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    2,000 carpentry logos sample proiecte găsite

    Se cauta voce feminina pentru urmatorul text: "Purtați masca de protecție acoperind nasul si gura, pe tot parcursul vizitei, cu excepția perioadelor de antrenament intens. Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinf...Păstrati distanța de 2 m față de persoanele din jur și continuati să aveti un stil de viata sanatos. Pentru siguranța voastra și a celor din jur, dezinfectati echipamentele inainte si dupa utilizare și bucurati-va de un antrenament sigur. Evitati sa va atingeti fata in timpul antrenamentelor. Spalati-va frecvent pe maini sau folositi dezinfectantul pus la dispozitie. " Va rugam sa trimiteti un sample cu una dintre propozitiile de mai sus. Va...

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    ...29) Logo type: Icon + name / icon with name integrated in the design / icon from the initials S R Elements that we would include in the design: globe / moving person / running shoe sole, other elements that induce the idea of ​​movement / virtual reality / world wide / competition / play / trails Attached: 1. SmartRaces brand description (how it works, target, tone of voice etc) 2. Examples of logos that attract our attention through colors, elements used ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brief description of the brand: 1. Background / Overview: ● Context In April 2020, following restrictions imposed by the authorities to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 virus, we identified the need for people to continue their ...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    31 oferte
    $82 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    Caut un colaborator pt inceput sa finalizeze cateva taskuri la un proiect care exista de mult timp ca si platforma de stocare informatii. Anumite functii trebuiesc usor modificate, adaugate informatii, corectate. Nu caut pe cineva fara experienta, caut pe cineva disponibil imediat pt 1-2 zile si apoi cateva ore pe zii. Atasez un sample de taskuri care sunt de efectuat pe acest proiect. Ma intereseaza intai sa vad ce experienta ai pana sa mergem mai departe. Am ales sa lucrez cu programator din Romania pt ca eu sunt in Las Vegas si am 10 ore diferenta, ceea ce inseamna ca ne putem completa usor. Ce am atasat ca si taskuri dureaza maxim o zi... astept sa discutam daca ai disponibila aceasta zi si cat costa ... apoi vedem cum mergem mai departe pe ora sau pe proiect. Bafta.

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Doresc transformarea textelor in audio intr-o maniera profesionala. Va rog sa furnizati odata cu oferta si un scurt sample audio din textele atasate

    $581 Average bid
    $581 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Design Bliss
    S-a încheiat left

    Dorim realizare a mai multor bannere, aproximativ 30 buc, in diverse dimensiuni. Bannerele vor fi folosite atat pe website-uri, advertoriale cat si pe Facebook in reclame sponsorizate. 851x315 (10buc) 600x460 (2 buc) 1080x1080 (10 buc) 1260x360 (3 buc) 1800x496 (3 buc) 640x220 (2 buc) Dupa ce primim cateva sample-uri, va dam tematica exacta. In atasament gasiti un exemplu de banner. DOAR freelanceri din Romania!

    $108 Average bid
    $108 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    Salutare am nevoie de o traducere Germana - Romana 1. Sunt 20 de pagini bugetul meu e de 2 $ pe pagina 2. Am nevoie sa fie gata in 5 zile 3. Va voi cere un sample pentru a verifica calitatea

