Command key on hp laptopproiecte
Compress image on Cell BroadBand Engine
Reprezint o firma de ingrijire medicala la nevoie de un program gen Teamviewer prin care sa pot accesa de la domiciliul pacientului printr-un mini-laptop,desktop-ul de la sediul nostru in care introduc serviciile prestate intr-o aplicatie numita SIUI....partea mai grea este ca am nevoie ca atunci cand introduc in usb-ul laptop-ului (la pacient acasa) un cititor de carduri de sanatate , vreau sa fie detectat pe desktop-ul de la sediu ca si cum ar fi introdus in usb-ul lui. URGENTA SI SERIOZITATE MAXIMA! multumesc
procesator de plata online precum Ex: " " dar cat mai simplu.
Un site/aplicatie ce poate fi accesat atat de pe laptop cat si de pe mobil, siteul este o baza de date de produse, utilizatorii cauta in gama de produse doar dupa anumite criterii, pot deveni clienti prin creare cont pe timp limitat (contracost plata sms), alerta pentru clienti pentru produsele noi aparute, matching cerere cu oferta exprimata si procentual (ex : produsul se potriveste 75% cu ceea ce cauta clientul). Locuiesc in Bucuresti putem discuta detaliile proiectului daca esti interesat. Putem stabilii un pret fix pentru proiect ? Multumesc, o zi buna.
Este vorba de un site compus din mai multe module (Moodle, Liferay, Alfresco, JasperReports, Magento, DotProject, phpBB, SmartJobBoard) pentru care se cere implementarea unui sistem Single Sign-On care sa permita ca un utilizator sa se conecteze o singura data, printr-o singura interfata, si sa obtina acces la oricare din aceste module (in functie de drepturile pe care le are), fara a fi nevoit sa se conecteze separat la fiecare dintre ele.
dezvoltare module noi in site actual scris in ruby on rails
Caut content writer serios cu am nevoie de minim 2-3 articole pe zi pentru un site de mobila si inca unul de reparatii laptop.
salut, am nevoie de putin ajutor. Ma intereseaza partea tehnica SEO, nu pentru cuvinte cheie, vreau doar tehnic sa fie OK Adica, , sitemap, social bookmark, chest de genu :) Ce spui
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'I need an existing site template integrated on my script'
2-5 ani experienta in suport nivel 1 si 2 pentru sistemul de operare si aplicatiile Microsoft Cunostinte LAN, VPN, WLAN si Remote Connectivity, TCP/IP, la nivel de instalare si troubleshooting Cunostinte de diagnoza hardware si reparatii minore pentru laptop, desktop, imprimante, monitoare. proiectoare, solutii de videoconferitna, instrumente backup, alte periferice Cunostinte si experienta suport Telecom (PBX, RAS) Experienta in managementul stocurilor, inventar care functioneaza, insa nu este complet, nu este responsive si nu este SEO friendly. Functionalitatea si design-ul trebuie sa fie asemanator cu cel existent (aici puteti venii cu idei, sugestii). - 3 tipuri de useri (salon, escorta si vizitator) fiecare cu profil administrabil - sisteme de cautare simpla si avansata - design responsive (scalabil incat sa se vada bine atat pe desktop si laptop cat si pe tablete si telefoane mobile. - panou de administrare tip superuser care sa valideze tot ce se intampla in site. • Vizitatorii inregistrati sa aiba posibilitatea de a comenta si da rating-uri la profilurile escortelor • Numarul de telefon a escortelor sa fie vizibil doar la click pe un buton si sa fie contorizat • Structura site SEO friendly I...
...companie de consultanta si dezvoltare software in vederea unei propuneri de colaborare. V-am vizualizat profilul si consider ca ati fi potrivit pentru o pozitie de ASP.NET MVC Developer deschisa in cadrul companiei In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) ...
...companie de consultanta si dezvoltare software in vederea unei propuneri de colaborare. V-am vizualizat profilul si consider ca ati fi potrivit pentru o pozitie de ASP.NET MVC Developer deschisa in cadrul companiei In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) ...
...companie de consultanta si dezvoltare software in vederea unei propuneri de colaborare. V-am vizualizat profilul si consider ca ati fi potrivit pentru o pozitie de ASP.NET MVC Developer deschisa in cadrul companiei In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) ...
...companie de consultanta si dezvoltare software in vederea unei propuneri de colaborare. V-am vizualizat profilul si consider ca ati fi potrivit pentru o pozitie de ASP.NET MVC Developer deschisa in cadrul companiei In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) ...
