Architectural visualization job usaproiecte
Buna ziua, Ne intereseaza o campanie Adwords si pe Facebook cu targetare in Europa si USA. si poate si o campanie de marketing
Buna ziua, Ne intereseaza o campanie Adwords si pe Facebook cu targetare in Europa si USA. si poate si o campanie de marketing
Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @
Buna Florin, In cazul in care te-ar interesa un job de FrontEnd developer full time in bucuresti, te rog sa nu eziti sa ma contactezi. Lucrez in acest moment pentru un client, o companie pe nume Heimdal Security care is cauta un coleg nou pe partea de frontEnd pentru un job full time pe perioada nedeterminata. Asptept cu entuziasm vesti de la tine. Multumesc, Alina @
Salariul incepe de la 1000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta un avantaj
Salariul incepe de la 1000 lei pentru full-time. Avem niste proiecte foarte interesante care asteapta sa fie incepute, asa ca suntem in cautarea unei persoane serioase care sa se alature echipei noastre. CERINTE: - CALITATE - experienta minim 3 ani, preferabil 5 - experienta in lucrul cu Custom Post Types - Creere teme si pluginuri wordpress de la zero - experienta in lucrul cu BuddyPress - cunostinte superioare php si mysql - cunostinte ajax si front end development reprezinta un mare avantaj - cunostinte linux / ubuntu reprezinta un mare avantaj - PFA-urile au prioritate, daca nu disponibilitatea de a deveni PFA reprezinta un avantaj
Salut! Vad ca te ocupi cu jocuri in Unity. Avem nevoie urgent de un lead programmer cu multa experienta, din Bucuresti pentur un proiect. Daca esti liber si esti interesat, da-mi un tel la 0740348210. Merci, Dragos!
Salut! Vad ca te ocupi cu jocuri in Unity. Avem nevoie urgent de un lead programmer cu multa experienta, din Bucuresti pentur un proiect. Daca esti liber si esti interesat, da-mi un tel la 0740348210. Merci, Dragos!
Salut, Suntem o echipa de feelanceri din Bucuresti si cautam sa ne marim echipa. Suntem interesati de programatori php sau front end developeri. Cerinte Obligatorii Limba engleza ...PHP: Cunostinte avansate de PHP Cunostinte medii de Java Script, JQuery, AJAX Cunostinte de creare pluginuri si/sau teme de wordpress reprezinta un mare plus. Te rog nu aplica la acest proiect daca: Nu esti din Bucuresti Nu doresti sa lucrezi de la biroul nostru (zona Kaufland-Obor de luni pana vineri orele 10:00 - 18:00) Ai deja un job stabil Castigi deja peste 1000-1500 ron lunar cu ajutorul contului tau de freelancer Cu alte cuvinte acest job este pentru persoanele noi pe Freelancer, care au cunostintele necesare de a lucra dar nu primesc proiecte datorita lipsei de feedba...
Salut, Suntem o echipa de feelanceri din Bucuresti si cautam sa ne marim echipa. Suntem interesati de programatori php sau front end developeri. Cerinte Obligatorii Limba engleza ...PHP: Cunostinte avansate de PHP Cunostinte medii de Java Script, JQuery, AJAX Cunostinte de creare pluginuri si/sau teme de wordpress reprezinta un mare plus. Te rog nu aplica la acest proiect daca: Nu esti din Bucuresti Nu doresti sa lucrezi de la biroul nostru (zona Kaufland-Obor de luni pana vineri orele 10:00 - 18:00) Ai deja un job stabil Castigi deja peste 1000-1500 ron lunar cu ajutorul contului tau de freelancer Cu alte cuvinte acest job este pentru persoanele noi pe Freelancer, care au cunostintele necesare de a lucra dar nu primesc proiecte datorita lipsei de feedba...
Cautam un scenarist cu experienta chiar si minima , pt realizarea unui scenariu de film documentar Horror (mockumentary ).Scenariul trebuie dezvoltat si adaptat dupa o ideea existenta. Textul va fi scris in Engleza (USA) si in limba Romana.
Cautam un scenarist cu experienta , pt realizarea unui scenariu de film documentar Horror (mockumentary ).Scenariul trebuie dezvoltat si adaptat dupa o ideea existenta. Trebuie scris in Engleza (USA) sI in limba Romana.
