Logo Creation

  • Stare: Open
  • Premiu: $50
  • Intrări primite: 1398

Sumarul concursului

I'm in need of a logo that combines both a graphic and the name of my brand. The color scheme can be flexible, with variations of the colors I have provided in the attached pic of an unrelated logo to our company that we like but it can’t be the same. And we don’t want the hand writing part that says “since 1989”
But we do like the red graphic to the left of the words or variations of it. The name of our company is “Ameritech” and we want the tagline below the name in small print to be “Quality Products For Your Home”. Important note: the name should be in white or white and grey as the label it will go on is black for the packaging and of course have the red graphic next to letters.

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