...companie de consultanta si dezvoltare software in vederea unei propuneri de colaborare. V-am vizualizat profilul si consider ca ati fi potrivit pentru o pozitie de ASP.NET MVC Developer deschisa in cadrul companiei In-Map. In-Map este companie de dezvoltare software. Aplicatia pe care acestia o au este in cloud, hosted pe 3 servere, in Europa, Asia si US. Lucreaza atat cu dealeri mai mici, dar si cu HP si Konica Minolta. Proiectul consta in dezvoltarea unei solutii online destinata brigazilor de pompieri care simplifica managementul planurilor de preventie si interventie. Vor sa dezvolte o aplicatie de risk management ce va fi realizata in .NET si se va integra cu platforma existenta In-Map. Front-end-ul va fi facut cu ASP.NET MVC. Proiectul va fi unul intern (in In-Map) ...
am nevoie de continut pentru un site de transport moloz, evacuare moloz, debarasare mobila veche, transport deseuri si gunui rezultat din amenajari. Continutul vreau sa fie unic si pe cuvintele cheie cerute. Vreau sa vad portofoliu. In functie de calitate si experienta mai am si alte proiecte pe mai multe nise, transport marfa, service laptop, reparatii electronice. inchirieri auto, mobila pt copii Pretul il discutam
...depanare laptop reparatii laptop service laptop depanare calculatoare reparatii calculatoare service calculatoare depanare pc reparatii pc service pc depanare it reparatii it service it Secundare: depanare laptop bucuresti reparatii laptop bucuresti service laptop bucuresti depanare calculatoare bucuresti reparatii calculatoare bucuresti service calculatoare bucuresti depanare pc bucuresti reparatii pc bucuresti service pc bucuresti depanare it bucuresti reparatii it bucuresti service it bucuresti depanare pc la domiciliu reparatii pc la domiciliu service pc la domiciliu depanare calculatoare la domiciliu reparatii calculatoare la domiciliu service calculatoare la domiciliu depanare ...
...depanare laptop reparatii laptop service laptop depanare calculatoare reparatii calculatoare service calculatoare depanare pc reparatii pc service pc depanare it reparatii it service it Secundare: depanare laptop bucuresti reparatii laptop bucuresti service laptop bucuresti depanare calculatoare bucuresti reparatii calculatoare bucuresti service calculatoare bucuresti depanare pc bucuresti reparatii pc bucuresti service pc bucuresti depanare it bucuresti reparatii it bucuresti service it bucuresti depanare pc la domiciliu reparatii pc la domiciliu service pc la domiciliu depanare calculatoare la domiciliu reparatii calculatoare la domiciliu service calculatoare la domiciliu depanare ...
Salut, Am un VPS cu FreePBX functional. Doresc sa adaug HylaFax + AvantFax si sa pot sa trimit faxuri prin iax sau sip. Am vazut ca ai facut ceva similar. 40$ fixed rate Poti sa ma ajuti?
Colaborare de lunga durata pentru servicii de SEO pentru platformele noastre de comert electronic.
Colaborare de lunga durata pe mai multe proiecte web
Wanted Web SRL este o firmă nou înfiinţată, care creaza pagini web inovative folosind cele mai noi tehnologii. În zilele noastre este foarte important ca o firmă să fie prezent pe internet, astfel putând fi găsit de oriunde. Datorită dezvoltării rapide a tehnologiei informatice, ai posibilitatea de a naviga pe internet cu ajutorul a unui smartphone, tablet sau un laptop indiferent de locaţia ta. Adaptându-se trendului, echipa noastră creează pagini de internet corespunzătoare nevoilor tale.