...atractive; Scurta descriere a companiei: Cu o experienta de peste 12 ani, dcs plus ofera solutii software business-critical pentru industria de turism din intreaga lume. Compania are sediul central in Bucuresti si 2 birouri locale in Paris, Franta si in Johannesburg, Africa de Sud. Printre clientii nostri se numara agentii de turism mari din peste 40 de piete, printre care: Romania, Rusia, USA, Turcia, Marea Britanie, Ucraina, Elvetia, Emiratele Arabe Unite, India, Australia, Egipt, etc. APLICATII: @
Cautam programator pe termen lung pentru dezvoltarea unui magazin online pe template, Magento. Pentru inceput o sa lucram pe mini proiecte, construim treptat site-ul. In prima faza da-mi o cotatie de pret pentru mutarea site-ului pe un hosting nou.
hiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
hiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
Buna Stefan, As vrea sa discutam legat de o oferta de job. Mi-ai putea da un numar de telefon unde sa te pot contacta? Multumesc
Pentru clientul nostru, companie multinationala americana din jud. Maramures, cautam candidati avand: - Studii superioare in domeniul IT - Obligatoriu cunostinte de programare: Visual Basic, Visual Studio, SQL Server, Crystal Reports - Experienta in domeniul programarii in Visual Basic min. 1 an (specificati in CV programele realizate) - Responsabilitate, flexibilitate si deschidere la asimilare de informatii noi Care va raspunde de : - Intreţinerea/modificarea programelor existente in companie - Crearea de programe noi in limbajele amintite - Helpdesk şi documentare programe - Incadrarea in termen a proiectelor de dezvoltare Multumim!
Am o lucrare în curs de desfășurare, referitoare la proiectul anterior 'Invision power board job'
editez clipuri video in orice format , full Hd, HD, SD, MPEG, CLIPURI DE PUBLICITATE, Promo, Nuntii, Botezuri, Majorate, etc
Toata enigma se pierduse odata cu ea in negura timpului. Ce rost mai avea sa patrunda acel mister care-l macina inauntru? Parasi camera cu un gust amar in suflet, dar inainte de a inchide usa, arunca o ultima privire. O vazu stand la fereastra, asezata comod pe pervaz cu mainile incolacite in jurul genunchilor. El zambi! Ea era… nu se insela de data aceasta! Nu mai visa. Cand toti ceilalti o uitau, camera aceea nu voia sa renunte la dansa. Pastra amprenta unei fete pierdute intr-un mister de nepatruns! Inchise usa in urma lui si pleca. Din departare, in spatele usii, inca se-auzea aceeasi melodie trista!
Doresc sa colaborez pentru productia "Panou luminos economic" , am proiectul verificat practic. Este un mic afisaj luminos pe matrici de LED-uri, de genul panourilor OPEN/CLOSE puse la usa magazine.
Doresc sa colaborez pentru productia "Panou luminos economic" , am proiectul verificat practic. Este un mic afisaj luminos pe matrici de LED-uri, de genul panourilor OPEN/CLOSE puse la usa magazine.
Importam tratamente pentru regenerarea parului direct din USA, Kirkland Minoxidil 5%, si dorim sa crestem vanzarile pe piata din Romania. Targetul de vanzari este in special barbati 18-45 de ani, dar avem si clienti femei. Tratamentul minim este de 3 luni de zile, functioneaza, si trebuie continuat atata timp cat se doreste mentinerea rezultatelor.
Caut colaborare... As dori sa colaborez cu firme de organizari evenimente, nunta, botez, alte tipuri de evenimente. Am experienta vasta si dispun de aparatura...
doresc un job part time, deorece deja muncesc , dar salariul este mic. vorbesc italiana si engleza fluent, am cunostinte f bune de calculator, iar in prezent lucrez la o companie de telecomunicatii italiana, departamentul servicii
Va pun la dispozitie o serie de 5 proiecte part-time online,puteti lucra cand doriti dvs,de cate ori doriti programul vi-l faceti singuri..Nu este nevoie de CV si nu este necesar sa ai +18. Trebuie sa precizez ca nu o sa va rapeasca mult timp ( circa 20-30 min max/zi). Cei interesati contactati-ma la adresa : va stau la dispozitie.
...cabinetul sotiei pe care am reusit sa o conving ca un produs bun are nevoie si de o promovare buna. De doua zile am reusit sa termin partea de grafica a site-ului si as vrea ca impreuna cu tine sa finalizam si textul. Scoala Americana de psihoterapie, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, USA Metoda Nr.1 de Psihoterapie, în Statele Unite şi Canada Membru al American Psychological Asociation din Washington, DC, USA Aceaste patru elemente definesc ‘linia rosie’ de marketing care sa defineasca oferta unica de vanzare pe care o sa am rugamintea sa le ‘ condimentati’ cu cateva din cele 12 cuvinte cu „muşchi” în copywriting, Tu , Gratuit, Calitate, Nou , Dovedit, Rezultate, Economiseşte, Descoperă , Sănătos
I'm looking for an expert in Google Sheets and Apps Script to create a standalone project management dashboard. The dashboard is primarily for task tracking and performance metrics. Key Requirements: - Design a user-friendly, efficient Google Sheets dashboard for project management. - Implement task tracking and performance metrics functionalities. - Use of Apps Script for coding to enhance functionality and ease of use. - Create a standalone dashboard without any integrations with other tools. - Create a google sheet that incorporates google forms for order tracking , execution photos, quality and test results, issues during execution and customer feedback Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Google Sheets and Apps Script. - Experience in designing project management tools. - Strong unde...
