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    2,000 aspnet touch screen kiosk proiecte găsite

    Buna ziua, Caut un dezvoltator sau o echipă de software pentru a crea o aplicație interactivă, ușor de utilizat, destinată tabletelor (Android ). Scopul aplicației este să permită clienților să efectueze un check-in înainte de cazare, să accepte un set de reguli afișate pe ecran. Aplicația va fi utilizată într-un mod kiosk, astfel încât să fie singura accesibilă pe tabletă. Ar trebui sa arate ca un meniu interactiv de la mcDonalds de exemplu. Designul simplu și modern, cu butoane mari și ușor de utilizat. Afișarea unui set de reguli/condiții care trebuie citite de utilizator. Opțiunea de a bifa o casetă „Am citit și accept regulile”. Funcție de semnătură digitală. Aplicația va rula pe tablete de dimensiuni standard (10-12 inch)...

    $484 Average bid
    $484 Oferta medie
    23 oferte
    Implementare Modificari
    S-a încheiat left

    *Feed-Agregator* Simplificarea acestuia incat sa ramana urmatoarele coloane pe cap de tabel: EAN, STOC, PRET ACHIZITIE, NUME FURNIZOR EAN= Este chiea unica, identificatorul produsului. Acesta nu trebuie sa se dubleze STOC= Filtram doar produse cu stoc mai ...gandesti un sistem de mapare pentru cele 4 coloane de mai sus. *Design Homepage/Pagina produs* Grafica conform schema pdf atasata, inclusiv eticheta europeana. Spatiul rosu ramane pentru Slider, aceasta sa fie inclusiv responsive In pagina produsului as dori o liniaritate similara, micsoararea imaginii produsului, iar eticheta europeana sa fie modificata in cea noua -> Eticheta folosita acum este cea veche. *Modificari design conform PDF trimis pe WhatsApp

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    App To do list
    S-a încheiat left

    ...selected) to the tank (the second selected) 7. depending on the authenticated user, when the COMMANDS button is pressed, a page that we will call commands1 will open for the BASUC master user, and when any normal user presses the COMMANDS button, the commands2 page will open 7.1 on the orders page 1 accessed only by Basuc, in the upper half of the screen we should have the list of entered and unfinished orders, in the lower part of the screen we should have 2 buttons. button 1 called ADD and button 2 called ASSIGN and 4 text boxes called as such, 1. City; 2. Telephone; 3. Price; 4. Location;. 7.2 To add an order to the list, only the master user can do this and proceed as follows, enter the name of the locality in the text box called Locality, (no value entered in th...

    $32 / hr Average bid
    $32 / hr Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    ...will involve identifying and updating incompatible plugins or finding alternative solutions. Code Refactoring: In some cases, the app's codebase may require refactoring to comply with new Android 14 requirements. This involves cleaning up legacy code, optimizing algorithms, and ensuring the app runs smoothly on the latest devices. Testing Across Multiple Devices: Android devices vary in terms of screen sizes, hardware configurations, and software customizations. Thorough testing will be required to ensure the app works seamlessly across a wide range of devices running Android 14. Handling Permissions and Privacy: Android 14 introduces stricter privacy controls, including changes to how apps handle permissions for accessing sensitive data. To comply with these new regulations...

    $157 Average bid
    $157 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Creare formular
    S-a încheiat left

    as avea nevoie de un formular pentru raport ca cel din atasament (pdf sau orice alt tip de fisier este binevenit) problema pe care vreau sa o adresez este cea a imaginilor pe care treb...nevoie de un formular pentru raport ca cel din atasament (pdf sau orice alt tip de fisier este binevenit) problema pe care vreau sa o adresez este cea a imaginilor pe care trebuie sa le adaug: ele sunt rezultatul unui snipping de pe ecran dintr-o anumita aplicatie cum imi doresc sa fie: - in chenarul unde urmeaza sa fie imaginea va fi un buton "Capture" care minimizeaza aplicatia formular, iar pe screen apare un chenar predefinit de marimea chenarului - dupa asezarea deasupra zonei pe care doresc sa o capturez, click stanga, iar captura sa se copieze in clipboard sau sa apara direct in c...

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    Salutare, Am nevoie de traducerea unui fisier din Engleza in Romana. Fisierul contine 1962 de "fraze". Respectivele "fraze" pot fi compuse si dintr-un singur cuvant. Atasez un print screen ca si exemplu.

