Add cart virtuemart problemsproiecte
Salut! Vreau sa modific un cms wordpress, magento, open cart, depinde de ce recomanzi si tu, dupa propriile nevoi.
Salut! Vreau sa modific un cms wordpress, magento, open cart, depinde de ce recomanzi si tu, dupa propriile nevoi.
pentru un site opencart cu 1000 de articole electrice si de curatenie un fel de eshop universal casnic ,as dori pret terminat
pentru un site opencart cu 1000 de articole electrice si de curatenie un fel de eshop universal casnic ,as dori pret terminat
Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrar...ce presupune baza de date TecDoc ,pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !
Schimbare tema cs cart fara ca aceasta sa dauneze websitului care este deja activ tema sa fie interactiva si sa incarce produsele automat in timpul sccrolului.
Migrare site existent de webhosting pe platforma WordPress. Trebuie replicat designul curent si functionalitatile pe o tema Wordpress pe care o vom cumpara. Siteul trebuie integrat cu WHMCS pentru cart, verificare disponibilitate domenii, billing etc. Ar fi ideal daca deja ai mai facut asa ceva, dar ne putem descurca si doar cu partea de design.
Doresc sa imi urce cineva in jur de 130 produse pe open cart. Eu voi da descrieri si poze si dvs va trebui sa le urcati pe site. O zi excelenta!
Am nevoie de programator cu experienta in dezvoltarea de addon-uri pentru CS-Cart v.4.2.3 si implementarea unei teme noi, existenta in format html.
Adaugare intr-un webshop zen cart filtre noi si posibilitate de import produse in masa.
Finalizare magazin online inceput pe platforma opencart. Stadiu actual aprox. 80%. Se respecta si rezolva lista de bug-uri predata.
Finalizare magazin online inceput pe platforma opencart. Stadiu actual aprox. 80%. Se verifica si se rezolva bug-urile furnizate si agreate.
Sophia Concept cauta specialist IT cu experienta in CS-Cart pentru dezvoltare si administrare magazin online. Pentru detalii [The administrator removed this message for containing contact details which breaches our Terms and Conditions - Section 13:Communication With Other Users.]
Firma Sophia cauta specialist IT, cu experienta pe partea de CS-Cart si shop online in vederea administrarii magazinelor online de pe platforma Pentru mai multe detalii puteti suna la 0740594711.
Cautam urgent expert CS Cart pentru dezvoltare si administrare platforma Sophia Concept (). Primul pas consta in realizarea site-ului Sophia France. Toate datele se pot pune la dispozitie la nr de telefon 0740594711.
Realizarea de module si customizari pe platforma de comert electronic CS-Cart. Testarea si corectarea codului sursa. Modificari design.
...eroare (intre primul si al 2-lea produs de pe pagina) eroarea provine de la o categorie, si apare ca un link in spatele produselor. Am atasat o imagine cu eroarea. 2. In pagina individuala a produselor se afla un widget numit “vizualizari recente”, doresc sa schimb culoarea textului la "vizualizari" din albastru in negru 3. In loc de „Cart” - traducerea „Cos cumparaturi” Doresc sa adaug lista de wishlist ori in meniul drop down de la cart ori langa cart, preferabil in meniul tip drop down.(wishlist-ul nu este disponibil pentru vizualizare decat daca adaugi un produs in el, dar daca navighezi mai departe nu poti accesa wishlist-ul decat daca mai adaugi inca un produs) 4. In pagina individuala a produselor apare...
Salutare, Suntem proprietarii unui magazin on-line ce contine produse bio, traditionale romanesti si naturale si ne dorim sa imbunatatim site-ul prin adaugare de noi module sau alte implementari, care sa ne usureze misiunea in actualizarea bazei de date de cca. 4.500 de produse. Avem nevoie de o persoana foarte bine pregatita pe partea de cunostinte si implementare (module) Open Cart si integrare in PHP, pentru a putea face site-ul nostru mult mai rapid, gasit mai usor de potentialii clienti si a creste vanzarile on-line. Asteptam sa gasim o persoana care sa ne recomande diverse module potrivite si pe care sa ni le integreze in site. Sunt utile si recomandari legate de design, care sa faca si mai atractiv magazinul nostru. Vom limita cautarile persoanei potrivite doar la ta...
magazin online de masini si utilaje prelucrari matalice. introducerea manuala a aproximativ 500 produse. introducerea descrierii , a 8-9 poze, meta tag key si description. site-ul este facut pe o platforma de open-cart. produsele se copiaza de pe website-ul furnizorului.
