Color grading nukeproiecte
Avem 32 pagini, color, fata verso , cu destinatii de vacanta
Doresc sa mi se modifice niste semnaturi in pdf, doresc sa fie mult mai clare deoarece ele sunt destul de neclare. Vreau sa fie din alb negru in color.
Task-uri principale: - achizitia de imagini si identificarea formei obiectelor; - sortarea si pozitionarea in spatiu a obiectelor; Specificatii aplicatie / software SORTARE DINAMICA VIZUALA: 1 - Date de intrare A: Achizitie de imagini 2D color ale unor mese de intrare (containere), de forma dreptunghiulara, cu obiecte de manipulat (cate o camera pe fiecare masa distincta). B: Set de mese de iesire (tinte virtuale), de forma dreptunghiulara, cu lungime si latime setate de operator, fiecare cu un sistem de coordonate x, y atasat. Numarul de tinte poate varia. 2 - Sarcini A: Identificarea pozitiei centrului de greutate (x,y), orientarii (unghi dupa Z), formei si ariei obiectelor din containere (in sistemul de coordonate al campului vizual al camerei aferente containerului). B: A...
Salut, Am nevoie de branding pentru noul meu proiect: bebesomnoros - consultanță în somnul bebelușului și al copilului. Am o paletă de culori pe care aș vrea să o folosesc (), și doresc logo, semnătură de antet, carte de vizită. Cine dorește să mă ajute? Mulțumesc!
The 3d planner must contain the following: - cabinet configurator (to be able to create a cabinet from scratch and not to depend on the programmer) -color and texture configurator -configurator of 3d models - rendering system as realistic as possible -an admin system with the possibility to create users and to grant certain restrictions -should have a pricing system for all products -to be able to open the doors and drawers at the cabinets -and certain things to be automated (example to recognize a corner and to position itself correctly, etc ...) -import 3d export And when necessary, we discuss exactly what is needed. Instead I need an approximate price for this project. Thanks,
Obiectivul proiectului este dezvoltarea unei aplicații web ce permite acordarea de note anonime de către un juriu de studenți, ales aleator; identitatea membrilor juriului este anonimă. Platforma e bazată pe o aplicație web cu arhitectură de tip Single Page Application, accesibilă în browser. 2. DESCRIEREA APLICAȚIEI Profesorul se autentifică pe platformă. Acesta are posibilitatea de a forma grupele de studenți pentru proiecte și de a acorda temele de proiect pentru fiecare grupă. De asemenea, acesta va genera aleator membrii fiecărui juriu, astfel încât un student poate acorda note unei alte grupe, excluzând grupa din care face parte. Totodată, acesta are opțiunea de a vizualiza toate proiectele încărcate, notele acordate de juriu și, la final, poate acorda...
Avem nevoie de 4 ilustrații color 48 x 23cm destinate unei carti pentru copii. Ilustratiile vor ”imbrațișa” textul în funcție de text și context.
Buna ziua, Pro... Intrucat trebuie sa iasa o coperta de carte cu titlu si subtilu si o incadrare cumva, apelez la experienta si talentul dvs pentru a face comparatii cu alte coperte si a oferi cadrul unei coperti cu elementele de baza. Atasez o schita absolut elementara, grosiera, doar pt o idee preliminara. Probabil ar ajuta niste degradeuri spre margini, spre un gri deschis? Iar poza sa aiba cateva elemente color (ar da bine, pentru ca titlurile sunt alb-negru), in genul , dar nu exagerat, putine culori si simple, clare, cum considerati si dvs. (in aceasta idee, precizez ca ochii fetei in carte sunt verzui-caprui si parul saten, daca considerati ca elementele acestea merita si ele colorate) Va multumesc.
Doresc realizarea unui logo (color sau alb negru) pentru un producator de conserve legume si fructe (dulceata, sosuri, siropuri, zacuscra...etc) si o eticheta pentru borcane. Produsele sunt fabricate in sistem traditional fara conservanti sau alte adaosuri, dupa retete traditionale. Ma intereseaza o eticheta pentru borcane care sa transmita urmatoarele idei: -produs manufacturat/artizanal dupa reteta stravechi, -sa transmita si ceva modern/boem/glamour ceva pretios. Sa aduca o nota distincta in piata de profil.. -vreau o eticheta care sa convinga clientul sa cumpere si sa spuna ce bunatati sunt in borcane. Detalii despre dimensiunea etichetelor se vor discuta ulterior. Toate lucrarile vor fi transmise in sistem vectorial nu poza.
