Aws codepipeline static websiteproiecte


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2,000 aws codepipeline static website proiecte găsite

Avem, in curs, un proiect de migrare in AWS si mai multe din componentele care le vrem migrate trebuie rescrise din .NET in .NETCore Avem nevoie de un programator nivel mediu-senior care sa ne ajute cu implementarea.

$27 / hr Average bid
Acord de confidenţialitate
$27 / hr Oferta medie
13 oferte
feeds emag
S-a încheiat left

milestone 1: ------------------ 3 webservice-uri - sale - return - storn0 de pe eMAG se "propaga" prin AWS spre shopify pret per web service: 70 euro + 20 euro setari AWS (dar asa cum am spus am nevoie de drepturi alfel de pe acel cont nu pot)

$377 Average bid
$377 Oferta medie
2 oferte

Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii de gestiune zootehnica, realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws. Este necesara cunoasterea limbii romane, deoarece mare parte din structura aplicatiei este netraductibila.

$2534 Average bid
$2534 Oferta medie
5 oferte

Dorim o colaborare pe termen lung, 4 ore / zi, luni-vineri, cu un developer cu experienta, pentru mentenanta si dezvoltarea unei aplicatii realizate in python/django + mysql + react, care ruleaza pe aws.

$2092 Average bid
$2092 Oferta medie
7 oferte
Proiecte web
S-a încheiat left

Caut un partener cu disponibilitate sa participe in diferite proiecte de programare web cu experienta Angular, Vue, .Net, Node.js, SQL, Java, AWS, Azure. Nu sunt necesare toate tehnologiile mentionate. Caut o colaborare pe termen lung cu flexibilitate de orar si dedicatia disponibila. Important sa fie PFA si sa poata emite facturi intracomunitare(UE).

$12 / hr Average bid
$12 / hr Oferta medie
6 oferte

Am nevoie de o aplicatie web care sa ma ajute la managementul comenzilor cat si sa imi automatizeze anumite procese pe care le fac eu acuma. Procesul in prezent arata astfel: - ...functionalitati am nevoie: - O mica pagina de prezentare a serviciilor - Plasare comenzi online - Plata online - Generare factura si trasmitere prin email la client - Managementul comenzilor - Managementul preturilor - Managementul serviciilor oferite - Managementul traducatorilor si decontarile ce trebuie facute catre ei - Managementul platilor Domeniul este deja cumparat si hostat la AWS, baza de date este tot la AWS. Exista deja o mica arhitectura a aplicatiei facuta pentru partea de backend cu ASP DotNet Core si Entity Framework. Tehnologi: Angular sau Razor Pages, ASP DotNet Core, Entity Fram...

$10 / hr Average bid
$10 / hr Oferta medie
2 oferte
Proiect phyron-basic
S-a încheiat left

...modification of the measures in the pandas package; - group functions; - treatment of missing values; - deleting columns and records; - statistical processing, grouping and aggregation of data in the pandas package; - processing of data sets with joining / joining; - graphic representation of the after with the matplotlib package; - use of the scikit-learning package (clustering, logistic regression); - static packet models (multiple regression)....

$16 Average bid
$16 Oferta medie
1 oferte
S-a încheiat left

Buna, suntem , un magazin online care vinde semințe și produse în creștere; ne-am mutat recent (de la Wordpress) la Shopify, dar având puțină experiență în tematica Shopify, ne străduim să pregătim toate lucrurile. Am dori să vă întrebăm: 1. Îmbunătățiri simple ale temei, bazate pe tema Debut (implicit): banner și subsol, conținut static (adică o coloană statică) și subsol; logo-ul ar trebui să fie mai mare; fără modificări de aspect sau alte cerințe complicate: 1.1. Carusel pe banner, unde putem insera oferte, text și linkuri către produse / colecții 1.2. Elemente de meniu pentru a face link către anumite colecții de produse sau pagini 2. Corecții la mai multe limbi; folosim langify, dar unele etichete nu sunt traduse corect, așa că presupun că t...

$439 Average bid
$439 Oferta medie
8 oferte

Cautam un .net Developer pasionat, cu experienta in AWS, pentru proiectele pe care le dezvoltam in cadrul RIA Solutions Group, alaturi de clientii nostri din SUA. Se poate lucra remote, intrucat ne dorim in special sa lucram in regim de colaborare pe aceste proiecte. The candidate must speak both Romanian and English fluently.

