Aws lambda kinesis example nodejsproiecte
Avem, in curs, un proiect de migrare in AWS si mai multe din componentele care le vrem migrate trebuie rescrise din .NET in .NETCore Avem nevoie de un programator nivel mediu-senior care sa ne ajute cu implementarea.
milestone 1: ------------------ 3 webservice-uri - sale - return - storn0 de pe eMAG se "propaga" prin AWS spre shopify pret per web service: 70 euro + 20 euro setari AWS (dar asa cum am spus am nevoie de drepturi alfel de pe acel cont nu pot)
Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de gestiune zootehnica, realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws. Este necesara cunoasterea limbii romane, deoarece mare parte din structura aplicatiei este netraductibila.
Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws.
Caut un partener cu disponibilitate sa participe in diferite proiecte de programare web cu experienta Angular, Vue, .Net, Node.js, SQL, Java, AWS, Azure. Nu sunt necesare toate tehnologiile mentionate. Caut o colaborare pe termen lung cu flexibilitate de orar si dedicatia disponibila. Important sa fie PFA si sa poata emite facturi intracomunitare(UE).
Avem o aplicație în curs de dezvoltare la care avem technical debt. Cea mai mare problema este aceea că obiectul de user este construit pe măsură ce ecranele înaintează, dar noi vrem sa transformăm obiectul user într-un context comun tuturor ecranelor, pe lânga această problemă mai sunt mici bug-...avem technical debt. Cea mai mare problema este aceea că obiectul de user este construit pe măsură ce ecranele înaintează, dar noi vrem sa transformăm obiectul user într-un context comun tuturor ecranelor, pe lânga această problemă mai sunt mici bug-uri sau îmbunătățiri ce trebuiesc făcute. Menționăm că: Proiectul este facut în React Native cu TypeScript pe frontend, iar, pe backend, este făcut in NodeJS cu TypeScript, cu o baza de dat...
Am nevoie de o aplicatie web care sa ma ajute la managementul comenzilor cat si sa imi automatizeze anumite procese pe care le fac eu acuma. Procesul in prezent arata astfel: - ...functionalitati am nevoie: - O mica pagina de prezentare a serviciilor - Plasare comenzi online - Plata online - Generare factura si trasmitere prin email la client - Managementul comenzilor - Managementul preturilor - Managementul serviciilor oferite - Managementul traducatorilor si decontarile ce trebuie facute catre ei - Managementul platilor Domeniul este deja cumparat si hostat la AWS, baza de date este tot la AWS. Exista deja o mica arhitectura a aplicatiei facuta pentru partea de backend cu ASP DotNet Core si Entity Framework. Tehnologi: Angular sau Razor Pages, ASP DotNet Core, Entity Fram...
pentru un proiect de blockchain creare dapps pentru un proiect finance numai vorbitori de limba romana web3 NodeJS UI Application
...GIT; - Analiza proiect si estimare dezvoltare software; - Modificare cod sursa in PHP / MySQL; - Integrare cu alte aplicatii (API intern si extern); - Depanare cod sursa. * Constituie avantaj experienta in dezvoltarea in mediul Linux/Vagrant; experienta cu linia de comanda Linux; experienta in configurare servere: Apache, MySql, Git. * Cunostinte bune de PHP, MySQL, JavaScript. * Cunostinte OOP, NodeJS, AngularJS si ale unui framework de tip MVC (Laravel, etc.) * Experienta in SVN sau alt sistem de versionare * Eficienta in munca de echipa. * Abilitati de organizare si planificare a timpului. * Atentie la detalii si capacitate de a lucra cu termene limita. * Cunostinte de limba engleza * Dezvoltarea de aplicatii web * Dezvoltarea de module functionale pentru aplicatiile si site-...
Cautam un .net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in AWS, pentru proiectele pe care le dezvoltam in cadrul RIA Solutions Group, alaturi de clientii nostri din SUA. Se poate lucra remote, intrucat ne dorim in special sa lucram in regim de colaborare pe aceste proiecte. The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.
