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În primul rând, eu nu vorbesc limba română, așa că nu pot să vă contactez decât prin SMS. De asemenea, folosesc o funcție de traducere, așa că este posibil ca unele dintre texte să nu fie corecte. Vă rugăm să înțelegeți. Intenționez să creez un site în limba română, în special despre îngrijirea părului. Se preconizează că amploarea proiectului va fi de apro...aproximativ 100 de articole. 1 articol: 20lei~40lei Vă vom plăti 1100lei~1900lei pe lună dacă sunteți dispus să gestionați întregul site și să faceți SEO. De asemenea, putem negocia un preț de 4000lei pentru crearea unui site web, managementul general, SEO și livrarea a 100 de articole. Prețul este negociabil, așa că vă rugăm să nu ezitați să ne contactați. Translated wit...
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...Foreign vocational student - 1-2 propozitii O-1, O-2 Temporary worker in the sciences - 1-2 propozitii P-1, P-2, P-3 Temporary worker in the arts, athletics in an exchange or cultural program - 1-2 propozitii Q-1, Q-2 Cultural exchange visitor - 1-2 propozitii R-1 Temporary religious worker with a nonprofit organization - 1-2 propozitii TC Professional business worker admitted under U.S. Canada Free Trade Act (NAFTA) - pentru romanii din Canada TN Professional business worker admitted under NAFTA - pentru romanii din Canada sau Mexic...
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Doresc o aplicatie web pe care preia informatii dintr-un calendar opendental - soft de stomatologie ()-free sours si sa le afiseze intr-un calendar pe pagina web a cabinetului dentar astfel incat programarile online si offline sa nu se suprapuna. Aplicatia va prelua datele din opendental, va afisa orele disponibile pe web si atunci cand se rezerva o ora online acesta sa scrie in opendental datele pacientului si ora solicitata astfel incat ora sa devina indisponibila (ocupata). Programarea online, pentru a fi scrisa in opendental va fi validata de un operator din receptie. Pacientul va primi un email prin care i se confirma programarea. Aplicatia va trebui sa contina si cateva manopere, cele mai importante pentru care vor fi setate intervale orare diferite (ex: consultatie 1/2h
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am pierdut ziua azi discutand cu diverse persoane non-romanians si nu ma pot lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple c...lauda cu mare progres caut pe cineva cu care sa lucrez la acest hand-out si apoi la orice altceva de la logo, website design, banners samd astept propuneri serioase cu exemple clare de proiecte similare, daca nu ai mai facut sa nu ne pierdem vremea acesta nu e un proiect gigant ... dar poate duce la proiecte permanente pentru cel cu care asupra calitati si pretului ma inteleg - nu vreau FREE demo dar nici nu o sa arunc cu bani sa vad daca pierd vremea, cine stie sa foloseasca inDesign se misca repede ... multume...
Salve Razvan! as avea nevoie de serviciile tale, daca e posibil, pentru a face unele finisaje la site-ul meu ( - wordpress - avada theme). Pentru toate aceste finisaje iti voi trimite imagini. 1) In primul rand as vrea ca mainmenu-ul sa fie fixed 2) ...Probleme mari sunt intre 801 si 980. De asemenea, in versiunea mobile imaginea sliderului nu se schimba activand unul din cele 4 pulsante de sub el. Merge doar activand sagetutele stanga-dreapta. ---------------------- Apoi mai am unele mici finisaje pe pagina Come Funziona si Vantaggi - versiunea mobile + unele mici finisaje la blog. deocamdata atat. Am valutat undeva la 8 ore X 5€ (PS. 2$ si free nu sunt ok). Dar pretul final il faci tu. Bafta, anunta-ma te rog daca reusesti sa faci aceste ajustari cerute si pretul tau.
