Adobe lightroom jobs american samoaproiecte


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    2,000 adobe lightroom jobs american samoa proiecte găsite

    Site-ul este destinat fanilor de fotbal american, momentan primeste foarte multe vizite din social si refferals dar foarte foarte putin din google, in Alexa sta destul de bine fiind locul 136k Global Rank si 12k in USA. Caut pe cineva care sa ma ajute sa indexez mai bine site-ul in google si sa cresc numarul de vizite primite de acolo.

    $211 Average bid
    $211 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    Selectarea si prelucrarea la nivel de luminozitate, balans de alb, incadrare a cadrelor de eveniment: cununie sau botez

    $86 Average bid
    $86 Oferta medie
    3 oferte
    Graphic Designer
    S-a încheiat left

    - Necesită abilități de proiectare puternice, creativitate si imaginatie - Cunostinte bune de Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Corel Draw - Cunostinte bune de HTML, CSS, Java Script - Atitudine proactiva si spirit de echipa - Cunostinte despre tehnicile de promovare pe web (SEO si marketing online). - Seriozitate si respectarea termenelor limita - Capacitate de gestionare a mai multor proiecte - Prezentarea unui proiect de promovare a produsului SKY PRINT pe piata de distributie din Romania (conditie obligatorie care trebuie sa insotesca oferta) De asemnea, te asteptam sa aplici cu un link catre un portofoliul de lucrari cat mai recente!

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Oferta medie
    13 oferte

    Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD

    $79 Average bid
    $79 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Vreau trafic si plasarea pe prima pagina Google la search pentru "locuri de munca online /online freelance jobs / joburi online pentru freelanceri" pentru un site cu o luna vechime Momentan nu pot oferi mai mult de 12 USD

    $37 Average bid
    $37 Oferta medie
    9 oferte

    am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]

    $34 / hr Average bid
    $34 / hr Oferta medie
    11 oferte
    wordpress website
    S-a încheiat left

    am nevoie de cineva care stie bine wp, un proiect destul de complex, mai exact un portal de jobs. Daca exista interes atunci astept un email la adresa: [Removed by Admin]

    $25 / hr Average bid
    $25 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte
    Am nevoie de design grafic
    S-a încheiat left

    Doresc colaborare permanenta pe baza de fee lunar prestabilit. Va fi o incarcare medie de 4-5 ore/zi de munca. Cel care aplica la aceasta colaborare trebuie: - Sa aiba cunostinte in utilizarea Adobe si Corel - Sa poata realiza logo-uri, pliante, brosuri, etc - Sa fie disponibil sa lucreze cu deadlineuri scurte - Sa aiba un portofoliu de lucrari realizate - Sa locuiasca in Bucuresti

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Oferta medie
    10 oferte

    Companie ce dezvolta jocuri pentru casinouri online recruteaza: - 1 grafic designer - 1 sound engineer Se ofera posibilitatea de lucru per proiect, sau full time - 8 ore pe zi. (cu contract) Cerinte: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Fruity Loops, Adobe Sound Studio. Pentru relatii suplimentare, rog sa ma contactati prin intermediul site-ului

    $219 Average bid
    $219 Oferta medie
    10 oferte
    PR & Comunicare
    S-a încheiat left

    ...Bazat pe o baza de date compelxa interconectata cu majoritatea companiilor si institutiilor mari din domeniul educatiei si al carierei, ei pot sa vizualizeze intr-un mod foarte pragmatic si atractiv care este scopul lor in cariera, si ce optiuni au la dispozitie pentru a ajunge acolo (programe de licenta, master, doctorat; burse; cursuri online si offline; activitati extracurriculare; internships; jobs) Cautam un freelancer pe partea de PR (sau part timp employee) care sa inteleaga conceptul si sa lucram impreuna project based la inceput in perioada Martie - Decembrie pentru a. generare de lead-uri pe site b. notoritatea in randul grupurilor tinta tineri parinti factori de decizie din mediul educational factori de decizie din companii pentru bugetele de advertis...

