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  • catchy trucking company names
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2,000 catchy trucking company names proiecte găsite
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...explained in point 7.2, when pressing the ADD button, the command should be displayed in the upper half of the screen. each order should display only the locality and 2 buttons each, the first button called FINALIZE and the second button called ASSIGN. 7.4 when pressing the FINALIZE button, the order should be deleted after all the lists, 7.5 when pressing the ASSIGN button, a screen with the names of normal users will open, the action consists in assigning the command to the selected normal user and once assigned, this must be noted on the command, so that the master user cannot assign it to anyone else 8 when a normal user is authenticated on the start1 page, when the ORDERS button is pressed, the orders page2 will open 8.1 on the orders2 page, all existing orders should...

$32 / hr Average bid
$32 / hr Oferta medie
24 oferte

3 video dinamice pt promovare online pentru acest produs, container pliabil... mai am video din productie, cu incarcare/descarcare/montaj samd .. 15 - 20 secunde.. rectific ... mai scurte, video explicativ de produs... cu text inserat, mix intre video si poze ... dinamic si catchy, dar profesional... este un produs destinat santierelor, nu pentru uz "hobby" .. link produs similar cu detalii: ... rog demo video pe chat. multumesc

$105 Average bid
$105 Oferta medie
19 oferte

We are looking for a Swift (iOS) developer. We are looking for a Java (Android) developer. We need to see some examples of your work. I mean some apps you worked on. Please tell us the names to look them up. Thank you.

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Oferta medie
40 oferte

I would prefer silhouettes instead of images that is more professional and expressive but well shaped especially the desert, I have to choose the desert two different backgrounds that merge with related elements

$23 Average bid
$23 Oferta medie
69 oferte
Copywriter - Romania
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Cautam colaborat pe postul de copywriter. Atributii: • Compunerea de texte descriptive despre companie, serviciile oferite de aceasta si ofertele curente • Compunerea de sloganuri catchy destinate tineretului • Organizarea informatiei oferite in propozitii concise si atractive • Organizarea si sortarea informatiei in anumite spatii prestabilite (Body-ul unei pagini web, bannere si afise promotionale, reclame online destinate folosirii in Facebook Ads/Google Adwords) - respectarea cerintelor de limitare text ale acestora Cautam o persoana pentru o colaborare indelungata cu compania noastra, prin urmare vom avea mai multe proiecte in viitor. Pentru alegerea unei persoane vom organiza un proiect cu scopul de a rescrie o scurta prezentare a companiei pe baza infor...

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
26 oferte

Cautam colaborat pe postul de copywriter. Atributii: • Compunerea de texte descriptive despre companie, serviciile oferite de aceasta si ofertele curente • Compunerea de sloganuri catchy destinate tineretului • Organizarea informatiei oferite in propozitii concise si atractive • Organizarea si sortarea informatiei in anumite spatii prestabilite (Body-ul unei pagini web, bannere si afise promotionale, reclame online destinate folosirii in Facebook Ads/Google Adwords) - respectarea cerintelor de limitare text ale acestora Cautam o persoana pentru o colaborare indelungata cu compania noastra, prin urmare vom avea mai multe proiecte in viitor. Pentru alegerea unei persoane vom organiza un proiect cu scopul de a rescrie o scurta prezentare a companiei pe baza infor...

$22 Average bid
$22 Oferta medie
9 oferte

Redactare de multiple articole de blog in limba romana pentru site de vanzari online produse naturiste. Subiectele ti le dau eu, in majoritatea cazurilor iti dau si materiale de inspiratie (in limba engleza). Tu trebuie sa faci articolul de blog in limba romana. Trebuie sa fie "catchy" si util cititorului. Lungimea articolelor este de 2-3 pagini cu font de 14. Plata as vrea sa o facem / articol scris.

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
34 oferte

Redactare de multiple articole de blog in limba romana pentru site de vanzari online produse naturiste. Subiectele ti le dau eu, in majoritatea cazurilor iti dau si materiale de inspiratie (in limba engleza). Tu trebuie sa faci articolul de blog in limba romana. Trebuie sa fie "catchy" si util cititorului. Lungimea articolelor este de 2-3 pagini cu font de 14. Plata as vrea sa o facem / articol scris.