    $40 Average bid
    $40 Oferta medie
    2 oferte design, daca ai viteza si claritate in exprimare - avem cum sa fim rabdatori sa ajungi la alt nivel, ne trebuie doar sa fii serios(serioasa) si sa iti vezi de treaba. Programul este flexibil si il stabilim de comun acord. Primul proiect implica un logo pt o pizzerie numita Brother's Pizza Astept : 1. portofoliu 2. intrebari clarificatoare (sa vad ca ai inteles proiectul totusi) 3. sample similare daca exista Nu ma astept sa vad copy&paste quote ... nu ma intereseaza agentii(echipe) si nu caut sa fiu stres pt tine pe seara. Vreau si ofer seriozitate si nu e nevoie sa ne pierdem timpul, evident nu ma plictisesc. Nu ma cauta daca nu esti din Romania, locuiesti in Romania si vorbesti fluent si corect Romana. Engleza este foarte importanta de asemenea pt ...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Articole in limba romana
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectul este relativ simplu si distractiv. Avem nevoie de un freelancer care sa stie, in primul rand, sa scrie corect si, daca se poate, cu o tenta personala. Articolele sunt din domeniul adult, deci job-ul nu este recomandat celor care se inrosesc usor. Fiecare material va avea aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligat...aproximativ 350 de cuvinte si va fi insotit in mod obligatoriu de imagini reprezentative. Proiectul se desfasoara timp de minim o luna sau mai mult, daca va fi o colaborare productiva. Avem nevoie de 20 de articole in fiecare saptamana si oferim 7 RON pe articol, ceea ce inseamna 560 RON pe luna, pentru un numar de 80 de materiale. Pretul nu este negociabil. Va rog sa atasati ofertei si doua sample-uri scrise de voi, din orice domeniu. Hap...

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Oferta medie
    15 oferte
    Submit some Articles 123
    S-a încheiat left

    SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123 SAmple project123

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte
    sample, original 100%
    S-a încheiat left

    Acesta este unul dintre multele articole, scrise ce imi apartin in totalitate

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...

    $104 Average bid
    $104 Oferta medie
    18 oferte
    Scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...

    $134 Average bid
    $134 Oferta medie
    17 oferte
    Vreau sa te angajez
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, Am prins un proiect pe termen nedeterminat de la un client roman. E vorba de scris articole foarte lungi. Sunt studenta, vine sesiunea si nu ma mai pot ocupa de articole, dar nu vreau nici sa pierd clientul. De aceea mi-ar placea sa te angajez pe tine. Deocamdata am doua intrebari: 1. Poti scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi? 2. Ai un sample, ceva, scris in ton serios, profesional? Asta ar fi tonul articolelor. Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns :)

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, Am nevoie de cineva care sa scrie 3000 de cuvinte/zi. Plata se discuta in particular. Prefer freelanceri incepatori, in detrimentul celor cu experienta. Caut: -punctualitate -scriere fara nici cea mai mica greseala de gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila...gramatica -incadrare naturala a keyword-urilor (toate) -o persoana capabila sa traiasca in rutina, pentru ca e un job pe termen nedeterminat. Articolele sunt in romana, dar ideal ar fi ca persoana in cauza sa poata dovedi ca stie foarte bine si limba engleza. Am nevoie de un editor in engleza, printre altele. Te rog sa atasezi un sample de macar 300 de cuvinte. Tonul articolelor va fi unul destul de serios si profesional, deci prefer ca si sample-ul sa fie in...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Oferta medie
    13 oferte
    Web scrapping de pe Amazon
    S-a încheiat left

    O sa scriu in engleza (am mai pus pe un site in engleza si de aceea fac copy / paste). I need to obtain from you a script that will extract periodically some data from amazon website. Link: Then, from each category I need the following information: For example, category in this products: I need: 1) Price 2) Name of product 3) Product description 4) Product dimensions 5) Amazon Best Sellers Rank (in this case: #3 in Clothing) 6) Sold By 7) if found: Fulfilled by Amazon, then save it. If not, save NOT BY AMAZON 8) Average Customer Review Please give me a sample first in Excel format. Thank you

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Vectorize a logo from jpg
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna, ti-am facut un sample dar calitatea logo-ului e foarte scazuta. Daca doresti as putea sa il refac intr-o rezolutie mai mare si dupa aia sa il vectorizez! ramane la aprecierea ta!

