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    2,000 arm pcb schematic board proiecte găsite
    Reproiectare si lipire PCB
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectul presupune reproiectarea unui PCB dupa o placa deja existenta. Dupa reproiectare, aceste placi se vor comanda de la JLC si apoi 6 placi vor fi asamblate de mine.

    $175 Average bid
    $175 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Proiectul presupune reproiectarea unui PCB, dupa o placa deja existenta si executarea a 6 placi functionale.

    $109 Average bid
    $109 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...și personală. 6. Partenerul programator va avea oportunitatea de a se implica în deciziile importante legate de afacere și de direcția strategică a acesteia, cu impact direct asupra creșterea și dezvoltarea afacerii, respectiv asupra succesului său. 7. În funcție de seriozitatea și implicare a partenerului programator, intuitie in decizii business, acesta poate deveni în maxim 6 luni membru board cu pana la 40% din total profit business. De-a lungul anilor am urmat o politică simplă și sănatoasă de dezvoltare a afacerii: parteneri angajați cât mai puțini, parteneri subcontractori cât mai mulți și serioși. O firma mică este ușor și ieftin de gestionat administrativ. Deciziile se pot lua dinamice și pot fi bazate exlusiv pe satisfacție profesional...

    $4456 Average bid
    $4456 Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    Buna, Avem nevoie de o actrita freelancer care sa joace rolul unui Manager, citind cateva recenzii fictive ale clientilor. Magazinul este destinat articolelor erotice dar recenziile nu vor avea limbaj licentios / erotic. Videoclipul trebuie sa fie cat mai simplu, cu un fundal neutru, cu camera pozitionata in fata iar actrita sa citeasca recenziile de pe un board cu foi sau tableta. Filmuletul va fi folosit pe retelele de socializare.

    $31 - $259
    $31 - $259
    0 oferte
    Carrier board -- 2
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare, spune-mi te rog daca esti dispus sa colaboram la dezvoltarea unui carrier board pentru un modul de genul :

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Carrier board
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare, spune-mi te rog daca esti dispus sa colaboram la dezvoltarea unui carrier board pentru un modul de genul :

    $258 Average bid
    $258 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Template Proiect LCD - simulare in Proteus Cerinte de proiectare 1) contine microcontrolerul PIC16F887. 2) contine LCD alfanumeric 2-4 linii. Template disponibil (Proteus ver. 8.0): 3) minim 2 senzo... 5) contine un senzor de lumina (fotorezistenta/fotodioda/modul_lumina). 6) Se va proiecta un circuit cu A.O. pentru conditionarea semnalului de la senzorul de umiditate analogic. 7) Se va face o simulare a proiectului AEMC folosind programul Proteus (senzorii vor fi emulati, acolo unde este posibil). 8) Se va realiza un circuit electronic si PCB-ul. Pe partea PCB bottom se va scrie numele studentilor din echipa. 9) Se va implementa software un ceas cu data si 1 alarma. Numarul de butoane nu este impus. Se va folosi un buzzer audio (activ sau pasiv).

    $172 Average bid
    $172 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Am nevoie de un sketch arduino pentru un ceas cu display fluorescent cu 16 digiti si 16 segmente. Hardware -driver display HV518 32 output serial to paralel converter -ds1307 rtc -dht22 senzor temperatura si umiditate -arduino uno PCB-ul cu displayul si driverul HV518 este gata.

