Ancient mesopotamia projects 6th gradeproiecte


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    2,000 ancient mesopotamia projects 6th grade proiecte găsite
    Aplicatie Web
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    Necesitatam o aplicatie Interna pentru activitatea unei Asociatii care ofera si Terapie & Servicii aplicatie trebuie sa regaseasca un Program Integrat care sa aiba si cateva functii , Posibilitatea de Feedback in cadrul aplicatiei , useri vor fi atat Clienti dar si angajati cu diferite grade de acces , cateva departamente , CRM cu anumite functii.

    $531 Average bid
    $531 Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    ...statut juridic, firma, pfa etc, din Romania, in vederea realizarii unor figurine in baza unor desene realizate de mana sau cu tableta. Înălțimea figurinei printate ar fi de 5-10-15 cm, în funcție de complexitatea detaliilor. Ne interesează doar modelarea 3D si pregatirea fișierelor pentru print. Avem o imprimanta 3D Ultimaker 2+ pe care o putem utiliza pentru imprimare. Atasez câteva exemple pe grade de complexitate diferite. Ar fi ideal dacă ați putea să faceți o cotație de preț pentru fiecare variantă ca să putem lua o decizie mai potrivită. Intenția noastră este de a realiza o serie de figurine, pe care să le comercializăm ulterior pe site-ul nostru, prin urmare drepturile de autor vor fi cesionate total și exclusiv către societatea noastră. Dacă mai sunt ...

    $481 Average bid
    $481 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Sunt mai multe programe (20) scrise in Delphi 2010 interconectate cu o baza de date. Programele preiau date nu de la tastatura ci de la accesorii prin intermediul unei interfete ARDUIONO UNO pe port USB.

    $2407 Average bid
    $2407 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Seo pentru 10 fraze
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare, Vreau seo pentru 10 grade pentru site ul meu. Cele 10 grade vreau sa imi urce site ul in primele pozitii din prima pagina.

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Oferta medie
    37 oferte
    Creeaza GUI in Matlab
    S-a încheiat left

    In interfata grafica ar trebui sa se introduca date pentru a se afisa, intr-un grafic, 2 cercuri intr-un mediu 3D (x,y,z), cu ajutorul formulelor urmatoare: x=r*cos(teta)+x0 y=r*sin(teta)cos(phi)+y0 z=-r*sin(teta)sin(phi)+z0 Theta trebuie sa varieze intre 0 si 360 de grade. Datele de intrare in GUI: x0=.. y0=.. z0=.. r=.. phi=.. Phi reprezinta inclinarea in jurul axei OX. Este un unghi fix dat (intre 0 si 90).

    $113 Average bid
    $113 Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    Salutare, am o pagina de prezentare facuta in wordpress, la care este nevoie de adugarea unui shop , shopul trebuie sa fie complet functional , sa includa un plug inn de tip reteta , acest plug in ...pentru inserarea valorilor dioptrice a ochelariilor sau a lentilelor de contact (produse vandute) , pe langa asta ar trebui sa fie ca un configurator . Ochelarii emporio armani click pe produs(poza 1) Butonul adauga in cos apasat(poza2) "Retetarul" valorile trebuie scrise sub forma , campul 1 "+sau- 2.25" , , campul 2 asemenea , iar ultimul dintre campuri trebuie completat cu valori intre 0 si 180 grade , "ax" Pt a intelege cat mai bine functionalitatea , recomand o simulare de a cumpara un produs ochelari de vedere (nu de soare) din magazinul virtual lens...

    $522 Average bid
    $522 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Salut am nevoie sa modific un frimware pentru o camera PTZ - Panasonic AW-HE130. Trebuie modificata doar viteza de rotatie pe cele 2 axe(Pan-Tilt) de la maxim 60 grade pe secunda la 120 grade pe secunda!