Am nevoie de un nou site web Proiectează-l și construiește-l Altele sau nu sunt sigur Am nevoie de un nou site web Proiectează-l și construiește-l Altele sau nu sunt sigur Salut! Caut un programator din Bucuresti pentru ca nu caut un site obisnuit. Site ul pe care il doresc necesita cunostinte html css(sass) php mysql js nodejs angularjs gulp. Am in PC un script deja ca exemplu, acest script are cateva backdoor-uri, dar poate fi folosit ca ghidare. Buget : 500-1500€ (REMOVED BY FREELANCER.COM ADMIN)
...durata medie, pe care sa le finalizeze cu succes pentru a incepe noi provocari. Pana acum am finalizat solutii web pentru clienti renumiti precum: Disney, Universal Pictures, Sony, EA, Microsoft si multe alte brand-uri. Ne dorim de la noii colegi: - experienta PHP (framework Symfony sau similiar), WordPress - experienta in managementul bazelor de date (MySQL) - experienta in arhitectura AWS sau Google Cloud - experienta HTML, CSS, Javascript si jQuery - bune abilitati de limba engleza (scris si vorbit) Este foarte important sa ai: -pasiune pentru: tehnologie, inovare si noi limbaje de programare -intelegere avansata a diferitelor medii si intrumente de lucru -bune abilitati de comunicare si lucru in echipa Vei gasi la noi: -Posibilitatea de a-ti crea o carie...
Avem nevoie urgent de o persoana care poate implementa imediat Wowza pe Amazon Web Server sau Google Cloud si care are experienta in implementari video streaming
Cautam programatori interesati de a participa la dezvoltarea unor aplicatii de ultima generatie ce se bazeaza pe o platforma distribuita. outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s... outsourcing (pentru clienti internationali - din zona Europei de Vest si SUA - si nationali - mai mult pe partea de e-commerce) si dezvoltam in paralel produse proprii. In ceea ce priveste departamentul de Web, pentru partea de backend ne bazam pe PHP5 (aplicatii dezvoltate folosind Zend Framework 2, Symphony2, servicii Web, Social Network Integration s.a.) si tehnologii mai noi precum NodeJS. Binenteles, folosim Magento (Community sau Enterprise) pentru platformele de eCommerce (solutii integrale bazate pe Magento, module si plug-ins independente pentru Magento, migratii catre Magento, integrari cu ERP, CRM). Pe partea de frontend lucram printre altele cu jQuery, BackboneJS, UnderscoreJS, RequireJS AngularJS, YUI, ExtJS, KendoUI dezvoltand si solutii mobile (native s...
...interview for an AWS Cloud PostgreSQL DBA role. The training will specifically focus on Postgres-centric DBA tasks, with an emphasis on database performance tuning. Key Areas of Focus: - Database Performance Tuning: This is a critical aspect of the training. I need to understand how to fine-tune the database for optimal performance. - Query Optimization: I would like to delve into the intricacies of making queries run as efficiently as possible. - Index Management: Understanding how to manage indexes effectively will be a key part of our sessions. - Monitoring and Diagnostics: I need to learn how to monitor the database and diagnose any potential issues. Ideal Candidate: The ideal trainer will be someone with extensive experience as a DBA, particularly with PostgreSQL in an ...
Job Description: We are seeking an experienced AI/ML developer to work on an exciting project. The ideal candidate should have expertise in...similar). Proficiency in using Text-to-Speech APIs like Google TTS, Amazon Polly, or similar. Programming skills in Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, or equivalent frameworks. Experience with data preprocessing, model evaluation, and deployment. Excellent problem-solving and communication skills. Preferred Skills: Knowledge of NLP techniques and frameworks. Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure. Experience in real-time or conversational AI applications. Location: Remote If you have the skills and experience we’re looking for, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your portfolio or relevant proje...
We are seeking an experienced AWS backend developer to help us design, implement, and finalize a robust data pipeline that meets both functional and operational requirements. This pipeline will enable scheduled ingestion, transformation, and analysis of API data and provide a RESTful API to dynamically serve data to our website. Objective To create a cost-effective, highly available, and secure AWS-based backend architecture that ensures seamless data ingestion, transformation, and real-time interaction with our website. Key Responsibilities Data Ingestion Schedule Python scripts using AWS Lambda to fetch data from APIs. Handle API rate limits, errors, and retry mechanisms. Store raw data temporarily in Amazon S3. Data Parsing Clean and structure raw data fo...