Am nevoie de un script pentru Open Cart care sa genereze un cupon cadou in valoare de 5% (sau alt procent) dintr-o comanda. Vreau ca scriptul sa aiba optiunea de a genera acest cupon cadou doar incepand cu o anumita suma (spre exemplu peste 200 RON). As vrea ca acest cupon sa fie generat in momentul in care statusul comenzii devine "Complete".
Trebuie creat designul unei teme pentru interspire shoping cart sa semene cu Interspire Shoping cart il am deja instalat () trebuie mutat pe si modificat.
Buna ziua, Site-ul este , inceput de o firma "profesionista" si neterminat :( Este facut in wordpress, tema avada, magazinul este in open cart, si a mai fost o varianta pentru care am template in presta shop. Itinial magazinul a fost conceput sa vanda un singur produs/saptamana (floral art of the week) , insa acum nu exclud ideea de a-l extinde, si de a pune mai multe creatii florale organizate pe categorii; Ce ar mai fi de modificat, dau copy paste din ultimul mail catre firma care a lucrat: Home redimensioneaza slide-ul, la mine pe laptop se vede doar slide-ul si numic din partea de jos, despre olla, cuvinte frumoase, olla in presa; Logo o idee mai mic; Slide- peste poza text finut cu alb si link catre portofoliu: poza lamai si hortensii text Saptamanal flori proaspet...
Doresc modifacarea facturii in cs-cart conform legislatiei romanesti! Doresc integrare Serie si numarul comenzii cum este in modelul atasat. Fata de modelul atasat fara colanele: pret unitar si valoare tva 4 si 6. I want change bill in cs-cart under Romanian law! I want integration serial number in order as attached model. Compared to the model attached without columns: unit price and the VAT amount in column 4 and 6
Prezint mai jos noul nostru proiect pe care vrem sa-l facem impreuna. El se refera la notificarile pe care le primeste clientul incepand de la crearea de cont pana la finalizarea unei comenzi. Asadar in arhiva atasata este cate un fisier html pentru fiecare notificare astfel: automata de confirmare la crearea unui cont vrem sa fie inlocuita cu cea din Pentru conturile clientilor din Japonia dorim sa se trimita notificarea automata cand comanda se pune automat in confirmed (nu mai este in pending adica s-a aprobat plata). Notificarea este 2_confirmare_orderEN.html. Pentru clientii din Japonia ea este manuala de incepere a procesarii comenzii - acum ea este trimisa atunci cand manual trecem comanda in Processing. Aici am dori sa introduci un status nou Processing (in proces...
Buna ziua, Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Magazinul trebuie sa aiba panou de administrar...ce presupune baza de date TecDoc ,pentru a nu ne pierde timpul unii altora ! ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names... ! Please only bid if you know what TecDoc data base means !
Salut, Cautam un dezvoltator care sa ne ajute sa ducem la bun final un proiect inceput pe OpenCart. Ne dorim doar un coleg care a mai lucrat cu Open Cart. Ne poti ajuta?
I would like to have a social media icon located in the header as I show in the attached file. I need social bottons for facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and youtube. I need to have the option of which ones to display as well. I'd also like to have no background color behind the icons so I can place on any color header. This is a secondary project that I am considering depending on pricing. I'd like to have an attention grabbing widget to use for our 'Join Now' membership widget. It must grab the readers attention and be an exciting icon. Again, this is something I may not have done as the social header is our priority. Thank you!
...Posibilitatea crearii de useri, cu acces restrictionat catre diverse functionalitati ale magazinului, carora sa li se asigneze anumiti clienti. Sa fie un fel de agenti de vanzari. Ne dorim acest lucru pentru a putea cunatifica vanzarea acestor "agenti de vanzari".rnExemplu:rn- clientul X, clientul Y, clientul Z, ... sa fie asignati catre userul CS-Cart, Mihnearn- clientul Q, clientul M, clientul N, ... sa fie asignati catre userul CS-Cart, IonutrnAstfel incat la sfarsitul lunii sa avem o minima analiza:rn- catre care clienti a vandut Mihnea, valorile pe acel client, valoarea totala de vanzare/lunarn- catre care clienti a vandut Ionut, valorile pe acel client, valoarea totala de vanzare/luna...
Dorim sa implementam urmatoarele modficari: 1. Pentru 2 produse din catalog sa se faca plata doar cu Paypal. Optam pentru varianta hardcoded cu rugamintea de a livra si o mica procedura care sa ne indrume cum sa facem noi modificarile pentru un eventual nou produs. In cazul in care in cos exista si produsele in speta de mai sus si alte produse atunci tot contul de facebook, twitter, etc - de stabilit exact care c. Avem un script care la un interval de 20 zile de la plasarea comenzii trimite un mesaj pentru a cere feedback. Am dori sa modificam acest interval si sa modificam putin mesajul. Dorim si o mica procedura ca sa putem modifica noi pe viitor acest interval. d. Am dori sa modificam mesajele de notificare (textul mesajelor) trimise de virtuemart la schimbarea statusului...