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Design site in format .psd
    S-a încheiat left

    I am looking for an experienced WEB DESIGNER. Its portfolio should include design proposals for: ad sites, social platforms, dashboard variants, user profile presentation variants, interactions, messaging, etc. I am looking to invest in a dating site and ads on the same topic. For now I only need the design of the pages in .psd format. I want to get in touch with people who have experience in design, because I want a modern design in which UI / UX blends perfectly so as to allow the user an easy navigation, to understand from the first moments the functionalities of the site, in the end to enjoy a pleasant experience.

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Logo pentru brandul Kiosk
    S-a încheiat left

    Asa cum am discutat, am nevoie de un logo pentru brandul Kiosk. Specificatiile mai jos: - o varianta cu yellow green gradient spre bluegreen - un fel de turquoise -o varianta cu yellow orange gradient spre red -o varianta Alb pe negru si negru pe alb sau 3D gradient mai jos sunt cateva modele as vrea cf imaginii de mai jos sa faceti in stanga logo-ului o imagine grafica cu trei monitoare suprapuse si o manuta care le atinge . fa una dintre variante cu text - Skip the line! si restul fara. Fontul nu stiu sa ti-l spun... as vrea sa fie evidente literele. Va las pe voi sa alegeti.

    $45 Average bid
    $45 Oferta medie
    22 oferte
    Project for Sandu A.
    S-a încheiat left

    .Salut . Am gasit profilul tau pe site cu specificatia cum ca esti pasionat de Arduino. Doresc sa dezvolt o interfata touch screen pentru o spalatorie auto cu jetoane, tin sa precizez ca detin instalatia pentru spalatorie doar ca doresc sa i fac un upgrade. Am gasit pe internet un exemplu de interfata touch si doresc sa stiu in ce masura se poate realiza si implementa aceasta interfata la spalatoria mea ? Spalatoria mea functioneaza momentan cu un mic display lcd care este conectat la 4 fire, la aceste 4 fire doresc sa conectez o matrice led rgb 128X64 si modulul arduino care sa aiba functia de contdown timer si ceva animatii ca in exemplul urmator : Daca esti interesat de acest proiect astept un raspuns cu detalii despre cum vezi realizabil acest

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut Sorin. Am gasit profilul tau pe site cu specificatia cum ca esti pasionat de Arduino. Doresc sa dezvolt o interfata touch screen pentru o spalatorie auto cu jetoane, tin sa precizez ca detin instalatia pentru spalatorie doar ca doresc sa i fac un upgrade. Am gasit pe internet un exemplu de interfata touch si doresc sa stiu in ce masura se poate realiza si implementa aceasta interfata la spalatoria mea ? Spalatoria mea functioneaza momentan cu un mic display lcd care este conectat la 4 fire, la aceste 4 fire doresc sa conectez o matrice led rgb 128X64 si modulul arduino care sa aiba functia de contdown timer si ceva animatii ca in exemplul urmator : Daca esti interesat de acest proiect astept un raspuns cu detalii despre cum vezi realizabil acest

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salutare. Doresc sa realizez pentru o spalatorie auto o interfata touch screen bazata pe arduino si matrix led 128x64 ca cea din exemplul: Aceasta interfata doresc sa o realizez din plexiglass cu grafica ca cea din filmuletul de prezentare. Astept pareri si oferte pentru realizarea unui asemenea proiect !!

    $505 Average bid
    $505 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    ...emita factura pentru serviciile prestate (poate avea SRL sau PFA sau chiar prieteni care au si il pot ajuta cu asta) - un pret minim orientativ la care ar asambla in Wordpress+Elementor si ar crea grafica pentru cel mai simplu site de prezentare, conform wireframe-ului si contentulul furnizat de noi, avand urmatoarele caracteristici: homepage format din 10 sectiuni (screen-uri) + alte 5 sub-pagini, fiecare avand 3-5 sectiuni (screen-uri) + functie de inregistrare la newsletter si/sau cerere oferta, fara a fi necesar custom code, cu finisari limitate la capacitatile temei, pluginurilor si elementor; - mentionati daca aveti abilitati exceptionale in alte domenii, servicii sau instrumente necesare unei agentii creative (alte visual buildere, ACF, alte platforme gen magento sa...