    $1155 Average bid
    $1155 Oferta medie
    7 oferte

    Doresc realizarea unui plugin wordpress care o data ce este instalat scaneaza toate fisierele din public_html a contului dupa anumite "paterns" si daca gaseste ceva listeaza fisierele infectate. Acest plugin trebuie deasemenea sa poata face scanari programate (cron jobs) dar si backupuri locale sau remote a fisierelor, inainte de curatarea lor. Pluginul trebuie sa aiba o interfata foarte simpla si doar 3 taburi : setari, backup, scan. Doresc ca acest plugin sa se conecteze la wordpres API si sa poata sa faca diferente intre fisierele wordpress pe care le ai si cele originale. Sa listeze fisierele care sunt diferite fata de original si deasemenea sa sublinieze liniile de cod care sunt diferite. Trebuie sa aiba optiunea de restore : adica sa pot da restore la anumite f...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    Caut pe cineva care sa imi promoveze site-ul cat mai bine in romania in special pentru fete interesate sa lucreze in strainatate Im looking someone to promote my website everywhere on the internet special in romania and england

    $149 Average bid
    $149 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    Graphic Artist Jocuri 2D
    S-a încheiat left

    Graphic artist pentru jocuri online. Cerinte: - Cunostinte avansate de Adobe Photoshop; - Cunostinte de compozitie si cromatica; - Abilitatea de reproducere in desen a diferitor elemente si personaje care vor fi prezente in jocuri; - Capacitatea de a surprinde si pastra directia artistica stabilita de Lead Graphic Artist; *Portofoliu relevant in domeniul grafic constituie un mare avantaj. *Cunostintele in Adobe Illustrator constituie un avantaj; Responsabilitati: Graficianul va fi responsabil de crearea decorurilor si personajelor pentru jocuri cat si elementelor de interfata. Oferta Mediu de lucru relaxat, echipa creativa in care initiativa este binevenita.

    $560 Average bid
    $560 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Oferta medie
    2 oferte
    Editare Fotografiide Nunta
    S-a încheiat left

    Editare poze nunta 1. Editate pozele bruth de la nunta 1200-1500 poze 2. Editarea sa se faca in Adobe Lightroom 3. Editarea sa se faca cu actiuni

    $972 Average bid
    $972 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Flash Developer
    S-a încheiat left

    Despre tine • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Flash, cunoştinţe solide de grafică vectorială în Flash; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare orientată pe obiect; • Cunoştinţe de algoritmică cel putin medii; • Cunoştinţe solide de programare în Action Script 2 şi 3; • Cunoştinţe solide de utilizare Adobe Photoshop; Despre proiect • Dezvoltarea de interfeţe de utilizator, animaţii, tranziţii şi elemente interactive pentru jocuri; • Transpunerea mecanismelor de joc în elemente vizuale şi funcţionale integrate în proiect; • Optimizarea interfeţelor dezvoltate conform capacităţii platformei proiectului; • Integrarea functională a modulului de flash implementat în proiectul dezvoltat; • ...

    $1977 Average bid
    $1977 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    Grafica/DTP - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    ...este cea care a avut initiativa editarii si publicarii singurei reviste de specialitate din Romania intitulata Magazin Funerar. Suntem deja la numarul 10, numar care a aparut in iunie 2013. Va contactam deoarece cautam un grafician (DTP-ist) care sa colaboreze cu echipa noastra si sa realizeze designul revistei. Cerinte: - prelucrare / ajustare imagini, - cunostinte foarte bune Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, etc, - cunoasterea tendintelor in domeniul graficii (fonturi, culoare, layout, etc), - cunostinte de design, fonturi si machetare necesare transpunerii materialelor de creatie intr-un format pentru tipar sau productie publicitara, - cunoasterea parametrilor tehnici pentru diverse tipuri de tipar, - optimizarea fisierelor si pre...

