii interesante. Arunca te rog un ochi si spune-mi daca te-ar interesa si in cat timp il poti face si la ce pret? Merci frumos, Razvan
Salut, Te-am gasit pe freelancer si as fi interesat sa colaboram la un proiect. As vrea o copie dupa site-ul , sa-l vezi te rog cu un proxy pentru care niste redirecturi geo pentru romania. Sa te uiti si in codul sursa, are niste chestii interesante. Arunca te rog un ochi si spune-mi daca te-ar interesa si in cat timp il poti face si la ce pret? Merci frumos, Razvan
Salut, Te-am gasit pe freelancer si as fi interesat sa colaboram la un proiect. As vrea o copie dupa site-ul , sa-l vezi te rog cu un proxy pentru care niste redirecturi geo pentru romania. Sa te uiti si in codul sursa, are niste chestii interesante. Arunca te rog un ochi si spune-mi daca te-ar interesa si in cat timp il poti face si la ce pret? Merci frumos, Razvan Pare
Caut un profesionist cu experienta, dispus sa colaboreze la un proiect simplus si serios. Exclus tune-up worpress si alte asemenea. Posibilitati colaborare viitoare. Este necesar un site privat, tip DB result. Exista ceva facut si functional (PHP, MySQL pe Win7+WAMP) insa frontend lasa de dorit plus alte functionalitati cum ar fi sortare/filtrare results, paginare, login+pass, responsive. Simplu si eficient (rapid), fara java, api google, fonturi remote, etc. Datele din $GET se insereaza raw in MySQL. Aici este necesara o filtrare, verificare erori, etc, eventual logare a request-urilor false/eronate. Frontend 2-3 pagini: login, date pe scurt, date detalii si admin
Am nevoie de un program care sa listeze automat masinile pe Trebuie sa listeze automat masinile pe site-ul asta, sa creeze cont, sa foloseasca proxy. Pt mai multe detalii contacteaza-ma.
windows application that can simply verify user by otp to connect the shared wifi. You may write in any language and use any free getway for sending sms . i want this project within 4-5 days. you may contact me : [REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN]
...Siruri (bonus 5p) type nume(lungime) type poate fi integer, string sau float lungimea este o constanta Atribuire write expresie in variabila Declararea functiilor function nume_functie parametru1@tip continuare_nume_functie parametru2@tip conitnuare_nume_functie parametru3@tip ... returns tip start ... ... ... return (daca e cazul) stop Tipurile de intoarcere sunt oricare din cele trei tipuri de variabile sau nothing daca nu intoarce nimic. La return, functia se opreste imediat Exemple: function gotox x@integer andy y@integer andWrite text@string andNewFile nl@integer returns nothing start print text if nl = 0 start print 'n' stop end Afisarea pe ecran print expresie Apelarea functiilor Aplelarea unei functi...
Salut man , am un proiect pentru tine , sper sa poti sa ma ajuti cu el :) As dori un program , script , soft cu proxy free ... ceva ce sa poata sa faca Youtube Views ... NU VREAU sa cumpar , vreau CEVA , ce poate sa-mi ofere Yotube Views... Daca chiar nu poti sa faci asa ceva , da-mi macar de stire :) Multumesc !
Avem nevoie de un plugin firefox (minim). Eventual si chrome, explorer.. etc. Pluginul va monitoriza utilizatorul in timp ce face browsing pe un site, si cand apasa anumite butoane de pe pagina html... se executa d...diferite executabile locale, in windows momentan. Deasemenea butoanele in html vor acea si un atribut suplimentar (ex "rel"="1:4,5:3") si acest paramentru trebuie trimis catre executabilul ce va fi executat: exemplu: in html avem: <button id="abc" rel="1:5,8:10,4:5"> Cand apas acest buton din site se executa local "C:demo -1:5,8:10,4:5" si nu face nici o actiune in html (ex. return false;) Pluginul trebuie sa fie configurabil: De exemplu adaug la monitorizare: "domeniu site", "id b...