I'm seeking an expert in Jitsi and AWS to install Jitsi on a cloud server, specifically AWS. The installation should support both local and cloud recording capabilities. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Jitsi installation and configuration - Extensive experience with AWS - Knowledge of setting up dual recording systems Please provide a bid if you can meet these requirements.
...Development Manager focused on the AWS sector within the Technology industry. The ideal candidate will be responsible for lead generation, client relationship management, and market research, specifically targeting the North American market. Key Responsibilities: - Lead Generation: Identifying potential clients and opportunities within the AWS sector. - Client Relationship Management: Building and maintaining strong relationships with clients to promote business growth. - Market Research: Understanding and analyzing the North American Technology market, specifically the AWS sector, to identify trends and opportunities. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in business development within the Technology industry, preferably with a focus on AWS. - S...
I'm looking for an AWS expert who can configure an IP camera to connect to an AWS S3 server. The project will also involve setting up a system for batch processing of the video files. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience with AWS and its services, particularly AWS S3. - Previous work with IP cameras is a plus. - Competence in setting up video batch processing. - Ability to deliver clear, thorough documentation of the setup process. The ideal freelancer would be able to streamline the process and ensure seamless integration between the camera and the AWS server.
...NET developer with strong knowledge of C#, ASP.NET MVC, Angular, AWS. The role involves working on multiple projects that use various technologies and languages, with tasks ranging from adding new features to developing new applications. This position is perfect for full-time developers looking to make some extra money. You must be able to make consistent progress on the project on a daily basis and be available for meetings between 8 PM and 10 PM Eastern. Familiarity with GIT (Bitbucket) is essential, and experience with Web Forms is a plus. Candidates must also be very familiar with LINQ and Entity Framework. Familiarity with Terraform is a plus, as some projects may involve infrastructure automation and management on AWS. Note: the "Master" at the beginnin...
I can perfectly deploy your architecture on AWS cloud with best security practices and standards.
I'm looking for a proficient Terraform developer to create a script for Google Cloud. We need the script to create these items 1. networking 2. GKE cluster with one node 3. permanent volume and claim for GKE 4. Postgres SQL service - needs to be accessible from GKE 5. API Gateway - if API URL is /example1 > run a lambda function - otherwise forward API request to /endpoint/{incoming URL) (a service running in GKE) 6. IAM Role Binding for Cluster Access
I'm in need of professional assistance with my SuiteCRM instance installed on an AWS Lightsail server. Key Tasks: 1. Troubleshoot an error: "Error: Query limit of 5000 reached for Contacts module". 2. Review the installation and provide recommendations for an upgrade. 3. Evaluate the current backup strategy and perform tests accordingly. Please ensure to include "SuiteCRM" in your quote. Thank you in advance for your proposal and assistance.
I need a freelancer to set up a daily backup of my Microsoft SQL Server database from a dedicated Windows server to S3 AWS Storage. The backup files need to be compressed. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Microsoft SQL Server - Experience with AWS S3 - Knowledge of Windows Server - SQL database management - Data compression techniques
...Tech Stack: Backend: Node.js, Frontend: (UI designs already available; needs integration). Database: MongoDB Cloud: AWS for hosting and server management. Other Tools: Redis, RabbitMQ/Kafka, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK Stack Key Responsibilities: and optimize APIs for seamless client integration. scalable, secure admin and client dashboards. dynamic API switching and failover mechanisms. compliance with data protection regulations (GDPR/CCPA). designed UI into the platform using What We’re Looking For: expertise in Node.js, , and Next.js. with AWS, (MongoDB), and API integrations. with real-time monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana). focus on security (OAuth2
I'm looking for a skilled Snowflake developer with extensive experience in data warehousing. The project involves integrating various data sources, primarily AWS S3 and SQL databases, with Snowflake. Key Responsibilities: - Data Warehousing: You'll be primarily focusing on the data warehousing aspect of Snowflake. - Data Integration: Integrating AWS S3, SQL databases, DBT, and Snowpark with Snowflake. - Data Transformation: Your main use of dbt will be for data transformation. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Snowflake, dbt, and AWS. - Experience with data warehousing and integration. - Hands-on experience with live projects using these technologies. - Strong understanding of data transformation processes. Successful candidates will have previous experience ...