    $53 Average bid
    $53 Oferta medie
    4 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    ...este cea care a avut initiativa editarii si publicarii singurei reviste de specialitate din Romania intitulata Magazin Funerar. Suntem deja la numarul 10, numar care a aparut in iunie 2013. Va contactam deoarece cautam un grafician (DTP-ist) care sa colaboreze cu echipa noastra si sa realizeze designul revistei. Cerinte: - prelucrare / ajustare imagini, - cunostinte foarte bune Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, InDesign, etc, - cunoasterea tendintelor in domeniul graficii (fonturi, culoare, layout, etc), - cunostinte de design, fonturi si machetare necesare transpunerii materialelor de creatie intr-un format pentru tipar sau productie publicitara, - cunoasterea parametrilor tehnici pentru diverse tipuri de tipar, - optimizarea fisierelor si pre...

    $159 Average bid
    $159 Oferta medie
    8 oferte

    The certificate was developed using Adobe Dreamweaver with Adobe Photoshop used to edit pictures and logo. As a component, the site consists of 5 pages, the first page is a small java script that plays three consecutive slides. To contact I used a PHP script integrated with sendmail and a design specifically designed for this page. For best appearance, the page was added a favicon, a small image that adds a page image browser. We chose the theme of science Craiova certified football team that, in my opinion, it is the character Oltenia, one of the most popular and beloved teams in Romania, dezafiliata unjustly.

    $498 Average bid
    $498 Oferta medie
    12 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Atestatul a fost realizat cu ajutorul programului Adobe Dreamweaver cu ajutorul programului Adobe Photoshop folosit pentru a edita pozele si logo-ul . Ca si componenta , site-ul este format din 5 pagini , pe prima pagina se gaseste un mic script java ce reda 3 slide-uri consecutive . Pentru contact am folosit un script php cu sendmail integrat si un design conceput special pentru aceasta pagina . Pentru un mai bun aspect , la pagina a fost adaugat un favicon , o mica imagine ce adauga un plus de imagine paginii in browser . Am ales ca tema de atestat echipa de fotbal Stiina Craiova pentru ca , dupa parerea mea , ea reprezinta caracterul oltenesc , una dintre cele mai iubite si mai indragite echipe de fotbal din Romania , dezafiliata pe nedrept .

    $424 Average bid
    $424 Oferta medie
    7 oferte
    Logo and banner design
    S-a încheiat left

    Logo and banner design, lucrari in PS si alte soturi de grafica gen CorelDraw, Adobe Ilustrator si altele

    $50 Average bid
    $50 Oferta medie
    6 oferte
    Tehnoredactare - repost
    S-a încheiat left

    Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.

    $29 - $245
    $29 - $245
    0 oferte
    S-a încheiat left

    Tehoredactare de calitate in Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe, Corecturi lucrari. Tehnoredactare teze, referate, articole. Calitate si proptitudine.

    $125 Average bid
    $125 Oferta medie
    95 oferte
    text pagina web
    S-a încheiat left

    ...sotiei pe care am reusit sa o conving ca un produs bun are nevoie si de o promovare buna. De doua zile am reusit sa termin partea de grafica a site-ului si as vrea ca impreuna cu tine sa finalizam si textul. Scoala Americana de psihoterapie, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, USA Metoda Nr.1 de Psihoterapie, în Statele Unite şi Canada Membru al American Psychological Asociation din Washington, DC, USA Aceaste patru elemente definesc ‘linia rosie’ de marketing care sa defineasca oferta unica de vanzare pe care o sa am rugamintea sa le ‘ condimentati’ cu cateva din cele 12 cuvinte cu „muşchi” în copywriting, Tu , Gratuit, Calitate, Nou , Dovedit, Rezultate, Economiseşte, Descoperă , Sănătos , Imaginează-ţi

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Oferta medie
    1 oferte

    I need a one-page PDF that details the annual income and expenses of a property. This document is intended to inform current stakeholders about the property's financial performance. The PDF should highlight: - Annual income and expenses And include key metrics such as: - Net was rented out. Ideal skills for this job include proficiency in data analysis and graphic design. Experience in creating financial reports is a plus. The goal is to create a clear, concise and visually appealing document that effectively communicates the property's financial status to our stakeholders. The design should follow our brand guidelines. The design should be created using Adobe Suite. The design should incorporate our specific brand color scheme to ensure consistency with o...