...Euplatesc intr-un site wordpress/woocommerce. Particularitatea este faptul ca e nevoie de plati recurente (subscriptions), care sa ofere posibilitatea primei luni gratuite (first month free). Nici un procesator romanesc nu ofera implicit aceasta functionalitate, deci trebuie dezvoltare personalizata. Mai toti procesatorii internationali au implicit aceasta optiune, dar nu-i putem folosi din ratiuni contabile. Pe parcursul proiectului va fi nevoie sa tineti legatura directa si frecventa cu Euplatesc (ei raspund foarte greu sau deloc daca nu se insista). Modalitatea prin care vom obtine acel "Trial Period - first month free" nu prea mai e relevanta, de ex. poate fi o tragere de 1 RON pentru prima luna si apoi recurenta sa mearga normal mai departe. Sau poate fi ... a căror expresie a cuantificării se traduce în cifre, aș inspira împăcat. :) Ori măcar să introduc text și cifre, fără prea mare tehnoredactare ori respectiv prelucrare sau postprocesare. Sper să nu mă fi autosabotat prea tare scriind totul ”într-un suflet” și mai mult în stilul confesiv; decât în propoziții scurte, clare și întru eficiența operativității. Mai spre ambiguu ori mai spre free-style inedit, noua mea tastatură achiziționată astăzi s-a bucurat de prima ei folosire, în metoda oarbă bineînțeles, deși cu tastele-i luminate, pentru cine știe ce posibilă combinație de taste; în mediul nocturn. Dacă ajută în vreun fel în cadrul vreunui proiect, înainte de a trece la următoare...
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Salut, Marian! Nu te cunosc, nu ma cunosti (funny) .Iti trimit acest mesaj cu gandul ca poate ma poti ajuta :) Sunt nou in acest domeniu an 1 la Calculatoare(fac doar C , free cad , vrml ,c++) . As vrea sa stiu daca ma poti indruma? gen: ce proiect as putea sa fac ce ar trebui sa invat pentru ca la un moment dat sa pot castiga ceva:) Ce ofer? idk daruire si ajutor cu orice pot:) Mulțam!
este nevoie de dezvoltarea unei platforme educationale in php cu urmatoarele functionalitati: user cu confirmare pe mail, pagina de administrare si introducere date de catre beneficiar, newsletter, plati prin sms card, gamificare si puncte pentru rezultate, teste grila contratimp, clasament rezultate utilizatori. utilizatori free si cu plata
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Salul Alec, Pentru el am nevoie de realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe realizarea unor bannere, care sa apara pe prima pagina a magazinului Ca si idee se poate intra pe sa se vada cam ce vreau sa obtin. Banner mare: 650x390 (6buc) Banner mic dreapta: 220x169 (4 buc) Baner mic jos: 200x154 (12 buc) Dimensiunile sunt in pixeli. Bannerele sa fie cu colturi rotunjite, imagini free, text care sa ii faca curiosi pe vizitatori... Proiectul include realizarea unor bannere asemanatoare si pentru un alt magazin online, si ulterior actualizarea lor la fiecare 3 luni Am nevoie de un banner demo.
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URL : Geo Target : US My thoughts on keywords : 1.) Muck Boots (Muck Boot) 2.) Mens Muck Boots 3.) Womens Muck Boots 4.) Kids Muck Boots 5.) Muck Boots Sale 6.) Cheap Muck Boots 7.) Muck Boots Free Shipping The site sells Muck Boots (hunting boots, fishing boots, farm & ranch boots, equestrian boots, outdoor, home & garden, work boots, safety boots, etc.) Please give me 3 days before you take a close look at on-site issues. We have a few changes being made tomorrow.
Buna! Am un proiect video salvat in versiunea free a software-ului Movavi video editor. Proiectul e salvat, editat complet in movavi. Am nevoie sa fie salvat ca video, intr-un format cunoscut: avi, mpg, mp4 sau wmv. Ma poti ajuta?
...obligatorii cu specificatia faptului ca CNP-ul (sau CUI-ul ) este obligatoriu pentru emiterea facturii fiscale (trebuie citat textul de lege). 6. Planurile tarifare trebuie sa fie exact ca si cele actuale cu posibilitatea de modificare a acestora din panoul de administrare. 7. Posibilitatea de comentarii la fiecare lucrare a utilizatorilor. 8. In formularul de contact cei care sunt inscrisi pe planul free mail-ul nu va fi trimis catre persoana inscisa pe site ci catre mail-ul de office sau admin al site-ului urmand ca un operator sa il citeasca si sa ia legatura cu cel inscris pe site. 9. In momentul postarii unei lucrari si aprobarii acesteia de catre operator aceasta sa iba posibilitata de publicare pe conturile noastre de socializare(facebook, twitter si linkedin). 10. ...
...dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Google a lansat cea mai mare parte a codului Android sub licența Apache, o licență de tip free-software și open source.[7] În iulie 2005 Google a achiziționat Android, Inc, o mică companie de tip startup cu sediul în Palo Alto, California, SUA.[8] Cofondatorii companiei Android, care au continuat să muncească la Google, au fost Andy Rubin (cofondator al Danger[9]), Rich Miner (cofondator al Wildfire Communications, Inc[10]), Nick Sears (fost vicepreședinte al...
Joc de table care sa permita utilizatorilor posibilitatea sa joace in varianta free sau pe bani reali. Trebuie sa existe si posibilitatea de practice ( se joaca cu calculatorul) In varianta free se primesc bani virtuali ( o anumita suma fixa la inscrierea pe site - ex: 35 usd) dupa care zilnic se primeste o anumita suma de bani ( ex 15 usd zilnic). Cu banii virtuali ca de altfel si cu banii reali se joaca la mese cu valori predefinite, de exemplu masa de 1 cent, 5 centi , 1 usd, 2 usd , de 3usd , 5 usd, etc fiecare masa in parte are grafica si design diferit ( ex: denumire de orase ex: Las Vegas, New York, London, Sydney etc:. In cazul ca se joaca pe bani reali trebuie deschis un cont cu date de identificare corecte. Pentru exemplificare se poate face download la aplicatia 8p...
I’m looking for someone to paint a picture of my father when he was in Vietnam, we don’t have any surviving pictures of him there. He was a combat medic and I would like to get this done in his honor. I have pictures of him from a few years prior that should do as a reference to his face. I also included a picture of the kind of hat he wore and a reference image of what kind of painting I’d like.
SEE ATTACHED I'm looking to develop a web-based, distraction-free writing platform that incorporates AI and gamification elements. Key Features: - AI: Although I haven't predefined the exact AI features, I am open to various possibilities which may include grammar and spell checks, writing suggestions, and content generation. Your input and expertise on effective AI integration will be highly valued. - Gamification: The platform should incorporate achievement badges, writing streaks, and a leaderboard to motivate users and enhance their writing experience. - Light/Dark Mode: Provide a dark mode option to reduce eye strain during long writing sessions. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development - Experience with AI integration - Knowledge of gamific...
I need a professional graphic designer to recreate my existing logo from a high-quality file I have, so that it can be transformed into a high-resolution image. The original logo file is in JPEG/PNG format and is free of any modifications. The ideal freelancer for this project should have expertise in graphic design, particularly in logo recreation, and have access to professional design software. Skills Needed: - Graphic Design - Logo Recreation - Proficiency in Design Software
...and honest commentary. Think Ellen DeGeneres meets Tony Soprano with an awesome set of skills for helping. With long naturally-silver hair, a small freaky expressive therapy dog, heavy Bronx NY accent that doesn’t stop and a live music performance too if you think it would fly. I want and need feedback from a producer who gets this and is somewhat fearless. Can get pretty good interviewees. PLUS free, live consummate help to those who watch or listen to the Podcast AND a chance to be interviewed on camera, issues and all! Not only interviewed but ultimately put in the right direction for getting through it and even healing. Wow. Referrals to local professional therapists included of course. I’ll need remote interview capability bc most of my ‘show-clients&rsquo...
I have a website named , it is derived form hindi word meaning percentage. Working and goals of this website is to provide a platform to visitors to contribute to n number of surveys we conduct. The survey will focus on understanding the community stats of today to predict future goals and chal...the site in the form of blog and a download link for the papers. Based on working description of the company I need a mature design for the website. The work will include "Logo Designing, webpage design, content and graphics gathering." More details about how the website in chat, I am open to hear your options on functional addition options. You will we independent to use your imagination and free to use any AI in making the project successful, just keep copyright restrictions i...
...get access to my team via email to support them as they go through this. The student needs to be interested in this niche, the niche for Personal Development, so as the student goes through this course, they are willing to invest, willing to take action to see results from the Course. The student needs to be from either the UK, the States, Canada, all first world countries. My Freelancer has the free eBook and access to the sample Course so they have information on how to sell this to Qualified Leads, and have these Leads interested in this niche, so they are willing to take action and ready to improve the results they are currently getting. The Sales Closer will sell this Course on Thinkific for £3K asap.
