Clips4sale type websitesproiecte
...simplu ) ● Prezentarea va conține partea teoretică (de răspuns la cerințele de la partea I). ● Va avea denumire standard : NumePrenumeCursant_DataExamen PYTHON & OOP Partea I ● Variabilele o Ce sunt variabilele în Python? (definiție, exemplu cod) ● Tipurile de date o Ce tipuri de date primitive există în Python? (enumerare, definiție, exemplu cod pentru fiecare) ● Funcțiile built-in print() și type() o Care este rolul acestor funcții și cum se folosesc? (definiție, exemplu cod pentru fiecare) ● Structurile de date o Ce structuri de date există în Python? (definiție, exemplu cod pentru fiecare) o Ce particularități are fiecare structură de date? !!!! Fiecare structură de date se va caracteriza din punct de vedere al indexării, ordonării și mutabilitații + ...
extinderea siteului cu custom post type
I need to convert to htaccess I use 2 domains, a main domain, a secondary domain, both domains have the same home directory. The rules are: Any request of the type (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file (string) go to a specific path to a specific php file All requests to * go to * I have attached the original nginx files Other information on request. ====================================== Trebuie să convertesc în htaccess Eu folosesc 2 domenii, un domeniu principal, un domeniu
...conversions. 2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) SERVICE: This service consists in creating paid campaigns (sponsored ads) through Google tools, we will be able to do different campaigns (performance/branding/awareness, promoting promotions/products, shopping) through which various ads will be displayed in the search engine and partners. With this type of service, there are 3 types of "stages" and implicitly 3 types of costs associated with this type of service (Google Ads - Pay Per Click) A. Creating a Google Adwords campaign, which includes (Technical and creative setup): Creating and configuring a Google AdWords account, Configuring Google Tag Manager (including setting goals, conversions, etc.), Configuring Google Analytics + Connecting AdWords Search campaign...
I would need a logo for a website that will offer web design services (websites / online stores), custom web application development, hosting. the website has the domain: The logo should be simple. It can be just a text with something to think about the activity we perform. to be clean and easy to use for future promotional materials. (T-shirts, coffee cups, etc.). the colors we would like to be no more than two, but to express energy.
...activities, it would turn our attention to indoor activities in online. We want to launch a motion platform called SmartRaces. It will offer virtual races for sale, the completion of the races being rewarded with a real medal. Similar project example: What do we need? SmartRaces project logo Colors: black + orange / white + orange - Code orange: # f7941d, rgb (247,148,29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract
Hi, I created a website where people review adult websites and I would like to kickstart it by having some reviews. So I need someone to write reviews for adult websites. There are a few websites already doing this so there is content for you if you want to see already made reviews on adult websites or you can just do the review yourself. It might be just a job of putting together ideas from 2, 3 reviews. It needs of course funky dirty language - the reviews need to be like made by users.. hope it is not an issue. The reviews need to be SEO aware. So you need to use the website name where you can - dont over do it but use it at least in the title and at least once in the review. And of course the reviews need to be unique for google. I need for the beginnin...
Plugin-ul trebuie sa preia din api-ul unui CRM imobiliar lista de proprietati disponibila cu: titlu, pret, descriere text, specificatii tehnice, atasament pdf, poze, link youtube, localizare pe google maps. Sa le puna in baza de date a WP, poate fi si una adiacenta, creata custom. Dupa ce proprietatiile sunt preluata de catre plugin, acesta le pune in niste CUSTOM POST TYPE din tema. Pe partea de frontend, in cadrul temei, este necesar de facut un sistem de cautare si sortare. In dashboard este necesar sa fie o cautare dupa id, id-ul ce provine din api-ul, necesita o editare la fiecare in parte de exemplu daca am un anunt si din api-ul acela nu au ajuns decat 3 poze din 10 eu sa pot edita si sa adaug restul de poze pana la 10. O sa fie multi language wpml o sa fie folosit deoarece...
Please BID only if you are from Romania or you know to speak and type Romanian language -- Caut pe cineva din Romania care sa creeze textul necesar in termeni legali pentru pagina Termeni si Conditii, Politica firmei, gdpr, cookie, livrare, retur etc.. pentru un site de ecommerce
Am nevoie de un programator cu experienta, care sa fie familiarizat cu platforma Magento eCommerce. de asemenea, trebuie să aibă cunoștințe avansate în PHP, HTML5, CSS3, SASS / LESS.