Buna ziua, Refac aici proiectul anterior in mod corespunzator (cel anterior trebuie respins de catre dvs). Este vorba despre cele 6 ilustratii pentru o carte fantasy. Voi atasa 6 schite pentru fiecare dintre acestea 6 si voi face o descriere pentru fiecare dintre ele. Ilustratiile finale vor fi, dupa cum spuneati, cu fundal transparent, in alb-negru (deci nu color), asemanatoare stilului "my hare's house", cu tenta fantasy-real, adica nu fantasy-children. Va multumesc
...exemplu: Utilizator si parola in PRIVAT 7. Sa se inroseasca oferta (voucher) in momentul in care comanda este in curs de livrare si a trecut termenul stabilit de cand produsul a intrat. 8. Meniul sa ramana sus chiar si cand dam scroll in josul paginilor (la fel ca la team-deals) la fel si bara de search. 9. Culori site de schimbat in site (fundal, meniu, etc), (color .adobe .com -> Smooth sales) 10. Optiuni la produse: Culoare si Marime 11. Cand se acceseaza un produs dupa sectiunea cu Specificatiile produsului in partea de jos sa apara aleatoriu produse similare cu cel pe care ne aflam. 12. Sa se creeze o pagina speciala pentru Furnizori, In home page sa existe un link care sa duca la o pagina unde Furnizorii pot intra pentru a ne contacta. 13. Logare prin
Salut , idea pentr logo ar fii cam asa: O rola de tesut desfacut iar in mijloc denumirea firmei (cumva in asa fel incat sa se inteleaga ca este vorba de tesut si nu de hartie). De obicei tesutul poate fii de culoare alba, neagra, verde deschis, gri sau mixed color, vezi tu care ar arata mai bine. Ma gandeam la baza verde(iarba) cu un tesut alb, sau un teren de pietris cu rola verde. ecc Denumirea firmei: ROLLS & ROLLS nonwoven geotextiles – in loc de geotextiles cum e desenat. Geotextil este un material in polipropilena 100%, imbinat termic, cu rezistenta la descompunere. Evita pierderea de stratificatie din subsol si previne migrarea solului in sistemul de drenaj. Geoproma asigura mentinerea constructiei pe un strat uniform pentru timp indelungat. Caracteristi...
I would like a logo for a real estate agency : KALIOP IMOBILIARE color red with black
Prelucrare si segmentare imagini digitale color -Matlab
Caut specialisti pentru creearea unei teme de la "zero" pentru opencart sau prestashop, tema trebuie ca aiba + 4 hompage layouts, color variations, un control panel facut dupa anumite specificatii se + 6 module facute la comanda. Pentru mai multe detalii va rog lasati mesaj.
Caut specialisti pentru creearea unei teme de la "zero" pentru opencart sau prestashop, tema trebuie sa contina un control panel facut dupa anumite specificatii, + 4 homepage layouts, color variations si cateva module facute la comanda. Pentru detalii mai multe detalii lasati mesaj.
Va contactez pentru un proiect ce vreau sa il realizez pentru prietenul meu. Este vorba despre o carte format A6, coperta groasa, 40 de pagini, pe stilul de animatie/benzi desenate, ceva foarte simplu ca stil. Totul vreau sa fie alb negru, insa in 2-3 pagini vreau cateva accente color. Fiecare pagina va avea un mic text (de la 5 pana la 15 cuvinte). In principiu mi-as dori ca fetzele personajelor sa aiba trasaturile noastre, pe cat posibil, eventual un stil de caricatura, inspirate dupa pozele noastre. Primele 20 pagini sunt desenate de mine, restul de 20 le am dintr-o alta sursa (vezi exemplu atasat) Ca termen de productie am data de 30-31 martie 2016.