    $200 Average bid
    Recomandat Garantat
    18 intrări

    I'm in need of a talented graphic designer who can assist me over the next 3-4 days. Key Responsibilities: - Primarily photo editing - Corporate style video editing Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Photoshop is a must - Experience in corporate video editing - Strong attention to detail and ability to meet tight deadlines - Good communication skills

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Oferta medie
    6 oferte

    I'm seeking a fashion designer for a young adult-focused, casual wear clothing line with a street style aesthetic. Your expertise in blending comfort and trendiness is key, as we aim to deliver appealing, wearable pieces for the modern, urban young adult. Ideal candidate should possess: - Strong portfolio in cas...casual, street style - Understanding of young adult fashion trends - Experience in designing for a clothing brand - Ability to deliver on-brand, quality designs - In-depth knowledge of fabrics and materials suitable for casual wear - Experience in creating patterns and technical drawings - Strong understanding of color theory and its application in fashion - Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop The collection should feature T-shir...

    $9 Average bid
    $9 Oferta medie
    3 oferte

    I'm looking for a creative graphic designer to craft an engaging, vintage-style poster for an upcoming fly fishing event. The primary objective of the poster is to attract attendees, so it needs to be visually ...vintage-style poster for an upcoming fly fishing event. The primary objective of the poster is to attract attendees, so it needs to be visually appealing and embody the spirit of fly fishing in a vintage aesthetic. Key elements to include: - Event date and location - Images related to fly fishing - Contact information Ideal skills and experience: - Proficiency in graphic design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong understanding of vintage design elements - Experience in creating event promotional materials - Ability to create visually striking and e...

    $75 Average bid
    $75 Oferta medie
    89 oferte

    I'm looking for a creative designer to redesign my company's logo, NORTHERN LIGHTS ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. The new design should incorporat...same elements as the current logo but with a fresh color palette. Key Requirements: - Retain the existing symbol/graphic of the current logo. - Use dark and deep shades of green and blue, reflecting the northern lights. - Incorporate a significant amount of gold in the new design, specifically in the outline of the symbol and the text elements. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Logo Design - Adobe Illustrator or equivalent software proficiency - Strong understanding of color theory and design principles - Ability to work creatively within set parameters The best design will be chosen as the winner. I look forward to seeing your creat...

    $10 Average bid

    I'm in need of a professional photo editor who can retouch fashion images to match a images to match a set of provided reference images. Key Requirements: - Image matching: You'll need to adjust the images to closely resemble the reference images in terms of color, style, and overall appearance. This is a long term cooperation and budget is 1$ per image with a volume of 30-40 images per day. Skills and Experience: - Proficient in photo editing software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom). - Prior experience in fashion image retouching is a plus. - Keen attention to detail for image matching. - Good understanding of color correction - Proficient in layer manipulation and mask usage. I have a set of reference images ready for you to work from. Looking f...

    $317 / hr Average bid
    $317 / hr Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    ...Day-themed text/image overlays (e.g., “Find Your Furry Valentine,” heart graphics, etc.). We will provide sample messages, but we're open to your ideas. File Delivery: - Provide fully editable project files using Filmora or Adobe After Effects so that I can make minor adjustments in the future if needed Requirements: - Proven experience editing short, engaging videos, preferably for pets/animals or nonprofit organizations. - Ability to work quickly and efficiently under a tight deadline. - Familiarity with industry-standard video editing software such as Filmora or Adobe After Effects. - A passion for animal rescue and adoption is a huge plus! Project Scope: - Number of videos: 8–10 (one per dog). - Video length: 10–20 seconds each. - Deadli...