Caut un bun pCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document care sa caute si sa colecteCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document date dupa an umite site-uri. ApoCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.i sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.
Caut un bun pCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document care sa caute si sa colecteCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document date dupa an umite site-uri. ApoCaut un bun profesionist care sa caute si sa colecteze date dupa an umite site-uri. Apoi sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.i sa le ordoneze intr-un document excell.
Buna la toata lumea , Doresc un magazin online de piese auto cu baza de date integrata TecDoc. Trebuie sa aiba cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger integrat , editare manuala ...cos de cumparaturi , modul messenger integrat , editare manuala preturi , dau ca exemplu site-ul , , trebuie sa fie simplu de administrat si de utilizat de clienti , posibilitate de cautare dupa coduri , denumiri , etc ! Hi everyone, I want an online store with auto parts in Romania language with integrated database TecDoc. The online store must have shopping cart integrated messaging, manually editing prices, giving as an example site , site must be simple to administer and easy to use from customers, the possibility of search by codes, names...
I'm in need of a skilled mechanical engineer with a strong background in materials science, specifically focusing on understanding and solving problems related to the mechanical properties of various materials commonly used in construction.
I'm looking to set up a Shopify store for my luxury chandelier business. The store needs to be visually appealing and user-friendly, with a custom logo and professional design. I want someone who understand and is able to set up marketing & sales: 1. Email marketing tools, abandoned cart recovery system, product recommendation engine, etc. 2. Secure payment processing solutions like stripe, PayPal Key Requirements: 1. Optimized Shopify Theme 2. Custom Logo 3. Professional Clean Design 4. Custom Banners / Images 5. Custom Coding To Improve User Experience 6. 4 Content Page Templates 7. 20 Test Products Uploaded 8. Mobile Responsive Design 9. Expert App Installation 10. Site Map Creation & Submission 11. Google Shopping Data Feed Creation 12. Analytics With Conversio...
Hey i'm looking for someone who can add 10 000 followers on my instagram account I'll buy again if good service Price : 10$
I'm looking to set up a Shopify store for my luxury chandelier business. The store needs to be visually appealing and user-friendly, with a custom logo and professional design. I want someone who understand and is able to set up marketing & sales: 1. Email marketing tools, abandoned cart recovery system, product recommendation engine, etc. 2. Secure payment processing solutions like stripe, PayPal Key Requirements: 1. Optimized Shopify Theme 2. Custom Logo 3. Professional Clean Design 4. Custom Banners / Images 5. Custom Coding To Improve User Experience 6. 4 Content Page Templates 7. 20 Test Products Uploaded 8. Mobile Responsive Design 9. Expert App Installation 10. Site Map Creation & Submission 11. Google Shopping Data Feed Creation 12. Analytics With Conversio...
I need a proficient SolidWorks designer to create technical drawings for a coffee cart. The project will entail the following: - Designing the coffee cart using SolidWorks - Producing detailed technical drawings which can be used for manufacturing The ideal freelancer for this project should have: - Extensive experience with SolidWorks - A strong portfolio in creating technical drawings - Prior experience designing machinery parts would be a plus - Excellent attention to detail to ensure the drawings are accurate and comprehensive.
I'm looking for an experienced developer to add an image mapping and image cropping feature to my existing project. Key Requirements: - The image cropping feature should support JPEG file formats. - The image mapping feature will need to be developed to allow for interactive pop-ups. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in image processing and handling. - Prior experience with integrating interactive elements into image mapping. - Knowledge of working with JPEG file formats. Please note that the choice of tools or libraries for image processing in the existing project is currently undecided. Therefore, a flexible approach and expertise in a variety of image processing tools will be beneficial.
My E-commerce site is currently facing a significant issue with bots that are adding products to the shopping cart. This not only affects the user experience for genuine customers but also potentially impacts sales. I am looking for an expert who can implement a comprehensive bot prevention system on my website. Key Requirements: - Understanding of E-commerce platform security - Implementation of bot prevention tools and techniques - Expertise in user verification methods Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in CAPTCHA integration - Experience with IP blocking strategies - Knowledge of advanced bot detection technologies Your task will be to design and implement a system that dramatically reduces bot activity on the site, ensuring a smoother experience for my genuine customers.
