Biology research paper exampleproiecte
Am nevoie de realizarea unui studiu de piata asupra unor platforme deja exsitente.
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba germana pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Buna Andra, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba romana pentru promovare produse affiliate ...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 artico...
Buna Andra, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba romana pentru promovare produse affiliate ...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 artico...
Buna Raluca, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 articole pe zi ) Astept raspunsul tau. Multume...
Buna Raluca, Am nevoie de 5 articole in limba...2-3 articole pe zi, pentru inceput, cel putin. Bugetul meu este de $10 fix pentru cele 5 articole, asadar, $2 pe articol (aproximativ 1000 de cuvinte fiecare articol) Daca esti de acord cu termenii propusi de mine si vrei sa lucram impreuna, te rog sa accepti invitatia mea si iti voi trimite subiectele articolelor si site-urile de affiliate pentru fiecare articol in parte, pentru un eventual research. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa te uiti pe pagina produsului si sa scrii despre el pe stilul indicat mai sus. Termenul pentru completarea acestor articole initiale este de 3 zile, dar in viitor, daca vom colabora, ma astept la un timp mai scurt ( dupa cum ti-am spus as avea nevoie de 2-3 articole pe zi ) Astept raspunsul tau. Multume...
Buna seara, Caut o persoana din Galati interesata in a lucra la un proiect de data entry/research. Sunt necesare abilitati minime/medii de research in motorul de cautare Google, conexiune buna la internet. Training-ul va fi oferit in 2-3 sedinte in oras. Proiectul va dura cam 6-12 luni. Plata pentru inceput $3/ora. Persoana va trebui sa lucreze minim 25 de ore de luni-vineri si maxim 40. Rog seriozitate. Multumesc
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba maghiara pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Salut, Job-ul nu este foarte greu si nu necesita mult timp. Doresc sa creez o baza de date a firmelor ce comercializeaza instrumente de masura(nivele, rulete, lasere etc) in regim de distributie sau retail. Aria de cautare este pe teritoriul Romaniei, in locatii specificate. Datele preluate vor fi apoi introduse intr-un fisier tip, in format excel ce va fi pus la dispozitia freelancerului. Dorinta este de a gasi un colaborator serios, intrucat datele introduse vor fi verificare pentru validarea terminarii job-ului. Plata se va stabili in urma negocierii. O zi cat mai frumoasa.
Cautam persoana care sa scrie articole pentru doua website-uri de prezentare din portofoliul nostru. Firma noastra se ocupa cu vanzarea de piese pentru utilaje de constructii si utilaje agricole iar articolel...bun? - Piese aftermarket de origine europeana versus piese Asia cu origine incerta; - Cat de mult conteaza suportul tehnic si experienta furnizorilor in identificarea corecta a pieselor ; Acceptam si alte teme propuse de dvs. atata timp cat se incadreaza in domeniul nostru. Stam la dispozitie cu toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie, legate de compania noastra dar va trebui sa faceti si research pentru a avea un articol complet. Bugetul il discutam pe baza propunerilor dumneavoastra, cel trecut este doar informativ. Va rugam specificati costul pe un articol/numar d...
Am nevoie de un traducator PRO. Proiectul include si putin research pe anumite site-uri similare in limba engleza pentru o mai buna adaptare a traducerii. Traducerea va fi a site-ului in intregime. Deci nu am putut estimat exact numarul de cuvinte, in jur de 3500. Cei care vor bida trebuie sa imi puna la dispozitie si proiecte finalizate recent pentru o mai buna evaluare.
Am nevoie de cineva cu experiența in scris articole si research. Articolele sunt legate de industria transporturilor si corelate cu platforma pe care o promovez. Nu pot preciza dimensiunea pentru ca nu știu cat de multe date se găsesc.
Avem nevoie de un researcher roman pentru a construi o lista cu cu firmele de transport din romania care au un website si pot fi gasite folosit google. Datele trebuiesc arangajate intr-un anumit format pentru a fi mai simplu de folosit. Avem nevoie de numele firmei, locatia, website-ul , numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail ( daca poate fi gasita ). Cu cat ai multe cu atat mai bine. Proiectul trebuie incheiat in maximum 10 zile din data acordarii.
