
Căutările mele recente
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    2,000 build your own ocr engine proiecte găsite
    Expert SEO
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de profesioniști experimentați în Search Engine Optimization (SEO) din Romania. Responsabilitățile cheie: Creșteți vizibilitatea și prezența online a mărcii mele folosind tehnici avansate de SEO. Obiective principale: Îmbunătățiți conștientizarea mărcii mele pe piață. Generați un volum semnificativ de lead-uri care se transformă în vânzări. Abilități și experiență: Expertiză dovedită în SEO și Marketingul pe Social Media. Abilitatea demonstrată de a crește recunoașterea mărcii și de a genera lead-uri. Propunerea dumneavoastră ar trebui să includă strategiile pe care intenționați să le utilizați pentru atingerea acestor obiective. Vă rugăm să furnizați exemple de proiecte similare pe care le-ați executat.

    $33 - $271
    $33 - $271
    58 oferte

    ...the bottom for the yen, and what will be the wider implications of its huge devaluation? A delicate balance A weaker domestic currency is a double-edged sword and is by no means all doom and gloom on a macroeconomic scale. While it's true that the cheap yen makes dollar-denominated goods and commodities much more expensive for the Japanese, it also makes their own goods much more attractive to other countries. Following an initially robust recovery post-pandemic, Japanese GDP figures have faltered of late, with the latest Q2 numbers showing slower-than-expected growth of just 4.8%. Not only are domestic consumers spending less, but the fallout from Fukushima continues to wreak havoc on the country's $2.6 billion seafood export busines...

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 oferte

    As avea nevoie de cineva capabil sa mi proiecteze apartamente 3d cat mai realistice si customizabile , pentru a putea prezenta clientilor cum va arata apartamentul total renovat.. Animatiile vor trebuie sa fie compatibile cu vr - oculus

    $719 Average bid
    $719 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Stellenangebot: Media Designer Marketing Spezialist (inkl. SEO) bei iClean Gebaeudereinigung als Minijob 1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) SERVICE: This service consists in promoting the website on Google with certain specific word families and is very important in the medium and long term because it will become the main traffic provider and implicitly generator of conversions. 2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) SERVICE: This service consists in creating paid campaigns (sponsored ads) through Google tools, we will be able to do different campaigns (performance/branding/awareness, promoting promotions/products, shopping) through which various ads will be displayed in the search engine and partners. With this type of service, there are 3 types of "stages" and...

    $127 Average bid
    $127 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Ne-ar interesa traducerea website-ului nostru din limba romana in limba italiana. Ati fi interesata?

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Cunostinte in Game Development si librariile 3D. C++ / C#. Portofoliu cu jocuri terminate sau in desfasurare. Familiarizat cu Visual Studio, Unreal Engine, Unity. Obiectiv de lucru: Programare game engine (librarii 3D, wrapper sau OpenGL) de la 0 in C++ sau C#

    $1141 Average bid
    $1141 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Update aplicatie android
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc rezolvarea erorii you own this item la plata prin aplicatie si implementare notificari prin firebase.

    $238 Average bid
    $238 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    ONLY FOR ROMANIAN FREELANCERS !!!! Avem nevoie de o persoana care cunoaste sistemul Wordpress si are idee si despre ceea ce inseamna Search Engine Optimization si care poate asista la un training initial de 1h in care i se explica cum se urca o oferta, cum se copiaza o oferta, cum se urca imaginile si cum se optimizeaza ele, precum si ce descrieri de poze, text si articole vom alege. Vom incepe cu 30 oferte de urcat in campuri predefinite, pentru un utilizator experimentat nu dureaza urcarea uneia mai mult de 15 minute. Pentru fiecare oferta platim 3 Euro prin intermediul Freelancer. Trebuie sa urcati minim 20 de oferte pentru a fi facuta o plata unica. Cautam o persoana cu care sa lucram pe termen lung, cu plata prin aplicatia Freelancer, preferabil elev de liceu sau facultate c...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Differentiators / strengths / benefits of virtual running: - by virtual running, you no longer need to worry about traffic, parking, unfavorable weather conditions or unforeseen conflicts or injuries that could make you miss the race, but you can run in the comfort of your own neighborhood; - you can run once or by dividing the race into several runs, provided that the chronological calendar is maintained; - you will run with your colleagues in the virtual race, and an entire community will encourage you as you progress in your virtual run or in the virtual races that will bring you wonderful medals; - you will form new connections and make friends within the community; - you will develop the spirit of competition within the community, where you will always h...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Oferta medie
    31 oferte
    Marketing Project
    S-a încheiat left

    In principiu, dar nu in aceasta ordine, pentru proiectul nostru ar trebui sa cuprindem urmatoarele servicii: - Website – momentan cuprinde doar partea de restaurant, trebuie sa adaugam camere, poate si un Booking engine propriu - Optimizare motoare cautare - Campanii Adwords - Gestionare si dezvoltare Social Media - Copywriting - Postari/publicatii site-uri si redactii business - Campanii email Multumesc.

