Companies who hire mechanical engineersproiecte
We are looking for a web site administrator for our companies, besides the basic general knowledge in IT, we want flexibility and availability.
...make friends within the community; - you will develop the spirit of competition within the community, where you will always have new challenges and objects to achieve. 3. The target audience of the brand: who are we addressing? B2C: 20-50 years / men and women / secondary-higher education / medium to high, high and very high incomes / active people, with a competitive spirit, desire for recognition / hunters and / or collectors of medals and diplomas / interests: healthy lifestyle, travel, exercise, running, cycling, swimming, nature walks, hiking, gadgets B2B: medium and large companies interested in implementing healthy movement programs for employees 4. Tone of voice (Brand Personality) How would you define the brand tone of voice? How would you define the brand perso...
I'm developing a mobile application.
Ar trebui creata o interfata simpla, care cauta mai multe cuvinte intr-o baza de date si afiseaza rezultatele, doar acele rezultate care contin toate cuvintele cautate (max 5 cuvinte) Daca esti interesat scrie-mi un mesaj *Removed by Admin* Multumesc
EN I want to hire someone who know AMX programming. I want a addon for VIP and other function. I can give addons for edit. RO Vreau sa angajez un om care sa se priceapa la amxx penru a-mi creea niste VIP-uri pentru un server public de CSGO.
Buna ziua, Caut un designer (wordpress) pentru
Bună, HIRE SEO EXPERTS. Ți-am remarcat profilul şi vreau să-ţi ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată.
IT Project Manager caut expert dezvolate aplicatie IOS si eventual Adroid pe subiect CSR.
marketing pentru dezvoltarea pietei si aducerea de noi clienti
KeysFin cauta un colaborator pentru realizarea unei aplicatii de mobil iOS & Android (platforma: Ionic sau Xamarin). P
detin un website la care trebuie sa adaug continut constant
Website pentru contabilitate. Avem nevoie de o persoana creativa, care sa poate compune textele necesare acestui website, dar nu numai. In eventualitatea in care ne place munca efectuata, suntem dispusi sa colaboram pe termen lung. Persoanele care aplica trebuie sa cunoasca limba engleza, in eventualitatea in care unele texte trebuiesc traduse.
Autentificare automata catre utilizatorii din baza de date.
Blog de psihologie, articole psihologie, sinteza in articole de blog si rescriere ;
Doar Romania: Vreau sa mi se caute cuvinte cheie in Romania. Ce cauta romanii in perioada asta. Cuvinte cheie. Ce cumpara romanii in perioada asta, ce lucruri etc.
Buna ziua! Numele meu este Stefan Marian si sunt in cautarea unui profesionist care sa ma ajute cu urmatoarele servicii: in limba engleza a unor texte scrise in limba romana 2. Verificarea si corectarea gramaticala unor texte scrise in limba engleza 3. Editarea si imbunatatirea lizibilitatii unor texte in limba engleza Inainte de toate, as dori sa va ofer mai multe informatii in legatura cu ceea ce intentionez sa realizez si in ce domeniu am nevoie de serviciile dumneavoastra. In curand voi lansa pe Amazon USA un produs destinat copiilor si am nevoie de traducerea in limba engleza a unui thank you card si de traducerea mai multor texte care vor aparea pe site-ul oficial, pe platforma Amazon, pe pagina de facebook a brandului nostru de produse, precum si de verificarea si corec...
Este vorba despre siteul Acest website se imparte in : categorii si game de produse (ex vezi in meniu: Uz industrial/ robineti industriali, sau Constructii / generatoare curent etc.), in produse ( ex: ) si in marci comercializate () Prioritate ar fi introducerea continutul in zona marcilor comercializate astfel : - in unele cazuri pentru o marca avem nevoie de o pagina simpla, cu prezentarea categoriilor marcii de pe site-ul producatorului sau indicat de noi, ceva continut elocvent pt SEO si user experience, filmulete etc. cu linkuri care redirectioneaza pe site-ul producatorului (opne in new window). (Exemplu simplist : - ne intereseaza un pic mai bogat continutul, deoarece vorbim de marci de renume) - sunt cazuri in care este nevoie ca la anumi...
Este vorba despre siteul Acest website se imparte in : categorii si game de produse (ex vezi in meniu: Uz industrial/ robineti industriali, sau Constructii / generatoare curent etc.), in produse ( ex: ) si in marci comercializate () Prioritate ar fi introducerea continutul in zona marcilor comercializate astfel : - in unele cazuri pentru o marca avem nevoie de o pagina simpla, cu prezentarea categoriilor marcii de pe site-ul producatorului sau indicat de noi, ceva continut elocvent pt SEO si user experience, filmulete etc. cu linkuri care redirectioneaza pe site-ul producatorului (opne in new window). (Exemplu simplist : - ne intereseaza un pic mai bogat continutul, deoarece vorbim de marci de renume) - sunt cazuri in care este nevoie ca la anumi...