$29 / hr Average bid
$29 / hr Oferta medie
9 oferte

...durata medie, pe care sa le finalizeze cu succes pentru a incepe noi provocari. Pana acum am finalizat solutii web pentru clienti renumiti precum: Disney, Universal Pictures, Sony, EA, Microsoft si multe alte brand-uri. Ne dorim de la noii colegi: - experienta PHP (framework Symfony sau similiar), WordPress - experienta in managementul bazelor de date (MySQL) - experienta in arhitectura AWS sau Google Cloud - experienta HTML, CSS, Javascript si jQuery - bune abilitati de limba engleza (scris si vorbit) Este foarte important sa ai: -pasiune pentru: tehnologie, inovare si noi limbaje de programare -intelegere avansata a diferitelor medii si intrumente de lucru -bune abilitati de comunicare si lucru in echipa Vei gasi la noi: -Posibilitatea de a-ti crea o carie...

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Oferta medie
10 oferte
Project for Handyman84
S-a încheiat left

Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect - search filed sa fie static intre meniul principal si lupa de search te rog sa ma anunti daca ai dispobilitatea sa executi asa ceva, un cost si o estimare de timp

$100 Average bid
$100 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Project for designfacecom
S-a încheiat left

Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect - search filed sa fie static intre meniul principal si lupa de search te rog sa ma anunti daca ai dispobilitatea sa executi asa ceva, un cost si o estimare de timp

$100 Average bid
$100 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Project for AndroPetre
S-a încheiat left

Salut, As avea nevoie de modificat un template de magento. Template-ul este online la adresa: vreau urmatoarele modificari: -deasupra noutatilor sa fie un tab exact identic doar denumit proiecte noi care se populeaza din produsele care sunt selectate cu rol de proiect - search filed sa fie static intre meniul principal si lupa de search te rog sa ma anunti daca ai dispobilitatea sa executi asa ceva, un cost si o estimare de timp

$250 Average bid
$250 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Avem nevoie urgent de o persoana care poate implementa imediat Wowza pe Amazon Web Server sau Google Cloud si care are experienta in implementari video streaming

$791 Average bid
$791 Oferta medie
2 oferte

sa fie asemanator cu dar integrat ca , sa fie ,,responsev,, sa se poata integra video, sa se poata face plata online,sa fie integrata posta si curierierul, cei care intra de pe mobil sa nu aiba probleme

$213 Average bid
$213 Oferta medie
18 oferte

Salut, Vreau sa deschid pana pe 1 decembrie un magazin online (la inceput maxim 500 produse) pe platforma opencart si am nevoie de cineva care sa configureze si sa optimizeze un server dedicat pentru magazin online. De asemenea ma intereseaza sa stiu (daca traficul va cere) sa imi spuneti daca poti face: – setarea mai multor CDN-uri pentru continutul static – round robin dns load balancing pentru baza de date si script *chiar daca va ma trebui inchiriat un server pt asta Ca si firma de hosting vreau sa inchiriez un server dedicat (am atasat o poza cu configuratia aleasa) de la intrucat lucrez cu ei de mai bine de 3 ani pe shared hosting si de fiecare data cand am avut o problema indiferent de ora primeam raspuns si rezolvare in maxim 15 min prin mail si au s...

$100 Average bid
$100 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Wordpress integrari
S-a încheiat left

Project Description: Salut, Ma poti ajuta cu integrarea unui site static Wordpress cu alte platforme? plati - netopia conferinte - skype sau altceva programari - xandaro sau altceva form-uri - jotform date - google spreadsheets Multumesc, Lucian

$117 Average bid
$117 Oferta medie
1 oferte
Integrari Wordpress HTML
S-a încheiat left

Salut, Ma poti ajuta cu integrarea unui site static Wordpress cu alte platforme? plati - netopia converinte - skype sau altceva programari - xandaro sau altceva form-uri - jotform date - google spreadsheets Multumesc, Lucian

$97 Average bid
$97 Oferta medie
1 oferte

de transformat - > in wordpress dar cu designul asemanator acestui site

$155 Average bid
$155 Oferta medie
10 oferte

de transformat - > in wordpress dar cu designul asemanator acestui site

$50 - $50
$50 - $50
0 oferte

Buna, Ne dorim un banner static 470x175 pentru site-ul care va fi postat pe homepage si va promova o oferta de 8 martie.