Am looking for someone who is well varsity with NEXT Js to customize for me an application to change it form one domain to another and also do some customization to it
I'm seeking a full stack developer to implement a Figma redesign into our current TS...adding new features or functionalities. However, updating any elements of our current dashboard could be allowed. Specifically, the data visualization components and interactive calendar can be replaced. Key Requirements: - Proficient in TypeScript, CSS Tailwind, and Docker - Experienced with Git and comfortable with code reviews - Able to deliver a quick turnaround - Daily user of CURSOR IDE -NodeJS nice to have The successful bidder will be able to leverage our Figma designs to enhance our user interface, while ensuring the underlying performance and navigational layout of the dashboard remains consistent. Please be ready to discuss your familiarity with the CURSOR IDE and share relevan...
...Deployment: Work closely with the design team to implement UI/UX requirements. Deploy the application to a cloud platform such as AWS, Heroku, or DigitalOcean. Provide post-launch maintenance and updates. Skills Required: Strong knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and modern front-end frameworks like React.js, Vue.js, or Angular. Experience with Node.js and (or other back-end frameworks like Django or Ruby on Rails). Familiarity with RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and third-party API integrations. Experience with relational and non-relational databases (e.g., MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL). Knowledge of version control systems like Git. Experience with cloud services (AWS, Google Cloud, etc.) and deploying web apps. Familiarity with testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha is a plus...
I recently recovered an AWS EBS and attached it to a new EC2 instance, then swapped in elastic IP to get back to a mostly working setup with the same external WAN IP. I do not know how the following errors occurred. Please advise if you can help me with the repair of my WHM instance. If you are not familiar with this level of WHM maintenance and repair please be honest - I don't want to make things worse. I've spent a lot of time trying to make sure the SSL certificates were reissued properly - but that might be worth checking. This fixed some of the CGI-sys errors "IP address might have been changed, server misconfiguration, or site may have been moved to a different server"" I have an AWS EC-2 Linux instance with Centos 7 as the OS running W...
Required Skills and Experience: 1. Knowledge of IT Products and Services: • Familiarity with software solutions, SaaS, cloud computing, hardware, and IT infrastructure services. 2. Sales Expertise: • Experience in lead generation, B2B sales, and negotiating IT service contracts. • Proven ability to achieve or exceed sales targets in ... 8. Collaboration with Technical Teams: • Ability to liaise effectively with internal development, design, and IT teams to ensure client requirements are met. 9. Problem-Solving Skills: • Ability to identify client pain points and offer tailored IT solutions. 10. Certifications (Preferred): • Sales certifications (e.g., Certified Inside Sales Professional). • Technical certifications like AWS Certified Clo...
I am seeking a talented Full Stack Developer for a full-time engagement. If you're an individual freelancer with expertise in modern web and desktop app technologies, i want to hear from you! Required Skills: - MUI - Tailwind CSS - React.js - - - TypeScript - Node.js - Prisma - MySQL - AWS Work Details: - Schedule: Monday to Saturday - Hours: 8 hours per day - Payment: Monthly basis (10K) Who Can Apply: - Individual freelancers only (no agencies) - Must be able to demonstrate past work or projects in the required tech stack. If you meet the criteria and are passionate about full-stack development, drop your bid with your portfolio and let's collaborate!
I need a freelancer to help me with a simple university project. The project involves creating and deploying a basic static website on AWS S3, with primarily HTML content. Key requirements: - Build a simple, static website using basic HTML content - Deploy the website on AWS S3 - Provide a detailed report of the progress - Documentation with screenshots and a step-by-step setup process Ideal Skills: - Proficient in HTML - Experience with AWS S3 - Good documentation and communication skills This project is for an educational assignment, so clarity in the documentation is crucial. I need step-by-step explanations of the setup the report that you will make , please every thing is explained in the pdf file
I need a proficient developer to integrate AWS S3 into my website and app for storing user files, primarily images and videos. Key Requirements: - Implement AWS S3 for storing user files - Ensure the integration allows for authenticated access only - Use a custom authentication service for access control Ideal Skills: - Experience with AWS S3 - Knowledge in website and app development - Proficiency in implementing access control systems - Familiarity with custom authentication services
...existing AWS database and payment intent scheduler. Responsibilities: 1. WhatsApp Bot: • Develop a conversational WhatsApp bot using WhatsApp Business API or Twilio. • Implement flows for donation setup, cause selection, and confirmations. 2. AWS Integration: • Save user data (donation preferences, breakdowns, schedules) to our existing AWS database securely. 3. Stripe Integration: • Dynamically generate Stripe payment links and process confirmations. • Integrate with our payment intent scheduler to create donation schedules. 4. Testing & Deployment: • Test the bot for seamless user experience and deploy on a scalable server. Skills Required: • Experience with WhatsApp Business API or Twilio. • Proficiency in Node.js or ...