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Project for Somai N.
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut sunt George si vreau să știu dacă mă poți ajuta cu un proiect pe partea de minat cryptomonezi pe fpga îți las un link ca să te informezi despre ea,dacă poți să faci lucrul ăsta discutăm în particular pt că e posibil să mai am oroiecte de genul ăsta,asta e linkul către ce am eu

    $1 / hr Average bid
    $1 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ++++ In baza unor desene tehnice existente, e nevoie de: - transfer in 2D Autocad - 3D rendering pentru interiorul barcii - intentia e de a folosi rezultatul ca un "safety briefing" pentru pasageri ++++ Based on existing technical drawings, the project includes: - transfer of the...nevoie de: - transfer in 2D Autocad - 3D rendering pentru interiorul barcii - intentia e de a folosi rezultatul ca un "safety briefing" pentru pasageri ++++ Based on existing technical drawings, the project includes: - transfer of the technical drawings to Cad dwng - 3D rendering of yacht's exterior and interior for the purpose of having a video to be used as "safety briefing" for passengers on board. Further details are available upon request. Time is not of essenc...

    $399 Average bid
    $399 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    Este vorba de un app simplu ce necesita o singura functionalitate + o baza de date a user-ilor in back-end Acest app va fi prezentat B2B unor clienti de pe piata romaneasca. Deoarece proiectul este intr-o faza incipita, acest board de proiect este mai mult pentru a cerceta potentiali colaboratori.

    $1433 Average bid
    $1433 Oferta medie
    25 oferte

    Caut pe cineva sa imi seteze un cont de Invision Power Board Cloud dupa un site care ruleaza pe o platforma Wordpress. Mai exact am un site pe facut cu in Wordpress si as dori realizarea setarilor , a paginilor , fara tema personalizata, in IPS Cloud . Multumesc

    $43 / hr Average bid
    $43 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Scriere si testare VHDL
    S-a încheiat left

    Trebuie sa programez o placa Spartan-3 Board sa afiseze o imagine pe un LCD ( 2.4 LCD cu driverul de ILI9341) . Imaginea va fi primita pe seriala de RS-232 si transmisa pe LCD , dupa ce LCD-ul a fost initializat . Pana acum am implementat core-ul de SPI ( protocolul prin care comunica placa cu LCD-ul ) , core-ul de seriala ( la care vine atasat un buffer pt a putea verifica aparitia datelor pe seriala si a prelua datele) si s-a creat un bloc de control ( in fapt este o masina de stari) care initializeaza LCD-ul (si am putut "desena"(hard-coded) un dreptunghi colorat pe LCD). Ceea ce am nevoie este ca imaginea trimisa pe seriala sa fie afisata pe LCD ( incercari esuate din partea mea ).

    $250 Average bid
    $250 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Construiește un Site Web
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza sa fac un site de recrutare forta de munca, o bursa de joburi mai exact. Pt inceput cred ca merita sa recurg la o platforma existenta in WordPress, Drupal sau Joomla, nu am buget mare pt un site customizat (ex: ). Daca aveti timp si experienta in acest domeniu cu drag dezvoltam discutia, astept o veste. Ganduri bune, Silviu.

    $257 Average bid
    $257 Oferta medie
    38 oferte

    Caut student/colaborator in vederea realizarii unui design de papetarie (agenda, albume, grafica de carte, afise, story board-uri, logo-uri, design, layout, etc) si crearea paginilor unei agende - aranjarea textului, a imaginilor, coperta, pregatire pentru tipar. Multumesc.

    $408 Average bid
    $408 Oferta medie
    19 oferte

    Placa de joc pentru aparatele de tip slot machine, matematica jocurilor sa fie similara jocurilor de la EGT , design-ul sa fie de foarte buna calitate , nu ne intereseaza copierea jocurile doar schemele de plata . Asteptam oferte . Multumesc

    $6175 Average bid
    $6175 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Creează o animație
    S-a încheiat left

    hello am nevoie de un grafic designer ptr realizarea unor desene, ilustratii carti pentru copii, grafica de carte, de afis, benzi desenate, story board-uri, logo-uri, design, layout, etc, realizarea paginilor unei carti - aranjarea textului, a imaginilor, coperta, pregatire pentru tipar. multumesc

    $1338 Average bid
    $1338 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    On Board Courier - iOS App
    S-a încheiat left