    $517 Average bid
    $517 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Tema Chimie
    S-a încheiat left

    Am nevoie de un calcul fizico-chimic-termodinamic in .xls si toti pasii calculului - cu formulele folosite in .xls - explicate in world (IMPORTANT) pentru urmatoarea problema: Punctul de ing...xls si toti pasii calculului - cu formulele folosite in .xls - explicate in world (IMPORTANT) pentru urmatoarea problema: Punctul de inghet al apei- care este solvent in acest caz -diluate cu sare ( 1% , 2% .... ) in functie de presiune. Adica in excel, sa se poata schimba ori cantitatea de sare din apa, ori/si presiunea la care este supus lichidul (bar), si rezultatul va fi un punct de inghet in grade Celsius. Calculul trebuie sa fie unul serios. Pentru verificare este si un site (care nu stiu cat de corect functioneaza) :

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    render mobilier
    S-a încheiat left

    Vreau render fotorealist pentru piese de mobilier care urmeaza sa fie promovate pe un site. Imagini si 360 grade. Vi se ofera model 3D in Autocad 2016 (DWG)

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Eseu Management
    S-a încheiat left

    Hello! I am looking for a native romanian speaker to help me with an essay. It is about management. The task is a better (ideal) management system starting from the most representative (Anglo Saxon, Japanese, American). The due date is on Monday, the 6th of May. The essay has to have between 7 to 10 pages in word. Thank you! Buna! Este vorba despre un eseu despre un sistem de management mai bun (ideal) pornind de la cele mai reprezentative ( anglo saxon, japonez, american ). Deadlineul este până pe 6 mai. Intre 7 -10 pagini in word.

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Scrie un software
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Clientul final trebuie sa dispuna de posibilitatea de a incepe cu modelele de casa baza personalizand modelul in functie de dorintele proprii si in baza fiecarei optiuni alese sa se schimbe in timp real pretul. Dispun deja de modelele 3D ale caselor precum si optiunile lor(culori,tipuri de usi,ferestre,garaj,terasa,etc.). Configurata casa si optiunile ei, clientul poate vizualiza renderul la 360 de grade si ne poate trimite cererea de contact pentru aceasta. Imediat ce este completat formularul de contact, atat clientul cat si administratorul proiectului primesc un email informativ si un pdf continand detaliile alese precum si pretul plus datele de contact. Cautam o persoana sau societate cu experienta pentru a stabili un raport de colaborare de lunga durata. Astept cu nerabd...

    $7498 Average bid
    $7498 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    Caut programator pentru o colaborare in mai multe proiecte, eventual angajare, preferabil din Bucuresti.

    $1194 Average bid
    $1194 Oferta medie
    30 oferte
    Modelează 3D
    S-a încheiat left

    Proiectarea unui brat robotic/robot cu patru grade de libertate

    $523 Average bid
    $523 Oferta medie
    14 oferte
    Creează un Logo
    S-a încheiat left

    Vreau un logo 200X90 px, As porni de "deviza" blogului: "modern times - ancient humans". Putem folosi ideea asta clasica, a evolutiei rasei umane, dar care este o evolutie anatomica nu si rationala, elementele animalice ramanand principalele instincte dupa care ne ghidam. Nu am o ideea foarte clara in minte, dar astept cateva propuneri. Tema pe care o voi folosi: Numele site-ului: I want a logo 200 x 90 px, "Motto" blog: "Modern Times - Ancient humans". We can use classical idea of the evolution of the human race, but there is an anatomical evolution, not rational, and animalistic instincts remain our guiding principal. I don't have a very clear idea in mind, but

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    9 oferte
    PWM pentru Arduino Due
    S-a încheiat left

    Salutare, vreau si eu un program de PWM cu interfata pentru Arduine DUE si care sa stie urmatoarele: -4 sau 6 semnale max de PWM la care sa se poate controla unghiul de faza dintre ele, de la 0-360 grade si cu feedback sa nu se intrepatrunda semnalele (overshoot) -sa mearga pana la frecventa maxima de 20 mhz cat poate sa scoata DUE semnal curat -sa pot seta si duty cycle de la 0 la 255 si in durata gen 100-200-300,.,,,500 ns si sa pot seta si pauza intre semnale;

