Asterisk installation and configuration step by stepproiecte needs and our core mission. PCISV is designed using the Ionic framework, known for its ability to build high-performing mobile apps for multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. However, with the recent release of Android 14, the app has encountered technical challenges that prevent it from functioning as intended on devices running this operating system. The primary objective of this project is to update the existing PCISV mobile application to ensure full compatibility with Android 14. Additionally, after the update, the app will need to undergo extensive testing to ensure that all functions work flawlessly on this new Android version. Finally, we aim to publish the app on the Google Play Store after completing the update process, ensuring it is available fo...
...performance obtained by the V-BLAST detection algorithm in MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) systems. The simulations will be performed by writing lines of code in the Matlab simulation environment. Consider a MIMO system in a configuration with 2 transmitting antennas and 2 receiving antennas (2x2) MIMO) when a random string of bits will be transmitted, with and without the V-BLAST detection algorithm implemented. The performance of the proposed system will be tested through scenarios in which the number of active users at a given time in the network will vary, different modulation techniques will be used (BPSK, QPSK) when the channel is affected by different types of fading (Rayleigh, Rice ) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) ...
Suntem o companie de programare (web/software) din Iasi si avem nevoie de ajutor lunar, minim 15-20 de ore cu crearea de pachete software pentru clientii nostri (companii internationale). Jobul este remote, foarte flexibil. Avem nevoie de cineva care este familiar cu SCCM / MECM si Microsoft Intune. Posibilitatea de a invata lucruri noi ca parte din companie, inclusiv programare (web/software) si de a lucra la proiecte diverse.
...need to make a tutorial on how i can do this myself. I don't want you to do it for me. You will have to do it on your onw computer on Laravel 8. What you have to do: Install Laravel 8 Install When installing it you have to use: composer require mrbig00/oblio-php-client The developer made an arror on the documentation on github What i receive: Step by step instruction on how to: - install my self the GitHub wrapped on my Laravel 8 - Make migrations for clients invoices - make migrations for clients foreach invoice there is a payment (card, bank, cash) - Make controller to do all these - Make button for each client "New invoice" - page for invoices foreach client with payments foreach invoice. I don't what other files, i don't need anythi...
...reusit cu ajutorul SmartBill sa preluam comenzile automat din contul de seller eMAG Marketplace si sa facturam prin SmartBill. Astfel, contabila a reusit sa preia automat toate facturile fara a mai fi nevoie sa introduca manual fiecare factura in sistemul contabil. Aceleasi lucru am incercat sa il facem si pentru un alt timp de cont de seller eMAG Marketplace, respectiv pentru seller FBE (fulfillment by eMAG). In aceasta situatie, am fost informati atat de SmartBill, cat si de eMAG, ca nu ne pot ajuta cu integrarea (asa cum au facut-o la contul normal de seller) si ca ar trebui sa ne cautam un programator care sa ne poata ajuta cu integrarea. - eMAG ne-a oferit aceasta documentatie (O anexez) - SmartBill ne-a oferit aceasta documentatie: Pentru mai multe detalii, va stau la di...
Pot ajuta oamenii cu editarea pozelor lor personale????
Am nevoie de datele din casetele box score aferente meciului cat si de cele aferente fiecarui dori sa pot aduce datele pentru un anumit seson ales ex (2019-2020) sa il pot schimba si sa aduc date pentru oricare sezon doresc.
Cine este interesat sa instaleze, configureze si asigure mentenanta pentru o centrala voip Asterisk la care utilizarea o sa fie minima (1 sau, maxim, 3 trunk - uri + 2 - maxim 5 extensii), este invitat sa ne trimita o oferta. Pentru ca avem in vedere activarea callback, IVR, XMPP, etc. vom aprecia experienta dovedita pe astlel de proiecte. Multumim!
Buna, caut specialist pentru instalarea si configurarea unui server asterisk/freepbx ca centrala telefonica si cu dongle usb cu functie SMS-gateway. cu stima,
Caut o persoana care sa ajute la instalarea si configurarea unui server FreePBX Asterisk, un server VOIP. Avem deja un calculator blocat pentru acest lucru.