Avem nevoie de un researcher roman pentru a construi o lista cu cu firmele de transport din romania care au un website si pot fi gasite folosit google. Datele trebuiesc arangajate intr-un anumit format pentru a fi mai simplu de folosit. Avem nevoie de numele firmei, locatia, website-ul , numar de telefon, adresa de e-mail ( daca poate fi gasita ). Cu cat ai multe cu atat mai bine. Proiectul trebuie incheiat in maximum 10 zile din data acordarii.
Am nevoie de cineva minutios si experimentat pentru research folosind google care sa indeplineasca cateva taskuri.
Canditatul ideal: - sa cunoasca foarte bine limba romana (exprimare naturala si cursiva, fara greseli gramaticale sau de exprimare) - sa respecte targetul stabilit; un articol va avea in medie 750 de cuvinte (sa includa keyword research) - sa aleaga subiectul articolului dintr-o categorie primita, in asa fel incat sa fie atractiv si util pentru cititori - sa scrie articolul in jurul unui cuvant cheie pe care il va alege singur si va respecta o densitate de 0,5 - 1% a cuvantului / expresiei cheie in cadrul articolului - sa furniza doar articole unice si de calitate Postul presupune: - gasirea de noi surse de informare pentru articole - citirea si intelegerea surselor de informatie, urmate de rescrierea articolelor in limba romana, fara sa se copie sau sa se traduca mot-a-mo...
Am nevoie de un economics paper. Toate detaliile sunt in documentul atasat. E un introductory core class la care am 91% dar de care nu am timp sa ma ocup. Am double major si am alte proiecte finale de care trebuie sa ma ocup. Pretul l-am pus ca trebuie. Astept oferta ta.
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
This project is only for Romanian speakers! Salutare, Doresc sa deschid un director al firmelor, ceva mai complex fata de celelalte. Voi folosi Google maps, iar toate firmele, companiile adaugate pe site vor aparea cu un pointer si pe o harta (folosesc Google Maps). Caut o persoana cu experienta in keyword si domain name research. Mentionez ca pagina este foarte bine optimizata din punct de vedere SEO, deci ceea ce ma intereseaza este doar partea de research. De asemenea, bugetul de care dispun momentan este limitat, totusi, am incredere ca ma va ajuta cineva! O zi buna!
Cautam o persoana capabila sa faca research la un nivel avansat. Este nevoie de realizarea profilului detaliat al unor companii, dupa anumite puncte de reper care vor fi date. Redactarea informatiilor se face in limba engleza.
cv30 proiectecteaza viitorul tinerilor, ii indruma, oferind unelte celor in cautare de oferte educationale. Job-ul de fata consta in cautarea informatiilor corecte de la ofertantii de programe educationale (programe de licenta, masterat, doctorat, programe extracurriculare, burse, scoli de vara, internshipuri). Fiecare intrare (intrare = program de licenta, masterat, doctorat, program extracurricular, bursa, internship) este platita cu 1 RON, va puteti desfasura activitatea de acasa. Pragul minim de remunerare este de 120 de intrari, iar in fiecare luna top performer-ul este bonusat.
Freelancer, imi ofer serviciile in internet marketing,social media,inscriu in directoare de articole,data entry,web research.
Salut, Am nevoie de 1000 de inregistrari privind hotelurile si pensiunile din Romania intr-un excel cu 3 coloane care sa contina numele pensiunii/hotelului, adresa web si email (este foarte importanta adresa email, o inregistrare este considerata valida doar daca contine adresa de mail), precum si gruparea lor pe statiuni: sinaia, predeal, busteni, azuga, litoral, baile herculane, sovata, baile felix, etc. Fixed price - 12 USD. Se va alege freelancerul cu cel mai mic pret.
Salutare, Am nevoie de cateva articole despre anumite statiuni. 1. Articolul o sa urmeze o structura cu titlu, subtitlu, etc - o sa trimit structura cu detalii 2. Un articol trebuie sa aiba intre 500 si 700 cuvinte (nu vreau sa se taie din el informatii utile doar ca s-a ajuns la 500 de cuvinte) 3. Informatiile prezentate in articol trebuie sa fie relevante (se va face research pe forumuri, site-uri, etc). 4. Articolele sunt scrise in limba romana (fara diacritice) Pretul pentru acest proiect vreau sa fie pe un pachet de 3 articole. Intr-un mesaj imi puteti trimite un pret pe alt pachet de 3 articole dar cu tema impresii (povestiri, text liber). PS: Am nevoie de foarte multe pachete de genul asta (as vrea o colaborare pe termen lung) ! Multumesc
I'm looking for a Python expert who can conduct research on harmonic patterns, particularly the Gartley pattern, using historical daily stock prices from the last 5 years of 10 companies listed on the Malaysian stock market. The research should be conducted on Google Colab and should provide clear entry levels, stop-loss and take-profit levels. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Python and Google Colab - Experience with stock market analysis - Understanding of harmonic patterns, particularly the Gartley pattern - Ability to present data in a clear, concise manner Please note, the analysis should solely use historical stock prices.