    $3724 Average bid
    $3724 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Aplicatie OCR
    S-a încheiat left

    Aplicatie Modulara de tip OCR. Specificatiile si cerintele generale sunt integrate in documentul atasat.

    $9698 Average bid
    $9698 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Hello! I own an online shop that sells woman shoes! Now if you want to see if your size is on stock you have to enter the product page and select the size and it will tell you if it is on stock! What I want to do is: The variations (sizes) on stock to be displayed on the first page under every product like in the picture! The site is in worldpress it uses woocomerce and ocean wp theme!

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    $87 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Salutare! Caut o persoană cu răbdare care să copieze și să editeze articole din reviste scanate folosind tehnologia OCR (Recunoaşterea optică a caracterelor). Treaba e foarte simplă: primiți un fișier PDF unde textul e deja recunoscut, dar trebuie luat textul și corectat în cazul în care sunt greșeli de recunoaștere a programului. După corectare, se va introduce tot textul într-o aplicație online de eliminare a ”line breaks” din text și apoi aranjat tot articolul într-un document word. Plata va fi la 1000 de cuvinte editate. Voi lua în considerare cel mai mic preț.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    19 oferte
    mechanical design
    S-a încheiat left

    complet v6 engine .solidworks

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    32 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    Windows C sau C++ Am nevoi de un programator unity 3 sau unreal engine 4 pentru a creea un program aplicatie pentru PC , de unde se pot controla diferite Caractere 3D , Ca si cerinte obligatoriu cunostinte in Animare Charactere 3 D

    $2400 Average bid
    $2400 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Urmeaza sa dau examenul de rezidentiat din Compendiu de specialităţi medico-chirurgicale, si as vrea sa gasesc pe cineva dispus sa-l scrie in word (copiat integral- fara bibliografie) pentru a-l putea edita pune la dispozitie si fisierul word partial exportat cu OCR.

    $129 Average bid
    $129 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    Creare retea sociala folosind Dolphin Pro sau Social Engine.

    $877 Average bid
    $877 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    <<If you are not from Romania, please do not bid! You will weast my time and yours! >> Am nevoie de un game developer serios sa modifice un joc de cultura generala, si sa imbunatateasca grafica si jocul dupa ideile mele. Jocul este deja existent, NU trebuie scris de la zero, eventual poate va trenui rescris game engine-ul si ceva lucrat pe la design. Nu accept decat romani. Precizare! Jocul este live acum si e deja administrat de un prieten. NU voi intrerupe jocul, cel care va lucra la el, va trebui sa isi construiasca schitele pe un domeniu al sau. Jocul va fi modificat live abia dupa ce e gata pentru ca utilizatorii actuali sa nu aiba de suferit! Va rog sa plasati oferte doar daca stiti despre ce e vorba!

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    Create an Animation
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut rigger si animator, preferabil in romania, sau care sa vorbeasca bine limba romana, pentru colaborare pe termen lung. Proiectele la care vom colabora sunt jocuri 3d in engine-ul Unity.

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Oferta medie
    24 oferte
    Create an Animation
    S-a încheiat left

    Caut rigger si animator, preferabil in romania, sau care sa vorbeasca bine limba romana, pentru colaborare pe termen lung. Proiectele la care vom colabora sunt jocuri 3d in engine-ul Unity.

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development pentru crearea de module si magazine virtuale in Magento 2 • Au lucrat cu JavaS...module si magazine virtuale in Magento 2 • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Magento 2) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform • Au...

    $425 Average bid
    $425 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development pentru crearea de module si magazine virtuale in PrestaShop • Au lucrat cu JavaScri...crearea de module si magazine virtuale in PrestaShop • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Prestashop) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform • Au...

