Personal tattoo
- Stare: Closed
- Premiu: $50
- Intrări primite: 24
- Câștigător: sinzcreation
Sumarul concursului
This is a personal tattoo I will be getting that has alot of significance to my personal life.
The design needs to be inspired by the Latin "Que sera, sera" which means "Whatever will be, will be"
I have attached a reference image of a previous tattoo I have made, which this new design needs to follow in the style of. I created the design by putting the initials of the words together to create a shape.
AI Generated Images will be disqualified immediately.
Aptitudinile recomandate
Feedback de la Angajator
“Gave me exactly what I needed, and understood the project well enough to win the contest!”
Mnk42020, United Arab Emirates.
Cele mai bune intrări pentru acest concurs
sinzcreation Morocco
mwajidsabir786 Pakistan
mwajidsabir786 Pakistan
sinzcreation Morocco
sinzcreation Morocco
arifuzzaman2235 Bangladesh
arifuzzaman2235 Bangladesh
Mahy634 Egypt
Mahy634 Egypt
Mahy634 Egypt
momtaz1088 Bangladesh
momtaz1088 Bangladesh
momtaz1088 Bangladesh
momtaz1088 Bangladesh
nataliaacu Argentina
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