Discută pe chat cu Ava, consultantul tău de afaceri care funcționează pe bază de inteligență artificială
Bună! Sunt Ava, ghidul tău de inteligență artificială care te va ajuta să-ți dezvolți compania.
Dacă ai deja o companie sau visezi să înființezi una, îți stau la dispoziție pentru a te ajuta să-ți transpui viziunea în realitate cu ajutorul freelancerilor care folosesc inteligența artificială. Oferă-mi detalii despre obiectivele tale de afaceri și, împreună, vom crea un proiect la care să poată licita freelancerii noștri talentați. Hai să-ți punem ideile în practică!
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Solidworks is the go-to 3D CAD software for precise product design, mechanical engineering, and prototyping. It empowers designers and engineers to create detailed 3D models, intricate assemblies, and accurate technical drawings essential for manufacturing. Whether you're developing new consumer products, industrial equipment, or innovative gadgets, Solidworks brings your concepts to life with precision.
Angajează a Solidworks Designer
Looking to hire a skilled Solidworks Designer? Freelancer is the best-rated platform for hiring Solidworks Designers. With a wide range of professionals, you can find experts in CAD modeling, mechanical design, and product development for every budget. Freelancer's Milestone Payment system ensures you only pay when you're 100% satisfied. Hire a Solidworks Designer today and turn your ideas into reality.
Cum să angajezi un Solidworks Designer excelent care lucrează ca freelancer
Solidworks is a modeling CAD (computer aided design) program that is operated on Microsoft Windows. Solidworks creates 2D and 3D solid models in a simple, efficient and inexpensive manner.
The free software Edrawings allows the user to examine and print their Solidworks designs to make changes and to add to their portfolio that can then be used to pitch to potential clients. If you are looking to introduce any design aspect into your organization, whether this relates to marketing or product development there are some reasons why Solidworks is the best program and should be used by a designer with specialist Solidworks skills which can be hired from the community of thousands at Freelancer.com.
Solidworks is primarily used in engineering as the 3D software allows the Solidworks user to create models as they would in real-life. Single parts can be created in Solidworks and then assembled replicating the design and build process to ensure that the parts fit together and are ergonomically correct. When it comes to manufacturing the product this saves on wastage of materials as testing has already taken place through Edrawings (which is used in conjunction with Solidworks), which will, in turn, save the company money.
If your company already uses Solidworks or you are looking to introduce Solidworks to your organization, then it is important that you hire a professional with specific Solidworks training and experience.
It may be tempting to utilize the skills of an existing employee who has intricate industry knowledge but limited 3D software knowledge, however, this option will lead to your job taking longer and, therefore, costing the company more money. It is much easier to teach a Solidworks expert details of the industry rather than teaching an industry expert the specific terminology associated with Solidworks so if those skills are in short supply within your existing workforce than a Solidworks expert whose profile can be found on Freelancer.com will provide you with the best possible solution.
Hiring a freelance Solidworks expert will cost your company less money as they often have all of the programs that they need on their computer so they can work from home which reduces their overheads and the savings will be passed on to you. They are also only paid based on their output so you will not be liable for any hidden costs once the job is done.
As Solidworks designers are only paid for the job that you need them for rather than recruited as permanent employees (initially), if you have further work you can continue to employ them but if you just need one task completing then you are under no obligation to continue paying them once it's complete.
A designer with Solidworks training and experience will display their portfolio and training and employment history on Freelancer.com, which will enable you to choose the most suitable 3D designer for your project.
Milioane de utilizatori, de la companii mici la întreprinderi mari, de la antreprenori la start-upuri, folosesc Freelancer.com pentru a-și transforma ideile în realitate.