    $15 / hr Average bid
    $15 / hr Oferta medie
    26 oferte

    I have a PDF file that contains mixed content (text and images) and I need it converted into an editable PowerPoint...editable PowerPoint presentation. It is crucial that the layout and design from the PDF is kept the same in the PPT. Additionally, the conversion requires matching fonts and styles exactly as they appear in the PDF. Key Requirements: - Convert a mixed content PDF into a PPT - Maintain the same layout and design - Exact matching of fonts and styles Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft PowerPoint - Attention to detail for layout and design consistency - Ability to match fonts and styles accurately - Previous experience in PDF to PPT conversion Your bid will be evaluated on your experience with similar projects and your attention ...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Oferta medie
    21 oferte

    inspired by this video: a tutorial on how to create and use LUTs (Lookup filter) for color grading and color correction in OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), The creator, Synchro, walks viewers through the process of enhancing their camera's visual quality by creating custom LUTs, which can be applied to their webcam footage in OBS. I'm seeking help creating a custom LUT (colour grading and colour correction) for my webcam footage in OBS. I need a LUT tailored to my lighting conditions and specific needs—something that provides a natural, professional, and high-quality look video. "The final deliverable" It should be an LUT that I can easily apply to my webcam footage in OBS. Refe video:

    $20 Average bid
    Commercial Architect Needed
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    About the Role: We are seeking a talented and detail-orien...SketchUp, or similar for design and modelling. Present and communicate design ideas effectively through reports, presentations, and visualisations. Oversee project development from concept to completion, ensuring adherence to budget and timelines. Key Skills & Experience: Degree in Architecture or a related field. ARB registration (or working towards it). Proficiency in AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp, Adobe Creative Suite, or similar design tools. Strong understanding of UK building regulations and planning policies. Experience in sustainable design and energy-efficient architecture is a plus. Excellent problem-solving, organisational, and communication skills. Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-pace...

    $2311 Average bid
    $2311 Oferta medie
    48 oferte

    I'm looking for a modern-styled logo for my company, DTW Squad Pvt Ltd. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio in modern logo design and be able to deliver a able to deliver a unique design that stands out. We are in the business of Online Dating, Food Based App, coming up with a Pet app etc. Need a modern logo representing our Digital Identity Key Requirements: - Strong portfolio of modern logo designs - Creativity to produce a unique and compelling design - Ability to understand and incorporate feedback - Proficiency in design software like Adobe Illustrator or similar - Need a modern logo representing our Digital Identity Please note, color preferences and specific elements for the logo have not been decided yet, so a flexible and adaptive approac...

    $23 Average bid
    165 intrări
    looking for lead generation expert
    6 zile left
    Cont confirmat

    I'm seeking a lead generation expert focused on the B2B technology sector. Your primary responsibility will be sourcing potential business leads from North America. Key Responsibilities: - Identifying and generating potential B2B leads within the technology industry. - Focusing exclusively on the North American market. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in B2B lead generation, specifically in the technology industry. - Strong understanding of the North American tech landscape. - Excellent research and networking skills.

    $14 Average bid
    $14 Oferta medie
    14 oferte

    I'm looking for an experienced video editor who can help me edit a social media clip that will be posted on Instagram. Please provide a sample...looking for an experienced video editor who can help me edit a social media clip that will be posted on Instagram. Please provide a sample of your previous work that is relevant to this project. If you don't have a specific clip that fits, I'm open to a tailored example that showcases your video editing skills. Ideal skills for this project include: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Understanding of Instagram's video requirements and trends - Creative flair for engaging social media content. - Ability to edit and enhance sound quality. The final edited clip s...