Doresc realizarea unui modul prestashop pentru calculul marimii exacte a unui sutien in functie de datele introduse de catre client in contul sau si/sau direct pe pagina . Varianta 1 Ori crearea unui modul de tipul Ideal Size ( prestashop ) dar cu posibilitatea de preluarea a datelor in functie de tabelul de dimensiuni predefinite / brand Varianta 2 Un modul care sa faca aproximativ ...calculul marimii exacte a unui sutien in functie de datele introduse de catre client in contul sau si/sau direct pe pagina . Varianta 1 Ori crearea unui modul de tipul Ideal Size ( prestashop ) dar cu posibilitatea de preluarea a datelor in functie de tabelul de dimensiuni predefinite / brand Varianta 2 Un modul care sa faca aproximativ ceea ce pe acest site
Proiectul va include 3 siteuri web, identice ca structura dar cu branduri diferite. Prima etapa a proiectului este cea ma...grafica, modificari poze dar in mare parte se vor pune la dispozitie: poze, content. Dorim sa avem si promovare SEO . ----------------------------------- The project will include 3 website, identical as structure but with different brand presentations. First step it's the most important one consist in creating first site and then duplicate this site two more times. Will be a presentation site but also it is necessary to have "buy" options. The candidate mus have knowledge about graphic design, we will put on his disposal pictures and content but it will be also necesary to create some banners , modify some photos etc. We would lik...
Am nevoie de cineva priceput la WooCommerce care sa faca modificari de tema pt ca versiunea finala sa fie foarte aproape de cea de la Pentru cineva cu experienta taskul acesta e simplu. Ca si task suplimentar, pe siteul actual exista un bug ce reseteaza step 3 din checkout, presupun ca de la ceva ce tine de sesiune dar nu am timp sa investighez si sa repar eu asa ca las tot pe cel ales pt redesign. Atasat este o arhiva cu designul avut in vedere pt referinta ulterioara. Multumesc.
Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de 1000$.
Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de 1000$.
Buna ziua, m-am uitat peste profilul dvs. si am observat ca aveti cunostinte in "VOIP (Asterisk)". Doresc o aplicatie in care un numar de telefon de exemplu "+40728182013" sa primeasca apel dupa apel la un interval de maxim 10-15 secunde, dupa fiecare apel primit sa se schimbe numarul de telefon care apeleaza pentru a nu fi blocat, iar daca are casuta vocala numarul "+40728182013" sa nu mai apeleze. Am un buget de maxim 1000$
- curata site-ul de erori, plugin-uri nefolositoare pastrand imaginea si functionalitatea; - cresterea evidenta de incarcare a site-ului
...these steps: - STEP1: like the page to get access to the subscription facebook app step - STEP2: leave a picture, name and email that must be pushed to a mysql database and saved to ftp - STEP3: ask subscriber to invite friends to the app aswell - STEP4: publish a picture of the subscriber on their wall and a message (subscriber`s wall) automaticly with the direct link to the app inviting others to access it - STEP5: send the owner of the app an email message with the subscriber`s name, facebook page url and email. The project is serious (I DO NOT WANT A SIMPLE PHP PAGE BUT A FACEBOOK APPLICATION IN RELATION TO MY SITE`S DB), please do not bid if you are stuck somewhere in these details and you don`t know what I am talking about. ...
Caut freelancer care sa fie disponibil imediat pentru unul sau mai multe proiecte WordPress bazate toate pe aceasi tema : BeTheme by Muffin Group Daca esti rapid, atent si mai ales daca esti liber de azi - cauta-ma!!! Va rog fara ASIA , fara firme , fara complicatii inutile. Am nevoie doar de 1 site de portofoliu bazat pe BeTheme si incepem discutia, altfel nu e nevoie sa va stresati. O zi buna & bafta
Caut un modul gen layered navigation dar care sa poata fi ancorat in toate paginile nu numai in category page. Prestashop
Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk de la RDS
Salut, am instalat goautodial care include si asterisk, am reusit sa trec peste mai multe probleme succesive pana m-am impotmolit din nou. Cand incerc sa initiez apeluri imi spune ca nu este prefixul corect. Eu cred ca este din Dialplan Entry:, m-am uitat si la logurile CLI dar nu gasesc nici o solutie. Ma poti ajuta? Am un abonament de siptrunk la RDS
Configurare campanii, db, si securizare asterisk, goaudiodial, vtiger.
Caut un modul gen layered navigation dar care sa poata fi ancorat in toate paginile nu numai in category page. Prestashop
Salut poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog. Am nevoie de ceva pentru asterisk................
Salut poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog. Am nevoie de ceva pentru asterisk................
Salut, Doresc customizarea indicatorului Parabolic SAR din platforma de tranzactionare MT4. Deschidere pozitie: La inceputul celei de-a DOUA lumanari dupa ce semnalul de BUY/SELL a aparut (dupa ce punctul a sarit). Practic cand apare al doilea punct, echivalent cu deschiderea celei de-a doua lumanari. EA trebuie sa deschida o singura pozitie per semnal (...fiecarei lumanari) si daca el este mai mic de 50 pips, SL trebuie sa se mute odata cu el. Un alt exemplu: daca initial SL este de 50 pips (pentru ca valorile punctelor sunt mai mari de 50 pips fata de pretul de deschidere) si apoi punctele se apropie de pretul de intrare la mai putin de 50 pips, atunci SL trebuie sa scada odata cu punctele. Specificatiile pentru indicatorul Parabolic SAR sunt: STEP: 0.01 MAXIMUM: 0.3 ...