$11 - $11
$11 - $11
0 oferte

Redactare de multiple articole de blog in limba romana pentru site de vanzari online produse naturiste. Subiectele ti le dau eu, in majoritatea cazurilor iti dau si materiale de inspiratie (in limba engleza). Tu trebuie sa faci articolul de blog in limba romana. Trebuie sa fie "catchy" si util cititorului. Lungimea articolelor este de 2-3 pagini cu font de 14. Plata as vrea sa o facem / articol scris.

$15 Average bid
$15 Oferta medie
8 oferte
New Logo for New Company
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$82 Average bid
$82 Oferta medie
54 oferte

I want a project that contains visual identity design for the following : logo Business card Presentation folder personalized bill badge car design A4 and A5 envelopes I want that project to use colors that denote seriousness. The project to be done in Illustrator or Corel Draw The company is called FunIMOB and its field of activity , real estate Doresc un proiect de identitate vizuala care sa contina design pentru urmatoarele: Logo Carte de vizita Mapa de prezentare factura personalizata ecuson car design plicuri A4 si A5 Doresc ca in proiect sa se foloseasca culori care denota seriozitate. Proiectul sa fie realizat in Illustrator sau Corel Draw Firma se numeste FunIMOB si are ca domeniu de activitate, imobiliare

$152 Average bid
$152 Oferta medie
32 oferte
Build an Online Store
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Magazin Online piese auto cu baza de date TecDoc integrata Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul [url removed, login to view] ,[url remove...pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site [url removed, login to view] site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data ba...

$861 Average bid
$861 Oferta medie
22 oferte
Project for DianaEStan
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Buna. Am deschis recent un web-site cu tricouri personalizate. Am nevoie de cineva care sa faca o mica colectie (sunt inca la inceput) de tricouri, pe care sa le produc prin transfer termic. Idei simple dar catchy, ca cele de pe sau , numai ca trebuie sa fie numai monoculoare. Momentan nu este nici o graba, si nici nu am prevazut un buget, totul va depinde si de comenzi. Caut un colaborator pe termen lung (sper). Astept raspuns, Mihai

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Doresc sa-mi cumpar un domeniu .ro pe nisa bricolaj. Platesc pentru cine imi propune un nume de domeniu atragator, usor de memorat, catchy. Numele de domeniu trebuie sa fie liber, sa il pot inregistra. Trimite numele in propunere si daca imi place si il pot inregistra o sa-i dau Award, sa-ti primesti banii. Pe domeniul nou o sa public idei bricolaj, tendinte design casa sau apartamente, idei pentru gradina. Eventual si un forum, mai tarziu. NU o sa fie site de ecommerce. Multumesc

$13 / hr Average bid
$13 / hr Oferta medie
14 oferte

Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Design a Logo for a Startup Software Company'

$30 / hr Average bid
$30 / hr Oferta medie
1 oferte
Redactare conţinut
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Redactare continut site; Doresc sa construiesc un site web pentru o agentie de publicitate, dar pentru asta am nevoie mai intai de cineva care sa-mi faca textu...catchy, incitant, atragator

$138 Average bid
$138 Oferta medie
10 oferte
Redactare conţinut
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Redactare continut site; Doresc sa construiesc un site web pentru o agentie de publicitate, dar pentru asta am nevoie mai intai de cineva care sa-mi faca textu...catchy, incitant, atragator

$109 Average bid
$109 Oferta medie
5 oferte
Project for vladspataroiu
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Buna, Vlad! Sunt interesata de un design simplu, legat de sport (fotbal) pentru un CV. Ma poti ajuta cu transformarea unui Europass in ceva catchy: cu o mingea de fotbal, teren de fotbal in background etc.? Multumesc!

$20 - $20
$20 - $20
0 oferte

Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, care are legătură cu proiectul nostru anterior 'Design a Logo for a Tire Service Company'

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
11 oferte
tecdoc website
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Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul , , ,trebuie sa aiba toate function...***************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !

$733 Average bid
$733 Oferta medie
12 oferte

Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Need logo for my company'

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Oferta medie
1 oferte
tecdoc website - repost
S-a încheiat left

Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrare , cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger si facebook integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul , , ,trebuie sa aiba toate function...***************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !

$404 Average bid
$404 Oferta medie
7 oferte

imagini clare , apreciere in materie ,e un desen in forma de floare care sunt puse nasturi culori deferite

$555 Average bid
$555 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Buna la toata lumea , Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Trebuie sa aiba cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul , , trebuie sa fie simplu de administrat si de utilizat de clienti , posibilitate de cautare dupa coduri , denumiri , etc ! Hi everyone, I want...cautare dupa coduri , denumiri , etc ! Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site , site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names...

$865 Average bid
$865 Oferta medie
6 oferte

I’m reaching out on behalf of KBS Sportswear & Apparel, a sportswear company that works with small to large-scale sports organizations. We’re looking to develop a custom ordering app to streamline our operations and eliminate manual processes. Currently, we handle client orders via email using manual order forms, followed by back-and-forth confirmations. We want to move this entire process into a digital solution where clients can: Log in securely Select products, enter sizing, names, and numbers Digitally sign off on orders for approval Automatically generate and collate order data into a format that can be sent directly to our manufacturing factory The goal is to remove the middleman, improve accuracy, and enhance the client experience by making the ordering...

$4847 Average bid
$4847 Oferta medie
50 oferte

I need a comprehensive Excel database of Insurance Brokers in Victoria and South Australia who sell Cyber Insurance. - The database should include: - Company names - Websites - Addresses - Contact persons (specifically those handling cyber insurance) - LinkedIn profiles of the contacts, if possible - Your search methodology should include: - Public business directories - LinkedIn - Industry-specific websites Skills and experience ideal for this project: - Proficiency in Excel - Experience in data research and web scraping - Familiarity with the insurance industry, particularly cyber insurance, is a plus.

$259 Average bid
$259 Oferta medie
46 oferte

I have a CSV spreadsheet containing a couple of hundred companies. I need additional information for each company, specifically the NAICS Code, Phone Number, and Address. The primary source for this information will be the respective company websites. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in data collection and web scraping - Excellent attention to detail - Familiarity with NAICS codes Experience: - Previous experience in data enhancement projects - Experience with working on Excel and CSV files Please provide your quote for this project.

$107 Average bid
$107 Oferta medie
31 oferte
New Company Name and ABN Registration
20 ore left
Cont confirmat

I'm in need of a professional to assist with the registration of a new business name and an Australian Business Number (ABN) for my upcoming company. Key Responsibilities: - Register a new business name - Secure an Australian Business Number (ABN) - Ensure all registrations comply with Australian regulations for a company structure Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with Australian business registrations - Knowledgeable about company structure requirements - Excellent attention to detail to ensure all paperwork is correctly filled out and submitted

$278 Average bid
$278 Oferta medie
6 oferte

Project Brief: AI Ecosystem Integration for Automated Sales in Real Estate & Construction Company Overview: We are a company specializing in selling prefabricated houses, offices, warehouses, and general construction solutions. To scale our operations, we seek a dedicated technology partner to integrate a comprehensive AI-driven ecosystem that enhances our sales automation, customer engagement, and marketing strategies. Project Scope: We require an AI-powered system that integrates: Virtual Store & E-commerce Integration: AI-powered product recommendation system. 3D or AR-based product visualization for home and office models. Secure payment processing and financing options integration. Lead generation forms and appointment booking system. AI Chatbot & Customer...

$498 Average bid
$498 Oferta medie
45 oferte

I'm looking for a skilled web developer to bring my Photoshop mockup to life. This modern and sleek website should primarily focus on lead generation. The essential feature for this is a well-integrated contact form. Key Requirements: - High-level proficiency in coding and web development - Experience in converting Photoshop designs into functional websites - Strong understanding of lead generation strategies through website design - Prior experience with creating modern and sleek websites

$1002 Average bid
$1002 Oferta medie
151 oferte

More details: What style do you prefer for the landing page? Corporate and professional Do you have any specific CRM platforms you prefer to be integrated? need in built crm, very basic What functionalities do you need in the inbuilt CRM? Lead management, Contact management, Email marketing

$82 Average bid
$82 Oferta medie
13 oferte

I DO NOT WANT A TRUCK IN THE LOGO!!! I'm seeking a modern, professional logo for my trucking company, PrimeTime Cargo LLC. The logo should encapsulate key attributes of our service - speed, reliability, and premium quality.