I need a structural engineer to assist with the design and analysis of my house's foundation and roof. I have complete architectural plans and need someone who can interpret them and provide the necessary engineering input. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Proficient in structural engineering - Experienced in foundation and roof design - Capable of conducting comprehensive structural analyses - Able to interpret architectural plans - Knowledgeable in relevant building codes and regulations
I'm seeking a Interior Draftman who can create detailed architectural and shop drawings for a commercial fit-out, with extensive experience in the United Arab Emirates. Key Requirements: - Design of interior layouts - Creation of shop drawings for site works Ideal Skills: - Drawing experience in the United Arab Emirates / Dubai - Abu Dhabi - Proficiency in AutoCAD or similar software - Previous experience with commercial fit-out projects - Strong understanding of architectural and shop drawing standards Your bid should reflect your experience with similar projects and your ability to deliver high-quality, detailed work.
I'm 3D designer who can create and visualize a modern style living room. The project should encompass: - Detailed interior design: The 3D model should reflect a comprehensive understanding and execution of moder...Furniture placement: Accurate and stylistically fitting placement of furniture within the space. - Lighting design: An intelligent and aesthetic approach to lighting, both in terms of design and placement. - Wall textures and colors: A careful and appealing selection of wall textures and colors that fit the modern style. Ideal candidates will have significant experience in interior design visualization, preferably with a modern aesthetic. A portfolio showcasing previous work of similar scope and style will be highly beneficial. Proficiency in relevant 3D design soft...
I'm in need of a reliable individual located in the USA to receive my Amazon packages, primarily consisting of books and media. The task involves forwarding these items to a different address. In this role, you will be responsible for: - Receiving the packages - Forwarding them to a specified address Ideal candidates for this project should have: - A stable and secure delivery system - Experience with handling and forwarding packages - A trustworthy disposition This is a long-term project with no set schedule at the moment, as the frequency of shipments can vary.
I'm looking for a highly skilled tutor in Excel and KoboToolBox to teach me data collection/visualization/evaluation. Excel: - Help me improve my data analysis skills - Explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner, provide practical examples, and guide me through various data analysis tasks KoboToolBox: - Creating surveys - Teach me how to collect, visualize, and evaluate data Ideal Candidate: - Strong background in data analysis, proficient in Excel, and highly experienced in using KoboToolBox for data collection. - Excellent teaching skills, patience, and the ability to adapt to my learning pace.
I need assistance with updating a Java, CSS, and HTML code to auto-fit the dimensions of a chart on a size chart page. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Proficiency in Java, CSS, and HTML - Experience working with charts and data visualization - Understanding of responsive design principles
...Android developer who's capable of creating an educational app that provides comprehensive information on various government job recruitments, categorized by different sectors. Categories to Cover: - UPSC - MPSC - Banking - Regulatory bodies (like RBI, NABARD, SEBI, PFRDA, etc.) - Defence - Police Key Features: - Search functionality: Users should be able to search for specific jobs or categories effortlessly. - Notifications for Job Updates: Real-time notifications to alert users of new job postings. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficient in Android app development - Prior experience in creating educational apps - Knowledge of government job recruitment processes would be a plus - Excellent UI/UX design skills to make ...
F reelance Project: Chatbot Demo Page - Seeking Creative Vision & Implementation Company: Kratoslab () Need: We're seeking a creative and experienced freelancer to design and develop an engaging demo page for our four existing chatbots. We're open to innovative ideas and need your expertise to help us define the optimal way to showcase our work. If you have a vision for how to make our chatbot demos truly shine – including potentially incorporating professional video or other multimedia elements – we encourage you to share it! Scope: Creative Consultation: We need your help brainstorming and defining the best approach for showcasing our chatbots. We're looking for ideas that go beyond simple widget embedding and explore options like interactive scenarios, pr...
I'm seeking a skilled writer to create engaging and insightful blog articles focused on job search tips specifically tailored for recent graduates. Key Focus Areas: - Resume Writing: Crafting tips on how to make an impactful resume. - Interview Preparation: Providing strategies to ace job interviews. - Networking Strategies: Offering advice on how to build professional connections. Ideal Candidates: - Experience in career coaching or human resources is a plus. - A knack for understanding the challenges faced by recent graduates. - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to simplify complex concepts.