    $300 Average bid
    $300 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...DESCRIEREA APLICAȚIEI Aplicaţia este creată pentru a-i ajuta pe copii să învețe adunarea şi scăderea într-un mod plăcut. Aplicaţia poate fi divizată în două mari părţi: 1. jocul propriu-zis destinat copiilor 2. partea de monitorizare a rezultatelor şi progreselor destinat părinților și profesorilor. Atât modulul de exerciţii de adunare cât şi cel de scădere cuprind câte 5 tipuri de exerciţii cu grade de dificultate diferite. Un utilizator poate debloca un alt set de exerciţii (un alt nivel), atunci când a răspuns corect la toate cele 10 întrebari din setul precedent. Iniţial, la înregistrarea unui nou utilizator, acesta are deblocate primul nivel de adunare şi primul nivel de scădere. Fiecare întrebare din joc e...

    $1656 Average bid
    $1656 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Oficiul starii civile
    S-a încheiat left

    ...scrie un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari:  starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anumita data;  descendentii unei persoane specificate;  daca între doua persoane specificate exista un grad de rudenie, iar în caz afirmativ, care este acela(se vor considera doar urma toarele grade de rudenie: parinte, fiu, frate, bunic, nepot, var primar, cumnat, frate vitreg,parinte vitreg);  construirea arborelui genealogic pentru o anumit persoana. Cerinte de implementare:  Utilizarea claselor iterator pentru parcurgerea listelor;  Posibilitatea de stocare si restaurare a datelor;  Tratarea exceptiilor; ...

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Stare civila
    S-a încheiat left

    ...un program care sa permita introducerea datelor persoanelor, memorarea lor pe un suport persistent si care sa poata raspunde la urmatoarele întrebari:  -starea civila a unei anumite persoane la o anumita data;  -descendentii unei persoane specificate;  -daca între doua persoane specificate exista un grad de rudenie, iar în caz afirmativ, care este acela(se vor considera doar urma toarele grade de rudenie: parinte, fiu, frate, bunic, nepot, var primar, cumnat, frate vitreg,parinte vitreg); - construirea arborelui genealogic pentru o anumit persoana *Cerinte de implementare:  -Utilizarea claselor iterator pentru parcurgerea listelor;  -Posibilitatea de stocare si restaurare a datelor;  -Tratarea exceptiilor...

    $205 Average bid
    $205 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    Salut...imi poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog nevoie de putin ajutor si tu ai calitatile necesare :).....

    $2074 Average bid
    $2074 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    FreePBX Projects
    S-a încheiat left

    Salut...imi poti lasa un icq jabber yahoo daca ai te rog nevoie de putin ajutor si tu ai calitatile necesare :).....

    $1500 Average bid
    $1500 Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Totul despre android
    S-a încheiat left Linux, pe care l-au prezentat producatorilor de telefoane mobile și operatorilor de rețele de telefonie mobilă, cu perspectiva de a asigura un sistem flexibil, upgradabil.[necesită citare] Google a raportat că a aliniat deja o serie de parteneri producători de componente hardware și software la noul concept, și a semnalat operatorilor de rețele de telefonie mobilă că era deschis la diferite grade de cooperare din partea acestora.[12][13][14] Mai multe speculații că Google ar fi putut intra pe piața telefoniei mobile au apărut în decembrie 2006.[15] Rapoarte de la BBC și Wall Street Journal au remarcat faptul că Google își dorea căutarea web și aplicațiile sale pe telefoane mobile și că lucra din greu către acest țel. Presa și siturile de știri au publicat curâ...

