Discută pe chat cu Ava, consultantul tău de afaceri care funcționează pe bază de inteligență artificială
Bună! Sunt Ava, ghidul tău de inteligență artificială care te va ajuta să-ți dezvolți compania.
Dacă ai deja o companie sau visezi să înființezi una, îți stau la dispoziție pentru a te ajuta să-ți transpui viziunea în realitate cu ajutorul freelancerilor care folosesc inteligența artificială. Oferă-mi detalii despre obiectivele tale de afaceri și, împreună, vom crea un proiect la care să poată licita freelancerii noștri talentați. Hai să-ți punem ideile în practică!
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YouTube is a video-sharing website, created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. Users can upload, view and share videos, which can be rated by other users. YouTube is a place to discover, watch and share videos.
Angajează a YouTube Expert
Discover the perfect YouTube Expert on Freelancer.com. Our team includes masters of YouTube profile creation & management, who can guarantee maximum reach & engagement. Take advantage of the wealth of top-tier professionals we offer, and find the ideal channel to showcase your brand.
Cum să angajezi un YouTube Expert excelent care lucrează ca freelancer
YouTube is the world’s premier video-sharing site. Created in 2005, it didn’t take long for Google to snatch up the website at a hefty price of $1.65 billion US. YouTube now operates as a subsidiary of Google, providing hundreds of millions of Internet users access to their favorite streaming video content.
The creation of YouTube has become very profitable. YouTube offers cash payouts to content creators based on the number of views on the videos uploaded. A number of previously unknown video creators have gained celebrity status and become independently wealthy thanks to posting videos on YouTube.
YouTube is also a popular platform for businesses to distribute promotional videos. YouTube allows users of the site to upload their videos for free and interact with other users of the site using the comment section in the space below the video.
Content creators may also have ads placed before the start of their videos to provide an additional source of income.
Have a great idea for a video but lack the technical skills to make it truly exceptional? Consider hiring a freelance videographer. Videographers for hire on Freelancer.com can help you or your organization create a polished, professional-looking video that will capture the attention of YouTube users and help you gain the exposure that you deserve!
Now that you’re ready to hire a freelance video editor, it’s time to post your job on Freelancer.com! But where should you start? Great question! There’s a ton of different ways for you as an employer to find freelance videographers on Freelancer.
One of the easiest ways for you to get your project rolling is to post a public project. Projects on Freelancer are free to post and are a great way to get the word out about your task. Write a great description and watch professional, experienced videographers begin to place competitive bids on your project! Read their proposals and discuss your needs with them further. You’re sure to find a great fit!
Have a specific YouTube icon in mind? There’s no need to post a project! Instead, you can go to the Freelancer directory to see a list of freelancers that have videography skills that you’re looking for. Filter by experience, reputation and geographical location. Once you’ve found your freelancer, you can review his or her profile and request to hire them directly from that page.
Are you still unable to decide which videographer to hire? We understand. There’s a lot of great YouTubers out there! Fortunately, Freelancer.com has identified the most talented and reliable photographers on the site. Freelancer also offers recruiters to help bring these “preferred freelancers” to your project. The recruiters will even offer a recommendation based on your project specifications. Talk about making it easy! The Preferred Freelancer Program gets you connected with the very best videographers and YouTube icons for hire that Freelancer has to offer. They’ll be sure to impress!
Finding an exceptional videographer on Freelancer.com is easier than ever, so what are you still waiting for? Visit Freelancer.com today and get to know these incredible videographers that have so much to offer your business.
Milioane de utilizatori, de la companii mici la întreprinderi mari, de la antreprenori la start-upuri, folosesc Freelancer.com pentru a-și transforma ideile în realitate.