Conectarea unei platforme Joomla (versiunea 2.5) la o aplicatie scrisa in php. Care sunt cerintele: 1. aplicatia are 5 module (fluxuri de date) diferite 2. in momentul in care se creaza un user in joomla - trebuie sa se creeze un user si in aplicatie 3. userul alege din pagina joomla un modul si il cumpara - se va folosi paypal (care permite si plata prin card) 4. joomla va afisa o pagina cu modulul / modulele cumparate 5. prin accesarea unui modul, userul va avea acces la o noua pagina de joomla care va permite accesul la aplicatie prin SSO intr-un iframe 6. modificare metoda de autentificare in aplicatia php sa permita mecanismul SSO
Caut programator care este capabil sa faca un modul de prestashop. Cunostintele necesare ar fi: php, mysql, smarty, API, putin ajax/jquery pentru formular). Un plus au persoanele care au mai lucrat cu prestashop si/sau au un portofoliu decent. Daca nu aveti experienta cu api va recomand sa nu ma contactati, va fi o pierdere de timp pentru amandoi. Mai multe informatii despre modul va pot da pe privat dupa ce imi trimiteti cateva exemple de scripturi facute de voi. Putem discuta si de o angajare imediata la biroul nostru din Bucuresti daca esti din zona!!! a mai fost o varianta pentru care am template in presta shop. Itinial magazinul a fost conceput sa vanda un singur produs/saptamana (floral art of the week) , insa acum nu exclud ideea de a-l extinde, si de a pune mai multe creatii florale organizate pe categorii; Ce ar mai fi de modificat, dau copy paste din ultimul mail catre firma care a lucrat: Home redimensioneaza slide-ul, la mine pe laptop se vede doar slide-ul si numic din partea de jos, despre olla, cuvinte frumoase, olla in presa; Logo o idee mai mic; Slide- peste poza text finut cu alb si link catre portofoliu: poza lamai si hortensii text Saptamanal flori proaspete pentru receptia companiei tale cu link catre portofoliu=> corporate/receptie poza cu balonul text Decor floral pentru petreceri tematice cu l...
Doresc realizarea unui magazin on-line pe platforma Magento Community, magazin care sa aiba 2 Webstore-uri: unul B2C si unul B2B. B2C, cel pe care se si aterizeaza va fi pe domeniu iar B2B va fi pe un subdomeniu. Magazinul va vinde produse cosmetice. Va exista aceiasi baza de date cu produse dar, fiecare Webstore va avea preturile lui, promotiile lui, banner-ele lui. Vor exista categorii & produse comune celor doua Webstore-uri dar dar si unele care le vad doar utilizatorii B2B. Necesitati: 1. Instalare curata Magento cu 2 Webstore-uri (B2C-domeniu si B2B-sub-domeniu) pe tema ULTIMO () + Meniu flotant 2. Configurare: taxe, transport, interfata in limba Romana
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8pool (android /...
...allows users to predict the performance of players and teams in a match. The bot will award points based on match outcomes and individual performances. Here's what I need: 1. User Registration: Users will register by simply using the command /start. The bot will ask them to provide their Telegram username or ID to track their predictions. 2. Team Selection: Users will select one team from a list of 10 teams (from different tournaments). The bot will track which team each user selects. 3. Player Prediction: For each match of the selected team, users can predict the performance of 6 players (from both teams playing in that match). Users will predict how well the selected players perform based on their team’s match. 4. Points System: Team Win: If the user&r...
...configure a reverse proxy (HAPROXY) and Letsencrypt (ACME) on Pfsense. The goal is to route inbound SSL traffic to different web servers based on both subdomains and path-based URLs. Key Requirements: - Inbound SSL traffic needs to be routed based on domain, subdomains (e.g., , ) and path-based URLs (e.g., ). - Traffic will be routed to more than 5 web servers. - I need advice on SSL configuration as I am not sure if some servers require special SSL configurations. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge and experience with HAPROXY and Letsencrypt (ACME). - Strong background in managing and configuring Pfsense. - Expertise in routing traffic based on URLs. - Ability to provide clear advice on SSL configurations. - Urgent avai...
I'm in need of a skilled freelance copywriter who can create engaging and reader-focused articles for me. I will provide the topics and I need you to follow my proven article creation formula. Your writing shoul...provide the topics and I need you to follow my proven article creation formula. Your writing should be friendly and conversational, speaking directly to the reader. Responsibilities: - Write content that is personable and engaging - Adhere to a specific article creation formula for consistency and quality - Use Grammarly to ensure all work is error-free and polished Ideal Skills: - Excellent command of English - Experience in copywriting - Familiarity with using Grammarly - Ability to write in a friendly and conversational tone - Ability to follow specific guidelin...
I'm looking for command line based application for a Students Grading System. The key feature of this grading system should be the ability to input grades and have them calculated automatically (please follow the specification of the project in the attached file). Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in Windows desktop application development - Strong understanding of grade calculation algorithms - Experience in creating user-friendly interfaces - Attention to detail to ensure accuracy in grade computation Please note, the scope of this project does not currently include features such as student performance tracking or report generation. However, the design of the system should allow for potential future upgrades to incorporate these features.