    $15 - $25 / hr
    $15 - $25 / hr
    0 oferte

    Salut,nnAm vazut proiectul tau, si vreau sa te ajut. Crezi ca ma poti angaja? :)nPretul il stabilesti tu.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...Construction Details: Show cross-sections and details of the planter construction, including joints, welding details, and any reinforcement needed. - Indented Kick Plate: Include a detailed design of an indented kick plate at the bottom of the planter, with a groove for LED outdoor lighting. - Front Side Wall: The front side wall of the planter exposed to the yard will drop 1’ below the finished grade of the outer edges into a sunken circular pit. - Wiring Holes: Include placement of holes for wiring to enter for the lighting, ensuring a seamless look. - Floating Bench: - Design Specifications: Include materials, dimensions, and finish details for the bench. The floating seat will be 18” above the ground. - Attachment Details: Provide detailed drawings showi...

    $495 Average bid
    $495 Oferta medie
    58 oferte

    **The Mismanagement and Corruption in UK Government-Funded Projects** Government-funded projects in the UK have long been marred by mismanagement, corruption, and an outrageous waste of taxpayers’ money. While the media focuses on headline-grabbing figures—such as the £100 million spent on a bat tunnel for HS2—the real issue lies deeper. The inefficiency, poorly drafted contracts, and blatant profiteering at every level result in financial losses amounting to billions. ### **Mismanagement in Infrastructure Projects** One of the most shocking examples of mismanagement is the construction of multiple HS2 bridges being installed incorrectly. Reports from industry insiders confirm that at least two or three bridges had to be demolished and rebui...

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Oferta medie
    4 oferte

    ...editing and storytelling to develop a project that captures and conveys the cultural aspects of daily life in ancient Egypt, using Photoshop. The project should be tailored for an adult audience, but should still be engaging and insightful enough to captivate those with a keen interest in history. The ideal freelancer for this job should possess: - Proficient photo editing skills, particularly in Photoshop - Strong storytelling abilities - Deep understanding and appreciation of Egyptian culture - Experience in creating content for an adult audience - Ability to make historical content engaging and accessible The focus of this project will be on showcasing the daily routines and life of ancient Egyptians, using a mix of photo editing techniques and storytelling methods to...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Oferta medie
    57 oferte

    ...realistic depiction of either Poseidon or Triton, with a color palette predominantly based on gold hues. The design could also incorporate: - A depiction of the Cyprus island ancient map - A trident - Ancient Greek patterns - Just letters While the main focus should be on the gods, using these additional elements will help convey the theme of my webshop, which centers around numismatics and ancient history. The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience in logo design, particularly in creating realistic depictions of characters - A strong understanding of and ability to incorporate ancient Greek patterns - Excellent skills in using a gold-based color palette - Previous experience with e-commerce website logo design is a plus I ...

    $51 Average bid
    379 intrări

    ...WhatsApp using a web-based WhatsApp login. Key Features: - Integration with EdTech ERP: The extension should seamlessly connect with our existing ERP system to fetch relevant data. - WhatsApp Notifications: The extension will send notifications via WhatsApp, so experience with web-based WhatsApp login is a plus. - Varied Notification Types: The notifications to be sent include attendance updates, grade reports, event reminders, fee collection notices, and fee reminders. Ideal Candidate: - Proficient in Chrome extension development. - Experience with EdTech ERP systems. - Familiarity with WhatsApp's web-based interface. - Ability to understand and implement a project from a comprehensive, detail-oriented perspective. - Excellent communication skills for updates and discuss...

    $268 Average bid
    $268 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    Context: In the cradle of civilization, the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia pioneered the earliest known accounting systems, laying the groundwork for modern financial practices. Their innovative use of cuneiform script on clay tablets to record transactions and manage resources reflects a profound legacy in record-keeping and administration. Sumer Advisors draws inspiration from this rich heritage, bridging the ancient and the modern by integrating the Sumerians' pioneering spirit into today's technological landscape. Just as the Sumerians utilized cutting-edge methods of their time to manage complex economic activities, Sumer Advisors employs advanced technologies like Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Web3 to offer innovative financial solutions. Brand...