Doresc modificarea site-ului dupa cum urmeaza: 1) cand intri pe site-ul meu, , si dai click pe orice buchet, se deschide o a doua pagina, cu Details. Aici vreau ca aceasta pagina ( a doua ) sa arate ca la site-ul : adica sa am Step1 - unde sa se arate poze cu teddy bears Step2- poze cu vase Step3- poze cu...aer balloons Step4- poze cu hellium balloons Step5- Delivery date cu Calendar Identic... cum e la Pro 2) dupa ce sunt adaugate toate astea pe pagina a doua, se merge la ADD TO CARD, de unde se deschide pagina de CHECKOUT. Aici, pagina de checkout vreau sa fie IDENTICA ca la alt site, si anume . Cu cele 2 optiuni , Register account si Guest checkout si step-urile de dupa.
...talented designer to create a sleek, modern logo inspired by the Eye of Horus symbol. The logo should be elegant, recognizable, and versatile enough to be used in various sizes and contexts (website, apps, marketing materials, etc.). Requirements: Concept: The logo should be inspired by the Eye of Horus but simplified to achieve a modern, minimalist style. Style: We are looking for a design that keeps the essence of the symbol while making it more abstract and clean. Lines should be smooth, fluid, and geometric. Colors: Preference for a metallic golden tone or a monochrome color palette. Avoid overly bright colors or complex gradients. Usage: The logo should be versatile, working both with and without text. It must look great in both sma...
Crew Voice and Video Recording System (CVVRS) Voice Recording: Continuous recording of audio interactions between train operators, conductors, and other crew members. The capture of communication between the crew and control centres, ensuring safety protocols are followed. Video Surveillance: High-resolution cameras are installed in the cab of the train, capturing the crew's actions, facial expressions, and body language to assess their behaviour and performance. Surveillance in key areas such as the driver’s cabin, crew areas, and other operational points to ensure that crew behaviour complies with safety standards. Real-time Data Access: Ability to access live footage and voice data remotely by authorized personnel. In...
I am seeking a qualified Biomedical Engineer with expertise in servicing life support equipment. The role encompasses a variety of responsibilities, including: - Equipment main...seeking a qualified Biomedical Engineer with expertise in servicing life support equipment. The role encompasses a variety of responsibilities, including: - Equipment maintenance - Troubleshooting and repair - Installation of new equipment General experience with life support equipment is sufficient for this role. There is no need for familiarity with specific brands or models. Your knowledge and skills in the field will be critical in ensuring the optimal functioning of our equipment and providing necessary repairs and installations in a timely manner. Please bid if you posse...
...Native for iOS and Android, while ensuring connection to the existing backend developed in Laravel. Here are the project details: ?️ Context: 1. I have a fully functional e-commerce website developed with a Laravel backend. 2. The Laravel backend is already configured with a database and exposes several RESTful API endpoints. 3. I also have a React template currently used as the website frontend. I now want to: • Create a mobile application (Android & iOS) using React Native. • Connect this application to the existing Laravel backend. ? Mission Objectives: 1. Adapt the existing React template to React Native. 2. Connect the mobile app to the Laravel backend via the RESTful API. 3. Optimize the app for a smooth and performant user experience. 4. Tes... content and a website for a DevOps service involves presenting technical concepts in a simple, engaging, and value-focused way. Here’s a detailed idea: --- Website Structure & Content Plan 1. Homepage: The Gateway to DevOps Excellence Headline: “Transform Your Development Process – Achieve Faster Delivery with DevOps.” Subtext: “Streamline workflows, boost collaboration, and automate deployment with our end-to-end DevOps solutions.” Call-to-Action (CTA): "Get Started Today" or "Schedule a Free Consultation." Visuals: A dynamic banner with DevOps tools (like Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker) and animations showing smooth collaboration. 2. Why DevOps? (Educational Section) Simplify DevO...
PHP coder who can convert PHP pages from 7.4 to 8.3 familiar with phpsniffers and can do the change in a limited time due to server upgrade. Will provide access and project on step-by-step level change. developer with expertise in Python to create a fully functional Windows application. This application should support the RTSP media streaming protocol and utilize the FFmpeg media processing library. Key Skills Required: - Proficiency in Python - Experience with RTSP media streaming protocol - Extensive knowledge of FFmpeg - Familiarity with Windows application development frameworks (like WinForms or WPF) - Competence in network programming and socket development Deliverables: 1. A fully functional Windows application that meets the outlined requirements. 2. Well-documented source code with proper comments. 3. An installation package for easy deployment. 4. A user manual tailored for non-technical users. The ideal candidate for this project will not onl...