...livrarea updateurilor. ( detin design si pentru acest script - trebuie doar implementat ) Functii suplimentare ale scriptului care trebuie create ca plugiunri/module ( sa poate fi instalate dar sa nu fie necesare ) : - plugin integrare plata anunturi SMS/Card ( cu mobilpay ) - plugin integrare plata Paypal - plugin advertising ( bannere in difereite zone ale sitului ) - plugin facebook connect - plugin social (share/like on FB, Twitter) pentru fiecare anunt in parte ------ Nota : scriptul va fi construit cu o tema default ( cea la care am designul ) insa trebuie sa se ia in considerearea si implementarea a inca 3 teme ( designul este in curs de dezvoltare ) : - o tema care va transforma siteul din anunturi generale in site de anunturi auto - o tema care va transfo...
salut, vreu o functie in vb6 care sa formateze un fisier in format textual. e simplu. daca te intereseaza scriemi si eu te contactez. mersi
#include #include #include #include class daydiem { public: int n; float *x,*y; float do_dai(int i, int j); { return sqrt(pow(x[i]-x[j],2)+pow(y[i]-y[j],2)); } void nhapsl(void); }; void daydiem::nhapsl(void) { int i; printf(n So diem N= );scanf(%d,&n); x=(float*)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(float)); y=(float*)malloc((n+1)*sixeof(float)); for(i=1;i
EN : A program that makes a tunnel between multiple computers. The program will be developed for a game called Warcraft 3 - It helps users to find the localhost range of play. The platform will have a database, but the target must be placed on the connection between users with jocu. kind of game is client server and connect to it. If the project out well. Creator will receive money every time you make an adjustment. RO: Un program care face un tunel intre mai multe calculatoare . Programul va fi dezvoltat pentru un joc numit warcraft 3 - Acesta ajuta useri sa se gasesca in localhost game al jocului. Platforma va avea o baza de date, dar tinta trebuie pusa pe conexiunea dintre useri cu jocu . un fel de server si jocul e clientul care se conecteaza la el. Daca proiectul i...
How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it incr...integrate in-app purchases 5) Good English 6) Ready to begin now and can complete quickly/will complete project on time Please provide: 1) Price for iPhone app only (may want iPad app later and Google Play app later) 2) Length of time to complete I can create the app icon, create app screenshots, set up in-app purchases, submit the binary to Apple, and set up all other parts of iTunes Connect to save time and money. I can provide you with IDs for Chartboost, Revmob, and Applovin. ...
Scriu acest post in romana pentru ca accept doar coderi romani . Am o sursa a unui program facut de un prieten are cateva bug-uri . Toata sursa este comentata , trebuie sa stii c# nivel mediu zic eu . Interfata este facuta in VB6 dar nu cred ca trebuie sa modifici mai nimic in ea (daca stii si vb6 este si mai bine) Am de reparat 5 bug-uri + cateva lucruri noi de implementat Bugetul este de 500 usd momentan. Rog seriozitate.
I am an eBay seller seeking assistance to enhance my Boost Space automation with Google Sheets. The primary goal is to streamline my shipping purchasing and automate my accounting updates while ensuring my data is properly formatted. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate Boost Space with Integromat and Google Sheets - Connect various shipping platforms, primarily eBay and possibly Pirate Ship - Update my spreadsheets with order numbers and formatting dates to a U.S. style date format Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Boost Space and eBay shipping processes - Extensive experience with Integromat and Google Sheets - Strong understanding of eBay and Pirate Ship integration - Excellent attention to detail for data formatting and accuracy Your expertise will help me significantly reduce manu...
...mission is to build a vibrant and engaged community of beauty enthusiasts who love high-quality content about makeup and skincare. What I’m Looking For: Viral Content Expertise: Ability to create, optimize, and execute highly shareable and engaging content that resonates with beauty enthusiasts. Deep Understanding of the Gulf Audience: Proven knowledge of local trends, culture, and preferences to connect with the Gulf region audience effectively. Influencer Marketing Experience: A track record of working with beauty influencers, helping them achieve significant growth and engagement. Proven Results: Showcase past campaigns with success metrics (follower growth, engagement rate increases, or viral campaigns). Platform Expertise: Skilled in Instagram and TikTok growth st...