    $462 Average bid
    $462 Oferta medie
    11 oferte

    Prestashop Ne-am dori sa cunoastem oameni care: • Au 2+ ani in front end development folosind in principal HTML si CSS • Au lucrat cu JavaSc...end development folosind in principal HTML si CSS • Au lucrat cu JavaScript / jQuery • Se folosesc de Adobe Photoshop pentru a lucra cu layout-urile grafice • Sunt foarte atenti la detalii • Sunt la curent cu cele mai noi trend-uri in web development Si ne-ar impresiona daca pe langa cele de mai sus au orice combinatie de: • Experienta cu sisteme de template-uri PHP (eg. Smarty Template Engine) • Cunostinte de Adobe Flash • Proiecte pe platforme e-commerce (Prestashop) • Optimizare SEO in structura HTML • Stiu sa faca optimizare cross-browser si cross-platform •...

    $581 Average bid
    $581 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    Project for derickyou
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut derickyou, ți-am remarcat profilul și aș dori să-ți ofer proiectul meu. Putem discuta detaliile într-o conversație privată. Hi, i would like to talk about your OCR application. We will set budget after we talk

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Doresc sa lansez un site de ecommerce pe Magento cu ceva “de genul” Create Your Own T-Shirt ca si un startup. Insa nu este pentru tricouri. Este altceva, la alt nivel. Fashion Luxury. Exclusiv pentru piata externa. As prefera sa lucrez cu cineva care stie romana si care sa vina in acest startup cu partea de integrare/realizare/mentenanta de site. Si sa aiba expertiza solida pe aceste chestii. Strict in regim de dezvoltare la startup. Daca vrei si un dolar iti zic de pe acum pass. Mai multe info le discut face-to-face dupa ce stabilim un prim contact in care sa imi arati: -doua siteuri state of the art facute de tine(voi) pe Magento -ca ai inteles bine partea cu startupul Am vazut ca ai raspuns la aceste doua chestiuni, trecem la mai multe detalii. Am inve...

    $7057 Average bid
    $7057 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Compress image on Cell BroadBand Engine

    $15 - $39
    $15 - $39
    0 oferte

    Candidatul ideal: Nationalitate Romana Nisa : Adult (sex shop). Experienta in marketing online, SEO, Link Building, Google Analytics/Adwords, e-mail marketing Talent si creativitate pentru copywriting Experienta in gestionarea de campanii prin social media. Capacitatea de a identifica noi metode si canale online de promovare Bun organizator, comunicativ, atent la statisticilor din Google Analytics Propunerea şi implementarea de noi strategii de marketing online Crearea/intretinerea prezentei pe toate platformele sociale Oferim: Salariu fix + % din vanzari Va rog frumos sa cititi anuntul inainte sa aplicati. Sa nu ne pierdem timp.

    $502 Average bid
    $502 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Website-ul are engine complet, este in asp/SQL, imi trebuie doar design pe templata de baza (cea afisata acum). Pentru discutii si detalii va rog sa ma contactati pe skype: arlekyn1313

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Site Bilete de Avion
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc un site de search engine bilete de avion, asa cum este momondo sau skyscanner. La bilete de avion o sa fie api integrat de le fiecare site de bilete de avion adaugat in sistem. La Pagina Hoteluri o sa fie un widget de la , iar la Inchiriere Masini tot un widget de la un rent a car.

    $3550 Average bid
    $3550 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    I want a website for travel agency with the following characteristics: - Takeover offers by XML filtering and display - Search engine based on XML travel offers from suppliers - Once found offer the possibility to book and pay - Possibility of creating customer registration account - Section like hotels booking dot com - Section tickenting - SEO - easy to add keywords, metatags, description etc. - Easy to manage the backend - Newsletter - Creating a customer database in the backend ------------------------------- Romana ------------------------------- Doresc un website pentru agentie de turism cu urmatoarele caracteristici: - preluare filtrare si afisare oferte prin XML - motor de cautare oferte turistice pe baza XML de la furnizori - odata gasita oferta p...