I'm seeking a legal expert with comprehensive knowledge of expert with comprehensive knowledge of California state-level case law regarding the validity of Home Ownership Association (HOA) waivers of liability. Key Responsibilities: - Research and provide insights on state-level cases from California that pertain to the validity of HOA waivers of liability. - Highlight any significant precedents, trends, or anomalies in the case law. - Offer an expert interpretation of the implications of these cases for homeowners and HOAs alike. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive background in California property law or HOA law. - Proven experience in legal research and case law analysis. - Excellent communication skills for translating complex legal concepts into un...
Hey Guys, We are looking for someone to research keywords on different niches. You will be provided with - - Niche of the site - A brief description of the niche - 6 Main Categories of the Niche site we'll be building (You can suggest improvements) These are for brand new websites - so your research should encompass the same. We want the following - - 500 Keywords Per Category Total - 3000 Keywords We want low competition, high to mid traffic keywords. Cluster where needed, we don't want keyword repetition at all. We want to avoid keyword cannibalization at any cost. You can use Ubersuggest, Ahrefs or Semrush Keyword Magic. We will require a detailed colour spreadhseet containing the search terms and data in easy to understand format, each column should l...
...Virtual Assistant to help with product research for our pet dropshipping store on Shopify. This role involves finding trending products, setting up and utilizing automation tools, and crafting AI-generated product descriptions. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct product research to identify trending pet products - Set up and manage automation tools for efficiency - Utilize AliExpress import plugin for product sourcing - Write and refine product descriptions with copywriting skills The ideal candidate will have: - Extensive experience with Shopify - Proficiency in using the AliExpress import plugin - A track record of finding trending products on TikTok - Strong copywriting skills - An ability to consistently deliver quality work Familiarity with product research pl...
...high-performing ad campaigns, including compelling ad copy, eye-catching visuals, and effective targeting strategies. You will receive the campaign angle from us, and you will be responsible for executing the rest, delivering fully-optimized ad campaigns that drive results. Key Responsibilities: Campaign Strategy & Setup: Design campaigns based on the provided angle and target audience. Conduct audience research and set up ad targeting to ensure maximum reach and engagement. Creative Development: Write persuasive and engaging ad copy aligned with the campaign angle. Design custom ad images or videos that capture attention and drive clicks. Campaign Launch & Management: Configure ad campaigns, including budget allocation and bidding strategies. Monitor campaign perfo...
I need a professional with a deep understanding of quantile regression analysis specifically tailored for labor econometrics modeling in STATA. I am working on a dataset in STATA for which two methodologies must be combined. The first is the sample selection-adjusted quantile regression technique, as mentioned in the paper (). It also has a STATA package called "arhomme." Second is Melly's Quantile Regression Decomposition, a STATA command called "rqdeco." () My objective is first to obtain the regression coefficients through the ARHOMME model and then use those coefficients to decompose
I'm looking to create a Memecoin on the Solana chain. The project requires some key elements: a website, a logo, icons, a mascot, and a white paper. The website is my top priority as its main goal is to attract investors. Key Project Components: - A cartoon-themed website, designed to be engaging and appealing to potential investors - A logo that aligns with the cartoon theme of the website - Icons and a cheerful mascot to add a playful touch - A white paper that clearly outlines the coin's purpose and potential Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in web development with a knack for cartoon-themed designs - Graphic design skills for creating a logo, icons, and a mascot - Experience in cryptocurrency projects, particularly with creating white papers - ...