...performance on each test. - Question explanations: After each test, users should have access to detailed explanations for each question, helping them understand their mistakes and learn more effectively. Option for users to have access to premium version such as weekly/ monthly packages which will require separate login so user can do test their. Option to insert google adsense code in the website for free online practice tests. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Web Development: Extensive experience in creating interactive and user-friendly websites. - UX/UI Design: A good eye for design and understanding of user experience to create an interface similar to competitor sites. - Knowledge of Test the colour green and open to craft items incorporated in the logo, as the store sells homemade items. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Experience in logo design - Understanding of brand identity and visual storytelling - Ability to create designs that resonate with a specific target audience. Style: I'm open to any style for the logo, so feel free to propose modern, vintage or hand-drawn interpretations. I'm looking for a creative professional who can bring this project to life. Have attached a logo which my daughter likes so happy for this to used as a guide...
...Generator page I e been on all u have to do is one thing like play a game or take a survey and u can get a million gold bars for free UVE tryed but I don’t know how to do it I’ve seen people on YouTube have thier phones in hand isoiphones they tell u everything to do again u have to complete that ur human with a verification job either a game to a certian level or survey IVE tryed so many times but they bring u all over the place it’s impossible to complete a survey everyone’s found g it I see on utube as thier phones show the gold bars going from O to 999.999.999$ but I need to hire someone to walk me thru it I’m handicapped in a wheelchair I’m 63 yrs old I can use my arms SND hands so I play every single day it’s the highlife o...
...surpasses Matterport by providing voice navigation, AR customization, real-time property intelligence, and API integration for brokers and real estate platforms. Key Features ✅ Smartphone-Based 360° Capture – Users create high-quality 3D virtual tours using only a smartphone, eliminating the need for expensive hardware. ✅ AI-Powered Navigation & Voice Commands – Users explore properties hands-free, saying commands like “Show me the kitchen” to navigate. ✅ Real-Time AR Customization – Buyers can visualize remodeling (change flooring, wall colors, or furniture in real-time). ✅ AI-Enhanced Investment Analysis – AI predicts rental yield, ROI for upgrades, and appreciation trends. ✅ Multi-User Live Virtual Tours – Agents and buyers e...
I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a PC software that automates various tasks in the mobile game Lost in Blue 2, which I play on BlueStacks. Key Automation Tasks: - Collecting resources - Combat actions - Crafting items - Making and joining rallies when none are available - Training dinosaurs - Upgrading buildings Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in game automation software development - Proficiency in creating PC software compatible with BlueStacks - Understanding of Lost in Blue 2 gameplay mechanics - Ability to deliver a seamless, user-friendly software experience.
I'm looking for a seasoned Unity 3D developer to improve my current VR avatar project. The objective is to facilitate automatic voice interactions, eliminating the need for button presses, and creating a seamless, hands-free conversation between a user and the avatar. Key Tasks: - Implement Voice Activity Detection (VAD) in Unity 3D to allow the avatar to automatically detect when a user begins speaking. - Enable real-time interaction where the avatar listens to the user's speech, processes it through an existing OpenAI's API connection via WebSocket, and responds with synthesized speech. - Enhance the avatar's interactivity by making it detect the direction of the user's voice and move towards them. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with...
I am seeking a freelancer to help with a research report focused on a business project. The job primarily involves researching and writing the report. - Subject Expertise: A strong background in business is crucial. - Research and Writing: You will be responsible for conducting thorough research and composing the report. - Plagiarism-Free Work: All content must be original and properly cited. - Deadline Commitment: Timely delivery is essential. - Customized Solutions: The report needs to meet specific academic standards. - Confidentiality & Ethics: Client privacy and ethical guidelines must be strictly adhered to. Skills and experience in business research and report writing are highly desirable.
I'm seeking a modern logo for my handicraft business name “ Aadvik Crafts” which should cleverly incorporate both text and symbols/icons and also represents colours of ...modern logo for my handicraft business name “ Aadvik Crafts” which should cleverly incorporate both text and symbols/icons and also represents colours of indian handicrafts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in modern design principles - Proficiency in typography and icon design - Experience in creating minimalist yet impactful logos - Strong portfolio of modern style logo designs Feel free to choose the most suitable colors for the logo. The logo should predominantly represent handmade quality. Please include craft tools in the logo design. Include symbols or images represent...