Obiectivul scriptului este sa scrap oricare website si sa listeaza toate cookies care sunt pus. Inaitea sa incepem scraping, sa indicam cate pagini are situl. Daca scriptul gaseste mai mult decat numar, sa opreste. Pentru fiecare cookie gasit, trebuie sa scrie: - nume cookie-ului - situl care l-a pus - type (html...) - cat timp dureaza - url completa unde a fost gasit - descriptia - unde sunt trimis datele Datele sunt puse in database.
I want to develop a management application for GSM service! -inputs and exits from service with issuance of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, manag...of documents (entry sheet, notice note, guarantee certificate, etc.) -posts of repair -localization of products in service or outsourcing -Guest of customers -stage store - product management - invoice issuance, proforma, house register, management report, non-fiscal receipt -marketing - sms, mail -all import / export data vcf. csv I also have some application models of this type that can be used as a...
Scopul proiectului este realizarea unei pagini web (machetă - pur HTML/CSS) pentru căutare într-o bază de date. Pagina ar trebui să conțină : - o parte cu controale pentru filtrarea datelor - o parte care să arate datele găsite Exemplu de pagină similară _ca funcționalitate_ : (nu doresc neapărat un design similar) Cerințe: - structura bazei de date în care se caută o găsiți în fișierul atașat - înregistrările găsite vor fi afișate sub formă de tabel (nu grid/poze) - tabelul ar trebui să permită sortarea după orice coloană, și vizualizarea confortabilă a datelor - filtrele ar trebui să permită analiza după orice coloană - pagina web este în principal pentru PC; ar trebui să poată fi folosită indiferent de lățimea
Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza integrarea TecDocului (minim 2015) in wordpress/prestashop/magento . Ma intereseaza sa extrag numai baza de date Opel din Tecdoc,(coloana;cod piesa,info articol,nume piesa,poza articol,poza brand). - De asemenea este foarte important sa pot ed...integrarea TecDocului (minim 2015) in wordpress/prestashop/magento . Ma intereseaza sa extrag numai baza de date Opel din Tecdoc,(coloana;cod piesa,info articol,nume piesa,poza articol,poza brand). - De asemenea este foarte important sa pot edita categoriile/subcategoriile,sa adaug articole manual/automat. - cautare articole dupa denumire dupa ce userul a ales masina, WebDesign reponsive - Html5 - ccss type -knockoutjs -bootstrap dependency management -cross browser Internet explorer minim V9 Astept un raspuns. Mu...
Scopul acestui proiect este sa transcriem in format electronic o serie pagini scrise de mina. Daca nu sinteti roman nativ, nu are rost sa licitati pentru ca am sa resping oferta. Livrarea trebuie sa cuprinda: - textul transcris in Word si corectat daca este nevoie, in limba romana cu diacritice. - includerea tabelelor sau listelor unde este nevoie Daca este nevoie de alte detalii le putem discuta.
Am doua custom post type: Locatie, Obiecte. In pagina Locatii am adaugate anumite locatii. S-a folosit custom fields plugin pentru pagina de obiect iar la introducere unui obiect se pot completa niste field-uri cu anumite date despre acel obiect. Acolo putem alege dintr-un dropdown carei locatii apartine obiectul. Acel dropdown fiind populat cu valori, automat printr-un custom field care preia locatiile din pagina de locatii. Problema 1: In pagina unei locatii trebuie sa inserez o galerie de imagini care sa se populeze automat cu obiectele (imaginea lor reprezentativa) din pagina Obiecte, care au in fisa lor de obiect bifata locatia respectiva. Astfel pe pagina locatiei in front-end trebuie sa apara galeria de imagini cu obiectele care apartin de ea. Imaginile din gal...
I need your help with my helium scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to...scraper I have not used it in a long time... note you must know how to work helium scraper or how it works very fast. I need to get a project done but I have a few issues with it. You are not being paid to extract data. You are being paid to help me set up a helium scraper project. Should take a expert less than 30 minutes. THIS IS URGENT. No time wasters you waste my time you get bad feedback. Type I know helium in your proposal so I know you have read all this.