    $202 Average bid
    $202 Oferta medie
    36 oferte
    iOS calendar
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Am nevoie rapid (cat de repede se poate) de o aplicatie calendar pentru iOS. Specificatii tehnice: Prima data aplictia va afisa un login screen cu username si parola. Aplicatia va contacta un endpoint api care va returna un token, raspunsul fiind in format json. Dupa login, tokenul se va trimite catre api in GET request la toate viitoarele call-uri. Se va afisa un calendar (se poate folosi o librarie deja existenta) care va afisa pe luna/saptamana/zi niste evenimente. Evenimentele sunt returnate de un api endpoint in format json. Fiecare eveniment va fi afisat in calendar doar cu descrierea, iar cand se face touch pe evenimentul respectiv, se vor afisa cate campuri din datele eveninentului: titlu, descriere, adresa(care va avea link catre GPS, de a deschide maps cu ...

    $265 Average bid
    $265 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Mai jos aveti o scurta descriere a sitemului pe care dorim sa il facem. Caracteristici generale • Interfata web - O pagina - maxim doua • Design personalizat • posibilitate de full screen- automat • grafica adaptabila la rezolutia display-ului • sa ruleze in browser si pe dispozitive mobile, pc, rasberry si daca se poate direct pe browser la Smart TV • Sa citeasca un cookies de identificare care sa il trimita in cererea catre serverul SQL - am implementat in pagina de test • Display de 4 randuri de contori - integrati in pagina web - care sa se autorefresh-ueasca cu valori venite din server. • contorii sa faca animatie rollup - sa afiseze valoarea in mod asemanator contorilor de apa. Daca numarul nu este exact sa afiseze cifra proportional ...

    $536 Average bid
    $536 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Aplicație pentru Android Am deja un design Proiectul are ca subiect sportul si este vorba de o aplicatie un om care sa programeze pe baza screen-urilor pe care am sa i le predau...

    $2507 Average bid
    $2507 Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    ...alegand cea mai indepartata data cu verde din luna urmatoare (AUGUST). 4. Bifeaza "Nu sunt robot" si alege imaginile corespunzatoare intrebarii adresate. 5. Apasa butonul "Trimite" Daca in urma celor 5 pasi primesti un mesaj in care apare ca programarea a fost facuta cu nr. xx din data xxxxxxxx, atunci programarea a fost facuta cu succes. La sfarsit la acest mesaj trebuie facut un print screen (captura de ecran). Chiar daca in acest mesaj se specifica cu rosu faptul ca a aparut o eroare, daca s-a generat numarul de programare este suficient si programarea este cu succes. Daca nu, reia ultimii 3 pasi, alegand acum urmatoarea data cu verde care este mai recenta decat ultima aleasa. Renuntati la a mai trimite formularul atunci cand pentru toate ...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de un program care sa: - caute intr-un folder daca exista un fisier .xml nou si sa extraga informatii (Nume serviciu, Pret, TVA, Bacsis, etc...) din acel pe care sa le transmita mai departe programului caselor de marcat romanesti de la Datecs (FPrint) Programul de gestiune pe care il detin genereaza un fisier .xml cu toate in...(FPrint) Programul de gestiune pe care il detin genereaza un fisier .xml cu toate informatiile unei note de plata dintr-un salon de coafura iar ideea este ca acele informatii sa fie preluate de un program si sa fie transmise mai departe aplicatiei FPRINT (aplicatia oficiala a caselor de marcat din Romania) iar in final sa iasa bonul fiscal imprimat cu informatiile extrase din fisierul .xml In print screen exista un mic exemplu din acest .xml

    $589 Average bid
    $589 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Imi trebuie un Plugin/Widget care sa permita un text sa apara in Widget/Sidebar sau pe o pagina sau articol atunci cand custom_field X apare pe pagina. De exemplu, pe pagina am un custom_field afisat pentru localitati/judete. Vreau ca atunci cand custom_fieldul este, de exemplu, judetul Constanta sa apara in sidebar/widget o reclama setata s...articol atunci cand custom_field X apare pe pagina. De exemplu, pe pagina am un custom_field afisat pentru localitati/judete. Vreau ca atunci cand custom_fieldul este, de exemplu, judetul Constanta sa apara in sidebar/widget o reclama setata sa apara doar pentru Constanta. Bineinteles asta inseamna ca pentru fiecare judet in parte o sa am un text sau imagine diferita de afisat. Am adaugat un print screen pentru a intelege mai bine de ce ...