I'm seeking a seasoned LinkedIn Ads professional to set up and optimize a lead generation campaign. The target audience includes business owners, decis...Your goal is to increase our current CTR of 0.45%, lower our CPC of $4.30, and ultimately drive more quality leads. Requirements: ✅ Proven experience with LinkedIn Ads & B2B lead generation. ✅ Track record of reducing CPC & increasing conversions. ✅ Skilled in A/B testing & performance tracking. Our primary goal with this campaign is to generate more quality leads. In the past, we have utilized a free consultation as a lead magnet. Creatively, we've only used static images in our ads. ? Budget: Open to discussion. ⏳ Timeline: ASAP. Please share your past results and a brief strategy on how you'd enha...
...on providing fast, high-quality edits that align with your vision, while always ensuring clear communication and meeting deadlines. I've worked with a variety of clients, including [mention any relevant brands, creators, or industries], and I’m always excited to take on new projects that challenge my creativity. If you're looking for an editor who can take your content to the next level, feel free to get in touch! I’d love to help bring your vision to life." --- Adjust this to fit your personal style, and you'll have a solid freelance bio! Would you like help tweaking this to match your exact services and experience?...
for my website I need an experienced web designer who can urgently update content and give my existing theme a makeover. I will provide the pictures and general Idea, you need to put the text... I need an experienced web designer who can urgently update content and give my existing theme a makeover. I will provide the pictures and general Idea, you need to put the text from your own creativity or generate text from AI, I dont care, but the content must look good on website. I will provide most of the content and if you think you can add or fill in the gaps, then you are free to do it. I need these About us | Our Courses | Students Login | Contact us I need this to be done before Friday 1:00pm Strictly the Budget is $20 only. No Negotiation. Regards
I am looking for an experienced developer to help me complete my marketing agency's website built in React/Next.js. The main tasks include finalizing 16 pages and creating 1 new page (by duplicating and adjusting existing elements from existing page). Finalizing the pages involves tasks such as text editing, formatting tweaks, button updates, responsive design fixes, and gene...5091 in your response. Expected Results: - A fully functional, visually polished website ready for launch for desktop and mobile - Responsive design optimized for all devices. - Documentation of the implemented changes and instructions for ongoing website maintenance. Please provide your cost estimate and the expected timeline for project completion. If additional information is required, feel free...
More details: What tone of comedy are you looking for in the screenplay? Subtle and witty Do you have any specific themes or messages you want to highlight in the screenplay? no messages in the screenplay How soon do you need your project completed? ASAP The screenplay should follow a standard screenplay format. The screenplay writer will have high creative liberty in making necessary changes to enhance the story. Please keep the screenplay general without emphasizing specific cultural or traditional elements. The animation style should be colorful and cartoony. Use any animation software or format for the animation. Emphasize the main characters as curious and adventurous. The animation should be created using any available software. The final screenplay should be delivered in the form...
I'm seeking a talented designer to create a traditional style coat of arms for me. This design should incorporate specific elements and symbols that are important to me. Key Elements: - Animals - Beer - Golf - Horse - Football The coat of arms should utilize a primary color scheme of bold colors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in graphic design and illustrations - Prior experience with traditional coat of arms designs - Ability to incorporate specified symbols seamlessly into design - Strong understanding of color theory and design aesthetics Please provide samples of your previous work, particularly any designs of a similar nature. Please provide the final deliverable as a high-resolution digital file.
Aspen Privé is a luxury concierge service specializing in high-end, ultra-exclusive travel experiences for ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs). I am seeking a minimalist, elegant, and refined logo that reflects our brand’s old-money sophistication and modern luxury. ✔ Logo Requirements: ✅ Minimalist & Clean: The design should be sleek, high-end, and free of complex details. ✅ Typography-Based: The font choice is crucial. It should feel premium, drawing on luxury fonts such as Didot, Garamond, or a custom high-end sans serif. ✅ Color Palette: Primary: Matte White on Black (classic, understated luxury). Optional Accent: A subtle champagne gold touch (not bright or metallic). ✅ Subtle Icon (Optional): A monogram-style “AP” or a thin, elegant line a... immersive, realistic, fully open world pirate-era sandbox game involving both land and nautical exploration, combat, trading within a dynamic game economy, and questing. Using Unreal Engine 5. The demo is to include (and the full game will expand upon): A playable character who can be controlled, with a skill tree and level up system, An AI-controlled companion that will follow the player. Can also level up. A reputation system. A small town with a quest board and a few NPCs, such as a gear trader, a trade goods merchant, and a reputation vendor. Three different types of ships for naval trading and combat. An extremely limited playable area. A couple of exploration and combat songs for background music, as well as 2-3 shanties that crew members can sing aboard th...