Looking for developer who can create api and connect my custom crm with website
Looking for developer who can create api and connect my custom crm with website
Looking for developer who can create api and connect my custom crm with website
...Leave management (student and teacher) 6. Grade Management Grade tracking and calculation (assignments, quizzes, exams, etc.) Grade reporting and analysis Grade notification and alerts 7. Exam Management Exam scheduling and timetabling Exam question paper management Exam result management and analysis 8. Fee Management Fee structure management (tuition, hostel, transportation, etc.) Fee payment tracking and reminders Fee receipt and invoice generation 9. Library Management Book cataloging and management Book borrowing and return management Library fine management 10. Communication Messaging system (in-app messaging, email, SMS) Notification system (push notifications, in-app notifications) Announcement system (news, events, circulars, etc.) 11. Reporting and Analytics Stud...
Looking for developer who can create api and connect my custom crm with website
...using PyAEDT software. I need a horn antenna primarily for radar systems, designed to operate within the Ku-band (12-18 GHz) frequency range, and with a linear polarization. Automate the geometry. Tune the result with different flare design configuration. Give a report for multifare design. Key Requirements: - Design of a horn antenna using PyAEDT and AEDT - Targeting the Ku-band 13.4-13.8 GHz - Linear polarization -Size 75x75x60 including flange - Multiflare configuration - Starting circular waveguide aperture is 8.1mm -Gain 20 dB -beamwdith 3dB +-45 @ 13.6 Ghz polarization Linear return loss less than -20 dB Ideal Skills: - Proficient in antenna design - Familiar with radar systems requirements - Experienced in using PyAEDT - Knowledgeable in Ku-band specifications ...
I'm looking to develop a mobile-based, Android-compatible, interactive word puzzle game. Key Features: - A grid where players can input letters to form words. - An intuitive interface allowing players to easily move letters within the grid. - A feature to return letters to their original position. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Android game development. - Experience in creating interactive puzzle games. - Strong understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design principles. Please provide examples of similar games you've developed in your bid.
...Panel: Manage subscriptions, upload research reports, and monitor analytics. Tech Stack: Frontend: React.js or for dynamic and responsive design. Backend: Node.js or Django for API integrations and AI features. Database: PostgreSQL. Hosting: AWS with Cloudflare for security and performance. API Integrations: Stock Market APIs (Alpha Vantage, Yahoo Finance, etc.). Broker APIs (Zerodha Kite Connect, Upstox, Angel Broking). News APIs (, ). AI Tools (TensorFlow, Hugging Face). Workflow Details: AI scanners for live market data analysis and recommendations. Auto-trading with user-approved trade execution via broker APIs. Notifications for trade alerts (SMS, email, push notifications). Expected Deliverables: Fully functional SEBI-compliant website with all stated features
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I have an existing Facebook Business Page that needs optimization to boost E-commerce sales. Key Requirements: - Improve Page Settings and Configurations - Connect Facebook Pixel for tracking and analytics - Enhance overall page to meet e-commerce standards Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Facebook Business tools - Experience with E-commerce page optimizations - Knowledgeable in connecting and configuring Facebook Pixel intuitive user interface with the following features: Real-Time Audio Capture: The app will capture audio from the device's microphone as the user speaks or makes sounds. Real-Time Playback: The captured audio will be played back in real time. Noise Cancellation: The app will have a button ("Noise Cancel") that will send the captured audio to the RNNoise C library for noise cancellation and return the processed, denoised audio for real-time playback. Customization: Users should be able to adjust a slider to change the "column" (likely related to audio parameters like volume or noise cancellation intensity) during real-time audio capture. Offline Functionality: The entire app, including noise cancellation, must function completely offline without the n...
I'm looking for a modern and trendy ...mailing list and talk about our progress, the industry and our goals. I like the hustle newsletter and morning brew as examples. It should include: - A design that is modern and trendy, appealing to a contemporary audience. - Integration for images and graphics, as we want to make the newsletter visually appealing and engaging. - Links to our social media platforms, to encourage our community to connect with us on different platforms. - A section for subscriber feedback, promoting interaction and showing our audience that we value their input. Ideal candidates for this project should have experience in designing newsletters, particularly on the Beehiiv platform. A portfolio demonstrating modern and trendy design aesthetics will be highl...