Am nevoie de un sistem de indexare CBIR pt niste celule papanicolau(baza de date cu aceste celule o am deja si consta in niste foldere cu imagini). Vreau de la tine sa construiesti sistemul CBIR utilizand: -descriptori de culoare (imaginile sunt color,aici doresc sa folosesti histograme HSV si ce mai consideri tu ca e necesar) -descriptori de textura -descriptori de forma -descriptori locali LBP De asemenea vei construi interfata GUI. Vezi un exemplu de interfata GUI aici min 0:43 Evident acesta este doar un exemplu,iar tu vei adapta interfata in functie de descriptorii pe care ii vei folosi. Voi avea nevoie si de explicatii la cod asa ca asigura-te ca incluzi comentarii in matlab %%% care sa imi explice mie ce ai facut acolo. Daca sunt
Carte de povesti pentru copii, cu ilustratii color
As avea nevoie de un logo simplu care urmeaza a fi pus pe fotografiile mele (fotografie de eveniment atat color cat si alb negru) As dori in el sa fie numele Claudiu Negrea Photography si pe langa asta as mai adauga ca element o mustata de hipster. Vreau doar ca logo-ul sa iasa in evidenta pe fiecare poza. Have fun
- brandul se numeste eXORIA - brandul se va utiliza pentru computere - brandul este adresat sferei de utilizatori din zona publica - trebuie sa fie un logo profesional care sa se adreseze business to business - logo-ul trebuie sa foloseasca litere si sa aiba si parte grafica - culori acceptate: vezi fisier atasat
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
do the pictures in black and white in color and retouching the photo to black and white Se poate retusa si pozele care au zgarieturi pe ele asa cum se vede la pozele de mai jos mai ales la cele cu domna se vede poza alb negru cum este si pe urma se poate vedea cum este color si retusata. O ZI BUNA
I'm seeking a designer to craft a minimalist logo and vibrant marketing materials for my clothing store. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalist style logo - Create business cards and flyers - Use bright and vibrant colors Skills & Experience: - Proficient in modern design software - Prior experience in designing for retail - Strong portfolio of minimalist design - Ability to work w...seeking a designer to craft a minimalist logo and vibrant marketing materials for my clothing store. Key Requirements: - Design a minimalist style logo - Create business cards and flyers - Use bright and vibrant colors Skills & Experience: - Proficient in modern design software - Prior experience in designing for retail - Strong portfolio of minimalist design - Ability to work with a vibran...
I'm seeking a designer to create a vintage-style logo for my Handmade and Vintage brand, "Slat...vintage-style logo for my Handmade and Vintage brand, "Slaty Elephant". The logo should incorporate an elephant graphic, the brand name, and floral accents, all in a muted tone color palette. Key elements to include: - A vintage style reflecting the essence of the brand - An elephant graphic, representing the brand name - Floral accents to add a touch of uniqueness and creativity - The brand name, "Slaty Elephant", integrated into the design Ideal candidates should have: - A strong portfolio of vintage-style designs - Experience in creating brand logos - Excellent graphic design skills - Ability to work with a specific color palette - A creative mi...
I need a minimalist redesign of my existing logo. - Retained Elements: The new logo should maintain the current color scheme, icon/symbol, and typography/font. However, these elements should be translated into a more simplified, clean and minimalist design. - Primary Usage: The redesigned logo will primarily be used on my website. Therefore, it should be optimized for digital display, ensuring clarity and visual appeal on various screen sizes and resolutions. Ideal skills for this project include logo design, minimalism-oriented graphic design, and understanding of digital design principles.
I'm looking for a long-term partnership with a skilled Youtube video editor. I will be creating face videos that need to be edited similarly to the example linked: Key Editing Tasks: - Video cuts and transitions - Voice adjustments - Colour grading The ideal candidate will have: - Proficiency in Adobe Premier Pro, as this is the preferred software for editing - A keen understanding of a professional and polished style, as this is the desired theme for the videos - Experience with editing content for Youtube I am seeking an editor who can enhance the quality of my videos and contribute to the growth of my channel.