    $2135 Average bid
    $2135 Oferta medie
    17 oferte
    Arduino control
    S-a încheiat left

    Hy there :)  I need to send data to an Arduino integrated plate from Delphi. The board connects via USB and comes with drivers and its own software, editable, limited, in C or C++ ... Pretty please, I need someone who knows how to communicate with peripherals, especially Arduino, from Delphi.   Thanks :) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Salutari :) As avea nevoie sa trimit date catre o placuta de integrate Arduino, din Delphi. Placa se conecteaza prin USB, si vine cu drivere si program propriu de operare, limitat, in C. Va rog frumos, am nevoie de cineva care sa cunoasc...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I need a person to be able to make gold generator or program cheat engine for the game atlantica online

    $29 - $245
    $29 - $245
    0 oferte

    Acest bid este pentru vorbitorii nativi de limba romana si presupune scrierea unui mini curs in limba romana despre SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Persoana care se va ocupa de aces proiect trebuie: - sa aiba cunostinte tehnice temeinice despre web design, development si seo - sa aiba experienta practica (verificabila) legata de seo si web design Proiectul consta in: - realizarea unui cuprins cu capitole si subcabitole - realizarea continutului fiecarui capitol cu exemple si informatie teoretica. Rezultatul final trebuie sa fie bine documentat tehnic si 100% original. Exemplu curs seo (rezultatul final va fi in romana, nu neaparat la fel de cuprinzator): Nu ma intereseaza formatarea, aceasta poate fi minimala. Se livreaza ca documente

    $147 Average bid
    $147 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    How the app works: 1) Log in with Instagram API only (First time only: short tutorial) 2) Collects coins by liking pictures 3) Spend coins by asking for own picture on Instagram to be liked X times 4) Instagram picture is submitted into the system for other users to like until it increases by X likes 5) Buy more coins or upgrade account (upgrade will allow more pictures to be liked per day, gain more coins per like, and remove ads). 6) Get bonus coins by posting an advertisement on Instagram for this app 7) Ad interstitials when app opens and while liking pictures Please see the app: "WowLikes" as an example. Looking for: 1) high-quality development team 2) knowledge of Instagram API 3) knowledge of SDKs for ad networks: revmob, charboost, and applovin ...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte

    Project Title: Website Development for Agricultural Products E-commerce About Your Business: Briefly describing our agricultural business ("We are a family-owned business specializing in chemical fertilizer, pesticides, seeds and organic agriculture related product as well, our company is serving the farmers from 30 years"). Project Goal: Clearly stated what we want:-("To create an online platform to showcase and sell our products directly to consumers, expanding our reach beyond local markets and also showcase about our business, testimonials, assisting(communication channels) and helping farmers to avail authentic services through our website"). Target Audience: middle and high category farmers Website Features: Important part! List of every feature we need:- ...

    $235 Average bid
    $235 Oferta medie
    27 oferte
    Launch & Market New Amazon Store
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a professional who can help me st...- Assisting with marketing strategies to promote the store and products. I am particularly in need of assistance with product sourcing, as I do not currently have my own suppliers. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Extensive experience with Amazon store management. - Strong skills in product sourcing, including finding reliable suppliers and negotiating prices. - Expertise in digital marketing, with a proven track record of successful product promotion. Please note, I am open to suggestions for product categories, but I have a particular interest in electronics, fashion, and home and kitchen items. Your insights and expertise in identifying trending and profitable products within these categories w...

    $503 Average bid
    $503 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    ...responsiveness. The goal is to create an informational directory where users can search and filter through credit products offered by banks, credit unions, and others, accessing detailed product information. Product detail pages will open in new tabs, allowing users to continue exploring additional options. Key Features: * Search and Filters: - Filters based on financial goals (e.g. build credit history, own a car), product type (e.g. credit card, mortgage), and eligibility (e.g. no credit history, 3 months bills payment). - Free-text search functionality. * Product Display: - Results are presented as visually appealing cards. - A single dynamic details screen displays the data for each product (no static individual pages for products). * Design: - Resp...

    $358 Average bid
    $358 Oferta medie
    29 oferte

    I am looking for an expert who can track the performance of my short-tail keywords on Google across the nation. Competitor and keywords will be provided to work ...- Scope: This is an ongoing project focusing exclusively on short-tail keywords. - Platform: The tracking will solely be on Google; thus, familiarity with this search engine is crucial. - Geography: The keywords are targeting a national level, so an understanding of broad, national interest topics is advantageous. Ideal candidates would be SEO experts with a strong background in keyword analysis and tracking. Experience with short-tail keywords is highly desirable, as well as a proven track record of successful SEO strategies on a national level. Please provide your relevant experience and any successful case stu...

    $216 Average bid
    $216 Oferta medie
    33 oferte

    Redesign and Build a Modern E-Commerce Website for Health Supplements Project Overview We are AHS, a health and wellness brand based in Australia, offering premium, Australian-made supplements. We are looking for a talented and experienced freelance web designer to redesign and modernise our website. The goal is to create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and fully functional e-commerce site that aligns with our brand values and enhances customer experience. Key Objectives 1. Redesign the current website to improve aesthetics, functionality, and responsiveness. 2. Integrate a seamless e-commerce system to showcase and sell products. 3. Highlight key sections like: - Product Categories: Probiotics, joint care, liver health, etc. - Informative pages: About Us, Contact U...