Salutare ! As avea nevoie de ajutor legat de un proiect pe care il am in desfasurare. Am o data de baza cu niste piese la care urmaresc views-urile din anumite grupe. Momentan folosesc un sistem mai rudimentar, fiecare categorie are culoarea ei, singura problema este ca dupa un anumit timp nu mai ai culori din care sa alegi. Ar avea cineva o solutie mai practica ? Am citit pe forumuri ca poti face un database in spate, folosind filtre poti calcula automat fiecare categorie. Va multumesc anticipat, Levi. LINK CATRE GOOGLE SHEETS:
Cautam designer grafic sau artist grafic care sa conceapa sau sa modifice grafica digitala. In functie de experienta putem colabora pe termen lung.
am nevoie de TEHNONERADACTARE fisele de protectia muncii SSM si SU in Corel draw
Buna ziua, Dorim finalizarea dezvoltarii websiteului pe platforma wordpress si SEO-izarea acestuia. Template-ul actual este o simulare de care nu suntem multumiti, avand in vedere ca este foarte departe de dorintele noastre de dezvoltare / functionare. Va rog sa analizati template-ul actual de pe si sa ne spuneti daca exista posibilitatea dezvoltarii unui template customizat pentru cerintele noastre sau adaptarea unuia dupa cerintele noastre. (detaliile si particularitatile le vom discuta telefonic, o parte din ele le veti regasi si in cele ce urmeaza) In momentul de fata ne desfasuram activitatea pe (platforma joomla) - puteti arunca o privire si aici ca sa putem discuta in cunostinta de cauza. (vor avea trasaturi comune cele doua siteuri). In linii mari ce dorim de la Dvs.: - cuno...
Cautam expert SEO / freelancer roman cu experienta, care poate aduce proiectul nostru : in prima pagina google pe diferite cuvinte cheie si obtine trafic in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Colaborare pe perioada nelimitata si pe proiecte interne / externe, pentru clientii nostri.
fpga/ultra and xilinx wiznet vhdl/verilog
proectul se va intitula : o masa pentru persoanele fara adapost as dori sa stringem fondurile pentru a garanta o masa calda pentru persoanele nevoias
...requirements mentioned below and i want to add property rentals as well need to create a portal through which rentacar companies could showcase their cars to the general business and customers in Qatar or anyone traveling to Qatar. will be needing SEO help as well. Mobile application will also be built accordingly so the website structure should be very sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter thei...
3D Modeling , 3D Rendering , CAD/CAM ,Product Design , industrial design
...what i need exactly with little legal requirements mentioned below. need to create a portal through which rentacar companies could showcase their cars to the general business and customers in Qatar or anyone traveling to Qatar. will be needing SEO help as well. Mobile application will also be built accordingly so the website structure should be very sophisticated in order to be enhanced to any level at any time. company registration requirements: - commercial registration number (compulsory) - lan line number (compulsory) - ID number of the owner (compulsory) - name of the renta car company (compulsory) - fax number (compulsory) - email id (compulsory) companies should be able to request any additional things like if they need our services to enter their da...
- Take advantage of the start! - We are looking urgently for MLM leaders who want to develop a newly appeared MLM business! - You know too that those who start early have the greatest benefits! - This MLM business is unique all over the planet and has a reward plan which pleases even the ones who aren`t interested in MLM! - We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people. - Our product is a virtual package consisting of several highly spectacular personal development books and a novel which has a unique worldwide subject, a subject which you have never seen in any other novel or movie. - This is the only MLM business that promotes online a...
...internationala si posibilitatea relocarii pe alte proiecte • asigurare medicala, tichete de masa • salariu competitiv Cei interesati pot transmite candidatura pe recruiting[at]brusch[dot]ro. Multumim pentru interes. Descrierea companiei We are an European software and IT consulting company. As a service provider for IT projects (nearshore) and personnel recruiting (IT sourcing), we support companies to find and establish flexible sourcing decisions, to overcome a temporary gap of personnel and to decrease costs. The efficiency of a company will be increased by making advantage of the international IT services of our company. Especially for well educated, experienced and multilingual IT experts there are always good chances for limited and interesting onsite ...
Made and posted on various and multiple sites advertising commercials and advertisements and commercials for various private companies and individuals. I promote my shop online through various businesses. Do not hesitate, prices are low and negotiable. Create and manage Facebook pages Plateaus individuals and private companies, post ads and online marketing advertising and commercial companies, financial companies, auctions, stock exchanges, banks and financial institutions, businessmen, stars and movie stars, fashion, etc
We are seeking a telemarketer to assist us with cold calling translation companies in the USA to identify the most effective way to offer our freelance translation services, whether through email or an online platform. ### Responsibilities: - Cold call translation companies in the USA to gather insights on how best to present our services. - Use a database of companies provided via Google Drive. - Coordinate calls across different time zones to ensure they occur during business hours. ### Schedule: - Start with 6 hours per week, specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. - Potential to increase weekly hours based on the quality of leads generated. ### Requirements: - Native English speaker preferred. - Proven experience in telemarketing or cold calling. - A...