...templates for my law firm that specializes in providing general counsel services to business and healthcare clients. The primary aim of these posts is to educate our audience on legal topics, specifically legal tips and advice. I am looking for someone to create a master template that can be edited for future posts. I would like for the creative professional to create the following templates and example ideas from other pages have been included in blue and white theme: 1. Attorney Introduction with place to add attorney photo 2. Key services offered 3. Client wins 4. Lawsuit stories 5. Master template slide with logo that lists top 5 reasons to do something with 5 additional slides with company logo that can be posted with it. 6. Educational slide template for business law client...
I'm looking for an experienced writer to craft a c...this biography is a personal figure in the entertainment sector, with the main goal being to promote their personal brand. Key Responsibilities: - Research and gather relevant information about the subject's life and career in the entertainment industry. - Write a polished, engaging and professional biography that highlights the subject's achievements and unique qualities. - Ensure the biography adheres to Wikipedia's content guidelines and standards. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in writing biographies or similar content, preferably for Wikipedia. - Strong understanding of the entertainment industry. - Excellent research and writing skills. - Ability to write in a professional tone...
I am in the process of building an SEO-optimised E-commerce website and I require a comprehensive list of keywords. The ideal candidate should have a paid SEMRUSH account and a proven track record in conducting similar projects, with references to previous work available upon request. Key requirements: - In-depth keyword analysis: focus keywords, primary keywords, secondary keywords, long-tail keywords, etc. - Keywords should be tailored for both general consumers and businesses, as they are the target audience for my website. - SEO efforts are aimed locally, so the keyword selection should reflect this. I am looking for a freelancer who can deliver a well-researched and thorough list of keywords to help the copy on the site be SEO optimised and improve ranking.
...for a video editor fluent in Hungarian and English to assist with a 10-minute YouTube video. The video is related to biology, so a strong understanding of the subject, particularly in specialized fields like genetics, is crucial. Key responsibilities will include: - Adding styled and animated subtitles throughout the video, making sure they are synchronized with the audio and visually engaging. - Ensuring the subtitles accurately translate the Hungarian dialogue into English, maintaining the video's original tone and intent. Ideal candidates will have: - Proven experience in video editing, specifically with adding subtitles. - A strong understanding and knowledge of biology, particularly genetics. - Experience with creating styled and animated subtitles. - Fluent i...
I need a critical analysis of wider issues in counse...a critical analysis of wider issues in counselling psychology and mental health, focusing specifically on models and theories within Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectial behaviour therapy (DBT) and 5 p Model. Key deliverables: - Critically evaluate different types of interventions within CBT, DBT including therapy sessions, workshops, and self-help resources. - Apply theories and research of mental health in different contexts, acknowledging complexity and uncertainty. Ideal skills and experience: - Extensive understanding of counselling psychology and mental health. - Proficiency in analysing and evaluating psychological models and interventions. - Experience with CBT and DBT - Ability to apply theories in diverse...
I'm seeking an expert to gather email contacts for management level personnel in architecture, law firms and consulting companies based in Boston. Key Requirements: - Contacts should primarily be Presidents or Vice Presidents, H...gather email contacts for management level personnel in architecture, law firms and consulting companies based in Boston. Key Requirements: - Contacts should primarily be Presidents or Vice Presidents, HR, and Department Managers. - Focus on individuals within Operations, Finance, and Marketing departments. - Contacts need to be exact individual email adresses. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web research and data collection. - Prior experience in B2B email sourcing is a plus. - Knowledge of architecture and law firms, consulting companies in Bosto...
I am seeking a professional to help rewrite specific sections of my research paper to eliminate any instances of plagiarism or AI-generated content. The paper is a scientific study in the field of Computer Science and is nearly complete, needing modifications to the Literature Review, Conclusion, and Methodology sections. **Ideal Skills Required:** - Academic writing expertise - Strong knowledge of Computer Science - Experience in plagiarism detection and correction - Ability to identify and revise AI-generated content Please include examples of similar work you have completed in your proposal. (Note: I would like this to be completed within one to two days.)
I need assistance with a modeling paper that involves mathematical modeling primarily focused on the simulation of a physical system. The ideal freelancer for this project should possess: - Strong background in mathematical and statistical modeling - Experience with simulating physical systems - Excellent academic writing skills
...candidate should have strong research skills, an understanding of business and system requirements, and the ability to translate complex findings into clear and actionable documentation. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough research on asset management systems like Yardi, TRIRIGA, and other relevant platforms. - Identify and document key features, components, and workflows of each system. - Analyze and compare functionalities to determine best practices and potential enhancements for our needs. - Collaborate with stakeholders to gather additional insights and requirements. - Draft a detailed and structured Business Requirements Document (BRD) that outlines functional and non-functional requirements for the development team. Requirements: - Proven experience in res...