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
21 oferte
static fixed div
S-a încheiat left

Am vb noi, zilele trecute. Trebuie sa facem div-ul ala static. Ai lucrat in cod stii ce este. Ms frumos astept rasunsul

$20 - $20
$20 - $20
0 oferte
Munin & Nginx
S-a încheiat left

Salut, am nevose sa instalez munin 2.x in modalitate fast-cgi (ca in acest tutori...munin 2.x in modalitate fast-cgi (ca in acest tutorial) pe nginx 1.5.6 (deja instalat si configurat de mine) pe un server ubuntu 12.04 curat (am instalat si compilat nginx si atat). Am adaugat si repository ppa:tuxpoldo/munin (pentru a avea ultima verione de munin). Lucrul important este ca trebuie sa mearga bine. Inclusiv zoom-ul pe grafic, ca in aceasta demo: Ai cum sa ma ajuti? Numai bine, Ionut

$30 Average bid
$30 Oferta medie
1 oferte

Salut. Am nevoie de rescrierea unei functii in codul meu, mentionez ca programul il voi folosi strict pe propriile mele servere. - codul a fost scris in mai multi pasi ca sa ruleze mai multe functii, de multe ori de alti coderi - programul se compileaza static si ruleaza pe urmatoarele platforme Linux: CentOS, Debin, Ubuntu, RedHat. - in urma testelor am descoperit ca programul la inceput ruleaza foarte rapid si exact asa cum trebuie iar apoi circa dupa 1 ora de functionare totul incepe sa devina slow si ajunge sa mearga din ce in ce mai greu. - am constatat ca problema principala este de la Threadurile pe care le face ( probabil au fost scrise gresit ) - in rest toate functiile lui functioneaza asa cum ar trebui sa functioneze Mai jos am atasat o arhiva cu o scurta s...

$588 Average bid
$588 Oferta medie
3 oferte
banner flash
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de un banner flash 234x60 pixel. este un logo care va trebuii sa aiba impactul de flexibilitate, sa se stranga, sa se dilate doar in momentul in care suntem cu mouse ul pe el, si sa ne redirectioneze catre site. In momentul in care nu avem mouse ul pe banner el sa ramana static.

$23 Average bid
$23 Oferta medie
4 oferte
Site de poze
S-a încheiat left

Am nevoie de un layout eu iti explic cum il vreau si tu il executi in CSS/HTML5 si probabil ai nevoie de jquery umpic. Este static nu dynamic nu php, doar layoutul pentru un site de poze cu select de categorii, si un search input etc

$100 Average bid
$100 Oferta medie
1 oferte

...Experience developing GraphQL APIs (e.g., using Apollo, Strawberry, or other libraries). • Understanding of Semantic Web technologies (RDF, SPARQL, OWL) and experience with Amazon Neptune or similar graph databases. • Familiarity with front-end development, preferably with React, Vue.js, or similar frameworks. • Experience working with cloud services (AWS, GCP, or Azure). • Strong problem-solving skills and an ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Nice to Have • Experience with machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. • Familiarity with graph technologies, including property graphs and knowledge graphs. • Knowledge of...

$618 Average bid
$618 Oferta medie
29 oferte

I am looking to create a simple static website using Word Press for the launch of my children’s book. It needs to be easy to update. It will consist of 5-6 pages. • Home Page • About • Events • Social – Instagram feed – use plugin to show Instagram posts from the book account… • Press • Contact All branding work has been done. I can provide you with branding document. I have logos, fonts, colours, all defined. Texts have been written and layouts created. Images are ready. I have the domain and the hosting. I just need someone to make sure pages are created correctly, optimised for SEO and buttons, collect email addresses and work with my mailchimp account and redirect people to Amazon to buy the book.

$244 Average bid
$244 Oferta medie
1 oferte

...void addFirst(Item item) // add the item to the back public void addLast(Item item) // remove and return the item from the front public Item removeFirst() // remove and return the item from the back public Item removeLast() // return an iterator over items in order from front to back public Iterator<Item> iterator() // unit testing (required) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. Throw the specified exception for the following corner cases: Throw an IllegalArgumentException if the client calls either addFirst() or addLast() with a null argument. Throw a if the client calls either removeFirst() or removeLast when the deque is empty. Throw a if the client calls the

$143 Average bid
$143 Oferta medie
11 oferte

Project Title: Upgrade & Revamp Matchmaking Website with Modern Features Description: We are looking to modernize our existing matchmaking website, which is currently built on an outdated PHP version. We want to create a sleek, user-friendly, and modern platform with the following features: Key Requirements: Modern UI/UX: Clean, responsive design using React.js, , or Vue.js, with modern styling frameworks like Tailwind CSS or Material-UI. Real-Time Messaging: Implement instant messaging, including text, voice, and video calls using and WebRTC. Swipe Feature: Add a Tinder-style swipe feature for users to match based on profiles. Search & Filters: Advanced search and filtering options for users to easily find matches. Consider using Elasticsearch. User Data Migration...