    $189 Average bid
    $189 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    ...magazinul nostru pe un alt server, trecandu-se si la versiuni superioare de PHP si MySQL. In urma acestei modificari am observat ca unele functii din admin-ul magazinului nu mai functioneaza cum trebuie. Spre exemplu, nu mai functioneaza editarea multipla a produselor; nu mai pot sa selectez 3 produse din magazin si sa le bifez ca si stoc limitat in loc de indisponibil). V-am atasat si un print screen cu problema. Acolo doresc sa bifez ca "Oferta speciala" trei din produse (codurile C4810A, C4811A, C4812A), dar dupa ce le bifez si ii dau "Modifica" nu se aplica modificarea dorita de mine. Si am mai dori, daca se poate, si verificarea altor bug-uri daca mai exista. - dorim si implementarea programului "Magazin de încredere" de la Av...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    ...magazinul nostru pe un alt server, trecandu-se si la versiuni superioare de PHP si MySQL. In urma acestei modificari am observat ca unele functii din admin-ul magazinului nu mai functioneaza cum trebuie. Spre exemplu, nu mai functioneaza editarea multipla a produselor; nu mai pot sa selectez 3 produse din magazin si sa le bifez ca si stoc limitat in loc de indisponibil). V-am atasat si un print screen cu problema. Acolo doresc sa bifez ca "Oferta speciala" trei din produse (codurile C4810A, C4811A, C4812A), dar dupa ce le bifez si ii dau "Modifica" nu se aplica modificarea dorita de mine. Si am mai dori, daca se poate, si verificarea altor bug-uri daca mai exista. - dorim si implementarea programului "Magazin de încredere" de la Av...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    0 oferte

    Pot spune ca am cunostinte minime in site-uri, html si PHP si doresc o idee, un program sau un script sau cum il pot denumii. Am nevoie de o solutie pentru a putea da click pe toate butoanele dintr-o pagina web la un interval intre click-uri aleator de 0.5s-1.5s. De exemplu ...incarcata contine 500 de butoane care contin cuvantul "Like", programul sa dea click pe un numar ales de mine de butoane si clickurile sa fie date cu o intarziere care sa varieze intre 0.5 secunde si 2 secunde. O a doua dorinta ar fii, si care automat ar indeplini-o si pe prima ar fi ca programul sa inspecteze toata pagina si sa dea click pe aria de pixeli care i-o ofer eu, tot asa, sa fac print-screen, sa decupez butonul, sa il dau programului si acesta sa dea click peste tot unde gaseste aceasta...

    $1350 Average bid
    $1350 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Angajez programator pentru a scrie o aplicatie nativ pentru sistemul de operare iOS , in limbajul Objective-C pt platforma Cocoa Touch, in Xcode.

    $1379 Average bid
    $1379 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    ...z_author=MegaMain cand se da scroll in in jos sa fi cum este la freelancer bara de navigare sus si cand se da scrool sus sa dispara si sa revina la normal bara de navigare, mai jos este print screen cu exemplu numai ca fiecare curs sa aiba thumbnail specific pentru categoria respectiva mai jos este link cu home page ( in care trebuie inlocuit plug inul flash cu css3) FOARTE IMPORTANT : in footer unde este acordeonul se va pune text ...

    $677 Average bid
    $677 Oferta medie
    8 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Proiectul consta in crearea unui site web care sa contina o bursa a transporturilor. Acest site este adresat a trei tipuri de clienti : companiilor de transport, companiilor ce vor sa transporte si companiilor care ofera servicii de depozitare marfa. Ce se urmareste : Fiecare dintre acesti clienti isi pot c...urmareste : Fiecare dintre acesti clienti isi pot creea un cont unic pe baza datelor firmei si pot posta oferta/cererea de transport (sau depozitarea). Ca sa va faceti o idee va dau cateva exemple : ; sau Doresc ca interfata site-ului sa fie in genul primului site dat exemplu (ma refer la interfata) Va stau la dispozitie cu print screen-uri si alte detalii ce trebuie sa le aplicam . Multumesc !

    $385 Average bid
    $385 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Modelează 3D
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectul constă în designul exterior al unui produs de gen kiosk automatizat. Forma este stabilita, trebuie prelucrată la nivel de imagine , culori și iluminație.

    $1059 Average bid
    $1059 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit. este atasat un document cu 3 link-uri ca exemplu ce vreau sa ruleze.