Am nevoie de un grafician care sa conceapa o mica aplicatie flash care sa poata fi inplementata intr-un site si sa poata reda/edita (si alte functii) fisiere de tip: musicxml, mxl, mid, kar, mus. Discutam detaliile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need a graphic designer to conceive ...aplicatie flash care sa poata fi inplementata intr-un site si sa poata reda/edita (si alte functii) fisiere de tip: musicxml, mxl, mid, kar, mus. Discutam detaliile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need a graphic designer to conceive a small flash application that can be implemented in a site able to play / edit (and other functions) file type: MusicXML, MXL, mid, kar, mus. We discuss th...
particip la un concurs unde am nevoie de cele mai multe like-uri pentru a castiga. ofer maxim 15$ persoanei care imi aduce intre 500 si 750 de like-uri. acesta este link-ul (participate in a competition where I need most likes to win. offer maximum $ 15 to person brings me between 500 and 750 likes . This is the link:
Hello, I want to encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <...encrypt and decrypt FORM strings and POST to page. Salut, Doresc sa criptez si sa decriptez FORM-urile apoi sa POST-ez catre pagina. Exemple/Exemplu FORM: <H1>Create new paste</H1><br/> <form method="POST" action="/add" role="form"> <div class="form-group">Title: <input type="text" name="title" class="form-control" /></div> <div class="form-group">Paste: <textarea cols="50" rows="15" name=&quo...
Avem urmatoarele task-uri de rezolvat pentru site-ul : 1. A aparut o eroare la sistemul de mailing, adica nu mai primim mailuri de confirmare la inregistrarea comenzii sau alte operatiuni din site, nici noi nici clientii. 2. De creat un data feed pentru site-ul de comparatoare (avem ghidul/modelul de creare si model data feed shopmania, difera putin cele doua) 3. Concurs Newsletter (de creat o pagina a concursului care sa fie usor editabila, adica sa poata fi oricand actualizata de orice persoana de la noi) 4. Avem nevoie de date din adminul vechi al site-ului Site-ul a fost inchis iar baza de date a fost mutata pe serverul noului site. Odata cu mutarea a aparut o eroare care nu ne mai lasa sa vedem vechiul admin. Dar baza de date poate fi extrasa de exempl... forma cu parametrii: a. action = get_offers b. username = username c. password = password Username si password sunt primiti in prealabil pe email. Metoda va intoarce toate ofertele prezente in acel moment pe site-ul nostru. Recomandam folosirea ei de maxim 2 ori pe zi, pentru a evita load-ul mare pe server. Ex raspuns (1 item): {"id":"8","type":"circuit","departure_id":"4","departure_destination_id":"0","departure_destination_title":"","departure_destination_url":"","search_id":"15866","intern":"0","search_url":"src0h513874c3ecc81","result_id":"47591","package_id"...
... Lasa un bid de 30 USD daca esti motivat sa incepem. Am auzit deja de Google Translate, deci nu mai e nevoie sa ne pierdem timpul, in orice caz, am nevoie de traduceri naturale, cu "flow" liber si naturalete. Putem folosi iwriter(.)com sau plati directe paypal la cerere. Pe iWriter ne gasesti la: Translate an article in romanian Project type: New articles Category: Arts and Entertainment Date posted: 2012-10-22 Poti oricand incerca sa traduci acolo un articol, fiind un mijloc mai securizat pentru writers....
Hello, I am in need of a professional SEO service provider. I have had many bad experiences in the past with this type of work and will be very particular in my milestones and in the work and provider i choose. You must have a very extensive background in this type of work. IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 3 FEEDBACK DO NOT BID!!!!! The requirements will be as followed: Must reach TOP3 positions on 3 major search engines of my choice. In this case I need Google, Bing, Yahoo! I would prefer that the person i hire is based out of the United States. MUST MUST MUST be able to communicate with me over "FREELANCER.COM ONLY" (If you cannot, do not bid) Speed is a good, we are hoping to get this project completed in 3 months time. Included in your price i would ...
Salut Radu, Am 2 websites cumparate de la compania LifeGuard Insurance si vreau sa le fac rebranding (scot tot ce este de la LifeGuard si inlocuit cu altceva) Am nevoie de un programator wordpress si bun designer care sa fie capabil sa creeze imagini etc pentru un numar determinat de ore lunar si/sau per proiect. Spune-mi daca esti interesat: bucurdan@
We need coders to code our websites. The websites are already designed (PSD), all the content is created and the final site is approved by the client already. We simply convert the PSD to HTML5/CSS3/JS sites and send them back!I am looking for somebody who can start right now and could deliver the results in next 24 hours. We are looking for a long term relationship with the right candidates. Must have experience in Twitter Bootstrap Responsive design. please see 3 attach file.
The tasks are very simple, i will provide instructions/links to websites where you will work for. Don’t worry before you will start your simple tasks you will be trained on how to get the tasks done and after that training you can continue working on your tasks.
I need someone to help me type out 1-10 Google PDFs. The content is primarily text documents and the purpose of the typed documents is for personal use.