...Warcraft Fully Automated DPS Script **Job Description:** I am looking for an experienced Lua developer to create a fully automated DPS (Damage Per Second) script for World of Warcraft. The script should be able to handle combat rotations, ability prioritization, and situational awareness (e.g., cooldown management, target switching, etc.) for a specific class and specialization. I will provide a template to assist with the development process. **Requirements:** 1. Strong proficiency in Lua programming. 2. In-depth knowledge of World of Warcraft's API and combat mechanics. 3. Experience in creating automation scripts or addons for WoW. 4. Ability to optimize the script for performance and reliability. **Deliverables:** 1. A fully functional Lua scr...
...capture is all about attracting and collecting information from potential customers, often converting them into paying clients later. • Exclusive Offers: Offer special discounts or limited-time promotions in exchange for email sign-ups. • Interactive Quizzes: Create a fun quiz that helps visitors discover their jewelry style, and collect their email to send personalized results. • Free Consultations: Provide a free consultation or design session for custom pieces. Require visitors to sign up with their contact information. • Gated Content: Offer valuable content such as style guides, care tips, or jewelry trends reports that visitors can access by providing their email address. • Pop-up Forms: Use well-timed pop-ups that offer a discount on their f...
I'm looking for a skilled video editor to enhance my YouTube tutorial and how-to videos, which typically run between 10 to 15 minutes. The editing style should be professional and clean, maintaining the seriousness and instructional nature of the content. Key Editing Requirements: - Incorporating subtitles and text ...Perform color correction to ensure consistent and visually appealing footage. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in editing instructional videos with a professional and clean style - Proficiency in creating high-quality subtitle and text overlay sequences - Ability to craft smooth transitions between clips Please provide examples of similar work in your portfolio. The video editor should feel free to suggest and implement creative ideas to enhance the overal...
...Warcraft Fully Automated DPS Script **Job Description:** I am looking for an experienced Lua developer to create a fully automated DPS (Damage Per Second) script for World of Warcraft. The script should be able to handle combat rotations, ability prioritization, and situational awareness (e.g., cooldown management, target switching, etc.) for a specific class and specialization. I will provide a template to assist with the development process. **Requirements:** 1. Strong proficiency in Lua programming. 2. In-depth knowledge of World of Warcraft's API and combat mechanics. 3. Experience in creating automation scripts or addons for WoW. 4. Ability to optimize the script for performance and reliability. **Deliverables:** 1. A fully functional Lua scr...
Coffee Drop...compatible with Bluehost The website should have a minimalist design style. Include lifestyle photography showcasing the product in everyday use. The website design should follow the provided branding guidelines and color schemes. The freelancer may choose a theme that best fits the website's requirements and minimalist design style. Include a section with customer testimonials and reviews. You are free to choose a WordPress theme that best fits the minimalist design style and website requirements. Include subtle animations such as hover effects and fade-ins to enhance user engagement without overwhelming the simple design. The recipe section should display recipes in a grid format. Include functionality to filter recipes by type such as drinks, desserts, and ot...
I need a Google App Script expert to help me with a task in Google Sheets. The script will need to interact with 1-2 worksheets within the same Google Sheets file. Ideal skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Google App Script - Expe...skills for this job include: - Proficiency in Google App Script - Experience with Google Sheets - Problem-solving skills to identify efficient solutions The script will perform data manipulation tasks. moving rows from 1 tab t another tab (or multiples) based on column based criteria. It also includes column mapping tables to ensure data arrives in correct columns in destination tab(s). Must be free to work now, project is small but urgent. It will take you +- 10 hours in total. PLACE BID BASED ON +- 10 HOURS OF YOUR TIME. I AM HERE FOR Q AND...