...conversational content for three Health & Wellness websites. Key Responsibilities: - Craft three weekly blogs of 700-1000 words, one for each site. - Develop unique headers and source suitable royalty-free images for each post. - Optimise the content to evade AI detection tools while maintaining high quality and relevance. - Incorporate provided keywords and phrases as well as conducting independent research for additional SEO terms. The ideal candidate should: - Have a strong background in Health & Wellness content writing. - Be well-versed in SEO techniques and AI content optimisation. - Possess skills in creating friendly and conversational tone blog posts. - Be open to a long-term partnership after a trial period of three months. I can provide 10-20 blog topics to...
...searches. The focus will be on local keyword research, particularly for terms like 'development land realtors', 'investment land sales', and 'marketing and sale of development and investment land in the Fraser Valley'. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough local keyword research - Implement on-page and technical SEO strategies - Develop a content strategy tailored for our business - Perform link-building tasks - Provide analytics and reporting on our search engine rankings The primary goal is not to increase traffic to our site, but to ensure we rank at the top for relevant local searches. Hence, your expertise in local SEO is crucial. Ideal Candidate: - Proven experience in the real estate sector is a plus - Strong skills in local key...
I'm looking for an experienced professional who can help me create an ePub formatted, non-fiction eBook. The ideal candidate should have: - Exceptional writing and editing skills - Proven experience in eBook creation, specifically in ePub format - A strong understanding of non-fiction content development - Ability to conduct thorough research and present information in an engaging and accessible manner The project will involve brainstorming and structuring the content, writing, editing, and ultimately delivering a polished eBook ready for publication. Please include samples of your previous eBooks in ePub format when bidding. solutions to clients and close sales. -Build and maintain relationships with new and existing clients. -Keep track of sales activity, follow up with potential clients, and close deals. -Work closely with our team to ensure successful project execution after client acquisition. Outreach Specialist: -Conduct outreach campaigns via email, LinkedIn, and cold calling to generate leads. -Research and identify key decision-makers within solar companies. -Create and manage outreach sequences to engage prospects. -Schedule meetings and book calls with qualified leads for follow-up by the sales team. -Report on the effectiveness of outreach strategies and suggest improvements. Requirements: Skills and Experience: -Proven experience in sales and/or outreach, especially in the s...
I would pay for the partial wark of the fig 1 ( a,b,c) and 2 ( a,b)
I'm in need of highly skilled cold callers who can help me gather market feedback and set appointments for my offerings. The target market is national, and the main objectives of the calls are to assess product fit and gauge market demand. This role is commission based with very lucrative commission structure and growth opportunity to work with a variety of offerings. Key responsibilities: - Conduct cold calls to potential clients - Gather feedback on product fit (problem qualifying and solution interest) - Assess overall market demand - Set appointments for further discussions Ideal candidates should: - Have proven experience in cold calling - Possess excellent communication skills - Be able to gather and report feedback effectively - Have a knack for sales and client interaction
...and rules from similar platforms. Your task will be to conduct thorough research and provide customized, original content that aligns with branding and operational needs. You will be responsible for finalizing our terms of service, privacy policies, user guidelines, and platform rules. Key Responsibilities: - Research and rewrite content from similar platforms, focusing on common terms, policies, and rules. - Customize the content to align with our brand voice and tone, ensure legal compliance, and enhance user engagement. - Create formal documents detailing user responsibilities, vendor responsibilities, and affiliate responsibilities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience in content research and rewriting. - Strong understanding of legal and complianc...
Hello, sports people! I am a logistics specialist and certified personal trainer for runners all levels around the world, with 30 years of work experience, recently focused in online assessments for microjob sites, writing translations from english to spanish, data entry for developers, and helping clients with health & nutrition issues, marketing research missions, and different tasks within e-commerce. As a professional personal trainer with some years of experience, I can help you with different tools and a customize planning adapted to you to reach your goals: - Running motivation - Lose weight - Race goals - Trail running - Ultra marathon - Gym routine - Fitness maintenance - Sports nutrition - New challenges - Other requests You can review my 5 star reviews in googl...