$4505 Average bid
$4505 Oferta medie
65 oferte already public void open(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) open? public boolean isOpen(int row, int col) // is the site (row, col) full? public boolean isFull(int row, int col) // returns the number of open sites public int numberOfOpenSites() // does the system percolate? public boolean percolates() // test client (optional) public static void main(String[] args) } Corner cases. By convention, the row and column indices are integers between 1 and n, where (1, 1) is the upper-left site: Throw an IllegalArgumentException if any argument to open(), isOpen(), or isFull() is outside its prescribed range. Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the constructor if n ≤ 0. Performance requirements. The constructor must ta...

$120 Average bid
$120 Oferta medie
19 oferte

Hostel Management System - Project Description This project is written in Ja...student records, hostel occupancy, fee collection, complaints, etc. Provide insights for better hostel management and decision-making. Technology Stack The system can be developed using the following technologies: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js/Angular.js Backend: Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot) Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase Hosting & Security: Cloud-based (AWS, Azure, Firebase), Role-based authentication Conclusion A Hostel Management System helps in digitizing hostel operations, making them more efficient and hassle-free. It benefits hostel wardens, students, and administrative staff by reducing workload, increasing security, and ensuring transparency in host...

$16 / hr Average bid
$16 / hr Oferta medie
97 oferte

I need a desktop application transformed into a SAAS model. This involves the development of essential features including user authentication, subscription management, and a data analytics dashboard. The final product will be hosted on AWS. Key Requirements: - Expertise in SAAS development from a desktop application - Proficiency in implementing user authentication systems - Experience in creating subscription management features - Ability to develop a comprehensive data analytics dashboard - Familiarity with AWS for hosting SAAS applications I am looking for a professional with a proven track record in SAAS development who can deliver a high-quality, scalable product.

$6 Average bid
$6 Oferta medie
1 oferte

...agents when necessary. Tech Stack Preferences: • Speech-to-Text: OpenAI Whisper / NVIDIA Riva • LLM Processing: Mixtral (Mistral AI) with GPT-4 fallback • Text-to-Speech: Coqui AI / OpenAI / Google TTS • VoIP/SIP: Asterisk / FreeSWITCH / Twilio / Exotel • Backend: Python (FastAPI/Django/Flask) or Node.js • Database: PostgreSQL / MongoDB / Redis • Deployment: Hybrid – On-Prem GPU Servers + Cloud (AWS/GCP/Azure) Ideal Developer Profile: • Proven experience in AI-powered voice applications. • Strong knowledge of VoIP, SIP, Asterisk, and FreeSWITCH. • Experience working with STT, TTS, and LLMs (Mistral, GPT-4, etc.). • Ability to build scalable, real-time systems. • Familiarity with both cloud and on-prem deployment....

$3405 Average bid
$3405 Oferta medie
13 oferte
Professional Video Editing
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I have a video that requires some editing to achieve a professional and clean finish. The project involves removing static text in the background and dealing with moving objects in the foreground, specifically people. Key Requirements: - Remove static text throughout the video - Edit out people in the foreground Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software - Strong attention to detail - Experience with professional video editing - Ability to create a clean and polished final product Have to remove only the 'OSLO' in the background, while the both persons must be kept moving naturally all the video....

$108 Average bid
$108 Oferta medie
71 oferte

...Version Control: Use Git for source code management, hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab. CI/CD: Set up automated pipelines (using Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI) for testing, building, and deployment. Containerization: Employ Docker to containerize application services to ensure consistency across environments. Cloud Infrastructure: Deploy on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, using managed services (such as AWS RDS for the database) to support scalability. Monitoring & Logging: Integrate monitoring tools (Prometheus, Grafana, or an ELK stack) for real-time analytics, error tracking, and performance monitoring. Security Data Encryption: Utilize SSL/TLS for data in transit and ensure encryption at rest for sensitive data. Authentication &am...