1. Coloring Page for the Whitepaper (SafeHaven Initiative Section) Objective: Create a kid-friendly, engaging coloring page that aligns with the SafeHaven Initiative. Breakdown: Concept Des...with the SafeHaven Initiative. Breakdown: Concept Design (2-3 hours): Brainstorm ideas (e.g., children helping others, community-building themes, or SafeHaven’s logo creatively integrated). Rough sketch and finalization of a design concept. Digital Illustration (5-7 hours): Create the artwork digitally using tools like Adobe Illustrator. Ensure it’s detailed but simple enough for children to color. Whitepaper Integration (1-2 hours): Format the coloring page for proper placement in the whitepaper. Ensure it’s downloadable or printable for parents and children. Total Estim...
I'm looking for a vintage-style logo for my honey business, "Harbor Honey." The logo should include a prominent Golden Retriever, as this dog is well-kn...well-known in our area. Key Elements: - The background must be a honeycomb pattern. - The "O" in "Honey" should be creatively replaced with a beehive or comb. - Some wildflowers should be incorporated into the design. - The overall color scheme should be warm tones, such as yellows, oranges, and reds. - The logo should be flexible for use on round lids and square jars. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in vintage design. - Strong understanding of creating flexible, scalable designs. - Experience with nature-themed designs. - Ability to work with warm color palettes. Please inc...
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I'm looking for a freelancer who can take my existing CV (in Word) and transform it into a more modern, professionally designed format. Your task would include: - Redesigning my current CV into a contemporary professional style, while ensuring the content remains clear and easy to read. - Delivering the final product as a Word document. Key requirements...designed format. Your task would include: - Redesigning my current CV into a contemporary professional style, while ensuring the content remains clear and easy to read. - Delivering the final product as a Word document. Key requirements: - Previous experience in CV design or similar graphic design projects. - Strong understanding of professional design aesthetics. - Ability to work with specific color codes (dark grey an...
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...shape of the dragonfly will be designed based on the provided draft. Adjustments, such as modifications to the wings, will be made as needed once an initial draft is available. Coloring with Shades of Gray: After finalizing the shape, the dragonfly will be tested with the provided shades of gray. These tones will be adjusted and applied one by one to determine the perfect color for the logo. Refinement: Once the shape and color are decided, a final refinement will ensure the logo is suitable for all intended uses, such as Word documents, transparent backgrounds, and email signatures. Creating for Email Signature: The logo will be prepared for use in an email signature. It will be created in double resolution (e.g., 600 × 150 px) and scaled down in HTML or CSS to h...
I'm in need of a modern and sleek business logo for my food venture, J & B Tapsilog. The logo has to be attention-grabbing, using a bright and noticeable two-tone color scheme. It should incorporate strong and bold typography, since the font must be able to withstand the test of being seen from a distance by passersby. Key Logo Elements - Design Style: The logo should reflect a modern and sleek aesthetic - Color Scheme: Limited to two bright and noticeable colors - Typography: Strong and bold font Symbols and Graphics - The logo should primarily use our business initials, 'J & B', creatively integrated into the design - Incorporate symbols of traditional Filipino food, as a nod to our menu offerings Ideal Candidates - Graphic Designers with experienc...
I'm looking for an experienced Shopify developer to design my homepage in a modern and minimalistic style. The homepage should also feature blog highlights also Fix add to cart. Key Responsibilities: - Design a minimalistic and modern Shopify homepage - Include blog highlights on the homepage - Fix the 'Add to Cart' The homepage should also feature blog highlights also Fix add to cart. Key Responsibilities: - Design a minimalistic and modern Shopify homepage - Include blog highlights on the homepage - Fix the 'Add to Cart' button issue Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in Shopify development - Strong understanding of modern and minimalistic design principles - Ability to work with a preferred color palette - Excellent problem-solving...
I'm looking for a modern-style logo for my motorcycle vlogging account, Wander Throttle. The design should capture the essence of the name and the theme of the account, so be creative with incorporating the 'throttle' element. Key Requirements: - One animated logo design in mp4 or MOV. - One static design. - Use of a modern style. - Color scheme: Orange and black. - Incorporation of the 'throttle' element in a creative way. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Animation - Logo Design - Understanding of Motorcycle Culture - Creativity
I'm looking for a professional who can create comprehensive brand guidelines for our logo. The primary audience for these guidelines will be our design team. Key Elements: - Color Palette: The guidelines should illustrate our brand's color scheme and how it can be applied. - Typography: It should detail our brand's typeface and its usage. - Logo Usage Rules: It should specify how our logo can be used in various contexts. Ideal Skills: You should have a strong background in graphic design, with a good understanding of brand identity. Experience in creating brand guidelines is a plus.