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Format .avi .mpeg .wmw Minimum Resolution 1080 Recommended Resolution 1998x1080 ; (1:1.85 Flat) Format 1:1.85 FPS 25 Bitrate 25.000 Audio Stereo Sample rate 48Hz Sample bit depth 16 bit Peak Level -9dbfs Or DCP usual Cinema content format

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Detin designul ( fisiere .PSD ) la un site de anunturi gen mercador[punct]ro. Doresc sa gasesc un programator care sa implementeze designul pe care eu il am deja, si sa scrie scriptul bazat pe Symphony framework. Foarte important este ca toti cei interesati, sa pregatesca si un sample de cod. Doresc o calitate a codului superioara ( va fi verificata de un cunoscator ). Scriptul trebuie sa fie scalabil si optimizat foarte bine pentru a consuma cat mai putine resurse (CPU, RAM) indiferent de trafic. Scriptul trebuie sa respecte urmatoarele regului : - calitatea codului superioara (cod curat); - sa fie gandit modular, doresc pe parcurs sa pot din administrare sa instalez teme/templateuri, pluginuri - trebuie sa poata fi instalat foarte usor : se urca scriptul pe un server ce re...

    $1650 Average bid
    $1650 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Email parser maven project
    S-a încheiat left

    Email parser maven project. Sample data: Salut Alex, Avem o problema la ZP-ROHRER 06 cu calculatia SAP nr 15794. Calculatia asta nu poate fi inchisa, presupun ca din cauza ca una dintre comenzi are deja status-ul “Inchisa”, spre deosebire de celelalte care au statusul “Acceptata” (vezi export detalii atasat) Poti sa ne ajuti sa putem inchide calculatia asta si implicit comenzile aferente? (noi nu putem schimba status-ul comenzii marcate cu galben, din “Inchisa” in “acceptatata”)? Cu stima, Kind regards, Silviu Mangeac E&P – MTN&LOG System & SAP OMV Petrom S.A. PETROM CITY Str. Coralilor,

    $90 Average bid
    $90 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...details). Bonus: $20 for every 100 leads delivered. Long-term opportunity available for consistent, high-quality performance. How to Apply: Please answer the following when applying: What tools and techniques do you use for finding marketing contacts or decision-makers? Have you done similar work before? If so, for which industries? How many qualified leads can you deliver per week? Provide a sample lead in this format: Full Name: Position: Company Name: Email Address: Phone Number: Source of Information (e.g., LinkedIn, company website, etc.). Notes We value ACCURACY and RELIABILITY. If you’re confident in your ability to consistently find key marketing professionals or primary contacts, we’d love to hear from you! Future personalized email outreach work opportun...

    $983 Average bid
    $983 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    I’m a fiction writer, and I’ve recently completed a novel that I’m excited to bring to life visually. I’m looking for an artist to create a Book Cover, a detailed character-building image that represent the main characters in my story, as well as a map of the world where the story takes place. All sample details and explanations are provided. This is a very important message that cancer patients are super heroes. I have created a world where they are protecting greek gods from Krakinos (Cancer itself) and the army of Krakinos. The characters you will draw inspiration from are real cancer patients who fought and overcame. All have overcome cancer except my little brother Jad who will be Stan in this book. So his personification has to be exact as his real life...

    $1000 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    4 intrări
    Modern Logo Design for Rebranding
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a seasoned graphic designer to assist in refreshing my company's logo. The new de...refreshing my company's logo. The new design should convey trust and reliability, and be consistent with a blue and white color scheme. Ultimately, I would like a contemporary and professional logo that aligns with my company's values and vision. Key Requirements: - Proven track record of logo design and rebranding. - Strong portfolio showcasing previous logo work. - Proficient in delivering logos in various formats such as AI, PNG, JPG, and SVG. Budget: Please propose your price based on your level of experience and the scope of work. How to Apply: Kindly share your portfolio along with a brief explanation of your design approach. I am looking forward to collabora...