$36 / hr Average bid
$36 / hr Oferta medie
49 oferte

I'm looking for a professional to design engaging ad creatives for me. I also need existing static illustrations from previous campaigns to be modified to enable text changes and layout modifications. Key Requirements: - Experience in designing advertisement creatives - Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) - Able to modify existing static illustrations for text changes and layout modifications - Understands the goal of promoting a specific event or campaign The primary objective of these ad creatives is to promote a specific event or campaign. So, an understanding of how to design with this goal in mind is crucial.

$213 Average bid
$213 Oferta medie
130 oferte

...another job - a chance to build something that transforms an entire industry Potential to become our CTO if you prove your exceptional capabilities Startup equity as part of your compensation package Working on cutting-edge circular economy technology Opportunity to significantly reduce carbon emissions through innovative tech solutions Tech Stack Preferences: React/ Node.js TypeScript AWS/Cloud Infrastructure GraphQL Docker/Kubernetes What We Offer: Competitive salary Equity stake in a high-growth startup Flexible working environment Opportunity to directly impact sustainability Clear path to leadership for the right candidate If you're not just looking for a job, but a mission to revolutionize how we think about e-commerce this is your opportunity. Send your portfoli...

$638 Average bid
$638 Oferta medie
116 oferte
VR Content Hosting Website Development
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I am looking to develop a website for hosting my VR content built in Unity. The website should allow users to sign in, access their VR content based on their subscriptions, and provide detailed tracking of time spent on each piece of content. Here are the key features I need for the website: ________________________________________ 1. User Login System • A login page where users can register and authenticate using their credentials (email/password, or a preferred method). • Users should have their own personal account where they can manage their subscriptions and content access. • Admin panel to manage user access, subscriptions, and content. ________________________________________ 2. Subscription Management • Users should be able to subscribe to s...

$588 Average bid
$588 Oferta medie
23 oferte
Static Business Website Development
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I need a static website for my business. The site should have the following essential pages: Home, About Us, Contact Us, Services, News/Blog Page, and a Book Appointment section. Here's what you need to know: - The website will serve as a business showcase. - I have some existing materials that you'll need to incorporate into the design. - Ideal skills for this project include web development, graphic design, and a good understanding of static website creation. Wordpress - Experience in creating business showcase websites and working with branding materials is a plus.

$95 Average bid
$95 Oferta medie
112 oferte

...should include core functionalities such as order tracking and user profiles, product choices for purchase etc. 2. Vendor Web Interface: This will be crucial for our vendors to manage logistics. Key features should include inventory management, order tracking, and an analytics dashboard. 3. Simple Website: A straightforward site to represent our startup. 4. API Integrations: Seamless integration with delivery service company APIs and a payment gateway is essential. 5. Cloud Services: Utilizing AWS or similar services for storage and processing. 6. Code and IP Rights: All code, IP rights, and necessary credentials must be handed over to us. Future Considerations: - While not mandatory, we would prefer ongoing support for maintenance and hardware/services upscaling as we gr...

$19 / hr Average bid
$19 / hr Oferta medie
13 oferte

I'm in need of an experienced AWS Glue developer for a crucial data integration task. You need to show me how it works. Do not use Bot generated Bot. Key Responsibilities: - Integrate data across various sources including databases, cloud storage, and APIs. - Specifically, the integration will involve Oracle databases. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in AWS Glue with a focus on data integration. - Experience working with Oracle databases is a must. - Knowledge of other databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB is a plus. - Ability to work with various data sources including cloud storage and APIs.

$19 Average bid
$19 Oferta medie
21 oferte

I'm looking for a professional to assist with migrating my corporate website from one domain to another on Hostinger. This is a non-CMS site, so experience with custom-built or static sites is essential. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive understanding of Hostinger's platform for seamless migration - Expertise in handling multiple databases - Proficient in managing corporate-level website complexities Ideal Skills: - Strong technical skills in website migration - Experience with corporate websites - Database management skills - Proficiency in troubleshooting potential issues during migration process. Please ensure your bid reflects your experience with similar projects. Thank you.