    $313 Average bid
    $313 Oferta medie
    52 oferte

    I'm seeking a talented designer to create a classic style logo for my HR, Ecosystem and Tech Consultancy. Company Name: Orancy Planet Tagline: HR and Ecosystems Consultancy The logo should primarily use blue and white colors. Please Show : people,tech, and environment connection in detail Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop) - Strong portfolio of classic style designs - Excellent understanding of color theories and combinations - Capable of creating visually appealing and professional designs Experience: - Prior experience designing logos for consultancies or tech companies is a plus - Proven track record of delivering high-quality designs on time - Strong references from previous clients Don't hesitate to get in touc...

    $31 Average bid
    661 intrări

    I need a highly skilled graphic designer specifically from Mumbai only to create a variety of marketing materials for ou...graphic designer specifically from Mumbai only to create a variety of marketing materials for our company which is based in Qatar. The job includes designing brochures, flyers, and social media graphics. You will also be responsible for creating Word and PowerPoint templates, as well as a logo design. Rate will be finalized for every artwork. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in graphic design software (Adobe Creative Suite, CorelDRAW etc.) - Strong understanding of branding and marketing - Excellent communication and creativity skills Experience: - Previous work in designing marketing materials - Portfolio demonstrating relevant graphic design work - Experience in l...

    $19 Average bid
    $19 Oferta medie
    22 oferte

    We are looking for a talented and creative freelance graphic designer to help ... • Collaborate with the team to understand design requirements and objectives • Deliver high-quality designs within the given deadlines • Revise designs based on feedback and ensure final approval • Ensure all designs are aligned with the brand guidelines and standards Requirements: • Proven experience as a graphic designer with a strong portfolio • Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign • Strong creative and visual communication skills • Ability to work independently and manage time effectively • Attention to detail and a passion for design • Experience with web and social media design is a plus Che...

    $30 / hr Average bid
    $30 / hr Oferta medie
    26 oferte

    I'm in need of a professional photo and video editor for my YouTube channel that focuses on entertainment. The ideal candidate will have a keen eye for detai...ability to enhance the visual appeal of content through color grading and correction. Key Requirements: - Experience with editing for entertainment-focused content - Proficiency in color grading and correction - Ability to enhance the overall quality and appeal of the channel - Proficiency in audio editing and sound design - Experience with creating and integrating motion graphics - Proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects Skills & Experience: - Prior experience with YouTube content editing is a plus - Strong understanding of the trends and standards in entertainment editing - Creative approach to enhan...

    $11 / hr Average bid
    $11 / hr Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...gaming stream. Key Responsibilities: - Create engaging gaming videos tailored for YouTube & TikTok - Help with getting the videos noticed, right titles, descriptions, hashtags, etc. - Edit and enhance raw stream footage - Ensure all content aligns with my channel's brand and style - Coordinate with other streamers for collaborations Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in video editing software (e.g., Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Strong understanding of Twitch's audience, Tiktoks audience, YouTube's audience and content style - Experience in gaming video production Your creativity and expertise will play a crucial role in enhancing my channel's visibility and engagement. I would like to upload both shorts and regular YouTube videos around 6-15 minutes ...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr Oferta medie
    30 oferte

    ...respectable and talented graphic designer to assist me with creating compelling marketing materials. The role is focused on developing creative and visually appealing designs that can effectively capture the attention of our target audience. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Extensive experience in graphic design, particularly in creating marketing materials - Proficient in using design software such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, etc. - Strong understanding of visual communication and branding - Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure - Highly creative with a keen eye for aesthetics and details. - Knowledge of print production processes and ability to prepare print-ready files. - Experience in UI/UX design for digital marketing materials and websites. Your...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Oferta medie
    63 oferte