- (live 20/1/2025) Job Title: Expert Funnelish Page Builder for Health & Wellness Products (Retainer-Based) Job Description: We are looking for an experienced and talented Funnelish page builder to join our team. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with a proven track record of creating high-converting sales funnels for health and wellness products, including your portfolio, including details of your top 10 performing stores or projects. 4. A summary of your approach to building high-converting funnels for health and wellness products. We’re excited to find a long-term partner who shares our vision for excellence. If you’re passionate about crafting impactful funnels, delivering outstanding results, and excelling in fast-paced environments, let’s c...
Freelancer Needed for Social Media Brand Pages Firewall Coffee is seeking a freelancer to create professional and engaging Facebook and Instagram business pages for our retail brand. These pages need to be completed within two days to help us connect with and engage our customers effectively. Key Action Items: 1. Page Creation: Set up Facebook and Instagram business pages with a cohesive and professional look, aligned with our brand identity. 2. Visual Content: Design and upload a cover image, profile picture, and a few initial posts to establish a polished presence. 3. About Section: Write compelling “About” sections that clearly communicate our brand’s mission, products, and services. 4. Engagement Setup: Enable essential features like messaging, call-to-ac...
...Alipay Miniapps. The existing web app is built in ReactJS and its key features include: - 'Rent Battery' button - Payment integration via WeChat Pay / Alipay - User history tracking - Location mapping via API (using JSON lat long) - Feedback submission via camera or photos sent through API - Authentication via Google and Apple ID (to be replaced with WeChat and Alipay ID) The goal is to have users return with the same profile, which is crucial for this project. No new features are needed for the WeChat mini-app, just a straight replication of the current web app. At this moment, I do not have the WeChat Mini Program developer account set up. If you have experience in this area and can assist, that would be a bonus. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: -...
I'm looking for an expert who can connect my predictive autodialer with Anveo. The job involves configuring both outbound and inbound routes. Key Requirements: - Experience with predictive autodialers. - Proficiency in working with Anveo. - Competence in setting up both inbound and outbound routes. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed.
...clients, look and setups and change things if needed by support Cloud-Based CMS Installer (vps server wille be used as cloud server) CMSID Creation with Admin & Password DNS Record Linking to CMS Cloud Server Installer for First-Time Server Configuration Support for 4 Migration Panel Options Database Import & Replacement for Migration Fresh Installation with Server Details (IP & DNS, Proxy Setup yes/no(reverse proxy)) Main Server & Load Balancer Connection Automatic Folder & File Creation on Load Balancers (also include streaming php, vod/series checker playarapi php and api php) Nginx Integration for Load Balancing + encryption between servers Server load based, GeoIP based, ISP based Remote, Automated Installation of Encrypted Files License Validat...
...need of an experienced VB6 developer who can update my source code and add new features to my application. Key Requirements: - Update existing VB6 application source code - Implement user authentication - Integrate data export functionality - Enhance existing reporting tools The primary goal of this project is to add new features to the application. Please note that I am not looking to fix any bugs or improve performance at this time. Your main focus will be on the successful implementation of the new features. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with VB6 - Proven track record of updating source code - Prior experience implementing user authentication - Capability to integrate data export functionality - Experience enhancing reporting tools in a...
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I'm seeking an expert who can build a comprehensive reporting dashboard using data from Google Sheets. The data primarily includes product purchase information and investment returns. Key Requirements: - Building a dashboard that tracks return on investment and profit over time. - Utilizing bar charts, line charts and other charts as appropriate for visual representation of the data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets and Reporting. The use of Looker Studio or other interfaces will be considered. - Strong experience in data visualization and dashboard creation. - Ability to derive and display meaningful insights from data. Detailed requirements and link to example of source data are contained in the pdf.
Project Description: I’m looking for an experienced developer to create a Chat Roulette-style web application that allows users to connect randomly via webcam. The app should have both user registration functionality and an option to log in as a guest, without requiring a full account setup. Required Features: Chat Roulette-Style Video Chat Random matching between two users in a live webcam session. A “Next” function to skip the current user and move on to another online user. Registration and Login Option to create an account using email and password. Quick access as a guest (no personal data required). Admin Panel Real-time view of the list of online users. Ability to see a preview of active video chats (e.g., camera streams). User management (ban, warnings,...
Hi as discussed please start working on the project. I shared the outline (which we may revise together) . and for now we will go with workplan. Happy to connect and hopefully we rock it together.