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Oferta medie
    47 oferte

    Attached is the logo brief. Please review it thoroughly; it provides essential insights and guidance to help you create an outstanding logo! AI-generated logos will be ignored. I am looking for a genuine design. Please take the time to read the brief. You have 30 days to submit. Rushed designs will not increase your chances of being awarded!

    $62 Average bid
    Garantat Concurs de top
    332 intrări
    Velocity EA
    9 zile left

    I required New EA based on Example file. I share the Sample file check with Strategy Tester, I required exactly how its functioning. Can i Share you the file details ?

    $292 Average bid
    $292 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...much or as little as you’d like! You said: I do graphic designing in free time i want to write a small paragraph In my free time, I immerse myself in the world of graphic design. It’s a creative outlet where I get to transform ideas into visually captivating designs. I enjoy experimenting with colors, layouts, and typography to craft unique and impactful visuals. Whether it's designing logos, posters, or digital artwork, graphic design allows me to express myself and bring my imagination to life. It’s not just a hobby for me; it’s a passion that fuels my creativity and helps me unwind. You said: Logo Design for Brand "cyber katha Here’s a concept for a logo design for Cyber Katha, a brand name that combines elements of tech...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    81 oferte

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a unique, text-only logo for my brand. The primary purpose of this logo is brand recognition. It's essential that the logo is distinctive and memorable to help it stand out in a crowded marketplace. K...brand recognition. It's essential that the logo is distinctive and memorable to help it stand out in a crowded marketplace. Key Responsibilities: - Design a logo that is minimalist, modern, or vintage (style to be determined) - Ensure the logo is suitable for use across various marketing materials and platforms Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design and typography skills - Experience in creating logos for brand recognition - Ability to deliver high-quality, professional designs Please provide examples of your p...

    $5 Average bid
    Modern Sportswear Logo Design
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a modern, minimalist sportswear logo. The logo should be a symbol only, not incorporating any text. The preferred type of symbol for the logo is a 'талисман' (mascot). Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Brand Identity - Vector Graphic - Illustrator Experience: - Proven portfolio of modern, minimalist designs - Previous work with sports-related brands or logos - Experience in creating abstract or geometric interpretations of a concept.

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    137 oferte

    Looking for English native speakers for a video review on a white-hat product. Ideal Skills: - Native English speaker or equivalent fluency - Experience in tech product reviews - Strong on-screen presence - Ability to convey information clearly and engagingly Please send your messages along with audio/video sample of your speech for me to make sure you are a good fit. Thanks!

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Looking for English native speakers for a video review on a white-hat product. More details: What length should the video review be? 1-2 minutes What tone do you want the review to have? Casual Do you have any specific points or features you want to be highlighted in the review? Product effectiveness, Unique features, Ease of use Please send your messages along with audio/video sample of your speech for me to make sure you are a good fit. After that I’ll transfer money and send you a script. Thanks!

    $85 Average bid
    $85 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    I'm looking for a creative designer to help me with a box design for my products. The primary purpose of this design is branding, so it needs to be visually appealing and align with my brand's identity. - Customization: I have attached a reference design we require some personalization to it. Specifically, I need additional text and logos incorporated into the design, as well as alterations to the provided illustrations. - Design Elements: The illustrations should incorporate abstract patterns. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Strong graphic design skills, particularly in packaging design. - Experience with brand-centric design work. - Ability to work with provided materials and make necessary customization. - Proficiency in altering illustrations in a ...

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Oferta medie
    36 oferte

    ...insights 8. Scalability: Supports multiple schools/institutions with secure and efficient data handling. 9. Security & Usability: o Role-based access control o Data encryption o Intuitive user interface for all roles ________________________________________ Functional Requirements 1. Institution Setup • Key Attributes: Institution name, address, contact details, establishment year, affiliation type, logos, etc. • Authentication: OTP-based verification for mobile and email. • Outcome: Creation of a Super Admin account for the institution. 2. Staff & Student Management • Features: o Bulk and manual data management with support for photos and emergency contact details. o Auditable processes for data additions and updates. o Class and section assignment w...