I'm looking for a skilled photo editor to enhance some pictures of cars. Key Requirements: - Color correction of the car images. - Moving the car from the foreground to a provided background. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in photo editing software, particularly for product images. - Attention to detail, especially in color matching. - Ability to seamlessly integrate the car into the supplied background.
I'm looking for a designer who can create a classic and elegant logo for my brand. In addition to the logo, I also need design for visiting cards and letter heads. Key ...classic and elegant logo for my brand. In addition to the logo, I also need design for visiting cards and letter heads. Key requirements: - Design a modern and sleek logo that embodies a classic and elegant style. - Create visiting cards that include my name, title, contact info, and the logo. - Design letter heads that align with the overall branding. Please note, I'm open to suggestions for color schemes, as I have not yet decided on specific colors for the branding materials. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in logo design and corporate branding, with a strong portfolio of classic...
I need my NiteFlirt profile, which currently has an outdated HTML design, revamped. I've got all the content ready - text and images - and just need a pro...and images - and just need a professional touch to make it visually appealing. Key Requirements: - Profile Layout Overhaul: The primary focus should be on updating the profile layout to enhance its aesthetic appeal. - Bold and Colorful Design: The revamped profile should reflect a bold and colorful aesthetic. - Specific Color Scheme: I have particular colors in mind for the profile. Ideal Skills: - Strong understanding of HTML - Graphic Design - Web Design - Color Theory Please note, the site has a vintage feel, so a touch of retro could work well, but primarily the profile should be modern and clean with a bo...
I'm looking for a skilled graphic designer who can create a outstanding coloring book cover. The cover will be published on Amazon KDP, so it should adhere to their specifications and standards. Requirements for cover design: - containing a title " Mosaics Quest Color By Number Animals & Nature" - containing a some of photos that I have provided to show what is inside of the book - compliant with Amazon KDP publishing requirements - at the back of the cover should be color palette that I've provided For Additional information I provide a subtitle of the book: "Mystery Pixel Art Patterns Coloring Book For Adults And Teens - Pain To Reveal Amazing Landscapes and Creatures | Activity Book With Colorful Quest For Stress Relief & Relaxations &...
I'm in search of a video editor with a editor with a creative and experimental editing style to help enhance my Instagram reels and YouTube videos. Key Responsibilities: - Edit my Instagram reels and YouTube videos in a creative and experimental style - Use of specific effects such as transitions, text overlays, and color grading Ideal Skills: - Proficient in video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Creative mindset with an eye for detail - Good understanding of using transitions, text overlays, and color grading - Able to help grow my channel through effective editing I'm looking for someone who can bring a unique touch to my content and assist in expanding my audience. Your creativity can play a pivotal role in ...
I need a luxury classic, high-end design for a blank white box intended for an organic, natural essential oil diffuser branded "Aveara". The design should exude an expensive feel. Key Requirements: - Expertise in luxury packaging design - Strong understanding of...high-end design for a blank white box intended for an organic, natural essential oil diffuser branded "Aveara". The design should exude an expensive feel. Key Requirements: - Expertise in luxury packaging design - Strong understanding of minimalist yet classic design elements - Ability to create a design that aligns with the 'Aveara' brand The ideal candidate would be able to suggest a fitting color scheme, as the user has skipped that question, and would also be able to incorporate som...
I'm seeking a modern styled logo for my brand, JB PARFUMER. it is a brand in the field of Cosmetics/Luxury to create personalized perfumes /scents by AI. If possible incorporate the slogan "SCENT DEFINES" The logo should creatively incorporate initials 'JB'. There is no strict color scheme, and I am open to a variety of color palettes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in modern logo design - Creative thinking to incorporate initials into the logo - Excellent understanding of color theory - Experience in creating minimalist designs