I need a simple, timeless logo for my business, Roberts Group. This will serve as the parent company for all my ventures. Key Requirements: - A minimalist design style something timeless - Text elements with possibly an R monogram of some type - A 1-2 color scheme at most Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proven track record in minimalist logo design - Strong typography skills - Experience working with text-only designs - Excellent understanding of color theory
I need a data entry specialist who can extract text data from PDF documents for me. The type of data will mainly consist of paragraphs and sentences. Skills and experience ideal for this job: - Proficiency in data entry - Excellent attention to detail - Experience in handling and processing PDF documents - Ability to accurately extract and transcribe text
Job Title: Computer Programmer (Web Scraper/Software Developer) Job Location: Remote Job Type: Contract Job Overview: We are looking for a skilled and self-motivated Computer Programmer to develop a software solution that will automate the process of collecting property tax delinquent data from public property records. The solution will allow for filtering and sorting between different property types (houses and land) and should extract specific property-related information including owner names, addresses, APN (Assessor’s Parcel Number), delinquency status, county details, lot size, assessed value, and market value. The ideal candidate should have experience building web scrapers, APIs, or data collection tools, with strong programming skills and a focus on extracting and...
I'm looking for a team of experts to help me create an exciting new subscription-based website. The site will offer engaging content and will need to cater to several subscription ...registration and login process, with options for user profiles. - **Payment Processing**: Secure, reliable, and easy-to-navigate payment systems. - **Content Access Control**: A robust system to manage what content is available to which users based on their subscription level. Ideal Candidates: - Proven experience in web development and e-commerce platforms. - Expertise in creating user-friendly websites with engaging content. - A background in setting up robust payment processing and content management systems. - Strong understanding of different subscription models and their implementatio... call to discuss workflow and expectations What to Expect: Clear briefs with all necessary assets provided Regular feedback and communication Weekly design requests Fixed rates as stated above (non-negotiable) Payment via milestone system Opportunity for full-time position with monthly retainer after proving consistency How to Apply: Share your portfolio or design skills Type 'apple' in the beginning of the application Describe your experience with ad design Confirm your agreement with the stated rates Confirm your agreement with the turnaround time Note: Applications without portfolios or those attempting to negotiate rates will not be considered. We value long-term relationships and offer consistent work volume and increased pay down the line ...
The domain name is We sell alot of products. I am looking for a mobile and desktop version on this new page. Type in the url to see it at the moment. The logo will stay the same. And i will provide it below. I am looking for graphic design (image) only I will relocate the design to my shopify store. If you have any questions i am here to help. I would prefer 2 images. One desktop and one mobile Thanks
I need a professional WordPress website designer and developer to create a company website for me Key Sections: - About Us: A page that provides information about our company. - Services: A detailed description of the services we offer. - Contact Us: A page for customers to get in touch with u... - Driver Application: A dedicated webpage for potential drivers to apply. Specific Functionalities: - Online Forms: I need a few online forms integrated into the website. This could include a contact form, a service inquiry form, and most importantly, a driver application form. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in WordPress design and development - Experience in creating corporate websites - Ability to integrate online forms - Knowledge in creating user-friendly and interactive ...
I need a content creator to play my indie game and make 100 short form clips every day. The clips should be suitable for YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. Content Type: - The majority of the clips should focus on funny moments. - Some clips should highlight high scores/achievements and strategic plays. Ideal skills: - Experience with content creation and video editing. - Familiarity with gaming and understanding of what makes a clip entertaining. - Ability to consistently produce a high volume of content. Experience: - Proven track record of successful short form content on YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and Instagram Reels. - Gaming experience, particularly with indie games, is a plus.
I am looking for a talented C# and C++ developer for an undisclosed project. The specifics of the project, including the development environment and main function of the software, are still to be determined. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and C++ - Experience with desktop application development, game developmen...undisclosed project. The specifics of the project, including the development environment and main function of the software, are still to be determined. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in C# and C++ - Experience with desktop application development, game development, or system utility software Preferred Development Environments: - Visual Studio - JetBrains Rider - Eclipse CDT Please note that the project type and development environment will be finalized during our di...
I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to oversee regular updates and implement strategies to boost traffic on several websites. This role involves weekly content updates, monthly newsletter integrations, and strategic discussions via video calls. This will be monthly ongoing work. Key Responsibilities: - Regular updates of blog posts, product updates, event announcements, and general site content - Monthly integration of newsletter content - Implementation of traffic-driving strategies, primarily focusing on Email Marketing and SEO Optimization - Weekly video call strategy discussions Required Skills: - Proficient in content management and website maintenance - Experience with Email Marketing and SEO Optimization - Good understanding of community interaction and niche content enga...