    $59 Average bid
    $59 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    ma intereseaza un player video pe web html sau flash care sa stie sa faca play la link uri : youtube si alte site-uri asemanatoare si mp4, flv, dintr o lista de 20-30 linkuri date de mine random, autoplay, autostart, AUTOFULL SCREEN. filmele trebuie sa porneasca singure la accesarea paginii in full screen si sa ruleze random la nesfarsit.

    $28 Average bid
    $28 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    autotouch screen
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut doresc o aplicatie android similiara cu dar imi trebuie doar partea de TAP mai exact aplicatia sa poata sa "bata" la anumite coordonate de ex. 50 cu 900 pentru mai multe detalii lasa-mi te rog nr. tau de telefon al meu este 0744335502

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...administrare in care sa se poata vedea un minim de date segregate sub anumite forme si cu un set minim de optiuni. Nume prenume participant, confirmat/neconfirmat prezenta, buton trimitere invitatie, confirmare, data/ora pentru care s-a inscris. Avem nevoie de cineva care sa dezvolte logica si baza de date. Html-urile si design-ul vor fi puse la dispozitie. In prima faza se vor pune la dispozitie screen-uri pentru descrierea cu precizie a functionalitatilor si etapelor necesare....

    $734 Average bid
    $734 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...tenant screening module for a web application. This module will be utilized by property managers, admin users, and tenants and will be integrated in our existing property management ERP built in .net core and SQL server. Key Features: - Comprehensive Background Checks - In-depth Credit Reports - Thorough Reference Verification User Roles: - Property Managers: Will primarily use the module to screen prospective tenants and manage the screening process. - Tenants: May need to interact with the module for their own screening process or to check their status. - Admin Users: Will oversee the entire process, manage user permissions, and ensure the system is functioning correctly. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in web application development - Experience with creating user-friendly inte...

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    I'm in need of a birthday invitation that strikes the perfect balance between being fun and playful, yet classic and elegant. I can send a full and detailed brief - once I’ve sent this over I’ll like to see if we’re on the same page before confirming. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design, with a...full and detailed brief - once I’ve sent this over I’ll like to see if we’re on the same page before confirming. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Graphic design, with a focus on invitation design - Ability to create a balance between fun and elegance - Strong understanding of color theory and design aesthetics - Creativity and ability to think outside the box (I’m 40 so want it to be wow with a touch of sparkle) and not boring - ...

    $110 Average bid
    Recomandat Urgent
    $110 Oferta medie
    109 oferte

    I'm creating a lifestyle-oriented YouTube Vlog and need a skilled cinematographer to bring a professional touch to my footage. Your role will involve filming, editing, and assisting with content creation to produce engaging and high-quality videos. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in operating professional filming equipment - Experience with video editing software - Creative mindset for content creation - Understanding of lifestyle Vlog aesthetics - Ability to work in various environments Experience: - Prior work on YouTube content preferable - Portfolio showcasing lifestyle or similar genre Vlogs - References from previous clients or projects

    $17 - $142
    $17 - $142
    0 oferte

    ...recruiter to assist in sourcing candidates and conducting interviews for my team. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record in recruitment, with expertise in identifying top talent, managing the recruitment pipeline, and facilitating a seamless interview process. Responsibilities: - Source and identify potential candidates through various platforms (job boards, LinkedIn, networking, etc.) - Screen resumes and conduct initial phone screenings to assess candidate qualifications - Coordinate and schedule interviews between candidates and hiring managers - Help with interview preparation and provide feedback to both candidates and hiring managers - Maintain detailed records of candidates in our recruitment system - Build strong relationships with hiring managers to unders...

    $22 - $45 / hr
    $22 - $45 / hr
    0 oferte

    ...effective meetings. • Ability to customize e-learning design and user interfaces beyond the default templates including creating custom player skins, navigation controls, and interactive elements tailored to specific project requirements. • Adhere to accessibility standards (such as WCAG guidelines) and demonstrate responsive design principles to ensure optimal viewing across different devices and screen sizes. • Intermediate photo and video editing skills preferred. • Proficiency in scripting and leveraging advanced interactions using JavaScript triggers and variables including custom functionality, calculations, and conditional logic to enhance user engagement and interactivity. • Strong understanding of UX design principles and applying them effective...