I'm looking for a professional to help me connect my website to Zoom. The primary purpose of this integration is to host one-on-one lessons and group classes. Key Features: Please note, I don't require any customization for the Zoom interface. The default UI will suffice. Ideal Skills: - Experience website to Zoom. The primary purpose of this integration is to host one-on-one lessons and group classes. Key Features: Please note, I don't require any customization for the Zoom interface. The default UI will suffice. Ideal Skills: - Experience with Zoom API - Proficient in website integration - Knowledge of webinar hosting requirements The website uses: The website uses MongoDB, and Nodejs JavaScript, Stripe, PayPal Marketplace API, MEAN Stack, PayPal,...
I need a skilled developer with expertise in PayPal Marketplace API integration to implement comprehensive payment solutions on my custom-built online education marketplace. Key Requirements: - Implement PayPal Marketplace API f...processing. - Set up payment systems for both subscriptions and one-time purchases. Our website will also take Stripe payments but this is not part of your project. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in working with custom-built platforms. - Prior experience with PayPal Payments Pro integration. - Understanding of online marketplace dynamics and payment requirements. The website uses MongoDB, and Nodejs JavaScript, Stripe, PayPal Marketplace API, MEAN Stack, PayPal, Angular version 10.0.11 Please provide examples of similar projects you have completed in...
I'm looking for a professional to integrate Stripe with my website for processing payments. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this ...integrate Stripe with my website for processing payments. Key Requirements: - The primary purpose of this integration is to accept payments through Stripe. - The payment methods to be accepted include Credit/Debit Cards only. - We have an existing Stripe account Note: The online marketplace also takes payments from PayPal, but this is not part of your project. The website uses MongoDB, and Nodejs JavaScript, Stripe, PayPal Marketplace API, MEAN Stack, PayPal, Angular version 10.0.11 Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Stripe integration - Strong understanding of payment processing systems - Experience with website development and e-...
I'm looking for an experienced professional to host my Django application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The application should connect to a PostgreSQL database and utilize auto-scaling features to manage varying loads efficiently. Key Requirements: - Expertise in Django and AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Proficiency in PostgreSQL - Experience with implementing auto-scaling features The project involves setting up a production environment for the application. Please bid only if you have relevant experience and can provide a robust, scalable solution.
I need a fullstack developer skilled in PHP and React Native to work on my application. The specifics of the project will be discussed, but I expect you to have the capability to handle the full stack of the application. I have my own doctor app, i need developer who can work on agora api which i used for video calling. So am not able to connect my call, when am trying to join call am gett...understand project specifications Skills: - PHP - React Native - Fullstack Development - Backend Development - App Development Please note, the answers to the questions regarding the primary goal of the project, specific features, and data handling have not been defined yet, but flexibility and understanding are key. NOTE:- PLEASE ONLY APPLY IF ANYBODY CAN START WORK RIGHT AWAY, backend host on A...
...NestJS (preferred). • RESTful API design for key endpoints. • Data validation on input (e.g., using a library like Joi/Zod). 3. Database: • Preference for PostgreSQL (relational) or MongoDB (NoSQL). • Must store property, tenant, and payment data reliably. 4. Deployment: • Local environment for development (Docker optional but nice to have). • Production environment can be anything simple (AWS, DigitalOcean, Heroku, etc.). • Provide instructions for deployment and environment variables in a README. 5. Security Considerations: • Passwords hashed using bcrypt or similar. • Use HTTPS in production if feasible (SSL cert if hosted publicly). 6. Version Control: • Source code stored in a private Git repo. • We expect...