    $77 Average bid
    607 intrări
    $100 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I'm ... with a focus on guest arrivals, mingling, cake cutting, as well as speeches and toasts. The ideal candidate should have: - A portfolio of prior event photography, particularly children's leavers parties. - Excellent interpersonal skills to interact with guests of all ages. - A keen eye for detail to capture important moments. - Ability to work discreetly and unobtrusively. - Own professional-grade photography equipment. Please provide samples of your work, particularly any that relate to children's events, with your proposal. The event photographer will be required for 2 hours. The event photographer should provide basic color correction for the photographs. The final photos should be delivered in a digital format only. Please ensure to capture group photos...

    $22 - $45 / hr
    $22 - $45 / hr
    0 oferte

    I'm loo...experienced app developer to create a business-grade app that handles sensitive personal information. The primary focus of the app is on data collection, analytics and reporting, while ensuring top-notch data security measures are in place. Key Requirements: - Design and build an app that can collect, process and analyze personal data - Implement end-to-end encryption for comprehensive data security - Ensure the app is user-friendly and intuitive Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing and developing secure apps, particularly for personal data - Strong understanding and expertise in data analytics and reporting features - Skills in implementing end-to-end encryption in a user-friendly manner Please provide examples of similar projects you have undert...

    $9162 Average bid
    $9162 Oferta medie
    65 oferte

    hey ? I tested it works ? I will need some improvements as new project: - now we got end point that generates PDF summary, need another one that will also generate simply snapshot from the dialog - when I mix good questions with offtopic questions - lawyers are not beeding generated. can you double check why it can happen ? 2. I would need - previous notebook with langchain improved to be able to use different emedding models. Here is nice leadeboard it would be great to able to choose in notebook e.g. 10 best if possible - especialy those free are interesting. 3. when 2 is done, have option to choose OpenAI LLM/LLaMA LLM/Cloude LLM

    $150 Average bid
    $150 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    ...Ability to request aid in monitoring and maintaining group relationships and specified attitudinal state. Suggested ideas for project's best vision so far have been: - openhanded, clearminded receiving and passing on of welcome - taking hold in heart of the facts which are at hand - abandoning prior perception models for better grasp of best ways with both new and old, restoring application of ancient wisdoms from dropping more recent misunderstanding of their application - aligning our actions to mercy as definition of loving regard for that which we all depend on, in humility - possibly permitting enjoyment in the working out of this vision to carry additional benefit in the scope of the personal lives of participants and beyond - open to inclusion of those beyond initial...

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    Graphic Design Instructions: 5th Grade Boys' Student Points Tracking & Rewards Chart 1. General Layout & Structure • For a 5th-grade boys’ classroom—design should be engaging yet structured. • Use a clear, legible font that is easy to read at a glance. • Ensure distinct sections for points • Use a professional yet fun color scheme—bright but not overwhelming. ________________________________________ 2. Points Tracking Grid Layout: • 26 rows for student names (I will provide the list separately). • 8 weeks of tracking, covering Monday – Thursday each week. • Each day should have two checkboxes per student for tracking progress. • Thin vertical separation line every two weeks to clearly segment trackin...

    $15 Average bid

    I’m experiencing an issue with glare in my photos causing the lashes to appear distorted inside the area of the eyes. This project involves correcting the issue in the images through photo editing. **Ideal Skills:** - Proficient in photo editing software (Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experienced in dealing with glare and enhancing image quality - Ability to deliver high-quality, professional-grade images. **Note:** The primary image format for this project is PDF.

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta medie
    58 oferte

    I'm experiencing an issue with glare in my photos causing the lashes to appear distorted inside the area of the eyes. This project involves correcting the issue in the images through photo editing. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in photo editing software (Photoshop, Lightroom, etc.) - Experienced in dealing with glare and enhancing image quality - Ability to deliver high-quality, professional-grade images. Please note, the primary image format for this project is PDF.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Oferta medie
    63 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional-grade template for my invoice discounting website. The design style should be distinctly professional, steering clear of any overly flashy or trendy elements. This template should cater to a corporate audience, showcasing a sleek and polished aesthetic. Key Features: - Contact Us section - Header logo space for my firm - Specific fields for invoice details: buyer logo, seller name, tenure, ROI, profit earned - Footer with space for email, number, and website While I'm not entirely certain about a dashboard for user management, the possibility of integrating one could be beneficial. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design, particularly for financial services, and be adept at creating user-friendly, professional templat...