$64 Average bid
$64 Oferta medie
35 oferte

Core Features & Modules 1. User Roles & Access Control • Admin (Owner): Full control over system functions. • Staff (Employees): Can add expenses, view their reimbursements, and check vehicle file status. 2. Vehicle Fi...(Excel/PDF) for accounting. 6. Web-Based Deployment • Secure login authentication for staff & admin. • Data backup & recovery mechanism. Technology Stack Recommendation: (Developer can suggest alternatives if needed) • Frontend: React.js / Vue.js (Modern UI Framework) • Backend: Node.js () or Laravel (PHP) • Database: MySQL / PostgreSQL • Authentication: JWT-based authentication • Hosting: AWS / DigitalOcean / Firebase • PDF Generation: Puppeteer / jsPDF Budget & Additional Notes • Develo...

$290 Average bid
$290 Oferta medie
13 oferte

I'm looking for a seasoned developer with extensive experience on both the Midnight and Cardano networks. Your primary task will be smart contract development. The contracts will need to cater to asset management and decentralized finance (DeFi) services. Key Skills: - Proficient in Plutus and Rust - Experience with Amazon S3 and IPFS - Knowledge of AWS KMS/CloudHSM Ideal candidates should have a strong understanding of both the mentioned networks and a proven track record in smart contract development. Your role will directly impact the success of our project, so a keen attention to detail and a proactive approach will be highly valued.

$625 Average bid
$625 Oferta medie
12 oferte

I need a skilled web developer to replicate a PNG image into pure Bootstrap HTML and CSS. All elements of the image need to be meticulously copied including the layout, modal, typography, colors, and navigation menu. Light hover effects should also be incorporated to enhance interactivity. The content of the page will be static, so no dynamic elements are required. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Proficient in HTML/CSS and Bootstrap - Excellent eye for detail - Experience with translating design into code - Knowledge of implementing CSS hover effects - Ability to work with PNG files I will provide the design image via chat. Please message me if any clarification is needed. Based on working on this page, we have above 20-25 image files of the same design but related t...

$26 Average bid

I need a responsive and user-friendly website similar to The Abu Dhabi Pass to help customers buy and explore travel experiences. The platform should allow users to: ✅ Create an account (with email and social login options). ✅ Browse available passes (detailed descriptions, pricing, and benefits). ✅ Choose a pass based on their preferences. ✅ Purchase the pass securely (integrated payment gateway). ✅ Receive digital access to their pass (via email or user dashboard). Key Features: User Dashboard: Track purchases, view active passes. Admin Panel: Manage passes, track sales, and user activity. Mobile-Friendly & Fast: Optimized for all devices. Multi-language Support (Optional). Secure Payments (Stripe, PayPal, etc.). SEO-Friendly for better visibility. ? Tech Preferences: Front...

$626 Average bid
$626 Oferta medie
43 oferte

I have a static HTML site that I want converted to WordPress. The new site needs to use a specific WordPress theme that I have in mind, and the design and layout must be replicated exactly as they are on the current site. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in WordPress development - Proficient in HTML and CSS - Prior experience with theme integration - Strong attention to detail for design replication - Good communication skills for understanding project requirements

$79 Average bid
$79 Oferta medie
57 oferte

About the job NOTE: 100% REMOTE, Monday-Friday 8:30AM – 4:30PM work in EST timezone. TYPE: Full-time SKILLS: 5-10+ years Senior Blockchain Developer, Solidity,Web3, Smart Contract, Node.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Hardhat, Truffle, Agile/Scrum, Jira, CI/CD pipelines, AWS, Azure, Ethereum INDUSTRY: Industrial Management Description: Seeking a Blockchain Developer to work on mission-critical applications, utilizing blockchain technology to enhance AI-driven solutions. As a Blockchain Developer, you will play a key role in developing decentralized applications (dApps) and integrating blockchain with cutting-edge AI innovations to create secure, scalable, and efficient systems. You will collaborate within an Agile framework to build and maintain complex software systems, working...

$1539 Average bid
$1539 Oferta medie
22 oferte
Static Website Design for Food Chain
6 zile left
Cont confirmat

I need a static website for my food chain. The primary goal of the website is to showcase our menu. The website should include images of our food items, as well as a special section for our best sellers. Key requirements: - Design a clean, user-friendly, and engaging static website. - Include high-quality images of our food items. - Create a distinct section for our best sellers on the menu page. - Ensure the website is optimized for showcasing our menu. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in web design and development. - Experience in creating static websites. - Ability to work with high-quality images and graphics. - Prior experience designing for the food industry is a plus. Reference of Website:

$115 Average bid
$115 Oferta medie
96 oferte