...Kubernetes Expert to deploy Hyperswitch on a Kubernetes cluster according to ’s server requirements. The system must handle 200,000 concurrent transactions efficiently while ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and security. Key Requirements: ✅ Deploy Hyperswitch on a Kubernetes (K8s) cluster as per ’s guidelines ✅ Implement Load Balancer (NGINX, HAProxy, or Traefik) for optimal traffic distribution ✅ Configure Auto-scaling to support 200,000 concurrent transactions (TPS) ✅ Optimize database and caching (PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.) for high-speed performance ✅ Ensure fault tolerance and failover mechanisms to prevent downtime ✅ Set up monitoring & logging (Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack, etc.) ✅ Deploy the solution on a Cloud Provider (A...
I'm looking for a talented scriptwriter to help me write a romantic movie script. The script should target adults, weaving a captivating story filled with love, challenges, and heartfelt moments. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in scriptwriting, particularly for romantic movie scripts - Deep understanding of adult perspectives and experiences - Ability to create engaging characters and plot twists - Strong command of dialogue and pacing Your bid should include samples of previous work and a brief outline of your proposed approach to this project. Looking forward to working together to create a beautiful love story!
My primary goal is to enhance the visibility of my E-commerce website on Google, aiming to generate leads and sales primarily on a national scale. Key Aspects: - The website is currently targeting national customers. - A strategic focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is required to attract more traffic and convert them into potential buyers. - Knowledge and experience in e-commerce SEO is a significant advantage for this project. Your expertise in driving e-commerce websites to the top of Google's search results will be crucial for this project.
I'm seeking a talented, imaginative writer who can craft engaging, thought-provoking science fiction short stories aimed at young adults. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in creative writing, particularly in the science fiction genre. - Ability to understand and cater to the interests and ...who can craft engaging, thought-provoking science fiction short stories aimed at young adults. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in creative writing, particularly in the science fiction genre. - Ability to understand and cater to the interests and reading levels of young adults. - Strong storytelling skills with a knack for creating compelling plots and characters. - Excellent command of language, grammar, and punctuation. - Experience in writing short sto...
...concurrently with another full-time role. The ideal candidate will be responsible for producing engaging social media visuals, designing website layouts, creating print materials, and developing branding assets including logos that align with our brand identity. The role requires a keen eye for aesthetics, the ability to work efficiently under tight deadlines, and strong collaboration skills. Key Responsibilities Social Media Artwork Design compelling graphics for social platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) that capture brand messaging and drive audience engagement. Develop visually consistent templates for stories, posts, and ad campaigns. Website Design Collaborate with web developers to create intuitive, visually stunning website layouts and user interfaces....
I need expert assistance to set up and manage my MySQL database on a Windows server. Specific Tasks: - I have MySQL installed. I have several very large files I want to import, but MySQL is telling me they are to large - Database Optimization: Once imported I want the database set up in a certain way - Generally need advice on how to update the database - Report generation: I need specific reports generated . I'm not sure the best tool to do this but maybe excel? I'd like to form an ongoing relationship with an expert to help me develop the database and reports over time.
Let's start with the "critical error" Does it seem like three hours to you? And if we need more we can see. To solve the "critical error" message, I think it could be the outdated plugins, I just activated the automatic option which was turned off, but I still see that there are about 5 outdated plugins. One of them is the "Bluehost" plugin which could be the one causing problems. B...with the "critical error" Does it seem like three hours to you? And if we need more we can see. To solve the "critical error" message, I think it could be the outdated plugins, I just activated the automatic option which was turned off, but I still see that there are about 5 outdated plugins. One of them is the "Bluehost" plugin which could be t...
We are WebStart'Solutions, a company specializing in the creation and improvement of websites for car garages in France. We are looking for an experienced web developer for a long-term collaboration to create or improve our clients' websites. ✅ Skills required: -Excellent command of WordPress (Elementor or other page builder). -Experience in developing professional showcase sites. -Ability to work quickly while ensuring high quality. -Knowledge of basic SEO to optimize sites. -Mastery of adaptive design (mobile compatibility). -Experience with tools like Webflow or Shopify (a plus). -Good communication in English or French. ? What we offer:! -Long-term collaboration with a constant flow of projects. - Punctual payment after validation of the project. -Flexible, remote wo...
I am facing permission issues on my Ubuntu Linux system, specifically concerning access to files in my home directory. I need assistance in gaining Read/Write access to certain files and changing ownership of some files. Ideal skills for this task include: - Proficiency in Ubuntu Linux - Experience with file permission management - Ability to change file ownership Please bid if you have the necessary skills and experience. Thank you.