    Buna ziua, Suntem o firma care se ocupa cu Curierat la Bord (curier la bordul avionului) - On Board Courier, si avem nevoie de o aplicatie pentru inceput pe iOS - Apple. Functiile aplicatiei ar fi cele de mai jos si dorim ca si interfata si grafica sa semene cu cel de la : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplicatie mobila licitatii pentru curier cu pasageri la bord FUNCTII: Plata in Euro pe site Comision 7% care revine site-ului in momentul in care se accepta oferta (BID) Se creaza automat factura simultan pentru Transportator cat si pt. proprietarul site-ului in acelasi timp. Notificari / instiintari pe mail si/sau sms, push notification: confiramre cont, BID nou, etc. Confirmarea BID-ului in maxi...

    $2893 Average bid
    $2893 Oferta medie
    16 oferte
    Board game pentru copii
    S-a încheiat left

    Scopul este de a face designul unui joc gen pentru copii pe baza unei idei date. Rezultatul final tre sa contina: designul tablei de joc, a figurinelor folosite, a ambalajului, manualul cu instructiuni pentru jucatori in limba romana. Optional se poate extinde si la creerea unui model (prototip).

    $182 Average bid
    $182 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    am nevoie de cineva care sami proecteze schema unui pcb

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    XML Job Board
    S-a încheiat left

    Create custom XML feed

    $115 Average bid
    $115 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    PCB Eagle 2014
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Am un proiect PCB de care nu ma pot ocupa. Il vrei tu? Lasa-mi adresa ta te email daca esti interesat. Daniel

    $14 / hr Average bid
    $14 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Salut, Sunt student in anul 4 la Facultatea ...Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Am experienta in proiectarea PCB utilizand Orcad PCB Designer 16.6 si CadSoft Eagle 6.5. Deasemenea, am obtinut locul 12 pe tara la o competitie de PCB Design si un certificat de competenta. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, mi-ar face placere sa colaboram. Eu nu am reusit sa obtin nici un proiect pe acest site, si sincer mi-ar fi mult mai usor sa lucrez cu cineva care are deja o reputatie. Mai am cunostinte de LabView, Matlab, Excel, PDF, WebSearch dar si in domeniul testarii automate. Ma descurc binisor si cu programarea, chiar daca nu am mai programat de ceva vreme. Cu bine, Daniel P.S. Am atasat o imagine cu un PCB proiectat de mine respectand cerintele impuse de client , ...

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut, Sunt student in anul 4 la Facultatea ...Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Am experienta in proiectarea PCB utilizand Orcad PCB Designer 16.6 si CadSoft Eagle 6.5. Deasemenea, am obtinut locul 12 pe tara la o competitie de PCB Design si un certificat de competenta. Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, mi-ar face placere sa colaboram. Eu nu am reusit sa obtin nici un proiect pe acest site, si sincer mi-ar fi mult mai usor sa lucrez cu cineva care are deja o reputatie. Mai am cunostinte de LabView, Matlab, Excel, PDF, WebSearch dar si in domeniul testarii automate. Ma descurc binisor si cu programarea, chiar daca nu am mai programat de ceva vreme. Cu bine, Daniel P.S. Am atasat o imagine cu un PCB proiectat de mine respectand cerintele impuse de client , ...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte bancnote, acceptoare de monede, changer-e, hopper-e, etc.) cu protocoale MDB, Executive, Parallel, ccTalk, ccNet, ID003. Este necesara o buna cunoastere a limbajului de programare JAL sau o deschidere pentru asimilarea rapida a acestui limbaj, Punem la dispozitie know-how si documentatie pentru sistemele de plata mentionate. Consituie un avantaj cunostinte de baza de utilizare DesignSpark PCB. In mod direct, proiectul vizat presupune realizarea unei aplicatii software pentru un microcontroller din familia PIC 18F, utilizind JAL ca limbaj de programare, aplicatie ce va avea urmatoarele functiuni: - incasarea de numerar printr-un acceptor de monede si un validator de bancnote MDB sau ccTalk; - afisarea creditului si a produselor selectate pe un display alfanumeric 2x16 c...