    $35 / hr Average bid
    $35 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    My Drupal 7 site () is experiencing a White Screen of Death (WSOD) issue. This started after I installed another database on the server. I need a professional who can assist me in logging into IONOS and resolving this issue as soon as possible. I believe it might be a PHP issue. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Strong proficiency in PHP - Extensive experience with Drupal 7 - Familiarity with IONOS server management - Ability to troubleshoot WSOD issues - Quick and effective problem-solving skills.

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Oferta medie
    56 oferte

    ...instructors, tailored programs, and an interactive approach, we ensure you not only learn to speak Emirati Arabic but also truly embrace the culture. Instagram Feed – Stay Connected! Follow us on Instagram for updates, student highlights, and learning tips! See our latest posts and engage with our vibrant community. [Instagram Feed Embed or Grid of Latest Posts] CTA: "Follow Us on Instagram" Get in Touch Contact Form: Name, email, phone, message. Live Chat Option: Instant support during business hours. Social Media Links: Engage with us on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. CTA: "Contact Us" Footer Quick Links: Home, About Us, Classes, Contact Us. Social Media Icons: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Contact Information: Email, phone number, address (...

    $100 Average bid
    11 intrări

    I'm in need of a sleek, modern and minimalist app title and logo design. - **Style**: The design should be contemporary and uncluttered, embodying the principles of minimalism. - **Display**: The logo and title will primarily be showcased on the splash screen of the app, so it needs to be eye-catching yet simple enough to reflect the minimalist aesthetic. - **Color Scheme**: A monochromatic color scheme is preferred. This means the use of variations in lightness and saturation of a single color. Ideal candidates for this project should have a strong portfolio in modern and minimalist designs, particularly in the tech space. Experience with app design is a plus. Please include samples of your work that align with this style.

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Oferta medie
    16 oferte

    ...V8-powered machines—muscle cars, supercars, and everything in between. Your job will be to craft compelling, fast-paced scripts for a YouTube channel dedicated to V8 legends, engineering, history, and culture. If you have experience writing for automotive YouTube channels and can keep viewers engaged with exciting storytelling, we want to hear from you! Apply now and help us bring V8 power to the screen!...

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    ...start-up times and efficient points logging. - It must handle advanced race statistics, facilitate custom race setups, and manage user registration and quick race starts. Specific user workflow - This is for using AC at a game arcade - when they sit at the PC that runs the game, they should see an individualised login screen using a qr code tied to the specific computer which they can scan with their phone and then register by filling a form to provide their details such as screen name, email and mobile number. If already registered, they can just sign in on their phone - they should be able to select game duration (3 or 5 laps) and pay on the phone - the PC that runs the game (and showed the login QR code) should be able to activate AC and start the race as per the o...

    $393 Average bid
    $393 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    I'm seeking 4-5 skilled Field Service Technicians to handle intervention tasks across various locations in Finland. The ideal candidates should be available for on-site work immediately. Key Responsibilities: - Intervention on-site, dealing with various issues as they arise. - Primarily working with computer systems, specifically servers and networking equipment. Skills and systems, specifically servers and networking equipment. Skills and Experience: - Prior experience as a Field Service Technician is a plus. - Skills in dealing with computer systems, particularly servers and networking equipment, are essential. - Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work under pressure. If you're ready for a new challenge and have the necessary skills, please ...

    $38 / hr Average bid
    $38 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Mobile App Design
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm looking for a professional mobile app designer who can create a classic-styled design for a mobile app. The app will include a Splash screen, Home screen, Login screen, Settings screen, and List page. Key Requirements: - Comprehensive experience in mobile app design for both iOS and Android platforms. - Ability to create a minimalist yet classic design. - Prior experience and portfolio showcasing classic-themed designs will be highly appreciated. The project will heavily rely on your ability to translate a classic aesthetic into a functional and user-friendly mobile app design. Please apply only if you are capable of delivering this specific style.

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    29 oferte
    Trophy icon AI Image Refinement
    2 zile left

    I have an AI-generated image that requires some touch-ups. Specifically, the hands and bag handles need to be fixed. Please refer to the attached source image and the image with instructions for details.

    $10 Average bid

    I'm looking for an experienced WordPress developer to create a professional business website that is optimized for lead generation. The site should be designed to showcase our services and encourage visitor engagement. Key features to be implemented on the site include: - Contact forms: These will allow potential clients to get in touch with us easily. - Live chat: A real-time communication feature to engage visitors and answer their queries promptly. - Email newsletter sign-up: A feature to capture visitor emails and keep them updated about our services and offers. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a strong portfolio of WordPress business websites, with specific experience in implementing lead generation features. Excellent design skills will be crucial to ...

