Attached are th data and question, Please help me with soulution using R program langauge
Serving up Data: Application of data in the Hospitality Sector
Soumya Roy and Soumyadeep Kundu wrote this exercise solely to provide material for class discussion.
The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation.
As Sudhir stepped out of the conference room, he realised he had quite a task ahead. In a week’s time
he would be making a presentation to one of the largest hotel chains in India. The chain was looking to
better utilise the years of Property Management System (PMS) data from its hotels to make better
business decisions and for more efficient operations. They had approached Sudhir’s firm, a leading
analytics and consulting concern, to assist them and provide some use cases of the data. Sudhir, a senior
associate, had been tasked with preparing the pitch. During the meeting, Sudhir’s boss had made it
abundantly clear the importance of the pitch during the upcoming meeting with the chain, since they
would be signing on as a client only if they were convinced that the firm could help them leverage their
data. For Sudhir this was a challenge having never worked on any assignments involving the hospitality
sector. To add to the woes, the chain had declined from sharing any data from its PMS. Sudhir would
have to dig deep to prepare the pitch and develop a credible application of the data.
The Indian Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry occupies an important place in the Indian service sector accounting for 6.8%
of the national GDP and 8% of all employment in the country1
. The industry had been growing rapidly
as well, fuelled by both domestic and international tourism. With the advent of aggregator services such
as OYO and AirBnB, the market had opened up new categories. Large hotel chains such Ginger Hotels,
ITC Hotels, Taj Hotels, JW Marriott too operated across the country. Being such a burgeoning sector,
the Indian and various state governments have a number of programs to attract tourists and also
propagate the industry such as Incredible India, Swadesh and others.
Though the recent pandemic had taken a heavy toll on the sector, it was gradually reverting back to its
pre-pandemic levels with people venturing out again.
Analytics in the Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry has recently opened up to the use of analytics for more efficient operations and
better decision making. Numerous hotel chains such as Marriott, Hyatt make use of their PMS data for
revenue management. The data from the system such as room preferences, cancellations can help hotels
better manage revenue. The data is also used for targeted marketing campaigns, better personalised
services, targeted discounts and offers. All of these uses culminate in better guest experience, which is
important in an industry which relies on positive word-of-mouth and garnering favourable reviews
1 Tourism & Hospitality Industry of India, Indian Brand Equity Foundation,
[login to view URL]
2 Tripadvisor Reviews and Online Reputation Management, Carreiarao Paula,
[login to view URL]
The Challenge
As Sudhir dug deeper into the hospitality industry and its many nuances, he realised there were a number
of opportunities for the use of PMS data. In his research he had encountered the pestering issue of hotels
having to deal with cancellations. Rooms being perishable commodities if not sold for a night would
not generate any revenue. For hoteliers, maintaining profitability involved maintaining a strong ADR
(Average Daily Rate) which was the average revenue earned from an occupied room per day, and
Occupancy Rate, which is the percentage of occupied rooms at the hotel in a given time. The revenue
for each room would be ADR times Occupancy Rate. Therefore in the event of a booking being
cancelled or no-shows, both the ADR and Occupancy Rate would be affected and in turn the revenue.
Worldwide, cancellations was a major problem with cancellation rates being as high as 40% in 20193
largely owing to zero to minimal cancellation charge policies. In India too, cancellations pose a problem
to hoteliers who often don’t overbook. Sudhir now had a use case for the presentation. Fortunately for
him he had found a dataset4
. Though the dataset was from the Portugal, it contained the requisite fields
(Exhibit-1). As Sudhir began work on developing the models, he believed he had the perfect
demonstration using the data he had discovered.
Exhibit 1: Data Description
Variable Type Existing/New Definition
ADR Numeric Existing Average Daily Rate, which is the average
rental revenue earned for an occupied room
per day. Scaled between 0 and 1.
Agent Categorical Transformed Whether Booking is done through an Travel
Agent or not
Children Categorical Transformed Whether guests are bringing children
Company Categorical Transformed Whether booking was made through any
company/entity and billed.
DOW Categorical New Day of the Week
Days In Waiting List Categorical Transformed Whether the booking was in the
waiting list before it was confirmed to
the customer
Repeated Guest Categorical Existing Value indicating whether the booking was
done by a repeated guest or not
Lead Time Integer Existing Number of days that elapsed between the
entering date of the booking into the PMS
and Arrival Date
Room Type Categorical New Whether the Reserved Room Type and
Assigned Room Type are same or not
Cancellation Status Categorical Existing Whether the booking is cancelled or Not
Source: Authors
3 Cancellation rate at 40% as OTAs push free charge policy, Hertzfeld, Ester.
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4 Antonio, N., de Almeida, A. and Nunes, L., 2019. Hotel booking demand datasets. Data in brief, 22, pp.41-49.
Assignment Questions
1. Build a basic logistic regression model using only the "Agent" feature (booking with or without
agent) as a predictor for cancellation status (cancelled or not). Extract the resulting logistic regression
equation from the fitted model. Use the fitted model to calculate the probability of cancellation for
two scenarios:
a. Booking made through an agent.
b. Booking made without an agent.
2. Build a logistic regression model using the predictor “Lead Time” to predict the cancellation status.
Provide the fitted logistic regression equation. Interpret the results.
3. Discuss in detail the model building strategy for predicting the cancellation status for each hotel
4. Divide the data set into two parts --- a training set consisting of 80% observations and a test set
consisting of remaining 20% observations. Fit a logistic regression model using the relevant predictors
based on the training set. Examine the model output and interpret the coefficients related to
significant predictors in detail.
5. Judge the performance of the model based on the test data set, after identifying the optimal
threshold point. Is the performance of the model satisfactory? Discuss in detail.
6. Provide the confusion matrix for the test data set. Calculate the sensitivity, specificity, and total
error rate for the test data set. Comment on the performance of the model.
7. Discuss in detail how the chosen model can be used in making managerial decisions in this context.
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