    $881 Average bid
    $881 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Buna ziua! Numele meu este Alexandru Gabriel CRETU TORICA. Locuiesc in Spania la Madrid unde am deschis o firma, Gabriel's Market si ca activitate principala avem Productia de mase plastice prin injectie ( producem carcase pentru aparatele electronice si electrotehnice ) si ca activitate secundara avem productie de Smart card-uri . Deoarece vrem sa implementam o tehnologie noua de comunicare a Smart Cardurilor, avem nevoie de construirea unui device care deja a dovedit punctele slabe a tehnologiei EMV. Acest device nu se mai poate cumpara si se poate doar reconstrui, avand publicate toate detaliile necesare pentru construirea si utilizarea acestui aparat. Va trimit acest mesaj deoarece as dori sa stiu daca puteti contribui la acest proiect , macar in construirea perfecta a partii elec...

    $489 Average bid
    $489 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Arduino control
    S-a încheiat left

    Hy there :)  I need to send data to an Arduino integrated plate from Delphi. The board connects via USB and comes with drivers and its own software, editable, limited, in C or C++ ... Pretty please, I need someone who knows how to communicate with peripherals, especially Arduino, from Delphi.   Thanks :) / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Salutari :) As avea nevoie sa trimit date catre o placuta de integrate Arduino, din Delphi. Placa se conecteaza prin USB, si vine cu drivere si program propriu de operare, limitat, in C. Va rog frumos, am nevoie de cineva care sa cunoasc...

    $200 Average bid
    $200 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Invision power board job'

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Totul despre android
    S-a încheiat left

    ...pentru dispozitive și telefoane mobile bazată pe nucleul Linux, dezvoltată inițial de compania Google, iar mai târziu de consorțiul comercial Open Handset Alliance.[2] Android permite dezvoltatorilor să scrie cod gestionat în limbajul Java, controlând dispozitivul prin intermediul bibliotecilor Java dezvoltate de Google.[3] Aplicațiile scrise în C și în alte limbaje pot fi compilate în cod mașină ARM și executate, dar acest model de dezvoltare nu este sprijinit oficial de către Google.[4][5] Lansarea platformei Android la 5 noiembrie 2007 a fost anunțată prin fondarea Open Handset Alliance, un consorțiu de 48 de companii de hardware, software și de telecomunicații, consacrat dezvoltării de standarde deschise pentru dispozitive mobile.[6] Googl...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 oferte

    Replace ESP32 with STM32G030C8T6, adding protection, debugging, and programming circuits. Remove IO expander and RTC IC; use STM32’s internal RTC with CR2032 battery and crystal. Add optocouplers for UART isolation and RS232 printer TX. Update RTD circuit with constant current source, ensuring noise reduction, CMRR. Other analog section improvements than RTD for noise and CMRR. Redesign PCB for single-side SMD assembly. Select compact, reliable, cost-effective optocouplers.

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Replace ESP32 with STM32G030C8T6, adding protection, debugging, and programming circuits. Remove IO expander and RTC IC; use STM32’s internal RTC with CR2032 battery and crystal. Add optocouplers for UART isolation and RS232 printer TX. Update RTD circuit with constant current source, ensuring noise reduction, CMRR. Improvement in other analog section apart from RTD for noise and CMRR. Redesign PCB for single-side SMD assembly. Select compact, reliable, cost-effective optocouplers.