I'm looking to create a video call app using React Native and Node.js. The primary focus of the app will be supporting one-on-one calls. Key Features: - Text chat during calls: Users should be able to send text messages while on a call. - File sharing: Users need the ability to share files during a call. - Call recording: The app needs to have the capability to record calls. User Authentication: The app will require a traditional email and password for user authentication. Ideal Candidate: The ideal freelancer for this project should have extensive experience in React Native and Node.js. Prior experience in developing video call apps will be a significant advantage. Excellent understanding of implementing real-time communication features, user authentication, ...
I'm looking for a professional who can draft weekly LinkedIn posts for me focused on the alternative investment/private credit space. The posts should be informative and cover current topics in the news, specifically focusing on technology advancements in this space. The target audience for these posts will be industry professionals, so the content should be tailored to their level of understanding and interest. Key areas to cover include: - Market trends within the alternative investment/private credit space - Technology advancements impacting this sector - Operational efficiency - Top news in the sector The ideal candidate for this project should have: - A strong understanding of the alternative investment/private credit space - Excellent writing skills with ...
I have a photo that needs some serious editing. The main goal is to enhance its clarity, particularly the faces in the image. I would like the editor to pay special attention to the eyes and skin texture. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficiency in photo editing software such as Photoshop or Lightroom - Experience in enhancing facial features in photos - Ability to improve photo clarity without compromising the quality - Attention to detail, particularly with small features like eyes and skin texture - Creative approach to photo editing
Project Overview This project involves modifying Python widgets and adapting them a bit Candidates will have the opportunity for weekly collaborations over the coming months, with contact ranging from 0 to 4 hours per week. Pleese apply to this job with a direct message to me explaining me your experience with python Thank you
I need a professional web developer to help me convert my current .aspx project website to PHP. The new site must be fully functional on a Linux Debian system. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with both .aspx and PHP - Deep understanding of standard .NET frameworks, as the current site uses these - Proficient in MySQL, as this is the database system currently in use - Familiar with Linux Debian systems Please note that the functionalities of the current .aspx website were not specified, so the developer may need to reverse engineer some elements. A keen eye for detail and problem-solving skills will be essential to ensure a seamless transition.
I'm in need of a talented content writer who specializes in crafting engaging and persuasive product descriptions for electronics. The ideal candidate should have a keen understanding of technology and consumer electronics, combined with exceptional writing skills. Key requirements: - Proven experience in content writing, specifically product descriptions - Strong understanding of electronics and technology - Ability to write engaging and persuasive content - Excellent command of English - Ability to meet deadlines Your role will be to transform technical specifications into appealing and easy-to-understand descriptions that will attract potential buyers. You will help enhance our customers' shopping experience and ultimately contribute to increasing our sales.
I require a skilled professional to compose internal email messages aimed at communicating various business opportunity offers. These messages will be directed towards a select group of prominent individuals within a specific profession. Key Responsibilities: - Writing engaging internal email messages for business opportunity offers - Ensuring the tone and content is suitable for internal communication - Targeting the messages towards a specific group of professionals Ideal Skills and Experience: - Excellent command of English language - Prior experience in drafting corporate email communications - Understanding of various professional sectors - Ability to write in an engaging and persuasive manner I am looking for someone who can deliver high-quality content that can effe...
I'm seeking a professional who can help with the tokenization of our Euroclear bond. The aim is to make it accessible in the cryptocurrency market. Key Requirements: - Token Standards: The token will follow the BEP-20 standard. - Blockchain: The entire process will occur on the Binance Smart Chain. - Token Functionalities: The token will include voting rights and dividend distribution capabilities. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in BEP-20 token development. - Deep understanding of the Binance Smart Chain. - Experience with creating tokens with voting and dividend distribution functionalities. If you have the relevant experience and skills, please feel free to bid.
Hi there, I offer brainstorming and idea services on Fiverr and am looking for an experienced marketer to help me promote my gig on TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and possibly Facebook (still deciding on that platform). Your task will be to create and implement a targeted marketing strategy to drive traffic and sales to my Fiverr gig. I am open to creative ideas, viral content, and ads that effectively showcase my services to the right audience. What I’m Looking For: Someone with proven experience in social media marketing, especially TikTok, IG, and Snapchat. A clear, results-driven approach to making this campaign profitable. Strong communication and the ability to track and report results. Why This Matters: If this project is a success and proves to be profit...