...need expert assistance to refine the methodology and improve accuracy. Current State of the Project The following steps have already been completed: ✅ STL imported into the simulation workflow. ✅ Voxel mesh generated to represent the printed part. ✅ INP file generated, including element definitions and material properties. ✅ Layer-by-layer boundary conditions applied in the INP file. ✅ Result visualization implemented, showing the predicted distortion of the printed part. Issues Faced ⚠️ Incorrect distortion distribution: The simulation results do not match expected experimental values. I am missing something in providing the correct boundary conditions for each layer or not accounting something. ⚠️ Inconsistency: Some cases produce accurate results, while others are significa...
I need an Excel expert to design a spreadsheet for me that includes various charts and graphs for data visualization. The project specifically requires the creation of bar charts and pie charts. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Microsoft Excel - Experience in designing custom Excel spreadsheets - Ability to create clear, effective data visualizations Please note, the main purpose of the Excel file has not been defined yet, hence flexibility and adaptability will be key in this project.
I'm seeking a professional with expertise in lead generation and sales, specifically targeting large technology organizations in the USA for our email phishing services and VAPT (Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing) services. These services can be offered remotely. Ideal Customer: - Sector: Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Startups - Size: Medium to Large (101+ employees) Platforms for Outreach: - LinkedIn - Email campaigns - Industry forums Skills and Experience: - Proven track record in B2B sales, particularly in the cybersecurity sector - Proficiency in using LinkedIn, managing email campaigns and engaging in industry forums for lead generation - Excellent communication and negotiation skills - Familiarity with the needs and challenges of large technolo...
...encompass the creation of a comprehensive house plan, layout plan, and structural drawings, along with a detailed estimation of costs. Key Deliverables: - Comprehensive house plan with front elevation design - Detailed layout plan - Detailed Structural drawings - Detailed cost estimation Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in residential architectural design, particularly for multi-story homes - Proficiency in modern architectural styles - Exceptional ability in creating detailed and accurate structural drawings - Strong skills in cost estimation and budgeting for construction projects Your expertise in these areas will greatly facilitate the successful realization of this project. Key requirments: Ground floor - 2 full bedrooms with attached washrooms , w...
I have a hand drawn house print that needs to be digitized to scale. The final output should be in PNG format and include detailed architectural features. This digitized print will be used for construction purposes, so precision and attention to detail are crucial. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in architectural design software - Experience with digitizing hand drawn prints - Attention to detail - Ability to work to scale - Prior experience with construction-related projects
AutoCAD drafting of full set of architectural house joinery drawings from hand sketched preliminary design drawings attached. An example set of a similar completed project, and DWG base files will be provided giving room outlines to the successful bidder
I need someone experienced with Revit to convert my architectural drawings into an intermediate-detail Revit model. The model should include: - Walls and floors - Doors and windows Furniture and fixtures are not required for this project. Ideal candidates will have a strong background in architectural design and extensive experience with Revit and CAD tools. Please provide examples of similar projects you've successfully completed.
...for print use). • Source files if adjustments are needed later (preferably in SketchUp and/or V-Ray/Lumion format). Ideal Freelancer: • Proficient in SketchUp and rendering software. • Experience in architectural visualization and creating semi-photorealistic renders. • Ability to work efficiently and deliver within a short timeframe (preferably within 1 week). Additional Notes: • I will provide the SketchUp model and any reference images you need. • The scene should look realistic yet clean and professional, without unnecessary over-stylization. • If you have a portfolio with similar architectural or real estate renderings, please include samples. ________________________________________ Next Steps: • Once the refinements ar...
I'm looking for an experienced SEO professional who can help improve my website's search engine ra...techniques. The primary focus will be on optimizing for long-tail keywords, which are crucial for my target audience in Canada and USA. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant short and long-tail keywords. - Implement on-page SEO strategies to optimize website content. - Develop and execute off-page SEO strategies to increase website visibility. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in SEO, specifically with short and long-tail keywords. - Familiarity with Google, Bing, and Yahoo's SEO guidelines. - Strong analytical skills to track and report on SEO performance. -Keywords in English and French. -Proof experience in Canadian and ...
Hello I am looking for a person who can perform copy typing daily and weekly based tasks for me. You'll only be required to type data from PDF files into MS Word or maybe in Google docs, except for simple typing there's nothing else to do Spanish' (Spain), French,Czech,German, Portuguese, (Portugal),Hungarian,Ukrainian,Indonesian,Italian, Japa nese, Arabic, (Standard) ,Korean, Romanian,Vietnamese, Polish, Thai, Tu rkish, Greek, Russian, Canada