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...developer(s) for life networking MVP with unique geometric UI design (not template-based). Core MVP is needed by early March 2025. Core MVP Features (Must-Have) Authentication & Profiles User registration/login Profile creation/management GDPR-compliant data handling (UK-based i.e. encryption) 1.Real-time Communication basic One-on-one chat Group chat functionality - both basic 2. Community forum/board - simple 3. Map with Location Services Interactive geofencing GPS location of multiple users Basic filtering of said users on map Technical Stack (Non-Negotiable) Frontend: Flutter with Bloc Backend: Supabase Front end: Hive or similar Additional: NodeJS (if required) Required Deliverables (5/6-Week Timeline) Week 1 Technical architecture documentation Database schema impl...

    $2279 Average bid
    $2279 Oferta medie
    31 oferte

    I'm in need of a professional PCB designer to create a circuit board that will facilitate the connection between two different custom proprietary automotive ECUs. The factory wiring harness needs to mate to a factory connector on a PCB that then also accepts the approximately 120 connections from the aftermarket ECU. The desired end state is that the PCB allows those wiring connections to occur with 100% functionality of the onboard digital and analog sensors, as well as all other factory components in the wiring harness. Key Requirements: - The PCB should be capable of voltage regulation, as the systems operate at different voltage levels (12V and 5V). There will be hard line connection from the factory wiring harness. There will be a connection po...

    $1125 Average bid
    Urgent Acord de confidenţialitate
    $1125 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...created and you’ll be required to plan and design/improvise it, create schematics for pcb components bom etc which are available/accessible on common/popular platforms for fabrication and assembly. You’ll also be required to check and fix any issues on the designed unit ensuring a compliant final product. Need someone experienced in prototyping and designing, spl related to medical device.. Need to build a reproduce-able mvp in med tech category, we have initial unrefined version. Need to sign nda before sharing any in depth details. Key Features: - Low Power Consumption: The device will be used in various settings and the PCB should be designed to optimize battery life. - Wireless Connectivity: The PCB needs to facilitate reliable wireless connecti...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Following are the requirements of task to be fulfilled. 1- Task is to visit the ''Clinique De Rhumatologie De Montréal Canada'' physically and take 10 to 15 geotagged photos of with name board captured and from outside/inside the building. Moreover, you have to made a video from inside if possible, but from outside, you have to make a video while capturing the signboard of the location, and both of its surroundings. Just take a 360 degree view of it in a video. 2- Get the verification form filled, signed and stamped by the HR of Clinique De Rhumatologie De Montréal Canada, and also stamp the certificate. 3- Get the details of verifier, Name, Designation, Department and Contact. 4- In case of refusal to fill form, take the written refusal with stamp...

    $22 Average bid
    $22 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    ...experience in: ✅ Hardware: Camera modules, display panels, circuit board design, power management ✅ Software: AI image recognition, real-time processing, embedded systems programming ✅ Integration: Combining hardware & software for seamless real-time performance Project Scope: -Assist in developing a working prototype -Recommend and source appropriate hardware components -Build AI-driven software for real-time data processing -Ensure smooth integration of hardware and software -Optimize for low latency, high accuracy, and real-time performance Preferred Skills: -Experience with computer vision (OpenCV, TensorFlow, YOLO, etc.) -Proficiency in Python, C++, or embedded programming -Knowledge of Raspberry Pi, Jetson Nano, or custom PCB design -Prior experience working ...

    $624 Average bid
    $624 Oferta medie
    50 oferte

    I’m designing a board with the STM32F401RBT6 and have decided to use a 48 MHz TCXO for the HSE clock. I’ve written a simple "Hello World" program that communicates through USART. the TCXO i used : TG2016SMN 48.0000M-MCGNNM3 Observations: When using the HSI (internal oscillator), the program works fine. When switching to the HSE (with the TCXO), the program does not work. I measured the TCXO OUTPUT SIGNAL using an oscilloscope. The waveform is shown in the attached image. value of R8 and R9 = 0 , C13 = 10 pF , C16 = 1000pF Requirements: Experience with STM32 microcontrollers. Proficiency in STM32CubeIDE and clock configurations. Knowledge of using TCXOs (Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators) with STM32. Ability to troubleshoot HSE clock startup issue...