    $81 Average bid
    $81 Oferta medie
    42 oferte is removed manually from Google Sheets, the respective seat(s) should become available for new reservations. 8. Seat & Branch Management by Owner: The owner should have access to add or delete seats as per onsite requirements. Owners can also create new branches or delete old ones when needed. 9. Live Display of Seating Chart: A live seating chart should be available to display on a TV screen at the library branch. This will help new subscribers see which seats are available in real time. 10. Technical Requirements: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React.js preferred) Backend: Node.js with (or Django/Flask if using Python) Database: MySQL or Firebase for storing seat assignments Excel Handling: Google Sheets integration for exporting and updating seat reservations...

    $74 Average bid
    $74 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    ...curves, and a modern geometric style are used throughout the logo. This gives it a cutting-edge, digital look that is very much in tune with the AI domain 3. Color Palette: Option (1) o Primary Color – Deep Navy Blue: A deep navy blue communicates reliability, professionalism, and trust—qualities that are essential in the technology and financial sectors. o Accent Colors – Electric Blue/Teal and a Touch of Vibrant Purple: A gradient or accent of electric blue or teal can add a sense of modernity and energy. Vibrant purple, used sparingly, can inject creativity and a futuristic flair, aligning with the AI focus. o Neutrals – White or Light Gray: White or light gray is used for contrast, ensuring that the logo remains clean and legible across various media....

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Oferta medie
    125 oferte

    Looking for a skilled graphic designer to create a futuristic aviation communication illustration showcasing light-based data transfer between: ✈ Aircraft in flight – Glowing ...designer to create a futuristic aviation communication illustration showcasing light-based data transfer between: ✈ Aircraft in flight – Glowing light beams connecting planes mid-air. ? Aircraft & Runway – Pulsating light signals guiding taxi, takeoff, & landing. ? Control Tower – Structured light beams replacing radio signals. ? Style: High-tech, sleek, and realistic with a slight futuristic touch. ? Color Guide: Blue/White (secure comms), Green (safe guidance), Amber (caution alerts). ? Perspective: Dynamic (diagonal/isometric) covering sky, runway, and control tower. Se...

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Oferta medie
    71 oferte ensure correct data flow between the Amadeus API, the database, and the front-end display. Ensure API search results are displayed in the correct design format. Preserve all required form fields for user bookings, including: Module type, payment gateway, price, currency, check-in/check-out, passenger details, supplier, user data, and flight routes. 4️⃣ Bug Fixes & Optimization Fix the white screen error caused by previous API integration attempts. Ensure proper error handling and logging for debugging API failures. Optimize database queries to improve performance and response times. Skills Required ✅ PHP (OOP & Procedural) ✅ API Integration (Amadeus API Preferred) ✅ MySQL Database Management ✅ cURL & JSON Parsing ✅ Debugging & Performance Optimization Delivera...

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    I'm seeking a skilled app developer and designer to bring a modern, stylish twist to my existing application. The goal is to enhance user experience through a UI/UX refresh, featuring a bold and vibrant color scheme, along with improving the app's functionality. Key Responsibilities: - UI/UX Refresh: Prioritize a sleek and modern visual design to create an intuitiv...Ideal Candidate should have: - Strong background in UI/UX design, particularly with modern visual design. - Proficiency in app development and feature enhancement. - Experience with hosting evaluation and migration. - Ability to implement a bold and vibrant color scheme effectively. - Be able to play on all devices including tablets, phones etc.. MKC TV on apple and googleplay store. ONLY get in touch once y...

    $58 Average bid
    $58 Oferta medie
    34 oferte

    ...successfully so the event can be recorded with GTM 3. redesign the user profile page. the new page should display the phone number, name, store name, store category interest, store tag interest, city, country and user profile. 4. Show an alert message asking the user to complete his profile after login. 5. show the first 5 top categories on the home page. 6. add remember me option on the login screen. Admin section: 1. The user and store visit history page should support pagination. 2. add a link to the store visit history page that shows the visitors of a specific store. 3. add graphical elements like a bar chart on the store visit history page to show the first 10 store visits per day. it should be related to the filter. 4. add a category statics page with a date filter and it...

    $65 Average bid
    $65 Oferta medie
    89 oferte