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Oferta medie
    79 oferte

    I'm in need of an illustrative style logo for my sportswear brand. The logo should be minimalistic, perfect for caps, t-shirts and other sportswear. see attachments and also I NEED A SAMPLE OF ANY OF THE 35 LOGOS FROM NRL>COM> AU and AFL>COM>AU Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate animal mascots. - It should be versatile enough to be used on various pieces of clothing and sports equipment. Ideal Skills: - Strong background in logo design, especially for sportswear. - Experience with illustrative style logos. - Ability to create minimalist designs with complex elements.

    $9 Average bid

    I'm in need of a classic-style logo for my digital newspaper. The ideal candidate is a seasoned graphic designer with a strong portfolio of logo creation. - Quick Turnaround: I need the initial concepts within 2 days. - Examples: You'll have 3 existing logos from other sources to inspire your designs. - Classic Style: The logo should embody a classic aesthetic. - No Color Scheme Provided: While a color scheme hasn't been defined, your ability to create a logo that works in a range of schemes will be key. Skills in graphic design and experience with logo creation are crucial for this project. Please share a portfolio of your relevant work.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Oferta medie
    102 oferte

    I need a complete collection of images/logos from Coingecko and Coinmarketcap Tokens / DEXs / Exchanges / NFTs / Chains / Bridges / Wallets etc These should be highest quality .png files used in the websites. Names/ticker symbols (eg BTC, ETH, ZEC etc) are required

    $118 Average bid
    $118 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can help with creating logos and branding materials for my business. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design software - Strong portfolio in logo and branding design - Creative thinking and design skills Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    43 oferte

    I'm looking for a creative 3D designer to help 3D model the shown flip flop as just the basic outline and shape, no logos, designs or textures, all one piece to be 3D printed, piece between the toes to be round - The design should be based on the shape of a provided example. Ideal candidates for this project will have a strong background in 3D design, particularly in footwear. Experience with beachwear or casual wear design will be highly regarded. Creativity, attention to detail, and ability to work with provided examples are key to success in this project.

    $242 Average bid
    $242 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    I need a complete collection of images/logos from Coingecko and Coinmarketcap Tokens / DEXs / Exchanges / NFTs / Chains / Bridges / Wallets etc These should be highest quality .png files used in the websites. Names/ticker symbols (eg BTC, ETH, ZEC etc) are required

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Oferta medie
    76 oferte

    I need a freelancer to create a high-definition version of my current logo. The new version needs to be in PNG format and must be completed within a tight timeframe of 2 hours. - Original logo design files: I have the original logo, but it's not editable. So, you will need to work with this. - Dimensions: There are no specific...timeframe of 2 hours. - Original logo design files: I have the original logo, but it's not editable. So, you will need to work with this. - Dimensions: There are no specific dimensions required. The key is to make it high-definition. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, particularly logo design, and proficiency in using design tools. Experience with creating high-definition logos is a plus. Please only apply if you can meet ...

    $15 Average bid
    $15 Oferta medie
    30 oferte

    ...their bike to another open bike. This functionality should go away 30 minutes before the class start time. Also, to book a bike, riders should see a layout of the bikes and the configuration of the studio and they should be able to pick a specific bike number. There will be 40 bikes and should be numbered 1-40. Spin instructors should each have their own profile with bio, photo and a link to a sample playlist that’s linked to Spotify or SoundCloud....