    $22 / hr Average bid
    $22 / hr Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    ...Seeking experienced Flutter developer(s) for social networking MVP with unique geometric UI design (not template-based). Core MVP needed by early March 2025. Core MVP Features (Must-Have) Authentication & Profiles User registration/login Profile creation/management GDPR-compliant data handling (UK-based) Real-time Communication One-on-one chat Group chat functionality Community forum/board Location Services Interactive geofencing GPS tracking Custom map filtering Technical Stack (Non-Negotiable) Frontend: Flutter with Bloc/Riverpod Backend: Supabase Additional: NodeJS (if required) Required Deliverables (5-Week Timeline) Week 1 Technical architecture documentation Database schema implementation Basic auth and profile features Week 1-3 Chat system...

    $2281 Average bid
    $2281 Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    ...can be provided/selected after discussion. Another option is to create a new PCB using the necessary parts. Software development: - Develop software for real-time data streaming that combines accurate GPS position, 3D gyro angles, distance to target, and video stream from the selected camera. - Implement necessary software to overlay the above video stream to an existing software’s 2D/3D output (in QT). - Incorporate real-time recording and playback of the data stream. - Enable real-time positioning on recorded data when in the specific GPS position and maneuvering within a virtual 3D horizon. Further instructions will be given. Platform: QT Technical requirements: - High level experience in hardware and PCB design in order to incorporate all the necessary mod...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Oferta medie
    2 oferte

    Looking for an expert to create a list of potential influencers who can advertise our business. The influencer must have at least 100k followers. Lead generation task.

    $1530 Average bid
    $1530 Oferta medie
    28 oferte

    I'm looking for someone to download public documents from the corporate registry of Bangladesh for a few companies. The documents I need are: - Annual Reports - Registration Certificates - Financial Statements - Memorandum of Association - Articles of Association - List of Shareholders - Minutes of Board Meetings - Details of Capital Structure - Details of Directors - Business Licenses and Permits - Annual Tax Filings - Auditors' Report This task involves gathering information for 1-5 companies. The documents should be downloaded in PDF format. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Familiarity with corporate registries - Proficient in document handling - Able to deliver in specified format - Keen attention to detail The documents should be delivered within 1-3 da...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    Develop custom firmware for STM32 to interface with 4 EM4095 RFID modules. Optimize PCB layout and antenna design to improve power efficiency and RFID range. Implement error handling, data filtering, and power management features. Provide source code, schematics, and performance validation.

    $1871 Average bid
    $1871 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    As a manufacturer of access control devices, we're in search of a PCB designer with a strong general PCB design expertise and significant mentoring and supervisory experience. Your role will encompass both designing and reviewing PCBs, as well as training and guiding our in-house team. This position will require regular meetings and progress reviews with our team. Key Responsibilities: - Designing new PCBs for our access control devices - Reviewing and improving our existing designs - Training and mentoring our in-house team Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive general PCB design expertise - Proven mentoring and supervisory experience - Familiarity with access control devices would be beneficial but not essential. We look forward to your bid.

    $4331 Average bid
    $4331 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    ...outputting both DC and AC power. Key parameters - Layers - 2 layers PCB - dimension - less than 100mm x 100mm Key design deliverable - Schematic Design - Component selection to support schematic (Parts must be available in JLCPCB Stock-onhand) - PCB design - Component placements - gerber File - Simulation (This is a must and non-negotiable) Key Requirements: Input Below are the only two type of input this board will receive. If both are connected AC will take the priority. - Single AC input (210-230V) screw in - or DC 24-48V Screw in / Dupont Connector (female) / USB connector Output Board should power ESP32 30pin dev board. There should be a dupont female jumper pin available to slot or change ESP32 dev ...