    I need a professional photo editor to create a composite image from several photos of two people and their cats. The end result should have all subjects looking at the camera. I will supply the complete set of raw files. The the camera. I will supply the complete set of raw files. The jpegs attached are just a sample. Requirements: - Combine multiple images into a single composite photo with a consistent background across all subjects - Perform medium retouching on the people and cats, including skin smoothing and detailed adjustments - Return the layered Photoshop file Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Adobe Photoshop - Extensive experience with photo manipulation and composite creation - High-level retouching skills - Previous work with pet and family photos...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Oferta medie
    37 oferte

    I'm in need of a new, classic-style logo that is intended primarily for print materials. The logo should utilize bold and vibrant colors, standing out on various print mediums. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Strong graphic design portfolio with a focus on classic-style logos - Proven experience designing logos for print mater...intended primarily for print materials. The logo should utilize bold and vibrant colors, standing out on various print mediums. Ideal skills and experience for this job: - Strong graphic design portfolio with a focus on classic-style logos - Proven experience designing logos for print materials - Expertise in color theory, particularly in creating designs with bold and vibrant colors - Proficient in Adobe Illustrator or similar graphic d...

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Oferta medie
    37 oferte

    ...Edit raw footage into high-quality tutorial videos - Optimize video for YouTube in terms of length, style, and content - Incorporate engaging graphics, music, and effects where necessary - Ensure the final product is polished and professional - Design eye-catching video thumbnails that increase click-through rates. Skills & Experience Required: - Proven experience with video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, etc.) - Previous work editing for YouTube or other social media platforms - Excellent understanding of tutorial-style content - Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure Each tutorial video should be between 10-20 minutes long. The tutorial videos should have a professional and calm tone throughout. The tutorials should include dynamic and vib...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Oferta medie
    15 oferte

    ...footage to create compelling narratives - Incorporate animations, graphics, and other visual elements to aid understanding - Ensure the final product meets professional standards Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in video editing, specifically for animated content - Strong understanding of educational content and how to present it - Proficiency in using video editing software (e.g. Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro) - Excellent attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. So my budget is $5/video (5-20min long), $5/5 short 2 min videos,, we will need more than 500 such a video work, so I hope you can be working for a long-term with us. The explainer video should be 2-20 minutes long.. Budget is not negotiable, until we get enough customers to our website ...

    $5 / hr Average bid
    $5 / hr Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    When hiring a freelancer as a reel editor for your product photography shoots, consider the following bullet points to ensure you find a suitable candidate: Skill Set: Proficient in Editing Software: Expertise in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or similar editing tools. Experience with Product Videos: Prior experience in editing product reels specifically (e.g., e-commerce, promotional videos). Understanding of Visual Storytelling: Ability to create engaging narratives through visual content, emphasizing product features. Style and Creativity: Creative Flair: A keen eye for aesthetics and the ability to enhance product appeal through editing techniques. Attention to Detail: Meticulous in aligning visuals with brand identity and maintaining consistency across edits. Adaptability ...

    $117 Average bid
    $117 Oferta medie
    5 oferte

    ...Examples of incorrect applications Freelancer Requirements: Experience in creating corporate design manuals Strong knowledge in print and web design Experience with branding and packaging design Portfolio with relevant projects Ability to document guidelines clearly and professionally Deliverables: High-quality, professionally designed PDF containing the full CD Manual Source design files (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, InDesign) Color and font specifications in a separate document...

    $360 Average bid
    $360 Oferta medie
    58 oferte

    I'm seeking a freelancer to help me apply for 15 roles within multiple sectors, tailored to my job requirements. Skills and experience ideal for this project: - Prior experience in job applications - Understanding Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor - Excellent communication ...sectors, tailored to my job requirements. Skills and experience ideal for this project: - Prior experience in job applications - Understanding Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor - Excellent communication and writing skills - Ability to follow specific job requirements - Proficient in time management to complete applications within a week. Will go through a paid 7 day trial period. I would like 15-20 jobs applied to a day for 7 days exact to start off for $42 USD Total. Will hire for 1 month after a successfu...

    $89 Average bid
    $89 Oferta medie
    22 oferte