    $15 - $25 / hr
    Sigilat Acord de confidenţialitate
    $15 - $25 / hr
    32 oferte

    ...Integration: o Links to social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram). o Option to share reviews or services on social media. 6. Marketing Tools: o Email marketing integration for promotions, reminders, and newsletters. o Pop-ups or banners for special offers. ________________________________________ Design Requirements • Modern, clean, and professional design. • Branding elements including logos, color schemes, and typography. • Visual consistency across all pages. Deliverables • Fully functional website with all listed features. • Admin guide or training for managing bookings and customer data. • Source code and full ownership rights to the website. Enhanced Login System 1. Login Options: - Email or Phone Number: Customers can log in using eit...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Oferta medie
    149 oferte

    I'm in need of a proficient Excel VBA developer to create a high-performance data logger for me. The primary function of this tool is to log data from a wireless barcode scanner, record weight, and convert that weight into quantity. Key Requirements: - The logger must access conversion data from a sheet that could have over 200k lines. - A more efficient version is needed compared to an existing sample I have. The current version is sluggish due to file size. - It should support multiple users on a local network, compiling all results into a single sheet without missing any lines. - The project has a fixed budget, which is not based on hourly rates. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with Excel and VBA, particularly in creating userforms. - Previous work with...

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    38 oferte

    We're an eCommerce agency looking to work with 2 freelancers who offer white-label logo design services. B...with 2 freelancers who offer white-label logo design services. Below are the details. [REQUIREMENTS] + You are passionate, creative, and have excellent design sense. You're also able to rationalize your ideas and designs. + You have proven experience in logo design and brand identity development. + You have a strong portfolio showcasing your design expertise. + You're able to create versatile logos that work across digital and print media. + Share what you ate for breakfast in your cover letter. + You're available for long-term/ongoing work. + You're able to communicate in English effectively. If this sounds like something you’d be int...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    128 oferte

    I'm looking for a talented animator to create a 2D animation show in the style of Family Guy. the budget is 100$ for a month , I need 4 episodes a week every episode is 5 minutes. dont apply if you dont have a sample like this

    $114 Average bid
    $114 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    I'm seeking a classic and timeless logo for my photoframe product brand 'Thirozon'. It should embody a modern feel while being sleek and sophisticated, yet not overly required Sample design for Our Brand name. We need Source file also.

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Oferta medie
    71 oferte

    I'm seeking a professional graphic designer to create a modern and sleek logo for my bankruptcy-focused law firm located in South Florida. Name of the law firm: SANTIAGO LAW SOLUTIONS Key Requirements: -...bankruptcy-focused law firm located in South Florida. Name of the law firm: SANTIAGO LAW SOLUTIONS Key Requirements: - The logo should incorporate the "Scales of Justice, flame or shield" as a central element. - A color scheme of black and grey. - The overall design should be contemporary, clean, and polished. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design and familiar with creating legal-themed logos. - Strong portfolio of modern and sleek design interpretations. - Excellent understanding of color theory and ability to create visually appealing designs within ...

    $15 Average bid
    630 intrări

    I'm in need of a unique, eye-catching logo for my fencing company Key Details: - The style of the logo should be 'bold and classic'. It should be timeless, easily recognizable, and convey strength and reliability. - The logo needs to incorporate a man welding a fence, elements of welding, fencing tools/ fence, tools, and my company name; Rightway Fencing. This wil...and my company name; Rightway Fencing. This will help to clearly communicate the scope of services we offer. - In terms of color scheme, I would like to use bright colors such a red, blue, and white encompassing an American Flag Ideal skills for this job include graphic design, branding, and a good understanding of color theory. A portfolio demonstrating previous work in creating bold, classic logos w...

    $50 Average bid
    617 intrări

    I am looking for a talented female voice artist to provide a voiceover for a narrative-driven exploration game. Requirements: Language: English and Hindi Accent: Neutral or soft Indian accent preferred....Neutral or soft Indian accent preferred. Tone: Emotional and immersive. Duration: Approximately 5-7 minutes. Deliverables: High-quality audio files in MP3 or WAV format. Multiple takes of key lines (if necessary). Revisions based on feedback. Budget and Timeline: Budget: ₹1500-2000 Deadline: 7 days after hiring. Please submit your previous work samples or record the following line as a sample: "Walking through this house brings back so many memories... It’s almost as if I can still hear the laughter echoing through these walls." Looking forward to c...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta medie
    7 oferte