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    I'm in need of a skilled designer who can craft an aluminium-based LED MCPCB tailored for decorative lighting. Key Requir...skilled designer who can craft an aluminium-based LED MCPCB tailored for decorative lighting. Key Requirements: - Design should be suitable for 24v DC power rating - Understanding of decorative lighting specifications - integrated DMX512 protocol - Proficiency in designing aluminium-based MCPCBs - Experience with low to medium power applications preferred Ideal Skills: - Strong background in PCB design - Familiarity with LED technology - Prior experience in designing for the decorative lighting sector The successful candidate will be able to deliver a design that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, meeting the needs of the decorative lig...

    $96 Average bid
    $96 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    I am seeking an experienced IoT consultant based in India who specializes in Hardware Design. The focus of this project is on MVP creation ready for mass production along with all relevant regulatory framework eligibility. We’ll share with you the requirements of the device and how the prototype was created and you’ll be required to plan and design/improvise it, create schematics for pcb components bom etc which are available/accessible on common/popular platforms for fabrication and assembly. You’ll also be required to check and fix any issues on the designed unit ensuring a compliant final product. Need someone experienced in prototyping and designing, spl related to medical device.. Need to build a reproduce-able mvp in med tech category, we have initial unref...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    I'm seeking an experienced professional to develop a comprehensive corporate governance framework with a specific focus on board structures and roles. Key Areas: - Primary focus on corporate governance. - Detailed exploration of board structures and roles. Necessary Skills and Experience: - Expertise in corporate governance principles and practices. - Proven track record in designing governance frameworks. - Strong understanding of board structures and roles. - Excellent communication and stakeholder engagement skills. The ideal freelancer should have extensive experience and understanding of corporate governance and board structures, and a capacity to develop a framework that meets our specific needs.

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Oferta medie
    32 oferte

    ...Font Preferences: ✅ Bold, Modern, and Sleek Font (Sans-serif preferred) ✅ Readable and Professional, Avoid Script Fonts 7️⃣ Logo Variations Required: ✅ Full-Color Version (For Branding & Digital Use) ✅ Monochrome Version (For Printing & Minimalist Designs) ✅ Transparent Background Version (For Flexible Use in Canva, Websites, etc.) 8️⃣ Usage Purpose: ✅ Visiting Cards ✅ Flex Boards & Shop Name Board ✅ Digital & Social Media Branding --- ? Additional Notes for the Freelancer: ? The logo should be simple yet powerful, easily recognizable, and scalable. ? Avoid excessive details that make it hard to print in smaller sizes. ? Ensure the design aligns with the education industry and reflects growth, knowledge, and trust. --- ✅ Deliverables Expected from Free...

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Backgammon Board Analyzer Mobile App
    5 zile left
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    I need an experienced mobile app developer who can assist me in creating a mobile application for both iOS and Android. The app will allow users to take a photo of a backgammon board and identify how many pieces there are on each point, subsequently calculating a score for each side's pieces. Key Features: - Image recognition: The app should be able to process the image of the backgammon board and accurately identify the pieces on it. - Scoring system: A feature to compute the score for each side's pieces based on their positions on the board. Design: I currently do not have a design for the mobile application, so I need a developer who can also assist me with the UI/UX design aspect of the project. Ideal skills for the job: - Mobile app development, spec...

    $553 Average bid
    $553 Oferta medie
    111 oferte

    I am seeking an Electrical Engineer to approve and stamp a simple design for a battery/inverter feed into a critical loads electrical sub panel. This design is similar to those commonly used with generators. I have a schematic drawing available for reference. It is a residential application. Schematic attached. Note - error on dwg, the 60 amp breaker at upper left should be connected with 6ga wire, not the 10 ga as shown. Key requirements: - The primary purpose of this design is to provide backup power. - The engineer's approval must ensure compliance with utility company standards. Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A valid Electrical Engineer's stamp. Must be currently valid for South Carolina. - Prior experience with designs aimed at providin...

    $295 Average bid
    $295 Oferta medie
    17 oferte