    $5 Average bid

    I'm looking for a professional-grade template for my invoice discounting website. The design style should be distinctly professional, steering clear of any overly flashy or trendy elements. This template should cater to a corporate audience, showcasing a sleek and polished aesthetic. Key Features: - Contact Us section - Header logo space for my firm - Specific fields for invoice details: buyer logo, seller name, tenure, ROI, profit earned - Footer with space for email, number, and website While I'm not entirely certain about a dashboard for user management, the possibility of integrating one could be beneficial. Ideal candidates should have a strong background in web design, particularly for financial services, and be adept at creating user-friendly, professional templat...

    $5 Average bid

    I'm looking for a skilled video editor to help me with my YouTube tutorial channel. The editing will require: - Basic cuts and transitions to keep the flow smooth and engaging. - Advanced effects and animations to enhance the visual appeal and keep viewers interested. - Text overlays and graphics to emphasize key points and make the content more understandable. Ideal candida...and animations to enhance the visual appeal and keep viewers interested. - Text overlays and graphics to emphasize key points and make the content more understandable. Ideal candidates should be experienced with editing tutorial-style content and have a good understanding of pacing and visual storytelling in this genre. Proficiency in using editing software to create high quality, professional-grade vi...

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Oferta medie
    26 oferte
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    44 oferte

    ...production. Conduct thorough QA on samples with a local professional in China to finalize the best supplier. Place an initial order of 50 pieces per SKU. Scope of Work Supplier Research: Use Alibaba and other relevant platforms to find verified suppliers. Focus on suppliers offering: Product Customization: Logo, packaging, and design modifications. Certifications: ISO, CE, or other relevant medical-grade certifications. Competitive Pricing: Ensure costs align with project expectations. Sample Testing and QA: Coordinate with selected suppliers to ship samples to a QA professional in China. Perform detailed quality checks: Material quality, dimensions, finish, durability, and functionality. Match all specifications (e.g., foam density, ergonomic contour, machine-washable covers). ...

    $19 / hr Average bid
    $19 / hr Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    ...maintain DRPs for multiple environments. Execute and monitor disaster recovery tests for critical applications. Prepare reports on recovery tests, incidents, and periodic system starts. Automate mainframe recovery tasks and manage server and database recovery. Collaborate with teams to align recovery processes with business continuity. Requirements: Technical School Degree (Medium) or Technical Grade Degree (Medium). 3+ years of experience in relevant platforms, tools, and programming languages. Knowledge of zOS, Unix/AIX, NetView, virtualization (SVC, NUTANIX, NAS), and cloud recovery services. Strong report preparation skills and performance tracking. Performance Metrics: Minimum of 4 new DRPs annually. 21+ recovery tests and 60+ reports per year. 600+ periodic server starts an...

    $43 / hr Average bid
    $43 / hr Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    ...Level** | Radio Group | Aggressive ▶ Conservative | | **API Keys** | Secure Text Fields | Clearbit, , LinkedIn* | --- ### **Output Structure** **For Each Company in Input:** 1. `[Company]` - **Page 1:** Strategic SWOT (tech gaps, leadership changes) - **Page 2:** Relationship Map (investors/partners from Crunchbase) - **Page 3:** Pre-Drafted Legal-Grade Outreach (GDPR-compliant, cites recent news) **Aggregate Files:** - `` - Tier 1 (Hot): Funding rounds <6mo ago + C-level hires - Tier 2 (Warm): Tech stack match + hiring sprees - Tier 3 (Research): Low signal prospects - `` (Auto-redacts PII via spaCy NER) --- ### **Defensible Differentiation** ✅ **Recursive Data Validation**