$20 Average bid
330 intrări

I'm looking for a QuickBooks expert to help me set up a new company in my QuickBooks. Key requirements: - The company is product-based. - I need features for sales tracking and expense tracking. I will need chart of accounts, sales tax setup also. Skills and experience: - Proven experience in setting up QuickBooks for product-based companies. - Expertise in sales tracking and expense tracking setup. - Strong understanding of QuickBooks features and functionalities.

$430 Average bid
$430 Oferta medie
36 oferte
Creative Retro Football Poster Designs
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm looking for a talented designer to create retro football posters for me. The posters should cover any era of football and will include a mix of photos I provide and some sourced by you. Key elements that may be included in the designs: - Team logos - Player names - Iconic quotes Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly poster design - A strong understanding and passion for football history - Proficiency in sourcing high-quality images - Ability to incorporate provided images seamlessly into designs - Strong communication skills for discussing design ideas and concepts.

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta medie
73 oferte

I need an expert in ORCHARD CMS to upgrade my business website for a payroll company from version 4.6 to the latest one. The website is a simple business site with a pricing model based on a per employee fee. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive upgrade to the latest ORCHARD CMS version - Ensure all current features and functionalities remain intact - Implement any necessary changes to accommodate the upgrade - Enhance website's performance, security and user experience post-upgrade Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with ORCHARD CMS - Proven track record in website upgrades - Strong understanding of payroll company website requirements - Excellent troubleshooting and problem-solving skills Please note, the website has a simple pricing page, but does not include comp...

$802 Average bid
$802 Oferta medie
94 oferte

As a Site Verifier, you will verify a company’s existence through visual data by conducting a site visit to ensure that we provide reliable and accurate information to our client. JOB DESCRIPTION: • Conduct basic verification with the subject company’s authorized representative, such as line of business, key executives' names, etc. • Take pictures of the subject company and its vicinity per Confirmis’ standard operating guidelines. • Provide observation about the company to gauge activeness, e.g., staff working at the premise, loading/unloading of goods, etc. REQUIREMENTS: • Must be living in (or nearby) Ul. Tynystanova, Pervomajskij reg., Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 720040 • Has a camera or phone/tablet of quality with a camer...

$15 Average bid
$15 Oferta medie
1 oferte

I need an expert who can resize and vectorize my company logo for a truck. The logo is in PNG format and needs to be blown up to 36" x 24" while maintaining high-quality resolution. Specific Requirements: - The maple leaf in the logo must be resized to approximately 8" x 8". - The final product needs a transparent background. - The logo must maintain crisp edges without pixelation when scaled. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in logo vectorization. - Ability to deliver high-quality results. - Portfolio of previous similar work. I look forward to collaborating with you!

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
85 oferte

I need a skilled web developer to convert my existing Shopify e-commerce site into a modern, clean HTML company website. The site should include the following sections: - About Us - Services - Contact Us - I need a way to control the views of the site. ( The website maybe could be in other format if I don't need pay subscription). The budget for this job is 15£ please

$68 Average bid
$68 Oferta medie
53 oferte

...Posts (Public Location/Trail Sharing for Followers) Users can post about locations they’ve visited, including: Short-form post (Twitter-style) with star rating (0.5 – 5 stars). Like and comment system for engagement. Photos and captions. Logged in a "My Visits" section on their profile. 4. Search & Discovery: Users can search by: Film title (auto-filled via TMDB API). Location name or city. Trail names. Genre & category filters (e.g., horror, sci-fi, indie). Trending & Popular Sections: Displays most-liked/rated locations and trails. 5. Trail Feature: Users can follow curated trails (e.g., "Harry Potter London Tour"). Option to "Start Trail" and tick off visited locations. Can rate the trail as a whole or each stop individuall...

