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Mostafa E.
Front-end Developer / UI Designer
$15 USD/oră
Slovakia (4:34 p.m.)
S-a alăturat pe ianuarie 15, 2021
$15 USD/oră
UI/UX & Front-end Designer with many years of experience in FIGMA, HTML/CSS & basic JS ✨
I will create no-limited and built-from-scratch websites according to your line of business.
I'm very dedicated to my profession and I'm passionate about responsive website design and a firm believer in the mobile-first approach.
Good graphic patterns, colors, text, image quality & speed are important factors for each website.
I use HTML and CSS with modern techniques to provide a wonderful and exciting simple webpage project.
I will respect the deadline and make my best to deliver the expected quality of the job.
Thank you for your concern
Best regards
Mostafa Eltohamy
Contract Management from E2E Order Process
• Supporting IBM's local employees from initial sales support
• Contract Loading
• Cost and Revenue chasing
• Billing and invoicing
• Revenue collection
• Reconciliation/Credit Notes
• Contract closing
apr., 2011 - feb., 2016
4 ani, 10 luni
Risk Monitor-er
mai, 2009 - feb., 2011
1 an, 9 luni
TATRA BANKA, Bratislava
mai, 2009 - feb., 2011
1 an, 9 luni
• Administrative works on the Risk Monitoring of the Payments Cards department
• On-line monitoring of the payment cards transactions from the issuer and acquirer point of view
• Phone communication with the Tatra Banka clients/cardholders, with regard to the possible
fraudulent transactions
Communication (by fax, e-mail, or phone) with the acquirer banks of the payment cards used on Tatra
bank POS terminals, in case of possible fraudulent payments.
mai, 2009 - feb., 2011
1 an, 9 luni
Univerzita 'Konštantína Filozofa' v Nitre
2010 - 2011
1 an
Course of delegation for travel agency - Local representive
2010 - 2011
1 an
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
1997 - 2001
4 ani
1997 - 2001
4 ani
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