    $324 Average bid
    $324 Oferta medie
    88 oferte

    ...entrepreneurial spirits to manage their own gaming business using our fully operational game platform. What You Will Do: - Operate your own platform using our game API - Attract users who exchange tokens for game coins - Manage and grow your user base to maximize earnings - Share only 2.5% of your revenue with us What We Provide: - A ready-to-use gaming platform with 1000 game coins to start - Full API access for seamless integration - Continuous support & coin refills as needed Ideal skills and experience: - Background in the gaming industry is a plus - Basic understanding of APIs and platform management - Skills in user acquisition and community management - Eager to learn and grow in the gaming business This is an amazing chance to turn ...

    $100220 Average bid
    $100220 Oferta medie
    20 oferte

    ...spreadsheet that will help me manage a speaker management system for an event series. Excel Specification: Speaker Management System Workbook Structure Sheet 1: Dashboard Quick overview of upcoming events Key metrics (number of confirmed speakers, pending approvals, etc.) Deadlines tracker Budget utilisation summary Monthly Event Sheets (Jan-Dec) Each month that has events will have its own sheet containing: Section 1: Event Details (Frozen Top Section) Event Title Date Range (usually 1-4 days for each event but 2 speaker days) Venue Location Target Audience Total Budget Budget Remaining (formula-calculated) Event Website URL Section 2: Speaker Management Grid Columns: Speaker Name Justification/Value Proposition Proposed Fee Home Airport Sta...

    $283 Average bid
    Acord de confidenţialitate
    $283 Oferta medie
    33 oferte environment with interactive objects (computers, medical equipment, patient records). Voice-over instructions and in-game guidance for immersive training. Development Requirements The game should be developed for Meta Quest 3. Unity or Unreal Engine is preferred for development. The game should be optimized for standalone VR headsets without requiring external PC processing. Integration with a learning management system (LMS) for progress tracking is a plus. Ideal Freelancer Experience in VR game development using Unity or Unreal Engine. Strong understanding of UI/UX design for VR to ensure intuitive interactions. Familiarity with healthcare cybersecurity concepts is a bonus. Ability to deliver assets and code efficiently within a defined timeline. Portfolio showc...

    $26 / hr Average bid
    $26 / hr Oferta medie
    40 oferte

    ...frontend and backend technologies like React, Vue, Angular, or similar frameworks. • API Development & Integration: Expertise with RESTful and GraphQL APIs development. • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Including Firebase, App Engine, Cloud Functions. • Android Development: Both native Android development using Kotlin and hybrid solutions using Flutter or React Native. • Hybrid App Development: Optimizing applications for both iOS and Android platforms. --Project Requirements: • Develop a cross-platform MVP supporting mobile and web iterations. • Build a secure and scalable backend architecture inclusive of seamless API integrations with third-party services. • Create a user-friendly and aesthetically pleas...

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    I'm looking for a person with very specific skills related to Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects. These programs are a must for my work as I will need to be able to work with your completed working files once completed so that I may also edit elements as the project demands change from my client. You must be able to work with tracking video in adding in 3-D elements and composing those elements into my videos and make the shots look believable. If you don't have specific skills in video tracking, and composing using these two programs above, . please do not apply. Key Requirements: - 3D Compositing - Use of After Effects and Cinema 4D - Incorporation of Text Overlays, Visual Effects, and 3D Models - Creation of 3D Text Overlays - 3D Tracking for each shot In addition to...

    $92 Average bid
    $92 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Social Media Marketing Expert Needed
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm in search of a dedicated Digital Marketing professional, with a strong focus on Social Media Marketing. The primary goal of this project is to boost website traffic through effective SEO strategies, primarily targeting Google. Key Requirements: - Proven experience in Social Media Marketing - Strong SEO skills with a focus on driving website traffic - Expertise in Google search engine strategies - Ability to generate innovative and effective marketing campaigns - Excellent communication and analytical skills - Demonstrated ability in creating engaging content for social media platforms - Experience with paid social media campaigns, particularly on Google Ads and Facebook Ads - Basic graphic design skills or experience with graphic design tools to create visually appealing ...

    $547 Average bid
    $547 Oferta medie
    17 oferte