$1754 Average bid
$1754 Oferta medie
78 oferte
Trophy icon CNC Panel Design for Prototyping
6 zile left

I'm looking for a skilled designer to create a CNC panel design for me. The primary use of this panel will be in prototyping and modeling. The CNC panel will specifically interact with wood, so experience with designing wood-compatible panels is a must. the design must contain the following family names in arabic ( الهلال + السلاحي ) and i will attach a panel design to make some thing similar

$50 Average bid

I'm looking for a skilled data scraper to extract comprehensive information from Google Maps. The data will include: - Business Names and Addresses - Number of Reviews - Domain URL - Business Phone Number - Business Category or Search Term In addition to the business data, I also need an analysis of the following metrics for the domains: - Number of SEMrush Backlinks - Domain Age - Average Domain Authority - Number of Indexed Pages Ideal skills for this project include data scraping, data analysis, familiarity with SEMrush and Google Maps. Experience in market research would be a plus. Please provide relevant examples of past work in your proposal.

$119 Average bid
$119 Oferta medie
79 oferte

We are seeking a motivated part-time Sales and Admin Assistant to join our training and education company based in the UK. The ideal candidate will be responsible for supporting sales efforts, managing client communications, and performing administrative tasks to ensure smooth operations. You should be detail-oriented, possess excellent communication skills, and have a passion for education. Experience in sales or administrative roles is preferred. If you are proactive and eager to contribute to a dynamic team, we want to hear from you!

$20 / hr Average bid
$20 / hr Oferta medie
42 oferte
Trophy icon Retro Logo Design for VHS company
6 zile left

I'm seeking a logo for my VHS tape conversion company, VHS2Digital. This logo needs to appeal to our target market of senior citizens, so it's crucial to use ultra-legible fonts. The design should incorporate a VHS tape as the background and embody a retro style, as well as a bright and vibrant color scheme. The logo should only include the company name. Key Requirements: - Expert in graphic design with a strong portfolio in retro-style logos - Excellent understanding of color theory, particularly bright and vibrant palettes - Experience designing for accessibility, ensuring ultra legible fonts - Ability to incorporate specific design elements, such as a VHS tape - Creative thinker, able to design a unique, engaging logo that appeals to our target demographic. Se...

$10 Average bid
147 intrări

Please delivery by day 6. Include the same color sceme from the logo provided The cleaning company will do residential and commercial cleaning. Please use this website as reference - Please do the website so I can easily adjust the copywriting

$317 Average bid
$317 Oferta medie
1 oferte

I'm seeking a professional to create an investor PowerPoint presentation for my media company. Key Components: - A comprehensive company overview - Detailed financial projections - In-depth market analysis Design Style: The presentation should have a professional and corporate design style. Ideal Skills: Marketing words - Proficiency in PowerPoint - Graphic design skills to create a sleek, professional look Please provide samples of similar projects you've completed. I look forward to your bids.

$397 Average bid
$397 Oferta medie
181 oferte
South Park Episode Analyst for YouTube
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm seeking a seasoned researcher with a strong background in episode analysis of South Park, particularly its controversial episodes. The ideal candidate will also have experience with other popular cartoons like Family Guy and Gumball. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze controversial South Park episodes - Create engaging titles and descriptions for pote...experience with other popular cartoons like Family Guy and Gumball. Key Responsibilities: - Analyze controversial South Park episodes - Create engaging titles and descriptions for potential YouTube content Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive knowledge of South Park and other popular cartoons - Strong analytical skills - Experience in creating engaging content for YouTube - Ability to provide catchy titles and insightf...

$21 Average bid
$21 Oferta medie
12 oferte
Trophy icon Candle brand name and logo
11 zile left

I am launching a new...need a distinctive and catchy company name. Our candles are renowned for their superior aroma, and ability to aid in meditation and self-discovery. We aim to convey themes of change, transformation via meditation and family constellations. Our core mission is to help individuals find their true selves through our unique scents. Additionally, we want to connect our candles with celestial themes and angels. Please generate unique and creative business names, with logo that incorporate that. *Intenta no incluir: demasiados colores, y tampoco la luz de las velas (ya de por si la vela tiene este componente).Try not to include: too many colors, and not too much candlelight (the candle already has this component). Try to explore, minimalist and circular...

$21 Average bid
256 intrări
Modern IT Company Logo Design
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I'm in need of a modern-styled logo for my IT company. The color scheme should be green and grey. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Branding Please provide a portfolio of your previous work, ideally with modern and minimalist designs.

$15 Average bid
$15 Oferta medie
54 oferte