I'm looking for a proficient developer to create an E-commerce application that works seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. Key Responsibilities: - Design and develop a user-friendly E-commerce application - Ensure the app is compatible with both iOS and Android - Implement secure payment gateways and shopping cart features Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in cross-platform app development - Proficiency in E-commerce app development - Strong understanding of iOS and Android development standards Your bid should reflect your experience and estimated time to deliver a high-quality, fully functional app. services. Main application functions 1. User registration and authorization • Registration by phone number, email or via social networks. • Authorization via login/password, with password recovery support. 2. List of services • Cleaning service categories (e.g. apartment cleaning, office cleaning). • Detailed description of each service (time of completion, cost). • Adding services to the cart. 3. Ordering services • Selecting the type of service, date, time and address. • Calculating the cost of the service. • Order confirmation. 4. Distribution of orders among employees • Ability for employees to view a list of available orders. • Order response function (e.g. “Select an order”). • The administrato...
My website has been compromised and I'm in desperate need of a professional. The problems are mainly redirections to unwanted sites and pop-up ads. Unfortunately, I haven't attempted any fixes on my own and I don't have a recent backup of the site. Key Skills: - Extensive experience in Wordpress - Proven track record in virus removal - Ability to troubleshoot and fix website issues - Knowledge of website security protocols Please bid only if you have the necessary experience and can help me with this urgent issue. Thank you.
I'm in need of a Pro Tools Ultimate expert who can assist with troubleshooting ...Ultimate expert who can assist with troubleshooting and support. The issues are primarily with software installation and setup, audio playback and recording, and plugin compatibility. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Deep understanding and experience with Pro Tools Ultimate - Skilled in troubleshooting software installation issues - Proficient in diagnosing audio playback and recording problems - Experienced in resolving plugin compatibility issues - Excellent communication skills for explaining solutions out I need help with figuring out why Protools keeps deleting my recorded files inside the session every time I go to open up my sessions, and potentially help with cleaning and org...
I'm looking to add two individuals to a recent outdoor family photo. I have high-quality individual images of the two people to be added. Key Requirements: - You will need to place the two people in the photo following the original spacing and pattern of the family members. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in photo editing software. - Experience with family photo alterations. - Attention to detail and a good eye for spatial awareness.
Add 2 sisters to a recent family photo that was taken at a wedding
My Yii2 application is experiencing issues with the GridView's pagination and dropdown. Both need urgent attention as they are equally critical. Key Issues: - Pagination: It's not displaying correctly according to the design specifications. The layout and alignment of the pagination elements are incorrect, which hinde...The layout and alignment of the pagination elements are incorrect, which hinders user experience. - Dropdown: The dropdown functionality needs to be examined and fixed as well. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in Yii2 framework - Strong understanding of GridView component - Excellent CSS and layout skills - Experience in debugging and fixing UI issues I need a freelancer who can quickly identify the problems and implement effective solutions to ensure a seaml...
I am looking for a skilled developer to create a budget-friendly e-commerce platform using Python Django, focusing on user accounts (registration, login, profiles), A secure payment system (supporting multiple methods like cards, UPI), and essential e-commerce features like product management (add, update, delete, filter), A shopping cart with a seamless checkout process, and an admin dashboard for managing products, orders, and users. The platform should be mobile-responsive, secure (CSRF protection, password hashing, SSL), and scalable for future enhancements. If you have experience in e-commerce development, payment gateway integration, and delivering quality work within budget constraints, please share your portfolio, approach, timeline, and cost estimate.
...Reports and Analytics: o Generate detailed reports on rides, earnings, user activity, and driver performance. o Analyze data for strategic decision-making. • Notifications: o Send push notifications and alerts to users and drivers. o Manage promotional messages and updates. • Support and Issue Resolution: o Handle escalated issues and complaints. o Provide support for technical and operational problems. Additional Features: • Multi-language Support: o Support for multiple languages to cater to a diverse user base. • Surge Pricing: o Dynamic pricing model based on demand and supply. • Multiple Vehicle Options: o Options for different types of rides (economy, premium, carpool, etc.). • SOS Button: o Emergency button for both riders and drivers for safe...
I'm currently facing some issues with my React application that requires urgent attention. Primarily, the problems are located within the user interface, specifically related to styling and CSS. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive experience with React - Proven track record in debugging UI issues - Strong expertise in CSS and styling - Able to provide immediate assistance In order to prevent auto-bid, please write "React" on the first line of bid proposal. Thank you
I'm encountering error messages with Google Enhanced Conversions on my Shopify store. The alerts indicate that there's an issue with 'Add to Cart' and 'Page View' tracking. - Error Messages: These pop up in relation to 'Add to Cart' and 'Page View' events. - Diagnosis: The issues are being monitored through Google Tag Manager. I need a skilled professional with experience in Shopify and Google Tag Manager to resolve these issues and ensure accurate tracking.