    $119 Average bid
    $119 Oferta medie
    12 oferte

    ...salary sheet, expense tracker, or grade report, I create smart, structured, and user-friendly Excel files tailored to your needs. ? Why Choose Me? ✔ Well-Organized & Error-Free Sheets – Easy to navigate, structured, and clean layouts ✔ Automated Formulas & Functions – Save time with calculations that work instantly ✔ Financial & Payroll Management – Salary sheets, budgeting, and billing trackers ✔ Data Visualization & Reports – Interactive charts and dashboards for better insights ✔ Custom Excel Templates – Personalized solutions for your business or projects ? My Expertise ? ? Bills & Expense Tracker – Keep track of payments, due dates, and total expenses ? ? Salary Sheet Automation – Payroll calculation with...

    $31 Average bid
    $31 Oferta medie
    17 oferte

    I'm looking for a web-based quiz game designed for 9th-grade students focused on the polynomial chapter. This game should be interactive and engaging to enhance students' understanding and retention of the subject. Key Requirements: - Development of multiple choice questions that test the user's knowledge and comprehension of polynomials. - The game should be accessible via a web browser. Ideal Skills: - Experience in game development, particularly educational games. - Proficiency in web development. - Understanding of the 9th-grade polynomial curriculum would be a plus.

    $47 Average bid
    $47 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    I am in need of a dependable Laravel programmer to assist with both o...need of a dependable Laravel programmer to assist with both ongoing and new projects. The ideal candidate should possess strong experience with Laravel and a commendable history of delivering quality work. Key Responsibilities: - Maintain existing applications - Develop new features Skills and Experience: - Solid experience with Laravel - Proven track record of delivering quality work - Detail-oriented - Passionate about coding - Experience with E-commerce functionalities, Custom APIs is a plus. Time tracking will be managed using HubStaff or a similar tool to ensure transparency. If you are a detail-oriented professional with a passion for coding, I would love to hear from you! Please share your top Laravel...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    226 oferte

    I am seeking an experienced scientific writer to assist in writing a research paper on advanced quantile regression modeling to be published in a Scopus-listed jour...journal. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in statistics and experience in writing academic papers. Although the analysis was done by myself, based on these three important methodologies (PDFs will be shared in chat), the proper interpretation and research paper writing (abstract, intro, methodology, results, conclusion) is to be done. The timeline is about a week from now, i.e., 6th or 7th February 2024. I will assist as much as possible because of familiarity and time-bound situations. I would love to hear from you if you're passionate about contributing to academic research and have excellent ...

    $91 Average bid
    $91 Oferta medie
    24 oferte

    I'm looking for a professional to finalize my logo and create business cards and letterhead for my brand. Key Requirements: - Finalize a modern and clean logo that includes my company name, tagline and an icon or symbol. - Design business cards that include my name and title, contact information and the c...Waterproofing and Coatings. We need a new business card design (see attached Logo) 12345 Main St. Small Town, CA 97775 License # 9548136 Office Phone: 909-999-9999 Cell Phone: 909-999-9999 Needs to have the following information First Name Last Name Title: Project Manager Email: projectmgr@ Services offered: Joint Sealants Fluid Applied Air Barriers Self-Adhered Air Barriers Below Grade Waterproofing Pedestrian & Vehicular Coatings Deck Coatings Expansion Joints

    $50 Average bid
    369 intrări

    **Project Overview:** I need an automation system to analyze and grade my employees' phone calls based on predefined criteria. Our customer service representatives (CSRs) handle incoming calls for home repair services, and their goal is to convince potential customers to book an appointment with a repair technician. This system will ensure they follow our required scripts, handle objections properly, and effectively persuade customers to schedule a visit. **Key Features & Requirements:** ✅ **AI-Powered Call Analysis:** The system should analyze call recordings or transcriptions to evaluate how well agents follow our script, handle objections, and close appointments. ✅ **Scorecard Generation:** The automation should generate a score for each call based on predefi...

    $1134 Average bid
    $1134 Oferta medie
    103 oferte