HI, I'm looking for someone who has an active TikTok account to do a product review (would be sent a physical item). I'll provide the details in private chat. Please let me know what type of following you have/etc. Preferably it would be someone located in Canada or the USA, and fluent in English. (Although if you are fluent in English in a European country, that may be okay too).
More details: What type of system does your organization currently use? Hybrid solution What level of caller ID customization do you require? Full control (custom name and number) What languages do you need the technician to be proficient in? English
I'm seeking an expert in Wyn Report Designer to help generate customizable reports from SQL/Pulseway databases. I'm looking to build managed Pulseway RMM Systems report containing Monthly reports on the current status of usage of components ie Hard drive size vs used, Ram amount vs average use, CPU type vs average load, Backup Status and AV status/preventions, failed logins/network intrusions. All of which I can currently obtain as seperate reports but want contained in single report laid out in format for my clients. The ideal freelancer should be adept at utilizing pre-built templates within the software to expedite the report creation process. Experience with Specifically Wyn Report Designer is crucial, as all reports will be Created from here. Ideally, the freel...
...monthly sales above the $10,000 goal that are generated directly from your generated leads. Monthly Engagement: Work remotely on a schedule that fits your workflow. Growth Opportunities: Collaborate with a growing startup to shape its future business strategy. To Apply submit your proposal detailing: Your lead generation process (outbound, inbound, marketing-sales funnel, tools, data source, websites) Social media accounts and size: LinkedIn, X, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube Data Source(s): # of B2B data sources, total B2B List size, data quality/accuracy How you’ll be able to generate and deliver the monthly leads/meetings target, including specific lead generation strategies. A timeline for hitting the target and delivering measurable results. Skills Required: Lead Gener...
I'm seeking a professional WordPress expert to enhance my website's SEO performance and overall design elements. Key Areas of Focus: - SEO and Performance: I need improvements specifically in on-page SEO to boost my site's visibility and ranking. - Design and Layout: The color scheme and branding elements of the site need a professional touch to ...Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven expertise in WordPress, with a strong portfolio of improving SEO and performance. - Exceptional design skills, particularly in color schemes and branding. - Deep understanding and experience in on-page SEO techniques. - Ability to deliver a responsive design for mobile, though not explicitly requested, would be a plus. - Experience in working on WordPress websites with a focus on enhan...
...structure. • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure our content is responsive and works well on all devices. • Page Speed: Optimize our website's loading time by compressing images, using caching, and minimizing code. 14.3 Off-Page SEO: Off-page SEO involves activities outside our website to positively impact our rankings. Key strategies include: • Backlinks: Earn high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites. This can be achieved through guest blogging, influencer outreach, and partnerships. • Social Media Marketing: create and promote our content and engage with our audience on social media platforms. • Online Directories and Listings: ensure our business is listed accurately on online directories such as Google My Business, Yelp, and industry-specific...
I'm looking for a professional web developer to create an interactive website for my cleaning business. The main objective of the site is to provide a seaml...and payments. - Service reminders: The system should send automated reminders to clients about their upcoming services. - Subscription to our Services: We want to offer an option for clients to subscribe to our cleaning services. Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly Subscriptions Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web development and e-commerce platform integration - Experience with building interactive websites with great design & graphics - Knowledge in setting up client personal accounts - Familiarity with implementing automated systems - Ability to create a user-friendly interface Please provide examples of similar project...
I'm a passionate video editor looking for clients, particularly independent content creators, on freelancer websites. I'm eager to showcase my skills in visual effects, special effects, slow motion, animations, and more. - Personal project: This is a personal venture, not tied to an existing business or a new enterprise. - Pricing: I'm incredibly affordable, almost working for free, as my main goal is to put food on the table while doing what I love. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing software - Experience in creating visual and special effects - Understanding and ability to work with slow motion and animations - Strong communication skills for client interaction - Knowledge of various freelancer platforms and how to navigate them to find ...
...platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram Optimize the funnel website for conversions Requirements: Strong portfolio showcasing past results in pre-launch or digital marketing campaigns Ability to create high-quality, engaging social media posts Experience in AI video creation or working with video tools Expertise in paid ad strategy and management Familiarity with building and optimizing funnel websites Notes: Do not send automatic offers or use AI to respond. I will personally contact professionals who demonstrate the skills and experience needed to achieve results. If you lack relevant experience, please do not apply to save both your time and mine. Let’s make this pre-launch a success!...