Hi I have an instance running on AWS. it is a clean installation of windows server 2012. It needs to be configured so I can access it from my local machine through RDP connection. deliverables: 1. configure the instance of windows server 2012 so remote desktop connection is possible. 2. explain what you did in a short document.
Crew Voice and Video Recording System (CVVRS) Voice Recording: Continuous recording of audio interactions between train operators, conductors, and other crew members. Capture of communication between the crew and control centers, ensuring safety protocols are followed. Video Surveillance: High-resolution cameras installed in the cab of the train, capturing the crew's actions, facial expressions, and body language to assess their behavior and performance. Surveillance in key areas such as the driver’s cabin, crew areas, and other operational points to ensure that crew behavior complies with safety standards. Real-time Data Access: Ability to access live footage and voice data remotely by authorized personnel. Integration ...
I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me set up an email server on Hestiacp using Roundcube. Key Requirements: I have already created panel of hestiacp on VPS hosting. and created email accounts. But now My emails are not delivering in gmail or any account. I need support to setup SMTP. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Hestiacp and Roundcube is a must. - Strong understanding of email server configuration for business use. - Expertise in implementing standard security with encryption on email accounts. - Prior experience in setting up custom domain support on email servers.
I need a professional to install a new Cortinovis make Rigid Strander Machine with 54 bobbins and 630mm specifications in my industrial factory. All necessary utility connections are already in place.
...professional for the installation, commissioning, and comprehensive training on a Niehoff Rod Breakdown Machine (Model - MM85). The selected freelancer will need to provide guidance on: - Technical installation steps: This includes assistance with the electrical setup, mechanical assembly, and software configuration. - Safety procedures: Ensuring all installations and operations are conducted in a safe manner. - Operational training: Teaching how to operate the machine post-installation. The ideal candidate should have prior experience with this specific model or similar machinery, and should be able to demonstrate a thorough understanding of both the mechanical and electrical aspects of the setup. The role will also inc...
I need an experienced professional to download and install a specific older version of JasperReports, version 7.5, on my Oracle Linux system. Ideal candidates should: - Have deep knowledge of Oracle Linux - Be skilled in software installations on Linux systems - Be able to download and install JasperReports version 7.5 Please provide evidence of similar projects you've completed in your bid.
I'm looking for a designer to create a step-and-repeat backdrop and two roll-up banner designs for my makeup products. The designs should be bold and vibrant to catch attention and convey the energy of the brand. Step-and-Repeat Backdrop - Two different minimal designs in two different colors - Size: 10x10 feet Roll-Up Banners - Two different professional and appealing designs - Size: 200x85 cm Design Elements - Incorporate product images - Brand logo prominently featured - Use of makeup usage tips or slogans Ideal Skills: - Graphic design - Branding - Advertising design Experience in makeup or beauty industry design would be a plus. Please include relevant portfolio pieces in your proposal. I’ve attached a PDF cont...
I'm seeking a skilled mobile app developer to help design and implement a user-friendly health tracking app. Key Objectives: - Primary focus on health tracking - Integrate with Apple Health, Google Fit, and Fitbit - Dashboard to reflect step counts and goals met Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in mobile app development - Experience with health tracking app development - Familiarity with integrating third-party health apps - UI/UX design skills for contemporary, user-friendly design - Understanding of user engagement strategies
I'm seeking a seasoned SAP MM Functional Consultant with a focus on the retail sector. Key Responsibilities: - Configuration and customization of SAP MM to fit our business requirements. - Providing comprehensive training on the procurement process, inventory management, and invoice verification within SAP MM. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SAP MM configuration and customization. - In-depth understanding of SAP MM's procurement process, inventory management, and invoice verification. - Prior experience in the retail industry is highly desirable. - Excellent training and communication skills.
...Project Requirements: Clear Project Scope: Define and document detailed requirements for deliverables specific to each project module. Timeline and Milestones: Establish clear deadlines and milestones for each phase of the project across all applications. Budget Allocation: Ensure cost estimations for testing tools and resource requirements are aligned with the project budget. Collaboration: Maintain regular communication with developers, designers, and stakeholders for effective project progress. Resource Planning: Utilize tools and frameworks to test web and mobile applications effectively, including device management for mobile testing. For Testing Your Projects: 1. Swarajya Web Application: UI/UX Validation: Ensure seamless navigation...
I'm in need of a seasoned cyber security expert focusing on network security. The primary objective is to bolster the protection of personal data. Key Responsibilities: - Evaluate and enhance current firewall protection measures to safeguard personal data. - Implement effective strategies to counter potential network threats. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience in network security. - Proficient in firewall management and configuration. - Knowledgeable in intrusion detection systems. - Able to provide comprehensive data protection strategies.